Index: R

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Index: R', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 19 March 2025].

'Index: R', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed March 19, 2025,

"Index: R". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 19 March 2025.


Radnor, Sheriff of, 533.

Rainsborrow (? Roger), see Williams, Roger.

Rainsford, Nich., 1669, 1694. I.

Raisins, 427, 536, 547, 549, 559.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 1125, 1647.

Ramusius, 622.

Ran, Francis, 1015, 1024. I.

Randall, Capt., 1428, p. 454, 1521. I., 1611-2.

Randolph, H., Clerk of the Assembly of Virginia, 1211, 1585.

Ranelagh, Viscountess, see Jones, Eliz.

Rapahannock River, 391, 520, 1513.

-, fort in, 1585.

Raritane Indians, 593.

-, land purchased from, 593.

Raspberries, p. 348.

Ratcliffe, , 625.

Rattan, p. 360.

Rawlins, Giles, 974.

-, -, sisters of, 974, see Moryson, Cecilia.

Rawlinsone, Robt., 1851.

Rawson, Edward, Sec. of the Massachusetts, 835, 1001.

-, -, letters from
-, 1666 : 1302, 1312
-, 1667 : 1499

-, -, documents certified by, 81, 82, 93, 96, 192. I. 495.

Rayner, Edm., letter from
-, 1662 : 261

-, John, Deputy Gov. in Newfoundland, 385, 1666.

-, -, petition of, 386.

-, -, deposition of, 1729. I.

-, Wm., brother of John, 385.

Raynes, Fras., 739. VI., 1848.

Read or Reid, Robt., 199.

-, -, petition of, 778.

-, -, license to, 779.

-, his brother, 199.

-, Edmund, of the Council of Barbadoes, 1, 129, 534, 587, 607, 692, 904, 1121.

-, George, of the Council of Virginia, 1505, 1509, 1536.

-, Lt. Col. John, 1121, 1258 (?)

Reade, Major Nath., Governor of Montserrat, 804. II., 1088. I., 1775. I.

Reading, letter dated from, 216.

Rebecca, The, 1200.

Rebura, Capt. (an Indian), 1717.

Recovery, The, 923.

Redendo, 1110.

-, grant of, 387.

Reed, Robt., see Read, Robt.

Rees, Barth., 904.

-, Ben., 904.

Reid, Edmund, see Reade, Edmund.

-, George, Advocate General, Admiralty, Jamaica.

-, -, commission to, 1062.

-, -, letter from
-, 1665 : 1092

-, John, sub-commissioner of prices in Barbadoes, 985. I., 1415, 1481, 1492, 1686.

-, -, commission for, 919.

-, -, petition of, 985, 1127.

-, -, letters from
-, 1665 : 1035
-, 1666 : 1126, 1284, 1298
-, 1667 : 1418, 1522
-, 1668 : 1871

-, -, the Royal African Company's chief factor in Barbadoes, 1714.

-, -, his salary, 1126-7.

-, -, his wife, 1126.

-, William, brother of John, 1298.

Reims, Col., see Reymes, Col.

Relief, The (ship), 1689.

Rellamont," "Brave, killed, 1520.

Renzlaer (Rinselart, Rinzelar), Richard, 1304.

-, letter to, 1305.

-, wife of, 1305.

-, Baptista, 1305.

Renslaerwicke (Albany), 1305.

Reptiles, 577.

Resio, Jeron. Rodrigues, 421.

Resolution, The, 1339.

Revell, Thos., 1444.

Rey, Derrick Will., Dutch Gov. on the coast of Africa, 545.

Reymes, Col. Chas., 804. III., 1206, 1214, 1220, 1257, 1273.

Reynolds, Capt., 986, 1258.

-, shipwreck of (with Lord Willoughby), 1330-3, 1339.

Rhode Island, 59, 209, 222, 433, 493, 713, 717, 721, 724, 735. I. 799, 825, 878, 918, 921, 925, 929, 931-933, 1000, 1007, 1033, 1089. I., 1170, 1288, 1361, 1473, 1534, 1765.

-, description of, pp. 341-343.

-, charter to be granted to, 370.

-, the charter of, 503, 512, 513.

-, -, confirmation of, 768.

-, -, references to, 59, 1361.

-, the bounds of, 433, 957, p. 342, p. 345, 1171, 1300.

-, gov. of, see Arnold, Benedict.

-, deputy gov. of, see Brenton, Wm.

-, gov. and council of, 1473.

-, -, the King's letter to, 1173, 1175.

-, -, letter to, 1300.

-, secretary of, see Dyre, Wm.

-, the ten assistants of, 512.

-, general court of, p. 342, 1765.

-, magistrates of, letters to, 1033, 1056.

-, Assembly of, p. 149, 1361, 1534.

-, recorder of, see Sanford, John.

-, agent of, see Clarke, John.

-, petition of inhabitants of, 10, 18, 58.

-, commissioners from, 825, 1361.

-, fanatics and turbulent spirits in, 493.

-, religious liberty in, p. 343.

-, oppressions from Massachusetts, 929.

-, His Majesty's assurances of protection and favour to, 1173.

-, sets a good example to Massachusetts, 1020. II., 1173.

-, gratitude for royal favour, 925, 929, p. 341, 1288.

-, report of the King's commissrs transactions with, pp. 341-343.

-, letters dated from, 956, 957, 1288, 1473
-, see also






Rhubarb, 810.

Rhymes, Col., see Reymes, Col.

