Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 37, 1730. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1937.
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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 37, 1730, ed. Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1937), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].
'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 37, 1730. Edited by Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1937), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,
"Index: J, K". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 37, 1730. Ed. Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1937), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.
Jaffrey, George, Councillor, and Deputy Judge of Vice Admiralty Court, New Hampshire, 81, 402 II.
-, -,-, appointment of, 43.
-, -,-, letter from, 60.
JAMAICA, Act for amending the highways, 143 v, 225.
-, -,-, referred, 487.
-, -, Act for the better regulating slaves and rendering free negroes and mulattoes more useful, etc., 143 v, 225.
-, -,-,-, referred, 487.
-, -, Act for the better suppressing and reducing the rebellious and runaway negroes, 143 v, 225.
-, -,-,-, referred, 487.
-, -, Act encouraging Independent Companies, 521.
-, -, Act for the encouragement of voluntary partys and in default, of them to raise and send out others etc., 627.
-, -, Act to enlarge the time for collecting the deficiency and poll tax, etc., referred, 66.
-, -, Act for explaining the preceding act, and giving further time for assessing, collecting and paying in the taxes therein mentioned, expiration of, 627.
-, -, Act for fitting out parties against rebellious negroes, passed, 311.
-, -, Act for keeping out the partys under Capt. Brook for a longer time, not in force, 627.
-, -, Act for the more effectual collecting the outstanding public debts, referred, 66.
-, -, Act to oblige the several inhabitants to provide themselves with a sufficient number of white people, etc., 143 V.
-, -,-, alteration in, 225.
-, -,-, referred, 487.
-, -, Act for preserving the harbours of Port Antonio in the parish of Portland, confirmation of, recommended, 627.
-, -, Act to prevent clandestine trade, 627 III (b).
-, -, Act to prevent dangers from disguised as well as declared Papists, etc., confirmation of, 501, 524.
-, -,-, to lie by, 317.
-, -,-, objection to, 501.
-, -,-, recommended, 477.
-, -,-, referred, 66, 548.
-, -, Act to prevent the selling of powder to rebellious or other negroes, recommended, 627.
-, -, Act for raising partys for dislodging and reducing the rebellious slaves etc., expiration of, 627.
-, -, Act for raising money and applying the same to the use of the said partys, expiration of, 627.
-, -, Act for raising several sums of money and applying same to several uses, 143 V.
-, -,-, alterations in, 225.
-, -,-, referred, 487.
-, -, Act for raising £6000 to defray the charge of said parties, passed, 311.
-, -, Act for repealing an act to prevent dangers that may arise from disguised as well as declared Papists, Governor's assent to, 627.
-, -, Act for supporting the honour and dignity of the Government, opinion upon, 163.
-, -, Act for vesting 20 acres of land in Lynches Island in the Crown, 143 V, 225.
-, -,-, referred, 487.
-, -, Act for vesting the equity of redemption of certain lands of Thomas King, etc., 522.
-, -,-, confirmation of, 599.
-, -,-, opinion upon, 588.
-, -,-, referred, 522.
-, -, Acts of, opinion on, 210.
-, -,-, report upon, 111.
-, -, Admiralty Officers. See Brodrick; Cockburn; Henderson; Fisher.
-, -, Assembly of, 111, 143, 221, 309, 311, 351.
-, -,-, address from, 143 I, III, IV, 311, 311 I.
-, -,-,-, reply to, 143 I.
-, -,-, Act concerning land in Lynches Island, proposed, 61.
-, -,-, adjournment of, 225.
-, -,-, Committee of, 311 IV.
-, -,-, Governor's speech to, 111 I, 112.
-, -,-, Independent Companies, measures for encouragement of, 521.
-, -,-, Journal of, 225, 627.
-, -,-, message of, 143 VII.
-, -,-, proceedings of, 501.
-, -,-, recommendation concerning Lynches Island, 609.
-, -,-, resolution concerning rebellious negroes, 311, 311 VII, 457, 457 II–IV.
-, -,-, Speaker of. See Beckford, Thomas.
-, -, Attorney General of, instruction to, 530.
