America and West Indies: July 1666

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'America and West Indies: July 1666', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: July 1666', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: July 1666". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

July 1666

July 2/12.
The Castle of Quebec.
1226. M. Courcelle to [M. D'Hinse? surgeon at Albany]. His of the 25 Feb./7 March received, from which he understands the care taken of his seven soldiers left behind, and also that the Iroquois ambassadors testify their willingness for peace. The assurance his directors have given to M. De Tracy, and the Christain charity used, have induced him to listen to and treat them as favourably as possible, and to grant them the Rev. Father Beschefer and three others whom they desired that the Agnieronnons [Mohawks] may come in all safety. The letters they brought were of considerable service, M. De Tracy being always disposed to respect whatever his directors interest themselves in, which is confirmed by the fact that he has now a very considerable body of troops, the true way to bring them to reason, though the war parties have been counter ordered. Is glad his Gov.-Gen. has chosen M. Corlart to come hither, for the Agnieronnons will trust them more readily, being assured of his probity. The ambassadors have demanded 40 days for coming, which he believes is enough. Cannot give any news from Europe, their ships not having arrived ; they have only heard through savages from Acadia that four French ships were arrived at Gasp and eight more expected, and the wind being contrary, M. De Tracy has resolved to send M. Le Chevallier de Grand Fontaine, Capt. in the regiment of Carignan, in a frigate to seek the letters from France, so that he cannot receive news but by the return of M. Corlart. Requests him to send back the seven soldiers if they are cured, and the 11 who could not follow with M. Corlart. Thanks M. Corlart and M. Rinselart for their remembrance. A translation in English is printed in New York Documents, III., 127, 128. French, 1 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 106.]
July 2/12.
1227. M. Mailoy? to M. D'Hinse? surgeon at Albany. Thanks him for the favour shown to his brother-in-law, and hopes to be able to serve him some day. There is no news but that there are four ships in the river with troops. Expect 11 or 12 ships this year with a large number of soldiers, for last year seven ships arrived with 1,800 persons from France. Believes M. De Tracy will set out soon to meet the savages ; hopes to accompany him and to have the honour of paying him a visit. Begs him to salute "Madamoizel vostre fame." An incorrect translation in English is printed in New York Documents, III., 128, 129. French, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 107.]
July 4/14.
1228. Governor Tracy [to the Commissaries of Albany]. In answer to theirs of 16/26 March, which was handed to him only on the 6th inst. by the Anoyots [Oneidas] will willingly accede to a peace with the whole of their nation, but on such conditions as shall be considered just when the Commissaries come hither with order and power from their Governor-General. As the said Iroquois have always broken their word and used so many extraordinary cruelties, it would not be prudent to lose the opportunity of destroying them when he has so many soldiers. That the Commissaries may understand his confidence in them he has ordered two detachments each of 200 men to return to their quarters, though he fears it may cost the lives of some poor people by four parties which the Iroquois have despatched beyond their country, yet he prefers to risk this for the sake of the general tranquility, having news that of 12 ships sent by the King, there are already four near the Isle of Perse and Gasp. That they may be assured he always continues as sincerely disposed as when he acted in the islands of America with Lord Vuillimgbye [Willoughby] and the Dutch, he has requested the Superior of the Jesuits to permit Father Bechefer to repair to their quarters with three others to give spiritual aid to the soldiers whom M. De Courcelle, Governor-General of Canada, left there. The Iroquois naturally distrustful will also feel safe when they see that said Father will serve as an escort on their return, and in whom the Commissaries may place entire confidence. Not to lose precious time in useless conferences he has given the Iroquois 40 days to repair to this city ; and should be very glad if that term can be abridged by their intervention. Indorsed, "M. de Tracy his letter to the Commissaries of Albany." A translation in English is printed in New York Documents, III., 129, 130. French, 1 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 108.]
July 4/14.
