America and West Indies: January 1671

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: January 1671', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: January 1671', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: January 1671". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

January 1671

Jan. 4.
377. The King's revocation of his commission to Sir Thos. Modyford. Whereas his Majesty did, by commission under the Great Seal, bearing date 15th Feb. 1664, appoint Sir Thos. Modyford Governor of Jamaica, and whereas his Majesty has now thought fit to recall him, his Majesty by these presents revokes said commission, yet nevertheless Sir Thos. Lynch, Lieut.-Governer of that island, shall enjoy all powers and privileges granted by said commission to his Majesty's Lieut.-Governor. Given under our signet and sign manual 1 Jan. 1671, has been altered by Sec. Williamson to, We have caused these our letters to be made patent. Parchment. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 1.]
[Jan. 4.] 378. Draft of preceding, with corrections by Williamson. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 2.]
Jan. 4. 379. Three copies of preceding. [Col. Entry Bks., Nos. XXVII., 85, XCII., 471–3, and XCIII., 16, 17.]
Jan. 4. 380. Minutes of Council of Barbadoes, present, the Deputy Governor, Henry Hawley, Sam. Farmer, Daniel Searle, and John Knight. Ordered that, whereas Edward Strode came into the road, wearing the King's flag, for which he said he had authority, but peremptorily refused to show it, he stand-committed to the custody of the Provost Marshal till he produce his authority, or the Governor shall judge meet to discharge him. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 187, 188.]
Jan. 5. 381. Commission to Sir Thos. Lynch to be Lieut.-Governor of Jamaica, during his Majesty's pleasure. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 3.]
Jan. 5. 382. Three copies of preceding. [Col. Entry Bks., Nos. XXVII., 86, XCII., 473–5, and XCIII., 16, 17.]
Jan. 5.
383. Nicholas Blake to the King. Wrote at large, 28 Oct. last, concerning a settlement on St. Lucia, that it might be a good time to undertake it, several ships going to cut timber there, since which four of them are returned full laden and reported much good of the place; a gallant island, well watered with rivers and springs; the Indians came often among them and were very kind; there were a few Frenchmen sawing cedar boards, but all very peaceable. The ship his neighbour went in shot beyond the island, so that he has yet to seek answers to many queries, but the reports of the place inflame many with a desire to go there, so that he is persuaded, if his Majesty's commission come over, and people had security for the conditions, near 2,000 would presently go down, and more within a year. If his Majesty's ships cannot be here soon enough to go in May it may be best that they be here in December, to be ready in January, four months before the rains, against which time they will have cleared much ground for planting provisions, cotton, ginger, &c. whereby to subsist whilst they are preparing sugar works, they will be also be better seasoned to the country and provided with houses against the rains, only the charge will be greater by carrying down three or four months' provisions extraordinary, for they cannot plant any (so as to grow) till rains come. If his Majesty resolve to have 2,000 acres for himself, and send people by the first ships, provisions for six months must be sent with them, after the rate of 4 lb. of beef per week and 1/2 lb. biscuit per diem per man, after which there will be little need of supplies from England. If his Majesty will lay the chief charge on Blake, he will do the most he can for his Majesty's honour and profit, and hopes that all will be sent as is hinted so as to be at Barbadoes in December next, and that his Majesty will furnish the 500l. to Jacob Lucy. Hopes his Majesty will not think it dear to have the island settled for that sum; thinks Sir Tho. Modyford had 1,000l. advance and 1,000l. per annum to go Governor of Jamaica, which was a settled place, but Blake aims at no yearly salary, nor any more than this 500l. to be disbursed for the general good. Sends a map of the island, which he believes is without much error; it is much bigger than he formerly wrote, being 25 miles in length by 11 in breadth, one part with another, but imagining it only 10 miles, it will contain 250 square miles, or 160,000 acres. Encloses a fitter compute of what may be allowed to the first adventurers. Prays pardon for so often troubling his Majesty with his unpolished papers. P.S. Besides the things formerly hinted, two barrels of fine powder more for pistols and carrabins would be very necessary, and two able gunsmiths with tools. Encloses,
383. I. Estimate of the amount of land in Sta. Lucia, which contains by estimate 160,000 acres, and how it should be allotted, viz. For his Majesty, 2,000 acres; glebe land for 20 parishes at 40 acres per parish, 800; hopes his Majesty will bestow on him 500, total 3,300; 200 adventurers at 50 acres per man, 10,000; 3,000 persons within a year furnished out by others, at 20 acres each to the undertaker, 60,000 acres; to each when his covenant is finished 20 acres, total 60,000; total 130,000 acres. Thus in one year there may be 3,200 inhabitants, besides as many more negroes, and in two years when those furnished by others come to be free, there will be 3,000 freeholders.
