Jan. 17. |
167. Petition of Jeremiah Dummer to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. The Government of New Hampshire have by a
late Act of Assembly laid a duty on all timber cut and loaded in
the Province of Main that is brought down the River of Piscataqua
to be landed in the Massachusetts, and another duty on all West
India goods that pass up the sd. River, tho' they have paid before
in the Massachusetts and are to be landed in the Province of
Main. Petitioner is commanded by the Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay humbly to represent to your Lordps. that the sd.
Act is highly unjust, for the reason that one halfe of the River of
Piscataqua does belong to the Massachusetts by their Charter,
and is accordingly settled in townships under their jurisdiction;
and that the Act is besides of very evil consequence as it tends to
destroy the harmony and good agreement that has hitherto bin
between H.M. two Provinces. Prays their Lordships to direct
the Government of New Hampshire to transmit the sd. Act to
the Board (which is not yet done) for their consideration, etc.
Signed, Jer. Dummer. Endorsed, Recd. 17th, Read 26th Jan.,
17 14/15. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 28; and 5, 913. p. 503.] |
[Jan. 17.] |
168. Copy of Mr. Skene's patent as Secretary of Barbados,
1702. Endorsed, Recd. Read 17th Jan., 17 14/15. 5½ pp. [C.O.
28, 14. No. 32; and 29, 13. pp. 160–166.] |
[Jan. 17.] |
169. Copy of the bill prepared to pass into a patent appointing
Charles Hedges Secretary of the Leeward Islands [? 1708]. Signed,
Edw. Northey. Endorsed, Recd. Read 17th Jan., 17 14/15. 2¼ pp.
[C.O. 152, 10. No. 36; and 153, 12. pp. 149–151.] |
Jan. 17. |
170. Sir John Colleton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Prays that John Colleton may not be appointed to the
Council of Barbados, he having a suit depending against him,
etc. Endorsed, Recd. from the Lord Berkeley, Read 17th Jan.,
17 14/15. ¾ p. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 31.] |
[Jan. 17.] |
171. Copy of the bill prepared to pass into a Patent appointing John Baber, Secretary Commissary Genl. and Clerk of the
Enrollments at Jamaica, etc. Signed, Edw. Northey, 6th Aug.,
1702. Endorsed, Recd. Read 17th Jan., 17 14/15. 4 pp. [C.O.
137, 10. No. 56; and 138, 14. pp. 166–170.] |
[Jan. 17. Petty France, Westmr. |
172. John Chamberlayne to Mr. Popple. Testifies to the
character and ability of Col. Vetch. Continues: All the hardships
he has undergon of late years are wholly owing to his devotion
to the present Government. He won Port Royal from the French,
and has kept it in spite of both French and English. He appears
as bright to me in his private and civil caracter, as in his public
and military capacity known to all, a man of virtue and sobriety,
of learning especially mathematical, of great discretion and a
thorough knowledge of all the Plantations in N. America, insomuch that I think him fit to govern any of 'em, and lastly a man
of candor, ingenuity, and of a very friendly and agreeable temper;
etc. Signed, John Chamberlayne. Endorsed, Recd. Read 17th
Jan., 17 14/15. 2 pp. [C.O. 217, 1. No. 46.] |
Jan. 18. Whitehall. |
173. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Stanhope. We have considered the case of Col. Vetch (v. 20th
Dec., 1714); Whereupon we desire you will be pleas'd to represent
to H.M., That it appears by Her late Majesty's Instructions to
Col. Vetch, 28th Feb., 1708–9, that he had fram'd a scheme for the
reduction of Canada and Placentia; which being approved of
by H.M., he was at that time in such esteem with the then
Ministry, that he was intrusted with a considerable share in the
management of that matter and particularly in perswading the
several Governments in North America to raise troops to join
those to be sent from hence on that intended expedition; which
troops were rais'd accordingly; But the Gertrudenburgh Treaty
intervening, that design was then laid aside. It further appears
to us, that after this, Col. Vetch coming to this Kingdom, he
drew up some proposals for reducing Port Royal, wch. were also
approved of; the expedition undertaken and executed with
success; and he by H.M. Instructions left Govr. of the place, with
a garrison of about 500 men, which suffer'd very much from the
French and Indians; but more from the want of pay, provisions
and cloathing; Constant accounts whereof he gave by letters,
during the three years he remain'd there, to the then Lord
Treasurer, Secretaries of State and War etc. earnestly desiring
directions what to do, that so considerable a place might not be
abandon'd, and the country again fall into the hands of the French,
many of wch. letters are yet remaining in the Secry's. Office;
and notwithstanding he sent over a Capt. of the Garrison on
purpose to sollicit for pay and cloathing, as well as for H.M.
particular directions in relation to the said garrison and country,
he affirms that during the said years, he never receiv'd any
Instructions, directions or orders upon his said letters, which
we are inclin'd to believe, for that in the books in the Secry's.
