America and West Indies: February 1722

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1934.

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'America and West Indies: February 1722', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online [accessed 22 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: February 1722', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online, accessed March 22, 2025,

"America and West Indies: February 1722". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 33, 1722-1723. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1934), British History Online. Web. 22 March 2025.

February 1722

Feb. 1.
36. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Carteret. Reply to No. 10. Enclose following. Annexed,
36. i. Same to the King. Representation upon the Duke of Montagu's petition for a grant of St. Vincents and Sta. Lucia. We have discours'd with his Grace upon this occasion; whereupon we most humbly represent, that these are two of your Majesty's Windward Charibbee Islands at present comprehended in the Commission of your Majesty's Governor of Barbados, but as they have neither of them been hitherto settled they produce no revenue to the Crown, nor any advantage to these Kingdoms; It would therefore undoubtedly be for your Majesty's service yt. the same shou'd be effectually settled and planted, and so much the rather because the French have heretofore made sevl. attempts to possess them to the manifest prejudice of your Majty's. title. The Petitioner proposes, in consideration of an absolute grant from your Majesty to him and his heirs of the soil of ye said Islands (the Government with all royal and sovereign authority being absolutely reserved to your Majesty), to send over 500 white people at ye least to make a settlement on ye Island of Sta. Lucia within three years after the date of such grant. His Grace likewise proposes to be accountable to your Majesty for a quit-rent for one full third part of the said Island of Sta. Lucia at the rate of 2/6 per 100 acres, within the space of 13 years after the date of the said grant, for one other third of the said Island within 10 years more, and for the remaining third, in proportion as the same shall be leas'd out or taken up, the rent for each parcel of the two first, as well as of the remaining third thereof respectively to commence within three years after ye date of every lease or grant to be made to other persons by his Grace. But inasmuch as the Island of St. Vincent is at present possessed by Indians and negro slaves who having made their escape thither from the neighbouring Islands are arm'd and very numerous, he hopes to be indulg'd in a further time for the settling thereof, and that he may be allow'd the space of tenn years for making such a settlement as may be sufficient to secure the possession of that Island to your Majesty, and that his quit rent for the same shall not commence but in proportion and from time to time as the land there or any parcel thereof shall be taken up, that is to say within three years after the date of each respective lease or grant to be made thereof by his Grace to other persons. These proposals in our humble opinion are for your Majesty's service and for ye advantage of Great Britain in as much as they tend to the opening of a new branch of Trade. But we crave leave to observe, that when ye settlement of Tobago was under our consideration, certain rules and restrictions were propos'd by us to be observ'd by your Majesty's Governor of Barbados in the disposition of that Island, which were approv'd by your Majesty in Council. [Note in margin: Except that for restraining the planting of sugar.] And forasmuch as the Duke of Montagu in case your Majesty shou'd be graciously pleas'd to grant his request, will become the sole possessor and consequently the distributor of all the lands in these Islands, we humbly conceive it may be necessary that his Grace shou'd be enjoin'd to observe the same rules in the distribution of these lands, that are to be observ'd by your Majty's. Governor of Barbardos in the distribution of those of Tobago, as annexed etc.
36. ii. Restrictions proposed to be observed by the Petitioner in the planting and settling of Sta. Lucia and St. Vincent. (i) No grants to be made to any planters who have settlements in any of H.M. Charibbee Islands. (ii) No person to have a grant or be allowed to hold by purchase or otherways, or any other person in trust for him, more than 300 acres, and none less than 15; every leasee to be obliged to cultivate one acre in 50 every year after the date of his patent, and so in proportion; (iii) and to keep one white man or two women within a year after the date of his grant, and one white man or two women for every 20 acres three years after the date thereof. (iv) All settlers to be by their grants effectually restrained from planting any sugar canes there. (v) After three years from the date of their grants, all proprietors of land to pay your Majesty your heirs and successors a quit rent of 2/6 for every 100 acres, and after 10 years further to pay the duty of 4 1/2 as in Barbados etc. [C.O. 29, 14. pp. 285–292.]
Feb. 1. 37. Capt. John Evans to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Returns thanks "for the reports they have made in my favour for an equivalent for an estate taken from me in America in New Yorke and for ye opertunitie they have given me of receiving the same from his Grace of Montacue wth. whome I am intirely satisfied' 'etc. Signed, John Evans. Endorsed, Recd. Read 1st Feb., 1721/2. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 17. ff. 238, 238v.]
