America and West Indies: May 1722, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1934.

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'America and West Indies: May 1722, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online [accessed 20 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: May 1722, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online, accessed March 20, 2025,

"America and West Indies: May 1722, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online. Web. 20 March 2025.

May 1722, 1–15

[May 1] 122. Memorial of Nicholas Trott to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Memorialist was Governor of the Bahama Islands 1694–7, etc., and made many grants of lots for building houses in the town of Nassau, and of plantations in the country. After the destruction of the settlement in 1704, all the inhabitants, except about 60 of the poorest were forced to desert the place. Memorialist, who had lost in houses, slaves and goods about £2000 in that disaster, purchased of the Lords Proprietors and the old inhabitants large tracts of land, the quantities and boundings of which he delivered a schedule to the board of Leasees of those Islands Aug. 25, 1720, besides his Agent laid his early claim before Governor Rogers on his first arrival, which lands are the best scituated, as joyning to the said town, and in command of the fort, also near the said harbour; and he is likewise owner of the Island that makes the whole harbour of Providence, which lies opposite to the town. But the Lords Proprietors having granted a lease of those Islands for 21 years from Christmas 1717 in the name of the said Governor Rogers in right of said Rogers, Mr. Gohier, Mr. Buck and four more, the said Gohier going over to that Island has taken upon him to possess some of Memorialist's chiefest lands and dispossessed several old inhabitants of their freeholds, tho' three fourths of the lots in town and lands in Providence were ungranted etc. Memoralist being informed that the Lords Proprietors as well as the leasees are treating with the Government for the disposal of their interest, offers his lands likewise and his interest in other valuable grants from the Lords Proprietors, and in the mean time prays H.M. order that he may be reestablished in his lands etc. Signed, Nicholas Trott. Endorsed, Recd. Read May 1st, 1722. 1 p. [C.O. 23, 1. No. 44.]
[May 1.] 123. Mr. Bridger to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Act passed last Sessions, to incourage the importation of Naval Stores, permits the importation of lumber into this Kingdom duty free, which will give encouragement to the inhabitants there to cut down H.M. woods in order to convert them into boards etc., unless prevented by the care of an officer knowing in the woods and country. The sd. Act has likewise taken off the duty from all hemp imported from H.M. Plantations. The people will require a skilful officer to instruct them. The present Surveyor Genl. has never been in New England nor edicated in these affairs etc. His deputy, Mr. Armstrong, is Collector of Customs, New Hampshire. Prays for a recommendation to the Lords of the Treasury that he be restored to his former post etc. Endorsed, Recd. Read 1st May, 1722. 1 ¾ pp. [C.O. 323, 8. No. 28.]
May 1.
124. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. Having in obedience to your Majesty's Order in Council of 2nd Oct. last prepared draughts of Additional Instructions for all the Governors of your Majesty's several Plantations in America, enjoyning the due observance of the several Laws now in force for the regulating of Trade and Navigation, more particularly with regard to the Trade from the East Indies except to the Governors of Jamaica and Barbados, for whom we have already humbly laid before your Majesty clauses to the same purpose in their respective Instructions, relating to the Acts of Trade and Navigation, we herewith humbly lay the sd. draught before your Majesty. But we beg leave to observe to your Majesty that the Colonies of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Providence Plantation being Charter Governmts. and choosing their Governors annually have seldom paid any regard to the Laws of Trade and Navigation; Wherefore the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament, thought fit to address His late Majesty King William in the year 1697, that the Govrs. of these Colonies should be obliged to give security to observe and obey all Instructions that should be sent to them from H.M., or any acting under his authority pursuant to the several Acts of Trade relating to the Plantations, which was accordingly directed and the late Earl of Bellomont, then Govr. of ye Province of the Massachusetts Bay was order'd to take the said security. Which Instructions having of late years been discontinued; we conceived it might be for your Majesty's service to take this occasion of renewing them, and we humbly lay draughts for that purpose before your Majesty to which the Circular Instruction relating chiefly to the East India Trade is added. Enclosed,
124. i. (a) Draft of H.M. Additional Instructions to Governors of Plantations, directing the strict observance of the Acts of Trade and Navigation, particularly in relation to the East Indian trade (1st June.)
