America and West Indies: December 1723, 11-21

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1934.

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'America and West Indies: December 1723, 11-21', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: December 1723, 11-21', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: December 1723, 11-21". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

December 1723, 11–21

Dec. 11.
783. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Justices. Having had the opinion of Mr. West upon the Act of Jamaica, to enable trustees to sell estates of Wm. Bowles etc., and discoursed with the several parties concerned, and there being the necessary saving clauses therein, we have no objection why H.M. may not confirm the same etc. [C.O. 138, 16. pp. 461, 462.]
Dec. 11.
784. Governor Hart to Lord Carteret. Acknowledges repeal of Act of Antigua for the better support of the Governour etc. (v. 20th June). Continues:—The Assembly very willingly came into a resolution of making a provision for my further support, not lyable to the objections of the former; But the first Assembly having been dissolved, I could not (by the 32nd Article of my Instructions) accept of such provision from this Assembly, unless H.M. pleasure was signify'd by your Lordship, permitting me so to do, so that I am left without any support from this Island, and as I have the honour of H.M. service most at heart, I shall maintain it in the manner I have hitherto done. But I must humbly intreat your Lordship, you will have the goodness to consider the extraordinary expence this will put me to etc. I have now no support from these Islands, except from Saint Christophers (the Act for my support in Mountserat being also rejected) which I assure your Lordship is not sufficient to maintain the character H.M., by your Lordship's great favour to me, has honoured me with; all the necessarys of life in this Government being at a more extravagant rate than in any other part of the world. Signed, Jo. Hart. Endorsed, Rd. 29th May, 1724. 2 pp. [C.O. 7, 1. No. 28; and (duplicate, endorsed, Rd. April 1st, 1724) 152, 42. No. 141.]
Dec. 11.
785. Governor Hart to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I had the honour to acquaint your Lordships, by my letter of the 3d instant, that upon publishing the repeal of the Act for my better support in the Island of Antegoa, the Assembly of that Island had it under their consideration to make a provision for my further support, accordingly on the 10th instant sent a message to the Lt. General and Council with a bill which had been twice read in their House (v. enclosures). By which your Lordships may please to observe that Act was not to take place till H.M. further pleasure was known; but to my great surprise was rejected by the Council by a majority of one, who gave for reason, that as I was restrained by my thirty second instruction to take no sum or summs as an additional salary but shall be done by the first Assembly in each Island after my arrival in my Government, and so argued that they could not give their consent, till H.M. pleasure was signified either by a sign manuel or from one of H.M. Secretarys of State, the first Assembly having been dissolved. I urged to the Council in vain, and was seconded by the Lieutenant General of these Islands, and the Lieutenant Governour of this Island, and three more of that Board, that this Bill not being to take place till H.M. pleasure was known, it would be of ease to H.M. and his Ministry if the Act was past in this manner; for that first if H.M. is pleased to condesend that a further support should be allowed, there would be a necessity of praying H.M. to grant such a lycence impowering me to receive it; whereas if H.M was pleased to approve of this Act, I should at once be concluded by it. I also mentioned your Lordships' letter of 20th June etc. But I am out of countenance to acquaint your Lordships how little respect was had by a majority of the Council to this very obliging recommendation from your Lordships. As the case now stands, I am without any support from the Island of Antegoa, tho' in honour to H.M. service, I shall not abate of that port I have hitherto maintained the dignity of my station with; But as this will be very expensive to me having not so much as a house provided for me in the Island, tho' indeed they have consented to repair the one I rent, which was very much damaged by the late hurricane; so that I most humbly intreat your Lordships you will take my case into your consideration, and as soon as conveniently may be, favourably recommend it to H.M.; that he may be graciously pleased to signify his pleasure that I may have his royal lycence to obtain a further support from a second Assembly; the same reason subsisting as when in his great goodness he permitted me to take it from the first. The bill that is herewith inclosed is the very same that came up from the Assembly, which your Lordships may please to observe, altho' it mentions three shillings and sixpence per ton, yet that is not layd on, nor payd by the shiping or trade, but out of the publick levys of this Island, which taxes their land and negroes. The reason of promoting it by the number of tons of shiping that shall clear from this Island, is intended that I should share in their good or bad fortune. For instance when they make a large quantity of sugar, which is computed that the ships and vessells then clearing amounts to 8000 tons per annum, and when they want proper seasons for making of sugar, as it happen'd before my arrival for four years together, the tonage did not amount to above 5000 per annum.This I hope will satisfy your Lordships, that such an Act will lay no burther upon trade or shiping; and humbly desire your Lordships will favour me with your sentiments on it. I cannot conclude without doing justice to the Assembly of this Island (which is the voice of the people) by acquainting your Lordships how readily they came into a provision for the support of this Government, how great a deference they have for all things that are for H.M. service, and of their particular regard they had for that recommendation mentioned in your Lordships' letter. This happy temper is very rarely found in the Assemblies of the Plantations, and in my humble opinion, if your Lordships think it proper, nothing would conduce more to continue them in this good disposition than to be distinguished by some marks of your Lordships approbation. Signed, Jo. Hart. Endorsed, Recd. 30th March, Read 15th April, 1724. 3 ¾ pp. Enclosed,
785. i. Message of the Assembly of Antigua to the Lt. General and Council, sending up following. Signed, Ashton Warner, Speaker. Endorsed, Recd. 30th March, 1724. Copy. ½ p.
