America and West Indies: Addenda 1658

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'America and West Indies: Addenda 1658', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: Addenda 1658', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: Addenda 1658". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

Addenda 1658

Feb. 2.
293. Order of the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy. That the Commissioners for the Navy make out a bill for 43l. 14s. drawn by Lieut.-Gen. Brayne to Thos. Hatton. Annexed,
293. I. Lieut.-Gen. Brayne to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Two Brothers and Sapphire not yet arrived, and those that have, do not answer their bills of lading, so is forced at dear rates to supply their defects and to buy of New England merchants trading hither to which end have drawn bills of exchange upon him. Jamaica, Cagway Point, 1657, Feb. 7. Together, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, Nos. 33, 33 I.]
Feb. 12. 294. Order of the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy. That in pursuance of the Order of the Council of State the Commissioners for the Navy make out a Bill to Vice Admiral Goodson for 400l. for his extraordinary service and expenses in the expedition to America. Annexed,
294. I. Order of the Council of State above mentioned. General Disbrow presents report of the Committee of Council on petition of Vice-Admiral Goodson setting forth that his Commission from General William Penn to command in chief the sea forces in Jamaica was dated 20 June 1655, said General departing 25 June, and that said ViceAdmiral came from Jamaica, 31 Jan. 1657, and arrived in England 26 April 1657, so his service amounted to 672 days. Ordered that 400l. be paid to Vice-Admiral Goodson as a gratuity for his extraordinary service and expense during that time. 1658, Feb. 9. Together, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, Nos. 34–34 I.]
295. Minutes of a Council held by Col. Edward D'Oyley, Commander-in-Chief, Col. Fras. Barrington, Col. Wm. Moore, and Col. Sam. Barry. In reference to certain Dutch vessels seized by Capt. Chris. Mings of the Marston Moor in his passage from England to Jamaica by way of Barbadoes. That the Court of Admiralty in Jamaica could not proceed to condemnation of said ships. That said ships are prize to the Commonwealth by virtue of the Act for increase of shipping and navigation, and that it was the duty of Capt. Mings to make seizure of said ships. Certified Copy. Annexed,
295. I. Survey of goods on board the four prizes above referred to. That they are not of the growth or manufacture of Holland. Jamaica, 1658, Feb. 24. Certified Copy. Together, 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, Nos. 35, 35 I.]
Feb. 26.
296. Col. Edw. D'Oyley, Col. Fras. Barrington, and Capt. Christ. Mings to Peter Pugh. Warrant to receive 2,572l. 17s. 11½d. brought over to Jamaica by Captain Christ. Mings by order of the Lord Protector, to be paid over by Capt. Mings to such person as the Commander-in-Chief, the eldest Colonel, and Capt. Mings shall nominate, to be issued out by such person upon such order as shall be signed by any two of them for carrying on the fortifications of the island. Certified Copy. Endorsed, "Note of 6 ships seized by Capt. Mings at Barbadoes." 1p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 36.]
March 2.
297. Capt. Christ. Myngs to [the Admiralty Commissioners]. Arrived at this port 20th ult. with three victualling ships (which seasonably concurred with the want of provisions), as also with six sail surprised at Barbadoes, which he has given an account of to the Commander-in-Chief, as also all writings and evidences conducing to or against the interest of his Highness. Here were summoned all the Colonels who debated all circumstances and heard what could be said in defence by the masters of those ships here, and have accordingly found them prize. However, they may see the inconveniences accruing to a person that acts downright in his duty, for if his superior here, whose orders he is to follow, refuses to meddle in the ordering, securing, or disposal of these vessels, although in his judgment and the Council's, the State's interest, it may well startle any man's proceedings in surprisal of any ships here where there is no power to try them, considering and rendering accounts at such a distance, as between this and home may by miscarriage and other inconveniences render things quite contrary to themselves, so that what passes in a man's lifetime for a Spanish mariner may be represented over his grave for an English merchant.