-, -,-, sworn into Council, 311; and see Henderson.
-, -, Auditor General. See Walpole, Horatio.
-, -, Black River, 445.
-, -, Blue Mountain, 311 II.
-, -, cattle, number of, 627 III (b).
-, -, Chief Justice of. See Mill, Richard.
-, -, Coins, currency, credit, decay of, 311 V.
-, -,-, scarcity of cash, 351.
-, -, Council of, 311. See Maxwell; Hayman, William; Henderson, Alexander; Swymmer, A.
-, -,-, address of, 143 I.
-, -,-,-, Governor's reply to, 143 I.
-, -,-, Minutes of, 225, 627.
-, -,-, persons recommended for, 89, 111, 311.
-, -,-, wreck of Genoesa, opinion concerning, 445, 445 II.
-, -,-,-, proclamation concerning, 465.
-, -, Council and Assembly, address by, 143 VI.
-, -,-, Committee of, 143.
-, -,-,-, resolution by, 311 VII.
-, -,-, Governor's speech to, 311 V.
-, -, reply to, 311 VI.
Jamaica Courant, the Weekly, 143 I, 311 V.
-, -,-, price of, 143 I.
Jamaica, Court of Chancery, 627 III (b).
-, -, Supreme Court of Judicature in, account of, 627 III (b).
-, -, Courts, Grand, 627 III (b).
-, -,-,-, Clerks of. See Page; Henderson; Wyndham; Pearce; Coleman; Bowerman.
-, -,-, Petty, 627 III (b).
-, -, Customs, Inspector and Comptroller of. See Ellis, George.
-, -,-, Deputy Inspector and Comptroller. See Diston, Gile.
-, -, Custos in, 627 III (b).
-, -, defence of, 143 I, 309, 311, 311 VIII, 501.
-, -,-, additional forces from the Leeward Islands, 457.
-, -,-, inadequate, 351.
-, -,-, measures for, 311, 524.
-, -, defenceless condition of, 477, 484, 627, 627 I.
-, -, Deputy Provost Marshal. See Hyde.
-, -, disorders in, account of, 478.
-, -, exports of, 627 III.
-, -,-, list of, 311 XI.
-, -, Fort George, building of, vote for, 501.
-, -, fort at, payment for, 221.
-, -,-,plan for, 221.
-, -, forts and fortifications in, 627 III (b).
-, -,-, stores of war for, 627.
-, -, gaol, rebuilding of, 143 VII.
-, -, Governor of. See Hunter, Robert.
-, -,-, instructions to, 281 I.
-, -,-,-, additional concerning whale fishing, 94.
-, -,-, speech of, 143 I, II.
-, -, Governor and Council, address of, 627 I.
-, -,-, examination of witnesses before, 311 II, III.
-, -, importance of, 311, 627.
-, -, imports of, 627 III (b).
-, -, Independent Companies at, encouragement of, 521.
-, -,-, officers of. See Dalrymple; Fisher; Thomas.
-, -,-, provision for, 225.
-, -, inhabitants of, list of, 311.
-, -,-, number of, 627 III (b).
-, -, Irish Papists in, 317, 501.
-, -,-, danger from, 477.
-, -,-, importation of, 627.
-, -, Justices of the Peace in, 627 III (b).
-, -, Kingston, history of, 627 III (b).
-, -, Lynches Island, Act vesting part of the island in the Crown, proposal for, 61, 143 I.
-, -,-, fort for, 225, 609.
-, -,-,-, estimate for, 610.
-, -,-,-, stores of war for, 494, 610.
-, -,-, harbour and store houses built on, 61.
-, -,-, purchase of, by the Admiralty, 61, 609.
-, -,-, Titchfield, 61.
-, -, martial law at, 309, 351.
-, -, Militia, 309, 627 III (b).
-, -,-, papists among, danger from, 309.
-, -,-, reorganisation of, 311.
-, -,-, strengthening of, recommended, 311 V, VIII.
-, -, naval officer. See Corbier; Butell.
-, -, naval officer's accounts, 627, 627 III (b).
