America and West Indies: March 1670

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: March 1670', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: March 1670', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: March 1670". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

March 1670

March 1. 157. The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina. These Constitutions are known as the Second Set and consist of 120 articles. The original or first Set is dated 21 July 1669 [see ante, No. 84.] This second Set was to "remain the sacred and unalterable form and rule of government of Carolina for ever," but a third Set is dated 12 January 1682, a fourth Set 17 August 1682, and a fifth Set is dated 11 April 1698. Printed 25 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV, No. 13.]
March 10.
158. Sir Tobias Bridge to the King. The news of the death of our worthy General gives occasion for this presumption. His Majesty's regiment in the Leeward Isles under his command has served near three years with great patience, not receiving for the first two years the value of two months pay. Out of his Majesty's moiety of the 4 1/2 per cent. there remains due for pay of the Regiment during the past year 500,000 lb. of sugar, the officers being at half-pay, and the soldiers at sixpence per diem. Has done his utmost to satisfy both Country and soldiers, and made shift to subsist, though very barely. The Country has been generally very kind as to continuance of Quarters, which have been satisfied for eight months, but finds they are indebted besides 292,126 lb. of sugar. The officers are very necessitous but confident of his Majesty's favour for payment of their arrears and future subsistence. Indorsed, Received 11 May. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 14.]
1670 ? 159. Petition of divers Merchants, Planters, and Masters of ships trading to his Majesties Plantations in America to the Council of Plantations. Refer to their petition of 1664 (July 12) when the King appointed an officer under the Great Seal to register all persons voluntarily going to serve in the Plantations. Pray, seeing the necessity of supplying the Plantations with servants, that Rules may be set down accordingly for their supply, and that Petitioners may be protocted and encouraged in their employments. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 94, p. 17.]
160. "Memorial of the Merchants of England trading to the Plantations" to [the Lords Committee of Trade and Plantations.] That there are two petitions of the said principal Merchants to be read before the Board this day and as they may be prosecuted in the Crown Office for sending over servants to the Plantations which are impossible to be preserved without, it is argued that there must be a continual supply of servants from England, that several Merchants and masters of ships are now prosecuted for servants that went over voluntarily and were duly bound and examined in an office erected by his Majesty which has so terrified all merchants and masters that of late none will carry them over. Reasons why a way should be speedily found for carrying servants over in future with safety. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 14.*]
March 18. 161. Governor Sir Thomas Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Gave orders to have the French gentleman [M. Bourdenaux] who took his voyage [in the Adventure] secured in the first port, and advice given to his Lordship, in case there were war with France. Notwithstanding his repeal of commissions, &c., a Spanish man-of-war, manned by the Governor of St. Jago of Cuba, fell on a merchantman of ours, commanded by Captain Barnard, an old privateer, who was admitted a trade by the Spaniard at Biamo, who had but 18 men and the other 80; our ship made a very brave resistance, killed 36 men and was on fire head and stern before she yielded; we lost the good old captain and four men, nine came up hither in a boat, and four remaining were carried prisoners to Carthagena. Has ordered the whole matter to be taken on oath. Since has advice that this Biskayner's consort fell on two of our small vessels about Cape Catoch, bound to the Bay for Logwood, who was happily taken by them, but his papers not yet come up: by them will be able to advise his Lordship what powers they have and from whence. This has so incensed the whole body of privateers, that he hears they meditate revenge, and have appointed a general rendezvous at Caimanos next month, where he shall send to divert them or moderate their councils. There arrived also at Port Morant, the Cagway, Captain Searle, with 70 stout men, who hearing Sir Thos. was much incensed against him for that action of St. Augustine, went to Macary Bay, and there rides out of command; will use the best ways to apprehend him, without driving his men to despair. Hears of but three persons who have revolted to the French, and those such as for their felonies deserve death here. Passionately longs to see a letter from his Lordship and therein an absolution for his crimes. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 15.]
March 18.
