Aug. 2. Suffolk Street. |
169. Rev. W. Gordon to the Council of Trade and Plantations. At ye last Court of Grand Sessions in Barbadoes there
were very extraordinary proceedings against me and my friends,
in our absence, and several bills of indictment prefer'd and found.
Application was made in our behalf to ye Clerc of ye Crown for
copies of all ye proceedings, wch. being matters of record he
could not justify ye refusal of, but he did the same in effect, by
demanding £157l. 10s. 0d. as fees for ye copies, wch. my Attorneys
there did not think proper to give etc. Prays to be allowed to
take copies from the copy transmitted to the Board, in order to
apply to H.M. for redress. Signed, W. Gordon. Endorsed,
Recd. Read 2nd Aug., 1720. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 15. No. 96.] |
Aug. 2. Councill Chamber, Whitehall. |
170. Order of Lords Justices in Council. Upon hearing
the claim of William Lord Craven (v. July 20) and Mr. Attorney
General on behalf of the Crown, ordered that Sir Robt. Raymond
H.M. Attorney General do forthwith bring a scire facias for the
vacating the Letters Patents made by King Charles II to the
Proprietors of the Bahama Islands, and for resuming the same
into the Crown, pursuant to the Address of the House of Peers
in 1705. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. Read
11th Jan., 1720/21. 2 pp. [C.O. 23, 1. No. 28.] |
Aug. 2. Whitehall. |
171. Mr. Delafaye to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
The Lords Justices remind you of the state of H.M. Plantations,
which, when you attended their Excys. 19th July, you were
directed to lay before them. Their Excys. upon your Representation praying for an additional two rooms, etc. etc.
(v. 28th July) direct that you should apply to my Lord Chamberlain that he may write to my Lord Stanhope for H.M. Orders.
etc. They command me to write to Sr. Robert Sutton and to
Mr. Pulteney to solicit the French Court for an order to their
subjects to confine their Fishery to the limits prescribed by
the Treaty at Utrecht: and also to signify their Excys. pleasure
to the Secretary at War that he take care of dispatching the
proper orders for removing three Companys of Col. Philips'
Regiment from Placentia to Annapolis Royal. Signed, Ch.
Delafaye. Endorsed, Recd. Read Aug. 3rd, 1720. 1½ pp.
[C.O. 323, 8. No. 12.] |
Aug. 4. Whitehall. |
172. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Duke of
Newcastle. Refer to their application to the Lords Justices
28th July. Continue:—We have received their Excellencies
orders to apply to your Grace, that you may write to my Lord
Stanhope and desire him to obtain H.M. orders for building
two additional rooms to our Office etc. v. C.S.P. 9th Jan.,
1718. [C.O. 389, 37. pp. 186, 187.] |
Aug. 4. Treasury Chambers. |
173. Mr. Stanhope to Mr. Delafaye. Mr. Walpole, the
Auditor of the Plantacons, having represented to my Lords
of the Treasury the arbitrary proceedings of the Assembly of
New York in taking into their owne hands the sole management
of the Revenues raysed for the support of H.M. Civil Government and entirely excluding the Officers of the Crown from any
concerne therein contrary to antient practise and in defiance
of H.M. prerogative their Lordships desire the said Representation to be laid before the Lords Justices for their orders etc.
Signed, C. Stanhope. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1085. No. 29.] |
Aug. 4. Whitehall. |
174. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Justices.
Governor Shute having informed us (v. 9th Sept., 17th Dec.
1719) that Monsr. Vaudrevil Governor of Canada has refused
to restore several of our captives etc., we humbly offer that
H.M. Ministers at the Court of France be directed to complain
of this infraction of the Treaty of Utrecht and to require an
order for their immediate releasement. [C.O. 5, 915. p. 313.] |
Aug. 4. Whitehall. |
175. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Delafaye.
Reply to Aug. 2. We have made some progress in the draft of
a Representation, etc. By reason of the multiplicity of books
and papers the same is drawn from, it will necessarily take some
time etc. [C.O. 324, 10. p. 282.] |
Aug. 6. Annapolis Royal. |
176. Governor Philipps to Mr. Popple. Acknowledges
letter of 26th Aug. last, "with instructions for raiseing hemp
and makeing tarr etc., which I shall take care to promote when
the circumstances of this Province will admit thereof." Signed,
R. Phillips. Endorsed, Recd. 26th Nov. 1720. 1 p. [C.O. 217,
3. No. 14; and 218, 1. p. 486.] |
[? Aug. 6.] Annapolis Royal. |
177. Governor Philipps to the Council of Trade and Plantations. As there are not frequent oppertunities of correspondence between this place and Great Brittain, I am carefull
to make use of such as offer to acquaint your Lordships with
the posture of affaires in this Province. Matters continue here
in the same situation, in regard to the French inhabitants,
who seem yet undetermined which party to choose, tho' if
left to themselves would certainly embrace that of enjoyeing
their possessions, by becomming subjects to Great Brittain,
but the neighbouring French Governors, finding that these
people will no longer be serviceable to their interest after
sweareing allegiance; and judging (too well) of the consequence
of wanting such a number of hands, to strengthen and improve
their Collonys are makeing use of all stratagems to draw them
to their party, to this end the priests are all assembled at Minas
to be nearer to Cape Breton, where their great Council is held,
between which places they are continually passing and repassing,
from whence they disperse false pacquetts, and insinuations
among the people, as fast as they can be coyn'd. Among other
things they are told that the promise made them of injoying
their religion is but a chimera, and what they must not depend
on, for they will quickly be reduced to the same state with H.M.
