America and West Indies: November 1674

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: November 1674', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: November 1674', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: November 1674". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

November 1674

Nov. 1. 1372. Proclamation of his Excellency Sir Jonathan Atkins. Setting forth that his Majesty, by Letters Patent of 24th Feb., constituted him Capt.-General and Governor-in-Chief of Barbadoes and the rest of his Majesty's Islands to windward of Guadaloupe; and that all officers, civil and military, continue in their respective offices till his Excellency and Council shall give order to the contrary. This Proclamation to be published by the Provost Marshal at the head of the forces drawn up before his Excellency's house. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 278–279.]
Nov. 3. 1373. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Present, his Excellency Sir Jonathan Atkins and the Council. His Excellency's Commission read, and the usual oaths taken by his Excellency and Council. The Governor's and Councillors' oaths. Edwyn Stede admitted to the office of Deputy Secretary, &c . of the Island in behalf of Richard Morley, to whom the office is granted by Letters Patent. The Secretary's oath. Ordered, that writs issue for the election of an Assembly on the last instant to attend his Excellency on the 1st Dec. next. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 279–281.]
Nov. 3.
1374. Revocation of Sir Thos. Lynch's Commission of 5th Jan. 1671, as Lieut.-Governor of Jamaica, his Majesty having by Letters Patent of 3rd April 1674 constituted John Lord Vaughan Capt.-General and Governor-in-Chief over that Island. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,No. XCV., 28–30.]
Nov. 5/15.
The Hague.
1375. The States General to the Governor of Surinam. On the memorial of M. Temple, Ambassador Extraordinary of the King of Great Britain, delivered this day, relating to the state of the English in Surinam and their departure thence, they have taken the enclosed resolution, which, with copy of the 5th Art. of the Treaty lately concluded with said King, they herewith send, with order precisely to regulate himself according to the contents thereof without failing in the least therein. Enclose;
1375. I. Extract of the Register of the Resolutions of the States General. On reading the memorial of M. Temple desiring that in pursuance of the 5th Art. of the Treaty, they would give a passport for one person and one ship, which his Majesty of Great Britain intends to send to Surinam, with full liberty to remain there, take account of the English remaining there, and adjust the time of their departure; they have thought fit that said passport be dispatched, and at the same time orders sent to the Governor of Surinam to the same effect, and that he take care that those English willing to remain there may not be diverted from their good intention, all in conformity with said article, of which a copy shall be sent to him, and an extract of the Resolution shall be sent to the States of Zealand or their deputies, for their necessary information. Dutch.
1375. II. Article 5 of the Treaty concluded at Westminster, 9/19 February 1673–4, cald. ante No. 1218. Together, 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., Nos. 71, 71 I., II.]
Nov. 5/15. 1376. Copies of the preceding letter and Enclosure I., also English translations of same. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., Nos. 72, 72, I., II., III.]
Nov. 5/15.
The Hague.
1377. Passport from the States General, granted at the request of Sir Wm. Temple, Ambassador Extraordinary of the King of Great Britain, requiring all their commanders at sea and other officers freely to suffer — in the ship — to pass to Surinam to take account of the state of the English there and appoint the time of their departure thence, conformable to the 5th Article of their late Treaty with his Majesty. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIII., fo. 126–127.]
Nov. 6
Feb. 1.
The Hague.
1378. Extracts of letters from (Sir W. Temple, Ambassador Extraordinary at the Hague). 6th Nov. 1674. Forgot to say that the Orders for Surinam will come from the States General, not those of Zealand as he seemed to desire; moved it to the Pensionary, who says it is wholly out of form, and takes it upon him that the States' Orders shall be obeyed.
18 Jan. 1675.—They have likewise promised to write to the States of Zealand to make a Despatch to second these Orders, it being not the form to join them with those of the States ; which he was glad of, because there can be no difficulty made by those of Zealand in seconding what their own deputies have consented to.