785. ii. Bill for the better support of Governor Hart, referred to in preceding. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 folded p. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 250–253v.]
Dec. 12.
786. Lt. Governor Sir W. Keith to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have the honour to receive your Lordships commands of the 19th of last June, and I observe that your Lops. seem to apprehend some ill consequences from a paper currency in these parts. It is indeed a misfortune and discouragement to me, that I have not as in the other Colonies H.M. Orders and Instructions to consult and direct me, in matters of such importance; But as I do not reap one penny advantage by my complyance with the humors and necessities of the people in this case, I hope your Lops. will put the most favourable construction both upon my actions and sentiments, so far as they appear to be purely intended for the publick service without any other view whatsoever. Pensilvania, is hitherto the only Colony which has strictly observed her late Majesty Queen Ann's Proclamation confirmed by Act of Parliament, for ascertaining the value of forreign coins in the Plantations, so Spanish plate and gold bearing a different value in almost every Colony, and being also subject to the rise and fall of markets, it will not conveniently answer the ends of a currency in our home trade or product manufactured, which being the source and fountain of all our substance, must by some permanent measure of traffick, be kept in continual motion; thus by pledgeing our lands for a security to one another, we convert a third part of their value into an imaginary specie which fully answers the end of a permanent currency and common measure of trade amongst ourselves, By which means we are not only able to raise and manufacture a greater quantity of provisions, but also to multiply our Exchange, and thereby dispatch a much greater quantity of trade and business within the same space of time: And this plainly appears to be the case of Boston New York and South Carolina, for without any regard to the difference in value which from the [?security] of the scheme for sinking that imaginary currency, or the circumstances of the Colony when it is struck, may arise between the paper and cash; These severall Colonies, by means of their paper only, do actually carry on three times the bussiness, which they ever did before, or indeed could possibly do now without it: That is by encourageing the planter and manufacturer with a ready market for his commodity, they have largely increased the quantity of their export, fully employed their shipping and brought in a greater ballance in cash to pay for European goods from Great Britain than other ways was practicable to be done; and for these reasons I humbly conjecture, that it is not only the general interest of the Northern Colonies to transact their home bussiness by means of a due proportion of paper credit, but also that it will greatly increase their consumption of British manufactures, and inavoidably send the cream of all their forreign trade viz. their gold and silver to London, since it cannot then be in demand here, for any other service but returns to England. That a few particular men from the situation of their private affairs at the time, will lose something at first, by such an alteration in the currency of a country, may be very true; But as things of that nature are or ought to be calculated for the general benefit of the whole community without regard to particulars by themselves, if it actually serves to encrease the bulk of our trade and manufacture, and thereby prevents our people from falling under the necessity of raising and manufacturing their own cloathing it fully answers the proposed end etc. The differences which arises in America from time to time between the nominal value of our paper and cash, does by no means introduce any alteration in the ballance of trade; because the price current of all goods bought and sold for paper will ever keep an equal proportion to the difference or nominal exchange between that paper and cash at the time: for it is evident that a merchant who sells his goods at ten pr. cent. more in exchange for bills of credit than he can for gold, and afterwards makes a purchase of gold with the same bills of credit at ten pr. ct. discount, is no loser by the paper currency; and when it is the merchant's [?design] (which is truely the gross of our trade) with expedition to convert the value of his goods into bread, flower, beef, pork etc. for the advantage of the West India market, it is not less evident, that a fluent currency of paper, which is not of its own nature exportable, will render the market here more frequent and contribute exceedingly to his dispatch, which at this time is sensibly felt to be the natural effect of the paper bills struck in this Colony with which you may purchase