Popish subjects in Ireland and their priests denyed them; I
indeavour all I can to undeceive them, but scarce hope to find
more credit with them than their priests. If these prevaile, here
will be a great many fine possessions become vacant. I beleive
it would not be difficult to draw as many people almost from New
England, as would supply their room, if it wear not robbing a
neighbouring Collony, and perhaps not gaining much by the
exchange, therefore hope there are schemes forming at home
to settle this Colony with British subjects in the spring, before
which time these inhabitants do not think of moveing, haveing
the benefit of the inlargement of time I granted untill such time
I shall receive your Lordships farther commands: What is
to be apprehended in the resetling these farms is disturbance
from the Indians who do not like to hear of the French goeing
off and will not want prompting unto mischief. Encloses
following. The convention therein mentioned, was an affair
transacted by General Nicholson, who can give the best account
thereof; and how far H.M. stands obliged to make good at
this time of day, what should have been executed seven yeares
agoe according to that Treaty. The want of the presents
which I have expected for the Indians, has made me delay
speaking with them hitherto, but finding it no longer adviseable
to deferr that matter (upon information that the discontented
French are daily practising to possess them with notions of
some ill designs formed by the Government against them) have
sent an express over the Bay (where the most considerable of
them keep) to assemble their Chiefs with whom I shall indeavour
to settle a peaceable, and friendly corrispondence, but I am
sorry to find the French have so well made their advantage of
our neglect of this countrey, that their Government prevailes
both among the inhabitants and natives, and the Kings
authority (which is confined within this fort, for want of meanes
to extend, and diffuse it's influence over the several inhabited
parts) is in a manner despised, and ridiculed; This I have the
mortification to experience almost every day in many respects,
perticularly by letters that have fallen into my hands from
some principall officers of Cape Bretton, wherein the people
addressed to, are told, that they may for forme sake, apply to
me, but in case I do not grant their request, they may follow
their own inclination. These things (with submission) require
speedy and effectuall redress, that H.M. authority may be better
maintained and supported within this Province. Nothing
shall be wanting on my part towards doeing my duty, but whilst
I am shut up within this garrison, without the necessary conveniency
of lookeing abroad, the people of Minas and Chignecto
know very well they are out of my power and in spite of anything
I can doe to obstruct carry on a clandestine trade with Cape
Breton, which they supply yearly with corn and cattle in
exchange for the woollen and linnen manufactures of France.
These practices may in a great measure be prevented and the
people kept in better obedience, if I might be permitted to hire
and arm a sloop, with some troops of the Garrison, when occasion
requires to visit the settlements, and observe their actions the
charge of which will be inconsiderable compared with that of a
station ship which will cost the Government three or four
thousand pounds pr. annum, and this not more than £400, one
year with another, and that service every [? way] answered;
And if I durst propose what I think farther necessary towards
the retrieving the affaires of this Province and settling it with
safety, it would be the addition of 100 men, this Garrison being
too small to supply all dutys, that may be required in the
several services of this Goverment in its present scittuation.
I have wrote to the Governor of Quebec (according to my
instructions) to propose his sending Commissioners in conjunction with those who shall be appointed on the part of H.M.
for settling the boundaryes of the Province, but have not yet
received his answer. As to the trade of this country (to which
I have not yett had time to speake) it is intirely hitherto in
favour of Boston, consisting in fish, furrs, feathers and oyle;
Of the first there is not less than 80 or 100,000 quintalls catched
a season by the vessells of New England, which they carry to
all the markets of Portugal the Mediterranean and West Indies;
the furr trade is carryed on by four or five sloops who make
three voyages in the yeare, bringing with mostly West
Indie commodityes, and provissions of New England with
some European goods, all which they put off here
sometimes at 4 or 500 pr. cent. and carry away by
computation 9 or £10,000 worth of furrs yearly, without
paying the least duty or import towards the support
of this Goverment, which is without any settled fund, to bear
the necessary contingencys thereof, which must fall a charge
upon the Goverment at home, while those people reap all the
proffit; there is likewise in the upper part of the Bay a very
good coal mine, which the people of Boston fetch at their
pleasure not only without paying any acknowledgement to
the Lord of the Mannor (His Majesty) but without the good
manners to ask his leave. By the next I shall have the honour
to transmit the Minutes of Council with the several orders
thereupon, which hitherto have not been very materiall. If
I am too circumstantiall in my account of matters, it is from a
desire of informing your Lordships of the true state of this H.M.
Province, that proper measures may be taken in every case
toward settling and secureing this countrey under H.M. obedience. R. Philipps. Endorsed, Recd. 20th Nov., Read 1st Dec.
1720. Undated. 10¾ pp. Enclosed, |
177. i. Governor St. Ovide de Brouillan to Governor Philipps.
Louisbourg, 8th June (N.S.), 1720. I profit by the
return of Father Justinien to congratulate you on your
safe arrival and to thank you for your letter and good
faith etc. I shall give all my care to maintain with you
the union of the two Nations etc. As to the savages,
I have always inclined them to peace and quiet; I
do not know up to the present that they have contravened it etc. Father Justinien informs me of the
precise orders which you have given to the inhabitants
of Nova Scotia to take the oath or withdraw, that is
apparently those whom you mean by the natives of the
country of whom you speak to me in your letter;
I have tried no less when occasion served to inspire
in them a spirit of tranquility to the best of my power,
but, Sir, however just may be the resolution you have
taken to determine them in consequence of the express
orders of the King your Master, you will allow me to
represent to you that the inaction in which these
people have remained up to the present, neither can
nor ought to be imputed as a crime to them, both on
account of the lack of the essential aid for their
transmigration and on account of the obstacles put
in their way by the Governors who have preceded you.
