America and West Indies: April 1666

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'America and West Indies: April 1666', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: April 1666', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: April 1666". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

April 1666

April 3.
1165. Warrant to the Treasurer and Officers of the Exchequer. Whereas his Majesty has thought fit that the commodities of Jamaica, be not burdened here with any impost or custom, for the term of five years from the 18th Feby. 1664 ; and has directed Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to publish his Majesty's intentions by proclamation there. His Majesty's hereby requires them to allow upon the accounts of the Farmers of his Customs, all such sums as during said five years have been or shall be abated by them, upon the importation of any commodity of said island ; same to be allowed upon the certificate of the Governor. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 39 ; also Patent Roll, 17 & 18 Chas. II., part 3, No. 8.]
April 4. 1166. Speech of Governor Lord Willoughby to the Assembly of Barbadoes. His reasons for calling them so suddenly together again are not as they might have thought to dissolve them, but to do something for the defence of his Majesty's dominions in these parts, for though they met near three months ago nothing is yet done. France has declared war against England, and the Danes have made a league with the Dutch, and all may be taken out of their hands, and then no need to contend who shall carry the purse or manage the sword. Earnestly recommends to them the speedy dispatch of the Act for the sum agreed on for the levy (see No. 1161), as it now lies before them, but to trust only men free from faction and foreign engagements, so he may give account to the King by the fleet now bound for England, which he has stayed to give them this opportunity. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 40.]
April 4. 1167. Answer of the Assembly of Barbadoes to the above Speech of Governor Lord Willoughby. They desire not to be misrepresented in point of their loyal affection, being ready to sacrifice lives and fortunes for his Majesty's interest, therefore have laid before him an Act for the levy of 8 lbs. of sugar per acre, &c. for purchasing powder and arms, and making powder here, which only receives delay by his Excellency ; also another Act for raising labourers for erecting breastworks at the landing places ; which will amount in effect to near a million and a half of sugar ; whereas the Governor says 500,000 lbs. would serve. They cannot but be sensible, that no stock has been found from the 4 per cent. to repair the forts, or stock the magazine, and now it is expected that all neglects should be supplied by this Assembly without question or satisfaction. Lastly the Assembly desire that those Acts may be passed, which will satisfy the world of their readiness to lay out themselves for his Majesty. If his Excellency have any exception to those Acts, they will consent reasonably to alter them ; and if the Acts pass, the Assembly further offer to expend on the fortification of the four seaports 300,000 lbs. of sugar as his Excellency shall appoint, and leave themselves to his Majesty's judgment whether to be sustained by the country or allowed out of the 4 per cent. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 41.]
April 6. 1168. The King to the Duke of York. Upon suit of the Royal African Company, his Royal Highness is commanded forthwith to give order to bestow upon them the ship Golden Lyon taken from the Dutch on the coast of Africa, with her tackle and furniture. p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XVII., p. 180.]
April 9.
New York.
