America and West Indies: July 1672

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: July 1672', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: July 1672', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: July 1672". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

July 1672

July 2. 879. Opinion and advice of the Council for Plantations to the King, with marginal notes [in brackets]. Upon consideration of several letters, petitions, and complaints concerning his Majesty's plantations in America, they have resolved to offer the following propositions. First, in relation to Jamaica, that encouragement be given to Jews, Dutch, and other nations to settle there [allowed]; that strict orders be given to the Governor of Jamaica and all other Governors in the West Indies, not to hinder or discourage the trade of logwood cutting in places uninhabited by the Spaniard, which is of great advantage to his Majesty's customs and to trade [allowed so long as it is according to the late Treaty]; that order be given for payment of the money disbursed by Governor Sir Thos. Lynch for the Welcome and Assistance frigates for defence of Jamaica [must be allowed in the Navy]; that the English be brought off from Surinam and that plantation deserted, according to their former advice [when it can be done]; that Sir Thos. Lynch be commanded to attempt the taking of Curaçoa, now in possession of the Dutch, if it may probably be done [if upon good information it appears likely to succeed, having essayed it, not otherwise]; and that a fourth rate frigate be yearly sent under the command of the Governor of Jamaica for the time being. Secondly, in relation to the Leeward Islands, that a public seal be appointed to the Governor [allowed]; that the privy seals granted to Sir Chas. Wheler for the pay of himself and the foot companies there be vacated, and new ones passed in the name of Col. Wm. Stapleton [allowed]; that 20 pieces of ordnance and 500 firearms, with ammunition, &c., be sent to Col. Stapleton for the defence of Montserrat, which lost theirs in the late war, provided that the planters pay for the firearms and ammunition [if any merchant here will do it well]; that such malefactors as by law are to be transported may be sent to St. Christopher's for its more speedy replanting [upon any merchants' desire here it will be done, they bearing the charge]; and that a fifth rate frigate be yearly sent, to be under the Governor-in-Chief there. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 97–99.]
July 2. 880. Copy of preceding without the marginal notes. Signed by Lord Gorges, Sir John Finch, Ed. Waller, and four others. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No.1.]
July 2.
St. Jago.
881. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Whereas Col. John Vassal has brought from Virginia several conveyances and releases from Mrs. Ann Toft of Virginia, referring all her right to 4,000 acres of lane in St. Elizabeth's parish, granted her by Governor Sir Thos. Modyford, to Col. Scarborough's executors, with all negroes, &c. thereto belonging, and said executors have given order to Col. Vassal to send back their slaves, and declare they intend to desert said plantation; Ordered that unless within 12 months they make appear that they really intend to settle it and comply with their bonds for bringing on their number of hands, then said land shall return to the King, and be disposed of as the Governor pleases. Ordered, that whereas by the death of James Percivall, attorney to John Lovain, there is no one in the island who has power to take care of said Lovain's interest, receive his rents, and repair his houses, Capt. Reginald Wilson, in whose hands are all the patents, bills of sale, and conveyances of said houses, shall receive all rents and make all such reparation of those houses at Port Royal as may be necessary, till Mr. Lovain shall appoint some person to whom he is to be accountable. On perusal of divers attestations from Barbadoes produced by Benjamin Cotman, attorney to Mr. Dives in Barbadoes, in order to the recovering of 16 negroes from Anthony Swimmer, merchant at Port Royal, consigned to him by Peter Hayman, merchant of Barbadoes, which had since been sold, but the effects of them by the Governor's order secured in the hands of said Swimmer till the Council should make further order; Ordered that the money and effects remain still in Swimmer's hands, and copy of this order be remitted to Barbadoes, with certain reservations, in case Mr. Dives within eight months make it appear there was fraud and combination between said Hayman and Abel Dean in sending the negroes hither. Ordered that Col. Vassal and Mordecai Rogers immediately undertake the drawing of a most exact, large, and particular map of the whole island, perfectly describing all the mountains, rivers, valleys, settlements, creeks, and harbours; and if they finish the whole work in four months' time, that they receive 20l. per mensem, and so proportionably for what time they shall spend more; and the surveyors in every parish are ordered to use their utmost endeavours to assist them. This island being a frontier colony, bounding every way upon a rich and potent enemy, ordered that distribution be made of the stores of powder and ammunition at Port Royal, that every quarter may be in readiness to defend themselves in case of invasion. Here follow the quantities, viz. :—at the Governor's plantation at Port Morant, at Lt.-Col. Robt. Whitfeild's, Col. Freeman at Morant, Lt.-Col. Robt. Freeman at Yallahs, Lt.-Col. Cha. Whitfeild at Lygonee, to Col. Modyford, to Col. Coape, to Lt.-Col. Byndloss, to Lt.-Col. Fuller, to Maj.-Gen. Bannister, to Maj. Collier, to Capt. Long, to Lt.-Col. Ivey, to Capt. Varny, to Col. Vassal; and the respective officers to give sufficient caution to apply the same to the public use. Ordered, on petition of John Mirfield, that if he give sufficient security to go off this island within four months, then his recognisance to be withdrawn, otherwise to be proceeded against at the sessions following at St. Jago de la Vega. Whereas divers thefts, felonies, and other enormities have been committed lately on Port Royal, which cannot be imputed to anything but to the great number of malefactors and other convicts yearly brought from his Majesty's prisons in England, ordered that every master of a ship bringing out white servants from England shall before he enters his ship make oath of the number of such convicts brought, and that either himself or those to whom they are consigned give good security in the Secretary's office not to sell them to any person that shall keep them on Port Royal, nor to suffer them to remain there on his own account more than three weeks. Thos. Walker having presented model of a crane mill for grinding sugar, which may be of great importance to the settlers, especially to those on the north side and in other quarters where for want of Savannahs stocks of cattle cannot be easily produced, Ordered, for his due encouragement in his ingenious contrivance, that for 11 years next ensuing he enjoy the sole privilege and profit of making said mills, provided that within 12 months he approve the said model to be useful and profitable according to his proposal, and all other persons are forbidden, under penalty of 500l., to make said mills except with allowance from said Walker. 11 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bks., Nos. XXXIV. and XXXV., 306–317.]