I cannot refrain, Sir, from declaring to you that the
two clauses of your Proclamation which relate to
the term and the circumstances of their evacuation
appear to me to be scarcely in accordance with the
assurances of good will which they had from the Court
of England above all after a Treaty and a Convention
of good faith between the late Queen and King Louis
XIV, a Treaty which has been executed in its entirety
by France and in part by England. You are aware
Sir, that by this Convention the fate of the inhabitants
of Nova Scotia was and should be the same as that
of the inhabitants of Placentia, nothing could exceed
the graciousness and good faith with which that
evacuation was carried out, and I shall have the honour
to represent to you that nothing could be harder than
the extremity or rather the impossibility to which
these poor people would be reduced if you refused to
relax in any degree the limit of time you have allowed
them and the manner of their departure which you
exact, etc. Signed, St. Ovide de Brouillan. Endorsed,
Recd. 26th Nov. Read 1st Dec. 1720. French.
3¾ pp. [C.O. 217, 3. Nos. 15, 15.i.; and (without
enclosure) 218, 1. pp. 486–493; and (abstract of
letter) 217, 30. pp. 10, 11.] |
Aug. 8. London. |
178. Lt. Governor Hart to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Your letters of 7th and 26th Aug., 1719 did not come
to my hands untill 28th April, which I instantly communicated
to the Council. Refers to their proceedings thereon (No. i).
As to the Boundaries of Maryland, his account must be imperfect,
being done at a great distance from the place etc. Continues:
There yet remains of that Province uncultivated a vast tract
of land, from the falls of Pattowmeck, to the first fountains of
that river (which was never yet discover'd) to the 40th degree
of Northern Latitude, the limitts prescrib'd by the Lord Baltemore's Charter. This tract, by the report of the Indn. traders,
and of the natives who dwell on it, is of much greater extent,
and a more promising soil, than what is now inhabitted in Maryland; tho' for rich and fruitful land, fine prospects, stately and
useful trees, and numbers of capacious, safe and beautiful
rivers, it yields to none in North America. I have, during my
Government always preserv'd a good understanding with the
neighbor Indians: and it is principally from their intelligence,
I have the information I now offer etc. About 30 miles from
the falls of Pattowmeck, is a remarkable high mountain, from its
figure called the Sugar Loaf, which is part of that ridge of mountain that rises to the southward of Carolina, and extends to the
River St. Lawrence in Canada, on the back of all, and in many
places approaches very near the British Plantations. The
River Pattowmeck, which is 200 miles navigable for the Royal
Navy, runs from the South, and has its course most North,
within a few miles of the Sugar-loaf Mountain; near which is
another large River, whose course is directly south, and is said
to be a considerable branch of the Missisipi: Now it is observ'd
both by the traders and Indians, that all the rivers, branches
and springs, on the confines of Virginia and Maryland, whose
current tends nor'ward fall into Pattowmeck: on the other side
all rivers etc. that tend southward empty themselves into
Missisipi. On my enquiring of the Indians, how far it was to
the great River (for they know Missisipi by no other name) from
the falls of Pattowmeck, they answered, six suns, that is, six
days march which computed at 30 miles in a day, makes 180.
Again I demanded how far it was from the falls to the great
northern lakes; they reply'd eight s[uns], that is 240 miles.
These Lakes are the known [? fountains] of the Missisipi to the
southward, and of St. La[wrence] to the nor'ward. This
account of the Indians, I find agreeable to the dis[?cription]
given me by those who trade with them from [?other] parts of
ye Plantations; and has a better confirm[ation] from what
Colonel Spotswood, H.M. Lt. Governor of Virginia, imparted
to me in March past, that the French traders had advanced so
far from [their] new settlements on Missisipi, as to attempt the
carr[ying] over to their interest, several Indian Nations in
[?alliance] with Virginia; But that those Nations had rejected
[their] offers, and given him assurance, they wou'd not
relin[quish] their antient friendship with the English. Your
Lordsps. may please to observe that Maryland [is in] the center
of the Plantations,and that Virginia[is] only next door to it.
The French never make settlements abroad, but [they]
immediately erect forts for their security (the wa[nt] of which
in my humble opinion, is a great defect in our Colonies) and it
is reported on all hands they [have] strongly fortified themselves,
at convenient distan[ces] both on Missisipi, and on the Lakes, to
preserve communication with Quebec. By this intercous[rse]
from the northern to the southern seas, the French will engross
the valuable inland trade of furrs and [ ] also place
a girdle on all the British C[olonies] which how heavy hereafter
it may sit on [their] loins, is submitted to your Lordsps. great
wisdom and penetration by etc. Signed, Jo. H[art]. Endorsed,
Recd. Read 9th Aug., 1720. 3 pp. Enclosed, |
178. i. Copy of Minutes of Council of Maryland, showing
their proceedings in obedience to instructions of 7th
and 26th Aug., 1719, for the furthering of the making
of pitch and tar etc. and of a proclamation, 29th April
1720, advertising the clause in the Act against the
clandestine running of uncustomed goodsand requiring a
more strict examination thereof etc. Annapolisl, 28th
April, 1720. Same endorsement. 11¾ pp. [C.O. 5,
717. Nos. 83, 83.i.] |
Aug.9. Admiralty office. |
179. Mr. Burchett to Mr.Popple. My Lords Commrs. of
the Admty. desire you will lay the enclosed before the Lords
Commrs. for Trade etc. Signed, J.Burchett. Endorsed, Recd.
11th Aug. 1720. Read 5th July, 1722. Addressed. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
179. i. Mr.Bridger to Mr. Burchett. Portsmouth, 25th June,
1720. More than 400 pine trees have been cut here
without licence, upon unappropriated lands etc. The
Agent to Mr. Taylor agreed with people here to cut
mast trees to load 6 ships, without giving me notice.