1169. Col. Nicolls to Sec. Lord Arlington. After long expectation of the King's further directions for the settlement of Delaware river, for which he hears not of any patent yet granted, till which time it must remain under his care, to his great charge. Complains of the little probability of paying the arrears to all the poor officers and soldiers in this expedition, unless his Majesty will graciously look upon them who have spent two full years in his service. This express will come by Mr. Stocke, to whom, as recommended by his Lordship, he "gave a colours," and for his own merits made a Commissary, to whose report he refers, well knowing that my Lord Baltimore can never make good his pretences within 20 miles of any part of the river by the lines mentioned in his patent. The variation of the compass in point of latitude may be justly argued and proved to be a degree and a half in these parts from England. His Royal Highness has granted to Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret (amongst other tracts of inevitable prejudice to this colony) all the east side of Delaware river ; and by the unskilfulness of the informers, the west side of the river, now seated with Swedes, Finns, and Dutch, is so crushed between Lord Baltimore's patent and Lord Berkeley's indenture, that the inhabitants cannot subsist in so narrow a compass, and if some course be not taken to rectify these great mistakes, New York, Delaware, and Lord Berkeley's interest will destroy each other ; but if the King and his Royal Highness will grant to Lord Berkeley the tract recovered from the Burgomasters of Amsterdam, all interests will be fully preserved. Has written to his Royal Highness, the Lord Chancellor, and Mr. Coventry as to the general interests of this colony in regard to the inhabitants, who are three parts Dutch, and have their estates and relations interwoven with friends in Holland. New comers of our own nation at first "are blown up with large designs," but not knowing the knack of trading here, meet with discouragements, and stay not to become wiser. Sends copies of transactions at Boston ; the originals were sent with Col. George Cartwright ; his Majesty will read the sophistry of the Massachusetts, "until such time as we did press them to a positive obedience, and then they do unmask themselves." The King's instructions printed for the information of the people, but they neither have nor will publish any parts of the whole, except their furious proclamation. They and all the other colonies are at a stand to see what reproof his Majesty will send over. Hears Col. Cartwright was put ashore in Spain, but hopes he hath been so happy as to give his Majesty a particular verbal account. Sir Robert Carr now here. Mr. Maverick still at Boston with some few of his old friends. Though Sir Robert for private ends did not answer just expectations, yet he has followed his commission to the best of his skill, whereof Col. Cartwright has had experience. Dares not presume to find out a way to bring down the pride of the Massachusetts, yet it is evident that the situation of this place will draw in short time most of their trade hither, where he has begun to set up a school of better religion and obedience to God and the King, from which small beginnings a reformation may proceed, if it shall please God. Begs for a speedy consideration of the necessities of the soldiers and country ; for himself he is utterly ruined, and without very great supplies cannot make an honest defence of his Majesty's interest if attacked by a foreign force. Took so much trial last year of our neighbours of Connecticut that he cannot depend on any better hands than those few which he brought with him, who are dispersed into four garrisons, the nearest 100 miles distant, the furthest 250. The Commissioners have neither money nor credit left to follow their trust, but ride at anchor till the storm of their necessities is blown over by his Majesty's supplies. Hears that the privateers of Jamaica have taken several islands from the Dutch and good store of booty, but have left Curaao, which if not taken, the thorn will still be left in the foot of all the Leeward Islands, for to that island all the negroes from Guinea are brought and sold to the Genoese, and were the Dutch driven thence, their trade in Guinea would not be half so considerable, and the Spaniards would soon court the Royal Company with pieces of eight. Printed in New York Documents, Vol. III., pp. 113-115. 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 42.]
April 9.
New York.
1170. Sir Robert Carr to Sec. Lord Arlington. Since Col. Cartwright's departure, Mr. Mavericke and himself have several times sent copies of all the papers they could come by, of their transactions, and now finds Col. Nicolls has sent those which passed between them and the General Court of Boston. A year ago the inhabitants of Warwick in the King's Province, were several ways damnified by one Pumham, an Indian, who with his company had seated themselves on Warwick Neck, and were encouraged to keep it from the lawful owners by the Massachusetts Bay Government. An order was made for their removal, but Pumham was unwilling to submit, and to have forced him to obey the order would have occasioned trouble, so concluded with Pumham for 20l. more to quit the Neck and the King's Province, and never return. Pumham still making no preparations for departure, Sir Robert went to Warwick again, in February last, and found Mr. Eliot, a minister of Roxbury, had written to Pumham. This, with other actions, puts it out of question that the Massachusetts are as unwilling to let the people in these Southern parts rest under his Majesty's Government as them of the Eastern in the Province of Maine. Sends papers concerning Pumham's removal, who with his company are now removed, and all are well satisfied about it. We are in a very sad condition, being in a very poor country, and our credits nothing at Boston. For his own particular has sent several times to him, which he hopes will be taken notice of. Has given a hint that if his Majesty has not already disposed of Delaware, it would be a considerable place for a trade to belong to his own Province, and beneficial to the inhabitants. Sends papers from which he perceives the fears of the Justices of Maine still continue. Incloses,
1170. I. Letters, &c. of the King's Commissioners concerning the removal of Pumham and the Indians with him from Warwick Neck. 1665, April 7, to 1666, March 1, as follow, viz. :
Sir Robt. Carr, Col. George Cartwright, and Sam. Mavericke to the Town of Warwick. Warwick, 1665, April 7. Receipt of Cheesechamut, eldest son of Pumham, for 30l. from the gentlemen of Warwick, and promise, on behalf of his father, upon receipt of 10l. more, to remove with the rest of his company to quit the King's Province. 1665, Dec. 28. Sir Robert Carr to Mr. Gorton, Captain Houldon, and the rest of the inhabitants of Warwick. From Mr. Smith's trading house. 1665, Dec. 28. Certificate that Sam. Gorton, senior, Capt. John Green, Walter Todd, James Green, and John Potter, of the town of Warwick, delivered 10l. to Pumham. 1666, Jan. 3. Order of Sir Robert Carr to Pumham, pretended Sachem on Warwick Neck, and his adherents, to remove from Warwick Neck. 1666, Feb. 24. John Eliot to Sir Robt. Carr. Roxbury, 1665, Nov. 9. Sir Robt. Carr to John Eliot of Roxbury. Warwick, 1666, Feb. 28. Roger Williams to Sir Robt. Carr. Providence, 1666, March 1.
