America and West Indies: June 1675

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'America and West Indies: June 1675', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: June 1675', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: June 1675". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1675

June 8.
575. Secretary Sir Joseph Williamson to Sir Jonathan Atkins, Governor of Barbadoes. This is principally to cover enclosed collections of occurrents. Has had one letter from him since his arrival, for which he returns humble thanks, begging him to let him know whatever passes in those parts, which is of infinite use, besides the curiosity a man may have in it for his own satisfaction. ½p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIII.,fol. 137.]
June 9.
Exeter House.
Shaftesbury Papers
576. Earl of Shaftesbury to his very affectionate friend Andrew Percivall at St. Giles' Plantation on Ashley river. Jacob Waite and two or three other families called Quakers come in his Lordship's dogger, harbingers of a great number that intend to follow. "Tis their purpose to take a whole colony for themselves and their friends, and they have promised to build a town of 30 houses. Has directed the Government and Council to set them out the 12,000 acres, and would have him be very kind to them, and give them all the assistance he can on the choice of a place or anything that will conduce to their convenient settlement, for they are people his Lordship has a great regard to. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, p. 151.]
June 9.
Exeter House.
Shaftesbury Papers.
577. Earl of Shaftesbury to his very affectionate friends the Governor and Council in Carolina. The bearer, Jacob Waite, with some others of his persuasion come to settle in his neighbourhood, are people his Lordship has had transactions with here, and is concerned to have a particular care of. Recommends them to the Governor and Council, and at their arrival to accommodate them with all the place affords and give them such usage as may encourage them to invite over the rest of their friends who intend to follow in a considerable number. To set them out a whole colony of 12,000 acres, and as they intend within five years to build a town of 30 houses with 100 inhabitants at least, to each of which houses must belong as a town lot seventy acres inseparable for ever. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, p. 152.]
June 9.
Exeter House.
Shaftesbury Papers.
578. Earl of Shaftesbury to his very sincere friend Maurice Matthews. Takes very kindly the service be has done his Lordship in his particular affairs in Carolina, and will on all occasions show how sensible he is of it, for by sticking to his Lordship's interest there he has fastened himself to a man who never casts off or neglects anyone that does so. Hopes as his Lordship's design to settle at Edistoe has been disappointed he may be serviceable and helping in the Plantation in his neighbourhood. Is so well assured of his honesty, ability, and particular affection that his Lordship is sure he will afford Mr. Percivall all the assistance he desires. His Lordship's settlement on Ashley river pleases him the better that it hath at hand an old planter his Lordship's friend and trustee. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48. No. 55, p. 153.]
June 9.
579. Order of the King in Council. On petition of the merchants and freighters of the ship Virgin, Edmond Cooke, Commander, setting forth that the ship was taken by the Spaniards in the West Indies, and that the loss thereby amounted to 12,000l.: that by order of this Board of 3rd July 1674 his Majesty's Ambassador was to solicit the Queen of Spain for satisfaction, which, if not obtained in 4 months then his Majesty would grant letters of reprisal, and that Edmond Cooke who went into Spain about this business has now attended at Madrid near 9 months without obtaining satisfaction; and therefore praying that he may be commanded home that petitioners may reap the benefit of said order of 3rd July. Ordered, that Edmond Cooke be called home to give account of the success of his solicitations; and that Mr. Sec. Coventry signify his Majesty's pleasure herein, as well to Edmond Cooke as to his Ambassador, that his Excellency may intimate the same to the ministers of that Court. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 84.]
June 9
580. Gov. W. Stapleton to (the Council for Plantations.) Hopes they have full satisfaction by the annexed papers in what they required in their commands of 27th Oct. 1674, with an addition of Acts and maps. His brother who presents them, and who in the writers' absence had command of Montserrat, goes home for recovery of his health, and can give some account of that island and its wants; he was there when Evertson and Binkes attacked it in the late war. Begs their remembrance of his former letters relating to the Government and to himself. Annexed,
580. i. List of papers above mentioned, viz., Narrative of St. Christophers' and Nevis by John Hilton, old planter.
Narrative of St. Christophers by ancient inhabitants, with the articles betwixt the English and French at the taking or rather surprising of it contrary to old articles.
Maps of Nevis and Montserrat.
Acts of Nevis.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 85.]
June 10.
Exeter House.
Shaftesbury Papers.