I have the contract, and there are but 2 ships' loadings
contracted for these years etc. Last week I prosecuted
three persons (v. 25th June supra) etc.; and notwithstanding they confessed themselves to be the cutters,
yet because I could not prove that those trees were
cut upon unappropriated land, I was cast etc. So
long as the owners probandi must lye upon the King,
no officer will ever be able to prove a tree's being cutt,
for the people are all of a party against the King etc.
as 25th June supra. Signed, J. Bridger. Copy. 1½ pp.
[C.O. 5, 868. ff. 270, 271, 271v, 273v.] |
Aug. 9. Whitehall. |
180. Mr. Delafaye to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Encloses following papers, which may be of use in relation to
the general state which you are directed to prepare of H.M.
Plantations in America. The Lords Justices direct that if you
observe anything in them that may require immediate orders
to be given, you should forthwith represent the same to them.
I am also ordered to transmit to your Lordships for your consideration the enclosed copy of a memorial from Mr. Horace
Walpole Auditor of ye Plantations to the Lords Commissioners
of the Treasury. Remainder of letter refers to the French and
English in Africa etc. Signed, Ch. Delafaye. Endorsed, Recd.
12th, Read 15th Aug., 1720. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
180. i. Governor Philipps to the Lords Justices. Annapolis
Royall, May 26th, 1720. I arrived the middle of
Aprill being the earliest season that sloops come upon
this coast, etc. At my landing, I made a review of
the garrison, and fortifications; the first of which
I found compleat, and in very good condition, excepting a few old men, but the place in as bad state as is
possible to describe, both within, and without with
severall practicable breaches, so wide, that tenn men
might enter a breast, which considering our present
scittuation, with the French inhabitants, and Indians
has obliged me contrary to the resolutions of the
board of Ordnance, to direct the Engineer to make
some necessary repairs on the works. The third day
after my arrival here I was visited by the Priest of this
district of Annapolis, at the head of 50 lusty young men,
as if he meant to appear formidable, whom I recieved
as civilly as possible, and after giving them assurances
of H.M. favour, and protection, caused the priest to
read to them one of the Proclamations I had prepared,
according to my Instructions, and will (I hope) be
found exactly conformable thereto (v. No. ii). I
asked him afterward if he did not allow that H.M.
condescention therein expressed did not exceed even
the people's expectation, he answered that H.M. was
very gracious, but that the people were not at liberty
to swear allegiance, because in Generall Nicholson's
time, they had sett their hands unanimously to an
obligation of continuing subjects of France, and
retiring to Cape Breton, and that for another reason
that they were sure of having their throats cutt by
the Indians, whenever they became English men,
he was answered to both very fully, and the true
interest of the people demonstrated but arguments
prevaile little, without a power of enforcing, for the
case is that they find themselves for severall years
the only inhabitants of a large country except the small
garrison of this place, which having been so much
neglected they make noe account of, and began to
think they had as much right as any other. They
were indeed very much surprised, at the arrival of
a Chiefe Governour which they never expected, often
saying that person was not born, and therefore are
getting out of his way as fast as they can, as you will
find by the sequel, that so being once joined in a body,
with the help of the Indians to favour their retreat,
they can march off at their leisure, by the way of the
Bay of Vert, with their effects, and destroy what
they leave behind, without the danger of being molested
by this Garrison, which scarce suffices to secure the
Fort in its present condition. To return to my
Journal, the next day I sent a proclamation up the
River with a letter to the Priest to require him to
assemble all his people, and to read it to them againe,
and when they had considered well of it, to send me
their answer, which they did much sooner than I
expected (being I suppose determined, before hand)
(v. No. iii). Whilst these matters passed I made
choice of the King's Councill (v. No. iv), and after
duly qualifying ourselves, according to law, by taking
and subscribing the oaths required, and my Commission read, I acquainted them with what passed
in relation to the French inhabitants of this River,
and who expected my reply to their paper, upon which
it was agreed, that a letter be wrote to order them to
send six Deputys to represent the whole, with whom
I would conferr (v. No. v). I allso acquainted the
Councill that I intended the next day to send some of
the Proclamations to the chiefe settlements, at Minas,
and Chignecto, with a letter to each, which had their
approbation (No. vi). I had at this time information
that the Priest of this River, absented himself the same
night he sent me his letter, but supposing him not
farr off, I wrote to him very civilly (v. No. vii.) I am
told since he is gone to Menis to consult with his
bretheren there (of mischief no doubt) as may be
gathered from his letter. The Deputys of this River
now presented themselves as required, and the Councill
assembled, but two of the six being found improper
persons to manage the intrest of the people, as having
no possessions, or effects to loose, they were returned,
with a second letter to the inhabitants to choose two
of the most substantial persons in their stead. Tho'
I had reason to expect nothing less from this procedure
than a thankfull complyance, with what was demanded for their own good, instead thereof they tooke
this occasion of shewing their contempt of H.M.
Government by refusing to alter their first choice
(v. No. ix), however I granted their request to send
two persons to Cape Breton for advice in the measures
they should take, being glad to make use of that
opportunity of writing to the Governor (v. No. x).
