March 22. |
382. The King to Sir Wm. Berkeley, Governor of Virginia. Is
informed that Richard son of John Mompesson of Tidworth, co.
Wilts, was in 1667 by undue means inveigled on board the Elizabeth,
Capt. Rich. Hobbs, and on his arrival in Virginia was, with John
Crew and Mary Cousens, delivered to Wm. Drummond living near
James Town, as consigned to him from John Currer in London.
But said Richard Mompesson, by the persuasion of those evil men
who brought him on board, assumed the name of Richard Davis.
Requires him to cause the above named young man to be taken out
of the hands of said Drummond and to deliver him to Col. Willis, a
person well known to the Governor, to be disposed of according to
the directions of Sir Thomas Mompesson or said John Mompesson.
Countersigned by Sec. Sir John Trevor. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk.
Vol. 110, p. 17.] |
April 6. |
383. The King to the Deputy Governor, Council and Assembly
of Barbadoes. William Lord Willoughby hath long since presented
his Majesty with the addresses and humble requests of the inhabitants of Barbadoes and the rest of the Colonies in the West
Indies which the King had taken into consideration before this
time and made resolution suitable to their necessities, "but that our
Parliament and other intervening occasions of very great importance
have hitherto employed our time and thoughts." His Majesty has
thought fit to continue Lord Willoughby Governor by new Letters
Patent, and the King's public affairs drawing towards a happy
conclusion he will speedily consider the concerns of that Government and give such directions as shall witness his royal care of and
"gracious regards towards you all" which they will do well to
communicate to the Governors of all said Colonies. Countersigned
by Sec. Sir John Trevor. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 110, p. 20.] |
July 11. |
384. Warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General. To prepare
a grant to Christopher Duke of Albemarle, Wm. Earl of Craven,
John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ashley, Sir Geo. Carteret, Sir
Peter Colleton, their heirs and assigns, of the islands of Bahama,
Elutheria, Ventris Providence Inagua, and all other islands lying
within 22 deg. to 27 deg. nor. lat., commonly called the Bahama
islands or the Lucayos, with all rights, profits, &c., for ever in free
and common soccage as of our manor of East Greenwich, under the
rent of one pound of fine silver as often as the King, his heirs and
successors, shall visit said islands. Said islands to be a County
Palatine with the same privileges as were granted by the Patent of
3 June 1665 for Carolina. Countersigned by the Sec. Sir John
Trevor. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 110, pp. 22, 23.] |
July ? Virginia. |
385. Case of Robt. Bullock. About 1626 Capt. Hugh Bullock
planted an estate of 5,500 acres, in Virginia, which, at his decease
in London 16 years ago, he bequeathed to his grandson Robert, then
an infant. Some of the adjoining planters have entered upon the
plantation and claim it as their own. Requests a letter of recommendation to Sir William Bartlett (Berkeley), Governor of Virginia,
whither he is going to make out his title to the property. ½ p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 104.] |
Aug. 2. Whitehall. |
386. The King to Sir Wm. Berkeley, Governor of Virginia.
Robert Bullock having presented a petition complaining of vexatious
delays in the prosecution of his right to an estate he alleges to be
descended to him in Virginia, the King signifies his pleasure that
said petition be examined, and speedy and impartial justice be done
the petitioner according to the merits of his case, his occasions requiring his presence here, and will not permit unnecessary delay,
just and favourable dispatch being the principal end of this his
Majesty's recommendation. Countersigned by Sec. Sir John Trevor
1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 110, p. 24.] |