29 Jan. —As to the point of the Provincial Orders from Zealand, though the Pensionary and the first Zealand Deputy had assured him it was neither in form nor at all necessary, because the Governor is appointed by the Prince of Orange, with commission from him and the States General, and not from Zealand, and because the Deputies of that Province having given their consent in the States General, no other notice "uses to be taken" of Zealand, than sending them the States' Resolution, that they may issue no contrary orders; yet on what Sec. Williamson writes, he has spoken again to the Pensionary, who promised he would propose it to the States.
1 Feb.— Since his last the Pensionary has excused himself from moving the States General about the Provincial Orders of Zealand, as a thing not only out of form, but that would touch the honour of the States General, by seeming to question their being obeyed without additional orders from the States of Zealand. Sent word besides that the Governor knew it was at the peril of his head to fail in the least of the orders sent him by the States General, whose officer he was, especially when enforced by a letter from the Prince; but if he desired the Provincial Orders he doubted not but the Deputies of Zealand would procure them. Upon this, and observing the weight Sec. Williamson put on this particular, he spoke to the Deputies of Zealand, who, though they told him the same as the Pensionary, undertook to write to Zealand and procure orders to be sent thence to M. Van Beaningham and to be delivered to him (Sec. Williamson) time enough. 3 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 73.]
Nov. 6. 1379. Commission to Col. Henry Morgan to be Lieut.-Governor of Jamaica during his Majesty's pleasure, and in case of the death or absence of Lord Vaughan to execute all powers granted to him by his Majesty's commission of 3rd April last; his Majesty reposing particular confidence in his loyalty, prudence, and courage, and long experience of that Colony. 2 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCV., 33–35.]
Nov. 7.
1380. Agreement between Rowland Simpson and William Pringell and Henry Mackintoshe for the sale of two Plantations containing 1,600 acres of land for 600,000 lb. muscovado sugar, to be paid in specified yearly portions within four years from the 1st April 1674. Acknowledged in the presence of Peter Vorstare, Governor. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 70.]
Nov. 9.
Tower Hill.
1381. Rd. Haddock to Saml. Pepys, Secretary to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, at Derby House. In answer to the two questions in his letter of the 7th, judges that the difference of time betwixt the dispatch of a flyboat and a ketch to Surinam may not exceed 10 days, presuming they may hire a flyboat to be ready at Gravesend by the end of the month, and a ketch by the 20th, and that at the longest reckoning the flyboat will be 120l. more than the former; but the encouragement of the people would be very great by seeing one of the ships that is to carry them off. If their Lordships resolve on a ship to depart so soon, speedy notice should be given to give time for sheathing a flyboat, if none can be found ready sheathed. Sir Jer. Smith concurs herein. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 74.]
Nov. 11.
1382. The Duke of York to Governor Andros. Directing him to be assistant to Willm. Paterson in the restoring him to his estate. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol, LXX., p. 166.]
Nov. 13. 1383. Order of the Council for Trade and Plantations. That John Locke, Esq., Treasurer, pay to Wm. Betts, bricklayer, for repairs to their part of Villiers House, 3l. 15s. 11d.; to Gawyn Wilson, 2l. 5s. for fees paid by him; and to Wm. Pottle for money disbursed 3l. 9s. 7d. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., p. 119.]