During these transactions they have on all sides been
practising with the Indians who are intirely in their
interest, to gett them to play their part, and to assert
their native right to this country, in opposition to
that of H.M., for which end I am told they are assembling. The Chiefe of this River Indians, who are but
few and inconsiderable amongst the rest, has been with
me accompanied with half a score others, and desired
me to resolve him if the French were to leave the
country whether the two Crownes, were in allyance,
whether I intended to debarr them of their Religion,
or disturb them in their traffick, to all which querys,
I answered to sattisfaction, and sent them away in
good humour, promising they would be very peaceable
while the Union lasted between the two Crownes;
I must observe here that I have hitherto deferr'd
sending for the Chiefs of the other Indians expecting
every day the arrival of the presents I applyed for,
and were preparing to be sent before I came from
home, and can never be more serviceable then at this
juncture. In the mean time have signified my intentions to them. This morning I had intelligence
that the inhabitants of this River are hard at worke
in opening a communication through the woods,
to Minas (which was formerly a road) in order to
retire thither with their cattle, and effects, and had
sent to Minas that those people might doe the same
on theire side, upon which (with the advice of the
Councill) I dispatched an order to both places to stop
them (No. x). At the same time arrived the Deputys
from Minas, and a letter from theire body, with another
from one of the King's Councill, by whom I had sent
up the Proclamations, and was directed to make his
best observations, of their behaviour and designes,
which being read before the Councill the whole proceedings was then taken into consideration and it
was agreed, that whereas my Instructions direct me
to acquaint you with the effect of the Proclamation
and that I have neither order nor power sufficient to
drive these people out, nor prevent their doing what
damages they please to their houses and possessions,
and likewise for the sake of gaining time and keeping
all things quiet till I shall have the honour of your
farther commands in what manner to act, that it is
most for H.M. service, to send home the deputys, with
smooth words, and promise of enlargement of time,
whilst I transmitt their case home and receive H.M.
farther direction therein. Thus stands the present
posture of affaires here in the course of which I hope
my conduct may have the honour of your approbation,
at least so farr, as I have not err'd from my Instructions, except in enlarging the time of evacuation,
which was by advice of the King's Councill. I
account it a misfortune that the beginning of my
Government has afforded matter of trouble, and
difficulty. It is a hard, and uneasy task (in my
circumstances) to manage a people, who will neither
believe nor hearken to reason (unless it comes out of
the mouth of their priests), and at the same time to
keep up the honour and dignity of Government. If
they are permitted to remaine upon the footing they
propose, it is very probable, they will be obedient to
Government as long as the two Crownes continue in
allyance, but in case of a rupture, will be so many
enemys in our bosom and I cannot see any hopes, or
likelyhood, of making them English, unless it was
possible to procure these priests to be recalled, who
are tooth and naile against the Regent, not sticking
to say openly that it is his day now, but will be theirs
anon, and having others sent in their stead, which
(if any thing) may contribute in a little time to make
some change in their sentiments, and give them
opportunity of opening their eyes, which hitherto,
are shutt even to their own interest; Like care must
be taken to prevent the Governour of Cape Bretons
carrying on his secret correspondence with them,
and our Indians, to whom he yearly makes presents,
to secure them in the French interest. As to the
Indians all mischief that they are capable of acting
is to be expected from them whenever the inhabitants
are obliged to retire, many of whom will joyne them in
disguise to disturb us in the building any fortifications,
and as they are not a people that can be mett with in
open field, I can advise no better expedient, than that
the Government be at the charge, of taking 200 of
the Mohoc Indians from New Yorke side into the
service, which will be no great expence, who being
a terror to these, and allways faithfull to the English,
will in my humble opinion be of very good consequence,
toward the settling this country. But all this I
submitt to your better judgment. You will be
pleased to observe that the lands at Minas, which
afford great quantitys of wheat yearly, and the best
farms as yett in the country, are liable to be all drowned
by cutting a dike, which the inhabitants at going off,
will not want ill nature to doe. It would be great
pitty those farmes should want inhabitants when
vacated by the French, and great inconveniency to
the Garrison which they supply with plenty of fresh
provision; I have sent a paper to Newfoundland to
be communicated to the people there to acquaint them
with H.M. desire of their removing to this country
by a sloop I sent express with some provisions for
the Garrison of Placentia, being accidentally informed
that no store ship was arrived there in the Fall, and
that they were in apprehenson of want, and made use
of the same opportunity for drawing one company
from thence, as a small reinforcement to this place,
which I hope will meet with approbation. Whilst
I am writing this, Deputy's from the inhabitants of
this river, who had disobeyed command in the choice
of their representatives, and were cutting the communication to Minas, are come with a submission,
signed by the body (enclosed), so that I am not out
of hopes, by keeping up the authority of Governmt.
amongst them to bring them to obedience, they say
they will oblige themselves to be good subjects in
every respect, excepting that of taking up armes
against the King of France, and I would humbly
propose that if an oath were formed, for them to take,
whereby they should oblige themselves, to take up
armes, against the Indians if required, to live quietly
and peacably in their houses, not to harbour nor give
any manner of assistance to any of the King's enemys,
to acknowledge H.M. right to these countrys, and pay
obedience, to his Government, and to hold their lands
of the King by a new tenure, instead of holding them
as at present from the Lords of Mannors, who are now
at Cape Breton, where at this day they pay their rent:
How farr this may be thought sufficient to qualifie
them as subjects to the Crowne of Great Brittan.
I have but one thing more to offer, which is, that
schemes might be sett on foot at home for settling
the Eastern coast, which would soon putt this country
in a condition of being (instead of a charge as it is
now) the most beneficiall Collony to Great Brittan
of any in America, etc. Signed, R. Philipps. Endorsed,
Recd. 12th. Read 19th Aug., 1720. 10 pp. Enclosed, |
180. ii. Proclamation by Governor Philipps. Annapolis
Royal, 10th April, 1720. Although the French inhabitants of Nova Scotia have, by their obstinacy and
neglect, allowed the time stipulated in the Treaty of
Utrecht for their taking an oath of allegiance to H.M.
or withdrawing from the country with their effects,
H.M. in his great indulgence and favour grants them
an extension of four months from this date to take
the said oath, promising, to all those who shall conform
thereto, the free exercise of their religion and that
they shall enjoy civil rights and privileges as if they
were English, so long as they shall behave like good
and faithful subjects of H.M., and that their goods
and possessions shall descend to their heirs. But it
is positively forbidden to those who shall choose to
leave the country to do any kind of damage to their
houses or possessions, or to alienate, dispose of or
carry away with them any of their effects, etc. Endorsed, Recd. 12th, Read 15th Aug., 1720. Copy.