1229. G. Fruiou to Mons. Dainse? [D'Hinse?] at Orange. Writes these few lines to testify his affection and offer his services in these parts, and to say that when the French returned he was sorry to hear that the Sieur Banchaud had not mentioned the writer's name to him, and also whether they might sail to his colony. Has married Mdlle. Cousseau who he met last year at Rochelle. This is why he hopes for leave to visit him, and that they may trade together. Wishes to know the most suitable articles for his country, and the prices. News that 10 or 12 ships are coming, of which four are at Isle Perce. Wishes to know all that passes between the Iroquois and French. Messages to his wife and family, and not to fail to send a letter to Mons. Cousseau. French, 2 pp. A translation in English is printed in New York Documents, III., 130, 131. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 109.]
July 4.
1230. Tho. Prence on behalf of the Court of New Plymouth colony to Col. Nicolls. Concerning a dispute at the town of Secunke about the election of Mr. Myles or Mr. Sims as public preacher there ; and the reasons which induced the court not to allow Mr. Myles to be public preacher there till better informed. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 110.]
July 5.
1231. Thos. Ludwell, Secretary of Virginia, to Sec. Lord Arlington. Would much rather appear impertinent than ungrateful, so troubles his Lordship with his most humble acknowledgments for those favourable expressions Col. Moryson received in the writer's behalf, and beseeches a continuance of them. Will send by the next fleet a full account of all their public concerns. Indorsed, Received Dec. 10, 1666. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 111.]
July 6.
Fort James, New York.
1232. Col. Nicolls to (the Council of Massachussetts). Has lately heard that his Majesty has authorised them to reduce Canada, and therefore thinks it his duty to give them advertisement of an opportunity that presents itself towards facilitating if not wholly effecting the work at once. Received letters yesterday that about 700 French were marching towards Albany ; presumes they will not openly profess themselves enemies till they have vanquished or made peace with the Mohawks, but has strengthened his garrison and sent Governor Winthrop an account hereof. Cannot imagine why so fair an advantage should be let slip, for if from their colony a speedy force of 150 horse would march and join with a proportionable number from Connecticut, but few of the French could return to Canada, whose whole strength is now so far engaged from home, and the rest will not be able to make any considerable resistance. Will not make use of other arguments, not doubting that the common safety is precious to them, although the danger at present more immediately threatens New York. 1 pp. Printed in New York Documents, III., 120. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 112.]
July 7. 1233. John Fitzherbert to Williamson. All the Virginia fleet belonging to Bristol, being 20 sail, safely arrived at Kinsale ; only the Alexander, a ship of good burden, being a slow sailer, was taken by a Dutch man-of-war, much to the shame of the rest, for though in sight of them not one would stop to her rescue. Several letters to merchants of Bristol from masters of ships say there are now in Kinsale roads about 70 ships from Barbadoes, Virginia, and Nevis, all staying in hopes of convoy for England ; though some for a good market will probably venture sooner, the wind being fresh at West. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXI., No. 139, Cal., p. 507.]
July 9. 1234. John Fitzherbert to Williamson. The French fleet still about Lisbon, and have landed eight or ten thousand men to assist the Portuguese against the Spaniard. The Virginia fleet is still at Kinsale expecting a convoy. From several hands there is an account of six Barbadoes ships taken, which makes merchants in Bristol look very blank, it being a very considerable loss. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXII., No. 13, Cal., p. 512.]
July 10. 1235. Thos. Mayden to Rev. Jos. Hill, Leyden. The French have surprised the English at St. Christopher's, and put them all to the sword, a cruelty never heard of before. Either the English loss in the last engagement is not so great as it is made here, or they will not confess it in England. The Holland fleet is not 70 strong. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXII., No. 60 IV., Cal., p. 521.]
July 11.
1236. Samuel Willis in the name of the Governor and Assistants (of Connecticut) to Col. Nicolls. They have had serious consideration of his letter of the 5th inst. (sic), and though there will be much difficulty in sparing any men from the harvest, yet will study the public safety. Their difficulties concerning the Mohawks, upon whom the French are warring, and who have been long inveterate enemies to the Indians about them, which make it dangerous to part with any of their strength until an agreement be concluded with the Mohawks. Will order their military men to see their arms ready for service. It will be very difficult to pass Fort Albany with a troop, the way is so bad. They are glad to hear that he is strengthening his garrison at Albany. Whether it may not be good to let the French and Mohawks try it out ; and, if the Dutch can be kept from supplying them, it will much weaken them. Hope all the colonies will attend to their duty in a matter so momentous. They have this day desired the Governor and Council of Massachusetts to join with them in council and assistance, who are in as great hazard as New York or their own town. 1 p. Printed in New York Documents, III., 120, 121. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 113.]