gold from two or three pr. cent. discount, and in most of our dealings in other commodities are equal to any cash. But to give your Lordships at one view a perfect idea of the nature and use of a paper currency in these Colonies, it is in effect no other than an artificial and harmless contrivance to make the perishable commodities produced by our labour, a convenient, equal and lawfull tender in all dealings whatsoever amongst ourselves: For example a Planter possessed of wheat, barley, beef and pork etc. wants to purchase European necessaries of different kinds and values, for the use of his family; Now it is not practicable for this planter to carry these bulky commodities about with him; and much less to subdivide them into such proportions or parcels as will serve to purchase his severall wants at the best hand from many different shops and places, and there being not a sufficient quantity of gold or silver in these countries to quicken and promote a mutual exchange, whereby those few who happen to possess a greater share of cash are enabled to make a monopoly of trade, the planter for want of a common measure of traffick, must sell his goods at an under rate and think of raising and manufacturing those necessaries for himself which other ways could be more easily purchased with the produce of his farm. But on the other hand if a sufficient quantity of paper is struck in such a Colony upon a fair, equal scheme, as it is not of its nature exportable and consequently not lyable to be hoarded up, such a planter will find a ready sale for the whole produce of his farm which is presently converted into a convenient specie of a certain value wherewith he may go to market and furnish himself with any sort of European goods much cheaper than he can possibly raise and manufacture them at home etc. Signed, W. Keith. Endorsed, Recd. 12th Feb., Read 23rd July, 1724. 3 ¼ pp. Torn. [C.O. 5, 1266. ff. 141–142v.]
Dec. 12.
787. Lt. Governor Sir W. Keith to Lord Carteret. I hope my caution in avoiding to give your Ldship any unnecessary trouble will not be imputed to me for neglect of duty etc. The enclosed Adress to H.M. haveing been perfected here with all possible demonstration of loyalty and affection to the present happy establishment of the British Crown on H.M. sacred person and most illustrious Family, I have undertaken with all humility to solicite for that mark of your Ldships favour and protection to this Province, that you will be pleased to lay the same at H.M. feet etc. Encloses following. Signed, W. Keith. 1 ½ pp. Enclosed,
787. i. Duplicate of No. 786. [C.O. 5, 1233. Nos. 61, 61.i.]
Dec. 12.
788. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Worsely. Acknowledges letters of 1st June, 16th July, and 24th Sept. Continue:—We observe that you have admitted Jas. Dottin to be of the Council, as apprehending him to be the person intended by your Instructions etc. (v. 16th July). And as we are inclined to believe the nomination of William instead of James was a mistake, we shall represent to H.M. that James Dottin is a proper person to supply that vacancy; But you will be pleased to remember, that you are not empowered by your general Instructions to fill up any vacancy in H.M. Council so long as there shall be seven Councillors remaining. And altho' you are authorized by a particular Order in Council, to fill up the vacancies that might happen by the removal of Mr. Cox, or by the not restoring of Mr. Berwick, yet in all other cases we doubt not but you will punctually follow your Instructions, by recommending in due time to this Board persons fitly qualify'd to supply such places as may become vacant in H.M. Council. We have transmitted to the Lords of the Treasury, an extract of so much of your letters as relate to the illegal trade with Martinique etc. We send you the copy of a letter to Mr. Delafaye from Mr. Crawford, H.M. Resident at the Court of France, in answer to a complaint from hence, relating to the illtreatment some of H.M. subjects had met with at Martinique and Guardaloupe, by which you will see the opinion of that Court, in relation to the illegal trade which you are desirous to prevent. We have perused those papers you have sent us, in relation to the tryal of Mr. Cox: as that matter was particularly referred to you by the Lords of the Council, and you was by them directed to make a return of your proceedings therein to that Board; we think it unnecessary at this time to say anything more, not doubting but your conduct therein will meet with the approbation it deserves. We shall shortly consider all the Acts you have sent over, and lay them before H.M. But as to the Act for supporting the honour and dignity of the Government, we took the first opportunity to lay the same before their Excellencies the Lords Justices for their confirmation, and are glad to acquaint you, that they have approved thereof. [C.O. 29, 14. pp. 379–381.]