Nov. 18. 1384. Col. James Banister to Sec. Lord Arlington. Received the inclosed about a month since by way of New England, from a discreet woman, who with her husband he left in Surinam at his departure. With much difficulty she got passage for New England, where she now lives with her father, Mr. Oxenbridge, minister of Boston. Her husband is the only subject his Majesty has now left in Surinam that still endeavours the removal of himself and fellow subjects to his Majesty's islands, and is in daily expectation of shipping for their transportation, as may be perceived from the inclosed, which he offers to his Lordship's serious consideration, beseeching his intreaties to his Majesty that ships may be sent to transport those yet living from that colony which (with the hard usage of the Dutch) has been a grave to the major part of his Majesty's subjects left there. The few particularly mentioned in the inclosed were men of the greatest estates when he left. Cannot give any account of the number of slaves the remaining English may have, who he believes were above 60 or 80 when Major Scott wrote to his wife. By Capt. Alingham. Incloses—
1384. I. Bathshua Scott to Col. Banister. The distraction she has been in this three years not hearing from her husband, made her forgetful of her duty to every one. Was last night so mercifully dealt with that she heard of her husband's welfare from his own hand, which she looks at as no slight thing when so many of their acquaintances are removed to the other world. Those mentioned are Captains Rendar and Maxwell, Venman, Lea, Cowell, and about 60 more, Sec. Bell also. Mr. Brandt and his wife went for England in June last, not being able to get passage sooner. Her husband has been a deep sufferer, the Dutch striving to confiscate the estate under pretence of Bathe's absence, confining him to the fort with other English for a long time, seizing cattle and five of his ablest hands for the garrison's use, and taxing him partially. In his absence the plantation is ruined, so that he is forced to sell the remainder of cattle and coppers to pay his engagements and be in a posture for removal, if, as he hears (though denied by the Dutch), Commissioners come from the King to release the English. He resolves for Jamaica and bids her write to Mr. Sleigh to take up a piece of land near him, as without selling his hands he cannot purchase a settled plantation; beseeches him to advise Sleigh. Mr. Simpson has been no friend to, her husband, who says that no vessel will get leave to carry negroes away except the King sends. Governor Vorstar is prejudiced against him, she presumes from his not being willing blindly to swallow all kinds of oaths, &c ., He durst write no more and is ignorant of affairs everywhere, by reason her 16 or 17 letters miscarried. Presents humble service to Madame Banister and her daughters. The enclosed may meet her husband, yet when she remembers how long the Dutch kept Banister's business in agitation, her hopes seem to be built on a spider's web. 1674, September 13. Together 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI, No. 75, 75 I.]
Nov. 20.
1385. The King to Sir Thos. Lynch. Having constituted John Lord Vaughan Governor of Jamaica, and being desirous to be fully informed of the state of that island, his Majesty requires him after the arrival of Lord Vaughan and reasonable time to dispose his own concerns, to repair to his Majesty's presence as soon as he conveniently can, assuring himself that none of his subjects will molest him while he is so preparing to return. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCV., 30–31.]
Nov. 20.
1386. Secretary Coventry to Thos. Lord Culpeper, Vice-President of the Council of Trade and Plantations, at Villiers House. His Majesty has commanded him to signify his pleasure that the Council for Trade and Plantations take the four points following into consideration, viz., (1.) To consider the Article in Lord Vaughan's instructions forbidding the Governor and Council of Jamaica to re-enact laws. (2.) Of improving the Article obliging the Governor to give account of all laws that are made. (3.) To consider the clause, that all laws shall stand good for two years, and whether there ought not to be some exception in case of his Majesty's commands to the contrary. (4.) To consider of an additional instruction limiting the traffic for negroes to the Royal Company only, and on what terms it may be done for the good both of the plantation and that Company. The matter requires expedition. Endorsed by Locke, "Recd and read in Council, 20 Nov. 74." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 76.]
Nov. 20.
1387. Copy of the above. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 186.
Nov. 20.
1388. The Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Earl of Shaftesbury. Send enclosed extracts of letters lately received from Carolina, wherein he may see the present state of the Plantation, the progress of which since its first settlement with all the errors and miscarriages in the management of it being, as they believe, well settled in his thoughts, they desire his advice to avoid those inconveniences in the future, to set as narrow bounds as may be to expenses and yet order that all may not be lost by a total desertion and ruin of the settlement at Ashley river. Have reason to think they will no longer expect supplies of provisions, but see not how they can subsist unless the Lords Proprietors furnish them with clothes, tools, and arms till the products of their labour draw trade to them. Think they may now be able to make considerable returns in tobacco, which they speak of as equal to the Spanish, and in a little time considerable quantities of indigo and cotton. They desire the custom on their tobacco to be taken off for a time by his Majesty, but the Lords Proprietors think this so difficult to obtain that they have no thoughts to move in it. Are much importuned by that idle fellow Halsted, who used them so ill to make an end with him. Desire his Lordship's advice therein and in the whole management of their joint concerns in Carolina. Signed by Lords Craven and Jo. Berkeley and Sir G. Carteret. In Locke's handwriting. Endorsed by Shaftesbury, The Lords Proprietors to me, Nov. 20, 1674. Annexed,
1388 Extracts of eighteen letters from Carolina in September and November 1670, most of which have already been calendared, see the references, viz.:—
1670, Sept. 12.—Council at Ashley River. [Cal. ante, No. 256.]