383. II. MS. map of the island of Sta. Lucia, with the names of some of the points, harbours, bays, and rivers. Together 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., Nos. 4, 4 I. II.]
Jan. 10.
New England.
384. Sir Thos. Temple to the King. Received his Majesty's last letter of 6th August 1669 on 20th June 1670, which he has punctually obeyed in surrendering up the country of Acady to the French, but beseeches his Majesty to take notice that the places named in his letter enclosed is not only the province of Acady, but all parts of Nova Scotia, together with part of New England, which Sir Thos. had the honour to command. Nova Scotia is as large as Great Britain, and is annexed to the crown of Scotland, as appears by the records in Edinburgh Castle, and is of infinite more value than St. Kitts. Had begun a fishing trade, which would have brought his Majesty a great revenue and other advantages, which are dwelt upon and about which he has written the Lord Chancellor and the Lords of the Council, but never received one word of answer. Points out the danger of the French joining with these people of New England if they should make any attempt upon the country. Having told the whole truth of his heart, begs leave to acquaint his Majesty with his own sad condition and sickness, and the ill offices done him to his Majesty, whom he has, faithfully served 12 years. The whole revenue of the fur trade is only 900l. per annum, of which he pays 600l. to Mr. Elliot and 180l. per annum for remitting it, until the war broke out, which wholly disturbed it, there remaining but 120l. to maintain the dignity of Governor. Bought the propriety of a great part of the land of which he was possessed of the late French Governor, which cost him and his friends 10,000l., the purchase drawn up by Sir Orlando Bridgman, now Lord Keeper. His reason for first coming to these parts was to avoid the fury and jealousy of the Protector, having designed a way to save the life of his Majesty's father, as George Kirk, the master of his Majesty's house, can testify, and told Temple he had acquainted the King with the whole design. He is now by the French denied trade with the savages, so that unless his Majesty relieve his miserable estate he must miserably perish in the lowest poverty. His weak condition compels him to make use of another hand. Encloses,
384. I. The King to Sir Thos. Temple. Whitehall, 1669, Aug. 6 (see Cal. ante, No. 95). Together 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX VI., Nos. 4*, 4* I.]
Jan. 11
March 10.
385. Order of the King in Council upon a petition of the merchants, owners and masters of ships, and inhabitants of the western parts of this kingdom, adventuring to Newfoundland in fishing voyages. Present, the King, Duke of York, Prince Rupert, Lord Keeper, Dukes of Buckingham, Monmouth, and Ormond, Marq. of Dorchester, Earls of Ogle and Ossery, Lord Chamberlain, Earls of Oxford, Bridgewater, St. Alban's, Anglesea, Craven, and Lauderdail, Bishop of London, Lords Arlington, Newport, and Ashley, Mr. Treasurer, Vice-Chamberlain, Sec. Trevor, Chancellor of the Duchy, Sir John Duncombe, and Master of the Ordnance. This Order in Council, the report to which it refers, dated 2nd March, and a further Order in Council dated 10th March approving said report, are all annexed to the aforesaid petition and abstracted therewith [see ante, No. 362]. 19 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 5.]