-, -, naval squadron at, necessity of, 627 III (b).
-, -, negroes, increase of, 351.
-, -,-, number of, 627 I, III (b).
-, -,-, rebellious and runaway, 309.
-, -,-,-, danger from, 309.
-, -,-,-,-, representation concerning, 627, 627 I.
-, -,-,-, defence against, 457.
-, -,-,-, encouraged by Spain, 311, 311 IX, 457, 457 I, II–IV.
-, -,-,-, expedition against, 311, 311 I.
-, -,-,-,-, account of, 311 II.
-, -,-,-, failure of, 311, 311 II–IV, 627, 627 I.
-, -,-,-, incursions by, 627 I.
-, -,-,-, measures to subdue, 501.
-, -,-,-, party fitted out against, 351.
-, -,-,-, regulations for, 225.
-, -,-,-, settlements of, difficulty of attacking, 351.
-, -,-,-, short state of, 351.
-, -,-,-, suppression of, 627.
-, -,-,-, voluntary-parties against, encouragement of, 627.
-, -, Pedro Shoals, Genoesa wrecked on, 445, 447, 465 I, 520.
-, -, Plumtree Bay, 311 II.
-, -, popery in, Act concerning, 524.
-, -, Port Antonio, 143I, III, 309, 311, 465, 520.
-, -,-, attack by rebel slaves, account of, 111, 112.
-, -,-, fort at, building of, 225, 311.
-, -,-,-, guard required, 311.
-, -,-,-, guns for, 501.
-, -,-, harbour at, fortification of, 225.
-, -,-, King's Island, 311.
-, -,-, Naval base, 111.
-, -,-, ordnance stores for, 484.
-, -,-, negroes, rebellions at, parties fitted out against, 445.
-, -,-,-,-,-, disbanded, 627.
-, -,-, rebellion at, 311, 311 I, II.
-, -,-, settlements at, 225.
-, -,-, stores of war for, 221, 628.
-, -,-, Titchfield, harbour and town at, 627 III (b).
-, -, Port Royal, extract from letter from, 485.
-, -,-, fort at, 520.
-, -,-,-, Commander of. See Dalrymple, Captain.
-, -,-, Fort Charles, commander of, 445.
-, -,-, history of, 627 III (b).
-, -, products of, 627 III.
-, -, Provost Marshall. See Forbes, Peter; Forbes, Alexander; Hyde.
-, -, quit rents in, 627 III (b).
-, -, regiments for, 309, 478, 484, 501, 567.
-, -,-, instructions concerning, 520, 521.
-, -,-, provisions for, 521.
-, -,-, quarters for, 567, 567 I.
-, -,-, subsistence of, 484.
-, -, regiments at, encouragement to settle, 521.
-, -, Revenue of, charges on, 627 III (b).
-, -,-, sources of, 627 III (b).
-, -, royal mines in, grant of, requested, 222.
-, -, rum, molasses, export of, 627 III.
-, -, St. Andrew Parish, inhabitants, list of, 311 XII.
-, -, seal for, 225, 501.
-, -, Secretary of. See Belaquier; Maxwell.
-, -, Spain, danger from, apprehended, 311.
-, -, Spanish designs upon, 311 IX, 457.
-, -, Spanish ships, depredations by, 627 III (b), 628.
-, -, Spanish Town, Council met at, 445.
-, -, stores of war for, 225, 311.
-, -, Sugar Islands, 311.
-, -, Sugar trade, 468 I, 627 III.
-, -, trade of, 351, 402, 627 III.
-, -,-, affected by French and Spanish Colonies, 627 III (b).
-, -, with Great Britain, 627 III.
-, -,-, with France, 627 III (b).
-, -,-, with Hispaniola, 627 III (b).
-, -,-, illegal, prevention of, 627 III (b).
-, -,-, importance of, to Great Britain, 457.
-, -,-, with Northern Colonies, 627 III.
-, -,-, protection necessary, 627 III (b).
-, -,-, with Spain, 627 III (b).
-, -, troops sent to, rumour of, 483.
