Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 40, 1733. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.
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'Index of Persons: A-L', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 40, 1733, ed. Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index of Persons: A-L', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 40, 1733. Edited by Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Index of Persons: A-L". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 40, 1733. Ed. Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Abbot, Edward, Nevis, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Adams, Jean, Councillor Nova Scotia, order concerning estates of Le Borgne family by, 335 i, iii.
Adunson, Martin, affidavit of, 22 i (a)
Advocate General, H.M. See Paul, George.
Alexander, James, Councillor of New York and New Jersey, differences with Governor Cosby, 351 p. 207.
-, -, not called to Council by Governor, reason for, 442 p. 263.
-, -, residence of, 351 p. 207.
-, Sir William, Earl of Stirling, grant of Nova Scotia to, (1621), 367 p. 226.
Algerines, the, peace with, 349 i p. 200.
Allain (Allam), Thomas, Lieutenant commanding detachment of Independent Companies Jamaica, sent against rebellious negroes at Port Antonio, 331, 333 iiii.
-, -, -, orders and instructions for, 358 vi.
-, -, death of, 382.
Allen, James, Agent for Mr. Roberts, letter from, 212.
-, John, Virginia, Act concerning lands of confirmed, 374.
Alleyne, Reynd., Barbados, proposed for Council, 209 i.
Anderson, John, a minister of St. Kitts, document signed by, 365 xv.
Anne, Queen, instructions from, concerning French in Nova Scotia, 367 p. 224.
-, -, to Governors in the Plantations, 32.
-, situation of New Hampshire in reign of, 116 i p. 77.
Anstruther, Sir John, M.P. for Fife, 114.
Armstrong, Lawrence, Colonel, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, commendation of, 363.
-, -, letter from, 247, 335, 372, 390.
-, -, letter to, 363.
-, -, petition to, 335 v.
-, Robert, late Collector New Hampshire, agent of. See Stockar, Henry.
-, -, petition of, 54.
-, -, removal from office, 54.
Ashe, John Baptista, Councillor and Deputy Surveyor General of North Carolina, certificate by, 310 ix.
-, -, charges against, 1 p. 2, 172 p. 111.
-, -, charges by, against Governor Burrington, 122, 122 i, iii, 123, 123 iiii, vii, viii.
-, -, -, -, reply to, 122, 122 ii.
-, -, deposition by, 123 vii, viii (b) 310 iv.
-, -, letter from, 122, 123.
-, -, protest and remonstrance by, 123 i, iii, viii.
-, -, -, reply to, 123 ii.
-, -, removal from Council urged, 1 p. 5.
Ashley, John, Councillor, Barbados, letter from, 349.
Ashworth, Jasper, Lt. Colonel, J.P. and Chief Commissioner at Port Antonio Jamaica, account of defeat of expedition against rebellious negroes by, 244 i.
-, -, charges against, by Assembly, 244 p. 140.
-, -, letter from, 74 i, 75, 244 i, 331, 331 ii, 445 ivvi.
-, -, persecution of, as Commander in Chief of parties against negroes, 200.
Astage, , missionary priest, Indians settled by, at Chickenectua, 372 p. 232.
Atkinson, Theodore, Councillor New Hampshire, appointment of, mandamus for, 37.
-, -, complaint against, 173 p. 113, 173 iii.
Attorney General
-, H.M. See Northey, Sir E.
-, Yorke, Sir Philip
-, Willes, J.
Aubin, , Captain, R.N. commander of Deal Castle, La Dichasa seized by, 22.
-, -, at Jamaica, 331 ii.
Audain, Andrew and Peter, St. Christopher, Act concerning, 436.
-, Isaac Peter, St. Christopher, estate of, report on act concerning, 319.
Ayscough, John, President of Council Jamaica, 460.
-, -, devolution of Government on, additional instructions concerning, 275.
-, -, letter from, 275.
-, -, as Lieut. Governor on death of Duke of Portland, 275.
-, -, restoration to Council, 275.
Bacon, Sir Francis, quotation from, 349 i p. 202.
Badenhop, Jesse, Clerk of Council, South Carolina, document certified by, 28 ii, iii, 59 ii.
Badham, William, Assistant Justice North Carolina, Commission appointing, 172 viii.
Badloo, a negro of Jamaica, 331 iii.
Bagley, Timothy, Lieutenant of Independent Company New York, 443 (xxxi-xxxiv).
Baker, John, Councillor South Carolina, proposed for Council, 97.
-, Samuel, New York, petition of, 79 i.
Ball, , Assistant Judge Barbados, appointment of, 313, 330.
-, Joseph, Barbados, proposed for Council, 209 i.
Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert, Charles.
Barham, Charles, Virginia, Act concerning lands of, confirmed, 374.
Barnes, Richard, Virginia, Act concerning land of, confirmed, 374.
Barrera, Malchior, Spanish Captain, Mary sloop captured by, 76 vii.
Barrett, Thomas, Jamaica, recommended for Council, 455, 459.
Barton, Mary, Nova Scotia, affidavit of, 367 p. 225.
-, -, deposition of, 96.
Barwick, Samuel, President of Council Barbados, correspondence concerning evacuation of Sta. Lucia etc., 313 i, ii.
-, -, death of, 118, 208, 281, 314, 452.
-, -, Government assumed by, 452.
-, -, instructions concerning evacuation of Sta. Lucia, etc., 40.
-, -, letter from, 40, 40 ii.
-, -, reply to queries concerning laws etc. affecting British trade and navigation, 32 p. 30.
Batterfield, Nathaniel, Treasurer Bermuda, document signed by, 72 iv-vi.
Beake, Thomas, Agent for St. Christopher, complaint against Wavell Smith by, 129.
Beccles, , Chief Judge Barbados, appointment of, 313, 330.
Belcher, Jonathan, Governor of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire, commendation of, 433 i.
-, -, complaint by, 173 p. 113.
-, -, Conference with Indians at Falmouth, papers laid before Parliament concerning, 110.
-, -, difficulties with Assembly, 5, 350, 384 p. 236.
-, -, -, conduct commended, 386.
-, -, dispute with Council and Assembly over Acts concerning bills of credit, 163.
-, -, dispute with Colonel Dunbar, 170, 292.
-, -, document certified by, 173 ii.
-, -, document signed by, 16 i, 127 ii.
-, -, instructed to give assent to bill granting 3000 salary, 394.
-, -, Instructions of, 7, 116 i p. 78, 170, 345.
-, -, -, to assent to Act concerning salary, 27, 51, 52, 52 i.
-, -, -, 15th, Assembly's complaint against, 14.
-, -, -, -, copy of, 14 ii.
-, -, -, -, proposal to amend, 14.
-, -, -, -, -, rejected, 345 p. 194.
-, -, -, 16th, 14.
-, -, -, -, and 30th, address for revoking, report upon, 163.
-, -, instructions, additional, for, 409, 433.
-, -, -, -, draft of, 34 i, 50.
-, -, letter from, 5-9, 14, 15, 37, 37 i, iii, 127, 170, 173, 229, 230, 234, 350, 384, 385.