July 12.
James City.
1237. Articles agreed upon at James City between Thos. Ludwell, Secretary of Virginia, Maj.-Gen. Robt. Smith, Maj.-Gen. Richard Bennett, Capt. Dan. Parke, Capt. Jos. Bridgen, Capt. Peter Jennings, and Thos. Ballard, Commissioners from Gov. Berkeley, and the Commissioners from Maryland and Carolina, for a total cessation from planting tobacco in the year 1667. Attested copy by Ludwell. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 114.]
July 12. 1238. Thos. Waade to Williamson. The country is vehemently exasperated against the French barbarism exercised upon the poor Englishmen in St. Christopher's Island. [Extract from Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXII., No. 91, Cal., p. 527.]
July 12/22.
1239. Governor Tracy to [the Commissaries at Albany]. They will see by his letter of the 4/14th the good inclination he had towards peace with the Iroquois, so that, as one of the Anoyots [Oneidas] whom he sends can testify, he had countermanded two detachments of 200 men each. Yet after the Commissaries' assurance that no act of hostility should be committed the Iroquois have assassinated seven young men, of whom four were gentlemen who went hunting, confiding in what the Commissaries had written. At once ordered the Rev. Father Bechefer and the others to return, and that the said Anoyots should be arrested at Three Rivers and brought to this place, except the one who goes with a Frenchman, and will deliver Tracy's first and this last letter. Feels exculpated by the enormity of this act should he exercise the severest rigour upon said Oneidas, and is certain of receiving all the satisfaction from the Commissaries that lies in their power. Failing this, is determined to abandon said Oneidas to the mercy of the Algonquins, who oppose here as much as possible, the conclusion of peace, reserving to himself besides to make known to all Europe that his good faith has been surprised on the assurances given to him by the Commissaries that no act of hostility should be committed while they were in treaty with said Oneidas. All he requests is that they detain the bearer only as long as is necessary, and send him back in safety to one of the French forts with their resolution in this matter. French, 1 pp. Indorsed, "Mons. Tracy, his letter to the Commissaries at Albany." A translation in English is printed in New York Documents, III., 131. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 115.]
July 12/22. 1240. Copy of the preceding. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 116.]
July 13.
1241. Gov. Berkeley and Council of Virginia to Sec. Lord Arlington. Received his letter of 23 February on 11th inst., wherein two things are particularly recommended to his care, the fortifying the country and promoting the useful commodities of silk, hemp, and flax, with the assurance of the King's assistance in the latter. Had already designed a fort at James Town, in the centre and heart of the country, but commanded so positively, they durst not disobey, to erect a fort in the extremities of the Province. Find that all the forts they can build, though never so strong, will not absolutely answer what they are designed for ; the entrance into the Province is so large that any enemy's ship may ride out of all possible danger of the greatest cannon in the world. A small ship taken by a caper within the bay. Humbly on his knees implores the King to send a frigate to guard them, to the charge of which the merchants will contribute. Have made considerable progress in silk and flax, and prepared a present of three hundred pounds of silk for his Majesty, but dare not send it in regard of the capers. Have decreed a year's cessation from planting tobacco, the quantity being so great and the price so small that they cannot live by it, the merchants not giving them the twentieth part of what they sold it for in England, and having now growing more than will be carried away in three years. Signed by Sir William Berkeley, Thomas Ludwell, Robert Smith, Rich. Bennett, Thomas Stegge, Henry Corbyn, and Tho. Bland. Indorsed, Rec. 11 Dec. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 117.]
July 13/23.