Touching the present state of the islands, although his advice may come short of better judgments, yet shall humbly give it which principally depends upon transportation of people hither, for all things here go well on, health stands, and every one very sensible that the earth with the other elements doth as naturally contribute here to increase as in other parts, and most find the advantage conducing to settlement here to be more than have been in other parts; only two things impede peoples coming hither, one is a suspicion they shall be under a martial authority and so incapable of that law and government that is suitable to a settlement, the second is the want of a steady and constant course for the transporting of persons at such seasons of the year as render them fitting by their crops, wherein the State's care reaching their necessities, would at all such seasons bring down a freight of people hither, and that bespeaks another which would beget a constant course of peopling this island, and in case some such course be not taken, time will leave all present endeavours here without executors and so terminate and end on nothing. The vessels he brought hither arrived to many conveniences of disposal as this opportunity of being transmitted for England if it might have been thought convenient, or otherwise disposed of here, here being divers merchants ready to buy and some masters with credit to buy their own ships or any other.
Proposed to the Commander-in-Chief a fair advantage of settling this island and serving his Highness's interest, being four of these ships very fitting for transportation of people and well fitted from Holland, so as they might well endure the Indies some two years All which vessels would be manned for such a purpose with 60 or 70 men, an inconsiderate charge considering the service, for these vessels would carry more goods and passengers than twice the squadron of frigates your Honors have allotted for this place; but the worm will eat, ships will decay, decks will leak, and goods be damnified, especially what require present disposal. What he can do either to security or preservation shall not be wanting. Sends receipt for 2,572l. 17s. 11½d. with copy of the order according to their directions. All affidavits, writings, and what else may conduce to the condemning of these ships, are in the hands of Col. D'Oyley here. 2¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 37.]
April 9.
Port Cagway, Jamaica.
298. Receipt of Captain John Wentworth for seven puncheons of cocoa laden on board the State's ship Paul of Wm. Dalyson, to be delivered to Robert Blackborne, Secretary to the Commissioners of the Admiralty at Whitehall or his assigns. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 38.]
June 3. 299. Order of Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy for the Commissioners of the Navy to make out a bill for 1,482l. 12s. 9d, according to the tenor of the bill drawn by Lt.-Gen. Brayne at Jamaica [for provisions bought in New England]. Signed by Ed. Salmon, Thos. Kelsey, and Robt Beake. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 39.]
June 21. 300. Order of Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy. That the Commissioners for the Navy make out a bill to Capt. Wm. James for 632l. 10s. 3d., being the value supplied by him in provisions at Jamaica according to the tenor of the bill drawn by Lt.-Gen. Brayne. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 40.]
July 3. 301. Order of Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy. Having received advice from the Commander-in-Chief at Jamaica that there is a want of pitch, leather scuppers, small cordage, canvas, and twine instead of sails for furnishing the ships there, the Commissioners of the Navy are directed to send such a proportion of said stores as is requisite by the Diamond and Chestnut ketch, having a respect to the provisions last sent thither. Signed by Ed. Salmon, John Clerke, and Tho. Kelsey. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 41.]
July 8.
302. Order of the Council of State. That it be referred to the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy, to take order for transporting to Jamaica such wives of officers and soldiers now at Jamaica as shall be certified to them by the Committee for his Highness's affairs in America, to have real intention to transport themselves to their husbands at Jamaica also the children of such wives. Signed by W. Jessop, Clerk of the Council. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 42.]
July 15.
303. Cornelius Burough to [Secretary to Commissioners of the Admiralty]. The ships in his Highness's service here are the Marston Moor, Grantham, Cagway, Blackamoore, Hector, Pearl, and Dolphin with upwards of 650 men, all in good health. Three were slain in their late expedition to Rio Nuevo. Their stay abroad was near six weeks, the soldiers about 700, who made a great hole in the stores. Reasons why he cannot give an account of how long the stores will last. What are sent should be distinguished so much for the army and so much for the fleet. The soldiers think it a hard matter to have less than the seamen. Allowance to soldiers; the stores for the fleet and troop of horse will last till December next; for the whole army in general one month. The enemy in all probability will attempt again. Hears a reducement of the army is intended. If new forces come as regiments, of which he fears there will be need, they must go into woods as others have done before, and, their hearts being down at the first coming, provide not so conveniently for themselves and provisions which causeth sickness to themselves, embezzlement and damage to their provisions which is put ashore with them. It is to be considered whether they had not better come as recruits whereby the quarters of the army will be strengthened, and the new comers will go where the woods are opened and amongst those that are in a way of living which will be encouragement to them. Has been an eye witness to the death of so many and of those inconveniences he has intimated. There is one want more which is one in his room. Has a four years account to pass, impossible to do here. Humbly prays he may be considered, and if he must stay that he may have instructions what to do as to accounts. 2pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 43.]