(b) Additional Instruction to Governor Shute for taking security from the Governors of Connecticut and Rhode Island for the due observance of the Acts of Trade and Navigation, and form of bond therefore. Set out, N. J. Archives, 1st Ser. V. 46. [C.O. 324, 10. pp. 443–499.]
May 2.
125. Governor Hart to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Assembly of St. Christophers (upon my communicating H.M. 32d. and 33rd Articles of Instructions) immediately came to an unanimous resolution, to settle £2000 a year, without any solicitation on my part etc. Encloses Act for settling £2000 per annum current money upon H.E. etc. Refers to preamble for the reasons for the Assembly passing that Act. Continues: In order to raise the summ of £2000 etc., the Assembly prepared two other bills, which I have also passed into Acts, the one to repeal an Act for raising an impost upon liquors imported and for imposing duties upon liquors imported etc., the other for laying of certain duties upon sugars, molasses and other goods of the growth and manufacture of St. Christophers to be exported. The Act of raising an impost upon liquors is in terms the same of what was formerly pass'd in this Island; But as the application of the money raised thereon was for the use of the country, so now it is appropriated for the support of Government. The Act of laying duties upon sugars etc. exported lays a duty of 3s. current money upon every tierce or hogshead which generally weighs at the scale from 1400 to 1500 so that the three shillings imposed don't amount to more than 2 pr. ct. which is much the easiest duty raised in any of H.M. Plantations that I know of for the support of Government, and therefore I hope will find your Lordships' approbation. I must beg leave to remark to your Lordships, that none of H.M. subjects are so much affected by exteriour show and figure as the inhabitants of the West Indies; And how wrong soever they may be in their notions in that respect, they are but too apt to form a judgment in favour or prejudice of their Governour from his expences; so I take it to be necessary to gratifye 'em in their humour in order to support the dignity of that station H.M. has honour'd me with in its full proportion; And as all the necessary's of life are for the least four times a greater price here than in Europe, and that I am incapable of taking any other measures of increasing my fortune but such as I shall acquaint your Lordships with; and that I cannot promise to myself to lay up little more than my salary in Great Britain as the reward of my services. I doubt not but these considerations will weigh in your Lordships judgments, and flatter myself, that you will favourably recommend these Acts to H.M. for His Royall assent; which when obtain'd, I shall be without any anxious solicitations for the support of my character, and be wholly at liberty to discharge the necessary duties of my Office etc. The Leeward Islands for these four years past have suffer'd very much from the allmost continued dry weather during that time; I have now the pleasure to acquaint your Lordships, that since my arrival there has fallen such seasonable and plentifull showers, that they are all in a flourishing condition; and the vast quantities of sugars they make, will greatly increase H.M. Revenue. Signed, Jo. Hart. Endorsed, Recd. 13th. Read 18th July, 1722. 3 1/2 pp. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 146–147v.]
May 4.
St. James's.
