America and West Indies: March 1733, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 40, 1733. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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'America and West Indies: March 1733, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 40, 1733, ed. Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: March 1733, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 40, 1733. Edited by Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: March 1733, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 40, 1733. Ed. Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

March 1733, 16-31

March 19. 69. Mr. Fane to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Has no objection to five Acts of the Massachusetts Bay, 1732. Signed. Fran. Fane. Endorsed, Recd. 20th March, 173, Read 18th Jan, 173. 1 pp. [C.O. 5, 876. ff. 18, 18 v., 25 v.]
March 21.
70. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Duke of Newcastle. We have considered the several copies and extracts of letters from H.M. Commissaries at Seville, with a state of their proceedings about the right of H.M. subjects to cut logwood in the Bay of Campeachy, referr'd to us by your Grace's letter of the 17th of January last, wherein you are pleased to desire that if we have any further proofs or arguments to produce for the better enabling H.M. Commissaries to support this claim, we would communicate the same to your Grace, etc. Upon receipt of your Grace's letter we acquainted Mr. Harris, one of the most ancient traders to the West Indies, who formerly laid some informations on this subject before the Board, that we had this matter once more under our consideration, and should be glad if he could furnish us with any further lights upon this subject, but we were inform'd by him that he had not been able to collect any new matter on this head since the year 1716, when he laid before this Board all that had then occur'd to him relating thereunto. These informations were given by Mr. Harris at the time when the Board were preparing a Representation upon the State of this trade to be laid before His late Majesty, which bore date the 25th of September, 1717 ; and we find the British Commissarys have made use of several arguments drawn from our said representation, in maintenance of our right to cut logwood in the Bay of Campeachy, and we have nothing further to add to those arguments which have been very properly urged by the British Commissarys ; but since the Spanish Commissarys have signified their being ready to discuss any pretention that shall be produced on this subject, provided it be with foundation, and proving that before the year 1670 the Crown of England had the dominion, possession and property of the lands and places in the Provinces of Yucatan ; or that the same had been since given up by the express or tacit consent of His Catholick Majesty, and that the English have enjoy'd the possession of them without interruption or dispute, before and till the time of the Treaty of Utrecht ; we take leave to acquaint your Grace, that upon our re-examining the several papers and old records in our office, we find several informations and depositions taken before Sr. Thomas Lynch, when Governor of Jamaica, copies whereof are inclos'd, which prove that the English did cut logwood at Campeachy before the year 1670, and had actually built houses on several parts of the Province of Yucatan, where the Spaniards had no settlements. We take leave further to inform your Grace, that at a Meeting of the Lords of the Council on the 5th of March, 1673, several persons being examined concerning their losses occasioned by the Spaniards taking their ships, Mr. Cooke inform'd their Lordships that "there had been 300, of H.M. subjects inhabiting winter and summer at Yucatan for eight years then preceding ; and not any of them within 45 leagues of any Spanish plantations." Thus the British subjects having been in possession of this trade and of part of the lands of the Province of Yucatan, previous to the year 1670, by the 7th Article of the Treaty made that year at Madrid, between the King of Spain and the King of Great Britain, "all lands, regions, islands, colonies and places whatsoever being, or situated in the West Indies, or in any part of America, which the King of Great Britain and his subjects then held and possess'd, were given up by the King of Spain for ever, with plenary right of sovereignty, dominion, possession and propriety." And this Treaty was again ratified and confirmed with the several priviledges therein contained, by the -st Article (fn. 1) of the Treaty of Utrecht in the year 1713, without prejudice to any liberty or power, which the subjects of Great Britain enjoy'd before, either through right, sufferance or indulgence ; and if in the prosecution of a trade which the English have so many years been intituled to, they should at certain times have been interrupted by the Spaniards ; we think such interruptions, far from invaliding our right, are subjects of complaint on our side, as so many infractions of the abovementioned Treaties. Autograph signatures. 4 pp. Endorsed, Copy sent to Mr. Keene and Mr. Castres May 8, 1739. Enclosed,
70. i. Information of several merchants about the Logwood trade, read in Council June 15, 1672. v. C.S.P. under date. Copy. 3 pp.
70. ii. Extract from letters of Sir Thomas Lynch, 10th March, 1671, concerning the Logwood trade. v. C.S.P. under date. 16th May, 1672. Copies., 3 pp.
70. iii. Depositions concerning logwood cutting on the coast of Yucatan, 1672. v. C.S.P. 1672. Copies. 3 pp. [C.O. 137, 47. ff. 138, 138 v., 140-141, 142 v.-148 v. and (without enclosures) C.O. 389, 29. pp. 62-5.]
March 21.
71. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Duke of Newcastle. Enclose following to be laid before the King. Annexed,
71. i. Same to the King. Submit following, "which are to the same purpose as those given by your Majesty to Woodes Rogers Esq., except some few alterations and additions which have been already approved by your Majesty for other Governors of your Majesty's Plantations" etc. Continue : William Fairfax, John White, Richard Thomson junr., and William Jones Esqre. etc., being either dead or having removed their habitations from the Bahamas, and Whetstone Rogers, Acklan Hurst, Jeremiah Burrows and Roger Reading Esq. having been recommended to us as persons every way qualified etc., propose them as Councillors etc.
71. ii. H.M. Instructions to Governor Fitzwilliam, as described above. Dated, St. James's, 10th May, 1733. [C.O. 24, 1. pp. 222-292.]
March 22.
