America and West Indies: August 1662

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'America and West Indies: August 1662', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: August 1662', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: August 1662". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

August 1662

Aug. 4. 341. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Upon debate of Sir Wm. Berkeley's proposals for the improvement of the Colony of Virginia this Council was inclined to proceed to some resolutions thereon, but wishing first to receive the fullest information they can upon said proposals, ordered that summonses be sent to the several members of this Council to meet on Thursday, and particularly that Messrs. Digges and Jefferies be desired to attend to give their advice, they being experienced in the affairs and interests of that colony. p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 46.]
Aug. 7. 342. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. A narrative to be made to Lord Willoughby of all their transactions with Lord Windsor, in his design for peopling Jamaica, with representation of the sad condition of this island, and the sudden ruin it is like to fall into, if it be thus perpetually harrassed by all his Majesty's men-of-war as they come along. And that a modest narrative of all the passages of Lord Windsor's being here be drawn up and presented to both the Secretaries of State. p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., p. 72, 73.]
[Aug. 7.] 343. Petition of Thomas Breedon to the Privy Council. After several hearings of the proprietors and inhabitants of Nova Scotia, and Mr. Elliott, the intended Governor, at the Council Board, it was agreed that the government should be conferred upon Thos. Temple, for the consideration of 500l. per annum, and in case he refused, petitioner should be his Majesty's Lieutenant there, and the rest of the proprietors might have their share therein, paying their several proportions of said annual rent ; in pursuance of which agreement petitioner tendered Elliott security for said rent, but said Elliott, notwithstanding the agreement before their Honours, endeavours to dispose of the country to others who have no pretence of any right to the same ; to the utter ruin of petitioner, the inhabitants and merchants. Prays their Lordships to appoint a day for a rehearing of both parties In margin, Agent, Mr. Elliott. Received 7th Aug. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 87.]
Aug. 8.
344. Order of the Privy Council. That the petition of Francis Cradock, concerning the deprivation of his rights as Provost-Marshal-General of Barbadoes by Col. Humphrey Walrond, President, be taken into consideration on the 22nd inst., and that Lord Willoughby of Parham have timely notice to object against the matter complained of, if he have anything to offer. Annexed,
344. I. Order of the Privy Council. That the settlement of said office should be referred to Lord Willoughby (who is speedily going to Barbadoes), presuming he will have respect to the Letters Patent granted to said Cradock, and if he find any just exception against said patent to report thereof unto the Board. Whitehall, 1662, Aug. 27. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 88.]
Aug. 11. 345. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Question whether the Colony of Virginia should bear its own charge and no longer be burthensome to the Crown. The Council of opinion it should bear its own charge, and to advise the King to recommend to the Colony the levying and raising a revenue for that purpose. Upon debate of Sir Wm. Berkeley's petition and proposals concerning the advancing and promoting the staple commodities of silk, hemp, flax, potash, and timber for shipping, it is ordered that 1,000l. per annum, as formerly, be submitted to the King as the Governor's allowance, with such increase as his Majesty shall judge requisite, and that two shillings per hogshead of tobacco be continued to be paid to that purpose ; but before presenting their judgment to the King, all planters and merchants who can give their advice are directed to attend. Lord Baltimore is desired to attend in reference to a complaint of a secret trade by the Dutch with the English plantations in tobacco. 1 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, pp. 46, 47.]
Aug. 14. 346. A true and faithful narrative of the proceedings of the Council and Assembly of Barbadoes, in obedience to his Majesty's Proclamation and Lord Willoughby's letter, for aiding and peopling Jamaica ; and of Lord Windsor's proceedings, and carrying off people from the island. Arrival of Lord Windsor on 10th July, the King's Proclamation and his Lordship's declaration published the next day. His paper of demands and the Acts passed by the Assembly for assisting the settlement of Jamaica, but notwithstanding all the care taken to promote his business, Lord Windsor appointed Commissioners of his own to receive names, who sent the persons on board immediately, without taking care to discover whether their names had been set up seven days, or whether they entered their right names, or were free or indebted. It is true that Lord Windsor gave the Provost-Marshall leave to search the ships, but there was no likelihood of discovering anyone, and many servants and debtors have gone off, to the great damage of many of the inhabitants. Certified copy by Edward Bowden, Dep. Sec. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 89.]
Aug. 14. 347. Copy of the preceding narrative. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 11, pp. 73-75.]
Aug. 14.
