Dec. 1.
1883. Report of Dr. [Leoline] Jenkins to the Lords Committee
for Plantations. The affair of St. Christopher's seems to resolve
itself into these following inquiries : First, whether the French
instrument of cession and the most Christian King's despatches and
orders for the restoring of his Majesty's part of that island be valid
and sufficient without clog or defect? 2nd. "Whether the word bona
comprehends lands and slaves as well as stock and those moveables
which we call a personal estate?" 3rd. "Whether the French are
bound to repair his Majesty's three forts that they have demolished
since the publishing of the Peace? and, fourthly, "Concerning the
improvements and the costs which the French are said to have been
at upon the plantations. Cannot say but that the instrument of
cession is full enough [see ante, No. 1606] and agreeable to the legal
best forms current in France and Italy. Arguments in reference to
the French despatches for restitution of 28 Aug. 1667 and 17 July and
31 Oct. 1668 [see Nos. 1560, 1858], "So that upon the whole matter
the true and honest meaning of the Treaty being that the most
Christian King on his part do forthwith order his subjects to quit all
the Plantations they are possessed of, and to leave the English part
entirely to the English, and that his Majesty, on the other side, do
not suffer the English to lay claim to their own cattle, slaves, or other
goods, unless they first lay down the money or value for which they
formerly sold them, but that the French be at liberty to carry them
away or otherwise dispose of them as their own ; the demands of disbursements
for meliorations and for prisoners on their side, and the
demands of reparations for waste, spoil, and utter demolition on our
side must, as I humbly conceive, be left to Commissioners to be
adjusted upon the place." Indorsed, Read in Council Dec. 2nd, 1668.
5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 92.]
Dec. 4.
1884. Report of the Council of Trade to the King. Having taken
into serious consideration, according to his Majesty's instructions, the
matters relating to his Majesty's Plantations, which will require a
considerable time fully to examine, yet as they have been fully informed
by several Merchants and by the Farmers of his Majesty's
Customs that several Governors of said Plantations have been wanting
in their duty in the following particulars, viz., 1. That they
have not taken the oaths enjoined by law. 2. That ships have been
permitted to trade there not qualified according to law. 3. That
there has been omission in taking bond and security and returning
those bonds, as directed by several Acts of Parliament : The Council
of Trade propose :1. That said Farmers may maintain a person in
each plantation to administer the oath to the several Governors ; that
no vessels be admitted to trade there till said officer has the perusal
of the passes and certificates, and certify that they may trade there ;
and that no bond or security be admitted without the allowance of
said officer. 2. That letters be written to all said Governors to take
said oaths before said officer, and also to give them countenance and
assistance. 3. That directions be given to the Commanders of his Majesty's
ships and to any merchant ships to arrest any ship trading to
his Majesty's Plantations contrary to the laws. Signed by Lords
Arlington, Ashley, Carlisle, Craven, and Ormonde, Sirs Jo. Berkeley,
J. Trevor, T. Clifford, W. Coventrye, Tho. Grey, T. Osborne, Tho.
Littleton, G. Downing, John Beech, T. Titus, Will. Thomson, Henry
Blount, Benjamin Albyn, Tho. Papillon, John Paige, Will. Love, John
Child, John Shorter, B. Worsley, and John Buckworth. Indorsed,
"Received Dec. 4, 1668, read in Council 16 Dec. 1668." 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 93.]
Dec. 11.
1885. Petition of Olive Stuyvesant Van Cortlant, Gerritt Slicktonhorst,
Jacques Cousseau, Mathew Sternbergen, Nicholas de Meyer,
Leysbert Blankerts, Stoffell Jansen, John Jansen, Koster Van Aken,
Jacob Schermerhorn, John Van Balen, Herman Vedder, John Martens,
Adrian Van Ilpendon, Jeronymus Ebbing, Margarita Phillips,
and Jamietide Witt, his Majesty's sworn subjects of the Dutch
nation, inhabitants of New York, in behalf of themselves and many
more of his Majesty's subjects in New York, to the King. In confidence
of the continuation of his Majesty's grant of 23rd Oct. 1667,
petitioners transported themselves into Holland last summer to settle
their accounts and propagate the trade of these his Majesty's dominions,
and have freighted a ship called the King Charles, which is
ready to sail, but having, to their unspeakable grief and damage,
received a copy of the Order in Council of 18th Nov. 1668, recalling
said permission and restraining the number to one ship this year,
they humbly represent that one of the three permitted ships was
gone to sea before said signification arrived at Amsterdam, and that
the King Charles with all her lading has lain in the Texel many
days, being stopped in obedience to his Majesty's commands. Pray
his Majesty to take their ruinous condition into consideration, and to
permit said ship and cargo to enjoy the privilege formerly granted
for this year. Indorsed, "Read in Council 11th Dec. 1668. Ordered."
