America and West Indies: November 1719

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 31, 1719-1720. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'America and West Indies: November 1719', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 31, 1719-1720, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: November 1719', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 31, 1719-1720. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,

"America and West Indies: November 1719". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 31, 1719-1720. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.

November 1719

Nov. 2. 441. Extract of letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs to the Earl of Stair. I am concerned to hear that the Court of France avow the settlement made by their people upon Sta. Lucia, and desire your Excy. to inform me particularly on what Treaty they found their pretensions to that Island. Refers him to Mr. Bladen etc. As this settlement has been made in time of Peace and in an unneighbourly manner, I would gladly see the documents boasted of, by the Mareschal d'Estrées, that we may know who have the right on their side. 1 p. [C.O. 253, 1. No. 10.]
Nov. 3.
Boston, New England.
442. Governor Philipps to Mr. Popple. I have been detained here 5½ weeks etc. (v. Jan. 3rd, 1720). I have made the best use of my time here by makeing knowne H.M. resolution of takeing the country of Nova Scotia under his immediat care and protection and the encouragement to be given toward the settlemt. thereof, which I have reason to believe will bring many people from hence etc. Upon peruseing my Instructions I find it prohibited to make any grants before a genll. survey be made of the country. which 'tis possible may take up more time then was thought and by that means not only retard but in some measure obstruct the intended settlement, if people cannot be sett to worke for theire livelyhood imediatly upon their coming there etc. I have spake with some fishermen lately come from Cancoe who inform me that the French have been fishing there againe this summer, and made some thousands of quintalls, which they carryd off under a guard of soldiers upon an alarme of the man of warr's comeing that way and had the assurance to say they had orders from the Governour to take the King's ship if she came upon the Station, but as that may be only a Gascoignade of those fishermen I am in hopes of finding them in better temper when I shall have an opportunity of sending to them. You will be pleas'd to communicat thus much to theire Ldships, etc. Signed, R. Phillips. Endorsed, Recd. 1st Jan., Read, 14th July, 1720. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 217, 3. No. 4; and 218, 1. pp. 456–458; and (abstract) 217, 30. p. 7.]
Nov. 4.
443. Mr. Delafaye. Secretary to the Lords Justices, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following. The Lords Justices direct you to act accordingly. Signed, Ch. Delafaye. Endorsed, Recd 6th, Read 11th Nov., 1719. 1 p. Enclosed,
443. i. Lords Justice Instructions for Daniel Pulteney and Martin Bladen, H.M. Commissarys to treat with the Commisarys to be appointed by the most Xtian King. Whitehall, Sept. 3rd, 1719. Together with these Instructions you will receive H.M. Commissions to treat in pursuance of the 10th-14th Articles of the Treaty of Utrecht, etc. You are therefore with all convenient speed to repair to the French Court communicate your full powers and inspect those of the French Commisarys etc. It being provided by the 10th Article of the Treaty that the limits and boundaries between Hudson's Bay and the places appertaining to the French, be settled by Commisarys on each part, which limits both the British and French subjects shall be wholly forbid to pass over or thereby to go to each other by sea or land. You are to endeavour to get the said limits settled in following manner. That the same begin from the Island called Grimingston's Island or Cape Perdriz in ye latitude of 58½ North, which the Company desire, may be ye boundary, between the British and French subjects, on the Coast of Laboradore towards Rupert's Land, on the East Main, and Nova Britannia on the French side; and that no French ship, barque, boat or vessel whatsoever shall pass to the North Westward of Cape Perdrix or Grimington's Island, towards or into the Streights or Bay of Hudson, on any pretence whatsoever. And further that a line be drawn from the South Westward of the Island of Grimington or Cape Perdrix (so as to conclude the same within the limits of the Bay) to the great Lake Miscosinke als. Mistoveney, dividing the said Lake into two parts (as in the map to be delivered to you) and that where the said line shall cut the 49th degree of Northern Latitude, another line shall begin and be extended westwd. from the said Lake, upon the 49th degree of Northern latitude, over which said lines so to be described as abovementioned, the French and all persons by them employed shall be prohibited to pass to the Northwd. of the sd. 49th degree of latitude, and to the North and North Westwd. of the said lake or supposed line, by land or water, on or thro' any rivers, lakes or countrys to trade, or erect any ports or settlemts., and the British subjects shall likewise be forbid to pass the said supposed line, either to the Southwd. or Eastwd. But you are to take especial care in wording such Articles as shall be agreed on with the Commissary or Commissarys of His most Xtian Majesty upon this head, that the said boundaries be understood to regard the trade of the Hudsons-Bay-Company only. That His Majty. does not thereby recede from his right to any lands in America not comprized within the said boundaries; and that no pretention be thereby given to ye French to claim any tracts of lands in America, southwd. or south west of the said boundaries. And whereas it has been represented by ye said Company, that the French have since the Peace of Utrecht, vizt. in 1715, made a settlement at the head of Albany River, upon which River the Company's principal factory is settled, whereby the French may intercept the Indian Trade from coming to the said factory, and may in time utterly ruin the trade of the Company if not prevented; You are to insist that the said fort be given up or demolished by the French, and their subjects withdrawn from that settlement. And it being further provided by the 16th Art. of the said Treaty, that satisfaction be made according to justice and equity to the Hudson's-Bay-Company for the damages and spoil done to their Colonys, ships, persons and goods by the hostile incursions and depredations of the French in time of peace; and the said Company having delivered to H.M. Commrs. for Trade and Plantations, an account under their common seal, of ye losses sustained by them from the French in times of Peace, which will be delivered to you, with proper vouchers for the same; you are in like manner to insist that satisfaction be made to the said Company, pursuant to the sd. Article. And whereas by the 12th Article, Nova Scotia or Acadie, as also the City of Port Royal etc. (quoted), were yielded and made over to the Crown of Great Britain for ever; except Cape Breton and the other Islands lying in the mouth of the River of St. Lawrence and in the Gulph of the same name. You are to take notice that the boundarys of Nova Scotia are described by the Charter of K. James I to Sr. Wm. Alexander, afterwards El. of Sterling, 10th Sept. 1621, in the following words, vizt. all the lands and islands lying within the promontory commonly called Cape Sables being in the 43rd degree of No. latitude or thereabouts etc., quoted in full. But whereas in consequence of the Treaty of Breda, sevl. other lands were formerly delivered up by Sr. Thos. Temple as part of Nova Scotia to the French, which lands did belong to the Crown of Great Britain, altho' they were not a part of Nova Scotia, since which time, the French in