Dec. 12.
789. Same to the Lords Justices. Recommend James Dottin to fill the place of Wm. Dottin, decd., in the Council of Barbados. [C.O. 29, 14. p. 382.]
Dec. 14.
790. Governor Nicholson to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Repeats parts of 4th Dec. and encloses duplicates etc. Concludes: The Assembly's time is so taken up about the currency that I have not yet regularly layd before them the state of the Indian trade but all the Gent. of H.M. Honble. Council and most of the Commons House know it, so that we often talk of that affair among our selves etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Endorsed, Recd. 27th Jan. Read 29th Oct., 1724. 1 ¼ pp. Enclosed,
790. i. List of following enclosures. Signed and endorsed as preceding. ½ p.
790. ii. (a) Message from the Assembly to Governor Nicholson. 13th Dec., 1723. We are very much concerned to find that your Excellency cannot consent to the settling the price of rice for the payment of private debts, since by such a bill and the conditions of sinking the paper currency annexed to it, we are of opinion that we should have effectually complied with the directions of the Lords Justices etc. The fate of this Province will turn on the steps taken by this Assembly in this critical juncture etc. Propose that the paper bills be made current by law.
(b) Governor Nicholson to the Assembly, 13th Dec. The merchants would oppose the settling of a price for rice as much as the two Acts. Making the bills current which are already repealed would be contrary to the Lords Justices' directions, 27th Aug. etc. Signed and endorsed as preceding. Copy. 2 ½ pp.
790. iii. Report of the Committee of Council and Assembly of S. Carolina upon the sinking the paper money, 5th Dec., with Governor Nicholson's speech to the Assembly, Dec. 6th, that he cannot consent to the proposal for settling the price of rice for payment of private debts etc. Signed and endorsed as preceding. Copy. 2 1/2 pp. [C.O. 5, 359. ff. 125, 125v., 126v.–131v.; and (abstract) 5, 406. p. 17.]
Dec. 16.
New York.
791. Governor Burnet to [?Charles Delafaye]. Acknowledges letter of 17th July, 3rd and 26th August, enclosing Instructions relating to trials of pirates, passing private Acts etc. Praises Lt. Riggs. "I beleive your nephew will make a very good officer, and will take after his mother, who is much fitter to command an army, or a family, than the Coll., and no disparagement to his capacity neither," etc. Continues:—Your account of home and foreign transactions has given me more information than all the heaps of newspapers, that I have seen in print this twelvemonth etc. If you will allow an American to argue, about business on your side the water, it seems to me that the Quadruple Alliance is a knot, that any Prince concerned in, if he endeavours to loosen, will by his pulling at it, unavoidably tye himself the faster etc. Continues: There is nothing stirring of any moment here on the Continent but the Indians now with Boston. There are two French Gentlemen lately come from Canada, to Boston, some say to make peace between the Indians and English, others say to threaten war if the English continue the war against the Indians, whom the French call theirs. What the French are in my opinion most uneasy at, is that our five nations have declared war against these Indians, and will ferret them out if they don't soon make peace with Boston, which breaks the Jesuits policy quite, who endeavour to keep fair with our five nations as well as their own Indians, but can't effect it. These fathers are the cheif proprietors of the soil of Canada, and are always instilling it into the Indians, that adhere to the English that they have been cheated out of their lands by the English of New England and Dutch who first possessed New York. The five nations always were at war with the French, till King James's time, but then the Jesuits got the assistance of K. James' Governour to obtain a peace between these Indians and the French, and since that time, they have been wavering and divided between the French and us. But now, upon the war stirred up first by the Jesuits among the Eastern Indians called Algonkins, against Boston and Nova Scotia, and the war proclaimed by Boston against them, our Indians of the five nations by my persuasions and the presents made them by the people of Boston are become partys to the war against these Algonkins, and will by that means grow enemyes to the French as formerly, which will ruin great part of their beaver trade, and be the making of our trade into the heart of the Continent etc. Signed, W. Burnet. Endorsed, R. 25 Jany. Holograph. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 1092. No. 26.]