72. [Governor Pitt] to Mr. Popple. Encloses accounts of revenue and answers to Queries. Concludes :I hope their Lordships by your representation to them concerning the whale fishery have obtain'd some order which will make up it's deficiency to me, which will be a favour done to . No signature. Endorsed, Recd. 25th May, 1733, Read 24th Jan., 1734. 1 p. Enclosed,
72. i. Answers to Queries of the Council of Trade and Plantations, 1733. (v. 20th June, 1729). (i) The chief trade of these islands consists in shipping by which the inhabitants industriously supply the Brittish Northern Colonies with salt and from these Colonies carry all sorts of provisions lumber etc. to the Brittish and Dutch islands in America ; There belongs to this island about 60 sail of sloops the largest 100 tons, the least about 20 tons. These vessels yearly employ about 200 white men and 150 negro slaves as sailors, and on the success of their navigation chiefly depends the support of H.M. subjects in these islands. Seldom diminish the number of shipping, for on sale or misfortune of losing any of them it's supply'd by building new ones ; they build near 16 sloops communibus annis, and so the number of sailors are much the same. (ii) These islands have imported one year with another from Great Britain about 10,000 sterl. consisting chiefly of linnens of all sorts from baghollands down to oznaburgs, woolens of all sorts etc. and hatts. Also sundry East India goods, as callicoes, silks, pepper, spices etc. ; all sorts of brassery ware and iron ware, considerable quantities for building houses and their vessells ; haberdashery, cordage and sail duck etc. These goods are chiefly imported from London, Bristol and Liverpoole. (iii) The chief trade to Forreign Plantations are when our sloops to the northward meet with a freight to Curraoa or St. Eustatia or when they load Indian corn from the Northern Collonies and carry there ; some times directly from this with onions, ducks and live cattle, in return whereof they bring sugars, rum, molasses, cocoa and cash the produce of forreign Collonies and not liable to any duty when imported here. There is no trade from this to any part of Europe but to Great Britain except to Madiera for wine. (iv) The Collector of H.M. Customs here has a searcher whose duty is to inspect and search every vessell coming to those islands, and the Acts of Trade are on all occasions strictly put in force, so that all possible care is taken to prevent frauds or collusive trade. (v) The natural produce are cedar trees, palmetto trees and some quarrys of which they build and slate their houses ; it's of such a soft quality that they saw it and hew it wth. axes, looks like congeal'd sand, observed the longer it stands the more hard it is, of the cedar trees they build their sloops which are esteemed the best in America for sailing and duration. Of the palmetto tree leaf they manufacture a platting for women's hatts which proves of great use to the poor ; of this commodity they some years have shipt so much to Great Britain that has produced from 8 to 10,000 sterl., but the price is much fallen of late. We may add to the improved produce onions, cabages and lemons, oranges and potatoes often sent to the other Collonies, some Indian corn for the use of the inhabitants, live cattle, plenty of ducks, turkeys and severall other sorts of poultry carryed to the islands and sometimes produces good profit, but the whole produce is not sufficient to maintain the inhabitants, for their breadkind they depend on Virginia, Maryland, Philadelphia and New York from whence they bring Indian corn, bread and flower. Add thereto, the whale fishery of great benefit, so well as plenty of other fish for the inhabitants' supply. (vi) No mines. (vii) The produce in shipping platt, cabage, onions, live cattle, poultry and whale oyl for sale may be computed at 10,000 this money, or 7,500 sterling pr. annum. (viii) Number of inhabitants about 5,000 whites and 4,000 blacks. (ix) The inhabitants of late have rather decreased, they having moved their families to South and North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and New Providence, but not to any great number. (x) Militia about 600 besides Officers. (xi) Forts and places of defence : The King's Castle, 29 guns mounted, Paget's Fort, 14 do., Smith's Fort, 7 ; Pembrooke Fort, 8 ; Southampton Fort, 6 ; Tucker's and Sandy's Forts, 6. These are all placed on the sea coast with regular platforms except the King's Castle wherein are several battlements well contrived and elevated one above the other and so fortified naturally that on occasion would serve for a safe retreat ; besides which there is on the island St. Georges, where the town is, severall out batteries with two or three pieces of cannon in each situate near the Bays to hinder any invasion by boats and a battery of nine guns in the Town of St. Georges open to the harbour chiefly used in salutes etc. All these fortifications have lately had a through repair at the great charge and expence of the inhabitants and are now in good order but in great want of powder, having no supply since his late Majesty King William of Blessed Memory ; Heartily desire your application for a supply. The forts are of no use in case of a war without powder and the inhabitants have been much oppressed in taxes in the repairing, so they are not able to supply powder. They are at an annual expence of a guard at the Castle and Paget's Fort from whence they make proper signals when any vessells appear from sea ; In time of war care has always been taken of giving proper alarms in case of any suspected invasion. (xii) These are small islands dropt in the sea distant from North Carolina (which is the nighest land) 170 leagues. (xiii) The French settlements have no effect upon these islands in time of peace, but in case of war we may be in danger if the fortifications be not regularly supplyed. (xiv) The revenue consists of a tax upon liquors imported, amounting one year with another to 600 this money ; tonnage or powder money, 45 pr. annum ; rents of publick lands, 120 pr. annum. All which are appropriated for defraying the contingent charges of Government and keeping in repair the publick buildings. (xv) Number of acres of land in each Tribe or Parish :
St. George's parish with the islands belonging thereto .. .. 1567
Hamilton Tribe or Balliesbay .. 1200
Smith's Tribe or Harris's bay .. 1150
Devon Tribe or Brackish pond .. 1250
Pembrook Tribe alias Spanish point 1250
Pagets Tribe alias Crowlane .. 1175
Warwick Tribe alias Herronbay .. 1250
Southampton Tribe alias Port Royal 1350
Sandys Tribe alias Somersett .. 1250
Sundry adjacent Islands pr. computation .. .. .. .. 100
11,542 acres.