Together 7 pp. Indorsed, Letters to and from the Commissioners concerning Rhode Island and the King's Province. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 43, 43 I.]
April 10.
1171. The King to the Colonies of New England. His Majesty has received full information from his Commissioners of their reception in the several colonies of New England, in all which they have received great satisfaction but in the Massachusetts, and is fully informed of all proceedings. Upon all which it is very evident that those who govern the Massachusetts believe that the Commission is an apparent violation of their charter and tending to the dissolution of it, and that his Majesty hath no jurisdiction over them, and no appeals against their judgments can be made to the King from their judgments, "which would be a matter of such high consequence as every man discerns where it must end." His Majesty therefore recalls his said Commissioners, to the end he may receive a more particular account of his Plantations and of their differences with those of the Massachusetts ; and he commands the Governor and Council of the Massachusetts forthwith to make choice of four or five persons to attend his Majesty, whereof Richard Bellingham and Major Hawthorne to be two ; and when all allegations or pretences on behalf of said colony shall be heard, the King will make it appear how far he is from the least thought of invading or infringing in the least degree the Royal Charter granted to the colony. His Majesty further commands that the government of the Province of Maine continue as the Commissioners have left it, until his Majesty shall further determine. Also that the Governor and Council of the Massachusetts immediately set all persons at liberty who have been imprisoned only for petitioning or applying to his Majesty's Commissioners, and that no man hereafter be imprisoned or molested for showing respect to them. The bounds of the several colonies, particularly the temporary bounds between New Plymouth and Rhode Island, to be observed until the King's determination be made known. Countersigned by Sec. Sir William Morrice. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 44.]
April 10.
1172. Copy of the preceding letter. Indorsed, Read at the Committee, May 1, 1666. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 45.]
April 10. 1173. The King to the Governor and Council of Rhode Island. Cannot but let them know how much his Majesty is pleased with the good reception they have given his Commissioners and their dutifulness and obedience to his Majesty. Their carriage seems to be set off with the more lustre by the deportment of the colony of the Massachusetts. His Majesty assures them he will never be unmindful of their loyal and dutiful behaviour, and promises his constant protection and Royal favour. 1 p. 2 copies. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 46, 47.]
April 10.
1174. The King to the Commissioners for New England. The account of their proceedings has given his Majesty much content and satisfaction. Is sorry that any of his loyal subjects there should so mistake their own true advantage as to give his Majesty cause of displeasure ; but since the Massachusetts colony has been wanting in duty and respect to the King's Commissioners, his Majesty could not choose but resent their deportment, and has accordingly declared his just dislike thereof, and sent express commands for the Governor and others of that colony to attend the King, and answer their proceedings. Has therefore thought it requisite that the Commissioners should likewise return, which they are hereby required to do unless private occasions shall induce any of them to remain, which the King is willing to permit. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 48.]
