America and West Indies: July 1722

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1934.

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'America and West Indies: July 1722', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online [accessed 19 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: July 1722', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online, accessed March 19, 2025,

"America and West Indies: July 1722". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online. Web. 19 March 2025.

July 1722

July 2.
207. Lord Carteret to Governor Nicholson. Mr. Carrington the bearer hereof has requested, that he may have the liberty to transport 15 or 20 brace of fallow deer for breed from South Carolina to Hog Island one of the Bahama Islands; and as he proposes to be at the charge and trouble thereof, I recommend it to you to gratify him in this request, so far as it may be done without any damage or inconvenience to the Country under yr. Government. Signed, Carteret. [C.O. 324, 34. p. 147.]
July 2. 208. Charles Carrington to Mr. Popple. Encloses following, which he hopes will move the Board to recommend an Assembly to ascertain property and quiet the possessions and minds of the dispairing people. Continues:—Mr. Docminique assures me the merchants of the Bahama Society are peremptorily determined to oppose an Assembly, wch. in my judgment is to oppose the happy setleing and improvement of the Colony etc. Asks to be allowed to attend the Board on behalf of the inhabitants of the Bahama Islands. Without signature. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd July, 1722. Read 27th Jan., 1726/7. Holograph. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed,
208. i. Address of the Council of the Bahama Islands to Governor Rogers. N. Providence, 18th July, 1721. Refer to the many publick as well as private remonstrances which your Excellency has sent to Great Brittain representing the impediments this Government has struggled with etc. not meeting with any answer etc. Continue: Your Excy. is very sencible how long we have been amus'd with a promis'd certainty of a ship laded with recruits, provisions, stores of war and necessarys for the garrison from England, yet remain unsupplied; so that we have no other dependance left, than what credit your Excy. procured for us with Genl. Nicholson and the Gentlemen of So. Carolina. We most earnestly entreat that your Excellcy. would send us the earliest advices of what we have yet to hope for from H.M.; for unless H.M. do's from his known wisdom and goodness put the Government of these Islands upon the same foot with Jamaica, Barbadoes, N. York, Bermuda, etc., we justly fear our time hitherto has been misapplied here, and must seek a being elsewhere etc. Since your Excellcys. last departure from us, many familys have gone off, and what remain are uneasy because unsettled in their constitution and possessions. The Lord-like Agents of the Bahama Compa. here, treat their Customers with insupportable pride, turning many away, that carry money to purchase what they want; and we cannot have the minutest thing wch. the Garrison has need of for mony, so fixt is the resolution of the said Compa's Factors to streighten and disable the Royalists. Our late proceedings of Council herewith enclosed, will fully evidence, how little the publick good, or the honour of H.M. is consider'd by them. We have a more honourable opinion of the greater part of their Masters than to think, their Factors act and behave themselves so meanly by their Masters' Instructions, therefore doubt not but they will have just reprimands etc. We most sincerely wish that Capt. Middleton may find your Excellcy. safely arriv'd in Great Brittain, amidst many friends both able and willing to support the Royal cause you have undertook for the publick good etc. Signed, W. Fairfax, and six others. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd July, 1722. 2 pp.
208. ii. Deposition of Thomas Barnett, Councillor, as to arbitrary treatment by James Gohier in respect of a grant of lands demanded by him etc. 10th March, 1721. 1 p.
208. iii. Deposition of James Jenner, Surveyor General; to same effect. Deponent resigned on that account. 10th March, 1721. Signed, James Jenner. 2 pp.
208. iv. Deposition of Athanias Eling. 20th Feb., 1721. Mr. Gohier refused to grant her a patent for some lands etc. Signed, Athanias Eling. 3/4 p.
208. v. Deposition of Richard Roche. 10th March, 1721. James Gohier said Governor Rogers had embezelled almost all the Co-partners' effects and was in debt in England etc. As soon as the new Governor arrives he would be sent prisoner to England etc. Signed, Richd. Roche. 2 pp.
208. vi. Deposition of Thomas Robinson. 18th Feb., 1721. Mr. Gohier called Governor Rogers a cheat and said that if he returned he would put him in prison etc. Signed, Tho. Robinson. 1 p.
208. vii. Deposition of Ann Shipton. Feb., 1721. Mr. Gohier laid out a tract of land for his own use, upon which she and her husband had built a house and lived for three years, and obliges them to pay rent for said house. Signed, Ann Shipton, her mark. 1 p.
208. viii. Deposition of Mildred, widow of Josiah Syms. 15th Feb. 1721. Deponent took up a piece of land and planted it for two or three years with yams and potatoes for sustenance for herself and family and negroes etc. Gohire ran the said land out for his own use and forbade her to gather her crops. Governor Rogers had told her she might so plant where she pleased, till the island was better established. Signed, Mildred Syms, her mark. 2 pp.
208. ix. Deposition of John Dalrymple. 10th March, 1721. James Gohier ordered deponent to turn out of his house which he had built near Nassau by liberty given him from Governor Rogers. In his absence at sea, Gohier compelled his wife to pull the house down etc. Signed, John Dalrymple. 3/4 p.
208. x. Deposition of William Jones. 21st Feb., 1721. Gohier took possession of a plantation cleared and planted by Robert Gilcrest etc. Signed, William Jones. 1 p.
208. xi. Deposition of Leonard Harper. 21st Feb., 1721. Gohier, Agent for the Co-partners, refused to run out some land for him upon which he had lived for seven years past etc. Signed, Leonard Harper, his mark. 1 p.
208. xii. Deposition of Samuel Watkins. Gohier caused to be laid out by the Surveyor General for his own use some land on which Deponent lived and built a house, after Governor Rogers had promised him that he should have it etc. Signed, Samuel Watkins. 1 p.