1242. Passport signed by Alexandre de Prouville, Chevalier and Seigneur de Tracy, one of the King's Council and Lieut.-Gen. in America. For the Sieur Cousture and the "Anoyot" [Oneida] with him to pass in safety to the Commissaries of Albany ; with all in his company of what nation soever. French, 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 118.]
July 14.
Clarendon in Carolina.

Shaftesbury Papers.
1243. Robt. Sandford to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina. It is not presumption but duty that presents this narrative. "The matter related was performed under your auspices in your country and by your servants. It measures to you my Lords (as his foot did Hercules) the greatness of your Sovereign's gift and to the world the greatness of your trust and favour with him. It shows you in prospective how lasting a renown you may add to your already glorious names, how boundless a grandeur to your longest posterity." Annexed,
1243. I. The Port Royal Discovery. Being the relation of a voyage on the coast of the Province of Carolina formerly called Florida in the continent of the Northern America, from Charles river near Cape Fear, in the county of Clarendon, and the latitude of 34 degrees, to Port Royal, in the north latitude of 32, begun 14th June 1666. Performed by Robert Sandford, Esq., Secretary and chief register for the Lords Proprietors of their county of Clarendon. With certificate of those who accompanied Lieut.-Col. Sandford to the richness and fertility of the soil of the country discovered and the excellency of the rivers, havens, &c., &c. Signed by Henry Brayne, George Cary, Richard Abrahall, Sam. Harvey, Thos. Giles, and Joseph Woory. 32 pp. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., No. 7.]
July 15.
1244. Governor Lord Willoughby to the King. Received on the 24th June by the two men-of-war, his Majesty's orders of 8th Feb. to use his best endeavours for beating the French out of St. Christopher's ; which by the grace of God he will do, though those two ships would have done but little towards it, so was forced to make use of authority which indeed he had not, but hopes he may receive his Majesty's warrant for to press some ships in the Road ; so that with the assistance of a loan of sugars, has been enabled to add six men-of-war, a fire-ship, and a catch. They will be a pretty handsome small fleet, and hopes to give a good account of St. Christopher's and the rest of the islands. Would not have taken this course but must have inevitably exposed his Majesty's ships to be lost ; and his interest to "a shrow'd baffle," worse than the loss of 10 such ships. Intends to see the beginning and end of it ; now is the time, and his Majesty must either beat the French out, or they will endeavour to beat him out ; hopes more men-of-war are ordered to follow. Cannot say too much for Barbadoes, nor can his Majesty do too much for them, for having but very scanty of bread to put in their mouths, yet they have spared it out of their own bellies to set your Majesty out a fleet, and keep their people constantly at work to fortify the island. "He that stopped your gracious warrant for 300 barrels of powder, and converted it into but 50, had we but the ordering of him here, I know how he would be handled." The fortifications go on apace, and his Majesty will have four seaport towns well fortified, "which will deserve 50 or 100 great guns." "They say your Majesty hath good store lie idle and useless at home ; be pleased to transmit them hither ; here they will do you service, they do but change their climate, they are still your Majesty's." Indorsed, Rec. Nov. 30. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 120.]
July 15.
1245. Governor Lord Willoughby to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Received his Majesty's orders for reducing the French on St. Christopher's on 24th June by the two men-of-war. Will do his utmost, but the ships are too few and their force too weak ; for the French, assisted by the Hollander, are very strong in shipping, and none dare come at them. The two ships sent have not four months' provisions, so that before they have well viewed the islands they must return home, which will be a greater discouragement than if they had not come. His Majesty had need send six frigates and 30 or 40 merchantmen with them three times a year, for so many these islands can freight ; otherwise time and expense are lost by these small supplies. The country have shown themselves very ready in making a loan to the King, which has enabled him to add six merchantmen, a fire-ship, and a ketch. Has been forced to take up the ships by way of impress and likewise to press men to man them, which he has no power to do by his commission ; but relies on his Majesty's favour and justice to bear him out, and prays his Lordship to procure his Majesty's warrant for his so doing. Has acquainted the King with what he has done, and sent the letter to his brother to deliver. Earnestly begs him to put the King in mind of them, and press hard that some speedy course may be taken. Will give him further accounts from the Leeward Isles, being resolved to go himself with the fleets within two days. Indorsed, Rec. 30th Nov. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 119.]