-, -, letter to, 37 ii, 345.
-, -, meeting with Indians at Falmouth, papers laid before the House of Lords, 115.
-, -, offices in the gift of, 385.
-, -, permission to assent to issue of bills of credit granted to, 163 p. 99.
-, -, perquisites of, 354.
-, -, petition to, 5, 5 i-v, 6 i-vi, viii.
-, -, powers of, to grant offices, question of, 354.
-, -, proclamation by, 157 i.
-, -, reply to queries concerning laws etc. affecting British trade and Navigation, 32 p. 30.
-, -, salary of, 170, 229, 230, 350, 384 p. 236, 385, 386.
-, -, -, Act concerning, 375 i, ii.
-, -, -, -, Assent to, 34 i, 50, 51, 52, 52 i.
-, -, -, difficulties with Assembly over, 229 p. 132, 230.
-, -, -, non payment of, 7.
-, -, -, voted by Assembly, 7.
-, -, speech of, 173 i (a).
-, -, speeches approved by Parliament, 345.
-, -, vacancies in Council filled by, question of, 170 p. 108.
Belcher, Jonathan, Junior, son of Governor Belcher, appointment as Naval officer cancelled, 350.
-, -, petition from, 375 i.
Belhaven, Lord. See Hamilton, John.
Bennet, Benjamin, late Governor of Bermuda, instructions for, 32 p. 32.
Bentinck, William Henry, Earl of Portland, 1st Duke of Portland, late Governor of Jamaica, death of, 275.
-, -, instructions for, 32 p. 31.
Beresford, John, brother of Richard, leaves for South Carolina, 422.
-, -, petition of, 422.
-, Richard, South Carolina, estate of, Act concerning, 421, 422.
-, -, death of, 421.
-, -, petition of, 422.
Bisset, Andrew, master of the John brig, 338 ii.
Blair, John, Deputy Auditor of Virginia, document audited by, 250 ii, iii.
Blake, Colonel, Councillor South Carolina, proposed for Council, 97.
Bonham, Captain, R.N., Commander of H.M.S. Shoreham, copies of papers on case of Anne required for Madrid, 322 i.
-, -, letter from, 322.
-, -, letter to, 322 i.
Bonner, Henry, Assistant Justice North Carolina, Commission appointing, 172 vi.
Bourryan, John, St. Christopher, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Bouveron, Simeon, Montserrat, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Bowdoin, James, Boston, scheme for a private Bank, 389, 389 i.
Boyd, Augustus, St. Christopher, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Brace, , Assistant Judge Barbados, appointment of, 313, 330.
Bradford, William, printer, Acts of New Jersey not sent to, 351 ii.
Bradley, Richard, Attorney General of New York, salary and arrears of, payment of, 352.
Bradstreet, , widow of, estate claimed by. See Campbell, Agatha.
Bray, Thomas, Virginia, Act concerning lands of, confirmed, 374.
Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, a Lord Commissioner of Trade, letter to, 199, 206.
Bridges, James, first duke of Chandos, 24.
Bridgwater, Charles, Councillor Nevis, death of, 446.
-, -, Junior, Councillor and Deputy Secretary for Nevis, appointment of, 41, 53.
-, -, deputy for Wavell Smith, 258.
-, -, proposed for Council, 446.
-, -, removal from Council, 258, 259.
Bromfeild, Edward, Junior, Boston, scheme for a private Bank, 389, 389 i.
Broughton, Thomas, President of Council South Carolina, document signed by, 28 i, 243.
Brouillan, St. Ovide de, Governor of Cape Breton, letter from, 439 i, ii, 440 p. 256, 440 iii
Browne, Jeremiah, Chief Justice St. Christopher, case against Mr. Burt, 356, 356 i.
-, -, document signed by, 365 x.
-, -, letter from, 365 xiv.
-, -, removal and restoration of, 356.
Brudenell, Ja., Agent for Barbados, and Car. S.? 165.
Bull, William, Colonel, Councillor of South Carolina, alleged bribery of, by Mr. Thorpe, 207.
Burchett, J., Secretary of the Admiralty, letter from, 66, 414.
-, -, letter to, 121, 399, 414 i.
Burnett, Robert, Secretary of New Jersey, appointment of, 134.
-, William, late Governor of New York and New Jersey, Chief Justice displaced by, 124 p. 86.
-, -, children of, money due to, granted, 384, 384 ii.
-, -, complaint against, 163 p. 99.
-, -, instructions of, 163 p. 98.
-, -, subscriptions for, 351 p. 205.
-, -, treatment of family of, 170.
Burrington, George, Governor of North Carolina, appointment of Councillor Owen, protest against, 123 viii.
-, -, charges against, by Mr. Ashe etc., 122, 122 i, iii, 123, 123 i-iii, vii, viii.
-, -, -, -, reply to, 122 ii.
-, -, -, by Judge Porter, 310.
-, -, charges by, against Judge Porter, 310, 310 i-xv.
-, -, commission of, revoked, 153.
-, -, complaint against, 123 iv-vi, ix.
-, -, -, reply to, 172.
-, -, Councillors appointed by, explanation of, 172 p. 109.
-, -, document certified by, 83, 240, 241, 290.
-, -, document signed by, 172 iv-viii.
-, -, division of precinets and erecting new, reasons against, 122 i-iii.
-, -, expedition made by, 172 pp. 111, 112.
-, -, instructions of, 1 p. 2, 32 p. 32.
-, -, -, alteration in 41st, 251, 255.
-, -, -, 14th, 172 p. 111.
-, -, issue of warrants for lands by, protest against, 123, 123 i-iii.
-, -, lands acquired by, charges concerning, 310.
-, -, letter from, 1, 2, 91 ii, 172, 310 xi-xiv, 353, 383.
-, -, -, reply to, 91 iii.
-, -, letter to, 310 x (a).
-, -, petition to, 1 p. 3.
-, -, road marked out by, 172 p. 111.
Burrish, , Solicitor and Clerk of Reports, Office of Trade and Plantations, 206.
Burrows, Jeremiah, Councillor Bahamas, proposed for Council, 71 i.
Burt, , Chief Justice of St. Christopher, appointment of, by Lieut. General Mathew, 356.
-, -, fees and perquisities of, claimed by Judge Browne, 356, 356 i.
-, -, suit brought against, 356, 356 i.
Busquett, Stephen, master of St. William sloop, seized by pirates, 18 iii, iv.
Byam, Edward, Lieutenant Governor of Antigua, 65.
Byng, Ro., Receiver of Admiralty in the Plantations, letter from, 213.
-, -, resignation of, 213.
Calcock (Colcock), John, mariner, deposition of, 338 i, 420 i.
-, -, treatment at the hands of Spaniards, 338 i.
Calvert, Charles, Baron Baltimore, Governor and Proprietor of Maryland, 249.
-, -, Account of the State of Maryland by, 191.
-, -, -, laid before the Board, 61, 61 i.
-, -, departure of, 250 i.
-, -, lands near Great Mountains Virginia, claim to, 42 pp. 38, 39.