208. xiii. Deposition of Peter Courant, 26th Feb., 1721. James Gohier dining with deponent said that he had put forth a proclamation directing everybody to pay their quit-rents but that no one had done so, and that therefore their lands were become escheated and did revert to the Co-partners. Deponent having 100 acres which he had not had a grant for quite a year, said he had not heard anything of his proclamation, nor was there a year's quit-rent due, but he would pay him then what was due. Gohier refused, telling him it was too late, and that the land was forfeited etc. Gohier said Governor Rogers had a mind the Spaniards should take the Island, for he had no other way of making up his accounts, and that he was a foolish dog, and a cursed rogue. Signed, Petr. Courant. 1 p.
208. xiv. Deposition of John Thomas. 27th Feb., 1721. Governor Rogers having given liberty to deponent to build upon a lot of land near Nassau before Mr. Gohier's arrival, Mr. Gohier sent for deponent and said that neither he nor the Governor should have any land, if he thought fit, upon which deponent was obliged to quit and lose the timber of his house etc. Mr. Gohier refuses them any lot on the island. Signed, John Thomas, his mark. 1 p.
208. xv. Deposition of Robert Wishart. 21st Feb., 1721. Deponent bought of John Cullemore a house and lot for which Gohier refuses to grant the latter a patent, though he had granted him a warrant to the Surveyor to survey the said lot. This refusal was malicious, Gohier having had some difference with deponent. Signed, Robert Wishart. 1 p.
208. xvi. Deposition of John Cullemore. 21st Feb., 1721. Corroborates preceding. Signed, John Cullemore. 3/4 p.
208. xvii. Deposition of John Watkins. 21st Feb., 1721. Gohire went with his servants into the lot of Dorothy Richardson and grubbed up several orange trees which she had planted, wch. he planted on his own ground. Signed, John Watkins. 1/2 p.
208. xviii. Deposition of James Jenner, Surveyor General. 22nd Feb., 1721. Deponent had a warrant under the hand of James Gohire for laying out the above said lot of land to one Ann Goodrick, daughter of said Richardson, to whom sd. Richardson had given it as a portion in marriage, but afterwards Gohire ordered deponent not to lay out the said lot to her. Signed, James Jenner. 1/2 p.
208. xix. Deposition of Dorothy Richardson. 21st Feb., 1721. Confirms Nos. xvii and xviii. Signed, Dorothy Richardson, her mark. 3/4 p.
208. xx. Depositions in the case of James Gohier v. James Roberts and Thomas Petty, Moses Sims, mariner, and other old inhabitants of New Providence make oath that until James Gohier arrived, no claim of a tenth of the seal fish or oil was ever made, but he, on pretence of a grant from the Crown, has extorted 1–10th of the oil of the seal fish, as Lord of the Manor, and in conjunction with the Chief Justice, Walker, has greatly oppressed the poor inhabitants, forcing some to quit their houses and plantations which they have quietly possessed 20 years, and refusing lots to others who desired to settle etc. They force persons going to fish for turtle to give bond to return to Providence and pay for a licence to fish, etc, Signed, Moses Syms, his mark, and 5 others. 2 pp. Nos. ii–xx endorsed, Recd. 3rd July, 1722. [C.O. 23, 2. ff. 80, 81v.–83, 85, 85v., 87, 88–89v., 90, 91–92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98–100v., 101v., 102v.]
July 2.
209. Lt. Governor Doucett to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Since mine of ye 28th June Winniet arrived here etc. (v 29th June No. iii and encl. No. i.) With him came two Indians from Minis and brought a letter from the Missionary of the Indians etc. (v. encl. ii.–iv.) Continues: I don't doubt but your Lordships will hear from H.E. of this Preist's behaviour, who has never been with H.E. or me since wee have been there in this Provence, and travels up and down the same as he pleases, and settles missions as he thinks proper without H.E.'s knowledge, for want of which, I dare say your Lordships will be of the opinion that he does not doe it for the good of H.M. interest etc. He is a half Indian, and a zealous biggott, with a capacity to follow the tenents of the Romish faith, and indefatigable in his travelling through the woods from place to place. Your Lordships see's what he says concerning his Mission etc. But he can never deny but his Mission had to doe with the affair of Canso, and the year before last in plundering of one Mr. Alden's sloop att Minis etc. Refers to his proposed speech (June 29, No. ii), "which I shall send to this Gentleman to refresh his memory." Continues: My Lord's this is the pass wee are att every day, our traders robb'd and plunder'd every year and thus shiffted from one, to another, as for instance when Mr. Alden was plunder'd etc., the Missionary att St. Johns River express'd then his concern for our people's misfortune, and said for the savages in his Mission that none of them had a hand in it, and now Mr. Gaulin expresses the same concern and says that his Mission had no hand in it, tho' att the same time it appears by Lynham's declaration and Mr. Winniet's that a good deal of the plunder went to adorn his chaple when he was to say mass to the Indians. But if his Mission did not actually take the sloops, wee are very sencible that they went to Minis in order to partake of the plunder but came too late, for the other Indians had shared what they had gott, on which these Indians were very angry and att last the others intended to lett them have something. But in the interim news came to Minis that I had gott 22 Indians into my hands, which altered their measures exceedingly, for then they would not have anything to doe with the others, who had plundered the English, and that they would have no hand in it. As to Mr. Gaulin's mentioning us as agressor's I thank God, everybody knows here to the contrary and that wee were so ignorant of their designes, that had not the Collector and Mr. Blin gott here as they did after their being taken att Passmaqudy, I should have wanted advice of their acctions, and designes, and have fall'n myself, with some officer's inocently into their hand's, in takeing the deversions of fishing, or shooting, tho' within a mile of the fort, but know now how to trust them for the future, who are no longer freinds, then they have an opertunity to be otherways etc. H.E. will send your Lordships what he thinks proper upon this occasion, and don't doubt he will be of another opinion of Mr. Gaulin in respect to me etc. Signed, John Doucett. Endorsed, Recd. 21st, Read 25th Sept., 1722. 4 pp. Enclosed,