882. Petition of John Mirfield "as intended to be presented to the Assembly of Jamaica, the 1st May next." [See ante, No. 821, May 8.] Retained counsel for one Hicks against Jones in an action of debt upon a bond of 500l. petitioner, at Port Royal, obtained a verdict for Hicks. Relates what took place after said verdict in reference to Robert Rawlinson and Edmund Duck, Esq., who brought an action for conspiracy against petitioner, and that the justices ordered petitioner to pay 50l. or stand on the pillory. That Sir Thos. Lynch on petition referred the whole matter to Mr. Chief Justice White, but Lieut.-Col. Byndlosse, notwithstanding, opposed petitioner's pleading, though Jones himself has given it under his hand that petitioner never did him any wrong. It was ever King James' charge to his judges "to do justice uprightly, indifferently, with upright hearts, with clean and uncorrupt hands, … . . not making law, but interpreting the law, … remembering that their office is jus dicere and not jus dare." Prays for a rehearing of the cause, or else to give him leave to practise as formerly in this island. Endorsed, "Mr. Mirfield's case by way of petition to the Assembly of Jamaica," 1672. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 2.]
July 2.
883. Information of John Bant, master of the Hopewell, of London, concerning logwood ships taken by the Spaniards. On 11th December 1671 was in the harbour of Boakonune with three other vessels, Masters Thomas Wilde, Roger Marsh, and Thomas Cooker, when Capt. Yellows' war canoe came up the harbour and boarded the ships, but having heard that Yellows had revolted to the Spaniard, Bant told them to keep off or he would fire. On 12th Capt. Yellows came up with them, having the English ensign flying, and told informant he was his prisoner, and that he had a commission from the Spaniard to take all Englishmen on that coast; so he surprised those four vessels and a New Englandman. On 16th Yellows sailed with his five prizes for Campeachy, but turned informant and another ashore on the island that makes the harbour, where informant found a piece of a canoe, in which he went to the head of the river, where he found three small vessels of Jamaica, in one of which he got passage. In that harbour he spoke with several men that had been there a long time, and intended to continue cutting logwood to sell to any ship that came, and had not seen either Indians or Spaniards; the names of four of them were John Barrow, John Pickerin, John Williams, and Thomas—. Recd. July 2 1672, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 3.]
July 4.
884. Thomas Bromhall, junr., to Sir Joseph Williamson. Thanks for his recommendation to Sir Thos. Lynch. Begs his patronage for "A Description, History, and present State of this Island," almost perfected, and in which he has had the encouragement and assistance of Sir Thos. Lynch. Casually became acquainted with Williamson's brother, the lieutenant of the Assistance, and, as far as his short knowledge goes, the lieutenant has "behind his back been rendered ill here by such of whose good humour no man gives testimony," and, granting him allowance of youth, "he may be encouraged without danger of disparagement to his friends." If his honour will mention Bromhall's name once more to Sir Thos. Lynch it will be of great advantage to him. Endorsed, R. 20 Oct. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 4.]
July 5.