Jan. 13.
386. The Duke of York's commission to Sir Thomas Lynch. To be Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's ships in and about Jamaica, provided, nevertheless, that in case it shall be judged fit to send a fleet into America under command of any person commissionated as Admiral, Vice-Admiral, or Rear-Admiral, nothing herein shall empower him to give orders to such fleet or commanders. With power to appoint a Judge Advocate, Register, Proctor, and Marshall of the Court of Admiralty. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXVII., p. 87.]
Jan. 13.
387. Warrant to prepare a Bill for Moseh Pereyra of Barbadoes, merchant, to be a free denizen of England, but with a clause to have no benefit until he has taken the oaths of allegiance and supremacy before the Governor or Deputy Governor of the island. 1/2 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. 25, p. 190.]
Jan. 15. 388. Christopher Codrington, Deputy Governor of Barbadoes, to Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes. No opportunity has presented itself since his of 24th November by Capt. Gilbert. At the sessions in December many criminals were indicted, but now condemned to die: those last year condemned for murder and reprieved, not receiving from his Lordship his Majesty's pardon, were executed. Encloses the grand jury's presentments, that his Lordship may see their grateful acknowledgment of his favours. A sloop arrived 23rd December from the French General with two gentlemen and enclosed letters, more to inquire whether they were preparing to revenge injuries received than anything else. Encloses his answer and Col. Stapleton's letter to Sir Tobias Bridge, by which his Lordship will perceive the French proceedings, who of late grow very insolent; hopes his Majesty will nip them in the bud. About the middle of December arrived a Dutch ship from Guinea, which had been plundered of all her cargo, which was considerable, by the French; by advice of the Council gave them leave to buy provisions. Were well pleased to see the great animosity between the French and Dutch; to prevent mischief was forced to secure the Dutch captain till the French were gone, otherwise is confident they had never returned to Martinique. At the French being here the farmers of the customs arrived, with the King's flag in the main top; on sending to know who was aboard answer was returned Mr. Stroud, commissioner for the customs, but as he refused to show his power to the Council for wearing the flag he was committed, but two days after released, that he might not complain he was hindered from doing his duty. Hopes his Lordship will adjudge what punishment is due for such a crime. Finds the country much dissatisfied that the 4 1/2 is not employed to the uses first, intended, and doubts they will do anything more for the Governor or Government. Has by earnest persuasions got the Assembly to quarter the poor soldiers for two months longer, before which time he hopes some care will be taken for their support; and has also persuaded them to promise payment to the "mountrosses" once more at Christmas. The Council and Assembly dined with him when he got them in this good humour, but fears it will not last. As to placing or displacing of any, waits his Lordship's commands; he hopes his Lordship will confirm what has been done by the Council. Has received his Lordship's of November 7th, with enclosures, whereof he has sent copies to all the Leeward Governors. Supposes they will hardly own so ridiculous a thing as the petition and reasons; it has so nettled the people here that on a second occasion doubts they will want that hearty assistance they formerly received. Will take all possible care to answer the Lords Commissioners' queries. Are afflicted with a pestilential fever, which yet is only in the Ridge (sic) Town, where many die; Mr. Knights was two nights since taken with it, but is pretty well again. Encloses,
388. I. M. De la Barre, Governor of Martinique to the Deputy Governor of Barbadoes. Has received orders from the King his Master of 26th Nov., that his Britannic Majesty has written to his subjects .in the islands of America to continue good correspondence with the French nation. The French King also desires that all his subjects live reciprocally with the English, and on all occasions render mutual services as if they were but one nation; and if his Britannic Majesty's subjects are constrained to come into French Roads to be received with amity and permitted to take necessary refreshment; but all trade being excluded believes it to the purpose that each makes a public ordinance of these instructions to the people, that navigators may avoid confiscations, such as happened to Thomas Beck, James Thorpe and others at St. Christopher's, who were chastised for trading with the French inhabitants. Those honoured with command are bound to maintain the laws, and if any imprudent Frenchman falls in error and is punished according to form, no complaint shall be made, and expects he will do the same. Has sent this barque expressly to Barbadoes with a gentleman who will present this letter and request his resolution thereon. Martinique, 1670, Dec. 18/28.