consequence of that cession, did make several settlements upon the said lands and others belonging likewise to the Crown of Great Britain lying westwd., and south westwd. of Nova Scotia, between the River of St. Lawrence and ye Atlantick Ocean, and did annex the same to Nova Scotia, as appears by a Commission given by the late French King to Mr. Subercase where he is termed Govr. of Accadie and Cape Breton Island and Islands adjacent from Cape Hosiers of the great River of St. Lawrence, as far as the E. part of Kennebeck River. Now you are to insist that the French are obliged by the Treaty of Utrecht to deliver up all lands and settlements whatever which they have at any time possessed as part of or dependant on Nova Scotia, and that H.M. Most Christian Majesty has no right to any lands whatever lying between the said River of St. Lawrence and the Atlantick Ocean except such Islands as lye in the mouth of the sd. River, and in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, and are given up to the French by the Treaty of Utrecht, wherefore you are to press that the necessary orders be dispatched for the due execution of this Article of the Treaty, which hath not hitherto been fully complyed with. And whereas the French have for sevl. years since the conclusion of the last Peace, taken upon them, not only to fish on the coast of Nova Scotia, and on the Islands of Canceau, but likewise to make settlements on the said Islands, notwithstanding they are expressly prohibited by the 12th Article of the Treaty of Utrecht from fishing . . . . on the coast of Nova Scotia etc., quoted in full; You are hereby directed to insiste that the French have no right or title to fish anywhere within 30 leagues of the So. East coast of Nova Scotia, beginning from the Island of Sable inclusively, and thence stretching along to the So. West, or to fish or make any settlemts, on the Islands of Canceau or any other Islands within the Gut or Bay of the same name, wch. belong to H.M. as part of Nova Scotia, nothing being reserved to the French by the said Treaty except Cape Breton, and the Islands lying within the mouth of the River of St. Lawrence or the Gulph of the same name. But if the French Commysarys should pretend to ground a more extensive claim upon the words of the said Treaty, as it was signed in French than does appertain to them by the same Treaty as it was signed in Latin, you are to insist upon it, that the Treaty in Latin is to be your guide in all cases, tho even by the Treaty in French they can have no title to any Islands lying in the Bay or Gut of Cançeau. And whereas by the 14th Art. it is expressly provided, that in all ye said places and Colonys to be yielded and restored by the most Christian King, the subjects of the sd. King may have liberty to remove themselves within a year to any other place together with all their moveable effects. You are to take notice that the French inhabitants of Nova Scotia have long since elapsed the time for removing their persons and effects from thence, and are thereby absolutely become subjects to the Crown of Great Britain; and whereas they have hitherto refused to take the oaths of fidelity and allegiance to H.M. or to the late Queen, being instigated thereunto by their Priests and even by the Govrs. of Quebeck and of Cape Breton; as the Indians have also been, to set up a claim to all that country; you are to use your utmost endeavour to obtain a particular order from the French Court, requiring the said Governors of Quebeck and Cape Breton, and the Missionarys in those parts, for the future, not to interpose or meddle with anything that does or may concern H.M. interest in Nova Scotia, and particularly that they do not disswade H.M. French subjects there, from taking the oaths of fidelity and allegiance to H.M. nor instigate the Indians to molest or disturb H.M. subjects in those parts. Whereas upon application made by the French Court, we did lately cause restitution to be made to Monsr. Hiriberry of a ship taken off of the coast of Canceau by the Squirrell man of war upon assurance given by the French Minister residing here, that orders had then been given by the French Court for restitution to be made to H.M. subjects, of all such ships or effects as had been taken by the French by way of reprisal upon that account, now in case the said restitution shall not have been made, you are to insist that effectuall orders be given by ye French Court for that purpose without further delay, and at the same time you will take notice that this reprizal was made directly contrary to the 16th Art. of the Treaty of Utrecht. It being especially provided by the 13th Art. that after the cession of Newfoundland made by H. most Christian Majty., His subjects should not fish upon any part of the coast of the sd. Island, except only from Cape Bonarista to the Northern point of the said Island, and from thence running down by the western side to Point Riche; notwithstanding which provision it has been represented, that the French have sometime taken upon them to fish on other parts of the sd. Island, contrary to the express words of the aforesd. Art.; you are to insist that the French Court do give strict orders for the more punctual observance thereof for the future. Whereas the Five Nations of Indians bordering upon New York are undoubtedly subject to the Crown of Great Britain, whose right of Dominion over them is fully acknowledged by the 15th Art. of the said Treaty, now you are hereby directed to endeavour to procure an Order to the Governors of Canada and of Cape Breton, requiring them in the strongest terms, not to molest or disturb, nor to suffer the Indians in allyance with the French to molest or disturb in any manner the said Five Indian Nations, directing likewise them ye said Govrs. and each of them to recall the Missionarys now setled among the five Indian Nations, and not to permit any other Missionarys to go amongst them for the future, upon any pretence whatsoever. Whereas it is provided by the 11th Art. of the said Treaty that satisfaction shall be made for all ships or goods taken by the subjects of either Nation from the other in time of Peace; you are hereby required to insist that satisfaction be made accordingly to such of H.M. subjects, whose claims and demands upon this head shall be delivered to you herewith etc. No application having hitherto been made by the French Court concerning any damage of this nature sustained by their subjects, etc., you are to send home copies of any cases submitted by them to one of H.M. Principal Secretarys of State etc. in order to obtain full information thereof from hence. And whereas by the 11th Art., the Commissarys on the part of Great Britain and France are to enquire into those things of which the French subjects may complain relating to the capitulation of Nevis, you are to insist that the French have no right to demand any thing upon that account; the inhabitants of that Island having punctually observed and performed as much as lay in their power all that was exacted of them by the first capitulation, into which they entered voluntarily; whereas on the other hand, the French broke, not only the first but the second capitulation also, upon which they ground their pretensions, altho the same was forced upon the inhabitants contrary to ye usage of warr, and the import of the first capitulation after they were in the power of the French; all which will more fully appear by the affidavits and other papers etc. which will be delivered to you. And whereas the French at that time took four Gentlemen prisoners from the said Island on pretence of hostages, for the due performance of the Articles of the 2d capitulation, tho they were neither given up by the Island, nor went with their own consent, of which number one Mr. Charles Earl still remains a prisoner at Martinico, you are to insist upon an order from the French Court to the Govr. of that Island, for the release of the said