-, -, Secretary of. See Janssen, William.
Campbell, , Lieutenant with expedition against negroes, 331 ii, iii.
Campbell, Agatha, widow of Bradestreet and Campbell and daughter of James La Tour, charges against Governor Philipps, 182, 203 iii.
-, -, -, reply to, 203, 203 ii.
-, -, claim to La Tour estate in Nova Scotia, 86-96, 182, 203, 203 ii, 367.
-, -, conveyances of lands and rents made to, 367 p. 225.
-, -, Lady of the Manor, affidavits in proof of, 367 p. 225.
-, -, petition of, 89, 182, 203, 203 iii, 307 i.
-, -, -, dismissed, 203 i, ii.
-, -, -, representation upon, 367.
-, -, -, -, approved, 447.
-, -, sons of, 203 iii p. 124.
-, -, surrender and Conveyances of lands and seigniory to, 93.
-, Colin, cargo from St. Michael removed by, 22 i (a).
-, Hugh, late Ensign in Colonel Philipps' regiment, Commission for, 203 ii.
-, -, widow of. See Campbell, Agatha.
Campos, Mor. de. Portuguese Secretary in England, memorial from, 58 i.
Carkesse, Charles, Secretary to H.M. Commissioners of Customs, letter from, 291.
-, -, letter to, 286.
Caroline, Queen, Guardian of the Kingdom and H.M. Lieutenant, order by, re Nova Scotia, 203 i.
Carter, Robert, Councillor Virginia, death of, 13, 108.
-, -, dispute over lands claimed by Lord Fairfax, 271 i.
Carteret, Lord John, a Lord Proprietor and Palatine of South Carolina, Agents of, 59 ii.
-, -, baronies claimed and sold by, 59, 59 i-iii, 60, 212.
-, -, -, opinion upon, 59 ii, iii, iv.
-, -, -, survey of, 59 i-iii.
-, -, -, -, security for, 59 v.
-, -, -, -, warrant for, 59 vi.
-, -, letter from, 59 i.
-, -, letter to, 59 ii, iii.
Cary, Henry, Virginia, lands of, Act concerning, 401.
-, Walter, Clerk of the Privy Council, document signed by, 16, 27, 146, 150, 160, 175, 176, 177.
Chamberlain, , letter to, 360.
Chambers, John, New York, 443 iv.
Champigny, Marquis de, Governor of Martinique, letter from, 313 ii, v.
-, -, letter to, 313, 313 i, iv, vi.
-, -, order for evacuation of Sta Lucia etc. sent to, 235 p. 136.
Chandos, Duke of. See Bridges.
Charles I, King, grants in Nova Scotia by, 367, p. 226.
Charles II, King, Charter of North Carolina issued by, 431.
-, grants of land in Virginia by, 271 i.
-, order concerning Nova Scotia, 367 p. 226.
Charlton, Edw., Councillor Jamaica, document signed by, 317 i p. 170.
Charnock, , Assistant Judge Barbados, superseded, 313, 330.
Cholmondeley, George, 2nd Viscount, Lord Malpas, Mr. Warrall recommended by, 351 ii.
Clarke, Geo., Councillor New York, document signed by, 443.
-, William, Nevis, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Cocke, Leonard, Santiago Cuba, letter from, 322 i, ii.
Cocks, , Factor of Assiento Company at Cuba, letter from, 76 vii.
Colebrooke, , Bahamas, character of, 423.
-, -, complaint against, by Governor Fitzwilliam, 423, 424.
-, -, disturbances caused by, 424.
-, -, recommendation of, 344.
-, -, Providence, packet from, 111 i.
Coleman, Richard, Virginia, Act concerning land of, confirmed, 374.
Collins, John, Grand Jury Barbados, document signed by, 236 ii.
Concanen, Mathew, Attorney General and Chief Justice Jamaica, commendation of, 88.
-, -, instructions for, 144.
-, -, letter from, 102.
-, -, recommended by the Duke of Newcastle, 102.
Conner, John, Attorney North Carolina, summoned in case against Judge Porter, 310 vi.
Cooke, , examined by Council of Trade and Plantations 1673, 70.
-, , son of Elisha, appointed Naval officer at Boston, 354.
Coope, Richard, Agent for St. Christopher, Act appointing, reasons for disallowance of, 387 i.
Cooper, Nicholas, High Sheriff of Westchester, appointment of, approved by Council, 443 xxvi.
-, -, -, charge against Governor Cosby concerning, 441 i (xxvi).
-, Dr. Thomas, South Carolina, application for Habeas Corpus, 165 p. 103.
-, -, arrest of, 427 i p. 251.
-, -, case of, 165, 165 iv, 427.
-, -, imprisonment of, action taken on, 427 i p. 251.
-, -, -, writ of Habeas Corpus, 427 i p. 251.
-, -, petition of, 165 v, vi, 427 i.
-, -, release of, 427 i p. 252.
-, -, warrant issued against, 427 i.
Cope, Colonel, regiment of, ensign in. See Crawford, James.
Cordes, , Sta Lucia, 313 ii.
Cornish, , commanding party against rebellious negroes, illness of, 75.
Cortland, Phillip, Councillor New York, document signed by, 443.
Cosby, William, Major, Governor of New York and New Jersey, address to, 351 p. 206, 441 p. 258.
-, -, at Albany, 351, 351 ii.
-, -, -, conference with Indians, 443 p. 265.
-, -, -, fort inspected by, 438.
-, -, appointments made by, 351 ii.
-, -, case of President Van Dam against, statement and proceedings of, 441 ii.
-, -, charges against, 441, 441 ii-iv.
-, -, -, Council's reply to, 443.
-, -, -, details of, 441 i.
-, -, -, by Lewis Morris, 351 pp. 203-205.
-, -, Commission of, 117, 469.
-, -, conduct of, 351 p. 203, 441 p. 258.
-, -, Conference with Six Nations at Albany, 440 i.
-, -, Heads of Articles of Complaint by Mr. Van Dam against, 441, 441 i.
-, -, -, reply to, 442.
-, -, -, representation upon, 443.
-, -, Instructions for, 117, 135, 175, 443.
-, -, -, additional, 196 i, 256, 266, 299, 300, 408.
-, -, -, -, concerning moiety of salary and perquisites, 470.
-, -, -, -, concerning New Jersey, 45.
-, -, letter from, 24, 124, 139, 327, 328, 329, 438, 438 i, 439, 440, 442.
-, -, -, extract of, 125.
-, -, letter to, 39, 202, 439 i, ii, 440 iii, 448 i.
-, -, moiety of salary and perquisites for, Mr. Van Dam's refusal to pay, 124.
-, -, -, -, suit to recover, 124.
-, -, payment to, 351 iii.
-, -, -, by Assembly, 351 p. 205.
-, -, present of French wine for, 440 iii, 441 i (xxix, xxx).
-, -, salary of, moiety for President Van Dam, case of, 441 ii.
-, -, -, in New Jersey, order concerning, 45.
-, -, wife of, 328, 329.