Feb. 1.
38. Mr. Popple to Horatio Walpole. Encloses copy of 29th Instruction of Governor of Barbados relating to remission of forfeitures, and Mr. Cox's letter, 20th Dec., relating to his suspending payment of a forfeiture in the case of Mary Haselton, to be laid before the Lords Comrs. of the Treasury. [C.O. 29, 14. pp. 293, 294.]
Feb. 2.
39. Mr. Newman to Mr. Popple. Encloses following to be laid before the Board. Concludes:—"I will wait on you for their commands" etc. Signed, Henry Newman. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd, Read 8th Feb., 1721/2. 1 p. Enclosed,
39. i. Extract of letter from Governor Shute to Henry Newman. Boston, 13th Dec. 1721. I remark your petition you laid before the Lords of Trade relating to the powder money of New Hampshire, and have also received letters from Mr. Popple to the same purport. Do therefore sent you a copy of the King's Order etc. (v. Dec. 13. No. ii.) It was adjudged in both Provinces that this latter clause of the Act which you'l find mark'd had a relation to the English shipping, which was the occasion the powder money was not demanded from any English vessels after the receipt of the inclosed order. Desires him to ascertain their Lordships' possitive determination in this matter, which I hope will produce either an order to take it again or else that the Castle of New Hampshire will be supply'd out of the Magazines at home. 1/2 p.
39. ii. Additional instructions to Gov. Shute, 27th Sept, 1717. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 868. ff. 155, 156, 157, 160v.]
Feb. 6.
40. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Carteret. Enclose extracts of letters from Governor Shute, ?Nov. 10th and Dec. 13th, 1721, relating to the conduct of the French and Indians etc. "to be laid before H.M. for his pleasure therein." [C.O. 5, 915. p. 337.]
Feb. 8. 41. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. Recommend Wm. Cockburn for the Council of Jamaica, in room of Samuel Moore (v. 11th Jan.). [C.O. 138, 16. pp. 401, 402.]
Feb. 9.
42. Mr. Cox to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The unhappy fate of my Lord Belhaven does sensibly affect me, as I find myself longer continued in a post wherein I can neither serve my King, nor my Country, in the manner I ought and could, were not my hands tied up, by a Council who choose rather to see the Island go to ruin and confusion, than by concurring with me and the Assembly in the administration, lett me have the honour of quelling the animosities, and retreiving the publick credit, etc. Upon the news of the loss of my Lord Belhaven, I called the Council, but could not get a Quorum to attend me till the fourth appointment; at last (vizt.) the 31st January, I got a bare Quorum, and then laid before them, in the inclosed Speech, the bleeding state of our Country, exhorted them to peace, and pressed them to consider the publick good, and gave them till Tuesday the 6th instant and from thence till Thursday following; But they would neither give me a meeting, nor have any of them (except Mr. Salter and Mr. Lightfoot) thought fitt to vouchsafe me an answer: These two gentlemen are indeed very ready to do their duty, and concurr in any measures for paying the debts, and providing for the support of the Government; Which I wish I could say of any of the rest. My Lords, It is hardly possible to conceive the disorder'd and ruinous state of this Colony. Our Militia, which was once the finest and best disciplined in America, is now so totally neglected that the very officers do not understand the common postures of the firelock, and altho' it be now above six months since the Military Officers made by Mr. Lowther have been restored yet there are many of them, even of the Collonells themselves, who have never once been in the field or so much as once seen their men; nor have they interest enough in the Island to gett Officers for their Regiments. Our forts and batteries are so very ruinous that not above one half of the gunns have carriages, and the matrosses who should guard them are forced to abandon their posts for want of their subsistence money, for the Council will not allow any order to pass for paying of them, or of any other person, and I am confined by my Instructions not to draw any orders for money without their concurrence. Insomuch that the publick credit is entirely lost, and if it were not for the support I could raise among my private freinds; two pyrate ships of 300 men each, might plunder the Island. The French traders land in the night and nail up the gunns of the batterys on the Leeward coast, for want of the matrosses being at their posts; they steal and carry away our negroes, and put prohibited goods on shoar, all my care to the contrary being ineffectual to prevent it, and I can with truth, and hope I may without vanity affirm