209. i. W. Winniett to Lt. Governor Doucett. Annapolis Royall, 1st July, 1722. Describes his capture by the Indians at Minis etc., confirming June 29. Nos. iii and iv. Continues: On inviting the priest at Minis to intervene, he replied that he was very sorry for my misfortune, but was no ways concerned with the savages, who were masters etc. The Indians made enquiries as to the strength of the garrison at Annapolis Royal etc. Though they had been at Minis three days before my arrival, and had sent a shallop and canoes to call in all the rest of the Indians, and though the French inhabitants knew Mr. Lynham was taken and that I was bringing them by agreement 60 hhds. of salt etc., yet they never sent a boat to warn me of the danger, nor could I get a messenger among them all to advise you, pretending that the Indians had tould the priest, that if any person dare give you any intelligence, they would put him and his to death. When Mr. Gorlaine the priest to the Indians arrived, he tould me he would order itt otherwise and wished he had been there sooner, and emediatly he proposed to me, my vessell and liberty, but this compliment came by an account they had of some Indians being made prisoners by you, wch. very much abated their other designes and obliged them to give me to the Indians of this River to be exchanged etc. They hoisted French colours on board my vessel and carried her out of the port etc. I found all the priest Geolain said ware only amusement, and am convinced that he was at the bottom of the whole affair, in conjunction with the other priests, for a great part of my goods was carried into the Mass House, etc. The inhabitants bought most of my cargo from the Indians for provisions, made them cloths and shirts, mended their arms and bayonetts, and sold them arms powder and ball etc. In arguing with the priest Felix, and telling him that the inhabitants had not interposed as they ought, and that the Government would not take it well of them, he answered me very short, and with a mennacing aire, tould me that if ye Governor medelled with ye French, they would soon find frinds to assist them. I have lost to the ruin of my wife and family to the value of £1500 etc. Signed, William Winniett. Same endorsement. 3 pp.
209. ii. Père Gaulin to Lt. Governor Doucett. Mines, 7th Sept. (O.S.), 1722. I had decided not to reply to your letter, having expected a more civil answer etc. (v. Nos. iii. iv.). I have obtained the release of Mr. Winnett and his mate, and the Indians hope that you will release their people whom you hold unjustly, since they have had no part in what has occurred, and have sent you all the prisoners they could obtain. If you do not, they will find means to take four of your people for every one of theirs. All the savages of my Mission only desire peace and union, which you have been the first to break etc. I am sorry for poor Mr. Winnett, but none of us has had a hand in these unfortunate incidents etc. Signed, Gaulin. Same endorsement. French. Copy. 1 3/4 pp.
209. iii. Same to Same. Mines, 13th March (O.S.), 1722. Regrets that his health and the time of year prevent his waiting upon him. Takes the opportunity of his brief stay at Mines to acquaint him that the Indians propose to make a settlement on the River Chebenacady, which flows into the basin of Cobequid, which river has always been assigned to them and reserved for their hunting etc. The only hope of teaching these savages, who recognise no master, their duty, is to have them settled in one place with a Missionary to guide them. At a word from him, he will come to Annapolis Royal, if the public interest renders that desirable. His design is wholly for peace and tranquility etc. Signed, Ant. Gaulin, Père Missionaire des sauvages de l'Accadie et Isle Royalle. Same endorsement. French. Copy. 1 p.
209. iv. Lt. Governor Doucett to Père Gaulin. Annapolis Royal, 14th March, 1721/2. Reply to preceding. Your advice is verrie late, because it has been known by accident some months since of the design. Your neglect to do so in some measure contradicts the great zeal you express for the public tranquility etc. When a Government is slighted it causes offence. There could be no occasion for such omission, for it could never have been doubted that H.E. would have denied any such establishment to the Indians etc. As to their acknowledging no master, I think that topic has been revised and commenced since we have been in possession of the Province, and really if they are such people that could not be ruled by Père Felix, when there was but a small number, in the late plundering Mr. Alden's vessel, how can you be certain the Missionary will deter them etc. If Mr. Gaulin had acted with civility and honour to H.E. by obtaining his leave to travel about the Province and to establish a mission, I should have been glad to see him at Annapolis Royal etc. Signed, John Doucett. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 1/2 pp. [C.O.217, 4. ff. 125–135v.]
July 5.
210. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Nicholson. Acknowledge letters of 13th and 19th July, 6th Oct. and 7th Nov. 1721, and 16th Feb. 1722. Continue:—We are glad to hear that you have settled your Government upon so good a foot for H.M. service, and so much to the satisfaction of the inhabitants. We likewise congratulate you upon having settled so good a correspondence with some of your neighbouring Indians, wch. we hope you will do your utmost to maintain. We are very well pleased with the steps you have taken towards making a settlemt. on the Alatamaha River, which will be so great a security and advantage to H.M. Provínce under your Governmt. We have been attended by Mr. Yonge and Mr. Lloyd, whom you have appointed Agents to transact the affairs of the Province here, and so soon as anything shall be done in relation to the subject matter of their Memorial, you shall hear further from us. [C.O. 5, 400. pp. 150, 151.]
July 5.