July 16.
1246. Gov. Lord Willoughby to the Privy Council. Has received their letter of the 6th April, with petition, in which he finds the factors of the Royal Company have been too busy to inform their principals with more than the truth, whereby they have procured an order from his Majesty, which if his Majesty or their Lordships had been rightly informed, they would never have given. Will not dispute their Lordships' commands, much less the King's, but desires that such bold assertions may not be too much countenanced, for he not only erected the Court of Admiralty on their petition, in special for the trial of that ship, the William and Susan, but himself sat as judge ; and when he had done all this they sent the ship by stealth out of the road, and declined the jurisdiction of the Court, which was a very high affront to his Royal High Commission. Has sent all the papers according to their order. Indorsed, Rec. 30th Nov. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 121.]
July 17. 1247. Will of Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham. After payment of his debts and funeral expenses, in particular 700l. to the executors or administrators of Lucas Lucy, merchant, unless already paid out of 3,000l. due to Lord Willoughby from his Majesty, and 480 Mexican pieces of eight to Dr. Peter La Rouse. Bequeaths to his daughters, Frances, wife of William Lord Brereton, and Elizabeth, wife of Richard Jones, eldest son of Viscount Ranelagh, his moiety of the revenue of Barbadoes and the other Caribbee Islands (except 100,000 lbs. sugar yearly to his nephew, Henry Willoughby during his stay in Barbadoes), and to their younger children (not their eldest sons) after them ; also to his said daughters his plantations, &c. on Antigua, and two-thirds of his moiety of the land in the Province of Willoughby Land, and two-thirds of his plantation of Parham Hill, on the river of Surinam, and all his private estate in Willoughby Land. To said Henry Willoughby the remaining thirds of his lands in Willoughby Land and Surinam ; to his nephew, William Willoughby, 200l. per annum for life ; to Dr. Peter La Rouse, for his constant care, 50,000 lbs. Muscovado sugar, formerly lent to him ; to his executors 20,000 lbs. sugar apiece, wherewith to buy each other a ring ; to Jane, wife of William Frith, clerk, for her faithful care in the government of testator's family, 20,000 lbs. sugar and 20l. per annum for life ; also legacies or annuities to his servants, John Fowlles, Dixon, Robert Stokes, Edward Spragg, Dodsworth, Nicholas Walker, and Richard Wills. Appoints Henry Willoughby, his nephew, Thomas Wardall, Samuel Barwick, Dr. Peter La Rouse, and testator's secretary, Henry Haughton, executors. To Henry Haughton, for his faithful services, and to attend to the payment of legacies and look after the plantations at Antigua and Surinam, his expenses and 100l. per annum for life. Appoints his brother, William Willoughby, Sir Bulstrode Whitelock, and Sir Charles Pim, overseers in trust of this will, with 20l. apiece for a ring. Testator's rents, issues, and profits in England or elsewhere to be paid to John Champante of London, merchantwho for his pains therein is allowed 100l. per annmto such uses as his said daughters or their children shall direct. Annexed is an Order from William, Archbishop of Canterbury, appointing Elizabeth Viscountess Ranelagh administratrix of this will, dated London, 10th May 1678. 9 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 122.]
1248. Petition of Dame Frances Brereton and Dame Elizabeth Jones, sole daughters and heirs of Francis Lord Willoughby, to the King. Whereas his Majesty, in the 17th year of his reign, granted to petitioners' father one moiety of the fines, customs, &c. to be raised in the Caribbee Islands, for seven years ; and that said Lord Willoughby bequeathed his whole interest in said moiety to petitioners ; and such has been his Majesty's tenderness to them therein, that debts contracted for his Majesty's service in those parts are by order of 31st July last to be satisfied out of the other moiety. Forasmuch, nevertheless, as petitioners have received no benefit from said moiety ; pray his Majesty to give order that they receive forthwith said moiety, and that all persons who have received any part thereof be accountable to them. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 123.]