Riccard, Sir And., 39, 40, 1342.

-, grant to, p. 121.

Rice, Wm., petition of, 1629.

Rice, 549, 1658.

Rich, Chas., Earl of Warwick, 818, 1368.

-, Robert, 1772.

Richard II., 198, 704.

Richard, Walrick, 804. I.

Richardes, Robt., 904.

Richards, , letter to, 1300.

Richardson, see Whalley.

-, Amos, 494, 967.

-, Wm., 1076.

Richelieu, Cardinal, 891.

Richmond, Mary, duchess of, 408.

Richmond Island (Maine), 1010.

Rickbell, John, 776.

-, letter to, 776.

Rider, Wm., letters from
-, 1663 : 584
-, 1665 : 1055

Ridewood, Rich., 394.

Riggs, Edw., 627.

Rinselart or Rinzelar, see Rezlaer, Rich.

Rio Garta, p. 360.

Rio Grande, 903.

Rio Novo, 812.

Rio Nunes, 903.

Rion, Nicholas, 645.

Rishworth, Edward, 255, 302, 320, 868, 1010, 1039, p. 334, 1751-2, 1835.

-, -, letters from
-, 1665 : 1040, 1089, IX., X., 1090. I., 1091

River Indians, 1219.

Rivers, Capt., 397.

-, John, 1431.

Roach, Thos., 1676.

Roanoke (Carolina), 557, 1601.

Robartes, John Lord, Lord Privy Seal, 24, 88, 180, 216, 223, 269.

-, -, letter to
-, 1662 : 279

-, -, his son, see Hender, .

Robbison, Alex., 1676.

Robert, The, 1345, 1482.

-, of Nevis, The, 1444.

Roberts, John, 39.

-, Philip, petition of, 143.

-, Rich., 804. III.

-, Thos., 1024. I.

Robertson, Patrick, 646, 747.

Robins, Simon, 1001.

Robinson, John, 354. II.

-, Sir John, p. 121, 733, 785.

-, Capt. Robert, 1731-2.

Roby, Sam., 1015.

Rochelle, 226, 241, 891, 1073, 1145, 1229, 1258, 1284, 1504, 1558, 1571, 1644, 1666, 1729. II.

-, letter dated from, 1550.

-, prisoner at, see Hill, Capt. Wm.

Rochmand, M., 210.

Rodney, Capt. John, 1839.

-, W., 1582.

Roe, The (ship), 1540.

Roehampton, 1184.

Roffe, a scrivener, 33.

Rogers, Wm., 804. III.

Rokesby, John, 739. VI.

Rolfe, John, 88, 223.

Rolleston, Capt., Sam., 1, 804. II.

Rolls, Six Clerks Office, 15.

Roman Catholics, 218.

Romans, colonizing by the, 1023.

Roman, Francis, 1780. V.

Roome, John, 512.

Rose, Bush, H.M. ship, 12, 15, 33, 254, 283, 554.

-, -, Capt. of, see Browne, John.

Rosewarden, Thos., 169.

Rosse, Thos., 487, 488, 1527. I., II.

-, -, petitions of, 99, 1527.

-, -, grants to, 100, 376, 435.

-, Wm., 1264. I., 1894.

Rotterdam, fanatics in, 627.

-, letter dated from, 627.

Rouse, , 689.

Rowe, Elias, 1264. I., 1894.

-, Owen, 231, 626.

Rowley, Seth, 40.

Rowse, Henry, 1676.

Roxbury (Rhode Island), 1170.

Royal Catherine, The, 1053.

Royal Exchange, The, see Exchange Royal.

Royal Fort, see Port Royal.

Ruby, The, 1471.

Rum, 123.

Rumball, , 571.

Rupert, Prince, 408, 475, 876, 986, 1151, 1351, 1721, 1873.

-, letter from
-, 1665 : 1054

-, The (ship), 467.

Ruscat, Tobias, p. 121.

Rushworth, Edward, see Rishworth, Edw.

Russell, Bishop, 839.

-, Col. Jas., Governor of Nevis, 731, 992, 1204, 1206, 1212, 1257, 1387, 1444, 1446, 1458, 1472, 1477, 1484, 1488, 1521, 1613, 1650, 1724, 1762, 1773, p. 587, 1847, 1893, 1901.

-, -, letters from
-, 1666 : 1181
-, 1667 : 1521

-, -, petition of, 1880.

-, -, commission from, 1444.

-, -, commission to, 1446.

-, -, his house, 1521. I.

-, -, R.M., 731, 1808.

-, , 868.

Russia, Emperor of, 1023.

Ruth, The, 1589-90.

Rutter, Capt. Abraham, 746, 826.

Ruvigny, M. de, French ambassador in England, 1636, 1644, 1699, 1701, 1709, 1777.

-, -, memorials of, 1653, 1670, 1882.

-, -, -, orders upon, 1671-4.

Ruyter, Admiral de, 902, 903, 920, 927, 991, 992, 994, 1026, 1029, 1030, 1073, 1088. I., p. 365, 1186, 1201, 1294, 1666, 1729. I., 1780. II.

-, -, fight with, 980, 983, 1008.

-, -, account of his exploits in Africa, 986.

-, -, destruction in Newfoundland by, 1016.

-, -, his attempt against New York, 1024.

-, -, supposed to be killed, 980.

-, -, his fleet, 984.

Ryan, John, 1676.

Ryder, Sir Wm., p. 121.

Ryven, Mr., see Van Ruyven.