Dec. 16.
New York.
792. Governor Burnet to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges letter of 9th July, and thanks for appointment of the new Councillors for New Jersey and New York. Continues:—I am now just returned hither from holding an Assembly in New Jersey, where I have obtained a fund of £1000 per annum, for ten years, for an additional support of Government, besides about £6000 more, which will be due to the publick, at the end of ten years, and is to be applyed to the support of Government, when it comes in; It is true that by this Act there is more care taken for the time to come than the present, for the deficiencys of the present support of Government, have obliged us to anticipate upon the four first years of the tax of £1000 per annum. This provision for the support of Government arose from the violent bent of the whole body of people, to have paper money, which by my late Instruction, can only be made in Acts for the support of Government. Now as New Jersey has little or no foreign trade, but only with the two neighbouring Colonys of New York and Pensylvania, which have both paper money. The people of New Jersey can get nothing from these Provinces, but their paper bills for their produce, and yet these are not a legal tender in taxes or debts between man and man in Jersey, and so they really had nothing to pay them in, and were under a necesssity of making paper bills of their own, which are indeed on the best foot of any in America, and are all to be sunk in ten years time. As I cannot at present get the Acts of New Jersey engrossed and printed soon enough to transmit to your Lordships, I will not trouble your Lordships with the particulars till the Spring: I shall only add by way of instance of the success of such currency, that the paper money of New York is now in as great value at New York, as the coin of Great Britain is at London, for an ounce of Spanish pieces of eight is worth but sixpence more than a paper bill of eight shillings which was struck for an ounce, and an ounce of Spanish silver in London is generally worth 3d. or 4d. sterling more than the coin, because of the benefit of exportation to the East Indies; and by this paper currency, which I humbly conceive, is much securer than Bankers bills in London, they carry on business among themselves, and send home all the gold and silver to Great Britain as it comes in to them by trade, which I apprehend to be an advantage which Great Britain would not have so much of, if there were not paper money among us. I now proceed to give your Lordships an account of the Acts which I now transmit, and which were passed at the last meeting of the Assembly of New York. (i) An Act for raising and levying the quantity of 5350 ounces of plate, for the uses therein mentioned, and for striking and making bills of credit for that value. This Act is altogether for the publick charges of the Government, the greatest part to supply a deficiency in the Revenue, which arose by the arrears of fees due to the Auditor Generall, amounting to £2232, which I was commanded by H.M. to allow out of the first moneys that should come in by the Revenue for the support of this Government. The other part is for the promoting a trade with the far Nations of Indians, which I have already acquainted your Lordships, was far advanced, by my letter of the 25th of June last, and which is best encouraged, by keeping up a constant company of traders at the publick expence in the Sinnekees country, which is near the Lake Ontario, and where the Indians constantly coast along the South side, whether they go to Canada or Albany, and they that are at hand to invite them, generally have them. (ii) An Act for continuing an Act entituled, An Act appointing to let to farm the excise of strong liquors in the citys and countys in this Colony. (iii) An Act for paying the charges and expenses of two wooden houses or sheds, built near the City of Albany, for the accommodation of the Indians trading at Albany and for keeping them in good repair. This is a conveniency for the Indians, that is newly made, and is very usefull to prevent their being cheated, as they often are, when traders get them privately into their houses, and by the power of liquor perswade them to part with their furs for little or nothing. But when the Indians come to themselves, they grow very angry at their usage, and this often makes them very unruly and frequently endangers their good understanding with us. To prevent this, these houses are built, where they trade publickly, and so are more equally dealt with. (iv) An Act to determine, and take off the reward, allowed