By an Order in Council of 11 Dec. 1668 the King Charles was
authorised to make one voyage and no more to New York this year
only. Council Register, Car. II., VIII., 140. Printed in New
York Documents, III., 178, 179. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII.,
No. 94.]
1886. "Answer to the French Ambassador's memorial," [see ante,
No. 1840]. His Majesty having considered the orders of his most
Christian Majesty of the 21/31 Oct. for the restitution of the English
part of St. Christopher's, and of the memorial accompanying it, and
also of the subsequent explanatory order of the 1/11 December, has
commanded this answer to be returned, not doubting but that his
most Christian Majesty will command that they be punctually
obeyed, and that he will consent to the nomination of Commissioners
as his Majesty will likewise on his part, with full powers to adjust
the following points for the taking away all difficulties and ambiguities :
1. The orders of 31 Oct. 1668 of his most Christian
Majesty and the explanatory orders of Dec. 11 are received, provided
his most Christian Majesty appoint Commissioners to meet such
others as shall be nominated by his Majesty to advise all other
particulars relating to the effectual putting those English in
possession of their estates and goods in the English part of St.
Christopher's, who shall repay the price they have formerly received
from the French in consideration of them. And if any English shall
not in a year and a day repay the sum or sums of money they have
received as abovesaid, no further demands shall be made upon the
French of what they are, after that time expired, left possessed of.
2. That to these Commissioners shall be likewise referred to adjust
the point of profitable and useful ameliorations. 3. As to the point
of prisoners ; if any English prisoner have contracted debts for
better accommodation, and better medicaments than was ordinarily
allowed to all that were in that condition, his Majesty allows such
his subjects must pay those debts, and refers it to the said Commissioners
to oblige them thereunto, according to the usual course of
law in such cases. That as long as any of the French shall remain
subjects to his Majesty, they shall be used and treated with the
same equal justice and favour as the English his own subjects, they
conforming and behaving themselves accordingly, and taking the
same oaths of obedience to his Majesty as the English did to his
most Christian Majesty upon the taking the aforesaid part of the
island. Draft with corrections in the handwriting of Sec. Lord
Arlington, which has again been corrected and added to by Under
Sec. Williamson, who has endorsed it as above. See the Order in
Council on the French Ambassador's memorial, ante, No. 1844.
4 pp. [Correspond., France].
1887. French translation of the preceding with memorandum by
Williamson "not thus givenNov. 1668 (as I take it, J. W.)" [see
next abstract]. 2 pp. [Correspond., France.]
Dec. 13.
1888. "Answer to the French Ambassador's memorial," which
was substituted for the preceding Answer, but with memorandum,
"somewhat altered from this, J. W." The King declares that he
accepts the French King's orders for restitution, hoping his most
Christian Majesty will command that said orders be without any
further delay obeyed, after which his Majesty believes it will be of
mutual satisfaction that there be Commissioners nominated on each
side with full power to adjust difficulties and ambiguities. 1. The
King understands that all his subjects who have not sold their estates
and goods in the English part of St. Christopher's, shall be put into
present possession thereof, as likewise after repayment made, all who
shall repay the price they have formerly received from the French
in consideration of any sale of their estates and goods, such repayment
to be made within a year and a day, after which no further
demands to be made upon the French. 2. The King finds nothing
in the Treaty that warrants the demand of meliorations, so thinks it
reasonable to leave it to the parties concerned to agree thereon with
the help of the Commissioners to be nominated. 3. As to the point
of prisoners, the answer is the same as the preceding answer, and so
it is in reference to those French who shall remain his Majesty's
subjects, [to which has been added] as all must be who remain in the
English part of the island, as long as they are not reimbursed by the
English as abovesaid. Two copies in English and French with
corrections by Sec. Lord Arlington, indorsed by Williamson, 1668
Dec. 13. Together 6 pp. [Correspond., France.]
1889. Draft of part of the preceding by Sec. Lord Arlington,
indorsed by Williamson, "but not thus given in." 1 pp. [Correspond.,
Dec. 15.
1890. Col. John Collins to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Gave his
Lordship a narrative in March last of his proceedings. Has addressed
himself several times to Lord Willoughby for liberty to settle
Barbuda, his men mutinied after Collins had beaten off the enemy
for want of relief, which the Lieut.-Genl. might very well have
spared. Is resolved to wait on his Lordship by the next shipping.
Desires Lord Willoughby may not proceed in ought here. Has
made his appeal to his master ; and as to the articles, shall and can
prove them false. Is informed that Lord Willoughby has given
Barbuda to those persons that exhibited the articles against Collins.