July 16.
Point Cagway, Jamaica.
304. Capt. Wm. Dalyson to his cousin Robt. Blackborne, Secretary to the Admiralty Commissioners. Hopes his last by the Paul, Capt. John Wentworth, has come to hand with his small adventure of cocoa, which, if it comes to the market, is informed it will make him a clear man in the world and in a better condition than ever. God has blessed them with a second victory over the Spaniards, giving them a total rout, killing about 300, six captains prisoners, some private soldiers, ten colours, the Royal Standard, a great quantity of provisions, all their ammunition and arms, with six great guns. Lost about sixty men, whereof four captains, Captain Wiseman, Captain of the Horse, Captain Mears, Captain Walker, and Captain Robinson. Hopes to write to his parents by the next. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 44.]
July 16.
305. Cornelius Burough to [Robt. Blackborne, Secretary to Admiralty Commissioners]. This comes by the Martin to communicate our good news which he desires may be kept from the press, well knowing the Commander-in-Chief sends a fuller account. Several letters of private persons here have been inserted in the weekly prints "which is judged to be popularity and a matter of great offence here." Has seen a great deal of bloody work in his time both by land and sea, but never saw any action carried on with so much cheerfulness and sweet carriage as this was, the Commander-in-Chief, Colonel D'Oyley, telling the soldiers that a great deal of England's honour lay at stake, and therefore hoped they would consider it and carry themselves accordingly, going himself from party to party, and following the rear of the forlorn in a very signal habit. His gallant behaviour was answered both by officers and soldiers with a silent cheerful obedience, and through God's gracious goodness there was found such a joint unanimous willingnes to the work that the truth is it was of God and it hath exceedingly endeared us one to another since we came here. Understands by letters from England several duels have been fought and more threatened concerning Throgmorton's business. Account of his serious discourse with the Commander-inChief about it, and what took place the night before Throgmorton's execution. Col. Barrington sent for to find a way to "prevent his blood," and Mr. Ailesbury importuning for his life; but in that juncture of time came a protest from Major Throgmorton with many false and scandalous charges, and a great party in the army siding with him, the officers could not see any hopes of future peace if he were spared, which led all jointly to sign and seal the warrant for his execution. Col. Barrington told Burough that altho' there was an ugly face put upon the business and a great deal of clamour about it, yet the business was so foul and there was so much in it that he could not be spared with safety. Thanks be to God we have now no differences amongst us, but are all at peace. Hopes some encouraging letters are on the way for Mr. Dallyson from his father, the want of which has caused him to shed many a tear. Hopes his own time draws to an end for he is quite weary Hears the Dutch begin to grumble, hopes God will not leave England now. Hears from Spanish prisoners that the Indians are in arms at Lima. No plate gone from these parts to Spain since the news of the loss of their ships by Gen. Blake. Endorsed, "The Martin arrived at Portsmouth 4th Oct. 1658." 2pp. [Col. Papers. Vol. 33, No. 45.]
July 16.
306. Certificate by Cornelius Burough of the services of Capt. Kempo Sibada for about three years and a half. He was invited by order of Commissary Gregory Butler into the service of the State at Antigua, then went to St. Christopher's with his ship and crew where he was entertained by General Penn, pilot on board the Swiftsure after Commander of the Hunter, and in the State's service in Jamaica ever since. And now finding old age creeping apace upon him, and urgent occasions to go for his own country, has the General's leave to depart for England where he desires to receive his pay, and is newly returned from the late expedition to Rio Nuevo. Also, Certificate from Col. Edward D'Oyley that Capt. Sibada has been a very diligent and faithful man and done good service and hopes he will find respect suitable. Also, Statement of monies paid to him on account. 3½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 46.]