(xvi) This is the full contents by computation of all the acres of land contained in these islands. They are all cultivated and improved to the best advantage ; no quit-rents ever paid for any of the land. (xvii) The chief and ordinary expence of the Government is the salary of the Governor, repair of his house, the Sessions house, prison and bridges ; the Councellours' attendance on publick business, the Secretary and Clerk of the Council, the entertainment of the Judges of Assize, Attorney Genl., Clerk of Assembly, Provost Marshall, the Guards to Castle and Fort, Flaggs and pendants, the Minister's sallary, storekeeper's sallary, Captains in each fort, gunners' sallary's, with the Governor's firewood and cellerage amounts annually near 800 this currency. (xviii) The establishmt. civil consists of etc. Described. Endorsed, Recd. 25th May, 1733. 7 pp.
72. ii. Accounts of public rents in Bermuda, 1st July, 1729-1730. (Totals)Receipts, 126 18s. 3d. Expenditure, 131 12s. 3d. Signed and sworn to, Richard Tucker, Depty. Provost Marshal. Endorsed as preceding. 6 pp.
72. iii. Account of Powder money, MarchDec., 1730. Totals, Receipts, 38 18s. 8d. ; Expenditure, 25. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 6 pp.
72. iv. Account of the liquor and negro duty, Bermuda, for 1730. Totals :Receipts, 678 17s. 6d. Expenditure, 674 19s. 3d. Signed and sworn to, Nathaniel Batterfield, Treasurer. Endorsed as preceding. 10 pp.
72. v. Account of liquor and negro duty for 1731. Totals : Receipts, 448 19s. 6d. Expenditure, 491 11s. 6d. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 6 pp.
72. vi. Account of liquor and negro duty to May, 1732. Totals : Receipts, 226 14s. 9d. Expenditure, 275 0s. 3d. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 6 pp.
72. vii. Account of liquor and negro duty to 8th Nov., 1732. Totals :Receipts, 582 8s. 10d. Expenditure, 487 8s. 10d. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 8 pp. Nos. ii-vii. audited. Copies certified by Richard Tucker, Dpty. Secretary. Signed, John Pitt. [C.O. 37, 12. ff 124, 125 v., 128, 129-132, 133 v., 134 v.-137, 138 v.- 141 v., 142 v.-147 v., 148 v.-151 v., 152 v.-155 v., 156 v.- 160 v.]
March 25. 73. Office expences of the Board of Trade, Christmas, 1732 Lady Day, 1732. See Journal of Council. Endorsed, Recd. Read 3rd April, 1733. 7 pp. [C.O. 388, 80. ff. 69, 72, 73 v.- 74 v.]
March 27.
74. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses duplicates of Minutes and Journals of Council and Assembly. Has sent news of the defeat to the D. of Newcastle etc. The Assembly met on the 13th of this month. Encloses speech and reply etc. Continues :Most of the arm'd slaves on that service have since deserted but are gone to their respective masters. The Assembly sets out to all appearance with a resolution to do business, how far the artifices of a few may prevail at this time as they have done formerly in clogging the bills or throwing rubs in the way I know not. Their arts must be more cover'd than usual to prevail in this time of publick danger and necessity. I still am of opinion that the faction have something else in view than barely making my administration uneasie. I have also sent to his Grace a particular account of an insult and depredation made by order, it seems, of the Governor of St. Jago de Cuba in one of our ports (Morant) etc. When this was transacted the Militia of Cuba were assembl'd in arms in several places, and the streets of St. Jago barricado'd. The factors at Campechy write that there the common talk is of an immediate rupture, how far different is all this from the accounts and orders I have from home which put me out of all apprehension of any such event. I once more affirm our Militia here, as it is compos'd, is rather a drawback upon, than addition to our strength, for the reasons I have formerly assign'd. They seem inclin'd by a new law to remedy some things amiss or omitted in their former militia act, but that already meets with opposition. I shall quickly be able to make a more thorough judgement of what will be done by the Legislature towards extricating themselves from their present difficultys and their security from dangers from within or without, and shall not fail to inform your Lordships of all ; and nothing within my power shall be omitted that may contribute to H.M. service in the safety and preservation of this island. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 21st, Read 28th June, 1733. 2 pp. Enclosed,
74. i. Governor Hunter's Speech to the Council and Assembly, 14th March, 1733. The necessity of their being called together is apparent. "The languishing state of credit and consequently of trade, the want of current coin even for common uses, the late desperate attempts of your slaves in rebellion, the deficiency of your funds for keeping a force on foot for their reduction, and the difficulty of ascertaining and recovering the great debt said to be due by private persons to the publick, arising from the neglect of a long standing, in some, who were intrusted with the receiving and collecting the publick money, are evils which require your immediate attention etc. Refers to his previous warnings of the bad consequence that must attend the indetermin'd and arbitrary value of the current coin, contrary to the tenure of the Act of Parliament and Royal Proclamation etc. If his recommendations had been followed, the want of currency would not have been so general. "Whatsoever other real causes there may exist, that of carrying off your heavy coins, diminishing it a fourth or fifth of its weight, in places where it may be done with impunity, and returning it upon you at the former value, is a palpable and undeniable one. If you think fitt to put a stop to this practice by a law and in that the currency be ascertain'd at a higher rate than is prescribed by the Royal Proclamation, it will be necessary to insert a clause suspending the execution thereof till H.M. pleasure be made known." Proposes an act for ascertaining and collecting the quit rents, and revision of the Militia Act, which "by the general opinion of the officers commanding, and by the very indifferent state and appearance of the several bodys, seems to be defective." Though they are at present free from apprehension of foreign dangers, none can answer for future or sudden events, when their Militia may be their chief defence. "Repeated instances have confirm'd me in the opinion I have formerly declar'd, that the penaltys