-, -, white inhabitants, decrease of, 351, 627 I.
-, -,-, encouragement of, 521.
-, -,-, increase of, necessity for, 351.
James I, 324 I, 346.
-, -, patent of, 324 I.
-, -, title to St. Lucia, established by Sir Thomas Warner, 408 I.
James II., title to Caribbean Islands, 408 I, XVIII.
-, -,-, Commission and report upon, 324 I.
-, -, title to Sta. Lucia, 324 I.
Ja'true, Mons., 260 III.
Jefferis, Will., document signed by, 132.
Jeffries, John, petition of, 175 I.
Jeffry, James, advocate, N.H., 43.
Jekyl, John, Collector, Boston, Col. Dunbar's letters to be sent to, 438.
Jenkins, Thomas, 382.
Jenner, Thomas & Co., N.E., memorial concerning, 373, 375.
Jennings, George, Master and Examiner of High Court of Chancery, Antigua, fees of, 326 XVIII.
Jenoure, James, Surveyor, Car. N., recommended for Council, 370.
Jethtowe, Indian deputy, 417.
Johnson, —, minister of St. Michael's parish, Barbados, 187.
Johnson, Sir Nathaniel, 123.
-, -,-, lands of, in Carolina, 354.
-, -,-, patent for two baronies, etc., 123, 124.
-, -, Robert, Governor of Carolina South, 347 I.
-, -,-, Agency of Carolina, request for, 362.
-, -,-, attacks upon, 331 I.
-, -,-, Commission of, 345, 632.
-, -,-, in England, 463, 464 II.
-, -,-, Independent Co., deprived of command of, 647.
-, -,-, Indian Chiefs to return with, 463a.
-, -,-, instructions for, 47, 278, 281 I, II, 334, 391, 440, 440 I, II, 444.
-, -,-,-, alterations in, 345, 358.
-, -,-,-, concerning M. Purry's settlement, draft of, 498 I.
-, -,-, letter from, 2, 97, 125, 201, 207, 278, 297, 342, 362, 632, 633, 642, 643.
-, -,-, letter to, 47, 213.
-, -,-, memorial from, 647.
-, -,-, proposals concerning Winnyeau Bay, 64, 65.
-, -,-, queries to, 331 II.
-, -,-,-, reply to, 331 II.
-, -,-,-, concerning paper money, 47.
-, -,-, salary of, memorial concerning, 647.
-, -, William, deposition of, 208 III.
Jolly, sloop, seizure of, 512.
-, -,-,-, papers relating to, 512 I.
Jones, Henry, Justice, Bonavista, letter from, 165.
-, -, John, 187 VII.
Judge, Major, Governor of Sta. Lucia, 324 I.
Jump, Peter, 323.
Kaderachquc, French at, 622.
-, -,-, fort at, 622 II (b).
-, -,-, intrigues with Indians at, 622 I.
Keen, William, Justice of the Peace, Newfoundland, letter from, 503.
-, -,-, report from, 454 IV.
Keene, —, Agent for Barbados, 315.
-, -, —, Agent for Bermuda, 161.
-, -, Benjamin, Commissary for Treaty of Seville, instructions to, 294 I, 369 I.
-, -,-,-, alterations in, 369 II.
-, -,-, nominated as Commissary, 187.
Keith, Sir William, late Governor and Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, 239 I, II.
-, -,-, agreement with Cherokee Indians, 403.
-, -,-, certificate by, 335 b, 335 v.
-, -,-, letter from, 335 b, 335 XII.
Kennebec River, 430 I; and see Nova Scotia, lands between.
Kezia, seizure of, 398.
-, -,-, charter parties etc. relating to, 398 I.
Kilmington, seizure of, 527.
King, John, 175 I.
-, -, Thomas, lands of, Act concerning, 522.
Kinsey, John, jr., Speaker, New York Assembly, 250.
-, -,-,-, document signed by, 250 I (b), 270.
-, -,-,-, Speaker of Assembly, New Jersey, document signed by, 544 I.
Knight, E., gunner, document signed by, 482 I.
Kock, John Casper, 302.