Bayr [? Bayer] did perfidiously article with the French for surrender
of Antigua and Barbuda, and afterwards lived among them. Fran.
Sampson and Nath. Clarke are two great Anabaptists. On his
arrival will give an exact relation of all designs in all these islands
(except Barbadoes), Cayenne, and Surinam. Incloses,
1890. I. Petition of Col. Collins to Lord Willoughby. Whereas
petitioner was granted a Patent dated 31st August 1665,
for the settlement of Barbuda, with all forfeitures, benefits,
customs, and his Excellency was pleased to deny petitioner
liberty to dispose of the land to his great loss, so that the
cattle and stock thereon became a spoil to all people ;
prays that he will not obstruct him any longer, but give
him a special order to call to account all persons that have
carried away stock and other things from said island.
1890. II. Report on the state of the case of the island
Barbuda. That Barbuda was settled three years before
Col. Collins arrived by 40 families under Capt. John Noye,
by commission from Col. John Bunckley, Governor of
Antigua, of 26th January 1661. Never any Indians or
cannibals dwelt on said island. The colony flourished under
Noye, producing indigo, cotton, and cattle. About a year
before the war, Noye was dismissed by Col. Collins, who
took the government by virtue of a Patent obtained from
his Majesty on wrong suggestions that the island was never
before inhabited but by Indians. That Collins brought no
more than eight persons to said island, and so discouraged
the inhabitants by killing their cattle, destroying their
settlements, and imposing unconscionable taxes, that they
deserted as fast as they could. That Collins having been
assaulted by some few Indians, as soon as they left, quitted
the island ; and the remaining inhabitants, finding themselves
deserted, totally drew off. Signed by Bastian Byar,
Nath. Clarke, and Fran. Sampson. Indorsed, Articles
exhibited against Col. Collins.
1890. III. Answer of Col. Jno. Collins to the above six articles.
At his coming there were but 10 persons that claimed any
right in any plantations ; but several families came afterwards.
The island was one of the chief places of rendezvous
for the Indians when they warred with Antigua, Montserrat,
or Nevis. The colony throve better after his coming
than under Noye. Collins took not the government by
virtue of his Majesty's Patent, but by commission from
Francis Lord Willoughby of 18th June 1663. Never
killed any but three beeves for the men in arms with him
and some wild goats, and never imposed any tax ; for
plantations cleared and deserted he demanded a pound of
indigo an acre, but never received an ounce. Received
order from the Lieut.-Genl. 3rd September 1666 to seize
the estate of Capt. Nicho. Taylor to his Majesty's use
(which was done), and send him some cattle, and by that
boat he begged for three files of men, for he daily expected
an enemy. On the 17th a number of Indians landed, and
repulsed from his house penetrated into the country, killing
and taking prisoners ; on the 19th they came again and
attacked the "flancker" where he was with five men, and
killed one and hurt two of his men, and next morning
being beaten off again they took to their perriagos ; Collins'
men then came in from the woods, and when Capt. Howard
came with a sloop for more cattle, they mutinied, and he
was the last man that came off the island. Together
6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., Nos. 95, 95 I., II., III.]
Dec. 15.
1891. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Warrant from
Deputy Governor Codrington to Anthony Anthony to deliver to
Capt. Tobias Frere the anchors, sails, cables lately come from
England in the ships Eagle and Two Pilgrims for the use of
his Majesty's ships, according to order of the Commissioners of the
Navy. 1 p. [Col. Entry Book, No. XI., p. 179.]
Dec. 17.
Port Morant,
1892. Rich. Browne to Williamson. Sent a letter of news by
Capt. Burt six weeks ago, since which the whole fleet of privateers
have gone cruising, but nothing is yet done by them. The Oxford
of 34 guns is new victualled for four months with 160 men, and
Capt. Collier put in command in the place of Capt. Hackit, who
came out of England with her, but falling out with the master run
him through the body, whereof he died, and then fled for it. By
ships from Barbadoes is advised of a pirate which was freighted
by the Governor of Tangiers for New England with certain servants,
who for some offences were enjoined to serve four years in
his Plantations ; but in the latitude of 23 degrees they killed the
master and surgeon, and put six others in the boat with some provisions,
since which they have been upon the coast of Hispaniola
and Cuba, and given chase to our privateers, and much damaged
one of them. Has received orders from Sir Thos. Modyford, the
Governor, to cruise upon the coast, and makes no question if they
see her to reduce her to obedience. This island is in a very
thriving condition and grows rich by privateering and the produce
of the country, and the Governor has the character of a prudent
and obliging person. Presents his service to Lord Arlington. 1 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 96.]