885. Sir Thomas Lynch to the Council for Plantations. Complains he does not know whether his many letters have been received; one of his great discouragements is that he must act according to the reason of things here, which at court may be understood according as one has success or friends there; cannot but judge it strange that Jamaica, which is considerably improved this year and in a few years may be worth all the King has between the tropics, should not be considered by them. Encloses account of the people and vessels that have come this year, and of goods exported and imported. Will speedily remit the numbers of the people, Sir Thos. Modyford's was done by conjecture, and hopes shortly to make progress in the map of the island. People are generally healthful and the year seasonable, though there is no hope of the old cacao trees recovery, but the young ones to the east and north thrive well. By way of Bristol they have advice of the war with Holland, which many rejoice at believing it foreruns one with Spain, but the rational people would have none with anybody, for that and planting they judge inconsistent. It happens in a very ill conjuncture, for they have no ships and the forts not finished. Dissolved the Assembly 14th last month, having agreed to the body of laws sent herewith, to which he hopes they will move his Majesty for his assent, without which they can be in force but two years. The sooner they are returned the better, not so much for governing the people here, who are very respective to authority, as for encouraging others to come. In the Act about quitrents, unwillingly assented that no land should for the future pay but one halfpenny per acre, but the Council and Assembly were of opinion people can never give more; what Sir Thos. Modyford granted paid but a penny every planted acre, which was hardly the fortieth part of what was taken up, now it pays 2s. 6d. per cent, which increases the rents to 150l. or 200l. per annum. The Council unanimously agreed to levy a considerable sum for completing the fortifications at Port Royal, but it was impossible to prevail with the Assembly to do anything; however, they have voluntarily subscribed 700l. or 800l., which will make a demi-lune and mount about 10 guns more. A house for the Governor, court houses, prisons, &c. they must wait for till the people are richer or better disposed. Did not think it reasonable, having but a subordinate title, to press them further, besides he considers they are but a new colony, exemptions from payments, how reasonable soever, being a considerable motive to draw people hither. Has had great compliments from the Governor of Tortugas, who has now all the coast of Hispaniola in subjection, and every day expects frigates from France. They have taken Dutch this long while, on pretence of having been on that coast, but has not heard of any Spaniard there sold, but an adviso from Cartagena, which M. Ognate clamours against us for, which memorial he has particularly answered. Has no news from the main, but that galleons are arrived, nor any certainty of the vessels he sent five months since to Campeachy. The Spaniards are still little civil, and never meet any of our vessels without making pretences to carry them into their ports to their undoing. Has sent Lord Arlington a new complaint, and could send others, but being smaller, it's not fit they should cry so loud. Major Beeston, captain of the Assistance, a very ingenious and intelligent person, can give all particulars. It would contribute much to their safety and reputation to have a frigate at Jamaica, for one caper may much prejudice their trade. Mr. Robotham, that brought the commission for Col. Stapleton, has served the King well in it, and carried the new General from island to island; he is a witty and intelligent man, and their Lordships from his own mouth may have the particulars of Sir Charles Wheeler's folly and flight, "which are things so extraordinary that I dare not report them, not having seen them." Has published this General's as he did the former's declaration, but by how much St. Christopher's is the stronger the neighbour islands are the weaker, for hears of none else that go to it. Believes the surplus of "Barbarians" (Barbadians) are like to come this way; Esquire Peirce has sent blacks and servants to begin a plantation on the north side, which is strangely advanced this year and better land than this side, and they expect 20 or 30 good families more from Barbadoes. Are sorry for Capt. Render and the poor Surinamers; had not this frigate been commanded home, they would have fetched them without capitulations. Judges the Barbarians will attempt Surinam now Lord Willoughby comes; it may be the Proprietors interest to keep it, but hardly the King's while he has land of his own that's infinitely better to plant. A vessel just arrived from Barbadoes says they were fitting a vessel for Tobago, which the Dutch will surrender; at Martinique they have two frigates; and Statia was delivered a fortnight since to Col. Stapleton, and a day or two after the French came to take it, but hearing how the business was, returned. They are so far to leeward and have so few good ships that they are liker to suffer than do anything in a war with Holland; but will not grant any commissions without orders from his Majesty. Endorsed, Received 9th of Octobr 1672. Read in Council 8th of Novembr 1672. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 5.]
July 5.
886. Sir Thos. Lynch to Sir Joseph Williamson. Congratulations on the additional honours and employments his Majesty has conferred upon him. Has given Major Beeston, captain of the Assistance, a small address to him: he is an ingenious and experienced man, has told Lord Arlington that should there be any design this way, he is the fittest man in England to be consulted. Has now written to his Lordship, Mr. Sec. Travers [? Trevor], our Council, Lord Keeper, Master of the Ordnance, and Lords of the Treasury, and shall do to the Prince when he has some ore to send him. Has now sent home the laws, accounts of the people, shipping, trade, &c. Our Council has now at least 100 sheets of paper of his before them, but not even from the meanest of their clerks has he had a syllable; at which he wonders, for if he is not so considerable as the Windward Governors, to whom they have written, yet in few years this island will be worth all of them put together. However public affairs are in an excellent posture, and has nothing to complain of but the going home of the Assistance, and some considerable loss he has sustained in endeavouring to steal into a trade with the Spaniards, by some catches and sloops. Enclosed is a particular letter to his Lordship with a deposition in answer to Sir Marc Ognate's memorials: wishes the Spaniards would as well satisfy all our poor merchants' complaints; it imports this island much that a stop be put to this kind of seizing in peace. Sends only enclosed the affidavits of a catch and sloop, and of a small frigate that brought Coll. Vassall and family from Virginia; could send one or two more but thinks these may be sufficient to move his Lordship to give some order in it; Major Beeston is informed of all particulars. The BB. (Barbadoes) fleet will be home ere this, so need not give account of Sir C. W.'s (Chas. Wheeler) follies and flight; by the last vessel from St. Kitts hears he is still there concealed amongst the French. Capt. Robotham that carried Williamson's despatches thither has very well served the King: will give him a little address with which to wait on his honour. Mr. Ardrey comes lieutenant of the Assistance; leaves it to his captain to give his character; is told he dare not come ashore for debts; would he have stayed, or had he been fit for anything, should have put him into some other way. Has sent a trifling thing to Sir C. Lyttelton for Williamson. Thanks for Gazettes. Endorsed, R. Sept. 30. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 6.]
July 6.