by former Acts for killing and destroying wild cats and foxes. (v) An Act to revive an Act, entituled, An Act for the encouraging navigation. This is chiefly to prevent sailors being credited beyond six shillings, as the next, which is a new law, makes the same provision against crediting souldiers for any larger sum. (vi) An Act to prevent desertion from H.M. forces in the Province of New York. (vii) An Act for clearing and laying out highways in the City and County of Albany. (viii) An Act to revive an Act, entituled, An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace to build and repair goals and courthouses in the several counties in this Province so far as it relates to Queen's County. (ix) An Act to continue an Act of Generall Assembly, entituled, An Act for better clearing and laying out highways. (x and xi) Two private Acts of naturalization. The (xiith) is another private Act to enable Thomas Dongan and Walter Dongan, two surviving kinsmen of Thomas late Earl of Limerick, to sell some part of their estate for payment of their debts, and discharging some incumbrances wherewith the same is now charged. To which Act I insisted on a clause by which it is not in force till approved by His Majesty, before I would give my assent to it. I have since received an Instruction from the Lords Justices, of the 23rd of July last, injoyning the like precaution in all private Acts, which I have entered in the Council Books in this Province, and in New Jersey and communicated it to the Assembly of that Province, who were sitting when I received it. I have lately had the number of the inhabitants of this Province, taken by lists from the Sheriffs of every County, which they have made up from the returns of the several Constables under them, and tho' there may be possibly some mistakes in it, yet I believe it as correct as can be desired in an estimate, therefore I hope it will not be unacceptable to your Lordships. Enclosed are likewise the Naval Officers accounts of vessels trading to and from the port of New York, from the 25th March last to the 29th of September. And the Naval Officers account for the same time for East New Jersey. As likewise the printed Acts and Minutes of the last Assembly of New York, with the Minutes of Council from the 25th Sept. 1722 to the 6th of July, 1723. I herewith send your Lordships an account current relating to the Lady Bellomont's concerns here, the five warrants therein accounted for, were provided for by the last Debt Bill in Brigadier Hunter's time, but the Assembly could not then be prevailed on to provide for some other warrants, which still remain unpaid, and which I shall endeavour to obtain when there is a disposition in the Assembly to pay the debts the Colony still owes to some persons. But the restriction on making paper money on any other account, than for support of Government, is a great discouragement to obtain such a payment of arrears, as My Lady Bellomont applyes to your Lordships for. P.S.—I have got two addresses from the printer to send your Lordships, one in answer to my speech to the Assembly in New Jersey, which is printed on the same sheet. Another to obtain a Chief Justice on which being granted they doubled his sallary, and so he is to go the Circuit, which the late Chief Justice Mr. Jamison was neither able to go for age, nor could afford to do it for one hundred pounds salary, which was all they could be brought to allow a Chief Justice residing in New York. The present Chief Justice Mr. William Trent is universally beloved, as your Lordships may observe by his being chosen their Speaker, and I doubt not, will answer my expectation in executing the Office. Signed, W. Burnet, Endorsed, Recd. 23rd Jan., Read 10th June, 1724. 11 ¾ pp. Enclosed,
792. i. An account of the number of people in the Province of New York A.D. 1723. Total, of white persons, 34,393; of negroes and other slavers, 6,171. Details set out, N.Y. Col. Docs. V.p. 702. Endorsed as preceding. 1 double p.
792. ii. Balance of a debt due to the Countess of Bellamont, Executrix of the Earl of Bellamont. Jan. 28, 1717. To balance of account sent, Admiral William Caldwall, due to me, £223 19s. 1 ¼d. 1718. By what is allowed (since the account sent) by the Generall Assembly for 5 warrants, £181 of which deduct for my trouble 5 pr.cent., remaines balance due to me this 14th July 1719, £52 0s. 1 ¼d. Signed, A.D. Peyster. Same endorsement. Copy from Col. De Peyster's Book, 16th Dec., 1723. Signed, pr. John Spratt. Same endorsement. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1053. ff. 207–212 v., 213v., 214v.–215v., 216 v.–217v.]
Dec. 16.
New York.