126. H.M. Warrant for a grant of the Islands of Sta. Lucia and St. Vincent to John Duke of Montagu. Whereas etc. Our Commissioners for Trade etc. have represented unto us, that the said Islands are two of Our Windward Charibbee Islands, and that the Government thereof, is at present comprehended in the Commission of Our Governor of Barbado's, but neither of them having been hitherto settled they produce no revenue to Us nor any advantage to Our Kingdoms, and that it would be undoubtedly for Our service that the same should be effectually settled and planted. And whereas the Duke of Montagu hath humbly proposed to Us that (in consideration of such grant to be made by Us as is hereinafter directed) he the said Duke or his Heirs, at his or their own costs and charges, will transport 500 white people at the least into Sta. Lucia, within three years etc., and settle one fourth part of the said Island within the space of 13 years, and the other fourth part within 23 years etc., and that such Our grant shall be subject to conditions whereby We, Our heirs or successors may resume to Our own use, so much of one fourth part as shall remain unsettled at the expiration of the said term of 13 years, and so much of another fourth part as shall remain unsettled at the expiration of the said 23 years. And that he, his heirs etc. shall pay to Us etc. a yearly quit rent of 2/6 for every 100 acres etc. which shall or ought to be settled etc. And as to St. Vincent (wch. is at present cheifly possess'd by Indians and negro slaves, who having made their escape thither from the neighbouring Islands, are arm'd and very numerous) the Duke hath humbly proposed to make such a settlement therein within ten years as shall be sufficient to secure the possession of that Island under Our obedience, at a like quit rent of 2/6 for every 100 acres which shall be settled etc. No grants of lands in said Islands to be made to planters who have any settlements in Barbados or any other of the Charibbee Islands. No grant to be for more than 500 or less than 15 acres, with an obligation to cultivate one acre in 40 every year. Every grantee shall be obliged for every 40 acres to keep one white man or two white women within a year of his grant, and one white man or two white women for every 20 acres within 3 years thereof. A duty of 4 1/2 p.c. in specie for every 5 score shall be raised upon all dead commodities of the growth or produce of the Islands that shall be shipped off and paid to Us etc. Our will and pleasure is that a grant upon these terms be prepared constituting the Duke, his heirs and assignes to be for ever the true and absolute Proprietaries of the said Islands; with clauses as to his powers etc. Countersigned, R. Walpole, G. Bailey, H. Pelham. Copy. [C.O. 324, 49. pp. 13–35.]
May 4. an Assembly to raise funds for fortification etc. Scheme of counties and members etc. Signed, Cha. W. Carrington. Endorsed, Recd. 8th May, 1722. Read 27th Jan., 1726/7. Holograph. 9 pp. [C.O. 23, 2. ff. 74, 75–79.]
May 5.
St. James's.
128. H.M. Commission to Charles Sibourg Esqr. to be Lt. Governor of Nevis. Countersigned, Carteret. Endorsed, Recd. 7th, Read 8th May, 1722. Copy. 1 3/4 pp. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 114, 114v., 115v.]
May. 5.
129. Governor Nicholson to Charles Delafay, "Principal Secretary to the Lord Viscount Townshend." Acknowledges duplicate of "kind and obliging letter of 26th Jan." Continues: It is no surprize to me to hear that complaints have been made against me but I suppose it is by those very few that are dissatisfied with H.M. Government. As to that concerning the Dissenters in the beginning of the Journall of Assembly that affair is stated as it is left to H.M. Royall determination, which I suppose is one reason that they are dissatisfyed, in all other cases they are allowed to swear after their owne form. I hope I have not acted contrary to H.M. Royall Instructions concerning them and I begg leave to refferr you to the Honble. Francis Yonge and John Lloyd Esqrs. our Agents; as to establishing bills of creditt, refers to Journal and Acts of Assembly. This complaint I suppose is for the same reason as I hinted before. As to the affair concerning the sloop from Providence copys of the tryall are sent home to which I begg you to be reffered as likewise to the Agents for the accot. of this affair. The persons concerned in illegall trade may call it arbitrary when they are found guilty thereof. I had the honour to take an oath before their Exys. the late Lords Justices concerning the Acts of Trade and Navigation and my Instructions obliges me what in me lyes to prevent illegall trade. I should enlarge upon these accots. but the master of the ship by which this comes is just upon sailing etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Addressed. Sealed. 1 1/2 pp. [C.O. 5, 387. No. 32.]
May 9.
