America and West Indies: April 1723

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1934.

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'America and West Indies: April 1723', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online [accessed 17 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: April 1723', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online, accessed March 17, 2025,

"America and West Indies: April 1723". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online. Web. 17 March 2025.

April 1723

April 2.
494. Mr. Yonge to Mr. Popple. Prays for a short day for hearing Mr. Rhett's petition etc. (v. 14th Feb. and 1st March); for though Rhett has been some time dead, yett General Nicholson's honour and that of the Judges, Jury etc. of Carolina is asperced etc. Signed, Fra. Yonge. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd April, Read 10th July, 1723. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 358. ff. 344, 345v.]
April 5.
495. H. Walpole to Mr. Popple. Requests copy of Act and Address of Assembly relating to the settlement of two new counties in Virginia etc. Signed, H. Walpole. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 10th April, 1723. Addressed. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1319. No. 20.]
April 9.
496. Governor Hart to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Nothing has happened in the Islands of this Government since my last of the 2nd of Feb., except that it has been the pleasure of Providence to give them such seasonable weather after four months draught, that there is now the prospect of finishing the greatest crop of sugars that has been made for many years; But our neighbours of the French Nation at Martinique and Guardeloupe, ever since the surrendering of the Island of Sta. Lucia, take all advantages of makeing prize of such ships and vessells of the British Nation that approach the coasts of those Islands; I have wrote to the Governour of Martinique Monsieur de Pas Feuquires, on behalf of the masters and owners of such vessells as have been so taken by the French; But his answer is that what relates to trade belongs to the Court of Admiralty of which he has no cognizance, so that our traders who are so unfortunate to fall into their hands are left without redress, of which I gave an instance in my letter of 20th Jan., and now lay before your Lordships the barbarous treatment that was offered to Habbijah Savage, master of a Bermuda sloop etc. Refers to enclosures. Continues:—I submit it to your Lordships' consideration, whether such measures ought not to be taken that the French Governours of Martinique and Guardeloupe may be restrained from injuring the lawfull trade and thus abuseing the subjects of Great Brittain. Those Governours knowing very well, and as I am informed often say the British Governours in these parts can make no reprizals, and when any remonstrance is made of their violating the Treaties of Peace, they make frivilous excuses, and still pursue their seizures of ships and vessells and condemning them to their own use. I am under the utmost concern, that I am not able to relieve these poor Masters that are thus destroyed, and I am apprehensive if the French go on with these depredations, without restraint either by commands from the Court of France or by such measures as H.M. shall think proper to take, it will greatly affect the beneficial trade of the West Indies; and therefore humbly desire to have your Lordships' commands on this head as soon as conveniently may be. My Lords, I inclose to your Lordships three Acts lately past at the Island of Antegoa. The first, intitled an Act to repeal a certain Act concerning negroes. The reasons for passing this Act are, that by the Act repealed, to prevent negroes carrying on a trade in stolen goods between the town and country liberty was given to any person to seize the goods, provisions or whatever they found with a negro not haveing a ticket from his master, which the next Justice was obliged to condemn to the use of the person makeing the seizures. On colour of this law, confederacys of idle persons were enter'd into, one of whom would demand a negroes ticket; if he had none the seizure was made; if he had one it was taken and torn, and then the negro unavoidably fell into the hands of the others, who way laid him at some distance and plundered him for want of it. And this practice was so frequent that no negro could pass with security with any goods of his masters or his own and it was high time to repeal a law so mischievously perverted. The second, to repeal a certain Act, by which William Nivine was appointed Agent. My reasons for passing this Act are: At the earnest instance of the Council and Assembly, who urged, that it would be very hard, if they might not have the choice of their own Agent, which I thought reasonable, provided they would take immediate care to discharge the