887. Sir Thomas Lynch to the King. Has given Lord Arlington and the Lords of the Treasury an account of the shipping, people, and trade of this island for this year, and supposes it may have increased his Majesty's Customs in England 15,000l. But fears all may be lost if they have not a frigate or two to defend the island. It is impossible to raise privateers against the Dutch that have neither country nor merchants to take, and one caper of 30 or 40 guns might exceedingly harass them, because our best settlements are all round the island along the coasts. Sends by the Assistance two Spanish copper guns of about 2,808 lb. for which he could have had 14d. per lb. here, but judged it his duty to send them and begs for necessaries out of the Tower to their worth, an account whereof Sir Chas. Lyttleton will give his Majesty. Took the same care his Majesty should have the "Derotero" of the South Seas, which he got from Admiral Morgan, all judging it an extraordinary piece. Wrote to Sir Robert Murray for a copy of it for this island. Hopes in short time to have the North Seas as well or better known, for he makes all the masters he employs give him their draughts and observations. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 7.]
July 8.
888. Hender Molesworth to (Thomas Duck in London). Yesterday had advice of a ketch trading at Cartagena with 70 negroes, of which four were his own, being seized by the General of the galleons, the goods burnt in the market place, and the negroes sold for the King's account. This makes them have apprehensions for Capt. Ayler, who two months since was almost laden and ready to come away from Campeachy, lest some of the Spanish fleet may have trepanned him. Hears of a Dutchman of 32 guns taken trading near Campeachy by a surprise, wherein Yellows lately of this port was chief contriver, and has gained himself no small reputation among the Spaniards. Endorsed, Mr. Hender Molesworth of Jamaica to Thomas Ducke in London. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 8.]
July 11. 889. Minutes of the Council of Nevis. Present, Governor Stapleton, the Council (see ante, No. 849), and the Assembly, viz., Capts. John Nethway, Roger Earle, John Smith, and Robt. Haymon, Lieuts. John Cade and Thos. Cooke, Thos. Goodwine, John Luxford, and Capt. Wm. Howard. Henry Gillman's address to his Excellency concerning a general execution to be granted him for payment of 20 lbs. of sugar p poll for Sir Chas. Wheeler's duties according to a vote of 1st March last. The Governor proposing to the Assembly whether they would confirm said vote all dissented, and Capt. Nethway, Speaker, explained that only five of the Assembly, but half their number then consented to it. Resolved, that said vote is no Act and therefore null and of no effect. [ Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 60.]
July 12. 890. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. The rate for wine and strong drink sold in taverns, omitted to be set in June last according to the Act, ordered that all persons retailing wines and strong liquors shall during one year sell Madeira, Spanish and Portugal wines at 12d., French and Rhenish at 8d., strong ale at 6d., and beer and cider at 4d. the quart, and not more, under penalty in the Act expressed. Form of oath to be subscribed by the Secretary, Richard Noke, who is appointed Secretary of Barbadoes till further order, and ordered within 14 days to give security for the faithful administration of said office. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 196, 197.]
July 13.
891. Col. W. Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands, to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Gave account in his letter of 27th May per Benjamin Robotham, who delivered his Lordship's of 21st February last, that Sir Charles Wheler could not be found to resign the Government nor to receive his Majesty's letter, which Col. Stapleton sent by two of the Council of Montserrat, understanding that he was retired to the French ground of St. Christopher's, and thence to Martinique; but being becalmed went no further than Guadaloupe, whence Sir Charles sailed for France with M. Pellissier, one of the Lords of the French Company. Leaves his Lordship to consider in what condition all things were left by this sudden departure, Has waited at St. Christopher's since 27th May to treat with M. De Baas, who has only sent one with a defective power, as his Lordship will understand by comparing it with that given by Col. Stapleton to the Commissioners he appointed on his first arrival. Before entering into business Chev. de St. Laurence and the person sent by M. de Baas, Justice Symons and himself had a meeting, and it was not thought convenient that Justice Symons should treat, since they would not treat on matters of importance, as the restitution of ordnance, slaves, goods, &c. But finding they will give no satisfaction for those he has protested and published the Proclamation and sent it to the neighbouring islands. Has caused the logwood found on Anguilla and detained by Sir Chas. Wheler to be delivered to the owners; the ship is sunk in Anguilla Road. Begs his Lordship to represent to his Majesty that the two standing companies of St. Christopher's are a year in arrears, that he has no salary, that there is no public seal for grants of lands, and persons are unwilling to settle without confirmation under seal; and to befriend him in preferring some petitionary lines herewith directed to his Majesty. For an account of the state of the islands refers to his letter to the Council for Plantations in answer to their inquiries. Has reduced Statia, Saba, and Tortola to the King's subjection; Chev. de St. Laurence came a little too late with 300 men to take Statia, for he was an hour before him with a fewer number, and the moiety of the inhabitants being the King's subjects and the Dutch not willing to fall to the French, there was no great matter of conquest. The French came as late to Tortola, whence he has sent to fetch off the people, many of whom are English, and will put them on St. Christopher's. Endorsed, "Received these seven letters and papers from Mr Wm Bridgman, the 25 Septr 1672. Delivered back the 1st of October following. H. S[lingsby]. Ansd Jany 15, '7 2/3." Encloses,
891. I. His petition to the King. That he has acted according to his Majesty's commands, as may appear by particulars in his letter to Lord Arlington and the Council for Plantations, that in St. Christopher's his Majesty has two companies of foot raised by Sir Chas. Wheler, who have neither payment nor subsistence but what by entreaty he got from the poor country. Prays that his Majesty will send some fund to pay their arrears; that as petitioner has "a small being" at Montserrat, he may be dispensed from living at St. Christopher's, where there is neither safety nor convenience, and he can be at St. Christopher's in two hours from Nevis; for a public seal for confirmation of lands, the want of which is a great hindrance to the settlement of these islands; and to be allowed what his predecessor had for his maintenance, petitioner being a soldier of fortune and wanting an estate, and his arrears as Lt.-Col. and Capt. in Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment, and for his company at St. Christopher's for a twelvemonth. Can offer no sacrifice but his life, which belongs to his Majesty once by birth and once by preservation. Endorsed, "The several particulars of this petition are provided for. 13th July 1672. Mr Sims. 2,000l. for the forces. Sir Ch. Wheler liable during his time. 700l. p an, to him. Care taken for the preparing a public seal. q. what resolved about leave for his residence at Montserrat." Together, 5 1/2 pp. [ Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., Nos. 9, 9, I.]
