America and West Indies: February 1661

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'America and West Indies: February 1661', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: February 1661', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: February 1661". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

February 1661

Feb. 4.
Inner Court of Wards.
15. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Forty pounds a tun to be given for brandy out of a French ship lately arrived, for Jamaica, to be stowed on the Diamond frigate and Rose Bush ; a course taken to prevent the Indians being taken prisoners or any injury done them. Copies of all Patents recorded and remaining in the Rolls Six Clerks Office, or in any other Court or office concerning Government or propriety in any Foreign Plantation to be brought to this Council, and entered in a book for that purpose according to the King's Commission and Instructions to this Council. The letter prepared for Virginia to be read on Monday 11th instant. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 14.]
Feb. 4/14.
The Hague.
16. Act of the States General permitting all Christian people of tender conscience in England or elsewhere oppressed full liberty to erect a colony in the West Indies, between New England and Virginia, now within the jurisdiction of Peter Stuyvesant, the States General's Governor for the West India Company, on certain conditions and privileges.Also, the conditions and privileges granted by the West India Company to all such people as shall be disposed to take up their abode in those parts, viz., in the New Netherlands ; and summary advertisements concerning the above mentioned colony. These describe the tract of land as lying between 30 and 40 degrees, not above six weeks sail from Holland, and as yet uninhabited, abounding in grapes and other fruits, which grow naturally and far surpass any in Europe. The land very fertile in all kinds of grain ; also very good tobacco and several sorts of dyes. Furs to be had of the natives very reasonable ; store of saltpetre, excellent venison, elks, and marvellous plenty in all kinds of food, of land and sea fowl, and excellent fat and wholesome fish ; the mountainous part of the country stored with several sorts of minerals, and great profit from traffic with the natives, who are naturally a mild people. Indorsed, "Long Island. Vera copia of the Dutch Act." 2 pp. Printed in New York Documents, III., 37-39. [Correspond. Holland.]
Feb. 5.
Point Cagway. Jamaica.
17. Edward D'Oyley, General in Chief in America, to all Governors of Islands, captains of ships, officers, and soldiers under his command. His Majesty having commanded a cessation of arms they are hereby ordered to cease from all acts of hostility against the king of Spain, or any of his subjects, and treat them with civility and courtesy. All captains of ships of war abroad with General D'Oyley's commission to return with all speed for further orders. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 5.]
Feb. 5. 18. Petition and representation of John Clarke, on behalf of the Colony of Rhode Island and the rest of Providence Plantations, to the King. Recapitulates and encloses former petition, and earnestly appeals for protection, and for a more absolute, ample and free Charter of Civil Incorporation. [Indorsed, Rec. 5th Feb. 1661.] Annexed,
I. Petition of John Clarke to the King. [See ante, No. 10. Together 2 pp. Col. Papers, Vol. XV., Nos. 6, 6 I.]
Feb. 5. 19. Two Copies of the above Petition and Enclosure. Indorsed by Sec. Nicholas : "Isle of Providence for a Corporation." Together 3 papers. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., Nos. 7, 8. 9.]
Feb. 8.
20. Commission appointing Col. Edward D'Oyley Governor of Jamaica. With power to choose a Council of 12 persons, and by the advice of any five or more of them to erect and constitute Civil Judicatories, to muster and command the military forces of the Island, "to fight, kill, slay, repress, and subdue all such as shall in hostile or mutinied manner, by insurrection, or invasion, disturb the peace or attempt the surprise of said Island," and to execute martial law. To appoint Commissioners to inquire into the trade most advantageous for the inhabitants, and to pass any Acts tending to their security and prosperity. To administer the oath of allegiance. In case of death or removal seven of the Council to assume the Government, and within one week choose a new Governor till further orders. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 10.]
Feb. 8. 21. Copy of preceding Commission. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 27, pp. 3-5.]