great arrears that was due to him as Agent, which they have done in the inclosed tax Act. I must do Mr. Nivine the justice to say that he has done the most important services for the Island of Antegoa of any Agent that was ever imployed for any Colony in the British Dominions, altho' those services are now forgot to make way f or some Gentleman of their own body. The third, for raising a tax for paying publick debts and charges and particularly applying the said taxes. This Act is the usual tax bill for defraying the exigences of the Government and dischargeing of the publick debts, in which there is nothing new or different from the annual tax bills, unless it is that they have raised twelve shillings per head on all negroes in the Island in order to discharge their publick debts, some of which have been contracted for twenty years past: and I am in hopes to see with a much less tax next year entirely cleared; and then this Island will be enabled to provide for their better security in case of a war with France, which I have always in view. My Lords, Haveing dispatcht all publick affairs at Antegoa, I am preparing to make a kind of circuit through the several Islands of my Government, which I find an absolute necessity of doing every three or four months, for which I offered your Lordships my reasons in my last, and I hope they were to your satisfaction, as they are intended for that of the people over whom I have the honour to preside. Signed, Jo. Hart. Endorsed, Recd. Read 21st June, 1723. 6 pp. Enclosed,
496. i. Capt. Brathwaite to Governor Hart. St. John's, Antigua, 14th Feb., 1723. During my stay at Martinique when I went to claim the servants of the Duke of Montagu carried by the French to that Island, several masters of English vessels complained they were brought there by armed sloops, calling themselves guards of the coast and they pretend to a commission from the General of Martinique for that end. But under that pretence take all English vessels they can overcome whether near the coast or at sea. And as they have no maintenance but what they can get by rapine and plunder; commit such acts of violence to force the masters to discover how much and where their money is and likewise very often force them to sign papers or confessions of trading for their condemnation; and in case they refuse torture them in such a manner the like we have seldom heard of pyrats etc. Refers to following. Mr. Savage and his crew I brought up with me after they were let out of prison etc. Signed, John Brathwaite. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p.
496. ii. Deposition of Habbijah Savage, of Bermudas, Mariner. Antigua, Feb. 13, 1723. Bound from St. Eustatia to Grantire in the sloop Postillion, he was on 2nd Jan. last past taken by a sloop called the Postillion commanded by M. D' Buke, appointed Guard d'coast to the French Islands. D' Buke striped him and his crew of all their apparel except what they then wore. D' Buke carried this deponent with his sloop into Martinique and in his passage thither the Lieut. of said sloop asked deponent for the money he had brought to purchase his cargo to which this Deponent answered that he had none for that purpose. The Lieut. ordered four lighted matches to be put between deponent's fingers and stood by him with his pistol cocked to his breast, threatning to blow out his brains. After some time, one of the men belonging to the French sloop told the Lt. that the barbarity he used was more than he could answer etc. Deponent and all his men were imprisoned at Martinique and his sloop condemned. He was kept prisoner 11 days and then discharged with his men. Signed, Habbijah Savage. Endorsed, Recd, Read 21st June, 1723. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 204–206v., 207v.–209, 210v.]
April 9.
497. Governor Worsley to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following, and Journals of Council and Assembly of Barbados, referred to 26th March, and Act for supporting the honour and dignity of this Government. Signed, Henry Worsley. Endorsed, Recd. 11th, Read 12th June, 1723. 1 p. Enclosed,
497. i. Address of the Governor, Council and Assembly of Barbados to the King. 20th March, 1723. As we can't but stand amaz'd at the monstrous wickedness of any of our fellow subjects, in forming a conspiracy in favour of a Popish Pretender, against a Prince, the whole course of whose administration speaks him design'd by Providence for the good of mankind in general, and the welfare of his subjects in particular; So we want words to express the joy we lately felt at the timely discovery of that horrid attempt etc. etc. None of your Majesty's loyal subjects are able to conceive a greater abhorrence of these hellish practices than we do etc. Signed, Hen. Worsley and 7 Members of Council; George Forster, Speaker, and 14 Members of Assembly, and Passed the Council and Assembly unanimously. Endorsed, as preceding. 8 pp.
