America and West Indies: Addenda 1584

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'America and West Indies: Addenda 1584', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: Addenda 1584', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: Addenda 1584". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

Addenda 1584

Jan. 7.
Paris. From my Lord Ambassador's House.
31. Richard Hakluyt, Preacher [with Sir Edward Stafford], to See. Sir Francis Walsingham. Understands his special favour and good will towards him, as also his expectation of Hakluyt's diligent inquiry of such things as may yield light unto our Western discovery. Yields most humble thanks for the two former, and for the latter has not nor will he omit any possible diligence expecting intelligence from Roanne, Dieppe, and St. Malo very shortly. Has seen in one man's house called Parossi the value of five thousand crowns' worth of furs,—sables, beavers, otters, and other sorts; great quantities of hides also brought home and sent to the Low Countries. All these commodities and others of no less value are brought out of the most nether parts of those countries whereunto our voyage of inhabiting is intended. "And now because I know that this present enterprise is like soon to wax cold and fall to the ground unless in this second voyage all diligence in searching out every hope of gain be used, and calling to mind that your Honor made a motion heretofore unto me whether I could be contented to go myself into the action, these are to put your Honor out of doubt that for mine own part I am most willing to go now in the same, this present setting forth, and in the service of God and my country to employ all my ample observations, reading, and conference whatsoever. For obtaining leave of my Lord Ambassador here to depart, I doubt not but to find means of myself, seeing he may have enough to supply my room. For leave of my College and entertainment in this voyage I will wholly refer it unto your Honor, who wish me so well as you will not see my poor estate impaired. Because the time is exceeding short I would desire your Honor's present answer, upon sight whereof with wings of Pegasus I would soon fly into England. I have talked twice with Don Antonio of Portugal and with live or six of his best captains and pilots, one of whom was born in the East India; they wish all prosperity to her Majesty and yourself, and say that if the queen of England would join with their Master, whose strength by sea they commend unto the skies, that they would know how the king of Spain, our mortal enemy, would easily be met withal, and she much enriched." The Portugals have a voyage in hand with the French, preparing at Newhaven, for the coast of Guinea. One Simon Andreas, born in Savoy and now in Paris, has been lately in the Island of Japan; with whom, by means of Dr. Pena, Hakluyt will have conference in a day or two. Divers other intelligences, tending towards the furtherance of our Western planting and discovery, he looks for from sundry places very shortly. Has been told by Peroffe and Andrew Thevett, the Kings Cosmographer, that Duke Joyeuse, admiral of France, and the cardinal of Bourbon and their friends, have had a meaning to send out certain ships to inhabit some place of the North part of America, and to carry thither many friars and other religious persons; but he thinks they be not in haste to do it. 3 pp [Dom Eliz., Vol. 167, No. 7.]
March 25.
32. Letters Patent to Walter Raleigh, Esq., and to his heirs and assigns for ever, granting them free liberty to discover barbarous countries not actually possessed of any Christian prince and inhabited by Christian people, and to occupy and enjoy the same for ever, with all commodities, jurisdictions, and privileges. They and such as by license of her Majesty, her heirs and successors, shall travel to inhabit there, to build and fortify at the discretion of said Walter Raleigh, &c., the Acts of Parliament against fugitives notwithstanding, with power to take such persons as shall willingly accompany them to inhabit there; also to employ sufficient shipping and furniture for transportation, excepting such as shall be hereafter restrained by the Queen, &c., and to hold and enjoy for ever the soil of all lands so to be discovered, and all cities, castles, towns, villages, and places in the same, with the rights, royalties, and jurisdiction, with power to dispose thereof according to the laws of England, reserving to her Majesty, &c., for all services, the fifth part of gold and silver ore; all which lands shall for ever be holden by said Walter Raleigh, &c., by homage and by payment of said fifth part, with power to expulse and resist, by sea and land all persons who without license attempt to inhabit within said countries or within the space of two hundred leagues near to the same, where they or any of their company shall within six years next ensuing make their dwellings, or that shall attempt unlawfully to annoy them; and to take all persons, with their ships and goods, which without their license shall be found trafficking within the limits aforesaid, those trading to Newfoundlands for fishing, as they heretofore have commonly used, or being driven by force of tempest or shipwreck, only excepted, and to detain such persons, ships, and goods, as