Dec. 17.
1893. Warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor-General. His Majesty
being informed by the petition of Col. James Russell, Governor of
Nevis, and the Council and Assembly there, that during the war
with the French and Dutch they were brought to extreme necessity
by reason of the long siege they had endured, being also overcharged
with some thousands driven from other Plantations, his
Majesty's regiment under Sir Tobias Bridge being there at same
time ; and while in that distress two foreign ships, the St. John
Bapt. and Sun of Hamburgh, with passports from the Duke of
York, offering to furnish them with provisions and other necessaries,
to which ships, at a meeting of the Governor, Council, Assembly,
and military officers, on the 21st November 1667, it was resolved
that liberty of trade should be granted, with proviso that same
should not be drawn into example for the future ; for which proceeding
being contrary to the Acts of Trade and Navigation, petitioners have
besought his Majesty's pardon. It is his Majesty's pleasure that
the Attorney-General prepare a bill to pass the Great Seal containing
his Majesty's free pardon to all concerned in the premises, with
remission of all penalties for the same. 2 pp. [Dom. Entry Bk.,
Chas. II., Vol. XXV., pp. 79, 79 .]
[Dec. 18.]
1894. Depositions of Robt. Delander, Thos. Clarke, Wm. Rosse,
Rich. Moore, Sam. Sherdlaw, Garrett Garretson alias Rocky, Elias
Row, Thos. Piper, and Wm. West, concerning the treatment of the
English by the Spaniards. Sworn before Lt.-Col. Robert Byndlosse, on
Oct. 2, 1664. Robt. Delander having lost all his masts on the East of
Cuba, sent to request the Governor of the Havannah's leave to come
in and repair his damages, which he yielded to. Within three hours
after Delander entered the port the Governor sent a guard of soldiers
to take account of what was on board, who were left in possession.
After nine days two surveyors reported that the ship could not be
made serviceable under 12,000 pieces of eight ; but Delander could
not pay this, and desired the Governor's favour to buy such things
as he most needed, or to sell the ship and buy a smaller one.
It was answered, that it was contrary to the Governor's commission
to suffer any foreigner to deal for the value of sixpence in port, and
the Governor sold the vessel and sent Delander and company to
Seville as prisoners, where they were detained nine months, and
had it not been for the charity of the English merchants, they had
there paid their last debt. Delander was forced to employ a procuradore
at Madrid to move for a trial before he could have his
enlargement. 1666/7, Feb. 24. In March 1665, Thomas Clarke,
Wm. Rosse, and Richard Moore were at Cartagena, and saw two Englishmen
named Alford and Gubby, who were taken by a Spanish
ship in an English built ketch bound from New England to Barbadoes ;
the rest of the seamen were put into their boat at sea, where
it is believed they perished. The Spaniards sold the ketch and
sent Alford and Gubby, with the rest, prisoners to Old Spain, where
they worked like slaves. They also saw five Englishmen besides,
prisoners in Cartagena, who were taken by the Spaniards two years
ago while trading on their coast with them. Port Royal, 1665/6,
Jan. 11. Sam Sherdlaw and Garrett Garretson alias Rocky, depose
to having been chased by Spanish men-of-war, one of which was
the Griffin, which formerly belonged to his Majesty, and was commanded
by Capt. Swart. 1666, Sept. 22. Elias Row, commander
of the Endeavour, deposed that in July 1664, one Alexander Seares
sailed from Boston in a ketch with Nathaniel Alford, mate, and
Abraham Gubby, a mariner, and no news was heard of her until he
saw her in the harbour of Port Royal in possession of the Spaniards.
Port Royal, 11th January 1665/6. Thomas Piper and William West
depose that being at sea with Capt. Edward Beckford, near the
South Keys of Cuba, they spied a ketch manned with Spaniards,
which they hailed, but the Spaniards spread their bloody colours
and fired a volley of small shot into them ; whereupon Capt. Beckford
took said ketch, brought her to Port Royal. That the ketch
now riding in the harbour of Port Royal belonged to Alexander
Seares, of New England, who sailed in her from New England 18
months since, since which time there hath been no news of ketch
or company. Indorsed, Read in Council, 18 Dec. 1668. See also
three other depositions, ante, Nos. 1264, I., II., III., which were also read
in Council, 18 Dec. 1668. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 97.]
Dec. 23.