that no one, who has such difficulties to struggle with as I have, could do more than I have done to that purpose. I think it my duty thus plainly to lay before your Lordships a true state of our affairs, that I may not be answerable for any ill consequences which may hereafter happen, since it is not in my power to suspend any of the Council without the concurrence of a majority of themselves, which can never be expected from men guilty of the same crimes, and therefore I shall not attempt it etc. Unless I have power given me from home to suspend some at least of the Council, so as to make a Quorum of that branch of the Legislature to join with the Assembly and myself in enacting such laws, as are absolutely necessary at this juncture, it will be morally impossible for me to save the Collony from utter ruin. I have been constrained to remove Mr. Gibbes from being Cheif Baron of the Exchequer for attempting to exercise a jurisdiction superiour to, and inconsistent with the jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery (a jurisdiction never heard of in this Island or attempted before; noways warranted either by his Commission, or the institution of the Court) and that too, in defiance of all Law, Equity and Justice, by granting an injunction which had been solemnly argued and denyed by the Court of Chancery (to which Court the Defendant at law had himself first appealed) granting it too without any affidavit made of any equity, and hanging up the cause for several months on a motion to amend the Bill on which the injunction was pretended to be founded, without either allowing or rejecting the motion, and yet the injunction still subsisting without any limitation of time, whereby the recovery at Common Law might have been defeated for many years (as it has already I think some). In this conduct he persisted after my positive orders as Chancellor served on him by the Sergeant at Arms, etc. Signed, Saml. Cox. Endorsed, Recd. 13th, Read 17th April, 1722. 3 pp. [C.O. 28, 17. ff. 254–255v.]
Feb. 9.
43. Same to Same. Yesterday the Assembly nominated John Huggins, William Nevine, and Alured Popple Esqrs. to be Agents of our Island. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 17. ff. 256, 257v.]
Feb. 10.
44. Lord Carteret to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following for their report thereupon. Signed, Carteret. Endorsed, Recd. Read 13th Feb. 1721/2. 3/4 p. Enclosed,
44. i. Memorial of Governor the Duke of Portland to Lord Carteret. Finding that the Laws of Jamaica all expire in 1724, asks for H.M. Instructions as to renewing them. Concludes:—Under the present perplext state of that Island, and from the contending partys there, nothing can contribute more effectually to the relief of the one, and the composeing the other, as that I may have the earlyest occasion given me, of representing to that people H.M. great tenderness and concern for their welfare, in renewing and confirming the said Laws etc. Signed, Portland. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 14. ff. 57, 58, 60v.]
Feb. 10.
45. Governor Phenncy to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to letter and enclosures of 30th, [= ? 26th] Dec. Continues:—Since which I have commissioned officers for three companys of Militia on this Island, one on Harbour Island and two on Ilathera including the few on Cat Island, and appointed two Justices of the Peace for those remote places. I have also made a near computation of the number of Whites and Blacks, and find 470 Whites on Providence, of which 170 may be accounted able to bear arms, 233 Blacks, whereof 90 able to bear arms. On Harbour Island there are 124 whites, of which 28 able to bear arms, and about 5 negroes. On Ilathera there are 150 whites, of which 56 fit to bear arms, 34 negroes whereof 23 able to bear arms. On Cat Island there are about 12 Whites, and 2 or 3 able negroes. That we have but few plantations setled is chiefly owing to the want of an Assembly, by the concurrence of which only we can expect the power to settle the claims of persons to the great waste of lands which now lyes barren, and cant yet escheat them. I would not trouble your Lordships with every particular reason for our desiring an Assembly, not doubting but your Lordships will obtain for us so desirable a good to make us happy and easy. The platform is begun, but the work appearing heavy, and it being now the season for planting of provisions, and cutting of braziletto wood which requires the people to attend the service of their familys, I doubt it will be some months before it is perfected. But I will use my endeavours to forward it with all possible expedition etc. Signed, G. Phenney. Endorsed, Recd. 31st July, Read 7th Aug., 1722. 2 pp. Enclosed,
45. i. List of (19) Officers of Militia of the Bahama Islands. Same endorsement. 1 p.