793. Governor Burnet to [?Lord Carteret. ]. Acknowledges letter of 20th Aug. Continues:—I am extremely obliged to your Lordship for obtaining a confirmation of Capt. Symes' Commission, and a Commission of Lieutenant for Mr. Edmund Blood etc., and for a Chaplain as I desired etc. I now enclose an account of the inhabitants etc. (encl. v), which the Sheriffs have prepared for their respective countys according to the returns made to them by the Constables, which if not perfectly exact, I believe are very nearly so etc. I have likewise enclosed a map of this Province, drawn by the Surveyor General, Dr. Colden, with great exactness from all the surveys that have been made formerly and of late in this Province, which are in his hands, and from the French map of the Lakes, corrected by some late informations, in those places that lye near this Province. I transmitted an humble Address to H.M. from the General Assembly of the Province of New York in June last, to Brigadeer Hunter, and beg'd the favour of your Lordship to introduce him with it to H.M. : But I find that it had the misfortune to arrive after the King was gone for Hanover. I have now transmitted one from the Province of New Jersey to the Brigadeer and beg the same favour of your Lordship, to introduce him to H.M. that he may have the honour to present it etc. I have herewith sent the last printed Acts for New York etc. Refers to encl. iii and the Act of New Jersey for the support of Government there mentioned. Continues:—I cannot explain the whole matter so well as I shall in the Spring, when the Act will be printed, to which I can then refer etc. Repeats postscript of preceding. Signed, W. Burnet. Endorsed, R. Feb. 3, 1723/4. 5 ½ pp. Enclosed,
793. i. (a) Governor Burnet's Speech to the Assembly of New Jersey, Burlington, 27th Sept., 1723.
(b) Reply of the Assembly. Disclaim responsibility for arrears said to be due to Lt. Governor Ingoldsby, being well assured that the taxes appointed for support of Government have been paid to persons appointed by the Governors for the time being etc. Signed, William Trent, Speaker. Pritned. 2 pp.
793. ii. Address of the Assembly of New Jersey to Governor Burnet. Request the nomination of a resident Chief Justice. Signed as preceding. Printed. 1 p.
793. iii. Duplicate of No. 792.
793. iv. Address of the Governor, Council and Representatives of New Jersey to the King. With hearts full of joy and impatience to express it, we lay hold on this first opportunity to congratulate your Most Excellent Majesty on the timely discovery and providential disappointment of that most wicked and detestable conspiracy, lately carried on against your most sacred person and Royal family. If we have not the honour to be among the first in humbly addressing your Majesty on this joyfull occasion, we have the satisfaction to remember that at the time when these traitorous designs were forming in Great Britain this Province gave a singular instance of loyalty and zeal for the security of your Majesty's Government, by passing a law to prevent disaffected persons from propagating their pernicious principles among us. If the flattering expectations given by the conspirators in Great Britain did then encourage a few of their faction to intermeddle clandestinely in our publick affairs, they found us prepared with attention to detect and resolution to blast their seditious attempts. Our distance from your Royal Throne, does not render us wholly useless to the defence of your Majesty's Kingdoms, while our soil and our labour contribute to supply your Royal Navy, but we must in vain lament the small returns of service which we are capable of making for the many blessings we enjoy under your Majesty's wise, gentle and prosperous reign. When we consider that the establishing a general peace on a more solid foundation than ever was known, the obtaining a redress of all grievances endured on account of Religion and the removing uncharitable distinctions and animosities among Protestants, both at home and abroad, have taken their rise in your Majesty's Councils, and their success is owing to, and their accomplishment excepted from your Majesty's firm and generous conduct, we should be unworthy of the character of men, Christians and Britons, if we had not the indignation and abhorrence of those who can be so unnatural as to disturb the reign of a Prince who is deservedly the Darling of the present age, and a pattern to posterity etc. Copy. 3 ¾ pp.
793. v. Duplicate of No. 792. i.
793. vi. Acts of New York, 1723. Printed and sold by William Bradford in the City of New York, 1723. 22 pp. [C.O. 5, 1092. Nos. 27, 27. i–vi; and (duplicates of encl. i, ii) 5, 972. ff. 82–83v.]
[Dec. 16.] 794. Address of the Governor, Council and Representatives of New Jersey to the King. The original of No. iv supra Signed by Governor Burnet, 7 Members of Council and 15 Members of Assembly. Endorsed, Presented Feb. 1723/4. 1 large p. [C.O. 5, 980. No. 42.]
Dec. 17.
795. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Justices. Representation upon petition of Mr. Newman (v. 2nd Oct.), for military stores for New Hampshire etc. We have upon this occasion been attended by Governor Shute, and find that as that Province has not received any stores from the Crown since 1709, and has been for several years past, and still continues at war with the Indians, their Magazine is almost entirely exhausted. The duty of powder laid on the tonnage of shipping by an Act of that Province, 1702, upon all vessels going thither, which is the only means they have to furnish themselves with powder, has not been sufficient to supply Fort William and Mary by reason of their small trade, that duty not amounting to above 6 barrels of powder pr. annum. This Fort commands the entrance of Piscataway River, and thereby secures H.M. Naval Stores in that Province, the Government whereof is entirely in His Majesty. We would therefore humbly recommend to your Excellencys, that the supply of stores desir'd by the said Mr. Newman, may be sent for the service and security of this Province, the inhabitants, as we are inform'd, being so few and so poor, that they are not able to supply themselves. [C.O. 5, 915. pp. 398–400.]