162. Extract of a letter (? from Sir Jas. Modyford) to Col. Lynch. "I could wish I were not so deeply engaged in planting, especially now that I see the Spaniards begin to take the right course to ruin us. They have denounced war against us in Cartagena, and given out commissions by which they have killed Bart (?), and taken his ship trading with them at Savana de Crux in the Sto Cayes. They tell us plainly they have daily in expectation 12 sail of frigates from Europe, commanded by Matias de Saye (?), who have commissions (as all ships shall have that come into the Indies) to take all English they can light on. These are letters of reprisals, and possibly the Windward Islands may come to suffer first, for all know how easy it is to surprize the English. But they talk of Port Morant and Yhallah, which they say they can easily destroy, and with a frigate or two lying off the point take all the ships, and so ruin the place by obstructing commerce. You need not be told how dangerous the least part of this will be. I wish you had your plantation with you, and that it were not too big to be sold; mine if possible I'll dispose of, and leave this warm sun for your God's blessing; for the Duke of Albemarle's death, that only befriended us, this war, our making a blind peace, no frigates, nor orders coming, gives us cruel apprehensions and makes many remiss." Endorsed, Extract, Jamaica, letter to Coll. Lynch. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 16.]
March 23.
163. Nicholas Blake to Joseph Williamson. Encloses a letter to Lord Arlington concerning the estate of the late Wm. Santabin, which imports him at least 200l. Believes it is no news in England that the two sons Lord Willoughby left behind him are dead; these parts have been nothing smiling or fortunate to that noble gentleman. News from the Leeward Isles that a French man-of-war has carried two Hollanders prizes into Martinico. Wishes they were as strong as the French in men-of-war; one of the Commissioners, Sir John Yeamans, went for Port Royal, but is returned re infacta, having taken but 150 men, which should be at least 10 times as many for the first settlement, unless they make account to be cut off within the year by Spaniards or Indians. Complains that a ship from Holland with commodities for this place has lately been condemned and the goods sold, on pretence that she was not sailed with so many English as the Act of Trade requires, though they had the number of Scotsmen who hazarded their lives in the last wars against the Dutch, and take it wondrous unkind to be thus debarred the liberty of subjects. Many wish there were not this nice distinction between the nations; if that nation had liberty of trading hither it would be a great means of strengthening his Majesty's interest, and the loss of a little custom in England would be plentifully recompensed by other advantages. Thinks the parties aggrieved will appeal to the King and Council, and the people generally wish them well, esteeming it to be a thing of much rigour, and to the prejudice of these parts. Had none been wiser than himself, he would have let them enjoy their goods, giving security to pay the value if the King condemned them; but it is too late. A great rumour of Turkish pirates taking many English ships. Not many years since they bad peace with Algiers, Tunis, and Salee, but those Africans have the root in them still of the ancient Punic faith, about their suppression in Charles the First's time. Showed in his last what incessant rains they had for seven months, have had since upwards of three months very dry weather, so that the ground gapes as if it would devour its inhabitants; this is accompanied with a great dearth even to famine of corn and potatoes their bread provisions for that plague of the caterpillar has passed over the island two or three times, eating away most of the slips of potatoes, so that the island is like to endure cruel famine for several months. Endorsed, Rec. July 1670. 3 1/3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 17.]
March 29.
164. "Lord Berkeley's deputation to Lord Ashley." Appointment by John Lord Berkeley of Stratton, Palatine of Carolina, of Anthony Lord Ashley to be his Deputy as Palatine of Carolina until Lord Berkeley's return to England. Signed and sealed. Endorsed by John Locke. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., No. 20.]
[March 30.] 165. The King to Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of Jamaica. Whereas Richard Povey, who was constituted by his Majesty's letters patent secretary of the Island of Jamaica was suspended by order of the Council of Jamaica of the 11th November 1664, and the Governor ordered to dispose of same, and it appearing that said Povey had license and permission to leave the island, under Sir Chas. Lyttelton's hand, Governor Modyford is commanded forthwith to restore said Povey to his said office of secretary, with all its rights and profits; and it is not thought necessary or fit that a security of 10,000l. or any other sum should be given by his deputy. Draft with corrections in Williamson's hand. Annexed,
165. I. License from Sir Chas. Lyttelton to Richard Povey, secretary of Jamaica, to go to England on private affairs, in consideration of nine years' service, and approving Peter Pugh to be his deputy. 1664, April 20.
165. II. Order of the Council of Jamaica. Richard Povey, secretary, having left the island without permission, and his deputy Peter Pugh refusing to keep the office in town or give 10,000l. security for performance of said office, ordered that the Governor dispose of said office of secretary until his Majesty's pleasure be known. 1664, Nov. 11. Endorsed, Order for seizing the secretary's office. Together 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., Nos.18–20.]
[March 30.] 166. The King to the Governor of Jamaica. Copy of a letter to the same effect as the preceding, somewhat shorter. Also copy of the order of the Council of Jamaica suspending Rich. Povey from his office of secretary, Two papers [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., Nos. 21–22.]
March 30. 167. Copy of the above letter. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 93, p. 2.]
March 30.
St. Jago de
la Vega.
168. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered that a statement of the case of Thomas Ledsham be drawn up against the next meeting of Council. That the Council be adjourned until the next day after the next grand court. 3/4 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 34, p. 189.]