1670, Sept. 9.—Same. [Cal. ante, No. 247.]
1670, Nov. 20.—Henry Brayne. [Cal. ante, No. 343.]
1670, Sept. 9.—Joseph Dalton. [Cal. ante, No. 248.]
1670, Sept.—Joseph West. [Cal. ante, No. 257.]
1670, Nov. 20.—Henry Brayne. [Cal. ante, No. 344.]
1670, Nov. 19.—Thos. Colleton. Many going to Carolina from Barbadoes and several of considerable estates. Many removing from Antigua weary of the hurricane. Sir John Yeamans buying a vessel at New York to transport cattle and stock from thence to Carolina. Eighteen months' provisions for more people than are there. Canes, ginger, cotton, olives grow very well there. Plenty of fish and fowl, abundance of oysters with good pearl. Turtle, hares, rabbits, otters, badgers. Honest, just people. Two Cassiques' sons clothed and [torn away] in Barbadoes by Colleton. The Carolina out of repair and in want of almost every thing. Like to carry back in her 80 or 100 people and several understanding planters. Desire the clause of escheat of Baronies for want of heirs male to be altered. A fine country. The Emperor of the Caphatackaques hath 1,000 bowmen in his town. Woodward saith 'tis a second paradise, and will not discover what he hath found there, but desires to come home to the Proprietors. O'Sullivan disliked. The Governor a weak man. Proposes Capt. Godfrey and Lieut. Thos. Gray to be taken into the Council. Governors and planters there somewhat sluggish. If the Bermudians come not in this year a more active Governor would be better sent to the Leeward Islands to prepare them for the Carolina and expects many passengers from thence.
1670, Nov. 15.—Sir John Yeamans. [Cal. ante, No. 336.]
——.—Sam. Matthews. The mould in general without fault. Brave large cedars towards Port Royal. The rivers deep and safe. The air beyond admiration healthful; no want but of company and cattle. Spanish Indians at the mouth of the river, make five shot at Brayne; upon going of the Carolina up the river they go away. Ten acres a head about the town to be deducted from the main lot. Want cattle, company, and good liquor. Governor a very weak man, a servant in the Council, and P. Smith a knave and arrant preacher. O'Sullyvan unfit and ignorant in surveying, of no understanding, ill-natured, a b … . . r of children. Sent another man's pipe staves to Barbadoes, a very ill man. Laws post factum, pecuniary fines and corporal punishments on free men designed without their consent. Commends West Bull, the Dr. They want an understanding planting council.
1670, Sept. 15.—Joseph West. When their provisions were spent the Spaniards with 12 Peryagoes came into a river to the southward called Stonowe for four or five days, and two days after the ship came in they returned to Port Royal. Our Indians ready to assist and give us intelligence. The ship sent away without timber, ready to expedite transporting people from Barbadoes, and well fortified so as not to fear the Spaniards. All healthy, everything hopeful and thrives. Desires besides garden seeds 3 doz. of shoes, 3 doz. of Irish stockings for servants. Has sent to Barbadoes for 3 hhds. of rum and molasses, 2 or 3 cwt. of sugar, some Bonavise, Indian corn to plant, and ginger roots and vines. Want coopers and carpenters. But one carpenter there.
1670, Nov. 23.—Thos. Colleton. [Cal. ante, No. 347.]
1670, Nov. 9.—Henry Brayne. [Cal. ante, No. 329.]
1670, Sept. 10.—Henry Woodward. [Cal. ante No. 337. I.].