Dec. 18.
796. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Robert Walpole. We have frequently represented the condition and importance of Nova Scotia, and offer'd our thoughts concerning such things as we conceived necessary to be done there, for H.M. service, and having lately reced. a very full Memorial from Governor Philipps etc., we transmit a copy that you may be pleased to lay it before H.M., and receive his orders thereupon, in case H.M. shall think fit to order any further provision for this Province at the next Session of Parliament. Autograph Signatures. 2 pp. Enclosed,
796. i. Governor Philipps to the Council of Trade and Plantations, upon the state and requirements of Nova Scotia (v. 28th Nov.). Copy. [C.O. 217, 31. Nos. 22, 22. i.; (and without enclosure) 218, 2. pp. 39, 40.]
[Dec. 18.] 797. Petition of Merchants of Bristol trading to Africa to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Pray for repeal of Act of Virginia laying duty on negroes imported, being in effect a prohibition of negroes into that Colony etc. v. 23rd Sept. 22 signatures. Endorsed, Recd. 18th Dec., 1723, Read 7th Jan., 1723/4. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1319. No. 35.]
Dec. 20.
798. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Justices. Representation upon petition for some Quakers imprisoned under two laws of the Massachusets Bay, 1722, 1723. (v. 24th Oct.) We have taken into our consideration the former of the said two Acts, etc., and should likewise have consider'd the other, etc., but the same is not yet come to our hands. We have upon this occasion been attended by Richard Partridge and Thos. Richardson, who complain against the said Acts in behalf of the Quakers, as likewise by the Agents in defence thereof etc. The persons complaining against these Acts endeavour'd to prove that the encrease of the taxes for the Towns of Dartmouth and Tiverton in 1722, exceeding the preceeding year in £100 for Dartmouth, and £72 11s. 0d. for Tiverton were raised for the support of Presbyterian Ministers in those towns, and in proof [of] this have offered that the like sums were by the votes of Assembly of 20th June, 1722, desired to be issued for the Ministers of those towns respectively, but it does not appear upon the face of the Act, that these sums were raised particularly for the maintenance of such Ministers. And altho' it be true that the sums voted for these Ministers do tally exactly with the additional tax laid upon those two towns respectively for the same year, yet it does not from thence absolutely follow that the increase of tax on those two towns was raised for that particular only, because there is an increase of tax by this Act upon several other smaller towns within that Province and therefore altho' the presumption be strong, the proof is not conclusive, and as the people of the Massachusets Bay are by their Charter impowered to raise taxes for the support of their Government, and as the preamble of this Act is agreeable to that power, we have nothing to object to the said Act: But we beg leave to observe to your Excellencys, that altho' we have not the Act of 1723 before us, yet it does appear by the votes of that Session, that the Assembly resolved "that the salary or allowance of an able, learned, and orthodox Minister for the town of Dartmouth, be £100, to be paid out of the publick Treasury, which said sum shall be added to the proportion of the said town in their Province-tax for the present year," and it also appears by the said votes, that it was resolved, "that an able, learned, and orthodox Minister be provided by order of this Court for the said town of Tiverton for the year ensuing, and that his allowance of salary be £72 11s., to be paid out of the publick Treasury, which said sum shall be added to the proportion of the said town in their Province tax for the present year." Upon which occasion we think it our duty to represent to your Excys. that by the Charter granted to the Massachusets Bay, the foundation of this Colony was laid in an absolute and free liberty of conscience for all Christian inhabitants there, except Papists; But the Presbyterians having absolutely the ascendant in the Assembly of this Province, have assum'd to themselves the authority of an established Church, and would compel the Quakers even in the towns of Dartmouth and Tiverton, where they are infinitely the majority, to pay a large maintenance to Presbyterian Ministers, whom they call orthodox, for the service of some few Presbyterian families only. [C.O. 5, 915. pp. 393–396.]