45. ii. Minutes of Council of the Bahama Islands, 13th Jan., 1722. P. G. Parobow Skynner was suspended from the Council until he clear himself of charges of expressing sympathy with the Pretender, brought against him in affidavits of Lt. MacManus, Mary MacManus, and Sarah Skellit. Copy. 3 1/4 pp. Same endorsement. 3 pp. [C.O. 23, 1. Nos. 45, 45 i, ii.]
Feb. 13.
46. Horatio Walpole to Mr. Popple. The Lords Commissioners of H.M. Treasury desire the opinion of the Council of Trade and Plantations upon the enclosed Memorial. Signed, H. Walpole. Endorsed, Recd. 13th, Read 15th Feb., 1721/2. Addressed. 3/4 p. Enclosed,
46. i. Memorial of Sr. Cha. Cox to the Lords Commrs. of the Treasury, 9th Feb., 1721/2. Prays for payment of £1000 due to his brother Samuel Cox, acting Governor of Barbados, being the moiety of Governor's salary for one year, to 30th June, 1721. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 17. ff. 241, 242, 244v.]
Feb. 13. 47. Mr. West to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Act of Bermuda to supply the deficiency of several funds etc. continues a duty upon goods imported laid by the Acts of 1713 and 1715 for no lesse a term than one and twenty years longer. As a duty of this nature must chiefly affect British goods, I submit how far this Act is consistent with the Governor's Instructions etc. Signed, Richd. West. Endorsed, Recd. 13th Feb., Read 13th June, 1722. 2 pp. [C.O. 37, 10. No. 31.]
Feb. 13.
48. Mr. Popple to Governor Shute. My Lords Commissioners have read a letter from Mr. Newman to me, with the extract of one from you to him, in relation to the Act for powder money to be collected in New Hampshire and the Additional Instruction etc. Their Lordships thought my letter of 18th Aug. last, might have been sufficient to have explain'd the difficulties mentioned in Mr. Newman's memorial (27th July) etc. But since you have thought that the Additional Instruction was a sufficient authority to you to suspend the execution of the foremention'd Act, I am further to inform you that the said Act having been pass'd in 1702, and confirm'd in 1706, the Additional Instruction of 1717, could have no retrospect to the foresaid Act; Besides 'tis plain from the very words of the Instruction, that the restriction therein mention'd, only relates to such Acts as should be pass'd for the future, and therefore their Lordships are of opinion that you ought to take care that the said Act be punctually put in execution according to the true intent and meaning thereof. [C.O. 5, 915. pp. 334, 335.]
Feb. 13.
49. Lord Carteret to Governor Hart. Mathew Mills, Wm. McDowell, Joseph King, Mrs. Susanna Cole and Mrs. Anne Parsons are to remain in quiet enjoyment of the lands granted them in the late French part of St. Christophers, till H.M. shall think fit how to dispose thereof etc. as Dec. 22, 1721. Signed, Carteret. [C.O. 324, 34. pp. 99, 100.]
Feb. 14.
50. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Carteret. Mr. Burnet having 16th Oct. last repeated his instances for obtaining a supply of stores of war for the garrisons [at New York], and having since desired, 2nd of Dec., two additional companies of soldiers to be sent thither, as the only effectual security against the designs of the French, and sure means to keep the Indians true to us by disposing garrisons in proper posts in their country, we take leave to inform your Lordship that we did write to the late Mr. Secretary Craggs concerning the said stores of war on the 14th of Dec., 1720; and if H.M. has not already given any orders concerning the same, we must desire your Lordship wou'd be pleas'd to receive his commands thereupon. Your Lordship[s] will perceive by the inclosed list what Mr. Burnet demands, which having been referr'd to the consideration of the Board of Ordnance they made 1st July, 1720, an estimate and representation thereon. Quoted. But as their present necessities seem to require an immediate supply; we would humbly propose that H.M. may be pleas'd to grant them this further assistance and that Mr. Burnet shou'd be directed to engage the Assembly of New York to make good whatever expence H.M. may be put to upon this occasion. As to what concernes the two Companies, refer to representation of 8th Sept. proposing an augmentation of forces on the Northern and Southern confines, and to Governor Burnet's letters of 16th Oct. and 2nd Dec. 1721, and Mr. Kennedy's Memorial enclosed. [C.O. 5, 1124. pp. 276–279.]
Feb. 16.