388. II. Deputy Governor Christopher Codrington to M. De la Barre, Governor of Martinique. Has received his of the 18/28 th by MM. Salnave and Bergere and is glad of this opportunity to let him know his desire of continuing peace and amity between the two nations, though does not think it fit at present to publish any new ordinance, since the late Articles of Peace sufficiently instruct all traders how far they may act with safety. As for the new commands, De la Barre's publication of them in his own islands may be sufficient, if those that arrive there have due notice, since he is willing to believe his ordinances are to direct and not to surprise. Has received several complaints of the severe usage several English have received from those under his command, as seizing vessels, and plundering and imprisoning the men; which he hopes may be grounded on mistakes, or if true, that he will take care that satisfaction be made, and such rigid proceedings be prevented for the future. Barbadoes, 1670, Dec. 27.
388. III. Col. W. Stapleton to Sir Tobias Bridge, colonel of his Majesty's regiment in Barbadoes. This only serves to pay his duty in not omitting any occasion to give him new assurance of his faithful service. Their neighbours (the French) begin again to molest Dutch and English, bringing all under their stern that sail by St. Christopher's. They have seized one Sleiser lately come from home, and not only detain the vessels but commit the men. God grant it may be their turn if there be any falling out. Refers to the bearer for any other news. Montserrat, 1670, Nov. 16. Together 8 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., Nos. 6, 6 I., II., III.]
Jan. 17. 389. Minutes of Council of Antigua. On demand of Captain Abraham Langford, empowered from Lord Willoughby, for an account of the excise of wines and strong liquors in the island, and all escheat and prize goods, and of the fines and mulcts due to the King; it was answered that, the King never had any excise, nor they any escheated or prize goods or strong drink on the island. That the return of the inhabitants was in much poverty, and many must have perished for want if not relieved, that they fined those that deserved fine to the relief of the poor, and can give no account thereof, but though a small thing it belongs to his Majesty, and for the future an exact account shall be kept. 1/2 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 55*.]
Jan. 19. 390. Warrant to pay Major Edmond Andros of Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment in Barbadoes and the Leeward Isles the sum of 673l. 6s. 8d. for clothes for the soldiers, to be defalked out of the pay of the regiment. [Dom. Chas. II. Docquets.]
Jan. 24. 391. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Present, the Deputy Governor, Henry Hawley, Sam. Farmer, Daniel Searle, and John Knights. Ordered, that a commission issue to John Knights, Timothy Thornhill, John Stanfast, and William Bate, to survey all the works and fortifications of the island, and give account of their condition and wants at the next sitting of the Deputy Governor, Council and Assembly 21st March next; and that a general fast be proclaimed to be kept on Wednesday next. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 188.]
Jan. 25. 392. Warrant to the Attorney-General to prepare a Bill containing a commission to Sir Chas. Wheler appointing him Governor of the Leeward Islands. 13 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCII., 419–431, see also Vol. XCIII., pp. 22–25.]