Office none such are to be found. It further appears to us,
that had not Mr. Boreland (the Agent at New England) advanced
great sums for the support of the Garrison, it must have been
dissolv'd. That about 26 months after that country was in the
possession of the Crown, some parts of the bills drawn by Col.
Vetch for the money aforesaid, was paid; Col. Vetch and Mr.
Boreland inform us, that the garrison rec'd no cloathing, during
the said three years: that in Nov., 1713, they recd. one by Col.
Nicholson, tho the worst that ever was seen in those parts, and
by no means fit for so cold a climate. Upon the whole we are
humbly of opinion, that Col. Vetch and the Garrison by being
thus neglected, both have suffer'd great hardships. That it
may be for H.M. service, that Col. Vetch be restored to the
Government of that Country, not having done anything that we
can learn, to deserve to be removed. On the contrary, we have
received from sevl. persons of credit a good character of him;
wch. is also strengthened by Her late Majesty's Instructions;
we further humbly offer that he be paid the salary due to him
while he was Govr. and his arrears of pay as Captn.; and that
Mr. Boreland be reimburs'd the money advanc'd by him for the
necessary support of that Garrison, as shall appear to be due.
We have lately receiv'd from Col. Vetch a Meml. of the nature,
soil and product of that Country; with a scheme for setling and
improving the same to the advantage of this Kingdom, by the
fishery and the production of Naval Stores there; and for securing
it from any attempts of an enemy; which we hope in a little time
to be able to lay before H.M. We have also considered the Petn.
of Sr. Charles Hobby (v. 7th Jan.), but as we don't find he has
equal pretensions with Col. Vetch to that post, so we presume
that what we have already represented, will be a sufficient
answer to his petition. [C.O. 218, 1. pp. 142–147.] |
[Jan. 18.] |
174. Copy of Col. Vetch's Instructions to Sr. Charles Hobby,
Deputy Governor of Annapolis Royal, July 5, 1711. Signed,
Sam. Vetch. Endorsed, Recd. Read 18th Jan., 17 14/15. 1 p.
[C.O. 217, 1. No. 49; and 218, 1. pp. 148, 149.] |
[Jan. 19.] |
175. Officers concerned for the settlement of 1,000 disbanded
soldiers in North America to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Desire the Board to interview persons mentioned in following, "who
will give a perfect account of that country," etc. Signed, Dnl.
Hall, Wm. Armstrong, John Evans, John Norborn. Endorsed,
Recd. Read 19th Jan., 17 14/15. ¾ p. Enclosed, |
175. i. Same to same. Names of persons referred to in
preceding:—Col. Nathaniel Byfield, Jeremiah Dummer,
Josiah Willard, William Willard, — Wally, — Bannister,
Thomas Coram. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 25, 25 i.;
and 5, 913. pp. 498–500.] |
Jan. 19. Savage Garden neare Crotchett Fryers. |
176. Solomon Merrett to Mr. Popple. Recommends "bearer
of enclosed, who is well acquainted with the affairs of Nova
Scotia. I should be extreamly pleased to heare somewhat was
doeing for the fortifying of Placentia and the supply of the
Garrison," etc. Signed, Solomon Merrett. Endorsed, Recd. Read
19th Jan., 17 14/15. Addressed. ¾ p. Enclosed, |
176. i. Capt. Nathan Blackmore to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Proposes that a brigantine be built on
purpose to survey the coast of Nova Scotia in order
to settle inhabitants, and that he design and command
her, etc. Signed, N. Blackmore. 1 p. [C.O. 217, 1.
Nos. 50, 50 i.; and (without enclosure) 218, 1. pp. 150,
151.] |
Jan. 20. Boston. |
177. Lt. Governor Usher to the Council of Trade and Plantations. In October last gave accott. of my proceedings in Govermtt.
New Hampshire, relating to funirall of late Queen of ever blessed
memory, and proclaimeing his Most Gratious Majesty King George,
etc. Since wch. H.E. dissolved Assembly, soe litle accott. of
affaires there; When in province, offering, if anything for H.M.
service, or good province, should act therein redily Councill
always declareing nothing to offer: refuseing to allow barely
expences I was att. and not raiseing mony for my suportt as Lt.