211. Council of Trade and Plantations to Deputy Governor Sir W. Keith. Having at this time under our consideration several letters from the Governors of H.M. Colonies not yet answer'd by this Board, we thought ourselves oblig'd to acknowledge the receipt of some former letters from you, relating to the French Settlements and proper measures for cultivating a good understanding with the Indians, which contain many solid and usefull reflections; and we return you our hearty thanks for the same, desiring that when anything further shall occur to you, relating to these matters, or any other, wherein H.M. interest or the trade and wellfare of ye British Plantations may be concern'd, that you'l continue to transmit an acct. thereof together with your observations thereupon to us. [C.O. 5, 1293. p. 253.]
July 5.
212. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. Recommend appointment of James Alexander and James Smith to the Council of New Jersey in the room of Mr. Gordon, in the Eastern Division, and Mr. Byerley in the Western etc. v. 25th May. [C.O. 5, 996. p. 115.]
July 5.
213. Mr. Popple to Capt. Hyde and Mr. Harris. Requests reply to 26th June. [C.O. 5, 1365. pp. 239, 240.]
July 7.
214. Mr. Popple to Mr. Burchett. In reply to 28th June, encloses copy of Charter of Rhode Island and Order in Council, 1703, relating to Admiralty jurisdiction there. [C.O. 5, 1293. p. 254.]
July 9.
215. Governor Sir N. Lawes to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to account of pirates hanged, given 18th May. Continues:—Since which time I have received (enclosed) letter from the Governour of Cuba complaining of the great injustice done their Nation for hanging so many loyal subjects (as he is pleased to term them) and that he had given the King of Spain an account of it. I have therefore thought it proper to give the Secretary of State a copy of the trial at large etc., that it may plainly appear with how much justice they have received that punishment etc. I am sorry I have had so often complaints to make to the Spanish Governours of their guard de la coasts in general who let not one vessel escape them which they can make themselves masters of and have carryed them into Spanish ports where they have as constantly been condemned and they received all manner of protection from their Governours. Among innumerable instances of this kind there happen'd one the other day. A ship from Guinea with a cargoe of negroes bound to this Island in her passage near to Porto Rico met with one of those pretended guard de la coasts who took the ship and carryed her into that Island and we have not yet heard what is become of either the ship or men belonging to her. I hope H.M. will be graciously pleased to represent these things to the Court of Spain for under pretence of such Commissions for guard de la coasts many piracies and robberies are committed and the trade of this Island from Europe and all other parts very much obstructed. The Assembly etc. is now sitting etc. Refers to Speech enclosed. Continues:—Tho' they have come to some resolutions to reimburse the Treasury and support publick credit yet I cannot flatter myself etc. they will put it in practice. 'Tis now a month since they met and not one bill as yet sent up to the Council and the difficulties I am under in supporting of the Government are hardly to be expressed, having neither money nor credit, which makes the present conjuncture the most uncomfortable of my life, it not being in my power to do H.M. or the Country any service. This in some measure proceeds from a want of directions from home upon several matters which I have frequently desired might be laid before H.M. for His Royal pleasure therein. I have been upwards of four years now in this Government and have rec'd. but one letter from your Lordships and very few relating to the affairs of this countrey from the Secretary of State etc. Repeats end of 18th May. Signed, Nicholas Lawes. Endorsed, Recd, 1st, Read 3rd Oct., 1722. 23/4 pp. Enclosed,
215. i. Governor of Cuba to Governor Sir N. Lawes. Complaint of hanging of Spanish subjects, referred to in preceding. Copy. Spanish. 2 pp.
215. ii. Governor Sir N. Lawes' Speech to the Assembly of Jamaica, 14th June, 1722. Urges granting of supply to enable the Treasury to satisfy its load of debts etc. Not a man could be found to trust the Government with a shilling to defray necessary contingencies or expenses for the trial of pirates, because Orders of Council carry no interest, and have been offered at 40 or 50 p.c. discount. Recommends provision for reception of new Governor etc., and for suppression of rebellious negroes, who have of late appeared in many parts of the country. "I ordered out parties in pursuit of them; but the want of money to pay the men who venture their lives for our safety, is a great discouragement and obstruction to the service" etc. Reminds them that the Laws are near expiring and offers his aid in preparing them for re-enacting etc. The Weekly Jamaica Courant, No. ccxxiv., June 20, 1722. Publish'd by Authority. Printed by M. Baldwin, 1722. Price One Bit, or 7s. 6d. per quarter. Endorsed, Recd. 1st Oct., 1722. 4 pp. [C.O. 137, 14. ff. 153, 154–156v., 158, 159v., 160v.]
July 10. 216. Capt. Hyde and others, Virginia Merchants, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. In obedience to your Lordships' commands we have considered the extracts of Lt. Gov. Spotswood's letters, etc., (v. C.S.P. 31st May, 1721). It is our humble opinion that a lighthouse (on Cape Henry) will be no ways advantagious to the shipping of Great Britain. Signed, John Hyde and 20 others. Endorsed, Recd. 12th. Read 18th July, 1722. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1319. No. 16.]
July 10.
217. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. In reply to 7th July, asks for copy of the Board's letter to the Governor and Company of Rhode Island, upon their Act appointing an Admiralty Court, and of the Attorney General's opinion thereon. (v. C.S.P. 1703, Nos. 1415, 1415 i.) Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd. 11th, Read 18th July, 1722. Addressed. 1 1/2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1266. ff. 56, 57v.]
July 10.
218. Major J. Hanbury to Col. Selwyn. Enquires about obtaining "the King's warrant which is usual" etc. Signed, J. Hanbury. Postmark. Addressed. 1 1/4 pp. [C.O. 5, 4. No. 23.]