Jan. 25. 393. Commission to Sir Chas. Wheeler, Bart., appointing him Governor-in-Chief over St. Christopher, Nevis, Montserrat, Antigua, Barbudo, Anguilla, and all other the Leeward Islands, which his Majesty has thought fit to separate from the Government of Barbadoes. With power to choose a council of 12 of the principal inhabitants in each of the said islands, and with their advice to summon assemblies and make laws which shall be in force for two years and no longer unless approved by his Majesty; to exercise a negative voice, dissolve general assemblies, and use a public seal. To erect courts of judicature, constitute judges and justices, and administer oaths, provided all establishments be submitted to his Majesty, to pardon offenders, treason and wilful murder excepted, in which cases he may grant reprieves for a year till his Majesty's pleasure be known, present to churches, levy and arm persons, pursue enemies, and treat them according to the law of arms. To prepare articles of war, agreeable to those in England, for soldiers in pay only, to erect forts, cities, towns, &c., or demolish them. To erect Courts of Admiralty, exercise the office of Vice-Admiral, grant his Majesty lands under moderate quit rents, also charters to towns for holding fairs and markets. To appoint ports and harbours, and erect Custom houses. If a Deputy Governor die, immediately to certify his Majesty thereof and appoint one in his place till his Majesty's pleasure be known; and in case he die, the Deputy Governor of Nevis shall take on him the Government till his Majesty's pleasure be known. And his Majesty's commission or letters patent of 6th Dec. 1669 to Lord Willoughby as to what concerns the government of the aforesaid islands are hereby determined and revoked, but remain in full force as to the Government of Barbadoes and the other Caribbee Islands not above mentioned. 18 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 7.]
Jan. 5. 394. Copy of the above. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLV., p. 4–10.]
Jan. 25. 395. Copy of the preceding commission in which after the name of Sir Chas. Wheeler, Bart., Sir Jos. Williamson has struck through "one of the captaines of our guards" and written instead "of a company of foot in our regiment of guards under the command of Col. John Russell." 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 8.]
396. Draft of the preamble to above commission in handwriting of Williamson. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 9.]
397. Draft of two clauses in above commission, one in Williamson's hand. [Col. Papers. Vol. XXVI. No. 10.]
Jan. 31.
398. Instructions to Sir Chas. Wheeler, Bart., Governor of the Leeward Islands in 21 articles. To repair to Nevis, call together the Council, cause his commission to be read, administer the oaths, and supply vacancies in the Council, taking care they be men of estate and ability, "and not much in debt." Not to augment nor diminish the number of councillors, nor suspend any member without good cause, to be forthwith transmitted to his Majesty. To send a list of the respective councils, also copies of laws. Not to displace any judges or other officers without good cause, or execute himself or by deputy any of said offices, or suffer any person to execute more offices than one by deputy. To regulate salaries, fees, &c. No man's life, member or freehold to be taken away or harmed, but by laws agreeable to those of England. The oaths of allegiance and supremacy to be dispensed with, except to members and officers of the council, some other way being found of securing allegiance; and no man to be molested in the exercise of his religion, but he is enjoined to the profession of the Protestant religion as practised in England. Drunkenness, debauchery, swearing, and blasphemy to be discouraged and punished, and none to be admitted to public trust whose ill-fame may bring scandal thereon. All planters and Christian servants to be well armed and trained, and an inventory of arms, ammunition and stores sent to his Majesty. Also an account of the numbers of masters, servants and slaves in each of the islands, a yearly account of the increase or decrease of goods imported or exported, and of the rates and duties payable in the respective islands, what profits or revenues arise to his Majesty and how accounted for. To give encouragement to merchants, and in particular to the Royal African Company. To give account from time to time of the wants, defects, products, and improvements of the respective islands; and to cause the late treaty concluded at Madrid the 8/18th July 1670, to be published within eight months from the 10/22th Oct. 1670, or sooner if he can agree with the Spanish governors there, and at the same time to revoke all commissions and letters of reprisal to the prejudice of the King of Spain or his subjects, and to observe all articles of the said treaty. To take present order for the advantage of the islands not hereinprovided for, provided he do not declare war without his Majesty's particular commands. In regard St. Christopher's is best seated for government, he is recommended to remove thither, as soon as that part which the English possessed on the 1st Jan. 1665–6, before the late war with France, shall be delivered up to him. 14 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI, No. 11.]