130. Mr. Lloyd to Mr. Popple. Encloses following "in obedience to the Lords Commrs. command." Signed, John Lloyd. Endorsed, Recd. Read 9th May, 1722. 3/4 p. Enclosed,
130. i. Instructions for Francis Young, one of H.M. Council, and John Lloyd one of the members of the Commons House of Assembly, appointed Agents for South Carolina. (i) You are to await on Lord Carteret and the Council of Trade etc. and (ii) urge that the frontiers cannot be settled until the soil of this Province is vested in the Crown, for want of the same encouragement as is given in Virginia etc.; and also that H.M. get the property of the lands and apply the arrears of quit rents towards repairing the fortifications and the accruing quit-rents towards the charge of the Government, as in Virginia. In case H.M. has the property of the lands, you are to represent, how necessary it will be to have three or four regiments sent here to secure the frontiers, and that a sufficient quantity of land be assigned each officer and soldier on his arrival out of that large and uninhabited tract of good land at and near Alatamaha Fort etc., and that 12 months notice be given to provide proper places for their reception etc. (iii) You are to endeavour to gett the enumeration of rice taken off etc. You may propose that the same duty may be pay'd upon the exportation of rice from hence for a revenue to the King in this Province, as is now reserved to the Crown after allowing the rebate upon exportation from South Britain, which is about 7d. on 112 lb. etc. (iv) You are to apply that the duty on cedar may be taken off that the importation of that useful timber which is a produce of this Province, into Great Britain, may be encouraged and that a bounty may be allowed on silk made here, in order to encourage the improvement of that manufacture which may be carryed on in the Southward part of Carolina with great advantage. (v) You are to sollicit the King's assent to the Laws sent with you etc. (vi) In case the Government of North Carolina fall under the King you are to represent the necessity of its being a dependant Government on this, by shewing how much this Province suffers by the inhabitants and slaves runing away there where they are succour'd. But in case it continues a distinct Governmt., you are to apply for the King's Orders to the Governours of Virginia, and of North and South Carolina to meet and settle the frontiers to the northward and to consult the security thereof, and that the head of the north branch of Cape Fear River and from thence by a due west line parrallel to the line of Virginia be the settled bounds for ever, and you are to show the many inconveniences and disputes which must arise from the delays of settling that affaire now the settlements are like to joyn. (vii) You are to pray his most sacred Majesty to supply this Province with great guns, powder, ball, and other ordnance stores, as also with two seven inch mortars and shells etc. in proportion, and to represent unto him the necessity of our being supplyed therewith and also an able Engineer to put this fronteir Colony in a good posture of defence, and also to inform H.M. that the General Assembly did address the Governor to commission Col. John Barnwell in the room of the Engineer appointed, until his arrival, at 10s. sterling pr. diem., and to pray H.M. to allow the same. (viii) You are to beseech H.M. to make a present of his picture and coat of arms to be put up in a publick building for the use of the Province, that is intended to be built in Charles Towne according to a draught sent by you, as also a sett of plate, an alter piece with the Lord's Prayer, beleif, and ten Commandments and H.M. arms and such other utensills as are usually given by the Crown to H.M. Chappells, for the new Church of Charles Towne near finished according to the plan or prospect likewise delivered to you or in case the latter cannot be obtained you are to sollicit that those things which were sent to New York by her la te Majesty with Governor Nicholson for the Onandagoes and that now lye at New York not made use of may be ordered for Charles Towne Church, which you are to beseech H.M. it may be called St. George's Church and that the parish may have the same honour. (ix) You are to solicite for the reimbursement of the charges we have been at in building the fort etc. at Alatamaha River etc., and to represent to H.M. that there is a necessity for having a fort built on St. Simonds Island where there is a good harbour in order to secure the possession of the mouth of Alatamaha River, but this country is not in a condition to