prisrs., upon the paymt. of such just debts as he may have contracted there with private persons, tho its presumed the said debts cannot be very considerable, several large summs having from time to time been remitted from Nevis for the support of him and the other prisoners. You are likewise to insist, pursuant to the 11th Art., that due satisfaction be made to the inhabitants of Montserat for the damages by them sustained in 1712, according to such accounts as shall be delivered to you. Instruction concerning French claim against the Royal African Company and claims by them. Continues: Whereas it has not been thought proper to impower you by your Commission to treat of any boundaries besides those of Hudson's Bay and Nova Scotia, nevertheless least the French should take this as a tacit acknowledgmt. of their pretended right to ye several settlements they have made on the back and westward of the British Plantations on the Continent of America, you are to declare to the French Commissarys that H.M. has reason to believe the French have made several incroachments upon the British settlements in those parts, which may be discussed when H.M. shall have received from the respective Govrs. of His Colonys in those parts, a full and particular account of all such encroachments as they have allready complained of. And in the mean while you are to take particular care in the wording of such Articles as shall be agreed between you and the French Commissarys in relation to the boundarys of Hudson's Bay and Nova Scotia, that H.M. be not thereby concluded with respect to the boundaries of any other lands or territories, H.M. or His subjects may have a right to, on the Continent of America. You are hereby directed, during the time of your residence in France, to get the best information you can, concerning the situation, trade, strength, laws and government of the French Colonys in America, but more particularly concerning the establishment and constitution of the Missisippi Company, which you are to transmit to H.M. Principal Secretary of State attending H.M. beyond sea to be laid before H.M. and to our Secretary to be laid before us, as also to H.M. Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. You are hereby required to communicate from time to time, all your proceedings during the course of your negociation, unto the Earl of Stair, H.M. Embassador Exty. and Plenipotentiary now residing at the French Court and to confer and consult with him on all matters relating thereunto, etc. Similarly to correspond with H.M. Principal Secretary of State attending H.M. person, our Secretary, and the Council of Trade, and to seek their advice upon any difficulties that may occur etc. Signed, Parker C., Argyll and Greenwich, Roxburghe, Berkeley, J. Craggs. Copy. 15½ pp. [C.O. 323, 7. Nos. 164, 164. i.; and (without enclosure) 324, 10. p. 272.]
Nov. 4.
444. Mr. Popple to Mr. Delafaye. Encloses Mr. Lillington's Memorial, Oct. 31st, "which the Council of Trade and Plantations think of so great consequence that they desire you will take the first opportunity to lay it before the Lords Justices, for their directions therein." cf. 2nd Oct. [C.O. 29, 14. p. 35.]
[Nov. 4.] 445. Queries from Mr. Pulteney relating to the Capitulation of Nevis. (v. C.S.P., 1706. Nos. 357. iii. vi.). One of the conditions required by Iberville was que tous les negres me seront remis. The inhabitants pretend that they perform'd this condition as far as was in their power to do having deliver'd up about 5000 negroes, the rest to the number of about 1400 being fled into the woods and mountains, where Iberville attempted to force them, but cou'd not, upon which as well as upon a report that an English Squadron was coming that way, Iberville forc'd several of the inhabitants by very violent means to sign another agreement etc. Quere (i) Whether the inhabitants by delivering up all the negroes who were in their power, did fully satisfy that condition of the Capitulation (above), or whether they were oblig'd by that condition to take upon themselves to deliver up or answer for the delivering up all the negroes which were in the Island and particularly the 1400 fled to the woods and suppos'd to be out of their power? (ii) Supposing the inhabitants to be under this later obligation, yet as no certain time was prescrib'd by the Capitulation for the performing it, is Iberville justifyable in forcing them to sign the other agreement, and in obliging them to deliver the 1400 negroes at Martinique, which was not requir'd by the Capitulation? (iii) The inhabitants alledge that when the Capitulation was first offer'd to them by two French Officers sent by Iberville, they objected to that article, Que tous les negres me seront remis, and said it was not in their power to deliver up all, some being fled to the woods, and that the French Officers answer'd, that the General Iberville did not expect anything but what was in their power, which words an Officer among the inhabitants writ in the margent agst. the said Article; the inhabitants produce an affidavit of this. Quere, how far this circumstance, if true, will alter the case? (iv) The second agreement having been forced upon the inhabitants by sevl. violent methods after they had put themselves into the power of the French by the Capitulatn., and were prisoners of war: Quere, whether the inhabitants can be oblig'd to any condition of this agreement more than what they were already oblig'd to by the Capitulation? (v) By the 8th Article of the Capitulation the inhabitants were oblig'd to set at liberty a certain number of French prisoners in England or in the West Indies: Quere, Whether the inhabitants are answerable for this condition, which they cou'd not be suppos'd to have any right, power or authority to make. (vi) The inhabitants alledge that Iberville broke most of the conditions of the Capitulation and of the agreement. Quere, How far this will disengage the inhabitants from performing the conditions of either on their part? (vii) In case it shall be adjudg'd that the inhabitants are to make good the Article of the agreement about the 1400 negroes, Quere, Whether they ought to pay any interest, and to what time? (viii) The demands of the French upon account of the aforesaid Capitulation and Agreement, having been by the Treaty of Utrecht referr'd to the determination of Commissaries on both sides, Quere, Whether the hostages taken by Iberville from Nevis and detain'd at Martinique, ought not to have been set at liberty upon the ratification of that Treaty? (ix) Supposing the Capitulation to consist only of such conditions as were propos'd or rather prescribed by Iberville, and submitted to by the Inhabitants without their treating in the least concerning the same, and that this Capitulation was sign'd only by Iberville, and not by any person or persons in behalf of the Government or inhabitants of the Island: How far will the inhabitants be bound to make good the conditions requir'd of them by the said Capitulation, if it shou'd appear that Iberville did not perform any or the most essential of the conditions promis'd on his part? (x) It is to be observ'd that the agreement was sign'd by such of the inhabitants only as cou'd be compell'd to do it, and not in form by the whole body of the inhabitants, or by the Council or governing part of the Island, and that Iberville by an Act sign'd by himself immediately after the making that agreement, pretends to give such things as he suppos'd to be left in the Island among those inhabitants who sign'd this agreement, excluding all others from any share therein, Quere, Can this agreement sign'd by particular persons, be look'd upon as an obligation on the whole Island. or will these persons be bound to make it good? And in the later case, will they be entitul'd to the benefit of Iberville's aforesd. Act to the exclusion and prejudice of the rest of the inhabitants? Endorsed, Recd. Read 4th Nov. 1719. 4 pp. [C.O. 152, 12. No. 158.]