581. Earl of Shaftesbury to his very affectionate friends the Governor and Council at Charles Town. They cannot be ignorant of the particular care his Lordship has taken of them and their settlement ever since they first sat down upon Ashley river, and how the rest of the Lord's Proprietors have been persuaded by the hopes he had that their expenses would not be endless. Last year when their expectations of returns grew weary, having received neither any beginning of payment nor any proposal how they might in time be reimbursed, his Lordship got them to consent to a new method of supplying them, and to enter into articles for a constant and regular supply, some part of which they then received. It was expected that they would have considered of some way of making returns, instead of which no scheme of payment has been proposed and the Governor and the Agent have not so much as paid themselves out of it, but all has tended to an enlargement of their demands and the Lords Proprietors' expenses. The rest of the Lords Proprietors were at a stand and grew very backward to bury any more money amongst people who took so little care to satisfy them that they intended never to live of themselves. This dissatisfaction and the little leisure his Lordship has had since he came to town to debate the matter with their Lordships has made his ship return without any cargo on the Lords Proprietors' account. Hopes Sir Peter Colleton will soon be here, and he and his Lordship may be able to persuade the Lords Proprietors to send a further supply. If they will be so much friends to themselves as to lay down any rational way that will satisfy the Lords Proprietors that they mean to pay for the things sent to them, and not any longer to give cause to apprehend that for 90,000l. or 100,000l. the Lords Proprietors have purchased nothing but the charge of maintaining 500 or 600 people who expect to live upon their Lordships. Makes this fair proposal to them that if they and the people will undertake to pay what is owing from the Lords Proprietors to Col. West, and clear those debts contracted by themselves and charged upon their Lordships in Carolina and elsewhere, his Lordship doubts not but to prevail with the rest of the Lords Proprietors to forgive them all their debts to them, and as part satisfaction to Col. West to throw in their Lordships private plantation too that he hath hitherto managed and so put an end to the bargain made with him as the Lords Proprietors storekeeper and agent. Expect that the Governor will not be any charge to the Lords Proprietors. Will then take care nobody shall want supplies for the future who will pay for them at moderate rates. Thus they will see the Lords Proprietors expect no other improvement of the great sum they have "been out," but that the Planters there should wholly share the benefit of it amongst themselves, so the Lords Proprietors may at the rate of 9,000l. or 10,000l. put an end to their expenses. Takes very ill their treatment of his Lordship's agent, Andrew Percival. They know his Lordship's plantation at Edistoh was not to be under their government nor to be controlled by them in trade with the Indians, for they cannot think his Lordship so mad as to venture so considerable an estate under their government unless the Governors were richer, for it is as bad as a state of war for men that are in want to have the making of laws over men that have estates, therefore he must desire them to let his Lordship and his people alone. Has given Percival orders in all things to show all fair kindness and respect to them but to observe none of their commands, for his Lordship is resolved to be independent of their government for some years until they are become capable of putting our excellent model in some measure in practice by having more men of estates come amongst them. Beseeches them not to discourage or disoblige the best friend they have in the world which his lordship is sure he is. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, pp. 154, 155.]
June 10. 582. Commission from Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, to Andrew Percival, gent. Appointing him Register of Berkeley County and the parts adjoining (Carolina) during pleasure, until by the increase of people the parts adjoining shall be divided into other counties, and need a distlnct registry to be erected in them. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XX., p. 103.]
June 10. 583. Minutes of Council of Antigua. Ordered, that two clauses in the Act for extending lands and goods for debts and fines be amended, according to the terms herein stated. (See under date 23 August 1670.) ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 25, No. 55*.]
June 11.
Exeter House.
Shaftesbury Papers.
584. Earl of Shaftesbury to his very affectionate friends the Governor and Council at Ashley River, Carolina. The bearer, Seth Sothell, a person of considerable estate in England, has intention to plant in Carolina, and take up a manor of 12,000 acres, which he doubts not to plant in a short time with people he will carry over from hence. Thinks he need not use many words to persuade them to use him kindly for their own interest, as well as civility will dispose them to it, since nothing can be more advantageous to the country, nor so much contribute to the growth and prosperity of the plantation as that men of estates should settle amongst them. They are therefore to set him out a manor of 12,000 acres, on condition that within 5 years he build a town in it of at least 30 houses, and have at least six score people upon it, said houses to be built and people to be brought one-fifth part every year. Pray treat this gentleman as my friend. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, p. 156.]
June 11. 585. Order of the King in Council referring to the Committee for Plantations the enclosed,—
585. i. Petition of William Harris to the King. Complains of the forcible entrance of John Harrud on his lands at Patuxet, and the danger he and his partners are in of being deprived of their right by Providence and Warwick, New Plymouth and two parties belonging to Massachusetts. Prays that the Governors of the four colonies may be ordered to take care that speedy justice be done by hearing the cause themselves, or appointing able men with an upright jury to hear it. [Col. Entry Bks., Vol. LX., pp. 38–41, and Vol. 96, p. 9.]
586. Petition of William Harris to the King. Has been a weary traveller for the space of almost forty years in the wilderness of New England; was one of the first Englishmen that purchased land of the most superior Indians in the Narragansett Bay, which is now part of the King's colony of Rhode Island. Enjoyed the possession of this land, called Patuxet, for a long time, until persons from Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Plymouth, under pretence of other purchases from Indians, entered on it. Has had against them suits in which the lands have been adjudged to him, but they continue to hold the land by force, some of them enter and void where the King's writ of Rhode Island runs not. Prays that power be granted to some known just men in New England to hear and determine these differences by special assize. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 86.]