July 13. 892. Copy of the above letter endorsed with abstract of same. [Col.Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 10. See also Col.Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 123–125.]
July 13.
893. Governor Stapleton to (Sec. Lord Arlington). The Barbadoes fleet, expected four or five days after the last of June, according to his Majesty's order, not yet arrived, but credibly reported to have sailed to the northward of all the islands, to the great damage of above 30 ships which have been ready a great while. The hurricane time being at hand, and the masters earnest for their departure, could not deny them. If amiss has their petition and the Council to beg his excuse. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., Nos. 11, 12. See also Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 122.]
894. Governor Stapleton to (the Council for Plantations). To the same effect as the preceding as touching the Barbadoes fleet, which has not arrived. Begs their Lordships will represent to the King their great want of arms, ammunition, and men, if ever they have war with the French, who are potent in these parts; that there are at St. Christopher's two standing companies without pay, and a year's arrears due; and that he has no maintenance for the support of the Government; and to obtain for him what was allowed to Sir Chas. Wheler. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 13.]
July 16. 895. Warrant to the Master of the Ordnance. For 20 pieces of ordnance and 500 fire-arms, with ammunition proportionable for the island of Montserrat, the fire-arms to be paid for by Governor Stapleton within two years from Michaelmas next. 1/4 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXXV. A., p. 42 đ.]
July 17.
896. Governor Stapleton (to the Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations). Refers to their letter of the 16th February and his answer (of 27th May), and gives account of his proceedings since, having waited till now for the French General's coming, to determine many important differences concerning the execution of the Treaty of Breda, according to his instructions; but M. De Baas pretending his master's service required his stay at Martinique, has appointed the Judge of Guadaloupe to represent him; but with powers limited. No power was given to decide matters of the greatest moment, as, satisfaction for the destruction of churches and buildings since the Peace, which they father upon the hurricanes, though it is palpable that the storms have not carried away the timber into the French ground, and for carrying away all the ordnance in the forts since the peace and the negroes belonging to Antigua and Montserrat, several of whom came in irons. The loss of all the negroes and goods of those who have not sold is more than the whole island of St. Christopher's is worth, land without hands to manure it being insignificant there. Antigua and Montserrat lost 1,300 negroes. The French will not make good those dead in their service nor other moveables, though they will have their contracts to the full made good and ameliorations. Sends herewith the proceedings of the English and French Commissioners for some inconsiderable estates, wherein they may judge of the reasons on both sides, but the considerable English estates are still in French possession, as those of Col. Evrett, Lieut.-Col. Freeman, Justice Willet, and others. If there be not absolute commands, and all matters determined at home without room for evasions, the Commisioners here will never agree. The French will have the contracts, though never so fraudulently got, performed: examples. In fine the King's subjects have little or no benefit of the Peace of Breda, and are objects of pity, looking daily upon their slaves, horses, and other moveables in other men's possessions. Begs their Lordships will represent to his Majesty that the English may not lose the benefit of re-entry, though the 12 months be elapsed, because the delay has been caused thro' the French referring things till the time was almost expired. That those who have not sold may be restored to their lands, slaves, &c.; that all negroes divided by Sir Chas. Wheler and M. de Baas be restored to the owners, and all other negroes belonging to Antigua and Montserrat; and that proofs may be admitted as to the validity of contracts where there is more expressed than really was received by the English seller, or where nothing was received by the Proprietor. Sends copy of his protest against M. De Baas, also his answer to their several inquiries. Since his Majesty's declaration of war, has got possession of Statia, Saba, and Tortola; the last being the least, and has given orders for demolishing the Dutch fort there, and bringing the guns and several of his Majesty's subjects to St. Christopher's; Statia is pretty considerable, with a better fort than any they have; particulars whereof will be found in the inventory he sends of each island. Endorsed, "Read in Council 13 Octr. 1672." Encloses,