1895. Order of the King in Council. On reading a letter to Sir
William Temple, Ambassador to the States General, wherein information
is given of two ships laden for Barbadoes, on account of
Jews and others of Amsterdam, having passed the Texel, ordered
that Sec. Lord Arlington write to Lord Willoughby or his deputy to
seize said ships or any others that come to trade contrary to the Act
of Navigation. Annexed,
Sir William Davidson to Sir William Temple. Two ships,
one called the Matthew and Francis, fully laden for the Jews of
Amsterdam, for Barbadoes. These Jews have a great trade
thither, where they cheated him of a considerable sum in 1662
and 1663, for which his Majesty gave orders to Lord Willoughby
to banish them, but nothing was done, and they carry on "a
greater trade there nor very few in England does ;" and another,
the Sarah and Mary, also laden for Barbadoes, for English and
Dutch at Amsterdam, are both parted from the Texel. Several
ships have been going that way these many years, and still go
with English and Irish passes. The Jews of this country spoil
all the trade in the Plantations. In the late war the King gave
him license for six ships for those islands, but he only made use
of one, and finding he could do no good, returned them to Sec.
Lord Arlington. Dordrecht, 1668, Dec. 12/22. Indorsed, Rec.
20 Dec. 1668. Read in Council, 23 Dec. 1668. Together 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., Nos. 98, 99.]
Dec. 23.
1896. Affidavit of Robert Ensom, of Jamaica, planter, before the
High Court of Admiralty of England. That his father Capt. Robert
Ensom was commanded by Sir Thos. Modyford from Barbadoes to go
to Hispaniola to acquaint the Spaniards of his coming as Governor,
and of his Majesty's commands to treat all Spaniards with civility
and call in all the privateers ; that Modyford on his arrival sent out
deponent's father to call them in, and one which refused was seized,
and six of her company, after a legal trial, condemned and hanged.
p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 100.]
Dec. 23.
1897. Affidavit of Peter Power, merchant, of Jamaica, before the
High Court of Admiralty of England. That Sir Thos. Madyford on
his coming to Jamaica sent out shallops and a ketch to command in
all the privateers ; a vessel was sent to Cartagena to treat with them
civilly ; and those Spaniards that came to Jamaica were as kindly
used as any of his Majesty's subjects. That Capt. Ensom was sent
to reduce a privateer, and six of the company were condemned and
hanged. That after the privateers were called in one of them
brought in a Spanish ship laden with commodities of great value,
and Sir Thos. Modyford ordered a vessel to Cuba to acquaint the
Spaniards, whereupon 10 or 12 came from Cuba, to whom the vessel
and all her cargo was presently delivered ; also another, laden with
tobacco. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 101.]
Dec. 25.
New England.
1898. Sir Thos. Temple to Sec. Lord Arlington. Received his
Majesty's letter of Aug. 1 by the ketch Portsmouth, 10th Nov., and
returned answer to the Lords of the Council by Capt. John Fairweather
24th Nov. Sends duplicate with an old map of Nova
Scotia. Intended to have come to England in this ship, but has not
yet heard any news from Port Royal, whither he has sent his
Majesty's ketch and two vessels of his own with men, ammunition,
and provisions, to reduce the place and put things in the same
posture they were in before the French King's Deputy came. He
acted very subtlely, coming all along the coast of Acadia and Nova
Scotia, leaving a Governor at Port Royal, and here threatening
Temple (behind his back) with the loss of his head if he refused to
deliver up all the country ; but not prevailing, he is gone for St.
Christopher's, and entreated Temple to convey the enclosed letter to
the French Ambassador in England, so sends it to his Lordship [who
doubtless sent it forward]. He was a man of singular address, and
fearing Temple would have detained him he sent enclosed letter to
Le Borgne, whom he left Governor at Port Royal ; but Temple used
him with great courtesy, and so did the magistrates here : he seemed
much astonished at the flourishing growth and strength of this city,
and said Le Borgne was left at Port Royal by particular commission
from the French King, which is true. Intends as soon as the affairs
of Nova Scotia and Acadia are settled to present himself to his
Majesty, having intelligence that Mr. Elliot (by reason his rent is
not yet all paid) has highly incensed his Majesty against him ; and
since he has no friend there he begs his Lordship to beseech his
Majesty that he may not be ruined unheard, for "nothing in this
world can be more grievous to an honest mind (next to God's disfavour),
especially for doing well, and that with good success too,
than in old age to fall into infamy, disgrace, and poverty." Encloses,
1898. I. Sir Thos. Temple to Lords of the Privy Council. Duplicate
of No. 1877.
1898. II. Answer of Sir Thos. Temple to M. Du Bourg's demand of
Nova Scotia for the French King. See inclosure to above
letter, calendared, ante, No. 1877. With mem. by Temple
that he has directed a friend of his to bring this letter to
him [Capt. John Faireweather] to deliver to Sec. Lord
1898. III. Breviate of the purchase of Nova Scotia by Sir Thos.
Temple. Calendared, see ante, No. 1877, p. 628.