July 10.
219. Lord Carteret to Governor Sir N. Lawes. Mr. Chammorel the French Secretary here having represented that three other ships and a sloop (Mariane, Le Gardeno, Adventure and de Jonché) are in the same case with Aimable Marie, you are to follow in regard to them the directions you had, concerning that ship, (25th July, 1718) etc. You will transmit to me an account of your proceedings in this affair. Signed, Carteret. [C.O. 324, 34. p. 148.]
July 11.
220. Governor Hart to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to letter of 21st June. Continues:—I shall now lay before your Lordships a short state of the four principal Islands; for I am not yet able to send so exact a one as my duty requires, from the delays that are given me by the Officers not making those due returns demanded of them, of the numbers of the inhabitants etc.; which I hope soon to procure; For as the distance of the said Islands one from another is some impediment; so there is in all these people a certain indolence and indifference to all commands that do's not immediately relate to their own interest; which I doubt not in time to quicken into proper motion. I am lately returned from visiting the Islands of this Government, and find them all in a more flourishing condition than they were from the first settlement; Providence having blessed them with rains, etc. ut supra 2nd May.
Antigua, as 'tis much the largest, so it is the most beautifull and best inhabited of these Islands; of a fruitfull soil, but to be wrought with a good deal of labour, contains a great number of safe and commodious harbours, which are well defended by forts and batteries erected on them for their security. The Island is very healthy, and were it not for the excessive heat of the sun, it would be in all things agreable to life; most of the Gentlemen have had their education in Great Britain, so that they are a sociable and well bred people, extreamly well affected to H.M. and His Government; and as they have made an establishment for me during my residence, and that I have had the good fortune to obtain all those things that relate to the better Government of this Island, and all persons seem to be pleased and contented with their present condition, I hope they will long enjoy this felicity. The Militia of this Island consists of three Regiments of Foot and one Troop of Horse, in number about 1400 men, who are well disciplined, and make a fine appearance, by the care of Colo. Byam, Lt. Governor of the Island, who distinguished himself in all expeditions in the late wars by his gallant behaviour. Besides the 1400 men mentioned, there are between 5 and 600 seafaring men belonging to this Island, which together with five companys of foot of Colo. Lucass's Regiment, will make a very good defense in case of a war. Mountserat is allmost one continued mountain etc. There's neither bay nor harbour for the security of ships, which are obliged to ride off of the town of Plimouth, which has but one small platform of five guns to defend it; and but very few white inhabitants upon it, and the Militia do's not amount to above 200 men; But have a great number of slaves, by whose labour they make a considerable quantity of sugar. The Island of Nevis lyes 18 leagues to leeward from Antigua, there's one high mountain in the middle, from the foot of which it is inhabited, and gradually descends to the sea; the soil is covered with stones, yet very productive, and yields great quantities of sugar. There's neither bay nor harbour here, but very good anchorage off of Charles Town defended by a battery of 11 guns; the Militia consist of 250 men which are very ill disciplin'd, so that in case of a war with the French, this Island is in great danger of being again plundered. The inhabitants are very much disaffected to H.M. Government, and are the most obstinate and particular temper'd people I have ever convers'd with; and for many years past have treated all the Commanders in Chief in a most disrespectfull manner; And notwithstanding that by a personal solicitation with the Rt. Honble. the Lord Carteret I obtain'd a letter from His Lordship signifying H.M. pleasure to support them against the demands of the French etc., and tho' this was doing them as I thought a very acceptable service, which by their Agents they had long solicited in vain, yet on my communicating to the Assembly the 32nd Article of my Instructions, they not only refused to comply with H.M. pleasure therein in making an addition to my salary, but expressed themselves on that occasion in a very indecent manner, of which I do not make any further or regular complaint to your Lordships, in hopes that I may prevail in time to bring them to a sense of that duty which they owe to H.M. and those he honours with an authority under him. As a farther instance of the temper of these people, there are two persons Joseph Symmonds and Roger Pemberton, who (by my Instructions are named in the Council of that Island) refuse to sit at that Board when duely summoned, the first because he is the elder brother of James, and the last because he was recommended to the Council before the said James Symmonds by the late General Hamilton. These two Gentlemen have been allways leading men in the Assembly, but of a disposition that I cou'd no-ways recommend to your Lordships; and as these Gentlemen decline sitting in the Council, I take the liberty to name two that are fit to supply their places, William Pym Burt Esqr. and Major Richard Abbot, who are both of them Gentlemen of good fortunes, and both well affected to H.M. Government. Having advice from London of the death of Colo. Smith late Lt. Governor of Nevis, I have by virtue of H.M. 14 Instruction appointed William Mathew Esqr. Lt. Governour of St. Christophers to be also Lt. Governour of Nevis till H.M. pleasure shall be farther known; That Island being only two leagues distant from St. Christophers, so that he can at all times remove from the one to the other. I found a necessity of making this appointment, for that the turbulent spirit of that people has very much increased from the President Mr. Abbots incapacity of governing them; who tho' a very honest gentleman in his own character wants that judgment and resolution requisite in a Governour, for which they have allways trampled on his authority for these five years that he has commanded in the absence of the Lt. Governour; which defects will be fully supplyed in the capacity of the Lt. General; And therefore hope you'l be so good as to recommend him for continuing in that station for the good services he has already done in this Government; and on the consideration that £200 per annum is not sufficient to support the character of a Lt. General, which he has done with honour tho' to the injury of his private fortune. The Island of St. Christophers is in a flourishing condition, and makes as much sugar as it is possible for the land to produce, there being no part of it left uncultivated; And it is computed this year it will make 15000 hhds. of sugar. But the inhabitants do not improve in their building especially on the late French lands, untill the present possessors shall have a more certain property in them. The Militia consists of one Regiment of Foot, one troop of Horse and one troop of Dragoons, the whole making 1100 men well disciplin'd and under a very good regulation; The inhabitants being a very brave people (as they approved themselves in the late wars etc.) and are very good seamen, and chearfull and ready to go upon any expedition. All the coast of this Island is open to be invaded by a forreign enemy; But as there are many forts and those provided well with cannon, by the care of Lt. General Mathew, I doubt not in case of a war to give a very good account of this Island. Mr. George Liddell one of H.M. Council is lately dead. Recommends Major Richard Holmes to succeed him. I intend to visit the Virgin Islands of this Government as soon as the tempestuous season (August and September) is over; in the mean time I shall prepare a more distinct account of these Islands in order to lay before your Lordships etc. Signed, Jo. Hart. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 19th Sept., 1722. 61/2 pp. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 158–161v.]