Feb.? 22. Instructions to Edward D'Oyley, Governor of Jamaica. To call together the officers of the army and planters and publish his Commission, and proclaim the King in the usual form. To proceed to the election of a Council of 12 persons, but the Sec. always to be one, five of whom shall form a quorum. His Commission and Instructions to be read to them. To settle Judicatories for civil affairs and admiralty, all Judges and Officers taking the oaths of allegiance. To discountenance and punish drunkenness and debauchery, and give the best encouragement to Ministers that Christianity and the Protestant religion, according to the profession of the Church of England, may have due reverence and exercise amongst them. To command all persons to work by turns for the completion of the fortifications at Cagway. To encourage the people to plant and improve the Island, by the assurance of His Majesty's special favour and protection. To cause a general survey of the Island to be made, with a description of its resources. To order the Sec. to keep a registry of settled plantations with their boundaries, and to require those who pretend to a title to any plantation to plant a proportionable part within a limited time. To encourage negroes, natives, and others that will live under His Majesty's obedience. To encourage and invite merchants and traders, and discountenance and suppress "all engrossing of commodities which tends exceedingly to the prejudice of that freedom which trade ought to have." To employ ships which can be spared from the necessary defence of the Island in fetching planters from other Colonies, and to suffer no soldiers to leave the Island without special licence. To reserve all provisions and ammunition sent out for public uses. And to give account of the condition of the Island as often as opportunity can be had, and of all West Indian affairs. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 11.]
Feb.? 23. Copy of preceding instructions. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 27, pp. 6-8.]
Feb. 11.
Inner Court of Wards.
24. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Lord Robartes reported the King's pleasure that the letter prepared for Barbadoes be directed to Lord Willoughby of Parham, Governor, and the Council there, which is to this effect : That the King has appointed them under the Great Seal a standing Council to take into their consideration, care, and conduct the present and future condition of foreign plantations, not only as regards their inspection and management, but their manufactures, navigation, and commerce. They are to take especial care for the preservation of union and public peace, upon the grounds on which they subsisted and prospered before the island was disturbed by the fleet sent against it in 1651. To send an account of their means of defence, the strength of their forts and conduct of their militia, how such public charges are borne, in what manner the payments are raised, and by whom disposed of. To draw up, with the assistance of the judges, the method of government and the heads at least of the laws, customs, and constitutions by which public justice is administered. To give a conjectural account of the number of inhabitants and their increase or decrease for the last seven years ; the number of freeholders, conditional servants, and blacks ; also the number necessary by way of yearly supply to the use of the island. What commodities are chiefly planted by the inhabitants, and what seem most worthy of prosecution and encouragement. The number of ships that have traded there the past year, their burthen, and commodities, &c. To carry into execution the late Act of Parliament for increase of navigation. To take every opportunity to contribute to the defence, welfare, or increase of Jamaica by allowing such as have been servants [in Barbadoes] freely to go there Especially to admonish the Governments and inhabitants of the several Colonies that above all things they prosecute the reformation of debaucheries and licentious conversations, the ill example of which brings scandal upon Christianity and deters others from esteeming it. All religious exercises according to the profession of the Church of England to be enjoined and practised, and learned and orthodox ministers encouraged to come among them, it being to the shame of a rich and flourishing people to be without a ministry proportionable to their numbers and condition, necessary not only for themselves, but for the winning such as are purchased by them as slaves to the Christian faith and making them capable of being baptized thereinto. The King's declaration from Breda is sent, also an Act of Indemnity, and they are urged to endeavour to lay aside animosities begotten by the late distracted and unsettled times, and unite affectionately, so that former differences be buried in oblivion. Letter prepared for Virginia to be directed to Sir Wm. Berkeley, Governor for the time being, and the Council there, and read at the next meeting. Petition of Col. Tuke touching an office proposed to be erected for registering servants to be sent to the Plantations, read and ordered to be considered on 18th inst. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, pp. 15-17.]
Feb. 11.
Inner Court of Wards.
25. Orders of the Council for Foreign Plantations. The letter for Barbadoes [calendared in preceding entry] is signed and ordered to be directed according to his Majesty's pleasure. Also the letter prepared for Virginia and Col. Tuke's petition and papers as above stated. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 12.]