Cotchman, , overseer of pioneers Jamaica, 75 ii.
Coverley, Nathaniel, Master of the Batchelor sloop, deposition of, 111 i, 227, 227 i.
-, -, information on Spanish designs on Port Royal, 111, 111 i.
Cowper, Wm., Clerk of the House of Lords, document signed by, 110.
Cox, , Surgeon Jamaica, with expedition against negroes, 331 i.
Cracherode, Anthony, Chief Clerk and Registrar in Chancery Court and Clerk of the Crown, Barbados, case of, 464.
-, -, fees of, under patent, 464.
Craven, , recommended as Governor of South Carolina by Lord Craven, 217.
-, Lord, a Lord Proprietor of South Carolina, letter from, 217.
-, -, letter to, 218.
-, -, recommendation of Mr. Craven as Governor of South Carolina, 217.
Crawden, Richard, Mariner Barbados, and part owner in Industry and Endeavour, deposition of, 235, 235 i, 308 ii.
Crawford, James, Ensign in Colonel Cope's Regiment, recommended for Governor Hunter's Company, 145, 382.
-, Lord, memorandum by, 202 i.
Creswell, Edward, Commander of parties against rebellious negroes, Journal of, 75, 75 ii, iii.
Cromwell, Oliver, fleet at New England, 367 p. 226.
-, -, Nova Scotia seized by, 367 p. 226.
Crook, Clement, estate of, 274, 293.
Crown, William, Nova Scotia sold to, 367 p. 226.
Crump, Nathaniel, Justice of the Peace Antigua, document signed by, 365 xii.
Crumpe, Isaac, Barbados, debts of, 429.
Cudjo (Cudjoe) negro spy Jamaica, 320 i, 358 vii.
-, at Colonel Nedham's plantation, 320 i, 358 vii.
Cuffey, a rebellious negro Jamaica, 320 i, 358 vii.
-, desertion of, 75 ii.
-, sent for powder to Kingston, 358 vii.
Culpeper, Lord, lands granted to, (1688) dispute concerning, 42 pp. 37, 39.
Cumberbatch, Abra., Grand Jury Barbados, document signed by, 236 ii.
Cuthbert, Robert, Minister at Annapolis Royal and Chaplain to Col. Philipps' regiment, certificate by, 367 p. 225.
-, -, deposition of, 95.
Dasent, John, Speaker of Assembly, Nevis, document signed by, 357 i.
D'Aulnay (Daunay), M., estate of, in Nova Scotia, claim to, 335 vi.
-, Madame, Nova Scotia, 335.
Delafaye, Charles, Secretary to the Duke of Newcastle, 344.
-, -, letter to, 36, 75, 322, 329, 354, 357, 376, 385.
Delancy (De Lancey, Delaney), James, Councillor and Chief Justice of New York, appointment of, 324 p. 174, 443 (xxi).
-, -, commission for, 329.
-, -, document signed by, 443.
-, -, opinion by, as Judge of Exchequer Court, 124 p. 85.
De la Millire, Captain, Jamaica, 75 ii, iii.
-, -, Act for building a fort at place of ambush, 455, 455 i.
De Laronde, , French officer sent to purchase supplies for Louisburg garrison, 440 iii.
Dennis, Jonathan, Factor of Assiento Company at Cuba, letter from, 76 vii, 322 ii.
De Sionne, , Minister of France, document signed by, 335 iv.
De Torro, Don Rodriguez, Spanish Admiral, Flota under command of wrecked, account of, 338 i, ii.
Docminique, Paul, a Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 206.
Donaldson, Robert, Deputy Provost Marshal, St. Kitts, case of Mr. Mun, 365, 365 vi.
Dongan, Colonel, Charter of lands in Albany granted by, 440 p. 256.
-, -, -, validity of, 440 p. 256.
Dottin, , Councillor and President of Council Barbados, 119.
-, -, Act passed by, 193.
-, -, succeeds Samuel Barwick as President, 452.
Doucett, John, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, order by, 335 i, v.
Douglas, John, Councillor St. Christopher, proposed for Council, 128 i.
Douglass, John, Virginia, lands of, Act concerning, 401.
Dove, William, cargo from Spanish vessel removed by, 22 i (a).
Doyle, Andrew, Major, letter from, 65.
-, -, memorial concerning state of regimental quarters in Antigua, 65 ii.
Draper, J., Printer Boston, 157 i.
-, J., Lieutenant, Commanding Officer at Port Antonio, account of expedition against rebellious negroes by, 232 i, 244 i, 331 ii, iii.
-, -, complaint against 244 v (b).
-, -, letter from, 232 i, 244 ii, 331, 331 iii, 445 iv-vi.
-, -, letter to, 232 ii, 358 iv.
Drummond, John, London, grant of land (the Equivalent Land) in New York to, petition concerning, 56 i.
-, -, Fife, letter from, 114
-, and see Wedderburn.
Dummer, , 376.
Dunbar, Charles, Surveyor General of Barbados, Leeward Islands, and Bermuda, 291 i.
-, -, appointed as Councillor, 205.
-, -, appointed as Councillor Extraordinary, argument against, 395 i.
-, -, -, in Barbados, 295, 405.
-, -, -, -, instructions concerning, 295.
-, -, -, in Bermuda, 410.
-, -, -, -, instructions concerning, 298.
-, -, -, in the Leeward Islands, 296, 406.
-, -, -, -, instructions concerning, 296.
-, -, memorial of, representation upon, 205.
-, -, permission for free inspection of Acts and papers sought, 205.
-, -, petition from, 177 i, 395, 395 i.
-, -, -, representation upon, approved, 239.
-, -, recommended for Council, Antigua, 446 i.
-, David, Colonel, Surveyor General of H.M. Woods in America and Lieutenant Governor of New Hampshire, appointment as Boundary Commissioner, 116 i p. 78.
-, -, dispute with Governor Belcher, 37, 170, 292.
-, -, Governor Belcher's opposition to, as Lieut. Governor, 170, p. 108.
-, -, letter from, 292.
-, -, -, extract of, 454.
-, -, letter to, 37 i.
-, Jeremiah, brother of Colonel Dunbar, opposition to Governor Belcher, 170 p. 108.
Durell, , Captain R.N., Commander of H.M.S. Scarborough, 127.
Dursey, Captain, at Havana, 145 vi.
Eaton, , New Jersey, 351 iii.
-, Richard, Grand Jury Barbados, document signed by, 236 ii.
Eden, Charles, former Governor of North Carolina, "Grand Deed" revoked by, 172 p. 110.
Edwards, R., Grand Jury Barbados, document signed by, 236 ii.
English, Robert, Sergeant, court martial of, 75.
-, -, -, declaration of officers on, 75 v.
Etton, Jacob, Mayor of Bristol, document signed by, 425 i.
Everard, Sir Richard, late Governor of North Carolina, 172 p. 111, 310 xiv.
-, -, administration of, 1 pp. 3, 4.
-, -, charges by, 1 pp. 3, 4.
-, -, complaint against, 255.
-, -, lands acquired by, charges concerning, 310.