587. Petition of William Harris to the King. Describes the seizure of his lands, and how some years after the arbitration which had adjudged the lands to him some of his partners subjected themselves to the Massachusetts jurisdiction and demanded the land, the evidence that had been committed to them having been cut out and pieced together on another paper. Went to Boston, and there, through the plain honest dealing of the governor, Mr. Dudley, the demandant acknowledged petitioner's right. The demandants again laid claim to the said land by arbitration, and arbitrators from Rhode Island and Massachusetts awarded it to petitioner. Then the inhabitants of Warwick laid claim to part of his land, taking in his own house and his partners' lands by virtue of a pretended purchase from the Indians, and, refusing arbitration, made forcible entries thereon and resisted the constable and aid sent by the justices of the peace. One of the enterets, John Harrud, of Warwick, gave bond to answer the next Court, and the petitioner seeing delay sailed for England intending to supplicate the King, but found the Commissioners were going to New England. Notwithstanding various petitions, judgments, trials, and by reason of the partners' kindred, abettors, and adherents, petitioner has been kept out of his land for twelve years. Owing to the numerous parties of enterers he cannot begin suits against all or get execution of his verdict, and sees no likelihood of a competent jury to try the differences, and, because the King's writ of Rhode Island does not run into the other colonies, is unable of remedy except by the King's special commission. Prays that, without detriment to the former commission, a second be appointed. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 87.]
588. Statement of Harris's case. A. demandant, with his partners. purchases lands in New England of the most superior Indians. B, tenant by force, and his partners purchase some of the demandant's land of inferior Indians and enter by force. A complains of B's force and obtains judgment. B resists execution and keeps possession by force, and gets others who enter by force. A, seeing so many parties entered and one by abettors able to hold by force, concludes there must be a new remedy or none; petitions the King for power to be given to some persons In New England to hear and determine by a special assize. B may say that the King's power is in New England already, and not to be displaced by a complaint. A supposes the King grants power in England to some where his commission is before to hear and determine by special assize, so there is no detriment to the former commission; prays a resolution. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 88.]
589. A similar statement, though much more in detail. 9 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 89.]
June 14.
Exeter House.
Shaftesbury Papers.
590. Earl of Shaftesbury to his very affectionate friends the Governor and Council at Ashley river, Carolina. The bearer, John Smith, brings his wife and family and a considerable estate with intention to plant amongst them. How much the settlement of such men in Carolina will add to the reputation and trade of the country and benefit those already there. To be very civil and encourage him and others like him to be their neighbours, but besides must recommend him as his Lordship's particular friend. Believes he intends to take up a manor which they are desired to set out in some commodious place to any number of acres as prescribed in our fundamental constitutions, provided he people at the rate of 10 men for every 1,000 acres within five years, and bring over one-fifth of the number every year till the full number be completed. If they do what becomes them in these points doubts not but to see very speedily a very populous and thriving country. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, p. 157.]
June 16. 591. Order of the King in Council. Referring petition of Robert Mann and others, touching the composition trade, to the Committee appointed for trade, who are also to hear what the Commissioners of Customs can say thereon, and then report to the King in Council what they think fit to be done. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 96, p. 9.]
June 17. 592. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations. His Majesty, having dissolved the late Council for Trade and Plantations and committed what was under their management to a Committee of the Privy Council, a petition was read of Captain Ferdinando Gorges, agent for Col. Stapleton, Governor of St. Christopher's, presenting for his Majesty's consideration, that his Majesty has allowed to said Col. Stapleton 700l. per annum as Governor, and established two companies of foot in St. Christopher's, whese pay should be 2,778l. 10s. 8d. per annum, none of which has been paid since June 1671, whereby the soldiers are reduced to great necessities; and that the French King, having seldom less than six ships of war, has lately sent 10 companies of old soldiers into those parts, who are well clothed and duly paid, to the great grief of his Majesty's poor soldiers and planters, the consequences whereof, if not timely prevented, may be injurious to his Majesty's service and interest there. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XLVI., 1, 2.]
June 17. 593. Minutes of the Committee of Council for Trade and Plantations. Three letters read from Col. Stapleton to the Council of Plantations, dated from Nevis the 8th February, 17th March, and 30th April 1675 [see ante, Nos. 428, 469 and 544]. Mem.—That the inscription of the seal to be made for the Leeward Islands be, on the one side, "Carolus secundus Dei Gratia Magnæ Britaniæ Franciæ Hiberniæ, &c., Rex," and on the other side, "Sigilum Insularum Sancti Christophori, Montserrat, Antegoa, Nevis, &c." [Col. Entry Bk., No. XLVI., 6–10.]
June 17.
594. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations. Petition of Capt. Ferdinando Gorges, agent for Col. Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Isles, read; the captain called in, as also Lieut. Greatbach, lately sent over from the Governor, and several of the Governor's letters read as to the condition of the two companies found by Privy Seals that the complement was to be 80 men in each, and the establishment 2,788l. 10s. 8d., to commence the 24th June 1672, and that Col. Stapleton was to have 700l. per annum from the same time. Complaint made that neither he nor the soldiers have been paid one farthing. Ordered that Sir R. Southwell find out the establishment and compute what is due, that their Lordships may report the necessity of a supply and the settling of a fund for the future, without which they do not think that place in safety; after which they would move for recruits to be sent over to complete the companies. Ordered, that Col. Stapleton be furnished with a seal for the more authority of his proceedings, their Lordships esteeming his service of very good importance. The master rolls but of two years brought over by Lieut. Greatbach. The report of the 9th June from the Council of Plantations read upon the Colonel's complaint of ill-dealing from M. de Baas, the French Governor, also a memorial lately presented by Sir Wm. Lockhart in France, and other papers relating to the hardships imposed on his Majesty's subjects for want of being restored to their possessions. Resolved to-morrow to inspect Sir Chas. Wheler's adjustment with M. de Baas, which appears to give great obstruction to the relief of the Planters, and how far by his commission he was empowered to such agreement, and how far the same conforms with the Articles of Breda. The want of compliance from the French the more to be wondered at because said report seems to give up many advantages to them. Ordered, that Sir R. Southwell enquire of Mr. Slingsby for a draft of a report much more suitable to the right of the Planters, which Capt. Gorges insinuated was prepared, but seemed too harsh for our intimate friendship with France. Mem.—Three letters read from Col. Stapleton to the Committee of 8th February, 17th March, and 30th April last. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. CIV., 25, 26.]
June 17. 595. Report of Sir Robt. Southwell, Secretary, to the Committee of Council for Plantations, &c. Has in obedience to their Lordships commands enquired after the establishment which Sir Chas. Wheler carried over to St. Christopher's, but as yet cannot recover it; meantime it appears by two Privy Seals that Col. Stapleton's allowance was to commence on the 24th June 1672, which at the rate of 700l. per annum amounts to 2,100l. still due, and that the pay for two companies of 80 men in each commences the same day, and the Lieutenant having brought over muster rolls to the 24th June 1674, the pay due in that time amounts to 4,550l. 6s. 8d.; and it appears that Col. Stapleton has reckoned but for the men he has really mustered, for that sum would have been 1,005l. more for the full complement of 80 men; he has also made 14 musters. and the numbers vary as they diminished. Capt. Gorges has gone over the rolls and thinks he has computed right, but they are referred to Mr. Commissary Baines to examine and report. Has had the affirmation of the Lieutenant that the rates of pay per diem were as follows:—For a captain, 8s., a lieutenant, 4s., an ensign, 3s., sergeant, 18d., drummer and corporal, 12d., and soldier, 8d.; and it is according to these rates that the two years' pay comes to 4,550l. 6s. 8d. In margin, "Report from Sir Robt. "Southwell concerning the establishment of two companies in "St. Christopher's." 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 90.]
June 18.
596. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations. Resolved, to report that there was due to Col. Stapleton for salary on the 24th instant 2,100l., and that the pay for two companies to the 24th June 1674 came to 4,550l. 6s. 8d. by the muster rolls, which for more exact computation were to be sent to Commissary Baines, and had not the men decreased it would have amounted to 1,005l. more; to represent Col. Stapleton in a very good character to his Majesty for the 14 musters made in two years, and other reasons; and to report the necessity of dispatching a seal for that island, and to press his Majesty to order speedy payment of all said arrears and that a fund be settled for the future to supply these forces, reckoning that the defence of the place depends thereon, and that it will be necessary to hasten over recruits. Consideration of the ill-usage of the English Planters by the French, and several particular grievances and reports entered in the books of the late Council of Plantations read, and a full account given by Mr. Slingsby of the demands made by Sir William Lockhart in France, with a list of papers delivered to him, who could obtain no answer from the French Minister, but that they were busy preparing for the campaign, and would on their return speak more of the matter. Several papers mentioned in the said list read, as a narrative of the business of St. Christopher's, a report prepared by Mr. Slingsby but not agreed to as too warm for the friendship they were then in, and Lord Willoughby's narrative of the business of St. Christopher's. Ordered, that all said papers be put together, to extract a narrative and make report to his Majesty of the injustice of the French, and how earnest his Majesty ought to be for the reparation of the Planters; and that Sir R. Southwell attend Lord Arlington to know what advances had been made with Mr. Colbert in this affair, and whether any demands were presented to him, which could preclude his Majesty from insisting on more; which seemed not to be by the subsequent instructions given to Sir Wm. Lockhart. The Lords observe that whatever the English were obliged to, in the surrender of Nova Scotia and Acadia, they punctually complied with. 4 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. CIV., 25–28.]