1898. IV. M. De Morillon Du Bourg to M. Le Borgne de Belle Isle,
Governor, for the Western Company of France of part of
Acadia, at Port Royal. The result of his interview with
Sir Thos. Temple must be ascertained before Belle Isle can
be established at Port Royal. He will find from the Treaty
that the restitution of St. Christopher's (which has not
been effected) ought to precede that of Acadia, and so
remaining (at Port Royal) is contrary to his orders and an
obstacle to accommodation. Counsels him therefore to let
things remain as they were, and to wait till the Treaty be
first executed in the places specified. Sir Thos. Temple
complains much of the affair of Port Rossignot, and says
that Belle Isle has insulted and plundered his people : if he
hinders the English in their trade and does not withdraw
they will declare war and make the writer responsible, and
perhaps arrest him. Desires a prompt answer, for he has
orders to go elsewhere, and winter advances. Certified
copy by Thomas Kellond, Abra. Browne, and Tobias Payne,
28th Oct. 1668. French. Together 9 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXIII., Nos. 102, 102 I.-IV.]
Dec. 30.
1899. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Ordered : That 200
barrels of powder sent by his Majesty be landed and put into Fontabell
House, and that Sir Tobias Bridge keep a guard there. Commissioners
appointed to prepare carriages, mount guns, contract for
timber, and press men on all urgent occasions. 1 p. [Col. Entry
Bk., No. XI., p. 180.]
1900. Narrative of Lord Willoughby's proceedings in pursuance
of his Majesty's Commission and other orders for the receiving of
St. Christopher's. On the 13th Feb. 1668 his Majesty issued a
commission to Wm. Lord Willoughby, Col. Lewis Morrice, Col. Robert
Hooper, and Lieut.-Col. Symon Lambert to demand and receive the
English part of St. Christopher's which they had possessed on 1st
January 1666, in pursuance of the Treaty of Breda and the directions
given by the Most Christian King to Sieur De la Barre, his
Lieutenant-General in America, the Directors of the West India
Company, and Chevalier St. Laurence, Governor of St. Christopher's,
which commission, together with a letter from his Majesty and one from
Secretary Lord Arlington of same date, and said letters from the French
King, Lord Willoughby received at Montserrat on 26th April following.
That his Lordship anchored in Basseterre Road, St. Kitts, and demanded,
on 28th April, restitution of said part of the island, but the
answer was that M. De la Barre was at Guadaloupe, and without his
orders it could not be delivered ; whereupon Lord Willoughby sent a
sloop to look for him, but in vain, and after several promises of restitution
which were not performed, and offers of partial possession which
his Lordship thought himself bound to refuse, on 2/12 May he openly
protested against the French King and his ministers and set sail for
Barbadoes. It is true private overtures were made to Lord Willoughby
which were very advantageous to his own particular, but he could
not hearken to any such proposals. From Nevis he gave his Majesty,
the Dukes of York and Albemarle, and Lord Arlington account of his
proceedings. But being an eyewitness of the devastations of the
French, in carrying away timber, materials, mills, negroes, &c., from
the English territories, and destroying trees, sugar-canes, &c., he sent
on 3/13 May in search of De la Barre, demanding restitution and complaining
of these delays and devastations. To this was answered
from Guadaloupe the 8/18th May that St. Laurence could not deliver
the island for the reasons given, and De la Barre on 15/25 May protested
against the King of Great Britain and Lord Willoughby for
non-execution of the Treaty, because the diet of prisoners, the money
paid for English plantations, and for improvements in same was
refused to be repaid. Remarks of Lord Willoughby in consequence ;
his employment of Col. Lambert, one of the King's Commissioners,
who went to Guadaloupe to see De la Barre, and what took place ;
but he insisted that before he would deliver the island he would
have all his demands fully completed. Whereupon Col. Lambert
solemnly protested the 26th June, and after giving a full account to
his Majesty returned to Barbadoes. On 3rd Oct. Lord Willoughby
received from Lord Arlington fresh and more peremptory orders of
17 July from the French King to his officers for the immediate surrender
of the island to the English, on pain of disobedience and
rebellion. As soon as he could Lord Willoughby went to the Leeward
Isles, called a council at Antigua on 3rd Dec., and on the 7th sent
Col. Cuthbert Morley with said orders from the French King to
demand possession ; to which M. De St. Laurence the next day
answered that his King had sent new orders to De la Barre, whom
he expected on the Thursday after, and he thought it necessary to
stay for him. But Lord Willoughby sending Col. Morley to insist on
absolute possession, St. Laurence produced a letter from the French
King to De la Barre of 16/26 July, declaring he had changed his mind,
and encouraging him not to execute his orders of the 17th till he had
heard from M. Colbert, the French Ambassador in England. The
negotiations between Col. Morley and Mons. St. Laurence, and the
promise, which was withdrawn, of the latter to deliver the island.