497. ii. Address of the Council and Assembly of Barbados to the King. Return thanks for appointment of Governor Worsley, "a Gentleman whose consummate experience in men and things, whose judgment, integrity and (which is most endearing to us) whose happy temper, give us all imaginable assurances that under him our divisions will be no more, Justice have its due course, and Peace and Plenty even yet, revive among us" etc. Continue: That we may not appear to be entirely unworthy of this last instance of H.M. incessant care for the good of his subjects, we are now unanimously determin'd with the closest application to join with and second our Governor in his most generous intentions for promoting the welfare of this Colony etc. Signed, Geo. Forster, Speaker, and 18 Members of Assembly and 8 members of Council. Endorsed as preceding. 2 ¾ pp. [C.O. 28, 17. ff. 301, 302v.–304v., 305v.–307v.]
April 9.
498. Governor Worsley to Lord Carteret. Encloses Act "by which the Assembly has settled on me £6000 sterling annually, which, considering the expence of living in this country, is not an extraordinary sum to anyone who will support the dignity of the Government" etc. Encloses Journals of Council and Assembly, "as well as a representation of the Custom-house Officers setting forth that a new custom, prejudicial to H.M. Revenue, had been practised here by order of the late President Mr. Cox, upon which I restored the ancient custom, whereupon Mr. Dalrymple, Receiver of H.M. Casual Revenue, and Mr. Ashley, Deputy Auditor General, made a representation to me against the Custom-house Officers for their late manedgment, which indeed, upon their representation, I had directed them in part to do, in that I thought it for H.M. service. The Customhouse Officers have answered this representation, with depositions" etc. enclosed. In accordance with the 100th Article of my Instructions etc (quoted, v. 24th Aug., 1722) upon the sloop Philip's, William Sutherland Master, arriving here from the coast of Guinea, and having two negros, a boy and a girl, which were put on board of him by a pirat, I had them seized and secured, and after condemnation I ordered Mr. Dalrymple to sell them publickly, in that they are perishable goods. Whereas by the abovesaid Article I am responsible for the produce of such effects, till H.M. pleasure might be known I most humbly begg to know H.M. orders in relation to them, as also, for my futur conduct, in cases of the like nature, if I may order such effects to be secured by such person, or persons as I may appoint, or if I must deliver them into the hands of H.M. Casual Receiver. I have the honour to transmit to your Lordship two Addresses to H.M. (v. preceding); the other Addresses to me from the Assembly, I do not trouble your Lordship with a particular copy of, in that they are, together with my answers, in the Minutes of Council and Assembly. The first instant Capt. Elford, Commander of H.M.S. the Lynn died, and his eldest Lieutenant Mr. Killigrew was put in possession of the ship. Signed, Henry Worsley. Endorsed, R. June 27th N.S. 5 pp. Enclosed,
498. i. Deposition of Henry Lascelles, Collector, Barbados. 25th March, 1723. Nicholas Hope, Attorney at Lawe, charged a fee of £4 7s. 6d. for exhibiting an information in the Court of Vice-Admiralty against the sloop Endeavour seized by deponent in March, 1721. Other solicitors have been paid no more than £3 15s. and deponent told Hope that he apprehended he was to have no more for his fees than 4 p.c. on the condemnation, but Hope said he was to be paid his usual fees besides, which deponent paid. Signed, Henry Lascelles. 1 ½ pp.
498. ii. Mr. Hope's receipt for fees as in preceding. Signed, N. Hope. ¾ p.
498. iii. Deposition of George Maxwell, Searcher, Barbados. 25th March, 1723. Upon the condemnation of the sloop Nancy, the Governor directed deponent to keep the sloop for the use of the Customs, and to pay William Dalrymple, Receiver of H.M. Casual Revenue, H.M. third part of the appraisement. Dalrymple refused to accept the money, declaring that he was satisfied that the sloop shd. be kept for H.M. use. Upon deponent's putting up for sale some arrack seized on the sloop Golden Fleece, Dalrymple demanded H.M. third in specie, which deponent delivered by his order to Alexander Dundass etc. (v. 26th March). Signed, J. Maxwell. 3 ½ pp.
498. iv. Inventory of Sloop Nancy referred to in preceding. Appraised at £75. 22nd Feb. 1722(3). Copy. 1 p.
498. v. (a) Mr. Dalrymple's order to Mr. Maxwell to deliver H.M. third part of arrack referred to in preceding to Mr. Dundass. 5th March, 1723. Signed, Wm. Dalrymple.