in your Act for raising partys for reducing the slaves in rebellion inflicted in cases of mutinys or desertion are insignificant and unless that is remedy'd, raising forces for that purpose amounts to nothing but expending the publick treasure to no purpose, and putting arms in the hands of your slaves or servants, which they may be induc'd by caprice or evil arts and insinuations to make use of against you etc. Recommends to the Assembly to supply the deficiency that will be caused by the repeal of the Act for raising several sums and H.M. instruction against laying any duty on slaves imported (v. 13th Oct., 1732), and subsistance for the Independent Companies etc. Continues : "The late bad success of your partys against the rebels, and the defeat of some of them, by their own negligence more than the force of their enemys, made it necessary to make some further attempt, least, encourag'd by success they should disturb the frontier settlements and be joyn'd by other slaves of the same disposition. I with some difficulty fitted out a fresh party of such of the former as were able to march, some rais'd by the three adjacent parishes, and the ablest of the pioneers which I arm'd for this service ; These partys consisting of about 250 men, compleatly arm'd and victual'd, march'd off by different routs, and if my order and their officers engagements are observ'd, have on Thursday last at noon fallen upon the rebels from oposite quarters, and I expect every hour an account of what success they have had. There has been just now put into my hands a letter from Lieut. Col. Ashworth to a Member of your house, which I think necessary to be communicated to you, as it gives rather a sad prospect then any hopes of success four our partys. It must induce you to concert and fall upon some speedy and effectual method for the reducing those rebels, then has hitherto been thought of" etc. Endorsed, Recd. 21st June, 1733. Copy. 4 pp. Enclosed,
74. ii. Resolutions of the Assembly of Jamaica, appointing Committees to consider methods for dealing with the matters mentioned in the Governor's Speech. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 1 pp.
74. iii. (a) Address of the Assembly to Governor Hunter. 15th March, 1733. Return thanks for Speech (No. i) and will consider his recommendations therein, "and in all our proceedings give the strongest demonstrations in our power of all our loyalty and attachment to H.M. person, family and government, as well as our tender and affectionate regard for the interest of those whom we represent" etc. (b) H.E.'s reply, expressing appreciation of preceding. 16th March. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 1 pp. [C.O. 137, 20. ff. 91-92 v., 95-100 v., 101 v., 102 v.]
March 27.
75. Governor Hunter to the Duke of Newcastle. The narrative of the bad success of our partys shall commence where Mr. William's letters to Mr. Delafaye, of which I now send duplicates, left off. On the 17th of last month I review'd the remains of our partys at Port Antonio which had been more weaken'd by desertion, sickness and fatigue then otherwise. I found 40 white and 150 black men arm'd in the field. I pickt out 30 of the most likely and willing of the pioneers and got the adjacent parishes to furnish about 30 more of their slaves fittest for such service, and having compleatly arm'd, accoutr'd and victual'd the whole, by the assistance of Sr. Chaloner Ogle who lent me some arms and other necessarys, I divided them into four companys under so many leaders and officers with a sufficient number of baggage negroes for each : Having discours'd with these officers who were best acquainted with the situation of the rebels and the paths that lead to 't, I determin'd to divide our force, in order to fall upon them from different quarters at the same point of time, and gave orders accordingly. The necessary preparations and stormy weather stopt the partys till the 27th on which day that division commanded by Creswell and Lamb which was to take the longest rout consisting of 104 arm'd men and 30 baggage march'd off in good order, after two days march they according to their orders sent a letter in which they fixt the time vizt. Thursday the 8th of March at noon when they lay'd their account with attacking the rebels in their fastnesses. The other division commanded by Williams (Cornish being sick who was the commanding officer of that division) consisting of 123 arm'd, 34 baggage which were to take the shortest rout, march'd off in good order on Sunday the 4th of March, with orders to fall upon the rebels on their quarter at the same point of time abovementioned. Being obly'd to meet the Assembly on the 13th inst., I set out for Spanish Town on the 7th. On the 14th I spoke to the General Assembly as in the copie etc. enclosed. On the 15th by an express from Colo. Ashworth who commands at Port Antonio, I receiv'd an account of the defeat or rather the shamefull retreat of our partys etc. Refers to enclosed journals. If this miscarriage is to be ascribed to the causes mention'd in these journals, your Grace will perceive where the blame is to be lay'd, for I could not obtain any other punishment for disobedience, mutiny, or desertion to be inflicted by their lawe than such as their slaves and servants, of which this body is chiefly made up, are inur'd to every day of their lives, and value not. They now seem sensible of their error, their sense of feeling being quicker, than that of their sight, and have come to several resolutions, some of which are here inclos'd, but I shall not undertake for them that they will prosecute them to effect, for some men of artifice amongst them who will stick at nothing that will gratifie their spleen may as formerly throw rubs in the way that may defeat all their good intentions. I shall be able in a little time to make a better judgement of their proceedings. The fright rather increasing by the daly desertion of the negro party men, such of them as I could reach I have order'd to be disarm'd, and imprison'd. The serjeant English who commanded in what is call'd the Middle or Upper Negro Town and retir'd from thence without assisting Morison and his party, whom I mention'd to have imprison'd in the letter inclos'd to Mr. Delafaye, was acquitted by a Court Martial, and here inclos'd is a copy of the declaration of the Court etc. Encloses Assembly's Address and his answer. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, R. 22nd June. 3 pp. Enclosed.