1670, Sept. 22.— Joseph West Sloop arrived from Bermudas with between 300 and 400 bushels of corn and some other necessaries, the produce of 12,000 of sugar charged on Mr. Colleton in Barbadoes. The people have engaged to pay hire of the sloop for this trip. The greatest part of the passengers of the Port Royal stayed on the Bahamas, Russell the master coming for England. Q. whether they were not cast away through his neglect and he has not disposed of some of the ship's things.
1670, Sept. 10.—Wm. Sayle. [Cal. ante, No. 255.]
1670, Nov. 4.—Barbadoes Proclamation. [Cal. ante, No. 315.]
1670, Nov. 22.—N. Carteret. [Cal. ante, No. 346.]
1670, Sept. 15.—Wm. Sayle. Desires more people and another vessel, and commends Mr. Carteret. Together, 7 pp., all in Locke's handwriting. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 95.]
Nov. 20.
1389. Lieut-Governor Sir Thos. Lynch to Sec. Sir Joseph Williamson. Blames his correspondent in London for not acquainting Sir Joseph with this occasion, for since "you remembered me at Cologne, you cannot forget me at Whitehall," nor will he believe that his kindness is lessened because his own honours are expiring and Sir Joseph's receiving new lustre, for good friends and virtuous ministers are like the sun, who the higher it rises the more it warms and illuminates. Has written by every occasion, though knows not whether his letters are received or services approved; but at last hopes the Court will answer in returns of blessings, as heaven does those that persevere in faith and good works, and the rather because he believes the next advice will tell them that Sir Joseph is a principal Secretary and Minister. Have had four or five months' bad weather, yet what has been hurricances to windward has only been great rains here; three vessels have been driven down, and had been lost but for their ports. One, the two brothers of Boston, with 80 or 90 negroes from Guinea for Barbadoes, the Royal Company's factors have seized, and next week have a trial at law, the factors valuing themselves on their patent, and the importers on an Act of the last of the Assembly, which Sir Thos. remitted to his Lordship with his reasons for signing it. This vessel says the French were fortifying with all diligence at Martinico, and that the Dutch lost the island and design by ill conduct, for the French had abandoned their fort and were proceeding to sink the King's ship, but the Dutch landing in a bay open to all the ship's guns the great shot made such ravage amongst them, that they disorderly re-embarked, leaving, he judges, 200 or 300 slain, and one is said to be De Ruyter's son, whom they buried and drove a stake through; there were no prisoners. Another small vessel has arrived from Barbadoes with 40 negroes taken in there, after discharging those she brought from Guinea, for which she too, is under seizure; and now it seems more reasonable the Royal Company's patent should have all support, for yesterday one of their ships, Capt. Oake, arrived with 400 negroes, the first he has seen. When they passed this Act the Royal Company's patent was not here, and it was in time of war when there was no probability of their supplying the island, and without constant supplies of slaves there will be no custom, navigation, trade or subsistence. In his last sent copies of the orders and instructions of the Queen of Spain for encouraging privateers to take the French and English pirates that rob on their coasts and cut logwood, which will not be executed by their own nation, but by English renegados, and they have news of one of their merchantmen taken in the bay by one of their revolted privateers with Spanish commission. If the Queen gives orders to punish as pirates all that take wood on the coast, and they persist in it, they will infallibly break with the Spaniards, and hazard this island, if not the peace in Europe, so judges it more polite and just to put the propriety of Yucatan into negociation; or it might be left to the Lord Governor to resolve of some expedient when here. If he had had those secret orders proposed to Lord Arlington two years since, he had put it into a method safe and profitable for the nation and island, but now it is impracticable. The Spaniards they expect the galleons in two or three months, with 20 Biscaniers, Ostenders, and Flushingers, which are likely to clear the Indies of all that infest them. One of the reasons of their coming is, the noise of Admiral Morgan's favour at Court and return to the Indies, which much alarmed the Spaniards, and caused the King to be at vast charge in fortifying in the South Sea. At Tortugas and Hispaniola they are a little more hardy since they believed De Ruyter was returned for Europe; most of their men and vessels are English, and one, Capt. Jones, that ran hence with Genl. Stapleton's brigantine, the French governor did him the right