(b) Receipt for said arrack. 6th March, 1723. Signed, Alexander Dundass. Copy. ½ p.
498. vi. Deposition of John Stevens, Controller of H.M. Customs, and John Hinton, Waiter, Barbados. 25th March, 1723. For 18 years it has been the practice for Custom-house officers to sell condemned goods, after appraisement and notice given, at public vendue at the Custom House etc. In Mr. Cox's Presidentship, however, the Marshall of the Court of Admiralty claimed a right to sell all goods condemned there, and was favoured in his pretention by the President and Mr. Dalrymple etc. Signed, Jno. Stevens, Jno. Hinton. 1 ½ pp.
498. vii. Custom House Officers of Barbados to Governor Worsley. Reply to the Representation of the Casual Receiver and Deputy Surveyor and Auditor General (John Ashley), charging them with selling seizures without notice given etc. v. preceding. Signed, Henry Lascelles and 7 others. 6 ¼ large pp. [C.O. 28, 44. ff. 35–36v., 37–39, 40, 41–42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47–50, 51v.]
April 10.
499. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Carteret. Enclose following. Autograph signatures. 1 p. Enclosed,
499. i. Extract of letter from Governor Hart relating to Sta. Lucia, 26th Jan.
499. ii. Duplicate of preceding.
499. iii. Copies of encl. i.–iii. Jan. 26th. [C.O. 152, 48. Nos. 4, 4, i.–v.; and (without enclosures) 153, 14,
p. 107; and (enclosures only) 253, i. Nos. 25–28; and, copy of covering letter, incorrectly dated 1723/4;, 152, 40. No. 11.]
April 10. 500. Mr. West to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Has no objections to 6 Acts of S. Carolina. Signed, Rd. West. Endorsed, Recd. 11th April, Read 20th Aug., 1723. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 359. ff. 35, 36v.]
April 11.
501. Mr. Popple to Horatio Walpole. Encloses Act and Address of Virginia as requested 5th April. [C.O. 5, 1365. p. 243.]
April 11. 502. Mr. West to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Has no objection to the Act of New Jersey, 1719, for vesting the estate of Robert Burnett, late of the County of Monmouth, N.J., in trustees for the payment of debts, excepting only that the general saving clauses required by H.M. Instructions are not inserted in it. Signed, Richd. West. Endorsed, Recd. 11th April, Read 14th May, 1723. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 972. ff. 69, 73v.]
April 11.
503. Governor Hart to Lord Carteret. Your Lordship's of the 30th of May past came to my hands the 25th of March last; I am not able to say by what means it is that I have been so long prevented from knowing my felicity, that my conduct by your Lordship's indulgent Representation, has been approved by H.M., and is acceptable to your Lordship etc. I have from time to time informed your Lordship of all occurrences in my Government, as also such as related to foreign Governments in my neighbourhood which I thought was worthy your observation; to many of which I have not received any account they have come to your Lordship's hands; which makes me apprehend either miscarriage or the like delay with that of your Lordships of the 30th of May. I shall continue my duty of writing on all proper occasions etc. Your Lordship's of the 6th of Oct., commanding me to give all due countenance and protection to the settlement of the Islands of Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent did not come to my hands before the 15th of March; I have already given your Lordship an account at large of the surrendering the Island of St. Lucia by the misconduct of those who commanded under his Grace of Montagu: But I am in hopes to receive your Lordship's Instructions on my proposals for a reestablishment of that important place, for the security of the British Colonies of Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands. Acknowledges additional Instruction, 1st June, 1722, relating to a clandestine trade carryed on to Madagascar etc. Continues:—The pleasure of Providence has sent such seasonable weather (which has been wanting four years past) that the Leeward Islands never had so great crops of sugar, nor were in any respect, from their first settlement, in so flourishing a condition as at this juncture. Repeats complaint against the Governours for the French King at Martinique and Guardeloupe, as No. 496, and asks for instructions. Signed, Jo. Hart. Endorsed, Rd. 14th June. 3 ¾ pp. Enclosed,
503. i. Deposition of Habijah Savage of Bermuda. Duplicate of 496 ii.