51. Governor Nicholson to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Assembly mett the 25th of last month and it is proposed they will break up next Saturday the 24th instant there being several things of moment before them. The Committee of Correspondence by order of the Assembly now write to John Lloyd and send him several papers etc. and he is to wait upon your Lordships concerning them and give an account why Francis Yonge Esq., could not come by this opportunity, but I hope in God he will depart hence in about three weeks by him will be transmitted to your Lordships a full accot. of all our affairs etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Endorsed, Recd. Read 20th April, 1722. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 358. ff. 123, 124v.; and (abstract, with note for reply) 5, 406. p. 4.]
Feb. 16.
52. Bryan Wheelock to Mr. West. Encloses extract of letter of Governor Sir N. Lawes, with a printed copy of the Act of Jamaica, to encourage the settling of the N.E. part of this Island, for his opinion thereupon. [C.O. 138, 16. p. 404.]
Feb. 17.
53. Mr. Popple to Mr. West. Asks for his opinion upon following case: Several laws of Jamaica were confirm'd in 1684 for 21 years only, during which time, in 1688, a Revenue Act pass'd, supposed to have been perpetual, but never confirm'd by the Crown. In 1703 a new Revenue Act pass'd for the space of one and twenty years, whereby all the Laws of Jamaica formerly confirm'd for 21 years by K. Charles II. were further continued for the term of that Act, which was for one and twenty years more, excepting a Revenue Act pass'd in 1683, and a subsequent Act in 1688, which are repeal'd by the above-mentioned law of 1703. But the last mention'd law being only temporary, and it being expressly declar'd therein, that the said Act and all and every clause or clauses therein contain'd, shall be and remain in force for the space of 21 years from 1st Oct., 1703. Query, Whether the two Revenue Acts of 1683 and 1688 thereby intended to be repeal'd, are absolutely repeal'd, or only suspended during the time prescribed for the continuance of the Act in 1703. [C.O. 138, 16. pp. 404, 405.]
[Feb. 20.] 54. [Lt. Col. Laurence Armstrong to the Council of Trade and Plantations]. A list of the vessels that fished at Cansoe in 1721, and fish exported, and of families that intended to settle on that coast. Vessels, 88; burthen, 1,079; men, 602; fish carried to Lisbon, Bilboa etc. 20,972 quintals; besides many open boats carrying fish to Jamaica etc. Supplied by Lt. Col. Armstrong to demonstrate how much advantage Cansoe will be to the Crown in time. It is capable of becoming one of the great ports of North America. Refers to his great losses by shipwreck and great trouble in settling it etc. (v. 18th May). Signed, L. Armstrong. Endorsed, Recd. Read 20th Feb., 1721/2. 2 large pp. in one. [C.O. 217, 4. ff. 44, 44v.]
[Feb. 20.] 55. Extract from the Naval Officer's Books, of the exports from Madera and the Western Islands to Pennsylvania Xtmas 1718–1720. Signed, Tho. Greeme, Naval Officer. Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1721. Endorsed, Recd. 20th Feb., Read 5th July, 1722. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1266. ff. 54, 55, 55v.]
Feb. 22.
56. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Burnet. Enclose Order in Council, 20th Jan., repealing three Acts of New Jersey etc., together with a copy of their Representation, 10th Jan. [C.O. 5, 996. pp. 111, 112.]
Feb. 23. 57. William Tryon to Mr. Popple. Recommends Mr. Mayo, in relation to enclosed, who is going to reside in North America etc. Signed, Willm. Tryon. Endorsed, Recd. 14th Feb., Read 17th April, 1722. 1 p. Enclosed,
57. i (a) Proposals for printing by subscription, a new large and correct map of the Island of Barbadoes in America; with a particular and exact plan of the Bridge-Town etc., by William Mayo. The Royal Society, upon communicating the Map to them, ordered him the thanks of that illustrious body. It is proposed that a prospect of Codrington College etc. shall be added by way of embellishment to the engraving which is to be at least five feet long. Price to subscribers, two guineas each map etc. London. Nov. 20, 1721.
57. i. (b) Verso. Copy of H.M. license to William Mayo for the sole privilege of publishing said Map. Countersigned, Townshend. St. James's, 11th Nov., 1721. Printed. 2 pp. [C.O. 28, 17. ff. 251, 252–253v.]
Feb. 26.