Nov. 6.
446. Mr. Popple to Sir Nathaniel Lloyd. Encloses preceding, for his opinion thereon. [C.O. 153, 13. p. 444.]
Nov. 6.
Charles Town.
447. Governor and Council of South Carolina to the Council of Trade and Plantations. We here presume to send your Lordships the enclosed letters upon the prusall of which you will see the forlorn condition this Collony lyes under being every day threatned with a Spanish invasion, and how narrowly we lately escaped the same by the casuall meeting of two French men of warr, with a flagg of truce, carrying of prisoners from Pansicola to the Havana. We had received intelligence of an intended attempt upon our Southern settlements etc. (v. April 28, 1719), upon which advice the Governor. made the necessary preparations and with a good body of men marched to the place where it was expected the enemy would land, but having stayed there near a fortnight, and sending out scouts both by land and water to get intelligence, and hearing of no enemy, looked upon his information as fallacious and so dismissed the people, not knowing at that time how it had pleased God to deliver us. But tho' this blow for the present is diverted yet 'tis very much to be feared 'twill return with greater force by the armament that is making at La Vera Cruz, and the orders of the Vice Roy of Maxico to the Governour of the Havana to raise what forces he can upon the Island of Cuba, to be in a readiness to fall upon St. Georges (for so the Spaniards call this place). The Vice Roy of Mexico has likewise reced. positive orders from his most Catholick Majesty to raise very large levies of men with shipping to endeavour to retake from the English and french in America, all such places as ever did belong to the Crown of Spain or was ever claymed by it. The forces the Spaniards are preparing and getting together to invade this Collony are so numerous that 'twill be morally impossible for us to defend ourselves against such a powerfull enemy with a handfull of men (however brave they may be) harazed by a long Indian warr repeated alarms, and seveere taxes, and 'tis very much to be feared that some of our best setlers will remove what portable goods they can carry and transport themselves and familys into some other Collony where they may live with more security and safety and not stay any longer here to wait a lingring and dangerous warr. Our circumstances are very mellancholly we need not aggravate nor can we represent them in much darker colours then they appear. Therefore we humbly beseech your Lordships to be solicitors for us to H.M. that we may have five or six hundred regular forces sent over and one or two light frigats more to be dispatched with all expedition to save the lives and estates of H.M. subjects, which in all humane probability will otherwise be lost and this Collony fall a prey to his enemies and of what mischeivous consequence that will be to the rest of H.M. setlements in America, this being a frontier to the same, it is left to your Lordships great wisdom to judge of. P.S. We reced. severall queries from your Lordships relating to the state of this Province but by reason of the confusions we are now in, and the hurry of business, that is upon us we are not now able to send your Lordships an answer to them but hope to do by the next. Signed, Robt. Johnson. R. A. Izard, Nicholas Trott. Chas. Hart, Benja. de la Conseillere, Wm. Bull, Hugh Butler. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd. Read 4th Feb., 1719/20. 1¾ pp. Enclosed,
447. i. C. Gale to [? Governor Johnson] according to your desire I here communicate to you the report at Provience when I came thence etc. Some time in the beginning of this month a flag of truce arrived at Providence from Havana with English and French prisoners to ye number of 50, amongst which were several french officers, and one Docr. Roan formerly of Jamaica, these tells us that on ye 30th of June last, or thereabouts, the Governmt. of Havana, having out a fleet of 14 sail of vessels, mann'd wth. 1400 men, wth. proper implements of warr, as bombs, field pieces, scaling ladders etc. the said Fleet sailed thence in order to invade the Governmt. of Carolina, and that they were to be supported in their attempt by Spaniards and Indians from St. Augustin, and that in their return home they intended to take Providence, but standing over to ye coast of Florida they were met by two french men of warr, wth. a flag of truce from Pansicola and Moville, on board which was the Governor of Pansicola and about 200 prisoners, who upon taking the place had capitulated to be sent to Havana, where (contrary to ye faith of all Nations) the Governr. seized the truce, confined the french officers, and sent the two ships, wth. their armament to retake Pansicola which they effected. Thus affairs stood when the flag of truce came from Havana, on board were five of the french officers, one of wch. was the commanding officer of the truce from Moville, and Pansicola, and seemed a Gentn. of distinction. These gentn. are sent by the Governr. of the Bahamas to Hispaniola, where they have a squadron of men of warr arrived. The letter for the Governr. of Moville is (as I am told) to give an acct. of their ill-treatment at Havana and the further intentions of the Spaniards discovered by themselves whilst at Havana. As well by ye reports wee have from 15 Spanish prisoners, brought in since the flag of truce, by one of our privateers, the french officers, as well as the English prisoners, give an acct. that some time before they came from Havana, there arrived an express from the Vice Roy of Mexico, the contents was reported to be, that he had received orders from the King his master to endeavor the recovery of all places in the Indies, which had formerly belonged to that Crown, and were now in the possession of the subjects of forreign princes, that in order thereto, he was raising 25,000 men, and fitting their Grand fleet, at La Vera Cruz, and required him to have in a readiness all the men he could raise on Cuba, and that he designed to have 10,000 men at Pansicola to march by land wth. the Indians to take Carolina. What accts. we have recd. since by the 15 Spanish prisoners, is this that five french men of warr and 2000 men had retaken Pansicola, taken and destroyed ye whole Spanish fleet, and that ye garrison at Pansicola had fled into ye woods, in order to get St. Augustin, that they were pursued by a vast number of Indians, and that the French gave no quarter, to those they found in arms on board ye ships, as a return for what they had done to their flag of truce. This advice they say came to Havana by one Bloss, who escaped from ye Bay of St. Joseph, and that the Govnr. had confined him, for not running ye same fate wth. the rest etc. Signed, C. Gale. Copy. 1½ pp.