April 10. 1175. Entries of the above letters from the King to the Colonies of New England, to the Commissioners for New England, to the Governor and Council of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, to the Governor and Council of Connecticut, and to the Governor and Council of New Plymouth. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XIV., pp. 82-84.]
April 10.
Fort James, New York.
1176. Col. Richard Nicolls to Sec. Lord Arlington. In consideration of the good service done by Sir Robert Carr, Capt. John Carr, and Ensign Arthur Stock, in reducing Delaware from the Dutch to the King's obedience, the Commissioners have conferred on them the houses and lands belonging to the Dutch principal officers. Recommends to him therefore by Mr. Stock to procure a grant in confirmation thereof, that is to say : the Governor Inniosa's island, to Sir Robert Carr ; the Scout's house and land, to Capt. Carr ; and the Dutch Ensign Peter Aldrick's land, to Mr. Stock, of which they have had possession ever since the taking of the place. Printed in New York Documents, III., 115. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 49.]
April 10. 1177. Don Juan Ximenes de Bohorques to Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of Jamaica. In reference to his ship the Sto Christo of Burgos, which was taken by Capt. Maurice Williams. His Majesty thinks it reasonable that he should have restitution, to which end he was pleased to issue the enclosed order, and "Lord Arlington doth acquaint you with no less." Desires him to send to London what belonged to himself, in pieces of eight, bills, or cocoa and sugar, consigned to Giles Lydcott, or the Conde de Molina, Ambassador of Spain, and entreats that right may be done in reference to goods belonging to others and which were by his Honour publicly sold. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 50.]
April 10.
1178. The titles of twenty-seven Acts made at a session of Assembly begun April 10, 1666, by Governor Charles Calvert, viz. :1. An Act for recording the Journal of the Lower House. 2. Prohibiting trade with the Indians for any flesh, dead or alive, except deer and wild fowl. 3. For making highways and the heads of rivers, creeks, branches, and swamps passable for horse and foot. 4. Concerning outlawry. 5. For appointing coroners in each respective county. 6. For confirmation of the articles of peace made with the Indians. 7. Explaining an Act for the Muster Master-General's fees. 8. For empowering the Governor and Council to make war or peace with any Indian enemy beyond the bounds of this Province. 9. Prohibiting foreign engrossers. 10. Prohibiting commissioners, sheriffs, and clerks to plead as attornies in their respective county courts. 11. Prohibiting the office of clerks and sheriffs to be officiated at one and the same time by one and the same person. 12. For the clerks' fees and allowance for jurors in civil causes. 13. For the repeal of an Act of encouragement to Wm. Smith in his undertaking the country's work at St. Mary's. 14. For building a prison at St. Mary's. 15. Against hog stealers. 16. For repeal of part of a branch of an Act for an addition to the Secretary's fees. 17. Touching payment of debts in the year 1667. 18. For encouragement of trade. 19. Giving passes to persons that are to depart this Province. 20. Providing against runaways and all such as shall entertain them. 21. Limiting servants' fines. 22. Additional Act to the Act for the publication of marriages. 23. Limiting ordinary keepers. 24. Providing for payment of the 25 lbs. of tobacco per pole in the cessation year to the Lieutenant-General. 25. For the reviving certain laws in this Province. 26. For the publication of all laws within this Province for the future. And, 27. For the burgesses' expenses and other public debts. All said laws passed under the Great Seal of the Province, 14th June 1666. Together 29 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. LIII, pp. 99-127.]