June 18.
597. Minutes of the Committee for Plantations. Having examined the state of particulars concerning the two companies of foot at St. Christopher's, their Lordships agree to report to his Majesty, which, with the Order in Council thereon, is as follows:—That having perused several letters from Col. Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands, and examined several things which relate very much to his Majesty's service and the security of those islands, and the relief of many of his Majesty's subjects there who have suffered hardships from the French, their Lordships have at present to lay before his Majesty the very bad condition of the two companies of foot on St. Christopher's, which are wasted from their complement of 80 men in each to 49 and 54, and have not received any pay for three years, so that they are naked, and have only subsisted by the charity of the Planters, and the care of their Colonel, who is equally destitute of any supply for three years; and when they observe that the French forces there are well clothed and punctually paid, their Lordships think his Majesty's honour and the security of the place concerned in a present and effectual redress. In order to which they find, that by an establishment made at Sir Chas. Wheler's going over, the pay of those two companies amounted to 2,778l. 10s. 8d., and Col. Strode received that sum by his order from his Majesty's exchequer, and the companies were paid from the 7th July 1671 to 7th July 1672, out of the sequestration and sale of Sir Chas. Wheler's estate, but whether in full is not before them; that on the 23rd September 1671, a Privy Seal was passed for a like sum to be paid to Col. Stapleton, but they do not observe any continuance of the payment; that having referred several muster rolls, sent over express by a Lieutenant, to Commissary Baines, they find that the pay from 7th July 1672 to 7th July 1674 amounts to 4,556l. 14s. 0d., which is about 1,000l. short of the establishment for that time, because the companies have diminished; that by another Privy Seal the allowance of Col. Stapleton (who in all things appears to be a man of good conduct, valour and integrity, and very deserving his Majesty's favour and encouragement) was 700l. a year, and that on the 24th inst., there will be due to him 2,100l.; and their Lordships think it of absolute necessity, that not only said sums amounting to 6,656l. 14s. 0d. be immediately paid to the agent, Capt. Gorges, but that a fund be settled for a constant supply in the future; also that recruits be sent over to complete said companies. And their Lordships further offer that a Seal for the said island be sent over, seeing the former one is said to be lost. His Majesty having approved said report, ordered that the Lord Treasurer take effectual care for a speedy discharge of the present debt, and settle a way for the subsistence of the said Governor and companies for the future, according to the establishment; which when settled, his Majesty will cause recruits to be sent over to fill up said companies according to said establishment of 80 men in each company. 3½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 91, also Col. Entry Bk., No. XLVI., 3–6.]
June 18. 598. Report of Commissary J. Baynes to the Committee of Council for Plantations, concerning the pay due for two years to the officers and soldiers of Col. Stapleton's and Capt. Abednego Matthews's Companies of foot in St. Christopher's. In obedience to their Lordship's commands, signified by Sir Robt. Southwell, he has examined the muster rolls of said Companies from 7th July 1672 to 7th July 1674, and finds the pay, details of which are given, of the Colonel's Company amounts to 2,232l. 17s. 4d., the Captain's Company to 2,323l. 16s. 8d., or 4,556l. 14s. 0d., in all. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 92.]
June 19.
599. Warrant to the Attorney General. To prepare a Bill for the King's signature to pass the Great Seal containing a grant to Thomas Lord Culpeper of the office of Governor of Virginia during life immediately after the death, surrender, or forfeiture of Sir William Berkeley the present Governor with the salary of 1,000l. per annum paid quarterly out of the monies raised there for support of the Government. 1½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 110, pp. 68, 69.]
June 19. 600. Ro. Howard to (Sir R. Southwell, Secretary to the Council for Plantations). Sends inclosed copy of an Establishment affixed to Sir Chas. Wheler's Privy Seal, there is no commencement in the original or Privy Seal. Encloses,
600. i. An establishment of the pay of the two companies of foot consisting of 80 soldiers each, besides a Captain, Lieutenant, Ensign, two sergeants, three corporals, and two drummers, amounting per annum to 2,778l. 10s. 8d. Together, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, Nos. 93, 94.]
June 23.
601. Sec. Coventry to Sir Jonathan Atkins, Gov. of Barbadoes. Has received his of the 17–27th February with account of receipt of his Majesty's orders for returning some Indians to their native country that had been brought away against their will, and of that barbarous murder or rather massacre committed by Col. Philip Warner and his confederates upon Thomas Warner and his company with which his Majesty is highly offended, and commands that a speedy and exemplary justice should be done upon the person guilty of this inhuman act, and his Majesty's pleasure is that the Governor effectually takes order that the offenders be proceeded against according to law and give such an account as his justice may appear to have been vindicated and the innocent blood that hath been so barbarously spilt fully avenged. And since there is reason to believe that the Windward Indians may have been much alienated from the English by this action, his Majesty leaves it to the Governor to give that people some signal and public demonstration of his justice upon the authors by sending them some heads and by some other proper way which he shall think fit that they may be satisfied of the detestation his Majesty and the whole nation hath of this proceeding of Col. Warner's, and how ready his Majesty will be to punish severely any of his subjects that shall infringe the good understanding he desires to have preserved between them and his subjects. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 110, pp. 70, 71.]