to arrest, but by poison or fear he died 24 hours after, and his vessel with English commanders and men has taken a Jamaica ship from Curaçao and plundered another. Has this day dispatched an express to that Governor to let him know how he resents this, and that English vessels or subjects may not take any commission against the Spaniards, and if he could take such he would punish them as pirates and rebels. Makes no great inquiry after particular men serving under French commanders for some connivance must be used to people so accustomed to rapine and libertinage; but these people dishonour the King and disserve Jamaica very much, and doubts the clamour at Madrid is as high against them as ours in London against the Spaniard, and that those that complain say these cruelties are all committed by the same men under another mask. At Tortugas and the coast they are gathering all the men they can together for some design, and have sent to Jamaica privately for commanders, but has given orders to prevent it, and used some little address to hinder their taking San Domingo, if it be that they design, for it would be of pernicious consequence to let them be masters of that great island, which would in 20 years probably render them lords of all these seas, and a great part of the continent; nor does he think it for their own interest that any but the Spaniards have the Indies, "for their pride and laziness, do but make them their industrious neighbours' mineros." Thinks himself obliged to both nations as the King's allies, and has treated this French Marquis de Maintenon, nephew to the Duchesse Montausier and Madame La Contesse D'Alonne, with all the respect possible. Will give the Marquis a small address to Sir Chas Lyttleton or Sir John Werden, and he will give him the character of a privateer, he so dislikes them that he has left the trade and returns to France by way of England; he has been twice at Jamaica, his first prize being a Spaniard bound hither, and the last a small Nicaragua man; his man-of-war he sends to Martinico, and his prize to Tortugas, for Sir Thos. does no suffer the King's subjects to buy her, though he lets the French do what they please amongst themselves. Has long begged his Lordship's direction herein, but his removal must answer all. Last week a Spanish ship was forced into this port and went hence in five days as well satisfied as this marquis for doing them civilities and receiving none, perceives takes with both nations, and may bring honour to the King and advantage to the island, but none to a Governor. The island has improved these last three years to a marvel, and the people are as contented as English can be. Many wish his continuance, but not himself. None can come to this Government with so much joy as he shall quit it for the discountenance he has had in England, has not only disheartened him but disabled him from serving the King as he would and ought. Wonders he has not been made acquainted with Lord Vaughan's coming that he might have done all that is possible for his reception, for provision is not suddenly made, and Admiral Morgan's letters have long since declared first Lord Carlisle, then himself, for Governor; others, Lord Vaughan, or Sir Rd. Ford, and by this ship a letter says a stop was put to Lord Vaughan's and Lieut.-General Morgan's commissions. Prays him not to be so remiss in writing, for it's Godlike to communicate and he has in this vast and barbarous world but one particular idolater. P.S.—Nov. 25. Advised that 8 or 10 months since there were not above 40 English at Surinam, the ill climate and ill usuage having killed the rest. Major Bannister left 100, and of all he brought to Jamaica there are but four dead. Finds from a Frenchman that it is possible the design forming at Tortugas is against La Aguira (La Guayra) on the coast of Caraccas, and that there are about 500 or 600 men, the better half English, in six or eight vessels. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 77.]
Nov. 21. 1390. Order of a General Court held at James City, Virginia. In reference to the complaint of Thos. Ludwell, Secretary of State, against Giles Bland for speaking scandalously of the Council and ignominiously, presumptuously, and unworthily nailing one of Ludwell's gloves up at the State House door with a most false and scandalous libel. That said Bland ask public pardon of the Secretary, give security for his good behaviour for the future, and for payment of a fine of 500l. sterling within two years, unless he can get the same remitted by an order of the Privy Council. Certified copy by Sir-William Berkeley. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 78. See also copy with mem. that it was, with several other papers, presented by Mr. Ludwell [to the Committee for Trade and Plantations]. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXX., pp. 65–67.]