75. i. Duplicate of preceding encl. i.
75. ii. Journal of proceedings of the Parties commanded by Edward Creswell and Ebenezer Lambe, kept by Ebenezer Lambe. Jan. 27th, 1733. We marched from Port Antonio to Rio Grande. 28th. Meet St. Mary's and St. George's negroes, fitted them with ammunition, provisions etc. March 1st. Marched to Mr. Stringer's penn, where some of the white men, contrary to our orders and knowledge kill'd a beef which detained us there all night. 2nd. Marched to Mr. Hobby's etc. 3rd. By a general review found there were three white men, two negro shott, and some of the baggage negroes deserted. The party marched about four miles S. and S.E. on the top of a high ridge etc. 4th. Marched about 5 miles E. and S.E. on the ridge, and down a steep gully. About 11 o'clock when the party halted, Caffee (a baggage negroe) threw down his baggage, took a calabash of rum out and run from the parties. Hard rain from about noon. 5th. Describes march down Fox's River. Encamped at Capt. Peter's hutts etc. 6th. Marched about two miles S. and S.W. up the hill and on the ridge came up with the rebels' track, and a hutt that they used for hunting at an old town taken by Soaper. Marched up the right arm of the Back River and thence to the top of the Blew Mountain etc. 8th. Left a guard on the mountain etc. and marched about one mile to the westward down it. One of the party negroes accidentally fired his gun which alarm'd the whole party and struck such a damp on the negroes that we could not get one of them forward. Cotchman, the overseer of the pioneers, and I marched in the front to encourage the negroes and cutt a path to the North East River, marched about a mile to the westward, came up with a piece of new ground, marched through it and coming down to the Man's Town, met with the negroes that was lying in ambush for us, fired a volley of near sixty shott at them, not being above thirty yards distant from us, they drop'd several of their arms and fell down but did not return one shott at that time. We went on towards the town where they are now settled being big with conquest but soon met with a repulse above the Dancing Place (or platform) where they fired a large volley at us. We broke through it and went on to a gully where the rebels fired very smartly at us for about half an hour, there were several of our negroes wounded in attempting to cross the gully. I had crossed the gully with four white men and a negroe shott and we maintained our ground for a considerable time against the rebels, there was one of the white men killed that was with me, and another wounded, the other two made their escape when they saw that the party retreated, the rebels came close to me before I saw them, beating a callabash or drum, one of the white shott that was wounded lying very bad told me that the party would be drove off and that the negroes would take us alive, and that it was best to make my escape. Meanwhile the negroes fired very hot at us from the ambuscade, etc. Describes his escape down the gully, and rejoining Capt. Williams and the party at 7 a.m. on the 9th, when they returned to attack the rebels. Continues : The party at the first onset seemed very resolute to attack the rebels, but by the time we had beat them out of their ambuscades, they began to grow very sick of it and framed excuses for their not fighting, viz, that the sun was too hot, that they would fit [sic] their country and even refused to let the white men join them in the front, there was a great number of shott fired by our party at the rebels in the river course and in the ambuscade, the negroes return'd dropping shotts at us and sometimes small volleys of seven or eight guns. We encouraged the negroes and white men as far as lay in our powers, likewise did Sambo use his utmost endeavours to get them to go forward and all to no purpose. About four of the clock in the afternoon we desired to know their resolution whether they intended to push forward or not, there answer was that they would continue there that night and attack in the cool of the morning, this night we lay on our arms in one of their ambushcades being fully determined to push through the rest in the morning. 10th. We order'd the white men and negroes to look over their arms, encouraged them to push through their ambush, but they then desired that the captains should go in the front, which we did through part of the ambuscade, but the rebels fireing three or four shott at us (by one or two of which I was wounded) our negroes began to run from us. A short time after one of the rebels called to the party and told us in his country language that if we would not kill him, he would come in. We promised him very fair by one of our negroes etc., but when he had a fair sight of him, he shott him through the body etc. The negroes seemed very uneasy, and all the perswasions that we were capable of, would not detain them in the ambush where most of them hid themselves or went round back again to the Dancing Place, where they fired most of their ammunition. Capt. Williams and Sambo frequently went through the ambush to bring up the men, but finding at last they refused to fight and that they were all inclined to run away, we concluded with the rest of the officers to draw off our men, in order to save our arms and ammunition etc. We lost in the engagement two white men and two negroes and had eighteen or nineteen wounded. We marched about three miles from the town and encamped there that night. 11th. Marched down the river to De Laminiar's old hutts. 12th. March'd to Port Antonio. Signed, Ebenezr. Lambe. Copy. 4 pp.