Feb. 11. 26. Governor Endecott, in the name and by order of the General Court, to the King. To the high and mightie Prince Charles the Second, by the Grace of God King of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith.
Most gratious and dread Soveraigne.
May it please your Majestie, In the day wherein you happilie say you now knowe that you are king over your Brittish Israel to cast a favourable eye upon your poore Mephibosheth, now, and by reason of lamenes in respect of distance not untill now, appearing in your presence, we meane New England, kneeling with the rest of your subjectes before your Majestie as her restored king. We forgett not our ineptness as to theise approaches, we at present owne such impotencie, as renders us unable to excuse our impotencie of speaking unto our Lord the King, yet contemplating such a king who hath also seene adversitie, that he knoweth the heart of exiles, who himselfe hath bene an exile. The aspect of Majestie thus extraordinarilie circumstanced influenceth and animateth examinated outcastes yet outcastes (as we hope for the trueth) to make this addresse unto their Prince, hoping to finde grace in your sight, we present this script, the transcript of our loyall hearts into your Royall handes. Wherein we crave leave To supplicate your Majestie for your gratious protection of us in the continuance both of our civill priveledges according to and of our religious liberties the grantees knowen end of suing for the Patent conferred upon this plantation by your Royall father. This. This, vizt., our libertie to walke in the faith of the gosple with all good conscience according to the order of the gospell (unto which the former in theise endes of the earth is but subservient) was the cause of our transporting ourselves with our wives and little ones and our substance from that pleasant land over the Atlantick ocean into this vast and wast wildernes, chusing rather the pure Scripture Worship with a good conscience in this poore remote wildernes amongest the heathens, then the pleasures of England, with submission to the impositions of the then so disposed and so farre prevailing Hierarchie which we could not doe without an evill conscience. For this cause we are at this day in a land which lately was not sewen, wherein we have conflicted with the suffrings thereof much longer then Jacob was in Syria. Our witnes is in heaven that we left not our countrie upon any dissatisfaction as to the constitution of the civill State. Our lot after the example of the good old nonconformist, hath bene onely to act a passive parte throughout theise late vicissitudes and successive overturninges of State. Our separation from our bretheren in this desert hath bene and is a suffring, bringing to mynde the affliction of Joseph. But providentiall exemption of us heereby from the late warres and temptations of either partie we account as a favor from God. The former clotheth us with sackcloth, the latter with innocence. What reception, courtisie, and equanimitie those gentlemen and others adherers to the Royall interest in their adverse changes visited theise partes were entertayned with amongst us, according to the meanesse of our condition we appeale to their owne reportes. Touching complaintes put in against us, our humble request onely is, that for the interim wherein we are dumb by reason of absence, your Majestie would permit nothing to make an impression upon your Royall heart against us untill we have oportunitie and licence to answere for ourselves. Few will be nocent said that impleader if it be enough to deny, few will be innocent, replied the then Emperor, if it be enough to accuse. Concerning the Quakers, open capitall blasphemers, open seducers from the glorious Trinitie, the Lords Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ, the blessed gospell, and from the holy Scriptures as the rule of life, open enemies to government itselfe as established in the handes of any but men of their owne principles, malignant and assiduous promoters of doctrines directly tending to subvert both our Churches and State, after all other meanes for a longe time used in vaine, we were at last constreyned for our owne safetie to passe a sentence of banishment against them upon paine of death such was their dangerous impetuous and desperate turbulence to religion and to the State civill and ecclesiasticall as that how unwilling soever could it have bene avoided. The Magistrate at last [least] in conscience both to God and man judged himselfe called for the defence of All, to keepe the passage with the point of the sword held towards them. This could doe no harme to him that would be warned thereby. Their wittinglie rushing themselves thereupon was their owne act, and we with all humilitie conceive a crime bringing their blood upon their owne heads. The Quakers died not because of their other crimes how capitall soever, but uppon their superadded presumptuous and incorrigible contempt of aucthoritie, breaking