58. Lord Carteret to Lt. Govr. Spotswood. I received on the 28th January your letter of the 20th November last, wherein you desire to know H.M. pleasure, and the opinion of his Council at Law for your direction how to proceed upon the petition lately presented to the Genl. Court of Virginia by sundry of the rebells taken at Preston and transported to Virginia, demanding their freedom after five years, by vertue of the Laws of the Colony, under pretence of their not having entered into indentures. Having referred this matter to the Attorney General, encloses his report with copies of the petitions signed by the sd. rebells at the time that they submitted themselves and implored H.M. clemency on such condition as H.M. should think fit. As these petitions do imply their consent to their transportation, the petition lately presented to the Genl. Court of Virginia can have no weight; and it is H.M. pleasure, that they should remain servants according to the certificates given by you to their masters, that the said masters may not be defrauded by having relied upon the faith of those certificates, which you gave pursuant to H.M. directions, and which must be interpreted to contain the condition, upon which H.M. granted the prayer of the said Rebells' petition for mercy. H.M. has approved your conduct hitherto in this particular, and you will proceed to act, in this case, as you are hereby directed. Signed, Carteret. Annexed,
58. i. Mr. Attorney General to Lord Carteret. Feb. 17, 1721. Report referred to in preceding. Several persons taken in the Rebellion at Preston in 1715 being prisoners some at Lancaster some at Chester made their humble application to H.M. by several petitions confessing their guilt, and praying that instead of bringing them to tryal, H.M. would grant them their lives, and transport them to some other part of his Dominions, or to annex such other conditions to H.M. mercy, as H.M. should think fit. The conditions H.M. was pleased to require were, that they should be transported for seven years, and that they should serve for seven years; This appears by the letter of Earl Stanhope, whereby he signified H.M. pleasure that as well such of those rebells as had signed no indentures in England, as those who had, should be sold there for the term of seven years, and that to intitle the purchasers of the former, which were the greater number, Colonel Spotswood should give certificates, that they were pursuant to H.M. pleasure to continue as servants for that time. This order is binding on these persons as far as they could bind themselves by their own consent; for they having applied to the King, that he would spare their lives on any condition he should think proper, and H.M. having required this of them, they have in effect consented to this very thing; the question then will be whether by their own consent persons may not oblige themselves to serve seven years, tho' not bound by indenture, notwithstanding the Law of Virginia, whereby servants not bound by indenture are not obliged to serve above five years etc. I should apprehend a person by consent may waive the benefit of the Law etc. I think if their petitions were sent over, there is plain evidence of such consent etc. Signed, Robt. Raymond. Copy.
58. ii. Attested copies of five petitions of Rebels to the King in the terms quoted above. [C.O. 324, 34. pp. 100–106.]
Feb. 27.
Rhod Island.
59. Mr. Kay to Mr. Popple. In reply to his letter to Mr. Birchfield of 26th June, 1719, directing him to transmit the Acts of Rhode Island which are prejudicial to Great Britain, refers to an Act lately made for issuing out £40,000 "after that the neighbouring Governmtts. immediatly under the King, had received orders to make no such money, and having passed such another Act before etc., there is now out in bills of creditt upon this Colony £80,000, lett out to interest att five pr. cent: and made lawfull currt. money of this Colony; By which the produce of the countrey is rais'd to an extraordinary price; and the present inhabitants, buy up all the waiste lands; which keep out all others of the King's good subjects; and will never be improv'd, butt by themselves. I presume the merchants will lay their case before the Lords Commissioners of Trade" etc. Signed, Nathll. Kay. Endorsed, Recd. 18th April, Read 9th May, 1722. 3 pp. Enclosed,
59. i. Copy of Act of Rhode Island for raising and emitting £40,000 in bills of credit, by way of loan. Endorsed as preceding. 6 3/4 pp. [C.O. 5, 1266. ff 37–42v],
Feb. 27.
60. Mr. Wheelock to Mr. West. My Lords Commrs. being pressed for their report concerning the Revenue Act of Jamaica, desire reply to 17th etc. [C.O. 138, 16. p. 406.]
Feb. 28.
St. James's.
61. H.M. Warrant granting leave of absence from Virginia to William Byrd for 18 months. Countersigned, Carteret. Copy. [C.O. 324, 34. p. 108.]