503. ii. Capt. Brathwaite to Governor Hart. Duplicate of 496 i. [C.O. 7, 1. Nos. 25, 25. i., ii.]
April 11. 504. Mr. West to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Report upon Act of S. Carolina for the good government of Charles Town. The 19 Gentlemen who are nominated in the Act to be the first Mayor Aldermen and Common Councill, are possessed of their offices for life, have the sole power of makeing such by laws as they shall think fitt, (so that) the Government established by this Act is the compleatest oligarchy that ever was seen etc. Refers to Mr. Shelton's Memorial (Jan. 15) which if true is another reason for repealing the Act. Signed, Richd. West. Endorsed, Recd. 11th April, Read 7th May, 1723. 1 ½ pp. [C.O. 5, 358. ff. 237, 237v., 238v.]
April 12.
505. Lt. Governor Hope to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses duplicate of 20th March, and copy of public accounts etc. Continues: For what reason the passing of these accounts has been so long delay'd, my predecessor only can tell. It was not in my power to get them in order sooner, by reason of the confusion they were in, thro' the incapacity of George Tucker Provost Marshal Genl. and Thos. Brooke Collector and Receiver of the liquor tax. The first is a man neither capable nor willing to execute his office; But at his request I have allow'd him to give a deputation to two of his sons. One of them, [Richard Tucker] is a very capable young man, and the fittest person I can recommend to your Lordsps. to fill that post, when it shall happen to be vacant. Capt. Brooke, I would have suspended several months ago; but being apprehensive of more confusion, and he having got about £600 of the publick money in his hands, and still has £611 of the King's thirds etc. Refers to enclosures. The first Acct. of the liquor tax he was not able to settle without the assistance of Major Henry Tucker, the now Receiver whom I put into that post upon the Gentlemen of the Council's recommendation, and with Capt. Brook's own consent. The second acct. of the King's thirds I have found him much more dilatory in than the other; and your Lordships may observe that it is 16 years now, since he has made any acct. and till this morning I have never been able to prevail with him to do it; under pretence that what he now charges himself with, had been receiv'd the most part of it by the late Governor. I desir'd him to make up his acct. and to specifie the particulars paid to that Gentleman, but withall desir'd him to consider of the inclos'd declaration which Mr. Bennett desir'd to be swore to; He seem'd surpriz'd at it, and at last he has fix't the debt upon himself. I believe he is responsible. I shall delay doing anything further in it, till such time as I receive new Instructions upon this head. I find there has been a continu'd dispute in this place, still undetermin'd, betwixt the Governors and the Collectors, who shou'd receive the King's thirds: The Governr. is intituled to it, and is accountable for it, by His Commissn. as Vice Admiral; and the Collector has Instructions from the Surveyor Genl. of the Leeward Islands, to receive it, and immediately to remitt it to the Lds. Commissrs. of the Customs. I find sometimes the one, and sometimes the other, have been lucky that way; and I find likewise they have endeavour'd to be sharers, but I do not find, that ever either the one or the other have endeavour'd to discharge their duty etc. This is a very proper time to set this matter right, and it is absolutely necessary that this present Collector be removed: for it is impossible for business to be dispatch'd as requisite in the miserable condition that he has reduc'd himself to. I don't know how far the intelligence I have this day given to the Lords of the Treasury may prevail with them to remove him as Collector, but I think it my duty to acquaint your Lordsps. that it is very improper that his name should stand first in the nomination of the Council; and that this country shou'd run the hazard of falling under the Government of a creature that cannot abstain from getting drunk and continuing so for five or six weeks on a strech. This has been his practice these many years, for what reasons it has been bore with I cannot be positive. I have now with a great deal of difficulty brought matters to bear with him, in the posture which I now present them to your Lordsps. and I wait your commands. The next thing that I am to desire your Lordsps. to take notice of, is the acct. of the rent of the King's land, collected by the Provost Marshal, for which he has 5 pr. ct. commissions. allow'd