Nov. 23.
1391.Robert Jones to M. Bovine, of St. Christopher's, told him yesterday of a design the Indians have against Antigua " this full of the moon." They told him that what they did last at Antigua was only to make an inspection, and they were resolved to do more mischief there yet. Fourteen days since M. Bovine had occasion to hire a periago of Indians on Grandterre, but they said they could not stay because they must go with the rest of the periagoes, to the number of 20, to war against Antigua, and desired him to spare them some arms and ammunition, and what purchase they took he should share; which he denied them: he also not long since saw them at their houses at Grandterre making ready and poisoning their arrows, and says they are Warner's Indians, as M. de Baas has 20 of the other side of the Island Indians in prison in Martinico for abuse offered to that Island. The rogue that does all this has been a slave on Antigua, and will never give over till he has them in keeping that kept him. He speaks good English, and has at Dominica an English boy taken when they were last at Antigua, who might be had away if inquiry were made whilst M. de Baas is here. Endorsed, "Copy of intelligence " of an Indian design about the time of the people of Antego's " going against the Indians. Recd 29 June 1676." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 79.]
Nov. 24.
Villiers House.
1392. The Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations to the King. In obedience to his Majesty's command of 20th instant, to consider several points relating to Lord Vaughan's Commission and Instructions, humbly offer their opinion (1) That the 17th and 18th Articles of his Lordship's Instructions should be as follows:—17. He is by the first opportunity to transmit authentic copies and duplicates of all laws made in the Island, and so continue to transmit all that shall hereafter be made. 18. He shall not, after the 29th Sept. next, re-enact any law, except on very urgent occasions, but in no case more than once, except with his Majesty's express consent. (2) That the clause concerning the continuance of laws for two years should be with this exception: And the said laws, statutes, and ordinances shall continue and be in force for two years (except in the meantime his Majesty's pleasure shall be signified to the contrary), but no longer unless confirmed by his Majesty within the two years aforesaid. (3) That his Lordship have this additional instruction: To take care that there be no trading from Jamaica to any place in Africa within the Charter of the Royal African Company, and not to suffer any ships to be sent thither. (4) Also that the following be added to the 28th Instruction, viz.: Also how all public moneys heretofore raised or to be raised for the use of the Island are or shall be disposed of; and that there be this additional Instruction, viz.: That for the encouragement of such of his Majesty's subjects as shall be willing to remove from Surinam he receive them with kindness, take care that they be provided with provisions, &c . at moderate rates till they can procure them themselves, and proportion out to them by the head twice as much land as is used to be granted to other planters coming thither. Mem. This letter was delivered to Mr. Secretary Coventry the 25th Nov. 1674. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXVII., 188–189.]
Nov. 25.
1393. Proclamation. Recites the King's Letters Patent of 27 Sept. 1672 to the Royal African Company of England, who have raised a very great stock and at great expense fortified and settled divers garrisons, forts, and factories, by which means their trade begins to flourish. Nevertheless divers who are not members of said company endeavour to reap the benefit and fruit thereof and have sent ships to trade, which, if permitted, will disable said company from maintaining said trade. All his Majesty's subjects, except said Royal Company, are hereby prohibited from trading from any of the plantations in America or elsewhere to any of the parts or coasts of Africa from Sallee to Cape de Bona Esperanza or any of the islands near thereunto, or from thence to carry any negro servants, gold, elephants' teeth, or other commodities on pain of his Majesty's highest displeasure and forfeiture of said commodities. And the King's officers are commanded to be assisting to the Royal African Company and to attack and seize all other ships so trading contrary to said Letters Patent. 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 80.]
Nov. 27.
1394. An Additional Instruction to John Lord Vaughan, Governor of Jamaica. To take special care that Sir Thos. Lynch be not molested or impeded by anyone on any account whatsoever, but be afforded all requisite aid whilst preparing for his return and in his passage homewards in accordance with his Majesty's order of 20th inst. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCV., 27–28.]