[June 23.] 602.Petition of Francis Moryson, Thomas Ludwell, and Robert Smith, Agents from the Grand Assembly of the Governor, Council, and Burgesses of Virginia, in behalf of themselves and all others the Planters, Inhabitants, and Proprietors of your Majesty's Colony or Plantation of Virginia and the Territory of Accomack, to the King. Praying, for the reasons therein given, for a grant of Letters Patent for the incorporation of said Colony with the privileges and benefits particularly mentioned in a paper annexed containing the heads thereof. Two copies, one of which is endorsed, "Recd. and read, June 23, 1673 [? mistake for 1675]." Annexed,
602. i. Heads which we are commanded by our Instructions to present unto his Majesty and humbly to petition him that by his gracious concession they may be drawn up into a Charter for Virginia, having reference to the purchase of lands contained in the Northern grant between the rivers of Rappahannock and Patocomeck to the Earl of St. Albans, &c. Signed by Francis Moryson, Thos. Ludwell, and Robt. Smith. "Recd. June 23. Read June 23,1675." 1 p. Three copies. Together, five papers. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 95–99.]
[June 23.] 603. Another copy of the above Petition with this prefatory remark, "His Majesty having been pleased to dissolve and extinguish the late Council of Trade and Foreign Plantations, and to commit what was under their inspection and management to a Committee of the Privy Council appointed for matters relating to Foreign trade and plantations, their Lordships, on 19 October 1675, take into their consideration the business of Virginia in reference to a Charter of Incorporation concerning which application had been lavely made unto his Majesty by petition as followeth." [Col. Entry Bk., No. LXXX., pp. 33–38.] Annexed,—
603. i. Order in Council referring said Petition and the heads annexed to the Attorney and Solicitor-General for their report. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 100.]
603. ii. Copy of preceding with memorandum. "It is this day ordered by His Majesty in Council that the Right Hon. Henry, Earl of St. Albans, be added to the Committee of Plantations." [Col. Entry Bks., Vol. LXXX., p. 39; and Vol. XCVI., p. 11.]
[June 23.] 604. Reasons to be given to His Majesty's Ministers of State whereby they may more fully understand the past and present state of the Colony of Virginia and what our motives are and how pressing the necessities which caused the Assembly of that Government to send us their agents into England to pray that His Majesty would be graciously pleased to removed the present presures and grant them such future security of their rights, properties, and privileges as might keep them immediately and immovably dependent on the Crown safe from the like invasions. "Received, June 23. Read, June 23, 1675." Signed by Francis Moryson, Tho. Ludwell, and Robt. Smith. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 101.]
June 23. 605. Another copy of the above, but without the signature of Robt. Smith. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 102.]
[June 24.] 606. Petition of Thomas Delavall to the Duke of York. Was prevailed upon by Col. Nicholls, his Royal Highness's Governor, to quit his employment of Surveyor-General of his Majesty's Customs in England under the then Farmers worth to him about 500l. per annum, and to go over to New York to audit his Royal Highness's revenues with a salary of 200l. per annum, of which he has not yet received one penny. Continued in that employment ten years till the capture of New York by the Dutch, lost an estate of about 6,000l.; was made a prisoner of war five months and carried into Spain for no other reason than that he was found to be his Royal Highness's servant. By the loss sustained, want of salary (2,000l.) and the reimbursement of 1,400l. (paid by him for the relief of the soldiers out of his own estate) his credit as a merchant is greatly impaired and himself brought within the prospect of ruin. Prays for an allowance of the 2,000l. salary. With reference by the Duke of York to his Committee of Revenue. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 70, p. 18 b.]
607. The public account of the 2s. per hogshead import [upon tobacco] in Virginia. Endorsed "Recd. from Mr. Secretary Coventry on 19 July 1677." Passed in the Assembly, June 1676. Another Certified Copy by Robert Beverley is dated April 23, 1677. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 103; see also Col. Entry Book, No. 80, pp. 165–167.]
June 24.
608. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations. Report of Sir R. Southwell about St. Christopher's, viz., that he had waited on the Lord Chamberlain for an account of what had passed between him and M. Colbert, the French Ambassador, and his Lordship said he presented M. Colbert with the Report of the Council of Plantations of the 9th June 1673, but could never receive any answer though he frequently and urgently pressed for it, which made him give Sir Wm. Lockhart a very punctual instruction (which he desired their Lordships to inspect) to be watchful in this affair, from the vast ill-consequences that might happen from neglect thereof. He agreed that that Report was very moderate and probably far short of what ought to have been demanded, but it was entirely calculated to the condition of things in that time, which had been so disordered by what Sir Chas Wheler had done that it was concluded his agreement had given away all, so that what they were to ask of the French was but in courtesy and only hoping for compliance out of their friendship; so that if it appear to their Lordships that what Sir Chas. Wheler then did with M. de Baas was not conclusive, neither ought that Report to limit his Majesty's demands, so that the issue of this matter will depend wholly on the validity of Sir Chas. Wheler's agreement. Ordered, that Sir R. Southwell inquire of Sir Chas. Wheler if anything he did at St. Christopher's precludes his Majesty from insisting on the points urged in the last memorial prepared by Mr. Slingsby, since the memorial of June 1673 seems not to challenge the whole benefit afforded by the Articles of Breda. The Lords do not think his Majesty precluded by anything so done, since by his proclamation he disavows all, but only to know if the French are enabled by any justice or advantage in those proceedings to say we are precluded. And to know why Sir Chas. would admit in the Instrument signed to him by M. de Baas an additional clause to what he himself signed. Ordered, that inquiry be made at Sec. Williamson's Office for the Instructions given to Sir W. Lockhart in this matter, and to know if M. Colbert ever gave in any answer in the business. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. CIV., 29–30.]
June 25. 609. Minutes of the Council for Trade and Plantations. Their Lordships having proceeded to consider the hardships of the English Planters at St. Kitts, and the great complaints of their ill-usage by the French, order Sir Robt. Southwell to attend Lord Arlington to know what advances had been made with Mons. Colbert, the French Ambassador, in this affair, whereupon Sir Robert Southwell made report to the Council. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XLVI., 11, 12.]
June 25.
Pararuaribo, Sncinam.
610. Edw. Cranfield, Ri. Dickenson, and Marcus Brandt, to Sir Robt. Southwell. On 29th May they made Cape Orange a little to the east of Cyan, and 3rd June anchored at the river's mouth: on the 4th, Messrs. Cranfield and Brandt went ashore to deliver all the letters to the Governor, who received them civilly, published the orders from the States General, both in English and Dutch, the next day, and granted them liberty to go and confer with any of his Majesty's subjects; whereupon they separated and communicated their errand to the Planters, which they accomplished by the 9th instant, when the Hunter and hired ships arrived at Paramaribo. On the 10th they all met at the Governor's to agree a time and place of meeting to settle all things, viz., the 30th June/10th July, at Paramaribo. Cannot till that Court be over send a particular list of the Planters and slaves that go off, but guess about 200 whites and 800 slaves, all of whom (except two or three) are resolved to go directly for Jamaica, and unwilling to touch at any other place, which they were obliged to promise, else they had not carried off five families, those remaining will be very inconsiderable. So soon as all things shall be settled will send a more particular account by Capt. Dickenson, who has orders to sail within a fortnight. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 104.]
June 25.
611. Copy of preceding, addressed to Sec. Sir Joseph Williamson. Endorsed. "R. 29 Aug." 2pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 105; see also Col. Entry Bk., No. LXXVIII., 95–97.]
June 25.
612. The King to Sir Jonathan Atkins, Governor of Barbadoes. His Majesty has thought fit for the encouragement and increase of the fishing trade at Newfoundland to require the Commander of the Convoy frigate to warn his subjects dwelling in Newfoundland to remove from thence, and either to return into this kingdom or betake themselves to any other of his Majesty's plantations. Governor Atkins is hereby ordered, in case any of his Majesty's subjects shall upon such warning leave Newfoundland and transport themselves to Barbadoes, to settle with their families and estates, to receive them with favour, and afford them all convenient assistance. Draft. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol 34, No. 106.]
613. Copy of preceding. Endorsed, "Draft of a letter to the respective Govrs. of the Plantations about the Newfoundlandmen." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 107.]
June 29–
July 6.