447. ii. John Parris to [? Governor Johnson], Havana, July, 18 (N.S.) 1719. Had not my endeavours been to often frustrated I could not be thus late in testifying my esteem and duty to your Honr. of acquainting you the late designs of this Government to invade yours but as at their first raising the armament they proclaimed against Providence which being known less defensive 'twas not suspected they had further designs nor indeed had they till by escape of Mr. Walker to Providence they concluded said place allarmed and therefore not to be attacked. Nevertheless they continued augmenting their armadilla without least notice of altering their measures till some few days before its readiness it began to be surmized and by degrees freely talked 'twas intended against Carolina but to prevent its being advised' denyed even fishing boats to go out of the harbour only such as was oblidged to return same evening and all the night a guard boat at the mouth of the port so that it afforded not least possibility of any but fishermen to escape severall have attempted to bride but the terror of the Governor's severity would not let them consent until the said vessells should be sailed and then I had provided one to go to Providence and by my letters there to procure a dispatch directly to your Honour whilst said armament touched at St. Augustine to land some leaders for the Indians 1200 of which they there represented to be in armes waiting their arrivall and the rest to be landed at port Royall whence they were to march by land so that in all probability it might have been early enough to have prevented a surprize and allowed a posture of defence had they prosecuted their undertakeing but thanks be to God they have now turned their attempt on recovery of Pansicola which the French had lately taken from them under the Regent's Comission and sent two ships to deliver the Governour and about 200 prisoners at this port which chanced to appear of at the very juncture the abovesaid Armadilla were puting to sea for Carolina which was the 30th June this style and the Spaniards beleiving them friends went on board them but finding their circumstance as aforesaid they having a supeority, immediately struck the French colours and brought said two ships one having 22 and the other 28 guns in as prizes and which this Governr. hath thought fitt to condemn as such accordingly notwithstanding the capitulation they came by. Said 2 vessells are now refitted and sailed this day back with one English gally two briganteens and eight sloops with about 400 men amoung which are some of the french prisoners and all the English whom they very much abused till their complyance of going. It seems the french have not as yet above 200 men at Pansicola so that unless they should espy them or have some notice time enough to send for succors from Moville 'tis much feared they'll not be able to defend it and should the Spaniards succeed there and the war not be noticed to cease I too justly fear their next attempt will be at Carolina. However, I can't but congratulate your Honour on this evasion and should they hereafter be encouraged to attempt it I doubt not this respite will enable you so to fortifye yourself that may baffle their hopes for ever after, etc. P.S.—Moor Castle 16th Sept. 1719. The foregoing is a copey of what I wrote your Honr. by Dr. Roan and some other Providence people prisoners here but as were escaping had the misfortune to be retaken and was forced to fling over their letters since which could procure no oppertunity to convey the same but by this sloop which the Governour of Providence sent about six weeks since for exchange of prisoners and tho' 'twas assured that a punctuall complyance should be made by an immediate return of the English here yet the Governour hath found reasons to suspend her sailing till this time so that in the intervall hath arrived notice of the Armadilla success against Pansicola the French being surprized one half immediately deserted to the Spaniards and the remainder finding themselves to week to defend it burnt two of their best ships and obtained an honourable Capitulation however it was celebrated here with all the acclamation of joy. In company of this sloop goes out a briganteen and a sloop with stores and provisions for said Armadilla who lay a few leagues from Pansicola waiting for a force they have sent for from Lavera Cruz with a design to invade Moville. So that this season the English Dominions seems free from any attempt and by the next hope they won't want the proper defence altho' peace don't interpose. Signed, John Parris. Copy. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. Nos. 140, 140. i., ii.]
Nov. 6.
448. Mr. Delafaye to the Earl of Stair. Mr. Pulteney, who will deliver this to you, carries full power etc. Encloses following by order of the Lords Justices etc. Signed, Ch. Delafaye. Copy. ¾ p. Enclosed,
448. i. Copy of No. 444.
448. ii. Copy of No. 439. [C.O. 253, 1. Nos. 11, 11. i.]
Nov. 7/18
449. Extract of letter from the Earl of Stair to Mr. Secretary Craggs. We have not yet received from the Marechal d'Estrées an account of the titles on which the French ground their claim to Sta. Lucia, but we are promised to have it on Monday. We are to dine with him on that day, Mr. Bladen and I. Copy. ½ p. [C.O. 153, 1. No. 17.]
Nov. 8. 450. Lewis Morris to Mr. Popple. Acknowledges letters of 7th and 26th Aug. The ship sails this night etc. There was two Acts of the General Assembly of New Jersie pass't to ascertain the lines between them, to wch. a stop is put in New Yorke etc. cf. Nov. 21. Signed, Lewis Morris. Endorsed, Recd. 19th Dec. 1719. Read 18th Jan. 1719/20. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 971. No. 86.]
Nov. 10. 451. Replies by Sir Nathaniel Lloyd, Advocate General, to Queries concerning the Capitulation of Nevis (v. 4th Nov.). (i) I conceive that they were obliged to procure the delivery of the 4,000 (sic) negroes also. (ii) I conceive that a time competent must be understood, and the subsequent agreemt. has fixed itt to 3 months. (iii) Such affidavit will avail little, if the Officers had not special authority to insert the addition on the margent: Besides the copy annexed has noe such insertion, therefore they accepted the original without itt. (iv) This agreemt. is butt in pursuance of the Capitulation, to effectuate the delivery of the 4000 negroes, att that time fled: and it is a stipulation de novo, whereby the Island has gained, in ye 2 last articles some conditions in consideration of this new agreemt. (v) They are obliged to doe itt, or att their sollicitation to procure itt to bee done; the word remettra is there used for those in England, strictly as much out of their power as those who fled to the woods. (vi) Mutuall conditions must be mutually performed, or the contract ceases. (vii) When no time is fixed, no delay is imputed, so as to carry interest, butt from notice and demand: 3 months are given in ye agreemt. (viii) Hostages provisionally taken for security shd. bee released, the Capitulation and Agreemt. now being upon ye Treaty secured by publick faith. (ix) Such stipulations must be construed bona fide, some intervening inhabitants in the name of ye whole, will oblige the whole, if conditions are mutually performed: for tho' prescribed by Iberville, yet their acceptance makes them their own Act. (x) The Agreement will oblige the whole, the whole having the general benefitt: The particular allotmts. is a personal present made in compliment, to those only, who signed. This will oblige, and ought to bee performed, and Iberville's act will not extend to the rest, butt only to those, who are mentioned as above. However all these disputes by the XI Article of the Treaty of Utrecht are submitted to the Commissaries of both Nations, etc. Signed, Nath. Lloyd. Written in margins of copy of Nov. 4th. Endorsed, Recd. 10th., Read 11th Nov., 1719. 4¼ pp. Enclosed,
451. i. Conditions of Capitulation of Nevis. (v. C.S.P. 1706. No. 357. iii.) Copy. French. 3 pp. [C.O. 152, 12. Nos. 159, 160.]