July 13. 221. Col. Moody to Mr. Popple. Begs that the Board will speedily report upon his petition (v. Jan., 1720 and 14th Jan., 1722). Signed, J. Moody. Endorsed, Recd. 17th July, Read 10th August, 1722. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 7. ff. 66, 67v.]
July 14.
222. Lord Carteret to Governor Sir N. Lawes. The Lord Archibald Hamilton having relinquished all his title to that part of the lading of the Spanish ship Nostra Senora de Belen, taken by Francis Fernando, which was deposited in the hands of Mr. Rigby Provost Marshall and Marshall of the Admiralty of Jamaica, as his Lop's, part of the bullion taken in the sd. ship, etc.; I have signified to Mr. Rigby that he should accordingly deliver up for the use of the Spanish owners the silver so deposited etc. Lord Archibald is now thoroughly convinced that, as he suspected, it was not a good and lawful prize. Describes his honourable and impartial proceeding in the case, "that it may be a means of convincing those, who lay claim to the other parts of the sd. ship's cargo, that they will not find themselves able to justify the seizure according to law, and that it would therefore be adviseable for them to make an agreemt. with the Spanish owners," etc. I am to recommend it to you, to use your influence and endeavour to induce them thereto. You are to give your assistance to the bearer, Don Manuel A'Aramburu, late Capt. and part owner of the sd. ship etc. Signed, Carteret. Annexed,
222. i. Lord A. Hamilton's Instrument of agreement renouncing his claim to the ship and cargo of Nostra Senora de Belen etc. Signed, A. Hamilton. 6th June, 1722. Copy. [C.O. 324, 34. pp. 149–155.]
July 14.
223. Same to James Rigby. You are to deliver the silver referred to in preceding to the Agent of the Spanish owners etc. Signed, Carteret. Copy. [C.O. 324, 34. p. 156.]
July 15.
224. Mr. Popple to Governor Burnet. My Lords Commrs. have recommended James Alexander and James Smith etc. as you desire (v. 25th May, 5th July). But as to Mr. Anderson whom you have suspended, their Lordps. have agreed to consider further your reasons before they report to H.M. thereupon. [C.O. 5, 996. pp. 116, 117.]
July 17.
225. Lord Carteret to the Governor of the Leeward Islands. Dame Frances Stapleton is to remain in the quiet enjoyment of the lands (enumerated) granted to her late husband, Walter Hamilton, late Governor, in that part of St. Christophers formerly belonging to the French, until H.M. shall think fit how to dispose thereof etc. Signed, Carteret. Copy. [C.O. 324, 34. pp. 158–160.]
July 17.
226. Same to Governor the Duke of Portland. The King having taken into his consideration, that the Laws of Jamaica will expire in the year 1724, is willing to continue them for a further term upon such conditions, as shall be thought most proper and adviseable for the service of his Governmt. in that Island; and H.M. thinks it proper, that your Grace should be instructed upon that head. But in regard that the Revenue Act has usually been renewed with the other Laws, and that, in case the said Laws shall be made perpetual, or for a term of years only, the Revenue Act should be settled in like manner, H.M. judges it necessary, that the state of the Revenue of that Island should be duly considered, before He comes to any particular determination upon the whole; and therefore I have by H.M. command, referr'd that part to the consideration of the Lords Commisrs. of the Treasury, who will report their opinion upon it as soon as conveniently may be. In the mean time I am commanded to signify H.M. pleasure to your Grace, that upon the first proper opportunity after your arrival in Jamaica, you should communicate to the Council and Assembly there, H.M. gracious intention, by acquainting them that H.M. is willing to renew the said laws, provided the Council and Assembly are ready on their part to make a due provision for the expences of H.M. Government there. This being a point wherein H.M. would receive satisfaction in the first place, your Grace will please to inform H.M. how you find the Council and Assembly disposed towards this proposal; and upon your transmitting hither such information, H.M. will instruct your Grace more particularly how you are to proceed in this affair, in order to bring it to an issue. Signed, Carteret. Copy. [C.O. 324, 34. p. 161.]
July 17.
227. Same to Same. Encloses following etc. Concludes: H.M. Would have your Grace recommend petitioner's case to the Assembly, that he may enjoy the rights and profits properly belonging to his offices. Signed, Carteret. Annexed,
227. i. Petition of Francis Colman to the King. Petitioner was granted in 1716 letters patent under the Great Seal for the offices of Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace in Jamaica, to hold by himself or deputies. The Assembly have refused to do his Deputy justice in several branches of his sd. offices, and have taken upon them to appoint the Deputy Clerks of the Peace. The appointing them is the most considerable part of the profits arising from sd. offices, and is petitioner's legal right. Prays that the Governor may be directed to recommend his case to the Assembly etc. Copy. [C.O. 324, 34. pp. 162–164.]