896. I. Answers to the inquiries of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Twelve Councillors cannot be chosen in any of the islands (Nevis only excepted), unless they act without assembly men, the islands not being half populated. Courts of Judicature are held monthly in each division, and a Court of Equity is held by the Governor and Council when necessary in each island. There is no Court of Admiralty. The legislative power only in force for two years, unless with the King's assent. There are seven companies of militia, English, French, and Dutch, in St. Christopher's, and two standing companies of foot of 80 each; in Nevis, a regiment of 12 companies of foot and one troop of horse militia; in Montserrat, a regiment of 10 companies of foot and one troop of horse milita; in Antigua, a regiment of foot and two troops of horse militia; in Statia, three companies of 40 men each; in Anguilla, three companies of 50 men each. There are no forts or castles properly so called, but some few platforms. No privateers now that the Jamaicans and others commissioned against the Spaniards are countermanded. The French, as report gives, are in the Granados 600 men; in Martinico, 5,000; in Guadaloupe, 2,200; in Mariegalante, 800; in the French part of St. Christopher's, 2,000; in St. Martin's and St. Bartholomew's, 500; and in Santa Cruce, 600; the Dutch inconsiderable, only in Curaçoa, where they have a strong fort, about 200 soldiers in pay, and 800 inhabitants; and in Tobago, 600 men. Knows not the strength of either Surinam or Chyou (Cayenne); the Indians in St. Vincent, Sta. Lucia, and Dominica are 1,500 bowmen, whereof 600 are negroes. The French have made prizes of English ships and killed his Majesty's subjects, but of late hold better correspondence with them. Finds no arms or ammunition sent upon the King's account but what are expressed in the inventories, and some arms Sir Chas. Wheler sold for 140 lb. sugar per gun to the Captains of St. Christopher's and Nevis. The quantities of land cannot be exactly given, the islands having never been wholly surveyed, and there being inaccessible mountains in each, with inhabitable vallies betwixt them. The commodities are sugar, indigo , tabacco, cotton, wool, and ginger; most of the islands destitute of timber, Antigua only excepted. No saltpetre but in the Savanna of Antigua, and that hardly worth the carriage home; but in Montserrat great quantity of brimstone. In St. Christopher's are six rivulets; in Nevis, three and a hot bath; in Montserrat, 12 rivulets, whereof three are hot; in Antigua, two; in Barbuda, Anguilla, Statia, and Saba, none. Four harbours in Antigua, and several good roads in the other islands. The number of planters is specified in a particular inventory of each. No register kept of the English, Irish, and Scotch brought over, and no slaves from the Royal Company have been brought these seven years; to Nevis have been brought 300 by licensed ships; to Montserrat and Antigua, 300; to the other islands none. Impossible to know how many white or blacks have died. About 100 ships, all of less than 200 tons, and the major part less than 100, trade yearly from Europe and New England. The ordinary obstructions to the improvement of trade are want of slaves, servants, horses, and frigates to countenance them, all of which the French and Dutch ever have had. War is very destructive to the planter, who must guard instead of planting; and the re-calling of his Majesty's subjects from the French islands, and a particular command to those Governors to let them come away with the slaves and estates, would be a great furthering to the settlement of the islands. No rates or dues payable upon Colonial goods exported, but only the 4 1/2 per cent. upon imports and a small duty upon liquors. No revenue to the King. Some few ministers and schoolmasters in Nevis, but none in the other islands, where parents and housekeepers endeavour the instruction of their own families; the means for maintenance of ministers is 10 lbs. sugar p poll per annum, besides other dues. Endorsed, "Col. Stapleton's answers to the inquiries of the Council of Plantations sent in his letter to them of the 17 July 1672 …. Received 21 Sept. 1672," with an abstract.
896. II. Particular account of the men English, French, and Dutch, arms, and stores on the English part of St. Christopher's. Council:—Cols. Abednego Matthews and Clement Everard, Lieut.-Col. William Freeman, Major Henry Crooke, John Estridge, Justice of the Peace, Captains Roger Elrington and John Fitch, and William Willett, Justice of the Peace. English:—Acres manured, 3,182; unmanured, 2,806; men able to bear arms, 496; armed, 437; negroes, 352. French :—Acres manured, 3,371; unmanured, 1,248; men, 349; armed, 336; negroes, 552. Dutch :—Acres manured, 270; unmanured, none; men, 41; armed, 38; negroes, 48. Great guns left by Sir Chas. Wheler, 19, with powder, shot, and other materials. Endorsed, 28th May 1672.
896. III. Account of the island of Anguilla. Capt. Abraham Howell, Deputy Governor; Captains John Merewether and Richard Richardson, and Humphrie Seward (Council ?). 150 men; no guns nor powder.
896. IV. Account of the Island of Antigua. Col. Philip Warner, Deputy Governor. Council:—Nathaniel Clerke, Lieutenant-Colonel to a regiment of foot; Rowland Williams, Sergeant-Major; Richard Ayers, John Cade, and William Thomas, Captains of companies of foot, and Captain Paul Lee, "Lt to my own company," and John Parry, Secretary. 40,000 acres of land by estimation, 1,052 armed men, 570 slaves, 10 barrels of powder, 8 guns, and 100 horse.
896. V. Account of the Island of Montserrat. 28,000 acres of land, 1,171 men, 700 armed, 523 slaves, 50 horse, 7 guns, 12 barrels powder.