Nov. 11. 452. Mr. West to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have no objection to the Act of Nevis for raising a poll-tax upon negroes and other slaves etc. Signed, Richd. West. Endorsed, Recd. Read 12th Nov., 1719. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 12. No. 161.]
Nov. 12.
453. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Justices. We have no objection to the Act of Nevis for raising a poll tax on negroes and other slaves etc. belonging to the plantations and inhabitants of this Island of Nevis, and on the freeholders, householders and traders of the towns thereof. [C.O. 153, 13. pp. 445, 446.]
Nov. 14/25.
454. Extract of letter from the Earl of Stair to Mr. Secretary Craggs. I asked his Royal Highness if Monsr. the Marechal d'Etrées had yet brought him the Treaty by which England had ceded the Island of Sta. Lucia to the French. He said no, but the Marechal promised him from day to day to let him see it, and the other documents establishing the right of the French to the said Island. I said to him, Monseigner, if England has ceded Sta. Lucia, I know that the King my Master will dispute nothing which belongs to you by so authentic a title as a Treaty, but on the other hand His Majesty expects that your Royal Highness will not permit anyone to encroach upon the rights of the King of Great Britain. I shall have the honour of showing to your Royal Highness the titles of the King to Sta. Lucia, which you will certainly find good and valid, unless there is a Treaty which destroys them. And if there is such a Treaty, it is astonishing that there should be noone in England who has the least knowledge of it. The Duke of Orleans replied very frankly, that the Treaty in question was a fact of which one would soon be informed. He assured me at the same time that he had granted the concession of the Island of Sta. Lucia to the Marechal d'Estrées only upon his assurances that the right of France was so well substantiated, that England would not dispute it, having renounced it in a Treaty. H.R.H. assured me that if the fact was not as the Marechal had stated it, the King would have occasion to be satisfied. I saw M. the Marechal the same day. He promised me that in two or three days he would let me see the documents, which he was then arranging. Copy. French. 1½ pp. [C.O. 153, 1. No. 18.]
Nov. 18. 455. Mr. West to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Report upon Act of Pennsylvania for vesting the house of William Clarke in trustees etc. (v. Oct. 6th.) The end of this bill is to strip the children in whom this estate is legally vested without hearing them or any person for them. The consideration of marriage is so strong that I think in this case it cannot be sett aside etc. I have spoken to Mr. Gee and other persons concerned in that country and upon the best information I can gett the allegations of the petitioner are true, and therefore I am of opinion that this bill ought for the injustice of it to be repealed etc. Signed, Richd. West. Endorsed, Recd. 19th., Read 20th Nov., 1719. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 133.]
Nov. 19.
456. Governor Hunter to Mr. Popple. I have never been able to stand on my legs since I last saw you, by the help of a most violent medicine I am to-day better and in better hopes. I send with my most humble duty to their Losps. the large map I mention'd when I am able to attend them I shall look out some papers and bring them wt. me which may be necessary for their view, tho' I much dispaire of recovering all by reason of ye unhappy accident which befell to my scritoire coming up ye River being stav'd by ye anchor on ye bow of a ship and thrown into the River where it remain'd an hour before they could recover it. I shall as soon as I am able to do any thing want your advice and Mr. Bamfield's assistance in my affaire, but at present I can entertaine no thought but of endeavours to get rid of intolerable paine. Signed, Rd. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. Read 19th Nov., 1719. Holograph. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1051. No. 100.]
Nov. 19. 457. Mr. Popple to Lord A. Hamilton. Requests him to substantiate statements in his memorial of 4th Sept. [C.O. 138, 16. pp. 243, 244.]
Nov. 20.
458. Mr. Popple to Zacchariah Richardson. The Board desire that you would bring your objections in writing on Thursday, etc. (v. 6th Oct.) [C.O. 5, 1293. p. 225.]
Nov. 21.