Governour: yett always gave attendance as occation required,
therefore of late nott bin in province. Genll. Nicholson, judge
when in province observations made, being gon for great Brittain,
judge render true accott. matters, he is much out of respect and
esteem here, judge same for his fidelity in serveing Crown, must
say his actions always bin for discovering truth. Recommends
Sampson Sheaf, now going for England, " a person of true loyall
principles, and able to render accott. of all things relateing
Crown. Formerly an Instruction to make lawes, for preserveing
trees and a nursery for H.M. service, persons now acting as
pleas: mast trees and nursery destroyed wthin. pretended
town bounds. This winter Exiter and Dover cutt some thousand
logs, wthoutt. precincks of townships, wch. the Crown are great
sufferours," etc. Am of opinion Crown perchaseing Mr. Allen's
claime may be of greatt service, etc. Massachusetts have granted
a loane of 50,000, on land security, to pay same wth. 5 per cent.: in
province bills, or mony 17d. ½ wt., know persons have, takeing
mony att 15 dwt.: offered said bills of 17½d. refused to accept
unless allow fiften pr. ct.: by itt may se whatt Crown and
Country suffers, for want due regulations and setlemtt., etc.
Signed, John Usher. Endorsed, Recd. 26th April, Read 5th
May, 1715. Addressed. Holograph. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No.
31.] |
Jan. 20. St. James's. |
178. H.M. Commission to Samuel Vetch to be Governor of
Nova Scotia and the town and garrison of Annapolis Royal, etc.
Countersigned, James Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. Read 20th
May, 1715. Copy. 1½ pp. [C.O. 217, 1. No. 117; and
218, 1. pp. 222–224; and 5, 190. p. 45.] |
Jan. 24. Whitehall. |
179. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. The season of the year for transmitting such
dispatches as H.M. service may require for Newfoundland, advancing, you are to take the state of that country forthwith into your
consideration, and for your information you have herewith such
letters and memorials as have been transmitted from thence,
that having all in your view, you may report your opinion of
what you shall judge proper for H.M. service in these parts, etc.
Signed, James Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. 25th, Read 26th
Jan., 17 14/15. 1 p. Enclosed, |
179. i. James Smith to Lord Townshend. A memorial upon
the most remarkable difficulties and disorders which
attend the present management of our Fishery at
Newfoundland, and their remedies. (1) Most of the
rules that have been enacted for regulating the trade to
Newfoundland, are either ineffectual, or imperfect.
The penalties imposed by the Act 15 Car. cap. 16
being only to be sued for in any of H.M. Courts in that
countrey, where no courts of judicature were established, this law never had effect. Some years agoe
upon application by the Commissioners of Customs to
His late Royal Highness, for a Court of Admiralty there,
a warrant was issued and I was named to be Judge,
but refused to undertake the imployment without a
competent and fixed salary. But the late Earl of
Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer replied to the application of the Commissioners for reasonable salaries to be
granted to me and other officers, that there being but
few inhabitants in Newfoundland, and the trade very
precarious, their request could not be granted till the
Peace, then in view, was concluded. Upon the conclusion of the late Peace, I made my application to
the late Lord High Treasurer, who dismissed it with
saying that he knew nothing of any Court in Newfoundland, nor of any revenue ariseing to the Crown from
thence. And as matters were at that time ordered
with respect to that miserable place, it was perhaps
not convenient to give any countenance to an establishment of that kind, yet after all these delayes and
disappointments, which have brought me under many
hardships, I went abroad at my own charge, and
executed my commission, and for the relief of the poor
inhabitants and at their earnest desire, left deputations
to such as I believed to be persons of the greatest
probity and knowledge among them. I freely confess
that, however necessary this or indeed any Court must
needs be where Justice is neither practised nor known,
yet as to the purpose for which it was chiefly designed,
it could be of very litle importance, unless some other
regulations had been setled at the same time. For
according to law the Acts of Trade and Navigation
cannot be put in execution without a Governour or a
person by him appointed, commonly called the Naval
Officer, whose business it is to take bonds, and clear
all ships inwards and outwards laden with enumerated
goods, etc. And consequently the appointment of a
preventive officer in Newfoundland, where there was
neither a Court of Admiralty nor a Naval Officer, hath
been all along an unnecessary charge to the Government.