July 18. 228. H. Walpole to Lord Carteret. Encloses following. Copy. 1 p. Enclosed,
228. i. Instructions proposed by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for Governor the Duke of Portland concerning the renewal of the Revenue bill of Jamaica. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd April, 1724. Copy. 2 1/4 pp. [C.O. 137, 14. ff. 277–278v.]
July 18.
229. A. Popple to Mr. West. Encloses for his opinion thereupon Acts passed at St. Christophers, 1722, (i) to repeal an Act for raising an impost upon liquors imported and imposing duties upon liquors hereafter imported etc., (ii) An Act for laying of certain duties upon sugars, molosses and other goods of the growth and manufacture of St. Christophers exported. (iii) for settling £2000 pr. annum of current mony during the term therein mentioned upon H.E. John Hart etc. I am also to desire you would hasten your report upon the several other Leewd. Island Acts now under your consideration. [C.O. 153, 14. pp. 93, 94.]
July 18.
230. Same to Capt. Hyde. Requests reasons in writing against building the lighthouse at Cape Henry, v. 26th June, 10th July etc. [C.O. 5, 1365. pp. 240, 241.]
July 19.
231. Order of King in Council. Appointing James Alexander and James Smith to the Council of New Jersey. Set out, N. J. Archives, 1st Ser. V. 52. Signed, Robert Hales. Endorsed, Recd. 9th, Read 13th Nov., 1722. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 972. ff. 62, 62v., 67v.]
July 19.
232. Order of King in Council. Approving, upon the Memorial of the Duke of Montagu, his nomination of Nathaniel Uring to be Deputy Governor of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, provided he qualify himself as the law directs. The Board of Trade is to take care that good security is given for his observing the Acts of Trade and Navigation. Signed, Robert Hales. Endorsed, Recd. 24th, Read 25th July, 1722. l 1/2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1266. ff. 58, 59v.]
July 19.
233. H.M. Additional Instruction to Governor the Duke of Portland. Upon obtaining the consent of the Assembly for perpetuating if possible, or otherwise for continuing the Revenues there for the term of 21 years; you are to take care, that the Acts to be passed for that purpose do comprehend and provide as follows: That all Our Revenues be therein particularly enumerated, and the methods by which they are to be collected and paid or recovered in case of non-payment (which you are to be well advised in) be expressly enacted. That the security to be given from time to time by the Receiver or Receivers of the said Revenues be ascertained, and that by the same security, the said Receiver or Receivers be obliged to account at such time once in every year, as shall be thought fit as well for their receipts as payments by authentick vouchers before the Auditor of H.M. Plantations for the time being or his Deputy. That an establishment be formed to contain all the settled annual expences of Our Government there, and that there be therein inserted such a competent annual sum for defraying the contingent charges of the Government, as you shall be advised to be fitting and reasonable for that service; and that the establishment so formed be made part of the said Act, and the said Revenues be appropriated to pay and defray the same by and under the authority and direction of Our Governor, Deputy Governor and Council there to be signified to the Receiver General of the said Revenues for the time being, by warrants under their or any——or more of their hands, whereof Our said Governor or Deputy Governor to be always one. But you are to take especial care, that a draught of such Revenue Act, as also of the Establishment that shall be formed to be comprehended therein be transmitted over in convenient time for the approbation of the Commissioners of Our Treasury here, before the same be passed into a Law. Signed, G. R. Copy. [C.O. 324, 24. pp. 165–167.]
[July 20.] 234. (i.) Governor Philipps' Instructions to Major Lawrence Armstrong, Aug. 29, and 20th Nov., 1720 (v. 21st May). Endorsed, Recd. (from Col. Armstrong) Read 20th July, 1722. Copy. 5 pp.
(ii.) Deposition by John Harrison and Martin Groundman, that the sloop William was captured by a Spanish privateer with Lt. Col. Armstrong's goods for the Company etc. 19th July, 1722. Signed, John Harrison, Martin Groundman. 1 p.
(iii.) Deposition of John Manley. Corroborates preceding. 20th July, 1722. Signed, John Manley. 1 p.
(iv.) Deposition of John Caswall, as to shipping goods for Col. Armstrong from London to Boston. 20th July, 1722. Signed, Jno. Caswall. 1 p.
(v.) Lt. Col. Armstrong's account with Francis Sawle for clothing shipped to New England. 20th July, 1722. Signed, Fra. Sawle. 2 pp. Nos. ii.–v. endorsed, Recd. Read 20th July, 1722.
(vi.) Accounts of Lt. Col. Armstrong's losses and expenditure in connection with his journeys to and command at Canso. Signed, Ed. How. Endorsed as preceding. 6 pp.
(vii.) Certificates as to the good character of Edward How. July 27 and 28 (sic) 1722. Signed, John Armstrong and Thomas Armstrong. Endorsed as preceding. 3 pp.
(viii.) (a) Memorial of Commanders of vessels, inhabitants and others interested in the fishery at Canso to Governor Phillips. Canso. Sept. 29th, 1720. Beg for assistance, having been plundered by the French and Indians. Are building lodgment for troops. Unless these are sent, will be forced to leave etc. 33 signatures.
(b) Warrant by Lt. Col. Armstrong, 1st Oct., 1720, appointing a Committee to supervise the building of a lodgment for troops, as desired by the masters and owners of vessels and inhabitants etc. at Canso. Signed, L. Armstrong.
(c) Major Armstrong to M. St. Ovide de Brouillan. Demands that Capt. Philibert d'Arguibell and Capt. Massy may appear before the British Minister at Paris to answer for the robberies committed by them and the Indians at Canso. Lewisbourg, 27th Sept., 1720. Signed, L. Armstrong.