in upon us notwithstanding the sentence of banishment made knowen unto them ; had they not been restreined so far as appeared, there was too much cause to feare that we ourselves must quickly have dyed or worse. And such was their insolencie that they would not be restreined but by death ; nay, had they at last but promised to departe the Jurisdiccon, and not to returne without leave from aucthoritie, we should have bene glad of such an oportunitie to have said they should not dye. Let not the kinge heare men's wordes : your servants are true men, fearers of God and the Kinge, not given to change, zealous of goverment and order, orthodox and peaceable in Israel, we are not seditious as to the interest of Csar nor schismaticks as to the matters of religion. We distinguish betweene churches and their impurities, betweene a living man, though not without sicknes or infirmities, and no man. Irregularities either in ourselves or others we desire to be amended. We could not live without the publick worship of God, we were not permitted the use of publick worship without such a yoake of subscription and conformity as we could not consent unto without sinne ; that we might therefore enjoy divine worship without humane mixtures, without offence either to God or man or our owne consciences we with leave but not without teares departed from our Countrie, kindred, and fathers house into this Patmos. In relation whereunto we doe not say our garmentes are become old by reason of the very long journey, but that ourselves who came away in our strength are by reason of very long absence many of us become gray headed and some of us stooping for age. The omission of the prementioned injunctions together with the walking of our Churches as to the point of order in the congregationall way is all wherein we differ from our orthodox brethren. Sir, we lye not before your sacred Majestie the Lord God of Godes, the Lord God of Godes he knoweth and Israel he shall know, if it were in rebellion or schisme that we wittinglie left our dwelling in our owne or continew our dwellinges in this strange land, save us not this day. Royall Sir, if according to this our humble petition and good hope the God of the Spirittes of all flesh, the Father of mercies who comforteth the abject shall make the permission of the bereavement of that. All for which we have and doe suffer the losse of all, pretious so pretious in your sight, as that your Royall heart shalbe inclined to shew unto us your kindnes of the Lord in your Majesties protection of us in those liberties for which we hither came and which hitherto we have heere enjoyed upon Hezekiah's speaking comfortable to us as to sonnes. This orphan shall not continew fatherles but grow up as a revived infant under its nursing father, theise Churches shalbe comforted in a dore of hope opened by so signall a pledge of the lengthning of their tranquillitie, theise poore and naked Gentiles not a few of whom through grace are come and coming in, shall still see their wonted teachers with incouragement of a more plentifull increase of the kingdome of Christ amongest them. And the blessing of your poore afflicted and yet (we hope) a people trusting in God shall come upon the head and heart of that great king who was sometime an exile as we are. With the religious stipulation of our prayers we prostrate at your royall feete beg pardon for this our boldnes, craving finallie that our names may be inrolled amongest
Your Majesties
most humble subjectes and suppliantes,
Jo. Endecott, Governor,
in the name and by the order of the generall court. Endorsed, by Sec. Sir Edward Nicholas R[eceived] 13 Feb. 1660 [-1]. Read in Council the 6 March 1661-2. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 13.]
Feb. 11. 27. The Humble Petition and Address of the General Court sitting at Boston, in New England, unto the High and Mighty Prince Charles the Second, and presented unto His Most Gracious Majesty. Feb. 11, 1660[-1]. A printed copy of the preceding. 8 pp. Also a MS. copy of same. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., Nos. 14, 15.]
Feb. 12.
Custom House, London.
28. Commissioners of Customs to Sir Philip Warwick. Some merchants trading for New England find themselves very much grieved in respect of the strictness of the Act of Navigation. The commodities of that country are generally clapboards, pipestaves, and other timber, fish and such gruff commodities, which may be better vended in other parts than here at the merchant's desire, they request power to take bond of merchants trading to foreign parts to return the proceeds of the commodities they lade there and not bind them to return the commodities in specie, as by the letter of said Act seems to be enjoined. With Minute, that the Lord Treasurer may think this business worthy of his motion at the Council board as well for settling it at London as in the Plantations. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 16.]
Feb. 13.
Custom House, London.