-, Richard, Junior, son of Sir Richard, charges against, concerning lands in North Carolina, 310.
Eyles, Sir Joseph, grant of land in New York ("the Equivalent Land") to, petition concerning, 56 i, 85, 117, 135.
-, -, -, -, report upon approved, 175.
-, -, -, H.M. power to erect into a county, opinion upon, 126.
Fairfax, , H.M. Collector of Customs at Salem, appointed naval officer, 376.
-, -, -, refused by, 376.
-, Thomas, Lord Fairfax of Cameron, Agent of. See Carter, Robert.
-, -, -, claims made by, 42 p. 37.
-, -, grant of lands near the Great Mountains, Virginia, dispute over, 42 pp. 37-39.
-, -, petition of, 271 i, 402.
-, -, -, representation upon, 361.
-, William, Councillor Bahamas, 71 i.
Falkingham, Edward, Captain R.N., late Governor and Commander in Chief of Newfoundland, instructions of, 120 i.
-, -, petitions and memorials to, 120 iii.
Fane, Francis, legal adviser to the Council of Trade and Plantations, letter from, 4, 69, 126, 143, 276, 293, 319, 325, 387, 398, 421, 428, 435.
-, -, letter to, 19, 33, 117, 143 i, 253, 254, 274, 278, 302, 368.
-, -, papers sent to, 309.
-, Henry, letter from, 356, 356 i.
-, Thomas, 12th Earl of Westmorland, 222.
-, -, letter to, 341, 360.
Fanshaw, , Captain R.N., Commander of H.M.S. Solebay, 66.
Farrar, John Sutton, Virginia, lands of, Act concerning, 401.
Fenton, Randal, Montserrat, recommended for Council, 446 i.
-, William, Senior, Montserrat, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Fergason, James, Deputy Surveyor South Carolina, warrant of commitment against, 427 i.
Fisher, , Deputy to Mr. Byng, case of Postillion, 17.
-, George, Register of Vice-Admiralty Court, Jamaica, document certified by, 101 ii.
Fitzroy, Augustus, letter from, 469.
Fitzwilliam, Richard, Governor of the Bahama Islands, arrival of, 423.
-, -, Commission of, 12 i.
-, -, -, draft of, 25.
-, -, -, and instructions for, 3.
-, -, instructions for, 71 ii, 148, 149, 155, 424.
-, -, -, additional, 297, 407.
-, -, letter from, 81, 268 i, 423, 424.
-, -, letter to, 344.
-, -, petition from, 57 i.
-, -, proposals of, 67.
-, -, -, to purchase land, 268 i, 285, 294.
-, -, request for Engineer for the Bahamas, order concerning, 284.
Fleming, Gilbert, Lieut.-General of the Leeward Islands and Governor of St. Christopher, appointment of, 137, 138.
Fontaine, , de la, South Carolina, lands sold to, 171.
-, -, -, grant of, particulars of, 171 ii.
-, -, letter to, 171 i.
Forster (Foster), Robert, Clerk of Council, North Carolina, document attested by, 83.
-, -, document signed by, 241.
-, William, Clerk of Westchester, character of, 443 (xxvi).
-, -, deposition of, 443 iv.
Foster, , a Jacobite of New York, 441 i (xxvi).
-, -, North Carolina, transactions with Governor Burrington, 310.
Fox, Joseph, Naval Officer for South Carolina, appointment of, 64, 391.
Foye, William, Boston, scheme for a private Bank, 389, 389 i.
Frazer, John, Virginia, lands of, Act concerning, 401.
French, , Assistant Judge Barbados, resignation of, 313, 330.
Frewin, William, South Carolina, appointed Deputy Judge of Vice-Admiralty Court, 165 p. 102.
-, -, letter from, 165.
-, -, recommended to Governor Johnson, 165.
Frost, John, Councillor New Hampshire, death of, 242, 282.
Fuller, Rose, Jamaica, commendation of, 88.
-, -, recommended for Council, 455, 459.
Fury, Perage, Agent for South Carolina, 86, 106.
-, -, letter from, 304, 304 i.
-, -, salary of, 86.
Fytche, Robert, Captain R.N. commanding H.M.S. Sheerness, and Commodore of Newfoundland Convoy, 66.
-, -, heads of enquiry for, 121.
-, -, instructions for, 107.
-, -, letter from, 107, 437.
-, -, letter to, 113.
Gale, Christopher, Chief Justice of North Carolina, Commission appointing, 172 iii.
-, Edmond, Councillor North Carolina, 310 xii, xiv.
Garvy, , Jamaica, 101 i.
Gascoigne, John, Captain R.N. of H.M.S. Scarborough, agent for John Roberts, South Carolina, application of, 59 vi, 60.
George II, King, in Council, addresses, appeals, petitions, representations to, concerning :
Antigua, 68, 434.
Bahamas, 12, 57 i, 71.
Barbados, 177 i, 208, 236 ii, 316, 326, 333 i, 380, 416, 416 i.
Carolina, North, 255.
-, South, 130 i, 176 i, 243, 425 i, 426 i, 427 i, 448 i.
Jamaica, 224, 366 i, 432.
Laws etc. in the Plantations, 473 i.
Leeward Islands, 99 i, 128 i.
Massachusetts Bay, 9, 375 i.
Nevis, 357 i.
Newfoundland, 103 i, 104 i, 120 i.
New Hampshire, 116 i, 242.
New Jersey, 62.
New York, 39 i, 63.
Nova Scotia, 307 i.
Pennsylvania, 270 i.
St. Anna and St. Joachim, 58 i.
St. Christopher, 436, 451.
Sta Cruz, 225 i.
Virginia, 13, 231, 271 i, 303.
George II, King, in Council, orders, commissions, instructions, proclamations, references, warrants by, concerning :
Antigua, 162.
Bahamas, 25, 148, 149, 155, 283, 284, 285.
Barbados, 449, 450.
case of Mrs. Agatha Campbell, 447.
Carolina, North, 154, 155, 279.
Carolina, South, 64, 261, 262, 279, 448.
Jamaica, 373.
Leeward Islands, 38, 146, 147, 161, 257, 258, 259, 263, 264, 265.
Massachusetts Bay, 51, 52, 163.
Nevis, 41, 53.
Newfoundland, 150-152, 156.
New Hampshire, 282.
New Jersey, 159.
New York, 158, 160, 256, 266.
Pennsylvania, 280, 287.
Surveyors General in America, 400-403, 403 i.
Virginia, 84, 374, 401, 402.
George II, King, in Council, orders signed by, 45, 148, 262-266, 287-289, 404-413.
George, Paul, Lieutenant Governor of Montserrat, death of, 467.
Gibbons, John, Barbados, proposed for Council, 209 i.
Gibson, Daniel, Dr., appointed Deputy Auditor by Mr. St. John, 28 i.
Gledhill, S., Lieutenant Governor of Placentia, document signed by, 347 iii, iv.
Goddard, John, a British Commissary at Seville, document signed by, 20 iii.
Godfry, Robert, Deputy Surveyor South Carolina, warrant of commitment against, 427 i.