614. Benjamin Batten to Sir Thomas Allin, at the Navy Office per Mr. Hull. Account of the Indian insurrection, fearing he might have had a misreport. June 21st, Heard from Plymouth, 50 miles distant, that Philip, the Indian sagamore of those parts, had retired with 600 armed men to a place difficult of access, because of a thick swamp and rocks, a promontory called by the English Mounthope, in sight of Rhode Island and 40 miles distant from Boston; the reason not known, but he hath always been of a subtle mutinous temper, and about three years since was ready to engage with them of Plymouth for pretended trespasses on his lands, but the quarrel was mediated by Boston, he making them satisfaction for their trouble; about five months since some of his Indians mordering an Indian who had been faithful and serviceable to the English, Philip being deemed accessory was tried for his life, being subject to their law; on the trial two Indians were executed and Philip cleared, by which (they being his chief men) probably he was enraged; other reasons they do not know. 22nd, Heard that they of Plymouth had fitted out 150 men-in-arms to go against him. 23rd, They of Plymouth send for aid, whereupon a council was called the next day, and three plenipotentiaries with three attendants sent to Philip to compose differences if possible, and another to the adjacent sachems to forewarn them from joining with him, which, it was understood, they were too prone to do. 24th, Heard that the Indians had killed an Englishman, and rifled several farms and farmhouses of cattle and goods. 25th, Heard of further damages to the English in body and goods, that the Indians increased and had offered to join battle, but the English dared not venture till more help came from Boston. 26th, Sent in the morning about 100 horse under Captain Prentice, and 100 foot under Captain Hinchman, with four field pieces; the plenipotentiaries returned without effecting anything, as Philip would not speak with them; they had met in their journey with the bodies of some English without heads, for that is their barbarous way of triumph; upon which they beat up for volunteers, and had about 120 by that night, mostly Jamaica privateers, under Captain Samuel Morley; it was forbidden, under a penalty of 10l., for an Englishman to entertain an Indian in the town, and on sight to apprehend him; that night there was a great eclipse of the moon. 27th, Sunday, In the afternoon two posts brought news that 16 English were killed in skirmishing, and 7 Indians, that the English had sent 30 horse to Swansea, a town near, with a cart for provisions, of which only one single horse returned wounded, that died immediately; this put them upon raising a greater force; they were also advised that 14 houses near Swansea were burnt. They hear and have reason to suspect that this is a general insurrection intended among the Indians, who may be much more in number than the English, but have neither policy nor conduct, nor provided with arms and provisions for any long time, so that they hope soon to hear of their final defeat, which might be found strange in another, that they look upon them as an inconsiderate people; otherwise they might send far greater force, though what has been done will put the country to great charge, all sorts of grain being near doubled in price since last year, what with a bad year, and their supplying Virginia in their necessity, and this year not promising much if husbandry be neglected will make great scarcity. 28th, Post informed them that the 30 troopers were still wanting, and that the Indians had burnt 20 houses, but would lessen the former account of English that were killed, and that there were 300 of the English of Plymouth and Rhode Island beside their forces which had just got up to them. Sent a brigantine and barque to intercept the Indians by water, and a troop of horse under Captain Page, and the new made General Saveridge went Commander-in-Chief. 29th, A day of fasting and humiliation, had no post. 30th, Had a post, informing them that their forces had engaged the Indians on the 28th in the morning, that they had beaten them back, and had taken some of their pro visions, and had lost only one man, but had several dangerously wounded, and know not certainly of any Indians killed; provisions prohibited to be sent out of the colony; hear that they of Rhode Island had nearly sent 100 quakers, men well appointed with carnal weapons, to fight against the infidels, most of them on Rhode Island being such, that the 30 troopers had returned; a countryman coming to town had his horse shot under him on this side Blackstones river, but mounted a spare horse that he led, but never saw him that did it, which way of their skulking gives them an advantage. July 1st, Heard from Plymouth, where Governor Winslow keeps with a small guard of English and Indians, but little news, save the execution of an Indian spy, whose head was placed at the Governor's door. No news from Mounthope, which is about 54 miles from them, and the neck of land is 14 miles long and 5 or 6 broad, the farthest part of the neck reaching within a mile or two of Rhode Island; do not know the number or the fortification of the Indians, have sent some hand grenades, but great guns and dogs will do the best service, both which being a terror to them. 2nd, No post, fear it is cut off on the road. 3rd, Post arrived from Mounthope with news that the English got to the farthest point but found no fort, found parcels of 10 Indians together, suppose Philip is gone off, lost only one more, and several wounded, took 6 English heads and hands. Proclaimed it death for any English to sell arms or ammunition to Indians; sent a party of horse to demand the arms of another bordering sachem, who is suspected, called Ninicraft, which if he refuses the army is to fall upon him. The land already gained is worth 10,000l. on the point aforesaid. Finishes the account in a letter dated 6th July 1675. July 4th, Sunday, Had a post from Mounthope, giving an account of one of their men killed, and 3 or 4 wounded, but little damage done to the enemy; a horse was taken, supposed to be Philip's, who they think is gone off the neck; their fears increase that other Indians are concerned; saw an account of 5 English killed in and near Taunton. 5th, No post, and nothing but flying reports. 6th, News that their men had searched Mounthope, but cannot find the Indians, and fear they are dispersed, which will much annoy the out plantations. Had 61 Indians of those that are privileged and taught the scripture, who came to town with arms and an English trader, leaving their wives and children as pledges for their fidelity, and marched that night towards the camp, being promised an Indian matchcoat for every head, and two for every live Indian; a small party of horse went to Plymouth for the Governor's better guard. Endorsed, "The rising of the Indians." 5 pp., with seal. [Col. Papers, Vol. 34, No. 108.]