July? 1249. Mons. Sauret (?) to Mons. Couture. They have met the Agnerons [? Mohawks] ambassadors one day's journey from the village, which he would have destroyed with 500 men but for the treaty of peace in which the Hollanders were mixed up. Is certain they will not complain of the treatment of the French, for he let them all go, in spite of the Algonquins, who have departed in disgust. Writes this for the assurance of those who are coming after them, and sends one of their men, who will bear witness of all that has passed. French, 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 124.]
July 18. 1250. Thos. Ludwell, Secretary of Virginia, to Sec. Lord Arlington. Complimentary. Feels the necessity of paying more than a paper acknowledgment of his Lordship's favors. Recapitulates the contents of his last letter [see ante, No. 1194]. The Assembly had ordered that one fort with all their ordnance, being 14, to be mounted upon it, should be built at James Town, where the inhabitants would be a sufficient garrison to defend it without any charge to the country, where the Assembly and all great courts are held, a place 50 miles within the river, but the King's command to build the fort at Point Comfort prevented us ; it is a place defective in all the above-mentioned advantages. Points out the evils of such a place being selected, and heartily wishes that the Governor and Council, who must necessarily have the most experience of what may be most advantageous for the country, might have something referred to their judgments and determinations. Necessity of having one or two frigates to ride in their river, because of the capers. Capture of a ship by one. Shall in little time be engaged in a war with most of their Indians. Cessation from planting tobacco in 1667 granted by Virginia, Maryland, and Carolina. Present of 300 lbs. of silk to his Majesty, the first fruits of their labours. Incloses,
A description of the Government of Virginia. Supposes his Lordship expects a relation of the present and not a full discourse of the whole Government from the first planting of the colony, which would be very hard to do by reason of the negligence of former times. Character of the Governor : a person pious and exemplary, sober in his conversation, prudent and just in peace, diligent and valiant in war ; arguments in proof of these remarks. Description of his Government. Ecclesiastical : Are subject to the see of London, and have no superior clergy amongst them. The Governor inducts no minister that is not in orders and very orthodox. Wishes my Lord of London and other great clergymen would take them a little more into their care for their better supply of ministers. Very few of their parishes give less than 100l. per annum, and many give more. Civil : The colony is divided into 19 counties, and those subdivided into parishes only, and not into hundreds or tythings, which is only necessary in more populous countries. Every county has eight or ten justices of the peace, from whom one is yearly chosen sheriff, who on sufficient security is entrusted with the collection and payment of all public levies, quit rents, with a salary of 10 per cent. thereon. Said justices or a quorum of four by commission from the Governor are constituted a Court of Judicature for trial of all causes except for life or member to the value of 20s. or 200 lbs. of tobacco, so as to prevent frivolous suits in the county courts, which are held every second month. A court of inquiry is held at least once a year, called an orphans' court, where all guardians are required to appear and bring their orphans to be examined as to the management of themselves and their estates. Appeals to the General Court at James City in September, November, and March, before the Governor and Council, which court is of a mixed constitution for all causes of what nature or value soever above 10l. or 1,500 lbs. of tobacco, and where are tried Quakers or other nonconformists who act anything contrary to the statutes of England or the laws of this country. The Governor and any three of the 16 councillors make a court. Advantages of this court, from which appeal, on security being given to prosecute, may be made to the Assembly, which consist of the Governor, Council, and two burgesses. As to the military government, the country is divided into four Provinces, one being under the Governor, and the other three under Major-Generals, one being Richard Bennet (one of Lord Arlington's family), each Major-General having two adjutants, and each county within said Provinces hath one regiment of foot under command of a colonel, generally a councillor, and in many a troop of horse. There is besides a captain of the fort commissioned by the King, and a captain of the guard commissioned by the Governor, as all other officers are. The articles with the Indians, who now hold no land but what is granted them, and if any offence be committed it is tryable in our courts or before our magistrates ; but any differences amongst the Indians themselves is still left to the decision of their own customs. Principal officers of state in Virginia :The Governor with 1,000l. a year salary, less than any other Governor in the West Indies, and too little for the necessary support of that state the Governor of this ancientest colony must keep, nor could Governor Berkeley comply with his great expenses in setting up manufactures and other excellent designs did not his necessities make him industrious on his farm, which diverts much of the care he otherwise would employ for the public. Duties of the Council, Treasurer, Secretary, Captain of the Fort, Auditor-General, and Surveyor-General : The latter keeps a book of all the surveys of land ; each of the King's subjects by an ancient indulgence of the crown having a right to 50 acres of land for every person they transport into the country, for which a patent issues from the Secretary's office to be seated within three years on pain of forfeiture, 17th September 1666. Together 7 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 125, 125 I.]