Aug. 5.
307. Cornelius Burough to [Secretary to Admiralty Commissioners]. Account of Capt. Wm. Burough's proceedings on board the Martin before he sailed with respect to muster of soldiers on board and tickets given to seamen whether ordinary or able. The full detection of these things was not until ten or eleven at night, and at break of day the ship sailed, and letters all writ and sealed so could not then inform; "neither should I now, but that I fear my silence might render me concerned in the cheat, he being of my name and the business lying in my way." The bearer, Col. Moore, will tell the whole business. They have certain intelligence that 25 Spanish ships are come to Carthagena. Cannot imagine they have any design upon us. If we should meet with any opportunity of testifying our affections to our country we should be glad, and you may be assured the people here would die man by man rather than to accept of any conditions though never so honorable. We are but weak, yet in an ordinary way of Providence we are able to withstand a greater force than Spain can send to encounter us. Endorsed, "Rec. by Col. Moore 2 Nov. 1658." 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 47.]
Nov. 28.
308. Cornelius Burough to [Secretary to Admiralty Commissioners]. Both fleet and army and the whole island in great health, "it being now as strange for a man to die as formerly to live." Planting increases much. Two sugar mills grinding canes, clearing cocoa walks, and planting cotton, "now also much intended." Necessity of servants. Stores almost spent, occasioned by entertainment of soldiers on board the fleets in two expeditions, one to Rio Nuebo with 700 men, equal to the number of the fleet for six weeks, and 300 men in the late expedition to find out the Spanish fleet ten weeks. If they had not pinched the army the fleet and garrison on the island must have been starved. In Gen. Brayne's time about 1,000l. in provisions was lent to Nevis planters settled on Port Morant, they being in great want, conditionally on being paid again. Has moved the General [D'Oyley] herein, but he says as it was in General Brayne's time he is not free to meddle with it, for he says those planters quartered 400 men a week when they went to Rio Nuebo. In great want of barge and wherry. As to his return, but for his accounts, is content to tarry here, where he had laid the foundation of his future dependencies. Ships remaining in the country: Marston Moor, Hector, Coventry, Blackamoor, and Cagway, to which 557 men belong, only 11 sick and 5 men deceased the past 3 months. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 48.]
Nov. 30.
Aboard the "Coventry," Cagway Harbour, Jamaica.
309. Capt. John Aylett to Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy. Soon after his arrival was ordered to the coast of Carthagena to their fleet of five sail to wait for the Spanish fleet which they passed through, being twenty-nine sail of stout ships and galleons,"in regard of our impotency we could do no good on them." Have taken and burnt a town called Traloo and two ships in the road; afterwards sailed for St. Mark, marched twelve miles into the country, and burnt and destroyed all as we went; stayed three days and returned to Jamaica. Movements of the Spanish fleet in all three score and odd sail. Are now fitting for some other design, but cannot stir until victuals arrive from England. 1p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 49.]
Dec. 2.
Port Cagway, Jamaica.
310. Wm. Dalyson to [his cousin Robt. Blackborne, Secretary to Admiralty Commissioners]. Questions not he has received the cocoa sent by Capt. John Wentworth in the Paul [see ante, No. 304], and hopes it will discharge his debts, which, if he could accomplish, should think himself the happiest man living. Hopes to get a dividend of a small prize taken upon the main laden with cocoa. After waiting ten weeks for the Spanish fleet, went through them and fired some guns which they hear killed ten men and shot off the Captain's legs of one of the galleons; they are a very strong fleet gone for the Havanna; in very good condition for health, but want provisions. Very narrow escape of Capt. Burough when coming from Capt. Barrington's quarters being assaulted by ten Spaniards, who lanced one of his men and killed his horse. A bag of supposed ambergris in the chest sent to him. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 33, No. 50.]