(d) Reply to preceding. We promise that the two Captains mentioned shall go to France to give account of their actions, where justice shall be administered to them as shall be thought proper by the two Crowns. Signed, St. Ovide de Brouillan, Demezey.
(e) Receipt for 21 prisoners, 8 shallops and one shollaway with their equipage. Received from Major Armstrong. Signed, De Pensens. Petit de Gradt. Sept., 23rd, 1720.
(f) (g) Accounts of fish and effects taken from and returned to the English by the French. Petit de Gradt. 6th Oct., 1720. Signed, L. Armstrong, De Pensens.
(h) Address of the Justices of Peace, Captains and Owners of vessels and inhabitants of Canso to Major Armstrong. Return thanks for his care and diligence in endeavouring to secure justice for them in relation to the French and Indian robbers, and declare that he has acted with integrity and prudence. 28 signatures. The whole endorsed, Recd., Read 20th July, 1722. 6 pp.
ix. Observations upon the proofs required and furnished upon Col. Armstrong's losses etc. Same endorsement. 7 pp.
(x.) Account of subscriptions for and expenditure upon the building of Fort Philip at Canceau, £267 9s. 1d.; £260 1s. Audited by Committee appointed by Governor Philipps. Canso, Sept. 5th, 1721. Signed, John Henshaw, Joshua Norman, John Culley. Same endorsement. 2 1/4 pp.
(xi, xii.) Invoices and bills of landing relating to clothing stuffs shipped on Lt. Col. Armstrong's account from London to Boston. Same endorsement. 6 pp.
(xiii.) List of above papers. [C.O. 217, 4. ff. 69–111v.)
July 21.
235. A. Popple to Mr. Burchett. In reply to 10th July, encloses papers relating to Admiralty jurisdiction at Rhode Island. [C.O. 5, 1293. p. 255.]
July 23. 236. T. Beake to Mr. Popple. The Duke of Montagu is willing to become joint security with Mr. Uring etc. v. 19th July. Signed, Thos. Beake. Endorsed, Recd. 24th, Read 25th July, 1722. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1266. ff. 60, 61v.]
July 25.
237. A. Popple to Mr. Beake. Reply to 23rd July. Two merchants no ways interested in Sta. Lucia and St. Vincents would be more proper securities etc. [C.O. 5, 1293. p. 256.]
July 26.
238. H.M. Warrant granting leave of absence for a further two years to John Cornelius, Naval Officer at Barbados. Countersigned, Townshend. Copy. [C.O. 324, 34. pp. 168, 169.]
July 27. 239. Mr. West to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Has no objections to the 3 Acts of St. Christophers mentioned by Governor Hart May 2 q.v. Signed, Richd. West. Endorsed, Recd. 27th July, Read 12th Sept., 1722. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 148, 149v.]
July 27. 240. Same to Same. Has no objections to 3 Acts of Mountserrat. Signed, Richd. West. Endorsed, Recd. 27th July, Read 22nd Nov., 1722. 3/4 p. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 170, 171v.]
July 27. 241. Same to Same. Has no objections to 7 Acts of St. Christophers. Signed, Richd. West. Endorsed, Recd. 27th July, 1722, Read 18th Jan., 1722/3. 1 1/2 pp. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 172, 172v., 173v.]
July 27.
Boston, New
242. Governor Shute to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Since I had the honour to write to your Lordships, which was in March last, I received a letter from Monsr. Vaudreuil, in answer to two letters I sent him, in which he openly declares, that he has and will assist the Indians, and that he has orders from the Court of France so to do. All the Indians that border upon the sea coast, by the instigations of the French have lately robbed and plundred our sloops and fallen upon our fishing vessells, and killed two of H.M. subjects; at the same time our Eastern Indians notwithstanding their repeated submissions to H.M. Crown and Government have fallen upon our Eastern Settlements and killed and wounded some of the inhabitants, burnt their houses and destroyed their cattle, which has obliged me with the advice of H.M. Council to issue forth the inclosed Declaration. I hope your Lordships will speedily lay this affair before H.M. in order to obtain some redress for this Province will not long be able to support the war which is now begun. Signed, Samll. Shute. Endorsed Recd. 10th, Read 12th Sept., 1722. 2 pp. Enclosed,
242. i. Governor Shute's Declaration [of War] against the Eastern Indians as traitors and enemies to H.M. King George, and forbidding friend Indians to move out of their respective plantations etc. Boston, 25th July, 1722. Signed, S. Shute. By and with the advice of the Council. Same endorsement. Printed. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 868. ff. 309, 309v., 310v.–311v.]
July 30. 243. Mr. Beake to Mr. Popple. In reply to 26th July, the Duke of Montague offers Mr. John Loyd and Jos. Adams of London merchants as security for Mr. Uring etc. Signed, Tho. Beake. Endorsed, Recd. 31st July, Read 7th Aug., 1722. Addressed. 3/4 p. [C.O. 5, 1266. ff. 62, 63v.]
[July 30.] 244. Capt. Hyde and other Virginia merchants to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Reply to 18th July, q.v. The use of the lead is the best guide. During the winter the N.W. winds (not the want of a lighthouse) sometimes blow the ships off the coast. Ships that come within 8 or 10 leagues of the land in the night-time often discover great lights on the shoar, which cannot be distinguished whether it may be one of those great fires or the lighthouse etc. Signed, John Hyde and 12 others. Endorsed, Recd. 30th July, Read 7th Aug., 1722. 1 3/4 pp. [C.O. 5, 1319. No. 17.]