The Act 10 and 11 W. cap. 25, which is the only law
whereby the Fishery is now governed, is also very
imperfect and defective. For besides that the several
heads of it are only directions and prohibitions without
any penalties to inforce the same, the Fishing Admirals
are thereby authorised to decide the differences that may
arise among themselves for precedency in the respective
harbours, where they first arrive, and such controversies
as concern fishing stages and other conveniences for
cureing and drying fish, an appeal being reserved to
Commanders of H.M. ships appointed convoys to the
Trade, but are not allowed to take cognisance of any
other cases, nor even in these have they the least power
to compel persons to submit to their determinations.
The Legislature no doubt was unwilling to grant compleat
jurisdiction to such as might very probably be misguided
by ignorance or interest in their way of administring
justice. Nevertheless both the Fishing Admirals and
Commanders of H.M. ships exercise a most absolute
and tyrannical power over the inhabitants by inflicting
corporal punishments, seising their plantations, carrying
away their fish by force and violence, and leaveing
them to starve. And as these acts of cruelty yearly
committed in Newfoundland without any redress,
added to the extream poverty of the planters, have
rendred it the most dismal scene of misery in the world,
so I may confidently affirm, that till they are effectually
restrained, all attempts for incourageing this trade will
prove vain. (2) The meaning of several very material
clauses in the Acts relateing to Newfoundland is
mistaken or perverted. Thus a considerable trade is
carried on there by Factors from Ireland, New England
and other Colonies belonging to H.M., contrary to the
design and intention of the Act of 10 and 11 William.
The Act declares that it shall be lawfull for all H.M.
subjects resideing in England and the dominions thereto
belonging to trade to Newfoundland, but the inhabitants
of Ireland and of H.M. Plantations, tho' they be H.M.
subjects and belong to the Dominions of the Crown,
yet cannot be said to belong to the Dominions of
England, and therefore have no right to any share of
this trade, etc. The Irish and Plantation trade lessens
the consumption of our manufactures, and deprives the
fishing ships of the advantage of wholly supplying the
planters with provisions etc. from hence, and conveighs
what money can be found in the hands of the planters
into Ireland and the Plantations. Another abuse is,
that the inhabitants of Newfoundland claim a property
in all such beeches, rocks and lands as have been once
possessed by them or their predecessors, tho' they make
no use nor improvement of the same, which is a great
discouragement to those who would make settlements
among them, and also repugnant to the sense of the law,
which allows no more ground to each planter, than what
he cuts out and improves, and in case he suffers his
plantation to run to decay etc., the ground belongs of
right to the first possessor. The directions of the law
are so litle regarded in the important matter of increasing the number of seamen, that they are rather
diminished by it, for when once the fishing season is
over not only servants to byboat keepers, and others
imployed in the Fishery, but likewise many saillours
are discharged and transport themselves into New
England and other Plantations. (3) The third obstruction to the advancement of this trade proceeds from
want of due incouragement to the Planters, whose
industry is the foundation of all the advantages ariseing
from it. There are at present about 500 families in
Newfoundland, but their condition is more to be pitied
than that of slaves and negroes. During the late wars,
they were continually harassed by the French, their
setlements burnt and destroyed, and their effects carried
of, that when the peace was concluded they had nothing
to depend on but the success of their future labour, and
tho' since that time the fishing seasons have proved so
bad, especially last summer, that the whole produce of
the fish they caught, was not sufficient to give them
subsistance, yet to compleat their ruin, a dividend was
made by order of the Commodore of every planter's
fish for payment of their former debts, and some, who
indeavoured to conceall small quantities for purchaseing
bread for their families in the winter were punished with
whiping and such like severities, and had the fish
taken from them. The usual way of tradeing with the
planters is thus, they are supplied with all materials
for fishing, provisions, wearing apparell and other
necessaries from the ships, which arrive in the spring,
and when the fishing season is ended, they deliver fish
to the value of the debt contracted, but their debts at
present are become so heavy, that their labour and
likewise their plantations are most gaged for some
years to the creditours, and in the mean time they themselves are left in a starveing condition. Proposes that
some method be taken for the relief of their debts,
and that registers be kept of debts hereafter contracted,
or discharged, that they may not be imposed on by false
accounts, as commonly they are through their extream
ignorance, nor be obliged to buy at an exorbitant price.