Jan. 31. 399. Copy of the preceding. 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 12.]
Jan. 31. 400. Three copies of the above. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XLV., 11–16, No. XCII., 432–444, and No. XCIII., fo. 26–28.]
Jan. ? 401. Mem. of cannon, muskets, and ammunition, also two draw-bridges ready fitted, and a tent that the Master of the Ordnance is to bargain and take care for the transportation of [to St. Kitts]. That Sir Chas. Wheeler covenants with the Master of the Ordnance that the inhabitants shall in two years pay for the muskets. Endorsed by Williamson, St. Christopher's. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI, No. 13.]
Jan. ? 402. The King to Sir Thos. Lynch. With his instructions he will receive his commission as Lt.-Governor of Jamaica, the revocation of Sir Thos. Modyford's commission, an exemplification thereof, and a letter from the King to Sir Thos. Modyford. 1 p. Endorsed by Williamson. Exemplification for Sir Thos. Lynch. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI, No. 14.]
Jan. 31. 403. The King's instructions to Sir Thomas Lynch, Lt.-Governor of Jamaica. In margin passed the sign manual 31 Jan. 1671. See ante, No. 367. [Col. Entry Bk., Nos. XXVII., 88–95, XCII., 475–498 and XCIII., 17–21, dated 24 February 1671.]
[Jan. 31.] 404. Extract of Sir Thos. Modyford's instructions. In reference to customs on imports or exports at Jamaica, the first part of Art. 26 [in Sir Thos. Lynch's instructions] was altered from 21 years to 14 years, being the remainder of the 21 years already granted. The latter part was left out, the five years having expired, because the Council [for Foreign Plantations] did not think fit that the commodities of Jamaica should be free of custom here. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX VI., No. 15.]
Jan. ? 405. The King to Sir Thos. Lynch. Whereas Sir Thos. Modyford, late Governor of Jamaica, hath contrary to the King's express commands, made many depredations and hostilities against the subjects of his Majesty's good brother the Catholic King, it is the King's pleasure that as soon as he has taken possession of that government and the fortress, "so as not to apprehend any ill consequences thereupon," he cause the person of Sir Thos. Modyford to be made prisoner and sent home under a strong guard to answer for what shall be objected against him. Then to publish the King's proclamation, offering free pardon to all abettors on their promise to abstain from the like in future. Draft with corrections. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 16.]
Jan. ? 406. Note of "papers and draughts of despatches prepared by the Council of Plantations for Sir Thomas Lynch, and delivered to the Lord Arlington." The revocation of Sir Thos. Modyford's commission; the instructions to Sir Thos. Lynch, Lieut.-Governor of Jamaica; a copy of the account of the arms and ammunition sent to the plantations out of the office of his Majesty's ordnance, mentioned in the 13th instruction. 1/2 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 17.]
Jan. ? 407. Notes of Sir Thos. Lynch's, and Sir Charles Wheeler's despatches. For Sir Thos. Lynch; letter of revocation to Sir Thos. Modyford; letter for his license to return, cypher; commission, instructions, copy of Sir Thos. Modyford's commission; "know from Sir Tho. Chichely what ordnance, ammunition, &c. sent to Jamaica;" "acquaint the Treasury with the instructions." For Sir Ch. Wheeler, "letter for the living well with the French plantations;" "letter enabling him to make Lieut.-Governors." 2 papers. 2pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., Nos. 18, 19.]
Jan. ? 408. Remembrances about the dates of the despatches for Sir Thos; Lynch, signed, H. Slingesby, Secretary. The commission to Sir Thomas Lynch, constituting him Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica, to bear date in the first place; the revocation of Sir Thos. Modyford's commission of 15th February 1664, and the exemplification thereof, in the second place; and his Majesty's letter to Sir Thos. Modyford, and instructions to Sir Thos. Lynch, in the last place. 1/2 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVI., No. 20.]