April? 1179. Relation of the loss of St. Christopher's. The Proclamation of War coming to the hand of Col. Watts, Governor of the English part of St. Christopher's, he according to former agreement gave the French three days' warning, receiving meantime the assistance of 600 or 700 men mostly from Jamaica that had taken the Dutch islands. The French then desired 40 days' respite to consider of fighting or leaving the island, and being refused departed with much terror. But next morning at break of day they fell upon the English where they thought them weakest, and ran on burning and destroying till charged by one company ; their General was killed and the whole body of 700 or 800 gave back, but the captain of another [English] company receiving a slight hurt in his foot cried to retreat, and the French rallying totally defeated them and overran all that part of the island. Meantime the English Governor with 1,000 men fell on the French at the west end, but lighting on a strong house wherein were about 200 French lay long pelting at it till the Governor was killed. Col. Morgan, commander of the Jamaica men, was shot through both legs, and most of the stout commanders killed and wounded ; and the rest having spent their ammunition made a disorderly retreat, and spiking the guns and taking down the colours of an English fort, retired to their homes in confusion, giving up all for lost. And though they were three for one of the French with 600 or 700 waiting for orders, the next in command to Governor Watts sent to the French for articles, and the generality of stout men who were against it being charged on pain of death not to fight, embarked for Nevis with many negroes and goods, leaving the rest to what articles the French made, which were in general performed, and in some particulars much time and favour showed more than was agreed on. The island was inhabited by French at both ends, and the English in the middle were divided by mountains through which was only passage for foot men. Annexed,
1179. I. The result of the Council of War, M. Le Chev. de St. Lawrence, President in Chief, being the articles above referred to. St. Christopher's, 1666, April 10 (sic).
1179. II. Oath to be taken by the English to the King of France. To acknowledge no other Prince but his Most Christian Majesty, and so long as they are under his subjection to be his faithful servants, renouncing obedience to all others, and serving said King against all others, and also against the King of Great Britain so long as he is enemy to the King of France. Together 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 51, 51, I., II.]
April 11. 1180. Articles betwixt the English and French on St. Christopher's, upon the invasion of the French and surrender of the English. Having deliberated on the demand of the English gentlemen for a treaty, the council of war, President the Chevalier St. Lawrence, have resolved : (1.) That they acknowledge his Most Christian Majesty for their Sovereign, and give their oaths to him. 2. They shall have no Governor but the French. 3. Surrender forts, artillery, and fire-arms. 4. Volunteers, vagabonds, and loose persons shall depart the island, and Lt.-Col. Lovering, Major Crook, Capt. Cook, Capt. Jeffrys, Mr. Herbert, and Lieut. Robert Clarke, shall be sent for hostages to the camp at Scindy Point. 5. All English inhabitants shall continue in peaceable possessors of their goods. 9. And may embark with their families and moveables (negroes and beasts not included) and dispose of their immoveables, whensoever they please. 7. They shall live in the liberty of their conscience, but not to have temples or make any assemblies whatsoever, or to commit any act whereby the Catholics may be scandalized. Signed by Chevalier de St. Lawrence. 1 pp. Two copies. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 52, 53.]
April 11.
1181. Gov. Jas. Russell to Sir John Knight in Bristol. Received his letter by Capt. Dapwell, and sent copy to Col. Watts, Governor of St. Christopher's, and also his Majesty's proclamation of war against the French. Watts wrote the next day that he was in arms, and could withstand the French, but desired assistance, whereupon Governor Russell sent him 400 men ; but at this instant has received letters thence that the French fell on first and on the windward side of the island, and have cut off almost all ; that we have received very considerable loss at the leeward side ; and that the French general, his deputy, Col. Watts, and many more considerable persons are killed. They write for further aid, but at a council of his officers they were unanimous that this island cannot spare any further strength. Implores him to acquaint his Majesty with their miserable condition, and to send speedy supplies of great guns and ammunition. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 54.]
April 12.
1182. Sec. Sir Wm. Morrice to the Commissioners for New England. Doubts not that his Majesty's letter of the 10th inst. will be very welcome to them ; neither is his Majesty content to acknowledge their merits only in good words, but has thought fit to send them 200l. a piece in goods in the ships now bound for New England, and given them leave to return home as soon as convenient, with liberty to remain if more suitable to them. Sends two copies of the signification of his Majesty's pleasure concerning the Massachusetts, one to be delivered to the Massachusetts, and the other to be kept by the Commissioners. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 55.]
April 12.
1183. Copy of preceding letter. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XIV., p. 85.]
April 13.
Worcester House.