of good and lawful prize. All such countries to be of the allegiance of her Majesty, &c., with license to said Walter Raleigh, and all persons whose names shall be entered in some of her Majesty's Courts of Record in England, that shall for discovery or conquest hereafter travel and be inhabiting within said countries, to enjoy all the privileges of free denizens of England, any law or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And it being necessary for the safety of all that shall adventure in those voyages to live together in Christian peace and civil quietness, full power is given to said Walter Raleigh, &c., to punish, pardon, and govern and rule, in capital, criminal, and civil causes, all adventurers in said voyages, or that shall inhabit said countries, or within two hundred leagues of the same, within six years next ensuing, according to such laws as by them shall be established, so as said laws be, as near as may be, agreeable to the laws of England, and not against the true Christian faith or religion now professed in the Church of England, or withdraw any of her Majesty's subjects from their allegiance; with power to the Lord Treasurer and Privy Council to license said Walter Raleigh, &c., to transport out of England and Ireland the goods of their Associates and Companies, with other necessaries and commodities as to said Lord Treasurer and Privy Councillors shall be thought meet for the supportation of said Walter Raleigh, &c., any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided always that if said Walter Raleigh, &c., shall by sea or land do any act of unlawful hostility to the subjects of her Majesty or any Prince in amity with her, and shall, after proclamation made, not make full restitution and satisfaction, then it shall be lawful for her Majesty, &c., to put them and all the inhabitants of said places out of her Majesty's allegiance and protection, and it shall be free for all Princes and others to pursue them with hostility, as not being her Majesty's subjects. For that express mention of the yearly value or certainty of the premises, or of any other grants to said Walter Raleigh in these presents be not expressed, or any restraint to the contrary before this time made, or any other matter whatever, in any wise notwithstanding. This has been collated with the copy printed in Hakluyt III., 297–301, and several variations have been found, but not of great importance. (Patent Roll, 26 Elizabeth, Part 1.)
March 25. 33. "Articles out of Walter Raleigh's Letters Patent" abstracted above; also "The substance of the Act of Parliament." Since the date of said Letters Patent there is discovered by said Walter Raleigh a land called Wingandaioia, not inhabited by Christian people, from whence some of the people are brought into this realm, and thereby singular great commodities of that land are revealed. Therefore it is to be enacted that said Walter Raleigh, his heirs and assigns, shall by authority of Parliament enjoy said land so discovered, and said Letters Patent to be approved by Parliament. A promise that the Act shall not extend to license any in prison or under arrest, or the wife, ward, or apprentice to depart this realm, or said Walter Raleigh to enlarge any such or take any shipping of any person against his will. 2½ pp. [Dom. Eliz., Vol. 169, No. 36.]
March 25. 34. "Brief notes concerning the effects of her Majesty's Grant to Walter Raleigh," being an abstract of his Letters Patent calendared above. Also copy of said Letters Patent. [Dom. Eliz., Vol. 169, Nos. 35–37.]
April 1.
35. Richard Hakluyt to Secretary Sir Francis Walsingham. The famous disputations in all the parts of the mathematies, at present held in Paris for gaining the lecture erected by the worthy scholar Petrus Ramus, puts him in mind to solicit his Honor again and again for the erection of a lecture of the Art of Navigation, about which he had speech with his Honor Sir Francis Drake, Alderman Barnes, and others. Sends the testament of Petrus Ramus newly put out again in print, the provisions of which he explains, and recommends should be put in execution in England, and Her Majesty be induceed to erect such a lecture in Oxford, and the like for the Art of Navigation in London, allowing to each 50l. yearly: "In my simple judgment it would be the best hundred pounds bestowed, that was bestowed these five hundred years in England." How necessary are arithmetic and geometry for service of wars, as is the art of navigation for our new discoveries, and long voyages by sea. Such things as he has carefully sought out here in France concerning the furtherance of the Western Discoveries, he has imparted to Mr. Carlile. His dealing with Horatio Palavisini to become an adventurer in those western voyages. Among other talk he alleged his Honor's good disposition to the same, which he hearing of, replied very cheerfully that if he were moved thereunto by the least word from His honor, he would put in his hundred pound adventure or more. If Mr. Carlile be gone, yet it might come in good time to serve Mr. Frobisher's turn. The Papists will shortly set forth a confutation of the defence of the execution of justice in England. French news. Earthquake in Geneva. Don Antonio's Captains of his fleet not yet departed from Paris. 3 pp. [Dom. Eliz., Vol. 170, No. 1.]