him by the authority of custom only, and the disposal of the rest (as I may properly call it) , for the executing of his office: I am ordered by the 37th Article of my Instructions to consider (with the advice and consent of the Council) of the publick lands etc. I have often started this subject in Council, and do find that any improvement is not to be thought of as long as these lands bear the King's name: the tenants who don't pay the half that other tenants doe, look upon it as their own, and use it as such; for there is now no timber left upon it, (the only thing that land is valuable for here) and what it does pay, the publick reaps no benefitt from it; as your Lordsps. may perceive by the accts. If your Lordsps. are desirous that these lands shou'd be improv'd, I humbly beg leave to give you my private opinion; which is that the only way the publick can reap any benefit from them, or any body be the better for them, will be to dispose of them, at easy rates to the inhabitants, and to employ the produce in building a prison, storehouses and fortiefying of the guns, already mounted; which to this day are all open, and no manner of shelter from the weather for the men. The duty of 5 p. ct. upon dry goods, is the only tax I find regularly accounted for, and properly apply'd; for out of it has been built a tollerable house for the Governor. I am sorry your Lordsps. shou'd have cause to find exceptions against that Act, and I am almost certain that if your Lordsps. will give the Act for lessening the number of the Assembly your countenance that nothing will be wanting that this place is capable of doing for the support of the Government and encouragement of trade. As to the acct. of powder-money, I have nothing to say; and I can get no further intelligence about the King's slaves, than what the inclos'd affords; But the Assembly have voted £200 to make up that defficiency. I find no records of the publick accts. extant, but those contain'd in this abstract here inclos'd, which are so dark and so irregular, that I can make nothing of them, till the year 1708, and from that to this day nothing satisfactory; If your Lordsps want copys of them they shall be sent etc. As far as I have been able to observe the greatest part of the money rais'd here has been employ'd in carrying on a suit at law against one Jones, and every other thing neglected: I shall make no further complaints in relation to the management of our publick money, haveing it now in my power to employ it as it ought to be, which your Lordsps. will be able to judge of for the future. I must once more beg of your Lordsps. to excuse me if I have not answer'd the rest of my Instructions as I am order'd: What I have done I took to be most material, and I doubt not but I shall very soon (with ease) satisfie your Ldsps. as to every particular relating to this little Colony (which I must once more repeat) is capable of being very serviceable or very mischevious either in regard to pyrates at present or in times of warr. Signed, John Hope. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 25th June, 1723. 6 ¾ pp. Enclosed,
505. i. Deposition of Benjamin Bennett. Thomas Brooke, Collector, never paid deponent one penny on account of the Crown's thirds of condemned seizures, altho' demanded by him as Governor and Casual Receiver thereof etc. Signed, B. Bennett. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. ¾ p.
505. ii. Account of powder-money, Bermuda, 25th July, 1716—20th Feb., 1721. Total, £497 11s. 7 ½d. Signed and sworn to, by Capt. George Tucker, Secretary. Endorsed, as preceding. 52 pp.
505. iii. Account of powder-money. 21st Feb., 1721—18th Jan., 1723. Total, £155 4s. 10d. Signed and sworn to by Richard Tucker, Deputy Secretary. Same endorsement. Copy. 15 pp.
505. iv. Account of the 5 p.c. upon dry goods imported 30th Jan., 1721—16th July, 1723. Total, £1316 15s. 4 ¼d., including £921 14s. 10 ¼d. brought forward. Sworn to by, Richard Jennings, Receiver of the 5 p.c. Same endorsement. Copy. 5 pp.
505. v. Account of prizes and H.M. thirds of seizures, 19th March, 1707—24th Nov., 1721. Total, £694 15s. 3/8d. Sworn to by, Thomas Brooke, Collector. Same endorsement. Copy. 5 ½ pp.
505. vi. Account of the King's slaves. Several slaves sold at public vendue for £96, and two bought at £45 and £36. Sworn to by, George Tucker, Provost Marshal. Same endorsement. Copy. 3 pp.
505. vii. Account of rent of the King's Lands, 14th June, 1716—1st July, 1722. Totals, Receipts, £851 4s. 11d. Balance due to H.M. £37 1s. 0 ½d. Sworn and endorsed as preceding. Copy. 11 pp.