1184. Lord Chancellor Clarendon to Col. Nicolls. Has never omitted any opportunity of writing, but has cause to believe that many of his letters have miscarried. Hopes Col. Carteret has given him an account of all that has passed since his arrival after many misfortunes, and then he will find his friends have not been unmindful of him. Knows not whether this will come by a ship which is bound for New York, or by another freighted by merchants on the Duke's desire, in which there will be commodities on the Duke's account for the benefit of the soldiers. Knows not what to say of the demeanor of the Massachusetts colony, and is very glad the other colonies have behaved so dutifully, but what sense his Majesty has of the behaviour of those of Boston, Col. Nicolls will find by the inclosed [the letter calendared No. 1171 is here referred to], and if they do not give obedience to it, we shall give them cause to repent it, for his Majesty will not sit down by the affronts which he hath received. Though the Commissioners are recalled, any wishing to reside there may do so. Hears Mr. Maverick resolves to stay, but it will be necessary for some of the Commissioners to be here when those from Boston shall arrive. Hopes Col. Carteret will be here, and then his Majesty will be able to put and end to all disputes. Supposes that the ship which brings this will carry what is sent by his Majesty for the Commissioners. Nicolls' friends at Roehampton believe he has travelled long enough, and say he intends shortly to return. Hopes then that some others will receive encouragement by his example, and look a little abroad and employ themselves in doing good for their country. Printed in New York Documents, III., 116. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 56.]
April 20.
1185. Narrative of the proceedings of the late Assembly by Governor Lord Willoughby That in January last he summoned an Assembly and showed them that the present necessity of fortifying the island was the main cause of their meeting. Having viewed the fortifications the Assembly agreed that there was a visible necessity for a present complete defence, but that the King out of the 4 per cent. ought to bear the charge. A Bill was then prepared by the Council for a levy of 500,000 lbs. of sugar, but to this the Assembly replied, they could not concur without breach of their trust ; yet in the same breath passed a Bill for raising twice as much, to be disposed of by three of their own members ; who were empowered to purchase 3,000 firelocks and 100 barrels of powder, the rest to be kept for such public occasions as said three members should judge fit. This excluded the Governor and Council, not only from the trust, but from all knowledge of the uses of this great levy. They were informed that there would be a greater magazine in the hands of three private men "whose affections to his Majesty's Government we have reason to doubt" than in his Majesty's magazine, which would lead to nothing less than to draw the militia from the King into the hands of his subjects. Notwithstanding a faction overruled the clear meaning party, and after three months spent in vain, the Governor ordered the Bill should not pass. By this time the Assembly found it needful to vindicate their loyal intentions by private scattered papers, with reflections on himself and Council, yet had not the luck to convince any one moderate man that they loved his Majesty so well as to trust him further than necessity compelled them. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 57.]
April 21.
1186. Governor Lord Willoughby to the King. Dares not make use of his Majesty's license to return home, for, for want of timely advice of the war with the French, he and all the people are in a maze what to do, the French King having for many months been reinforcing his islands, so that Willoughby much fears that St. Christopher's and other islands may be lost. Has done his best, but has neither ships of war, arms, nor ammunition. Has stopped the fleet bound home to transport men, and sent his nephew with it, else would nobody have gone, but is sure they neither will nor can fight, being so pestered with lading. Knows his Majesty's interest is so concerned that "better he and I, and as many of our name as ever was born, should be sunk and perish, than those islands lost." Hopes his Majesty will a little more consider his interest in these parts than to let them lie thus exposed. The Hollanders by De Ruyter ranged the coasts of Guinea and made attempts on this island, and is not his Majesty more powerful than they, and these islands more considerable than 20 coasts of Guinea? Humbly thanks his Majesty for his good belief in him, by his justice done upon Farmer, as also in those accusations by Craddocke, and the unknown and not to be heard of Thomas Newton ; for the clearing of which Willoughby would have come with this fleet, but in a time of so great action and distraction he durst not leave the islands. Beseeches that supplies of shipping, men, arms, and ammunition may be sent. Indorsed with a summary. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 58.]
April 21.