Account of further delays, Mons. Colbert's proceedings, and additional
protests of Lord Willoughby insisting on the delivery ; but De la
Barre answered on 14/24 Dec. that he could abate nothing of what he
had demanded by his protest ; so that Lord Willoughby was forced
to depart with no better success than he had had upon the receipt of
his first orders, and the demand he had then made for and in the
name of his Majesty. 26 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XLV., pp. 85-111.]
1901. Notes in the handwriting of Williamson relating to Barbadoes
and the Caribbee Islands. Barbadoes : Contains about 100,000
acres ; declines now one third of the fertility ; the woods being much
destroyed, it wants its usual rains ; the planters are much in arrears
to the merchants, which forces the latter to remove ; cotton and corn
planted ; 11 parishes ; not less than 60,000 souls, of which 40,000
blacks ; the great animosities and feuds among the blacks, being of
different countries and tongues, preserve the planters, but the
Creolian generation grows up and will hazard it ; an Assembly is
called every year, by virtue of an Act made by Sir Thos. Modyford,
but not yet ratified by the King ; six regiments of foot militia, two
of horse, and a horse guard, in all about 8,000 men, but no very experienced
officers ; forts few and not good ; cannon much wanted.
Antigua : Nearly as big and fully as good as Barbadoes ; excellent
harbour ; [Henry] Willoughby, Governor ; one regiment of 1,100
men ; wants new privileges and concessions ; all titles to lands unsettled
since the conquest of the French ; 4 per cent. imposed ; not
yet well planted ; 10 acres allowed to every settler ; two towns
designed ; tobacco and sugar will be the commodities. Barbuda :
Eight leagues north of Antigua, half as big as Antigua ; very proper
for cattle, horses, sheep, &c., within the government of Mr. Willoughby
at Antigua, who is here Deputy Governor, but wholly
unpeopled now, only cattle remaining upon it. Montserrat :
Seven leagues to leeward of Antigua ; very fertile and well resettled ;
most of the inhabitants Irish ; Governor, Lieut.-Col. Stapleton.
Nevis : Fourteen leagues to leeward of Montserrat ; much decayed
by long settlement, the late war, and the late hurricane ; sickly ;
many chief settlers removing to Antigua ; Governor, Col. James
Russell. St. Christopher's [left blank]. Saba And Statia : Within
three and ten leagues of St. Christopher's ; disputable between us
and the French. Anguilla : Far to leeward of St. Christopher's ;
200 or 300 English fled thither in time of war ; not worth keeping ;
make tobacco ; inhabitants poor and would remove to Antigua ;
Governor, Abr. Howell. The Indians at Dominica were brought
under the King's obedience by treaty 1668 ; Governor Warner, who
married an Indian woman, and is son of the late Governor of St.
Kitts. St. Lucia : Belongs to the King by purchase from the
Indians by the late Lord Willoughly ; this Lord has the conveyance.
St. Vincent : Own themselves subjects to the King, but are left to
themselves ; brought under his Majesty's subjection upon articles by
Lord Willoughby. Most probably abstracted from Gov. Willoughby's
letter to the Privy Council, see ante, No. 1788. 4 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXIII., No. 103.]
1902. Nine Acts passed by Wm. Lord Willoughby of Parham,
in the island of Antigua, viz. :
(1.) April 10. An Act for indemnity and for declaring all old titles
to land void and lost by reason of the French King's conquest.
(2.) April 11. An Act for the settling the present inhabitants of
this island in their lands.
(3.) April 11. An Act for the encouraging and promoting the
settling of this island.
(4.) April 11. Acts for appeals to Barbadoes and for suspensions of
the penal laws against persons obedient to Civil Government, and
yet differing in judgment from the Church of England.
(5.) April 13. An Act for establishing a Register Office and the
several fees that belong thereunto.
(6.) May 19. An Act for the settlement of the customs or duty
of 4 per cent.
(7.) May 19. An Act against swearing, cursing, and drunkenness.
(8.) May 19. An Act for the due observation of the exercise of the
discipline of war in this island, for preventing of the unnecessary
wasting of powder.
(9.) Sept. 15. An Act for the raising of a public treasure. 13 pp.
[Col. Entry Bks., No. XLIX., pp. 15-27 ; also No. L., pp. 261-272.]
1903. The titles of seven of the preceding Acts, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 7, and 9. [Col. Entry Bk., No. CII., p. 1.]
1904. Duplicate of the above Act of Assembly of Antigua for
the raising of a public treasure. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XLIX.,
pp. 59-61.]