505. viii. Account of the Liquor tax, 23rd May, 1716—13th Feb., 1723. Totals: Receipts, £3342 6s. 10 ½d. Balance, £496 16s. 9d. Sworn to by, Thomas Brooke, Receiver of the liquor tax. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read June 25th, 1723. Copy. 26 ½ pp.
505. ix. Abstract of titles of public accounts upon record. Signed, Richd. Tucker, Dty. Secretary. Same endorsement. ¾ p. [C.O. 37, 10. Nos. 40, 41, i.–ix.; and (abstract, with notes for reply) 37, 24. pp. 14, 15.]
April 12.
506. Lt. Governor Hope to Lord Carteret. Encloses following "with flying seals, that your Lordship may peruse them before delivery. I beg your Lordship's support in my requests therein, and in particular to determine who is to be Receiver of the King's thirds of seizures and prizes, so long disputed betwixt the Governors and Collectors," etc. Signed, John Hope. Endorsed, Rd. at Pyrmont, 13th July, 1723, n.s. 1 ½ pp. Enclosed,
506. i. Duplicate of above letter to C. of T.
506. ii. Lt. Governor Hope to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, April 12, 1713. Encloses accounts etc., as above and states case against the Collector, Thomas Brooke. There is no salary attached to that post. Recommends appointment of John Aytoune in his place etc. Signed, John Hope. Copy. 3 ½ pp.
506. iii. Duplicate of above covering letter. [C.O. 37, 26. Nos. 24, 24. i.–iii.]
April 12.
507. Lt. Governor Hope to Lord Carteret. Marked, Private. Encloses following account, "which I have at last forc'd out of the Collector, to the no smal mortification of him and of my predecessor, who had actually devided the spoil betwixt them as appears by the Collector's books, who it seems has never kept any regular or fitt to bear the light." Asks for a grant of the King's land or the disposal of it, which would be much better for the country in general and better bestowed than it is at present. It is not £100 sterl. pr. ann. Apologises that "now that I am out of debt I'm plagu'd with projects of getting rich" etc. Refers to his letter to Mr. Ballegueir (v. Nov. 23, 1722) proposing a Lieutenant's Commission for his friend, Mr. Aytoune, whom he now recommends for the Collector's place. Continues: If the Lords of the Treasury don't turn him out, I certainly must; if they should turn me after him: for it is not in nature that I can obey my Instructions unless that I have a sufficient man in that post: for I am plagued out of my life by a parcel of fellows who correspond with pyrates etc. The Governor of Providence's wife is this far on her way to England in order to sollicite your Lordp. for a permission to trade with the Spaniard and for one another independant Company for her Island (just what we want here). I wish to God she were gone from hence. But the Lord have mercy o' your Lordp. if she getts access. This is ane admirable season for our whale fishing which I take the diversion of every morning for three or four hours a horse back; I seriously can see them kill them distinckly from the top of the hills and as the whales draw the boat along shore I gallop after and seldom fail of being in at the death of the whale etc. Signed, John Hope. 2 ¾ pp. Enclosed,
507. i. Duplicate of No. 505. v. [C.O. 37, 26. Nos. 25, 25. i.]
April 13.
Custom ho.,
508. John Manley to Mr. Popple. Upon a letter from Joshua Jones, Deputy Auditor at Antegoa, concerning the trade carried on between the British and French Islands, wherein he "says that the Governour had communicated to him some Instructions, and an article of a Treaty in 1686, whereby that trade is prohibited, the Commissioners of H.M. Customs desire" a copy of any such Instructions etc. Signed, Jno. Manley. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 23rd April, 1723. Addressed. ¾ p. [C.O. 323, 8. No. 38.]
April 21.
Charles City
and Port.
509. Governor Nicholson to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Sends Journals and Laws etc. to Mr. Yonge, for their Lordships' commands, by Mr. Kinloch, one of H.M. Council, who has one of the best estates in the country, and to whom he refers them for an account of affairs. Continues: Wee have already had more ships and vessells in respect of tunage then was ever known in the country, and it is supposed there is loading enough for them and for those that are expected, but the people are afraid that their commodities of rice pitch and tarr there being so much of it will come to a low markett, etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Endorsed, Recd., Read 10th July, 1723. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 358. ff. 346, 347v.]