1187. Gov. Lord Willoughby to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Received the King's order of 16th Nov. 1665 on 21st Dec., with a packet for Sir Thos. Modyford at Jamaica. Has sent orders to the Governors of the Leeward Isles to have their shipping in readiness to sail along with the fleet from hence, and to touch at the several islands, though it be out of their way and more dangerous, because of men-of-war and ships of the French Royal Company that are there, for few or none of the fleet are ships of any reasonable force. Thinks it would be much better for the ships from the Leeward Isles and from hence to take a direct course and rendezvous at the Western Isles, where are good harbours and forts to secure them ; desires speedy orders thereon. Not having received advice from the Leeward Isles for three months, has stopped the fleet to raise men for the assistance of St. Christopher's, with his nephew to command them ; but never went people upon a slenderer account, having only three small privateers upon no purchase no pay to conduct them. Cannot but "admire" that places of such consideration as these islands are to the King should be so left to look to themselves. Complains that advice is not given when wars are proclaimed. The King of France stronger in these islands than the King of England, except in Barbadoes. Has advised long ago for shipping, arms, and ammunition, and double the force now will not do that which half would have done. The French islands so much reinforced that if his Majesty intends to do anything upon them he must send a good force of shipping, well fitted and furnished, with some numbers of well disciplined men. The life of this business lies in the speedy dispatch of it. Indorsed, "Sir John Colleton." 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 59.]
1666? 1188. Humble desires of Lord Willoughby to be presented to the King. That Barbadoes and the other Caribbee Islands are in great danger from the attempts of Dutch, French, and other enemies, and the insurrection of slaves, by reason of their great want of ordnance, arms, ammunition, and ships of war ; the Dutch sending privateers that way, and the French having landed 3,000 fire-arms in one of their colonies, and their viceroy having a ship of above 60 brass guns to attend him. Prays that 20 reaching pieces of ordnance, with all necessaries, and other arms and ammunition, colours, and drums may be sent for his Majesty's regiment of foot in Barbadoes, and desires that his Majesty will appoint some way for defraying the charge of repairing the forts and building new ones, and keeping in pay soldiers and gunners ; two or three good frigates are also desired. 1 pp. Two copies. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 60, 61.]
1666? 1189. Request of Will. Willoughby. That his Majesty will grant licenses to three advice boats to go to Barbadoes with a master and seven men in each. That the merchant ships bound for Barbadoes may not proceed without the East India merchant for convoy. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 62.]
April 23.
1190. Licence to Samuel Lee to pass and remain some time in America, the Caribbee Islands, and other western parts, for the improvement of his knowledge by a search and collection of the rarities as well of art as nature in the remoter part of the other world. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLIV., No. 48, Cal., p. 361 ; also Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIII., p. 80.]
April 26. 1191. Sir Wm. Clarke to Williamson. The Amity has brought in a Dutch ship of eight guns and 22 men taken off the Wells ; she was bound for the West Indies, and had in her Capt. John Deene, Governor of Kechovorell river of Osequell, on the coast of America ; she was laden with bricks, iron, and tiles for building, with beads and knives for the Indians, and with provision of beef and pork. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLIV., No. 67, Cal., p. 365.]
1663, June, to 1666, April. 1192. A Dr. and Cr. account with the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, each of the eight Lords Proprietors having as per Cr. side subscribed 75l., making a total of 600l. The amount on the Dr. side is 600l. 8s. 3d., and includes payments for this book of 4s. 3d., a monthly salary of 4l. to Mons. Laprerey [engineer and surveyor for Carolina], 10d. for parchment and wax for engrossing and sealing Sir Wm. Berkeley's commission [see No. 555], 10s. to Sir Rich. Browne's clerk for the King's order for abrogating Sir Robt. Heath's patent [see No. 525], 106l. 11s. 6d. for charges of the Carolina patent [see No. 427], 24s. for a dinner to M. Samford and Vassall about a treaty with them concerning Carolina [see Nos. 849, 860], 40l. for engraving a great seal [see No. 527], 284l. 12s. 3d. for arms and ammunition towards the settlement of Port Royal [see No. 879], 5s. for the dockets of two patents to send Governor Drummond, 71l. 2s. 4d. Mr. Westlake's fees for the last patent. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XX., end of volume.]