348. Adolph Wolffratt, envoy of the Duke of Courland, to the Duke of York. Acknowledges his Highness' favour to the Duke of Courland, and earnestly solicits his Majesty not only to restore the Duke's fort in Gambia river, but to concede free commerce, so it be not to the prejudice of his Majesty's subjects. The Duke, at his own expense, will send forces sufficient to defend the fort, and will appoint a Governor of the Courland nation. Begs he will shortly send some minister to treat with his Majesty's delegates on these matters. Latin. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 90.]
Aug. 15.
349. Adolph Wolffratt, agent to the Duke of Courland, to the delegates of the business of Courland. Refers to his memorials to his Majesty for proof of the justice upon which the petition of the Duke of Courland is founded, but will comprise all in a few words. The Duke acquired his islands in Gambia by purchase, occupied and at immense expense "extructed" forts upon them, and peacefully possessed them for more than 10 years, when they were taken, he knows not on what pretence, by English ships. As to the pretences of Flemish or any other nation it suffices that Letters Patent have been communicated to their Honours, in which the States General confess they can pretend nothing de facto or de jure. Is it that the Prince at some time or other has neglected to rise at the nod of his Majesty, or that with his little ships he has hindered the course of the mighty English ships, for which he must pay as a penalty islands and forts, bought and "extructed" at such cost? The Prince knows not how to deceive, and would rather suffer an injury without imitating it. In a word, two things are sought by his Highness, restitution of his forts, with freedom of commerce, and royal grace and favour ; the first the envoy has demonstrated more clearly than the sun himself, the other he leaves to be revealed by them. Latin. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 91.]
Aug. 17. 350. The King to the High Sheriff or Undersheriff of the county of Norfolk. Being informed by Mr. Justice Twisden that he has reprieved eight persons condemned at the late assizes at Norwich until the 23rd inst., his Majesty's pleasure is that the law pass on all who are condemned for burglary, and that the rest be transported to Jamaica, if any one will give security that they shall be transported thither and not return any more. p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas II., Vol. III., p. 79.]
[Aug. 17.] 351. Petition of Lieut.-Col. Robert Sanford to the King. Divers of his Majesty's subjects being settled in the river Surinam, established a peculiar kind of Government, subject to the laws of England, elective in the people, who yearly were to appoint all members thereof. One Byam having gotten possession by such election, continueth himself beyond the time limited, and for so doing pretendeth to have his Majesty's proclamation, but never showeth it. The generality, thus robbed of their privileges, begin to mutter, and others better spirited openly deny his power ; one of whom is kept prisoner in irons, and others are tried by a kind of military power, where they are fined and banished of which petitioner is one. Craves that his Majesty's Royal commands may bring the wrongdoers to impartial justice, and bless petitioner with a fruition of those laws made for preservation of the interests of his Majesty's subjects. With reference to the Lords of the Privy Council to give such order for petitioner's reparation as shall seem meet. Hampton Court, 1662, Aug. 17. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 92.]
Aug. 18. 352. Petition of divers masters of ships trading to Virginia to the Lords of the Privy Council. Complain of being compelled to give bond of 2,000l. to pay 2s. sterling for every hogshead of tobacco laden aboard their ships, besides 12d. in money for every ton of goods for a castle duty, though there is not any there or other defence for their ships. Pray to be freed from giving such bond, and that they may as formerly deliver half a pound of powder and three pounds of lead towards the defence of the plantation instead of castle duty, "exhib. xviii. Augusti 1662." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 93.]
Aug. 18.
Inner Court of Wards.
353. Minutes of the Council of Foreign Plantations. Petitions of Sir Wm. Berkeley and of divers masters of ships trading to Virginia referred for further consideration. Lord Baltimore desired to attend on 25th inst. on matters relating to Virginia and Maryland. p. [Col. Papers, Col. XIV., No. 59, p. 48.]
Aug. 18.
354. John Paige, Will. Bate, Geo. Walrond, and John Jennings, justices of the peace, to Sec. Necols [Nicholas?]. His hard travels, great sufferings, and willing exile in adhering to his Prince, bespeaks a countenance kind enough to serve a good cause and a loyal subject. Enclose a narration of the proceedings in the committal of Captain Whiting, of the Diamond, with request that opportunely he will execute that part of justice in laying it before his Majesty, which Solomon did concerning the child, juste justitian agere, and with all expedition, because Capt. Whiting (promoted and instigated by an old faction here) attempts to render their action therein, "though never so truly in the line of justice and the law in the sense of an axiom of disloyalty." Inclose,
354. I. A true narrative or report of the grounds and commitment of Capt. Richard Whitinge, belonging to his Majesty's ship Diamond, and three or more of his seamen, and of their several misdemeanors committed the 20th and 21st of November 1661, exhibited and subscribed by us, his Majesty's justices of the peace, for our vindication from the false clamours of the said Capt. Whitinge, and the asserting our own innocency in the execution of justice in that transaction, unto Thomas Lord Windsor, of Windsor, and Governor of Jamaica, in pursuance of and in obedience to an order of his Majesty and the Privy Council, Whitehall, 11th April 1662.