French. 1 p. |
180. iii. Governor Philipps to Revd. Father Justinien Durand,
Recollet. Annapolis Royal, 30th April, 1720. I
command you to read preceding in full Assembly and
thereafter to display it on the door of the Chapel etc.
If you have anything to offer me on your part, I shall
be very ready to agree to any reasonable demands etc.
Signed, R. Philipps. Endorsed as preceding. Copy.
French. 1 p. |
180. iv. Father Justinien Durand to Governor Philipps.
I assembled the inhabitants and read them the Proclamation (No. ii.) etc. Encloses their reply. I left
them entirely at liberty to take whichever course they
thought the most advantageous. If your Excellency
does not think fit to grant what they ask of you, I
beg you to permit me to withdraw to Isle Royale,
in order that the troubles that may arise may not be
imputed to me. I am and shall be very far from
fomenting trouble etc. In a country like this, open
to all who wish to plunder and maltreat them, the
shortest way is to leave it at once when one has no
longer any claim there, etc. Signed, Justinien Durand,
Recollet indigne. Same endorsement. Copy. French.
1 p. |
180. v. French Inhabitants of the River to Governor Philipps.
We have assembled to reply to your Proclamation
(No. ii). It is notorious that we cannot take the
oath to his Britannic Majesty without running a very
certain risk of being slaughtered in our houses by the
savages who threaten us every day. This, Sir, is why
we cannot make any other oath than this, namely,
to be faithful to King George, without being obliged
to take arms against anyone. This we very humbly
entreat you to be willing to accept, promising to keep
it faithfully. Your Excellency will see plainly that
it is the savages whom we fear, inasmuch as we are
all ready to abandon all our wealth to save our lives,
and if your Excellency cannot allow us to remain
here upon this oath, we humbly beg you to allow a
little more time to withdraw, it being almost impossible
in so short a time, the country being bare of provisions
by the sowing recently made etc., and therefore we
pray you to grant us the favour of carrying away the
effects we have to support our lives, hoping that your
Excellency will allow us to go to Isle Royal to ask for
aid in withdrawing, it being impossible for us to
withdraw by ourselves in so short a time, the greater
part of us having no carts, we hope you will graciously
allow those of us who have carts to withdraw with them,
or to hire or buy them etc. Signed, Nicholas Lavigne
and 135 other French inhabitants. Same endorsement.
Copy. French. 1½ pp. |
180. vi. Names and qualifications of H.M. Councill for Nova
Scotia. (i) John Doucett, Lt. Governor, and a person
of great worth, and honour. (ii) Lawrence Armstrong
Major to the Regiment, and long acquainted with the
affaires of this country. (iii) Paul Mascaransq, Chief
Enginier, and a person of great prudence, and capacity.
(iv) John Harrison, Chaplaine to the Garrison, of
long standing. (v). Cyprian Southeck, a very honest
man, often employ'd in the service of these countrys
and of great benefittt to the Publick by his mapps,
and draughts. (vi) Hibert Newton, Collector of
H.M. Customes an honest person. (vii) Aurthur
Savage, merchant, removed from Boston to settle
here. (viii) John Adams, merchant, an inhabitant of
long standing in this place and a man of sense.
(ix) William Skeen, Surgeon to the Garrison, a gentleman of learning, and read in the Civil Law. (x) Peter
Boudre, an English man, and inhabitant of this place
reputed an honest man. (xi) William Sheriff, Commissary of the Musters. (xii) Guilliam Philipps, son
to an eminent merchant of Boston. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
180. vii. Governor Philipps to the French inhabitants of
the River of Annapolis Royal and neighbourhood.
Annapolis Royal, 30th April, 1720. Commands them
to send six representatives with full powers to treat
with him on 4th May, concerning the Proclamation
etc. (No. ii). Signed, R. Philipps. Same endorsement.
Copy. 1 p. |
180. viii. Governor Philipps to the Inhabitants of Minas.
Annapolis Royal, April 28, 1720. (a) Encloses Proclamation and invites them to take the oath to H.M.
Concludes: I await your reply by Father Felix and
four deputies chosen by you etc. (b) Same to the
Inhabitants of Chignecto. As preceding, but concluding:—As a token of my readiness to be of service to
you, I have granted permission to the bearers of this
letter to embark from Mines 50 barrels of grain to be
sold amongst you for your subsistance, without being
obliged to return first with it to this port, and according
to your merits you will have other proofs of my good
will. Signed, R. Philipps. Same endorsement. French.
Copy. 2 pp. |
180. ix. Governor Philipps to Father Durand. Annapolis
Royal, 2nd May, 1720. I was very much surprised to
learn that you had absented yourself from the head of
the River without my leave. My design is to treat
both you and the inhabitants with all kindness you
could wish etc. Notwithstanding this proceeding on
your part, I have a true esteem for your person and
character, and you can have free access to me without
fear, as I am ready to satisfy all reasonable demands,
etc. Signed, R. Philipps. Same endorsement. Copy.
French. 1¾ pp. |
180. x. Same to the inhabitants of the River of Annapolis
Royal and neighbourhood. Annapolis Royal, 7th
May, 1720. Order to elect two deputies of standing
and estate in place of two of the six chosen but lacking
in such qualifications. Signed and endorsed as preceding.
Copy. French. 1 p. |
180. xi. Inhabitants of Annapolis Royal to Governor Philipps.
14th May (N.S.), 1720. We have chosen six deputies
to represent and act for us etc. Signed, J. Duan and
103 others. Same endorsement. Copy. French. 1 p. |
180. xii. Same to Same. Annapolis Royal, 20th May, (N.S.)
