America and West Indies: June 1669

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: June 1669', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: June 1669', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: June 1669". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1669

June 7.
71. Thos. Ludwell, Secretary, to Sec. [Lord Arlington]. The Colony in a very peaceable condition, but apprehensive of the French preparations for war. In great want of at least 40 or 50 culverin, not one out of the burnt frigate having endured the trial; also shot, as they cannot apparel their forts. Will write to Col. Moryson to wait upon him on this subject and others. All very joyful at the King's acceptance of their present of silk. Sends all their new made laws and accounts of 2s. per hogshead. Begs to be nominated to the government in the Governor's absence, who has solicited leave to go home. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIV., No. 65.]
[June 9.] 72. Petition of William Isles, late commander of the Bachelor, and 130 poor men who belonged to said vessel, to the King and Council. Said ship was in 1666 impressed into his Majesty's service in the Leeward Isles, and honourably lost in that expedition. There is about 350l. due to the ship's company for two months' wages, besides the loss of ship and freight, for which Petitioner has attended 10 months, to his great damage. Prays his Majesty to refer same to the Commissioners of the Navy, and order speedy payment. Endorsed, Received June 9. Read in Council the 11th, 1669. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIV., No. 66.]
June 12.
73. Governor Sir W. Berkeley to [Sec. Lord Arlington). Has received his Majesty's gracious acceptance of their present of silk, and have most of them laid up vows in their hearts, with their utmost endeavours so to improve their skill and industry in that excellent work that they shall in few years be able to make a far greater present to his Majesty. When he comes to Europe will make a voyage to France or Italy to be taught more. Begs he will present the inclosed petition; has not been able in seven years to bring home enough to keep him half a year in England. His salary less than any other Governor of America, though the King has more revenue from Virginia "than all the Islands together." Incloses,
73. I. Petition of Sir Wm. Berkeley to the King. Though the terms on which his Majesty's promise was made are not fully performed, prays for the customs of a ship of tobacco to enable Petitioner to wait on his Majesty's royal person one half year "that your Majesty, God's Vice-regent, will imitate your great Exemplar, God, and reward good intentions."
73. II. Warrant of King Charles II. declaring that when Governor Berkeley shall send to England a ship of 300 tons laden with silk, hemp, flax, pitch, and potashes, the growth of Virginia, he shall have the customs and duties of a ship of tobacco of the same burthen. Whitehall, 1662, Sept. 22. Together 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIV., Nos. 67, 67, I. II.]
June 15.
74. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to the Spanish Ambassador "You cannot be ignorant how much your whole nation in these parts did applaud my justice and civility to them at my first coming to this government, which (notwithstanding the small returns I received) I should have continued to this day, had not an invincible necessity compelled me to allow our privateers their old way, that I might keep them from joining with mine and your master's enemies. And now I believe you will find some reason to thank me that I took that course; for had they, or should they yet join with the French forces (to which I find them too much inclinable), your master's interest in the Barlevanta Islands, Nova Andaluzia, Nova Reyno de Granada, and the Main, would be in great hazard, if not quite lost; especially if our advice be true, that they have lately with a considerable fleet approached St. Domingo of Hispaniola. I know, and perhaps you are not altogether ignorant of your weakness in these parts, the thinness of your inhabitants, want of hearts, arms, and knowledge in war, the open opposition of some, and doubtful obedience of other, of the Indians: so that you have no town on this side the line, but that my master's forces here would give him, did not his signal generosity to yours restrain them. What we could have done the French will do, unless these men may by your intercession be brought to serve your master; and then you will be so sensible of their usefulness, that you will no longer malign me for the evils they have done the vassals of your Prince, but rather applaud that providence which by these means kept them to serve you in this exigent. It is possible this frank discovery of my knowledge in your affairs will invite you the more earnestly to endeavour my oppression; but I am secure in the goodness and wisdom of my Sovereign Lord, and you may be in his affection and tenderness to your nation, (so many ways and so fully evidenced,) so that, unless by some non-sincere dealing the same be justly forfeited, my knowledge and experience in your affairs may prove your advantage and security. These men will put themselves under any employment (as most will) rather than starve; that the good encouragement your master will give them may prevent their seeking other, is recommended to your care and consideration." Two copies. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIV., No. 68, and Col. Entry Bk., No. 27, p. 41.]
June 15.
75. Warrant to the Commissioners of Ordnance. To deliver to Joseph West, for the defence of the plantation called Carolina in the West Indies, four iron demi-culverin and eight sacres, with ship carriages, ladles, sponges and linstocks, and 12 rounds of shot for each. 1/2 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II, Vol.. 29, p. 34.]
June 17. 76. Petition of Anthony Bryskett to the King. Petitioner's father, by commission from the Earl of Carlisle, at his own great cost gained from the Indians and planted the Island of Montserrat, where Petitioner had a valuable estate destroyed at the capture by the French, January 30, 1666. At which time his Majesty's poor distressed subjects importuned Petitioner to receive a power from the French to protect them; which Petitioner obstinately refused; yet at their lamentable complaints, importunate tears, and most deplorable sufferings Petitioner afterwards most unwillingly accepted for their sakes, but submitted at the first moment of his Majesty's fleet appearing for their relief. Yet so it is, Petitioner's estate of ruined lands has been confiscated to his Majesty; craves his Majesty's clemency, and that his estates may be restored to him. With reference to Lord Willoughby to report the true state of Petitioner's case; dated Whitehall, 1669, June 17. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIV., No. 69.]