896. VI. Account of the Island of Nevis. Col. Randall Russell, Deputy Governor; Lieut.-Col. Francis Morton, Major Daniel Lanhather, Walter Symonds; Captains John Hughes and William Burtt, William Leach and John Combes, Justus Burkin, Esq., and Capt. James Russell, and Christopher Woodward (Council); and Joseph Rookby, Secretary. 22,000 acres of land, 1,411 men able to bear arms, 1,330 armed, 1,739 negroes, 80 horse; 3 culverins left by Sir C. Wheler, and 22 sakers, 3 minions, and 1 falcon. 48 barrels of powder landed by Sir C. Wheler, of which 27 were commanded off the island by him, and 21 expended.
896. VII. Account of the islands of Eustatia and Saba. Eustatia:—Capt. John Pogson, Deputy Governor; Captains William Mussemdine and John Hansell (Council). 120 armed men, 17 great guns, and 2 1/2 barrels of powder. Saba:—40 armed men, commanded by one Andruson for the present. Together, 13 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., Nos. 14. I.–VII.]
July 13.
897. Copy of the above letter. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV.,138–140.]
July 17. 898. An account of the Leeward Islands transmitted 17 July 1672, by Col. Stapleton; being abstract of his letter and enclosures of same date, with further particulars as to St. Christopher's, viz., 299 of the ancient inhabitants of St. Christopher's have claimed their estates, of whom 195 are in possession; 139 have not yet made their claims; 1,400 acres not yet claimed, of which 376 remain waste, the rest being in French possession; the French possess, on the English part of St. Christopher's, 4,108 acres, whereof 2,708 have been claimed; some of the French live in English quarters, and others farm out their lands and live amongst the French, and some of those French have taken the oath of allegiance. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 15.]
July 19. 899. Report of the Council for Plantations to his Majesty. Offered their advice in their address of the 2nd instant, that the Privy Seals formerly passed for the maintenance of Sir Charles Wheler, late Governor of the Leeward Islands, and for the pay of the two foot companies be changed, and new ones passed in the name of Col. William Stapleton, the present Governor; and having since, by petition from the planters of St. Christopher's, received account of the weak condition of the English part of that island, further offer that the establishment for maintenance of said forces be continued for a year or two more, or for such further time as his Majesty shall judge most convenient. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 16.] See also a copy with marginal note "Delivered, 23 July 1672, to Mr. Bridgman." [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 99.]
July 27.
900. The King to Sir Thomas Morgan. Having use of his service for some time, it is his Majesty's pleasure that he repair hither with all diligence, taking care that the Government of "that island" be left in the best condition he can. 1/2 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXXI., p. 93 đ.]
July 27.
901. Col. Chr. Codrington to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Since his of the 29th June has received the enclosed from M. De Baas, General to his most Christian Majesty in America, by the hands of M. Boyneau, who commands two French men-of-war, and who brought four men they took from Dominica. Understands from them the French had added a second violence by assaulting and taking the men Codrington sent to keep the place for his Majesty and burning their house. Was informed by M. Boyneau that that island, by agreement between the English and French generals, thirteen years past, was to remain in the state it then stood, inhabited by some few Indians, and neuter; but has heard of no such agreement, and is certain Dominica was comprehended in the Earl of Carlisle's patent, and that both Lords Willoughby gave commissions to one Warner, an Indian, to command it under his Majesty. Gave M. Boyneau an answer to the same effect as to De Baas, and begs speedy orders how to act further therein. Had conceived a design to take Tobago from the Dutch, it being much for the safety of Barbadoes to keep any nation from growing strong there, and had provided men, arms, and provisions, and two merchantmen, besides sloops to transport them, but when they heard of a ship of 30 guns lying there and a small fort found that backwardness in the merchantmen that he was forced to desist. Is confident two small men-of-war would have taken the island, and if two small frigates, well manned and victualled, were sent, it would be easy to reduce all the Dutch Colonies near them and to settle Dominica also. Has given this ship charge of this packet, considering this affair with the French should speedily be prosecuted or totally left. Barbadoes is in good condition and well prepared to resist enemies and do his Majesty service. Cannot resolve to send any more men to Dominica unless as many are sent to defend themselves from any new affronts. Endorsed, "Recd Sept. 24,'72. Received of Mr. Richards Sept. 30, 1672, and in John Locke's hand, "Council 13 of Novembr 1672." Encloses,
901. I. M. De Baas to Col. Codrington. Sends four Englishmen he has caused to be taken at two several times in the Island of Dominique; the first under a pretext to search for a silver mine, the others with an order from Codrington to make an establishment there. Sends M. de Boyneau, who commands the King's ships, express to Barbadoes to give him to understand that he cannot permit that any nation settle in Dominique without order from the King, otherwise he would suffer the agreement between the two nations to be violated; and therefore prays him to desist from that enterprise, and report the state of that affair to his Britannic Majesty, as he has done to his King. M. de Boyneau will make some propositions, showing with what zeal he desires the continuance of the union of the two nations and the prosperity of the arms of their Kings. Martinique, 1672, July 1/11. French, 1 p.
901. II. Col. Codrington to M. de Baas, Governor of Martinique. Has received his by "La Sieur Boyneau," giving him to understand of some English now sent up whom he has removed from their quiet settlement and prosecution of his Majesty's interest in the Island of Dominique. Cannot but resent this as an hostile attempt on his Majesty's said island; but it can in no way discourage Codrington from his duty in that concernment. Will, with all diligence, transmit to his Majesty an account of what has passed, and hopes that in the interim he will not give him further cause of complaint; assuring him he will make it his business that a right understanding be held betwixt them, of which he has desired "La Sieur Boyneau" to give him full assurance. Barbadoes, 1672, July 8/18. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., Nos. 17, 17 I., II.]