build it or maintain either of the said forts. You are to use your utmost endeavours that H.M. may be pleased not to renew Sr. Robert Montgomery's grant at all (shewing the ill consequences thereof) or at least not without a clause to provide for his reimbursing all the charges and expenses bestowed on any buildings or settlements thereon. (x) You are to represent how little regard the Spanish Governmts. in America and particularly that of St. Augustine have had to the cessation of arms by sea, (schedule of the many ships taken by them enclosed); and likewise, that our negroes and servants are inveigled to St. Augustine in time of peace and from thence sold to the Havannah, and to pray for orders from the King of Spain to prevent the like, or for letters of reprisal. (xi) You are also to represent the dangerous consequence of the French and Spaniards encroaching on our fronteirs and getting the Indians into their interest especially the Creeks and Cherakees which may be fatall to this Province that was reduced to very great extremitys by the late Indian war etc. As they are sending 300 families from Cuba to settle about St. Augustine or the Bay of Appalachee which is equally pernicious to our fronteirs, we have the more reason to be allarmed, especially since the Yamasee Indians (who are wholly attached to the Spaniards and have been the ruin of many of our inhabitants to the southward) have lately refused to come into our interest and since the garrison at St. Augustine has lately been reinforced with 200 men. (xii) You are to represent the great use of the settlement at Providence to the trade of America in generall and to the trade of this Province in particular, and to pray the same may be supported for otherwise instead of being a protection to trade it will become a refuge of pyrates as heretofore, or surprized by the Spaniards either of which would be of fatall consequence. (xiii) You are to sollicit H.M. to make Port Royall a port for entring and clearing of ships and vessells for the greater conveniency of trade and support and settlement of the Southern frontiers, and that necessary officers be appointed for that coast. (xiv) You are to represent to the Lords Commrs. of Trade such difficultys as attends complying literally with some articles of the King's Instructions to the Governour particularly the Article which directs that no Act be past here where any man's property is concerned untill the King is acquainted therewith, which in many causes may be very prejudicial to H.M. subjects at so great a distance from his Royall person, or at least to the value of £300 sterl. (xv) You are to represent to the Lords of the Admty. the state of the Admty. Court here, the case of the sloops Dolphin and Seaflower try'd in that Court and of the wreck'd goods on which the warrant was not served. (xvi) You are to represent to the Lords of the Treasury and the Commrs. of the Customs the ill consequence of their officers being concerned in trade upon their own or other people's accounts the inconveniency of the Collector of the Customs or his lawfull Deputy not residing at Charles Towne, and to propose that one of the Surveyors General of the Customs in North America may be directed to visit the Custom House Officers in this Province and particularly to represent Col. William Rhett the Surveyor and Comptroller, his keeping of wharfs, building of vessells, and carrying on a trade in this Province, his late behaviour to the Governuor for which we referr you to his letters. (xvii) You are to represent to the Principal Officers and Commissrs. of H.M. Navy that there is in this Province great quantitys of timber of the greatest service to the Royall Navy, as masts, yards and sparrs, which by experience have been found much more serviceable than those of New England and bear a less proportion in thickness to the length, that here are great quantitys of timber fitt for standards which we are informed are very much wanted for the Navy, and that there is a timber in this Province called the Red Hickery Tree, which is much more durable than the English oak, and much fitter for the keels of ships, and that cypress boards which are in great plenty here, are the most durable for sheathing, and if possible to prevail on that Board to send a ship to make a tryall of the said masts, yards, etc., and to obtain a bounty upon the same, and upon their resolving so to do direction be immediately sent to this Province to prepare such timber etc. (xviii) To shew H.M. and his Ministry that your mission is for the publick good of the Province which is inseperable from