75. iii. Journal of the proceedings of parties commanded by Henry Williams. March 4th. Marched to the Breast Works. 5th. Up Anotta River and lay in Creswell's open hutts. 6th. Up a very steep high ridge to Creswell's farthest hutts etc. 7th. We march'd along the side of the said ridge till we came to the Pointers, from whence Creswell the cruise before turn'd back. Here we discover'd the negro town a great distance from us, so we cut down and proceeded forward etc. 8th. We marched forward to the back of De La Minier's ambush etc. I heard the report of a gun, which I took to be a signal of the rebels, so I halted expecting to hear Creswel's attacking the town (being unwilling to hazard my party by passing the ambush before), being now not above a mile off, etc. About four of the clock in the afternoon I heard them engaged and we march'd forthwith to their relief, but before we reached the open ground I met them in the river course all in confusion being beat off by the rebels. Here we lay on our arms this night. 9th. We joined the parties etc. as preceding. Signed, Henry Williams. Copy. 2 pp.
75. iv. Duplicate of encl. ii. preceding.
75. v. Declaration of Officers appointed to hold a Court Martial of the conduct of Serjeant Robert English at Upper Negro Town. Agree that his abandoning it when the Lower Town was taken by the rebellious negroes and retreating with his small party, believing that the rest were destroyed or fled, was a prudent act of good conduct etc. Eight signatures. Copy. 1 p.
75. vi. Duplicate of encl. iii. preceding. [C.O. 137, 54. ff. 156-161, 162-164, 166-167, 168, 168 v., 170, 172, 172 v.]
March 27.
76. Governor Hunter to the Duke of Newcastle. On the 30th of January last a sloop call'd the Mary, John Harris master, loaded and bound for the north side of this island, was taken out of Port Morant Harbour, by a pyrate, as it was then believ'd. Whilst I was at Port Antonio the said John Harris with his sloop came into that port, bringing with him the certification from the Governor of St. Jago etc. Encloses copies of correspondence etc. Will await H.M. commands etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, R. 22nd June. 1 pp. Enclosed,
76. i. Certificate by the Governor of Santiago de Cuba. 5th March (N.S.), 1733. "Having received information, from the Governor of Cuba, which he received from natives or traders of Jamaica, that there were in the harbour of Jamaica 24 English ships of war, without knowing whither they were bound etc., in order to obtain full knowledge of the truth, I resolved to despatch a sloop adequately equipped, with orders to sail to the coast or some harbour of the said island and there to seize the first vessel they came upon and to bring her into this port, in order that I might obtain from her crew full knowledge of what was reported etc., but not to harm the people or plunder the goods of such vessel. The sloop of John Harris having been seized accordingly in Port Morant, and he and his crew having denied that there was any such armament in Jamaica as reported, I proceeded against the crew of the sloop who had taken from the said vessel certain provisions, and I offered to pay Mr. Harris for them, which he refused, asking only permission to sell some barrels of flour and other provisions as a recompence for what had been taken from him, etc. At his request I have given him this certificate. Signed, Pedro Ignasio Ximenes. Endorsed, Copy sent to Mr. Keene, June 29th. Spanish. 2 pp.
76. ii. English translation of preceding. 1 pp. Endorsed, Copy and translation in French sent to Ct. Montijo, June 28th.
76. iii. Deposition of John Harris. 2nd March, 173. Describes capture of his sloop by the Spaniards, in which he was wounded by a cutlass on his arm, and fears he will lose the use of it. They took and bound his crew and carried them on board their vessel. The crew they put on board his sloop embezzeled some of the cargo (enumerated), for which the Governor of Santiago ordered them to the castle for punishment etc. The Royal Officers took some provisions from his sloop for which they paid deponent to his satisfaction. The Governor and Royal Officers charged him 60 dollars for duties for his vessel and negroes before they would allow him to depart etc. Two days before deponent's departure, the Governor sent out the master of the said schooner in an armed periauga etc. Signed, John Harris, his mark. Copy. 2 pp.
76. iv. Minute of Council of Jamaica. 15th March, 1732. Request H.E. to send copies of above to Sir C. Ogle ; to protest to the Governor of Santiago against the above seizure of a vessel in a port of Jamaica in time of profound peace, assuring him that he will represent the matter to the King, and to demand satisfaction etc. Copy. p.
76. v. Governor Hunter to the Governor of Santiago de Cuba. Jamaica, 18th March, 1733. Has heard with surprise and concern of the above "unwarrantable depredation," contrary to the "Laws of Nations and the Faith of Treatys." Thought at first it must be the act of a pirate, having recently received a declaration dated at Seville 8th Feb. 1732 and signed by the Ministers of Great Britain and Spain, prohibiting in the strongest terms all such outrages by either nation, a copy of which he is informed has been transmitted to all Spanish Governors. Is representing the matter to the King of Great Britain and awaits his orders. In the mean time expects him to give orders for full reparation to be made, and the delinquents punished etc. P.S. You will do justice to both Nations, if you will send me the names of such of his Britannick Majesty's subjects as have been so audacious as to give the false information mention'd in your certificate. Signed, Ro. Hunter, Endorsed, Copy and translation sent to Ct. Montijo. 28th June, 1733, and to Mr. Keene, the 29th. Copy. 2 pp.