Gollop, John, Barbados, proposed for Council, 209 i.
Gooch, William, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, document audited by, 250 ii, iii.
-, -, document certified by, 369.
-, -, instructions to, 280, 361, 402.
-, -, -, additional, 277 i, 362 i.
-, -, letter from, 42, 248, 249, 250, 337.
-, -, proclamation by, 248 i.
-, -, reply to queries concerning laws etc. affecting British trade and Navigation, 32 p. 30.
Gordon, Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, appointment as Deputy Governor by the Penn family, 269, 270 i, 277, 287.
-, -, bond entered into by, 369.
-, -, letter from, 198.
-, -, letter to, 58.
-, -, nomination as Deputy Governor of Three Lower Counties approved, 280.
-, -, oath to be taken by, 277, 277 i.
-, -, security required of, 277, 277 i, 287.
-, William, Councillor Jamaica, appointment of, 373, 388.
-, -, commendation of, 388.
-, -, recommended for Council, 142, 244, 455, 459.
Goudet, Peter, Wyneau, Craven County, deposition of, 28 vi.
Goulding, John, Senior, Jamaica, Act concerning, 428.
Graham, , Lieut. in Governor Hunter's Company, death of, 145.
Granville, Sir Beville, late Governor of Barbados, instructions to, 32 p. 30.
Grasett, James, Grand Jury Barbados, document signed by, 236 ii.
Greeme, James, Counsel at law for Thomas Cooper, action taken by, 427 i p. 251.
-, -, arrest of, 427 i p. 251.
-, -, petition from, 427 i.
-, -, release of, 427 i p. 252.
-, -, writ of Habeas Corpus, 427 i p. 251.
Green, Jon., Grand Jury Barbados, document signed by, 236 ii.
Gregory, , Chief Justice of Jamaica, 142.
-, -, appointment of, 145.
-, James, Deputy for Deputy Provost Marshal St. Kitts, case of Mr. Mun, 365, 365 vi.
-, John, Councillor Jamaica, document signed by, 317 i p. 170.
Grymes, John, Receiver General of Virginia, document signed by, 250, ii, iii.
Gunthorpe, John, Antigua, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Haggatt, Nathaniel, Assistant Judge Barbados, appointment of, 313, 330.
Hall, Hugh, Boston, scheme for a private Bank, 389, 389 i.
Hals, , Clarendon, Jamaica, letter from, 360.
-, Thomas, Councillor Jamaica, proposed for Council, 432.
Halton, Robert, Colonel, Councillor North Carolina, Mr. Porter's suspension voted by, 172 p. 109.
Hamilton, Lord George, Earl of Orkney, Governor of Virginia, instructions, additional, for, 411.
-, John, Baron of Belhaven and Stenton, late Governor of Barbados, additional instructions for, 32 pp. 30, 31.
-, -, memorial from, 32 p. 30.
-, Walter, late Governor of the Leeward Islands, additional instructions for, 32 p. 31.
Hammerton, John, Secretary of South Carolina, letter to, 30.
Haudasyde, Colonel, former Governor of Jamaica, instructions for, 32 p. 31.
Hanley, Thomas, New York, land claimed by, the "Equivalent," petition concerning, 85.
Hanmer, William, Lieutenant Governor of Nevis, Commission appointing, 26.
Hannay, James, Barbados, proposed for Council, 209 i.
Hardtman, William, St. Christopher, commendation of 365 xv.
Harison, Fra., Councillor New York, document signed by, 443.
Harmanson, Gertrude, Virginia, Act concerning land of, confirmed, 374.
Harrington, Lord, one of H.M. Secretaries of State, letter from, 169.
-, -, letter to, 20 i, 225.
Harris, John, Master of the Mary sloop, account of proceedings by, 145 vii.
-, -, -, Spanish Governor's objection to, 145 vi.
-, -, certificate for, 76 i, ii.
-, -, deposition of, 76 iii, 101 i.
-, -, history of seizure of the Mary, 76, 76 i-viii.
-, -, treatment of, 101 ii : and see Mary sloop.
-, Rd., West Indian merchant, information concerning logwood cutting, 49, 70.
-, -, letter from, 49.
-, -, letter to, 44.
Harrison, , Councillor New York, recommended as Collector of Boston, 24.
-, Henry, Councillor Virginia, death of, 13, 109.
-, Robert, Barbados, proposed for Council, 209 i.
Hart, Charles, Secretary of South Carolina, document certified by, 304 i.
-, John, late Governor of the Leeward Islands, additional instructions for, 32 p. 31.
-, -, late Governor of Maryland, instructions to, 32 p. 32.
Hasel, James, Barbados, debts of, 429.
Hayman, Will., Councillor Jamaica, document signed by, 317 i p. 170.
-, -, letter to, 322 ii.
Herbert, Thomas, Nevis, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Herrera, Don Joseph, commissioned by Don Manuel Pintado, 22 i (a).
Hill, Isaac, Assistant Justice North Carolina, Commission appointing, 172 vi.
Hines, , Jamaica? letter to, 322 ii.
Hobby, Colonel, Jamaica, plantation of, 75 ii, 358, 358 vi.
-, -, -, defence of, 331 ii.
-, -, -, design against, 320 i.
-, -, -, negroes of, 320 i.
Holmes, William and Mary, Virginia, Act concerning land of, confirmed, 374.
Holzendorf, John Frederick, Brandenburg, Commission in South Carolina militia desired by, 178.
-, -, -, granted, 339.
-, -, lands for, in South Carolina, 178.
-, -, recommendation of, 178.
Hooper, Dan, Grand Jury Barbados, document signed by, 236 ii.
Hope, , Barbados, Deputy to Mr. Huggins, dispute concerning appointment of, 174.
Hopkinson, Henry, Councillor New York, appointment of, 443 p. 264.
Horsey, Samuel, Colonel, Baron and Landgrave of South Carolina, appointed Trustee in Act of Surrender by Lords Proprietors, 448 i.
-, -, lands in South Carolina granted by Lords Proprietors to, 448 i.
-, -, petition of, 448 i.
Horsmanden, Daniel, Councillor New York, appointment of, 158, 160, 179, 441, 441 i (xiv).
-, -, -, denied by Council, 443 p. 264.
-, -, document signed by, 443 vii.
-, -, recommended for Council, 63.
Hossop, Henry, a pilot with naval detachment at Jamaica, conduct of, 331 i, ii, iii.
-, -, taken prisoner, 331 i.
Howe, Emanuel Scrope, 2nd Viscount, Governor of Barbados, address to, 416, 417 ii.
-, -, arrival of, 118.
-, -, commendation of, 236 ii.
-, -, Commission of published, 392.
-, -, -, in Caribbean Islands, 313 iv.
-, -, Committee appointed to examine fees of Patent Officers by, 464.
-, -, instructions of, 32 p. 30, 118, 118 i, 119, 167, 209, 215, 237, 257.
-, -, -, additional, 193, 295, 405.
-, -, -, concerning evacuation of Sta Lucia etc., 40.