the Prerogatives of the Crown etc. (xix) You are to inform yourselves of the method of appealing from the Court of Admty. and other the Courts of Judicature in this Province. (xx) To represent that the Assembly are not capable to settle sallarys for the Officers, but hope the Officers will be sufficiently provided for when H.M. Revenue here is settled, and that H.M. is humbly desired to allow that which he now gives to his Governour he having been at very great expences ever since his arrival and like to be so still. (xxi) You are to represent the vast multiplicity of business and the small help could be had on the entire alteration of the Government in the Council Assembly etc. and that all was done that possibly could be done in pursuance to H.M. Instructions both in the Council and Assembly. (xxii) You are to sollicit that leave be given to this Province to pass an Act for incorporating Charles Towne as near as may be agreeable to the Charter for the City of New York, a copy of which you have as also of the laws. (xxiii) And that H.M. send over for the use of the Indian arms some small Jack flaggs of bunting, some small King's arms, and small drums with H.M. arms painted on them, it being a custom of the Spaniards and French among other things to gain the interest of the Indians. (xxiv) You are to sollicit for the Province seals for which there has been a warrant so long given out, as also for a small seal to be used by the Governor and Council for orders etc., and as they are the Court of Chancery, and a press for the seals etc., etc. Signed, Arthur Middleton, P. Council, Ra. Izard, Richard Beresford, T. Hepworth, Richard Allein, W. Blakeway, Andrew Allen. Endorsed, Recd. Read 9th May, 1722. Copy. 10 pp. Enclosed,
130. i, John Lloyd to Lord Carteret. April 7th. Memorial in pursuance of preceding Instructions. Signed, John Lloyd. Same endorsement. Copy. 2 1/2 pp. [C.O. 5, 358. ff. 127, 128v.–133v, 134v.–136v.]
[May 9.] 131. List of (142) families in Providence Island to whom Mr. Gohier has assigned land or lots. Endorsed, Recd. (by Mr. Docminique from Mr. Gohier) 9th May, 1722. Entered, March 27, 1724. 1 1/2 pp. [C.O. 23, 1. No. 52.]
[May 9] 132. (a) Information by Robert Armstrong to William Pepperrell, J.P. for the County of York (Main). On March 22nd, Benjamin Libby and William Lord were acquitted before the said Justice of an information laid by Armstrong against them for cutting 43 pine trees fit for masts in the said County. Further evidence being offered, the case was heard again by said Justice on 11th March, and defendants dismissed, paying cost of prosecution, it appearing that the trees complained of did grow upon a particular grant. 3 3/4 pp.
(b) Governor Shute to Robert Armstrong. 2nd April, 1722. Whereas I'm informed that several pine trees are cutt down in the New Hampshire or the Massachusetts contrary to an Act of Parliament, these are to impower you to put a stop to them untill my coming the latter end of this month. Signed, Samuel Shute. Copy. 3/4 p.
(c) Memorial by Robert Armstrong to Mr. Justice Pepperrell. Argues the case of trees reserved for H.M. May 4th, 1722. Signed, Robert Armstrong. 3 pp. The whole endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Burniston), Read 8th Nov., 1722. [C.O. 5, 868. ff. 316–318, 319–320v.]
May 10.
133. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. Since what we had the honour to write, 6th Feb. and 22nd Oct. 1719 (q.v.), we have received several other informations of the continued great waste of H.M. woods on the Continent of America: And it being to be apprehended that the permission granted by the Act of the last Session of Parliament giving further encouragement for the importation of Naval Stores etc. whereby all wood timber and the goods therein enumerated called lumber are to be imported into this Kingdom duty free, may still encourage the inhabitants in several Provinces to cut down and convert into lumber such of H.M. woods as might be fit for the use of the Royal Navy, unless prevented by the vigilance and care of an Officer knowing in the woods and country. We therefore beg leave to remind your Lordships of the necessity there is of sending a proper person as Surveyor General of the Woods in America, to take care of all such timber as may be proper for the use of the Royal Navy, the present Surveyor residing in England, and the person imploy'd as his Deputy being a Custom house Officer in New Hampshire, whose duty in that station cannot admit of his visiting the woods in other parts, as the publick service requires. [C.O. 324, 10. pp. 500, 501.]
May 10.
134. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Carteret. Refer to letter from Governor Philipps, Oct. 1st last, and enclose abstract of Lt. Col. Armstrong's account of the Fishery at Canço (v. 20th Feb. 1722), showing the importance of the Fishery etc. for which reason the Governor proposes that Canço should be made a free port. If by a free port he meanes no more than a free fishery to all H.M. subjects, the same is sufficiently provided for allready by H.M. Instruction (copy of Col. Philipps' Instructions 28–30 annexed); And we would humbly submit how far it may be convenient to convert ye tenure of this Instruction into ye form of a Proclamation in G. Britain that H.M. subjects may not only be inform'd of the flourishing state of this new Fishery, but likewise of ye advantages they are entitul'd to there, by H.M. special grace and favour. But we can by no means agree that the making of Canço a free port with respect to trade in general wou'd be for the interest of Great Britain; for tho' this might possibly bring some people to settle in Nova Scotia, yet that benefit wou'd be much over balanc'd by the share it might give strangers in their Fishery. But there is another obstacle which hath hitherto retarded the settlement of this Province, which Mr. Phillipps very justly complaines of, and which in our humble opinion ought to be removed without loss of time. Your Lordship will perceive by the 28th Article of Mr. Philipps' Instructions (copy annexed) that untill H.M. Surveyor shall have sett apart 200,000 acres of wood land for the service of the Royal Navy, Mr. Philipps' can make no grants of land, and consequently no body can or will settle in Nova Scotia. Wherefore having hitherto represented without effect the necessity of H.M. Surveyor attending his duty in this occasion that the public business may not be entirely at a stand, we desire your Lordship wou'd be pleas'd to move H.M. that Mr. Philipps himself may be impower'd by a new Instruction to set apart the 200,000 acres of wood land according to the directions given by the said Instruction for the use of the Royal Navy, that he may be afterwards at liberty to grant small parcels of land to such persons as shall be disposed to settle in Nova Scotia, under the quit rents and restrictions provided for by other parts of his Instructions. We shall only observe to yr. Lordship, that considering how the French Plantations in ye neighbourhood of Nova Scotia encrease in strength and number, no time shou'd be lost in settling a place that is naturally the Northern Frontier of H.M. Dominions in America. [C.O. 218, 2. pp. 8–11).
May 10.
135. Lord Carteret to the Council of Trade and Plantations. You are to prepare an Additional Instruction for his Grace the Duke of Portland according to what is pray'd in the enclosed Memorial as soon as conveniently may be etc. Signed, Carteret. Endorsed, Recd. Read 11th May, 1722. 1 p. Enclosed,
135. i. Petition of Collo. Charles Du Bourgay to Lord Carteret. Prays that the Governor may be instructed to order the payment of petitioner's salary as Lt. Governor of Jamaica in the same manner with other officers who are paid out of H.M. Revenue there 1 1/4 pp. [C.O. 137, 14. ff. 139, 140, 140v., 142v.]
May 11.
136. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Carteret. Reply to May 10th. Enclose following to be laid before H.M.
136. i. Same to the King. Enclose following.
136. ii. Draught of Additional Instruction to Governor the Duke of Portland. Whereas by the 31st Article of Our general Instructions to you, you are directed and impowered to receive and take out of Our Revenue arising within Our Island of Jamaica, £2,500 current money of that Island pr. annum for your pay as Captain General and Governor in Chief and likewise to cause to be paid the salaries of the several Officers therein mention'd; and whereas we have appointed Col. Charles Dubourgay Lieut. Governor etc., and likewise been pleased by a letter under Our Privy Seal, 4th May, 1722, to grant unto him a salary of £1000 per annum sterling money, to commence from 2nd Nov. last, and have directed the Receiver General of Jamaica to pay the same out of Our Revenue arising in that Island, you are to cause payment to be made of the said salary etc. [C.O. 138, 16. pp. 423, 424.]
May 14.
137. Lord Carteret to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Alured Popple Esq. is to be admitted Secretary to the Council for Trade in the room of his father, deceased. Signed, Carteret. Endorsed, Recd. 15th, Read 17th May, 1722. 1 p. [C.O. 388, 78. ff. 27, 28v.]