76. vi. Same to Sir Chaloner Ogle. Spanish Town, March 18th, 1733. Encloses preceding, with request that it may be sent by one of H.M. ships, and that he will second the instances and demands in it, so far as he shall judge conformable with his Instructions etc. Encloses copies of Nos. ii-v, vii. The island has great obligations to Sir Chaloner for his friendly offices and assistance at a time when it has been so much needed, and the Governor has a due sense thereof etc. Signed and endorsed as preceding. Copy. 1 pp.
76. vii. Extract of letter from Messrs. Dennis and Cocks, Factors for the Royal British Assiento Co. at St. Jago de Cuba to Messrs. Pratter and Rigby. 5th March (N.S.), 1733. Refer to seizure of Mr. Harris. "As far as we can hear, he has had no other consideration made him, but the liberty to sell a few barrels of flower and wine etc. Our Governour has granted a commission of guarda coasta to the captain of the vessel that took Harris, and he as such sails in a few days etc., and will cruize to leward of Cape Cruz etc. His name is Malchor Barrera, and is an old chap at this practice." Copy. p.
76. viii. Sir Chaloner Ogle to Governor Hunter. Kingston at Port Antonio, 23rd March, 173. In reply to letter of 18th (encl. vi), encloses copy of part of his Instructions from the Admiralty, relating to the manner in which claims are to be made for unlawful seizures of goods of H.M. subjects etc. Continues : Unless this Instruction is comply'd with, it is not in my power to do anything therein, which is the present case of Harris, who's deposition only takes notice of the loss of several goods etc. but has not ascertain'd their particular value, which must be done, ere a regular demand can be made. As to any satisfaction to be expected for the usuage Harris met with from the schooner's people, I observe by his deposition that those people were seiz'd by the Governor of St. Jago and put into the castle in order to be punish'd for their breach of his orders, which is all I think can be expected on that account : but the moment I receive from your Excellency a declaratory sentence agreeable to my Instructions, I will immediately dispatch a man of war to St. Jago to make a regular demand accordingly. P.S. I fear the master of the sloop has not behav'd so justly as he ought to have done, for in the certificate brought by himself from the Governor (encl. i), I observ'd he offer'd to make good the damagees for the loss of any goods etc taken from him by the schooner's crew, and all he then demanded was liberty to sell part of his goods, which was allow'd him, and by that means he own'd himself pay'd to his satisfaction. Copy. 1 pp. [C.O. 137, 54. ff. 174, 174 v., 175 v.-178 v., 179 v.-181, 182, 184-186 v., 187 v., 188, 190, 190 v.] ; and [copy of iv and duplicate of No. vii, endorsed, copy and translation sent to Ct. Montijo, 28th June, 1733 and to Mr. Keene 29th) 137, 47. ff. 151, 152 v., 153, 154 v.]
March 27.
77. Duke of Newcastle to the Council of Trade and Plantations. H.M. having been pleased to appoint William Mathew Esqr. to be Governor of the Leeward Islands in America ; I am to desire you will prepare draughts of a Commission and Instructions for him, in order to be laid before the King for his approbation. I am, My Lords, your Lordps.' most obedient and humble servant, Holles Newcastle. Endorsed, Recd. 28th March, Read 3rd April, 1733. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 19. ff. 144, 147 v.]
March 27.
78. Duke of Newcastle to the Council of Trade and Plantations. H.M. having been pleased to appoint Gabriel Johnston to be Governor of North Carolina etc., you are to prepare draughts of a Commission and Instructions for him etc., for H.M. approbation. Signed, Holles Newcastle. Set out, N.C. Col. III. 438. Endorsed, Recd. 28th March, Read 5th April, 1733. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 294. ff. 66, 71 v.]
March 28.
(1st mo.)
79. Mr. Partridge, Agent for New York, to the Duke of Newcastle. Inasmuch as there is a bill lately passt ye House of Commons for imposing high duties on ye importation of sugar etc. into ye Northern Colonys from ye Foreign Sugar Plantations, and is like to be brought up soon to ye House of Lords, the Gentlemen of New York apprehend if it should pass into a law will be rather worse in the consequence of it than ye Bill of prohibitions last year, for that besides ye injury it will be off in itself almost tantamount to a prohibition, it is divesting them of their rights and privilidges as ye King's natural born subjects and English men in levying subsidies upon them against their consent when they are annexd to no county in Great Britain, have no Representatives in Parliamt. nor any part of ye Legislature of this Kingdom, and that it will be drawn into a president hereafter whereby an incredible inconvenience may ensue : and as we humbly conceive it will not be deem'd a breach of ye rules of ye House to hear us before sentence pass upon us, as it is not a common money bill (wch. is for raising a duty out of ye Kingdom), we pray this petition may be presented to ye House of Lords in a proper time after the bill has been read the first time. I am, in behalf of the New York Gentlemen Thy Friend, Signed, Richd. Partridge. 1 pp. Enclosed,
79. i. Petition of Samuel Baker, George Streatfield, Samuel Storke, Richd. Jeneway and Rodrigo Pacheco in behalf of H.M. Province of New York in America, to the Rt. Hon. the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled. Petition that the Province may be exempted from the Sugar Bill, or that they may be heard against it etc., since it "will be very prejudicial to the Trade and Navigation, and tend greatly to the impoverishment of H.M. faithfull subjects in the Northern Colonies, particularly in the said Province" etc. Signed, Saml. Baker, Richd. Jeneway, Geo. Streatfeild, Sam. Storke. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1093. ff. 265, 265 v., 267.]
March 28.
St. James's.