459. Governor Lowther to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to letters of 7th Aug. and 30th Oct. Continues:—This will be delivered by Henry Lascelles, who is charged with my defence etc. I could not transmit it to the Lords of Appeal before the time was elapsed allowed the complainants for prosecuting their appeal (v. 12th March). No person on behalf of the S.P.G. has yet served me with that Order: nor was I served with that which relates to Lansa's complaints till 30th Sept., at which time I intended to have had several depositions taken before the Council sitting as a Court of Errors, and to have transmitted my defence to the Lords of Appeal by Capt. Holland but I was interrupted in so doing by Jonathan Blenman Councellour at law who moved me, "There is a power of attorney come over from Lansa which is now in the Secretary's Office, the gentlemen named as Attorneys conceive they cannot proceed till they have got it out of the office, and till then they apprehend your Excellency will not think it proper to proceed" etc. This notice prevent my transmitting my defence by Captain Holland, and detained it till this moment, for tho the pretended plaintiff had elapsed his time in serving me with the order, and tho the whole matter should have been returned to the board in six months from 12th March, yet I conceived it more tollerable to lay a little longer under the infamy of the accusation than to give my adversaries the least pretence of insinuating that they could have made good their charge, had I not taken advantage of Lansa's pretended power of attorney to Messrs. Beckles & Sandford etc. Mr. Beckles was served on 30th Oct. with my answer. As I have in vain waited 20 days for a reply, it may be reasonably conjectured that the aforesaid motion was made only to prevent me as long as possible from laying my defence before their Lordships etc. As this matter is before the Lords of Appeal, I shall only note in general that the petition of Lansa is a meer sham. That Demoracin is proved perjured in many instances. In his deposition there is a long dialogue he swears he had with Mr. Lascelles: four credible wittnesses prove that he neither spake nor understood English, and Lascelles deposes that he neither speakes or understands any language but English. My suspicions as to the chief agents in contriveing that petition are lately confirmed. Parson Gordon arrived here on 18th Sept. On 28th he carry'd a paper to Judge Husbands purporting to be a power of attorney from Francis Lansa to Messieurs Beckles and Sandford which he swore before the sd. Judge that he saw Lansa execute: it is evidenced in this form, vizt., sealed and delivered (being first duely stampt according to law) in the presence of W. Gordon, Gioseffe Dalborgh. On 30th Sept. Nicholas Hope brought the said pretended power to the Secretary's office to be recorded and offered to pay double fees to have it instantly done and also desired that he might record it himself: but both his requests were rejected. There's great reason to conclude him perjured in this affair, and that the sd. pretended power was not made and executed in England, but here, being there's no stamps upon it, tho the Parson as a wittness thereto has attested that it was first duely stampt etc. Moreover everybody believes the name Dalborgh was wrote by Gordon etc. No better reason can be assigned for Mr. Hope's pressing to have the power recorded in the manner before mention'd than in order to have distroy'd it, that it might not hereafter appear that it was writ upon unstampt paper, or rise up in judgment against Mr. Gordon. This is the power on which Mr. Blenman chiefly grafted the motion of 30th Sept. Refers to warrant by which he was committed etc. Blenman was not committed for producing or insisting upon the Order of Council, but for not owning from whom he received it, in regard, it not only plainly appear'd to the Court that the papers annex't to the said Order were not affix'd by a ribband going through the same, but were stitched to the sd. Order in sundry places, and that part of the ribband which did go through the seal was cut off, and a ribband of a different sort was sewed to it near the seal, but the same did not go through any of the annexes, so that the sd. annexes (one of which is dated 20th March) appeared to have been affixed to the Order of 12th March after the seal was put thereto. As the Attorney General has directions to prosecute Mr. Blenman for this crime at the next Grand Sessions, so it may be reasonably presumed that he will then discover from whom he had the sd. rule and annexes: I make no doubt, from Mr. Gordon with instructions to move me in the manner that's related: being the said motion has nothing in it that's either reasonable just or solid: for if (in order to my justification) I am permitted by their Lordships sd. rule to have depositions privately taken before any Judge or Magistrate, certainly no just exception can be made against having such depositions publickly taken before H.M. Council sitting as a Court of Error and Grievance etc. The true intent of the motion was to insult me, and amuse the vulgar people as long as possible with these unjust imputations and slanders etc. Signed, Rob. Lowther. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Lascelles) 20th Jan., Read 12th April, 1719/20. 3½ pp. [C.O. 28, 15. No. 86.]
Nov. 21.
New York.
460. Col. Schuyler, President of the Council of New York, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to letter of Oct. 31st and acknowledges letter of 26th Aug. and Act and papers relating to pitch and tar which have been printed and published etc. Encloses Minutes of Council. Continues:—In those Minutes your Lordships will perceive by the propositions made by some Sachims of the Five Nations to the Commissioners of the Indian Affairs that they look upon themselves slighted by H.M. other Governmts. to the Southward, and tho' this Government dos always use its utmost interest amongst them to prevent their going to warr against the Indians which live that way, it is possible such contempt may at one time or another occasion consequences which are much easier prevented than redressed etc. With the advice of the Council has granted a Commission to Capt. Allane etc. v. 31st Oct. Continues:—Upon all other occasions I shall follow the same rule in preferring persons of the best substance and parts etc. I forbore to trouble your Lordships with a petition from the owners of land in this Province bordering on the line of the Jerseys, because I was in hopes the Gent. of the Council, to whome it was committed, would have made a report thereon, that I might have transmitted both together. But since some of the Jersey Proprietors have presented a long memoriall to the President of that Province, which I presume they either have or will send home I enclose a coppy of said petition etc. The petitioners offer to make out their allegations, except the mistake in the date of the Duke's grant. The Council's report and petitioners' remarks on the said memorial shall be transmitted etc. I hope that in the meanwhile no sollicitations of the other side may obtaine any order to the prejudice either of this H.M. Province, or of its inhabitants, untill they are first fully heard thereon. I conceive they are of right intituled hereto etc. Signed, Pr. Schuyler. Endorsed, Recd. 24th Dec. 1719/20. Read 18th Jan., 1720/1. 3 pp. Enclosed,
460. i. Petition of several owners of lands bordering on New Jersey to the President and Council of New York. Complain of the way the boundary line was surveyed. (v. 31st Oct.) The Surveyor and Commissioners of New Jersey were not required to execute a bond of £100 to run the line, as was the Surveyor for New York. Making use of a small instrument and in such foggy cloudy weather as was not known in the memory of man, they fixed the latitude upon the Fish Kill near a small creek which they called Station Brook, as if determined to secure the low lands for the Jerseys etc. Pray that proceedings may be stayed until H.M. allowance of the Act for running the line is signified and a proper instrument obtained etc. Signed, Lancaster Symes and 28 others. Same endorsement. 7 pp. [C.O. 5, 1052. ff. 109–114.]
Nov. 21.
Perth Amboy.
461. Lewis Morris, President of the Council of New Jersey, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Assessors of the publique taxes having neglected their duties etc., I reprimanded them, and then issued the inclos'd Proclamation etc. The enemyes of the publique peace have so great an influence, that whoever commands here, can do little else, but threaten unlesse he has aid from without. Describes bounds of New Jersey etc. Believes that some of the Council of New York have taken up large tracts of land in Jersie by virtue of grants from New Yorke: None of them appear to the petition, but some of the petitioners are in partnership with them etc. Proposes to try the Russian method of barking trees etc. Continues: The publique occasions made it necessary for New Jersie, as well as New Yorke, to strike bills of credit, which were by the Acts of the Generall Assembly, made currant at certain rates; but the money rais'd to sinke them will not be sufficient for that purpose etc. A miscalculation by the Assembly, occasion'd this; and I feare, I shall be under a necessity, of calling them together, to make suitable provisions, to support their owne credit. Set out, N. J. Archives, 1st Ser. iv. 439. Signed, Lewis Morris. Endorsed, Recd. 24th Dec., 1719. Read 18th Jan., 1720/21. 8 pp. Enclosed,
461. i. Petition of several of the inhabitants of New York to the President in Council of New York. State their apprehensions concerning the running of the boundary line between New York and New Jersey, for which the Assembly of New York has appropriated £300. Signed, Lancaster Symes and 23 others. Endorsed as preceding. 5½ pp.