1669 ? 77. Petition of Anthony Bryskett to the King. Refers to his Majesty's order of reference of 17th June last on his former petition, and to Lord Willoughby's report annexed. And in regard Petitioner accepted a French commission for the preservation of his Majesty's most distressed subjects from the fury of barbarous bloody Indians and others, and most willingly submitted to his Majesty's forces; prays his Majesty's pardon and to be restored to his lands, of which Petitioner was divested by Act of the Assembly at Montserrat. Annexed,
77. I. Report of William Lord Willoughby on above petition. That at the time of the capture of Montserrat by the French, 30th January 1666, Petitioner was possessed of a plantation there, since by his Lordship's order divided into three plantations, viz., the Fort House Plantation of 525 acres, the Waterwork Plantation of 573 acres, and the South side of the River Plantation of 300 acres; that on 23rd February following Petitioner, being of the Irish nation, accepted a commission from the French King and M. De la Barre, to be Governor, especially over the Irish inhabitants of the Leeward side, and was Governor there till the retaking of the island by his Majesty's forces. Soon after, on 16th April 1668, an Act was passed by the Assembly to reinstate former proprietors, but Petitioner, without his Lordship's moving at all in it, was amongst others excepted; Petitioner applied to Lord Willoughby for relief, but he did not think it expedient to do anything contrary to the Act of the country; whereupon Petitioner soon after left the country, and his Lordship heard no more of him. Afterwards Lord Willoughby, by advice, allotted part of the Fort House Plantation for building a town and fort, and the remainder for the future maintenance of the Deputy Governor; and Col. Stapleton being afterwards appointed Deputy Governor, and the country not being in a condition to support a Governor, Lord Willoughby settled upon him and his heirs the Waterwork Plantation; the other plantation remains undisposed of. But Petitioner has now produced certificates under the hands of several considerable planters of Montserrat, testifying that Petitioner accepted the government under the French at the request of his Majesty's subjects and to preserve them from danger, and that he did protect his Majesty's English subjects from the fury of the rebellious Irish to the hazard of his own life, and by reason thereof was necessitated to keep a guard in his house every night till the arrival of his Majesty's fleet. Together 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIV., Nos. 70, 71.]
June 22./July 2.
78. A discourse by Mr. De Witt, Pensioner of Holland, with Sir Thos. Temple, the King's Ambassador at the Hague, and the English Ambassador's answer concerning the surrender and capitulations of Surinam to the Dutch in accordance with the Treaty of Breda. 13 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 77, pp. 13–19.]
June ? 79. Petition of Wm. Lord Willoughby, on behalf of himself and his son Henry, to the King. Petitioner has heretofore moved his Majesty for the vindication of his son Harry from aspersions touching his management of affairs at St. Christopher's, at which time his Majesty declared himself well satisfied with what his son had done. But Petitioner has lately by accident discovered that there is a combination against them touching that affair, as will appear by the affidavit and articles annexed. Now though Petitioner well knows his own and his son's unblameable carriage, he desires to have the cause heard whilst the witnesses on both sides are here in person. Prays therefore that notice of this petition may be given to the persons mentioned in the affidavit annexed, and that a speedy day be appointed to alter or amend their articles, to which he is ready to give answer in writing. Annexed,
79. I. Affidavit of Capt. Thos. Malet, sworn 25th June 1669. On the 17th inst. met with one St. Barbe, who had marched under him at St. Martin's, and said he was employed by Sir Peter Colleton to draw up articles, draft of which he showed deponent, against Lord Willoughby; that he should be backed by eminent persons, and Lord Willoughby would be sharply set upon next day at Whitehall; and that those who employed him had promised to restore him to his condition of a merchant of good repute. But deponent knowing St. Barbe to be a person of very mean condition, and believing Lord Willoughby and his son to be persons of great honour and integrity, acquainted his Lordship therewith; who told him he was very glad of it, for he was resolved to petition the King to hear the whole business. Since which St. Barbe has discovered several malicious practices to deponent.
79. II. Wm. Lord Willoughby's crimes urged by Wm. St. Barbe. That whereas the planters and merchants of Barbadoes during the war raised 3,200,000 lbs. of sugar, besides the duty of 4 1/2 per cent., for raising fortifications, payment of soldiers, hire of ships, provisions and ammunition; those sugars were never expended on the account for which they were raised. (2.) That Lieut.-Gen. Henry Willoughby through delay lost the opportunity of releasing the English at Todos Los Santos, and by a shameful flight from the French near Guadaloupe left 400 men and their vessels captives. (3.) That after Antigua was retaken from the French the Lieut.-Gen. commissioned one Col. Fitz to fight the French there; yet when they came he charged the people on pain of death not to fight till he came to lead them, and then went to his own plantation, fired his own house, took his negroes into a sloop, and came to Nevis, which was the occasion of the loss of that island and the persons there; for all which actions he was never questioned by the Lieut.-Gen., but looked on as his friend. That on 6th June 1667, in the design for reducing St. Christopher's, the Lieut.-Gen. neglected the opportunity of landing in a convenient and safe place near the Saltponds, but ordered every vessel, on sight of three flashes of powder from the Jersey frigate, to fall down to Pelham's River; but, being overtaken by wine, Lieut.-Gen. Willoughby overslept himself, and it was upon break of day ere the sign was made. The French followed to Pelham's River, where the forlorn hope and part of the main body, being landed in a bad place, were most of them killed by the French from trenches on the top of the rock; but the Lieut.-Gen. kept himself aboard the Jersey, beholding the slaughter, but would not permit any boats to fetch the soldiers aboard again. Endorsed, Read in Council, 28 June 1669. Together 4 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIV., Nos. 72–74.]
June 28.
80. Order of the King in Council on the above petition of William Lord Willoughby. That the whole matter be taken into consideration on Wednesday the 7th July, at which time Lord Willoughby, Sir Peter Colleton, Wm. St. Barbe, and all others con-concerned are to attend, with their witnesses and counsel learned, if they please. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIV., No. 75.]