-, -, -, concerning publication of Commission as Governor, in the Caribbean Islands, 313 p. 165.
-, -, letter from, 118, 119, 167, 168, 193, 194, 209, 210, 235, 236, 313, 313 i, iv, vi, 330, 333, 378, 392, 393, 415, 416.
-, -, -, extract of, 308 i.
-, -, letter to, 40, 174, 313 ii, v, 349.
-, -, salary of, 193.
-, -, speech of, 118, 118 i, 119.
-, Thomas, Attorney General Jamaica, report on case of William Rees, 18, 18 ii.
Hugg, John, Councillor New Jersey, death of, 62, 159, 180.
Huggins, Charles, Clerk and Remembrancer of Court of Exchequer, Barbados, Deputy appointed by, dispute concerning, 174.
-, -, recommended by Duke of Newcastle, 174.
Hume, , Solicitor South Carolina, sent to England, 59 iii.
-, Robert, Attorney and Speaker of Assembly South Carolina, document signed by, 165 iv, 427 i.
-, -, evidence in favour of Mr. St. John, 204.
Hunter, Robert, Major-General, late Governor of New York and New Jersey, Chief Justices displaced by, 124 p. 86.
-, -, Major General, Governor of Jamaica, account of failure of Port Antonio expedition by, 331.
-, -, address to, 74 iii, 74 iii (a), 75, 244 iv.
-, -, -, reply to, 74 iii (b).
-, -, company of, officers of, 145.
-, -, correspondence with Governor of Santiago, Cuba, 201, 201 ii-iv.
-, -, difficulties of, 455.
-, -, -, with Assembly, 74 p. 57, 317 i p. 171.
-, -, Instructions of, 17, 32 p. 31, 76 vi, 317 i p. 170.
-, -, -, additional, 404.
-, -, letter from, 17, 18, 22, 23, 23 i, 74, 75, 76, 76 v, vi, 88, 101, 142, 144, 145, 200, 201, 232, 233, 244, 245, 272, 273, 311, 312, 317, 318, 320, 321, 331, 332, 358, 358 iv, v, 359, 366, 381, 382, 445 i, iii, vii, 455, 456, 459, 460.
-, -, -, abstract of, 462.
-, -, -, copy of, 18 i, 201 v, 312 iii.
-, -, -, extract of, 226, 226 i.
-, -, letter to, 76 viii, 145 vi, 232 i, 244 i, ii, 323, 331, 331 i-iii.
-, -, message from, 142 ii.
-, -, message to, from Assembly, 311, 312 ii.
-, -, reply to queries concerning laws, etc. affecting British Trade and Navigation, 32 p. 30.
-, -, report on rebellious negroes by, 131 i.
-, -, report to, 18 ii.
-, -, speech of, 74, 142, 142 iii, 244 iii, 272 i, 311, 312 i, 358, 358 i, iii.
-, -, -, reply to, 74 i, iii.
Hurst, Acklan, Councillor Bahamas, proposed for Council, 71 i.
Husk, , Deputy Collector of H.M. woods, complaint against, 454.
-, Ellis, Councillor New Hampshire, appointment of, 282.
-, -, mandamus for, 173 p. 113, 229 p. 132.
-, -, proposed for Council, 242.
Hutchinson, Edward, Boston, scheme for a private Bank, 389, 389 i.
Ingoldsby, George, Lieutenant in Independent Company, New York, 443 (xxxi-xxxiv).
Isaac, , Barony in South Carolina granted to, 130 i.
Izard, Ralph, Councillor South Carolina, refusal to accept office, 97.
Jackson, Chaloner, Bahamas, sworn in as Councillor, 424.
Jaco, master of Quashee, 358 vii.
Janssen, William, Agent for Lord Baltimore, letter from, 61.
-, -, letter to, 191.
Jefferis, Joseph, merchant of Bristol, deposition of, 429.
-, William, merchant of Bristol, deposition of, 429.
Jeneway, Richard, New York, petition of, 79 i.
Jenour, James, Councillor North Carolina, death of, 255.
-, Joseph, Colonel, Councillor and Surveyor General of North Carolina, death of, 1 p. 4.
-, -, Mr. Porter's suspension voted by, 172, p. 109.
Jenys, Paul, Speaker of Assembly South Carolina, document signed by, 243.
Jeykl (Jekyl?), Collector Boston, death of, 24.
Johnson, Robert, Governor of South Carolina, 197.
-, -, Mr. Brudenell recommended to, 165.
-, -, charges against, 165 p. 102, 427 i.
-, -, charges by, against Mr. St. John, 28.
-, -, complaints against, 218.
-, -, Mr. Craven proposed as successor to, 217, 218.
-, -, document signed by 46 i, 136.
-, -, instructions to, 32 p. 32, 165 p. 104, 211, 214, 214 i, 391, 425 i.
-, -, -, 42nd, interpretation of, 206.
-, -, -, additional, 261, 262, 362 i, 412.
-, -, letter from, 10, 28, 29, 30, 31, 46, 47, 82, 86, 87, 97, 98, 106, 111, 112, 136, 140, 141, 338, 339, 340, 391.
-, -, letter to, 28 v, 59 iv, 178, 204.
-, -, proclamation by, 211.
-, -, reply to queries concerning laws etc. affecting British trade and Navigation, 32 p. 30.
-, -, representation to, 28 i.
-, -, warrant issued by, 59 vi, 427 i.
Johnston, Gabriel, Governor of North Carolina, appointment of, 78.
-, -, Commission and Instructions for, 78, 105 i, 153, 154.
-, -, instructions for, 252, 279, 288, 289.
-, -, -, remarks upon, 251.
-, -, -, additional, 413.
-, -, -, alterations in, 251, 255.
-, -, -, -, draft of, 255 i.
-, -, representation from, 396.
Jones, , Brigadier General, in command in the Leeward Islands, letter to, 65.
-, Ann, Virginia, letter from, 42 p. 40.
-, William, Councillor Bahamas, 71 i.
Jordain, , Master of Mr. Pratter's sloop, affidavit of, 144.
Jordan, James, cargo from Spanish vessel recovered by, 22 i (a).
Kay, Nathaniel, Collector of Customs, Rhode Island, letter from, 336.
Kearney (Kerney, Rearney), Mons. de, French sloop commanded by, accompanies Colonel Maxwell, 313 ii, v.
-, -, proclamation at Sta. Lucia by, 313 v.
Keene, B., a British Commissary at Seville and H.M. Plenipotentiary in Spain, document signed by, 20 iii.
-, -, papers sent to, 76 i, v, viii, 101 ii, 144, 201, 201 ii-iv, 236.
Keith, Sir Wm., petition of, report upon, 271 i.
Kennedy, Archibald, Receiver General and Councillor, New York, 443 p. 265.
-, -, Chief Justice Morris's statement to, 443 iii, iv.
-, -, document signed by, 443.
-, -, petition from, 39.
Kensey, , New Jersey, 351 iii.
Kerbye, Thomas, Antigua, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Kirk, Sir Lewis, grants to, in Canada, by Charles I, 367 p. 226.