July 18/28.
Three Rivers.
1251. M. Hertel to M. D'Hinse, at Fort Orange, in New Holland. Is sorry to be obliged to write, for he had hoped to have spoken with him. M. De Tracy and the Governor [Courcelle] had chosen Hertel to go to Orange, but the last blow struck by the Maconas [Mohawks] has stopped our journey. Was still more displeased when last winter he arrived at the army four or five hours after the Governor had retreated, and heard from several Frenchmen that they had seen D'Hinse, who had asked after him ; hopes on some occasion to make some return for his good treatment. Will not give in detail his journey, but only that starting from La Manate he travelled 100 leagues by canoe, and then by boat to Boston, from whence a ship carried them to Cape Sable and Port Royal, from whence in the spring he embarked in an English pinnace to Quebec, where they arrived in good health. Is married and has a big boy, who is almost able to go and see him, only let him have 14 or 15 years more and the one he has will make 16. Salutes all his friends, particularly M. Montagne, M. Corlart, M. Le Ministre and family, especially his daughter, and M. Rinzelar, also Fellepe Jan Tomus, Reut (?) Folere, M. Abram, M. Tonnel, Jan, M. Montagne's son, Corneli Bogardus, Jan Man, Andre Martin and his brother, and M. La Batit, in short, everybody. Will remember all his life the kindness of M. D'Hinse, who his wife also embraces. Had forgotten his excellent friends Garatoc and his brother. French, 3 pp. An indifferent translation is printed in New York Documents, III., 132, 133, where for "I arrived in alarm 4 or 5 hours after the Govr," read "I arrived at the army 4 or 5 hours." [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 126.]
July 20.
1252. List of ships that came into Bristol port on the 19th and 20th July from Virginia and Barbadoes, being 23 sail, 18 from Virginia and 5 from Barbadoes, whereof all those from Virginia and one from Barbadoes were laden with tobacco ; the remaining 4 from Barbadoes being laden with sugar, indigo, and cotton. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXIII., No. 128, Cal., p. 556.]
July 21.
1253. John Fitzherbert to Williamson. The Virginia and Barbadoes fleet are arrived, in all 26 sail, most of them ships of 200 tons and upwards, laden with tobacco, sugar, indigo, and a good quantity of beaver ; they were convoyed by three men-of-war, and come very seasonably for the fair here ; much is the rejoicing of the town, they being in some fear for them, having lately had so great a loss in the Nevis ships, thought to have been worth 50,000l. or upwards. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXIV., No. 23, Cal., p. 562.]
July 23.
1254. John Man to Williamson. On Thursday a small vessel came in with tobacco and sugar from Barbadoes, and with news that she left that island about 9 weeks past in very good condition. Lord Willoughby's kinsman, who is Deputy Governor, was gone with some vessels and about 3,000 men towards St. Christopher's, with design to attack if possible, and some buccaneers from Jamaica were joined with them. The wife of the Governor of St. Christopher's was come to Barbadoes ; her husband, as they report, was killed by his own sergeant, pretending that he had betrayed them to the French. [Ext. from Dom., Chas., II., Vol. CLXIV., No. 64, Cal., p. 168.]
July 31.
Boston, New England.
1255. Commission from Gov. Richard Bellingham and Council of Massachusetts to Benjamin Gillam, captain of the ship Mary Ruth. To seize men-of-war or any vessels belonging to the French or Dutch and bring them into Boston to be legally judged, and to clear the coast of all enemies. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 127.]