461. ii. Petition of Allan Jarratt, Surveyor of New York, to the President and Council of New York. Describes his difficulty with the Surveyor for New Jersey in fixing the boundary and deciding the true latitude of 41° by means of a small brass quadrant of about 22 inches etc. Signed, Allane Jarratt. Copy. 1 p.
461. iii. Report of the Committee of the Council of New York upon preceding petition. Propose that Mr. Jarratt be required to certify that the station pretended to be fixed at the Fish Kill and Madame Corbett's is wrong and erroneous, and that all further proceedings ought to be stayed until a correct and large instrument be procured etc. New York, Sept. 24, 1719. Signed, A. Depeyster, Gerrard Beekman, Rip Van Dam, John Barberie, A.D. Philipse. Endorsed as letter. Copy. 1 p.
461. iv. Proprietors of New Jersey to the President in Council of New Jersey. Argument in reply to Nos. ii. and iii. supra. Perth-Amboy, Oct. 12, 1719. Signed, J. Barclay, Dpt. Regtr. Endorsed as preceding. 23½ pp.
461. v. Proclamation by Lewis Morris, Perth-Amboy, 22nd Aug. 1719. Assessors, who hereafter neglect their duty of assessing arrearages under the Act for the support of the Government for two years etc., will be proceeded against etc. Signed, Lewis Morris. Endorsed as preceding. Printed. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 971. Nos. 87, 87. i –v.]
Nov. 24./Dec. 5.
462. Mr. Pulteney to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have not as yet any business relating to the Commission to lay before your Lordps. etc. I have had an opportunity of asking some questions relating to the settlements on the Mississipi of a person sent thither, by Mr. Laws in 1717, who is just returned. He landed at the Isle aux Vaisseaux, which is in the mouth of the River, at a considerable distance from the shoar, but the nearest place they can land at, the coast being very low and the water shallow; which is the reason he gives too, why they cannot anywhere about the mouth of the river build any ships as they pretended to do: nor can they without difficulty float their timber to the Isle aux Vaisseaux, or easily debarque from thence. But Pensecola, he says, with the Island that lies before the Bay makes an extraordinary good harbour capable of receiving a great number of ships of any burden: so that the success of their settlements in those parts seems very much to depend upon their keeping this place. Between the Illinois and the mouth of the Mississipi, he says, the French have about eighteen habitations: But as the River overflows its borders for three leagues on each side constantly every winter etc., they will be obliged to keep their settlements at some distance from it; their chief settlement, the new Orleans having lately been overflowed so that the inhabitants had some difficulty in saving themselves, etc. The Indian Nations which are very numerous on both sides of the River, he says, are as much in the French interest, as the French themselves etc. Refers to affairs in Paris. Paris, Dec. 5, 1719. Signed, D. Pulteney. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd., Read 3rd Dec., 1719. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 323, 7. No. 166.]
Nov. 24.
Treasury Chambers.
463. Mr. Stanhope, Secretary to the Lords of the Treasury, to Mr. Popple. Encloses following, and desires a list of the debentures referred to, with the Board's observations thereupon etc. Signed, C. Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. Read 26th Nov., 1719. Addressed. ¾ p. Enclosed,
463. i. Petition of Agents for sufferes of Nevis and St. Kitts. Pray for 3 years interest upon the debentures due to said sufferers by the recent Act etc. 2 pp. [C.O. 152, 12. Nos. 164, 164. i.]
Nov. 24.
New York.
464. [—] to Mr. Heathcote. Capt. Smith, Commander of the Beaver and bearer hereof having informed us that Collo. Lodwick, Mr. Baker and several other merchants have been to wait on you and desired that in case this Government became vacant you would joyn your interest with theirs in the obtaining it for your brother and since Collo. Hunter's return is not expected by any body in these parts, we enclose a certificate in favour of Col. Heathcote, whom all parties would be glad to see appointed Governor etc. The certificate is said to be signed by the President and 7 of H.M. Council, the Mayor, Aldermen, Ministers, merchants and principal inhabitants of New York etc. No signature or endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1092. No. 11.]
Nov. 26. 465. Objections offered by Zechariah and Rebecca Richardson to an Act of Pennsylvania. v. Oct. 6 & Nov. 18. Endorsed, Recd. Read 26th Nov. 1719. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 134.]
Nov. 27.
466. Mr. Popple to Charles Stanhope, one of the Secretaries of the Treasury. In reply to 24th Nov., encloses following. The persons concerned have performed what is required etc. Enclosed,
466. i. List of Sufferers by the French invasion of Nevis and St. Christophers in 1706, whose losses were on one of the said Islands, and their resettlements on the other, with the number and value of the debentures signed for them by the Lords Commrs. for Trade on 9th Sept. 1719, in pursuance of an Act pass'd the last Session of Parliament. Names:—(x) Sufferers on Nevis, resettled on St. Christophers, Mathurin Guignard, Leonard Woodward. James Stephens, Rachel Jones, Thomas Chezus, Eliza. Chezus, William Berryman, Hugh Berryman, Mary Huggins, Henry Litton, Thomas Teeper or Tipper. (b) Sufferers on St. Christophers who resettled on Nevis, orphans of Edwd. Moore, John Kitt. Total value of debentures, £1, 424 19s. 6d. [C.O. 153, 13. pp. 448, 449.]
Nov. 29. 467. Governor Hunter to Mr. Docminique. Repeats Dec. 2, q.v. Continues: If I am not mistaken there will be speedy occasion for some more good Councilors there, and the two who are talk'd of there viz. Bayard and Courtland have been the principal instruments in all ye trouble I mett with on that side and will never change their nature. I have some things of consequence to the Province to offer to their Losps. When I am able to attend. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd, Read 5th Dec. 1719. Holograph. 3½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1051. No. 102.]
Nov. 30.
St. James's.
468. H.M. licence of leave to Thomas Betts, Naval Officer in Jamaica, to continue in Great Britain for another year and execute his office by deputy etc. Countersigned, J. Craggs. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 256, 257.]