29. The Commissioners of Customs to Sir Philip Warwick. Several ships are now staying here for which the merchants are at great charge, expecting a result in the business concerning which they wrote yesterday. Earnestly entreat him to remind the Lord Treasurer, who they understand has moved the Council Board, that somewhat may be determined for the merchants' just accommodation. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 17.]
Feb. 13.
30. Order in Council.On reading a "Narrative" from the Officers and Commissioners of Customs, the Lord Treasurer is directed to give them power and authority to take bonds of the merchants trading for New England as they request, and further the Lord Treasurer is desired to write to the Governor of that Plantation giving him the same liberty to take the like bonds there. Annexed,
Lord Treasurer Southampton, to [Commissioners of Customs]. To see that the directions in the above order be carefully observed. Southampton House, 15 Feb. 1661. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., Nos. 18, 18 I.]
Feb. 15.
31. The King to [the Governor of] New England. It having pleased God, after long trials both to the King and his people, to touch their hearts at last with a just sense of His Majesty's right, and by their assistance to restore him peaceably and without blood, the King has made it his care to settle his lately distracted kingdoms at home, and to extend his thoughts to increase the trade and advantages of his Colonies and Plantations abroad, among which His Majesty considers New England to be one of the chiefest, having enjoyed and grown up in a long and orderly establishment, so the King will not come behind any of his Royal predecessors in a just encouragement and protection of all his subjects there, whose application to His Majesty has been very acceptable, neither will he forget to make his good people in those parts equal partakers of those promises of liberty and moderation to tender consciences expressed in His Majesty's Gracious Declarations, which he is confident his good subjects in New England will make a right use of. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LX., pp. 18-19.]
Feb. 18.
Inner Court of Wards.
32. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. The Lords of the Privy Council who are members of this Council to be desired to attend on 25th instant, to debate upon Col. Tuke's petition and proposals concerning the registering of planters and servants going to the Foreign Plantations. Petition of Bonnell and other merchants to transport 20 servants on the Diamond frigate to Jamaica referred to a Committee, who are directed to draw up an Address to the King asking leave accordingly, and for another ship to be speedily prepared for Jamaica. The King to be moved to issue a Proclamation to prohibit tobacco planting in England according to the late Act of Parliament. Copy of letter to be sent to Virginia to the same effect as the letter for Barbadoes [see ante, No. 24], but with these additions, that the Governor and Council of Virginia be recommended to instruct some planters or others well acquainted with their affairs to represent them in England, that they apply themselves to the increase and improvement of flax, silk, and other manufactures, and enforce all laws for the planting of such commodities and white mulberry trees, to which they are also to give every encouragement. To inform the Council how many parishes the country is divided into, how many are supplied with ministers and what allowances they receive, also to consider of proposals to encourage others to go to them with a certain livelihood and subsistence. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 99, pp. 18-21.]
Feb. 19. 33. Information of Edward Godfrey, sometime Governor of the Province of Maine. The great benevolences that have been so publicly known to propagate the Gospel in New England are but in effect to be [establish] there a free State, the private acting as yet he conceals, there is a snake in the weeds. There is a corporation sitting formerly at Cooper's Hall, commonly on Saturdays. For the business, Hugh Peters confessed to 60,000l., and last year they said they purchased land to about 1,000l. per annum, but now shrunk to 700l. ; "they Israelites, I an Egyptian, conquered of "them by the teeth of their swords." He most humbly petitioned for something here to relieve his eight years "exturped" of his means. Has faithfully served 30 years amongst them, the first planter, a vast estate spent, his nearest relation in the discovery slain by the Indians, and his only son ruined by the country where Godfrey was governor 20 years. The state of the business is, there is one Smith, whom Godfrey met at Mr. Attorney-General's, solicits to have the patent renewed. Mr. Ashworth, at the Key, in Watling Street ; Alderman Peake, at 3 Arrows, in Cannon Street ; Mr. Roffe, a scrivener, at the backside of the Exchange, near the Ship Tavern ; Mr. Michelson, at the Angel, a linen-draper's, in Cheapside ; Mr. Wolner, a woollen-draper, in Gratious Street ; Mr. Bell, at Tower Street. None other there or here had any acting in these affairs that did not idolize the church covenant. Great mulcts and fines were imposed upon those of the Church of England only for petitioning to have the liberty of free-born English. The tribute received from the Indians amounts yearly to a considerable sum. Annexed,
Edward Godfrey to Sec. Sir Edward Nicholas. Formerly he gave him in print an appendix to the petition to the Usurper Cromwell and Parliament, concerning the North part of America. One particular patent of the Massachusetts, at Boston, has usurped all the country to subjection, being gente inemica to loyalty, in practice to be a free State. Was turned out of his patent because he came to give an account of 55 years travel, of which 46 in civil employment, for his country 27 there, aged 77 years. Begs to be heard on what may be of higher concernment than if all the Baltic Sea were annexed to the King's empire. Has suffered eight years, and now for all his service for his country is like to perish for want. 1660, July 15. Together 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., Nos. 19, 20.]