1720. Reply to No. x. We cannot comply, since these
are the most suitable deputies we can find etc. Ask
for permission for two or three representatives to go
to Isle Royale in order to consult the Governor there,
etc. We cannot take the oath required, and must
withdraw and send at once for carts etc. Signed, J.
Duon and 109 others. Same endorsement. Copy.
French. 3 pp. |
180. xiii. [? Governor Philipps to ? Governor St. Ovide de
Brouillan.] Refers to previous letter and encloses copy
of Proclamation. (No. ii.) Continues: As one could
not reasonably expect anything but a peaceable submission to the forms prescribed, founded as they were
on the Treaty etc., so H.M. cannot but be surprised
to learn that, instead, they are now endeavouring to
disturb the peace of this Government by intriguing
with the savages to assemble on this occasion to uphold
their birthright to this country, and I am informed
that they may do it in tumultuous fashion, the
fatal consequences of which in case any act of
hostility is committed must inevitably tend to the
confusion of those who are the promoters thereof:
and it is very evident that the French inhabitants are
these same persons, both by some expressions which
they have let fall on this head, as that they hoped
that we should separate good friends etc., and by some
signs of contempt they have recently shown to my
authority, and what gives me the more reason to
suspect that there is some evil and rash design on foot,
is the sudden departure of Father Justinien who never
absented himself before without the knowledge and
consent of the Governor. I have given them all the
proofs of my good will and the mildness of my Government possible in the short time I have been amongst
them. But as their priests have always taught them
to regard themselves as subjects of France, and to
observe the counsel and direction of the Governor of
Isle Royale, they have now asked my permission to
send deputies for your advice in this affair, to which I
have the more readily assented because I do not doubt
that you are fully informed of the intention of His
Most Christian Majesty to maintain a close and inviolable alliance between the two Crowns, and that
therefore you will not make any other use of the power
and influence you have over this people than to persuade them to take the measures which will lead to
their own good, and at the same time to preserve the
peace and tranquility of these countries, and I cannot
but think that whatever happens in this matter,
whether good or ill, it will naturally be construed as
the effect and consequence of your counsel, etc. Same
endorsement. Copy. French. 2 pp. |
180. xiv. Proclamation by Governor Philipps. Annapolis
Royal, 18th May, 1720. Notwithstanding the favours
and intentions of kindness of H.M. towards the French
inhabitants of this Province which I have published
in a Proclamation etc. (No. ii), and that I have since
put into practice all possible measures for their welfare
and interest, the said inhabitants have hitherto only
replied to these demonstrations of goodwill by
ingratitude, and above all by their extreme contempt
and disobedience to what I had required of them,
which was only for their own good present and future,
as also by the enterprise which I am informed the
inhabitants of this River have undertaken of cutting
a communication across the woods to Les Mines,
and sending to ask the inhabitants of the latter place
to help by cutting their part, without asking my leave
or even informing me thereof: which rash proceeding
gives me good reason to believe that they have some
evil designs on foot; either to bring by this communication a number of people to molest this H.M. garrison,
or to carry off their effects and cattle from hence,
and to set up a General Assembly at Les Mines, or
Chinecqto, to keep themselves independent of H.M.
and the Government. I therefore positively order
and strictly command all persons whatsoever to desist
at once from such enterprise, and if they disobey, I
shall be obliged to regard this proceeding as an act
of defiance to the authority of the King, and take such
measures as I shall deem fit to preserve this H.M.
Government and Province, and I order that no person
leave his place of residence secretly and without my
permission. French. 1 p. |
180. xv. French inhabitants of Miniss to Governor Philipps.
We have received your Excellency's orders, which
were read to us in Assembly, and which we cannot
accept for several reasons. You demand an oath of
us, which would expose us and our families to the
fury of the savages, who daily threaten us and
watch all our actions and steps to see if we do anything contrary to the oath taken in the presence of
General Nicholson and two officers of Isle Royale,
an oath which has been communicated to the Court
of England as well as that of France, and from which
it is difficult to free ourselves, and if we did not keep
our word to our invincible Monarch, we could only
expect punishment at the menacing hands of the
savages. However, Sir, we engage ourselves to
keep the same faith as we have hitherto done, and
will do no act of hostility against any right of H.M. so
long as we shall be on his territory. You tax us with
having remained upon our property more than the
year stipulated by the articles of peace. It has been
impossible to do otherwise for several reasons, and
since we have been allowed to sell our property and
moveables, we have not been able to find any merchant
to buy them. So that the privilege granted to us has
proved useless. So too with that which was granted
by a letter of Her late Majesty, Queen Anne, the
appraisement of our property by Commissioners, and
payment of the amount, as was done at the evacuation
of Placentia, and other places etc. Signed, Claude
Codrot, and 178 others. Same endorsement. Copy.
French. 2 pp. |
180. xvi. John Adams to Governor Philipps. Grand Prez,
Minis, 14th May, 1720. Your Excellency's Proclamation sent pr. Mr. Blin was published here etc. The
people in general here seem to be much concerned,
loath to leave their habitations, and estates their
ancestors left them, and afraid to stay and possess
them under the nomination of English, to have their
throats cutt by the Indians, most of them notwithstanding flatter themselves whith hopes that your
Excellency will please to extend your pitty, and
compasion to them, their wives, and little ones and not
force them away they know not where, because they
dare not take the oath of allegiance etc. as preceding.