April 22.
St. James's.
510. H.M. Warrant for a patent granting to Thomas Granger the office of Chief Justice of the Bahama Islands, in the room of Thomas Walker decd. Countersigned, Carteret. Copy. [C.O. 324, 34. pp. 230, 231.]
April 23.
511. A. Popple to Mr. Carkesse. Reply to 13th April. Encloses 94th Articles of Governor Hart's Instructions relating to trade between British and French Islands. [C.O. 324, 11. pp. 9, 10.]
April 26.
512. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor the Duke of Portland. Acknowledge letter of 20th Dec. Continue: We take this opportunity not only of congratulating your Grace upon your safe arrival, but also upon the good disposition you find in the Assembly to make your Grace easy and happy in your administration. Enclose duplicate of 31st Oct., "to which we have nothing to add not having yet receiv'd any account of the affairs of your Government since your Grace's arrival, But as the Kingston man of war is arriv'd upon the coast we shall expect to hear from your Grace. We shall not fail to give the utmost dispatch to such matters as may come recommended to us by your Grace for the good and prosperity of the people under your Government." [C.O. 138, 16. pp. 435, 436.]
April 27.
513. Lt. Governor Hope to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to enclosures: Continues: I cou'd never learn anything about the first till the 23rd of this month, that Mr. Bennett sent it to me. Your Lordships will expect that at the same time I shou'd have transmitted an acct. of how it has been dispos'd of, but that will require some time: nor do I believe there can be a true acct. given, for the Storekeepers from 1700 to 1707 are dead; and none of their papers appears; from 1707 to this time the present Provost Marshal has discharg'd that office; but for the reasons already given (12th April), I have appointed his son keeper of the Stores by a special Commission. Your Lordsps. may see that of 375 barrels of powder there was but 62 ? remaining a great deal of which is damnified, and that 100 musquets is all that ever was sent here; which were immediately distributed amongst those of the inhabitants who appear on horseback. I don't find that ever there has been any arms, ammunition, etc. bought by the publick money of this Island; and your Lordsps. may perceive that the Revenue is so small, and at present in debt, that it is not in our power to make that provision necessary, for the defence of this place. I have sent copys of the inclos'd to the Office of Ordnance; and with submission beg your Lordsps. will be pleas'd to direct, how our present wants of warlike stores may be supplied. Signed, John Hope. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd., Read 4th July, 1723. 2 pp. Enclosed,
513. i. Account of stores of war in Bermuda, May 10th, 1722. Signed, Geo. Tucker, storekeeper. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd July, 1723. Copy. 4 ½ pp.
513. ii. Account of Stores of War sent from the Office of Ordnance, to Bermuda since Dec. 31st, 1700. April 23, 1723. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 3 pp. [C.O. 37, 10. Nos. 41, 41., i., ii.; and (abstract, with note for reply.) 37, 24. p. 16.]
April 27.
514. Mr. Bennett to [?Lord Carteret]. I had the honour of yor. Lordp's. by my successor Coll. Hope of the 22nd of Feb. etc. Hopes to wait upon his Lordship soon, but has been hindered from returning home hitherto by an unhappy indisposition etc. Signed, Ben. Bennett. Endorsed, R. 26th Feb., 1723/4;. 2 pp. [C.O. 37, 28. No. 17.]
April 27.
515. Lt. Governor Hope to Lord Carteret. Encloses duplicates of last letter and letter to Board of Ordnance and Board of Trade. Urges dispatch of stores of war. Signed, John Hope. Endorsed, Rd. at the Hague the 20th June. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 26. No. 26.]
April 29. 516. Certificate that Lt. Governor Burrington has lodged security for the due performance of his office with H.M. Remembrancer of the Exchequer. Signed, John Thomson. Endorsed, Recd. 30th April, Read 7th May, 1723. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 1266. ff. 121, 122v.]
April 30.
517. Lord Carteret to Governor Burnett. Letter of recommendation of John Conrad Weiser, Deputy of the Palatines, now returning to New York. Signed, Carteret. [C.O. 324, 34. p. 232.]