1905. Twelve Acts passed in the island of Montserrat, viz. :
(1.) May 6. An Act for new granting, settling, and confirming
the duty, impost, or custom of 4 per cent. of the growth of this
Island. (In margin), "Repealed."
(2.) 15 April. An Act declaring the former grant of the duty of
4 per cent. lost and null within this island.
(3.) April 16. An Act for new granting and confirming the duty
or custom of 4 per cent.
(4.) April 16. An Act for condemning all lands lost to his Majesty
in the said island.
(5.) April 17. An Act for re-investing all proprietors in their
lands with certain exceptions.
(6.) Sept. 12. An Act for the raising of maintenance for a preaching
minister, &c.
(7.) Sept. 19. An Act for the speedy erecting and building of a
place for the Court of Judicature now or hereafter to be erected in
this island to be kept in and for the speedy erecting of beacons in
the several parts of this island.
(8.) Sept. 19. An Act against all such as neglect their duty at
musters, or are disobedient to their Commanders, or negligent upon
the watch or at rendezvous, or on the march, and to prevent persons
listed in one division from removing to another without lawful
notice given to their commanders ; as also for making provision
for the raising of a magazine in this island. (In margin) "Reenacted
in 1693."
(9.) Sept. 19. An Act for the speedy building of a town at
Brisketts Bay in this island. (In margin) "Expired."
(10.) Oct. 26. An Act for settling of the Secretary's and Marshal's
fees in this island, with a list of the fees annexed.
(11.) Nov. 27. An Act against scandalous speeches against
Members of the Council and Assembly, and against opprobrious
language between English, Scotch, and Irish, &c.
(12.) Dec. 23. An Act to prevent the trouble of jurors in actions
not exceeding 1,000 lbs. of sugar. Together 18 pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
No. XLIX., pp. 61-78.] The preceding 12 Acts are printed in the
"Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Montserrat from 1668
to 1740 inclusive. London, 1740." [Col. Entry Bk., No. LV., pp.
1906. Copies of four of the above Acts passed in Montserrat,
numbered 1, 4, 5, and 11, also two additional Acts, viz. :
19 Sept. An Act against carrying fire amongst canes, &c.
19 Oct. An Act for repairing the highways and keeping them so.
16 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. L., pp. 183-198.]
1907. Brief account of the loss of the ship Hope in 1667, belonging
to Thos. Martyn of London, merchant, Christopher Lugwel,
master, taken near Hispaniola 8th November 1667, by a French
man-of-war, the Fortune, Guill. Champaine, Commander, notwithstanding
the Peace. On 6th December the Governor of Jamaica
sent the master and some of the company to Tortuga, to demand
of the Governor, M. Ogeron, and of Capt. Champaine, restoration of
ship, goods, and damages, upon which the ship and some few of the
servants and goods were delivered up, but did not pay for fetching
and re-fitting to sea. William Lyster, mate, swears the loss to be
5,667l. besides returns ; Robert Johnson, carpenter, 6,465l. ; and
Richard Mortimer, passenger, 6,395l. ; Capt. Champaine by a note
confesses taking the ship. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII.,
No. 104.]
1908. Extracts from Treaties with Spain, France, Denmark, and
Holland, arranged in columns, with heading in Williamson's hand,
As to the Peace with Spain in the Indies, the article of the
Treaty that stipulates it seems to be as large and comprehensive as
those of any other Treaties by virtue of which his Majesty has now
peace with any his neighbours. Indorsed, 1668, 2 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXIII., No. 105.]
1909. List of necessaries for a ship of 250 or 300 tons, furnished
with 12 sloops and 60 or 70 men, for a fishing voyage to Newfoundland ;
these include provisions and all kinds of furniture, stores, and
implements. French, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 106.]
1910. Petition of John Julius, of North Yarmouth, planter, to the
King and Council. Petitioner was for divers years an inhabitant of
St. Christopher's, until the French surprised the island and took his
whole estate ; but understanding that said island is again surrendered
to the English, prays leave to transport himself, his wife and family,
and 150l. in goods, from London to Middleburgh, where a passage
offers for said island. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 107.]
1911. Petition of Abraham Sumers, a maimed soldier, to the King
and Council. On 25 June last he delivered a petition showing that
he served under Sir Tobias Bridge in the West Indies for upwards
of two years without pay, and is now, on his return to England
for his cure, threatened by Capt. Mallett, who commanded his company,
with the loss of his ears and that he would run him thro' "if
he makes oath against Lord Willoughby" concerning the loss of St.
Christopher's. Prays for the speedy discharge of his pay, being
afraid to walk the streets and in danger of losing his life. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 108.]