80. H.M. Commission appointing James Lawes Lt. Governor of Jamaica, in the absence or on the death of Governor Hunter etc. Countersigned, Holles Newcastle. Copy. [C.O. 324, 50. pp. 11, 12 ; and 324, 36. pp. 406, 407.]
March 28. 81. [Governor Fitzwilliam to the Council of Trade and Plantations.] Remarks on 12 Acts of the Bahama Islands. Partly identical with those of 1st March, 1731. Endorsed, Recd. (from Govr. Fitzwilliam) 28th March, Read 19th June, 1733. 4 pp. [C.O. 23, 3. ff. 64-65 v., 66 v.]
March 28.
Charles Town.
82. Governor Johnson to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses Naval Officer's list of ships entered and cleared in this port Midsummer to Christmas, 1732. Signed, Robt. Johnson. Endorsed, Recd. 28th June, 1733, Read 27th Aug. 1735. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 364. ff. 222, 225 v.]
March 29.
83. Minutes of Council of N. Carolina 29th March, 1733. Certified by Governor Burrington, Attested by Robert Forster, Clerk of Council. 32 pp. [C.O. 5, 308. Nos. 17, 17 i.]
March 29.
St. James's.
84. Order of King in Council. Approving Representation of 20th Feb., and appointing Philip Lightfoot and Thomas Lee to the Council of Virginia etc. Signed, Ja. Vernon. Endorsed, Recd. 16th, Read 19th June, 1733. 1 pp. [C.O. 5, 1323. ff. 68, 68 v., 69 v. ; and 5, 21. ff. 27, 27 v.]
[March 30.] 85. Petition of Ferdinando John Paris, in behalf of Thomas Hanley and other persons, ancient possessors of certain lands in New York, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Equivalent Lands (v. 23rd Feb.), lately yielded by Connecticut to be esteemed part of the province of New York, were not unsettled lands, but had been anciently granted to the abovenamed Hanly and about 100 other families, who had for a long time improved and settled the same etc. By insinuating, unknown to the settlers, that they were unsettled and unimproved lands, Sir Joseph Eyles etc., who had no sort of claim to them, ever seen them or been at one shilling expence about them, obtained a grant for them, 15th May, 1730, after they had been yielded to New York. Under pretence of said letters patent, the abovementioned settlers have been disturbed in their lawful possessions. The patentees have recently petitioned H.M. to erect the said tract into county, with a manifest view to their possession of those lands. H.M. has not hitherto been pleased by any Charter here to erect small parcels of lands into counties or to create jurisdictions in such small tracts, but this has been done by the Legislature of the respective provinces, who being upon the spot might do the same in the most just and convenient manner. This new application is also made behind the backs of the settlers, who cannot have any notice thereof. If granted, the Patentees own servants and agents may be appointed to determine whether their masters or the ancient possessors have the best right, and so to judge in their own case, which is a thing abhorred in the English law etc. Prays that the Equivalent lands may not be erected into or annexed to any county etc. Endorsed, Recd. 30th March, Read 3rd April, 1733. 1 pp. [C.O. 5, 1056. ff. 25, 25 v., 26 v.]
March 30.
Charles Town.
86. Governor Johnson to the Duke of Newcastle. I take this opportunity by Mr. Yonge, one of H.M. Council here, who will have the honour of waiting on your Grace, as soon as he arrives in London, to inform you that I have used my best endeavours to get a fort and barracks erected on the river Alatamaha, as I have been commanded by H.M., for the reception of a detachment of H.M. Independent Company, and have in order thereto often recommended to the Assembly to provide money for that service, to which they had once agreed and voted to provide 800 stg. for that, and for a fort at Port Royal, and I ordered timber to be sawed and squared, which was in part done, but that money being all expended on the fort at Port Royal, and upon the new settlers arrival in Georgia, they now look upon that place as out of this Province and Government, so that I am at a loss how to proceed without H.M. further instructions, and which way the charge of this building must be defrayd ; without which the detachment cannot be sent. Mr. Yonge will lay before your Grace a plan of the Town of Beaufort on Port Royal river, and has directions to assist Mr. Fury in solliciting H.M. that that port and harbour may be fortifyed and secured, being very convenient and of great importance. If this should be consented to, it may be one of the finest ports in America, for the reception of H.M. royal Navy. I have therefore defferd granting any of the lotts, that were not already granted before my time, altho' sollicited thereto, by many people who would settle there, until I am advised what part of it may be usefull for stores, a dock, or such other conveniences, as may be wanted for H.M. own use, for the better careening and fitting out of the ships of war ; I have prevailed with the Assembly to purchase 100 acres of land where a fort is erected near Beaufort, and barracks for the accomodation of the said Company of Capt. Massey's, which is near finished ; and shall be glad to be hond. with your Grace's commands in relation to the other fort. P.S. I am glad I have prevaild on the Assembly to double Mr. Fury's sallary, with whom we are all very well pleas'd. Signed, Robt. Johnson. Endorsed, R. 29th June (by Mr. Yonge). 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 388. ff. 85-86.]
March 30.
Charles Town.
87. Governor Johnson to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Duplicate of preceding, mutatis mutandis and without postscript. Signed, Robt. Johnson. Endorsed, Recd. 28th June, 1733. Read 27th Aug., 1735. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 364. ff. 223-224 v.]


  • 1. In the original the number is referred to as "sst." This may be intended to refer to Art. 15 of the Treaty between Great Britain and Spain at Utrecht 2/13 July, 1713.