Feb.? 34. Petition of Wm. Latham, Andrew Beech, Godfrey Havercamp, Sam. Baker, John Johnson, John Downing, and Anne Henshaw, widow, trustees for themselves, and above fourscore other persons to the King. Petitioners in 1644 obtained a decree in Chancery for 30,000l., debts due to them from the late Earl of Carlisle, whose son, on 30th Dec. 1649, granted an assignment to the petitioners, for 21 years, of one half of the profits arising out of the Carribbee Islands, demising the other half to Fras. Lord Willoughby, who he constituted his Lieut.-General of those islands, also for 21 years. Shortly after Lord Willoughby had repaired thither he fell under the displeasure of "the pretended Parliament," who sent a fleet to reduce Barbadoes, since which time the petitioners have not received one penny, and the said Earl has lately surrendered to his Majesty all his right and title to the Caribbees. Pray that "in this time of public rejoicing for His Majesty's happy restoration, they may not be forced to mourn in want and misery ;" that their former assignment may be ratified, or some other way be devised for payment of their debts. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 21.]
35. Copy of preceding petition. The names of John Downing and Anne Henshaw are omitted, as is also the paragraph in above petition of the surrender of the Earl of Carlisle's right and title to the Caribbee Islands to the King. This petition is signed. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 22.]
Feb. 20.
36. Order of the King in Council. That the Earl of Kinnoul, Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Thomas Kendall, merchant, on behalf of Mr. Courteen and all other persons who pretend interest or title to Barbadoes and other the Caribbee Islands, forthwith deliver to the Attorney-General their several patents, writings, and other instruments by which they claim the same, and that they attend this Board with their Council on 1st March next, when their several pretences are appointed to be discussed, and such order will be given as shall be thought fit. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 23.]
1661? 37. Petition of Richd. Downing, And. Buck [? Beech] Godfrey Havercamp, Sam. Baker, John Johnston, and Anne Henshaw, trustees for themselves and about 80 other creditors of Jas. the elder Earl of Carlisle, to the King. Petitioners, after a long suit in Chancery, obtained, in 1644, a decree for 40,000l. (sic.), debt due to them, and by several indentures one moiety of the profits from the Caribbee Islands were entrusted to Lord Willoughby for 21 years, and the other moiety to the petitioners. Most of those debts were contracted by the first Earl in several public embassies and the remainder in furnishing the islands ; petitioners have spent 1,200l. in prosecuting their claims, but have not as yet received one penny. On 1st March last [1661] they submitted their pretences to the Council, relying upon His Majesty "allowing them a due compensation, but have not been since in the least informed of the King's determination. Pray for some relief and that their debts may be charged upon the profits of those islands." Indorsed by Sec. Nicholas. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 24.]
1661. Feb. 25. 38. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Information from the Captain of the Diamond Frigate and the Rosebush, bound for Jamaica, that he cannot take the King's brandy and forty-four thousand (sic.) of his bread ; the Duke of York to be entreated to command that they be sent, and other goods less necessary for the island taken out. p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 21.]