354. II. Depositions of John Coder, constable, Thomas Moore, John Robinson, Col. Theodore Carye, commander of the ship Frederick, Jeffrey Pont, Edward Anthony, and Lawrence Hannaton, in reference to the above. November and December 1661.
354. III. Deposition of John Yaxley before Hum. Walrond, President of Barbadoes. Returning from Carlisle Bay to St. Michael's, on November 5th last, after commemorating the Gunpowder Treason by pistol firing, he was on a sudden assaulted and deprived of his pistol, tripped up, kicked, and hauled into a boat, which was then rowed away to the Diamond frigate, where he was kept in the bilboes all that night with one Mr. Hunt. About 9 or 10 o'clock next morning he and Hunt were released. Some of the Diamond's men assaulted him and took away his pistol, and the Captain kicked him in the boat. Barbadoes, December 31, 1661. Together 19 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., Nos. 94-96.]
Aug. 20.
St. Jago de-la-Vega.
355. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Present, Governor Lord Windsor ; Sir Charles Lyttelton, Cols. Wm. Michell, Sam. Barry, and Rich. Wilbraham, Lt.-Col. Henry Archibold, Maj. John Coape, and Sec. Rich. Povey. Resolved that the letters from the Governors of Porto Rico and San Domingo are an absolute denial of trade, and that according to his Majesty's instructions to Lord Windsor, a trade by force or otherwise be endeavoured. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 37, fol. 17.]
Aug. 21. 356. Humphrey Walrond to Sir Edward Nicholas. Sends an account of Barbadoes to the King, and hopes his Majesty will take note of their loyalty, not heeding the falsehoods circulated by certain desperate characters. Encloses 10 papers concerning the arrival, stay, and departure of Lord Windsor ; containing also evidence of their desire to serve his Majesty's interest for Jamaica, and setting forth "some prejudice done to them in that expedition." Requests him to lay the papers before the King without delay. Indorsed, "Rec. 8th Nov." [see ante, No. 335.] 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 97.]
Aug. 25.
Inner Court of Wards.
357. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Report to his Majesty on petition of masters of ships trading to Virginia [see ante, No. 352], as to the customs they have to pay for tobacco laden aboard their ships, including a castle duty, which used to be half a pound of powder, and three pounds of lead for bulleting, towards the defence of the plantation. Consideration of a secret trade with the Dutch for tobacco of the growth of the English plantations, to the defrauding of his Majesty's Customs. Lord Baltimore promises to write to his deputy in Maryland to seize all such tobacco. Messrs. Pym and Povey to draw up some heads of remedies for said abuses. 1 p. Part printed in New York Documents, III., 44. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 49.]
[Aug. 26.] 358. Petition of Sir William Berkeley, Governor of Virginia, Sir Henry Chicheley, Edward Digges, Richard Lee, and others, planters and inhabitants in Virginia and Maryland, to the King. Set forth that through the excessive planting of tobacco the price has fallen so low that it will not bear the charges of freight and custom, and pray that his Majesty's injunctions be given to the sheriffs of this Kingdom (of England) to put the Act against planting tobacco in full execution, and that the Governors of Virginia and Maryland have command not to permit any ship to depart from thence next year until after 1 May next. Signed by the first three petitioners. Indorsed, "Received Aug. 26. Read in Council Aug. 28." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 98.]
Aug. 27. 359. Warrant to (the Attorney-General). To prepare a bill containing a lease to pass the Great Seal to Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, and his assigns, for 7 years from Christmas Day next, of all his Majesty's islands, colonies, and plantations, known by the name of the Caribbee Islands and others, between 1 and 20 N. Lat. from the island of St. John de Porto Rico to 324 easterly, rendering to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, one moiety of all fines, customs, rents, dues, &c. raised out of the same, the other moiety to be kept by the said Lord Willoughby and his assigns for his or their own benefit. 1 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. VII., pp. 205, 206.]