Knowles, , a minor, plantation belonging to, destroyed by negroes, 455.
-, Captain, Jamaica, negro confession taken by, 320.
Lamb (Lambe), Ebenezer, Captain in charge of parties against negroes in Jamaica, 232 i, 331 i-iii.
-, -, account of expedition by, 232 ii.
-, -, commendation of, 331 i p. 182.
-, -, defeat of expedition under, 244, p. 140, 244 i.
-, -, examination of, 244 v (b).
-, -, imprisoned, 244 p. 140.
-, -, journal of, 75, 75 ii, iii.
-, -, volunteers for party led by, 142.
Lane, Henry, Councillor New York, appointment of, 158, 160, 181, 443, p. 264.
-, -, document signed by, 443.
-, -, recommended for Council, 63.
Langford, Jonas, Antigua, recommended for Council, 446 i.
Laron, Mons., charts made by of New York harbour, 441 iii, iv.
Larrahee, John, Lieutenant, Victualler for Castle William Fort, Mass. Bay, memorial from, 5 iii.
Lascelles, , merchant trading with Barbados, 416 p. 244.
La Tour, Agathe de St. Etienne de. See Campbell, Agatha.
-, Charles de St. Estienne, Chevalier, French Governor of Nova Scotia and Lieut. General of Accadie, Commission as Lieut. General and Governor of Accadie, Fort St. John, Port de la Tour (1631), 367 p. 223.
-, -, decree in favour of, 367 pp. 223, 224.
-, -, dispossessed of Nova Scotia by Cromwell, 367 p. 226.
-, -, -, reinstated, 367 p. 226.
-, -, estates of, in Nova Scotia, 203, 203 i-iii
-, and see Campbell, Agatha.
-, -, -, Mrs. Campbell's claim to, allowed, 367.
-, -, -, history of, 367.
-, -, family of. See St. Estienne
-, Campbell, Agatha.
-, -, grant of part of Nova Scotia, by Louis XIV, to, 90, 92.
-, -, -, documents concerning, 89-96.
-, -, heirs of, 203.
-, Charles, surrender of lands and seigniory signed by, 93.
-, Claude de, Nova Scotia sold to (1630), 367 p. 226.
-, James, family of, claim to D'Aulnay estate, reply to, 335, 335 vi
-, and see Le Borgne.
-, Jean, 89.
-, Mary, daughter of James, married Emmanuel Le Borgne, 335.
-, -, return to Nova Scotia, 335.
-, Mrs. See Campbell, Agatha.
Lawes, James, Councillor and Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, appointment of, 80.
-, -, Commission as Lieutenant Governor, 275.
-, -, death of, 459, 460.
-, -, document signed by, 317 i p. 170.
-, -, dormant commission for, in case of absence or death of Governor, 460.
Le Borgne, Alexander, Sieur de Bellisle, Nova Scotia, son of Emmanuel, 335.
-, -, claim of, 335, 335 i-vi.
-, -, lands in Grand Prs de Minis granted to, 335 iii.
-, -, petition of, 335 iii, v.
-, -, title deeds at Minis to be shown to, 335 i.
-, Emmanuel, Sieur de Bellisle and Seigneur and Governor of Accadie, Commission appointing, 335 iv.
-, -, estate of, claim to, 335 i-iii.
-, -, lands granted by, 335 i.
-, -, order by 335 ii.
Lee, , with expedition against rebellious negroes Jamaica, death of, 331 ii.
-, Peter, Montserrat, recommended for Council, 446 i.
-, Thomas, Councillor Virginia, appointment of, 84, 109.
-, -, proposed for Council, 13.
Le Gaive, , French officer, sent to purchase supplies for Louisburg garrison, 440 iii.
Leheup, Peter, Agent for Barbados, commended by Mr. Walpole, 416 p. 245.
Le Normant, Intendant of Cape Breton, letter from, 439 i, ii, 440 p. 256, 440 iii.
Le Novinan, M., French Governor of Louisburg? note by, 440 iii.
Leslie, William, Councillor Barbados, death of, 313 p. 165, 330, 380, 449, 461.
-, -, as Chief Baron of Exchequer, resignation of, 209.
Lestock, , Lieutenant R.N., 22.
Lightfoot, Philip, Councillor Virginia, appointment of, 84, 108.
-, -, proposed for Council, 13.
Lindsey, , Naval Officer of New York, appointed Sheriff of Albany, 202 i.
-, -, dismissed from post of Naval Officer, 202 i.
-, -, recommendation of, 202, 202 i.
Little, Wm., Attorney General, Receiver General and Chief Justice of North Carolina, accounts of, 1 p. 3.
-, -, appointment of, 1 p. 3.
-, -, character of, 1 p. 4.
-, -, charges against, 1 p. 3.
-, -, Commission appointing, 172 vii.
-, -, transactions with Governor Burrington, 310.
Livingston, , New York, 441 p. 257.
Lloyd, Thomas, Armourer and Gunner at Charlestown, document signed by, 10 i.
Logan, James, document signed by, 369.
Londonderry, Earl of. See Stewart, Thomas.
Losack, James, Deputy Clerk of the Court of King's Bench, St. Christopher, document signed by, 365 i.
-, -, document sworn to by, 365 xi.
Louis XIII, King of France, Governorship of Nova Scotia granted to Charles de St. Estienne, Sieur de La Tour by, 367.
Louis XIV, King of France, Commission by, 335 iv.
-, New Letters Patent granted to Sieur de La Tour (1651), 367.
Lovelace, John, Baron, late Governor of New York and New Jersey, instructions for, 32 p. 33.
Lovick, John, Councillor and Surveyor General of North Carolina, appointment of, 1 p. 4.
-, -, commendation of, 1 p. 4.
-, -, death of, 383.
-, -, as Secretary to Sir Richard Everard, 310 xiv.
-, -, transactions with Governor Burrington, 310.
-, Thomas, Assistant Justice North Carolina, Commission appointing, 172 vi.
Lowndes, Thomas, Provost Marshall and Clerk of the Peace and Crown South Carolina, agent for, 171.
-, -, barony purchased by, Mr. Thorpe's deposition concerning, 207.
-, -, barony run out for on Port Royal River, 171 p. 109.
-, -, baronies, lands in South Carolina sold by, 171, 171 ii.
-, -, charges by, 206.
-, -, letter from, 171, 199, 206, 220, 222, 419.
-, -, -, extract of, 171 i.
-, -, letter to, 164.
-, -, patent for Mr. Wedderburn purchased from, 114.
-, -, trustee for Isaac, 130 i.
Lowry, William and Mary, Virginia, Act concerning land of, confirmed, 374.
Lucas, George, Justice of the Peace, Antigua, document signed by, 365 xii.
Lynch, Sir Thomas, late Governor of Jamaica, depositions taken before, on logwood cutting in Campeachy Bay, 70.
-, -, extract from letter concerning the logwood trade, 70 ii.
Lynches Island, see under Jamaica.
Lyte, John, Barbados, proposed for Council, 209 i.