They say they were in hopes to reap some benefitt
from H.M. letter whereby they had leave to sell their
moveables, and imoveables, if they went off, which
they are forbid to doe by H.E.'s Proclamation. Severall
desired me to represent these their grievances to you
etc. The Father Justinien staid a few days here and
went to Checunectook in order to goe to Cape Breton,
in some discourse I had with Father Felix yesterday
he excused himself that he could not waite on the
General, at this time, there was a sick person, of whom
he must recieve confession, and that part of his parish
at Pigigit had not fait leurs Pasque, but the Father
Justinien would bring an officer of distinction with
him from Cape Bretton, who would assemble all the
inhabitants here, and goe with them, and he would
take that opportunity to waite on the Generall with
them, he praised the constancy of the inhabitants, who
(as he said) declared when they were assembled they
would doe no other wise, than what they did, when
the two French Officers, were here in General Nicholson's time, that he and they would all goe away together, to the Island St. John's, under the French
King's Dominions, he found great fault with the
Proclamation, that the word Public was not inserted
to exercise of religion, that by that was meant only
in their owne houses as in England and Ireland and
that clause only put there to amuse the people. The
Indians also, are very busiy on this occasion going
from place to place, to inform one another, they have
robed a challop at Cobagit of 30 or £40 worth of goods
that four French men had bought of Mr. Blin, and
carried there to trade. I hear it whispered among the
French that all the Indians, farr, and near are expected
here in a month's time, and by the hints they gave
you may have an army of French this summer at
Annapolis, whether in a hostile manner or noe I know
not. I met with the Chiefe of the Indians at Checunectook here with severall others his followers, to
whom I delivered the message your Excellency was
pleased to charge me with, he seemed well pleased,
but said the English were very dilatory, in settling
affaires with them but they were ready to come to a
good agreement, whith the English, when you pleased
to appoint them to come, etc. It is my humble opinion
it would be for H.M. service, and the more speedy
settlement of this Collony, if the French inhabitants
might be permitted to stay on such conditions, as
your Excellency might think expedient, that strict
regard be had to H.M. letter containing them, and that
a speedy accommodation, be made with the Indians
etc. Subscribed, H. E. recd. this 18th and read in
Council 19th May. Signed, J. Adams. Same endorsement. Copy. 3½ pp. |
180. xvii. French inhabitants of Annapolis River to Governor Philipps. Pray H.E.'s forgiveness in the
matter of electing deputies (No. xii) and the communication road to Les Mines (No. xiv) etc. "We
had no evil intention, but merely to make this, the
only road, in case we had to evacuate the country
without carts etc. We hope our future behaviour will
prove our good faith" etc. Present two new deputies,
Abrant (= Abraham) Bourg and Jairmaint Savoy,
chosen in place of the two rejected (No. x.) 33
signatures and 67 marks. Same endorsement. French.
3 pp. |
180. xviii. Giles Hall, John Henshaw etc. to Governor
Philipps. The interest we have engaged in the Fishery
for these three years past, on the Island called Cape
Cansor, within the limits of your Excellency's Government, makes us presume to congratulate your Excellency upon your safe arrival etc. We humbly lay
before your Excellency the disturbence, and trouble
we have from time to time, been oppressed with,
from the French in the carrying on of our Fishery
on the Island aforesaid etc., but more especially this
last summer, the French King's subjects in a hostile
and warlike manner landed, kept guards, and insultingly, carried off and damaged great quantitys of our
fish, but not being in a condition for defence, we made
the wrong done us to M. St. Ovid etc. Pray for protection the next season etc. Signed, Giles Hall, John
Henshaw, Jose Appleton, John Henshaw for James
Bodoine, John Marshall. Same endorsement. Copy.
1½ pp. [C.O. 217, 3. Nos. 6, 6 i–xviii; and
(without enclosures) 218, 1. pp. 471, 472.) |
Aug. 10. Whitehall. |
181. Mr. Popple to the Agents etc. for the Governments on
the Continent of America. Encloses following. Concludes:
The Council of Trade and Plantations desire as particular
answers as you can make, and that they may receive the same
with all convenient speed. Subjoined, |
181. i. Queries sent to Col. Vetch, for Nova Scotia, Jere.
Dummer for Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire,
Brigr. Hunter for New York and New Jersey, Joshua
Gee, for Pensylvania, Col. Hart for Maryland, Col.
Blakiston for Virginia, Jos. Boone for Carolina. (i)
What is the situation of ye Colony/Province under your
Government ? the nature of the country, its longitude,
latitude etc. (ii) What are the reputed boundaries
thereof? (iii) What is the Constitution of the
Govermts? (iv) What is the trade of the Colony,
the number of shipping, their tonnage, and the
number of seafaring men, with their respective increase
or diminution ? (v) What quantity and sorts of
British manufactures do the inhabitants annually
take from hence ? (vi) What trade has the Colony
with any foreign Plantations or any part of Europe
besides Great Britain ? How is that trade carried
on ? What commodities do the people send to, or
receive from foreign Plantations ? (vii) What
methods are there used to prevent illegal trade, and
are the same effectual ? (viii) What is the natural
produce of the country, staple commodities and
manufactures ? (ix) What mines are there ? (x)
What may be the annual produce of the commodities
of this Colony ? (xi) What is the number of inhabitants whites and blacks ? (xii) Are the inhabitants increased or decreased of late, and for what
reasons ? (xiii) What is the number of the Militia ?
(xiv) What forts and places of defence are there
within your Government ? and in what condition ?
(xv) What number of Indians have you, and how
are they inclined? (xvi) What is the strength of
yr. neighbouring Indians? (xvii) What is the
strength of your neighbouring Europeans? (xviii)
What effect have the French Settlements on the
Continent of America upon H.M. Plantations ?
(xix) What is the revenue arising within your Governmt., and how is it appropriated ? (xx) What are
the ordinary and extraordinary expences of your
Government ? (xxi) What are the establishments,
civil and military within your Governmts., and what
officers hold by Patent immediately from the Crown ?
[C.O. 323, 4. pp. 282–286.] |