July 27.
902. Copies of above enclosures with marginal notes to I. "Original in French remains with the Lord Arlington" and to II. "Read in Council 13 Nov. 1672, Original remains with Lord Arlington." [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIV., 127–129.]
903. Extract of the several cases of the English at St. Christopher's, arising upon the 8th Article of the Treaty at Breda, taken out of the original books and transactions transmitted to his Majesty's Council for Plantations by Col. Wm. Stapleton, Governor-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands. By which it appears that though all those cases were duly entered and pleaded before four Commissioners appointed on each side, not one of them was finally agreed, but all of them after seven months sitting left wholly undecided by reason of the differences of the Commissioners, to the extreme loss of the English, who are for this reason alone still kept out of their respective rights. These include 41 separate demands made between 29th November 1671 and 6th July 1672. The first by Capt. Mathews for four negroes from M. le Barone. Then follow the demands of Susanna Nestsmith for a plantation, house, mills, coppers, slaves, &c. amounting in value to 141,980 lbs. of sugar sold by her first husband to Mons. St. Marke; of Mrs. Lockier, a plantation sold to Mons. la Fortune; Col. Everard, goods carried off a plantation sold to Mons. de Clarett; Major Willett, a negro in Mons. Tellier's hands; the English Commissioners for Plantations sold by Lieut. Richard Roberts to M. de Presimon, and by George Simpson to Mons. Overy; Capt. Wm. Freeman, a plantation, negroes, cattle, &c. worth 800l. per annum, sold to M. de Chambre for a brigantine; Mrs. Mary Pycroft, a plantation her brother John Din without her knowledge sold to M. le Mote; Robert Cave and John Binns, a negro sold to one Indian Hector; Philip Lambert, a plantation sold to M. Angier for 12,000 lb. sugar, of which he received but 4,000; Elinor Connor, a cow sold to M. Lanswine; Thomas Robinson, five head of cattle sold to Michael Artson; John Allen and Elizabeth Jane, plantations sold to M. de Hamell; William Howell, two negroes, not sold, in possession of M. de Clarett; Robert Oates, a plantation, house, and cattle sold to M. Loreine; Thomas Laremore, for timber carried off his plantation; Butler Carver, a plantation sold to John Rowland and M. Le Croc; Zacheus Darvill, a plantation sold to M. Bodett; Major Willett, negroes, cattle, houses, &c.; Samuel Cave, a plantation, &c. sold to M. Terbeck; Thomas Richards, a plantation sold to M. Bonnemere; Edward Pittle, a plantation sold to M. Dennie; Thomas Atwell, a plantation sold to John Dunker; Henry Binns, a plantation sold to M. Jeaffard; Capt. Wm. Plummer, a plantation sold to M. de Clarett; Capt. Roger Elderton, a plantation of M. Nampone, pretended to be held by gift from James Jones; Mrs. Penford, a plantation sold to M. Jeaffard; Henry Michell, a plantation sold to M. Bonnemere; John Perkins and John Tangi, a mare and a cow sold to M. de Cowett; Edward Battry, a plantation, with houses, sold to M. de Prayle; Mrs. Joane Dowson, on behalf of the children of Richard Dent, a plantation sold to M. Tabery; Mrs. Jane Sherwood, a plantation sold to M. St. Denny; Thomas Atwell, a plantation sold to John Dunker; Mrs. Taylor, a plantation sold to M. Dero; John Wignall, a plantation sold to M. Jeaffard; Roger Elderton, plantations sold by one Pontegrave to M. Moreflatt, and by John Poynton to M. Le Villier; Charity Love, the moiety of a plantation sold to M. de Mimie; Mrs. Morgan, a plantation sold to Jack le Boone, and now in possession of Messrs. Remee and Legree; Henry Seaton, a plantation Lieut. Charley sold to M. Peter; Dermon Ring, George Pursivall, Thomas Pelham, Barnaby Jefferys, and Simon Mathews, horses and other cattle sold to the French. The demands for cattle, &c. were refused on the ground that they were not comprehended in the word goods, in many cases payment for meliorations was demanded before restoration, and in some cases no reason was shown for refusal. Signed by Lords Shaftesbury, Culpeper, Gorges, and Arlington, Sir Henry Coventry, Edm. Waller, and three others. Endorsed, A brief extract of the several cases of his Majesty's subjects in St. Kitts, which though heard before the several Commissioners of the English and French nations, yet were never finally adjudged but remain to this day undetermined. See address of the Council for Plantations to the King 9 June 1673. 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX., No. 18, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIV., 55–61.]
July 30. 904. Minutes of the Council of Antigua. Ordered, that one fort be built in Falmouth Harbour, if feasible, and the other in St. John's Harbour; that one negro but of every eight throughout the island be appointed to work thereon; and that all said negroes be ready at the said forts on the first Monday in September next, each with an axe and a bill; that an under overseer be hired for each of the forts, and that any person refusing or neglecting to send his proportion of slaves be committed to gaol till he give security to answer said contempt at the next general sessions. 1/2 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 55*.]