(4) The partial views and designs of several persons
interested in this trade have occasioned many abuses
and disorders in it, and prevented all the attempts that
have been made for its inlargement and security. The
inhabitants of the western counties have many advantages in carrying on the Newfoundland trade which those
of the other parts of England can hardly ever attain
to, they understand perfectly the management of the
Fishery, being trained up to it from their childhood,
they can saill earliest in the spring to Newfoundland,
and keep the planters, who are their relations and belong
to the same counties, in a continual dependance on them.
On the other hand, most of the ships from London
and other ports arrive late, and sometimes are disappointed of their ladeing, which they commonly
purchase with bills or ready money. To remove this
inequality between the West Countrey traders and the
Londoners, and to bring the trade more upon a ballance
it was thought expedient to have a Governor appointed,
by whose means it would probably be forced to run in
another channel. The people of the West Countrey
vigorously opposed that design, and have ever since
opposed all other designs for regulating the affairs
of Newfoundland, being still apprehensive that new
regulations however necessary would introduce a
Governour. This scheme being found impracticable,
some particular persons to ingross a considerable share
of the trade, or, if I am rightly informed, the whole to
themselves, had interest to get several lesser offices
created in Newfoundland, not that they were useful
to that countrey or serviceable to the interest of the
trade, but that they might be filled with such officers
as were fit to be toolls and subservient to their designs.
I mean particularly one, who was lately sent from hence,
under the title of H.M. Surveyor General of Newfoundland, tho' his business was only to pilot the transport,
which was ordered to attend him on this important
service, into some harbours, which had been possessed
by the French before the peace, the affair of surveying
and makeing draughts being devolved on another.
As to his proceedings with regard to his imployment,
the master of the transport now returned can best
inform your Lordship. I shall only take notice of one.
He seized three French ships, and dismist them when
they had compounded with him for 200 quintals of fish,
etc. All officers residing there ought to be restrained
from medling in any part of the trade, for the more free
and uncontroul'd it is, the more it increases, etc. Signed,
Ja. Smith. Endorsed as preceding. 7½ pp. |
179. ii., iii. Duplicates of letter from Lt. Governor Moody to
Lord Bolingbroke. Placentia, Aug. 25, 1714. v. C.P.S.
under date. |
179. iv. Copy of Lt. Governor Moody's proclamation, June
30, 1714 (q.v.), forbidding French ships to break bulk,
etc. |
179. v. Copy of Lt. Governor Moody's Instructions to Capt.
Taverner, July 5, 1714. |
179. vi. Copy of Lt. Governor Moody's Proclamation to the
French Inhabitants of Placentia. July 12, 1714. Those
who take the oath of allegiance to Her Majesty and the
Crown of Great Britain, may remain in entire possession
and enjoyment of their goods and the privileges of H.M.
subjects. Those who have a mind to quit and leave
their goods and houses, H.M. permits to sell them, as
likewise whatsoever they possessed moveable and
immoveable. Therefore we order that all the said
French inhabtants, without distinction, declare their
sentiments without delay. Those who shall not be
disposed to take the oath of fidelity, we order to prepare
to depart from Newfoundland betwixt this and the
month of November next, according to the Treaty of
Peace, etc. Signed, J. Moody. Endorsed as covering
letter. 1½ pp. |
179. vii. Petition of merchants and factors in Placentia to Lt.
Governor Moody. Placentia, July 5, 1714. The French
continue to land goods. Pray that this be stopped and
the French prohibited from lading fish or train oil, and
that they be allowed to continue to fish (little or no fish
having been taken in the English settlements as yet)
provided they sell the fish and train oil to H.M. subjects,
etc. Signed, Richd. Sturzaker (mark), Will Taverner
and 7 others. Endorsed as covering letter. Copy. 3 pp. |
179. viii. Le Sieur de Costabelle, Governor at L'Isle Royale,
to Lt. Gov. Moody. In reply to your objection that
the term for the French evacuation of the French inhabtants has expired, and that they should forthwith be
constrained to declare their choice of allegiance and
residence, I think I am right in representing that they
cannot be compelled to leave Placentia till a year after
the day of the evacuation of the Forts of Placentia, etc.
According to the terms of the Treaty, the said evacuation
was not to be made till seven months after the exchange
of the ratifications, which goes up to the end of Nov.,
1713, in which term no ships appeared, whether French
or English, to signify to me the orders for the evacuation.
But adhering to the letter of the Treaty, the French
inhabtants have a year from the end of Nov., 1713,
to retire and transport their moveables, etc., etc. There
has not been one English inhabtant appeared in this
port to fish for cod in this port. The speedy departure
of all the French fishers would therefore only deprive
all the English ships come hither for truck to trade with
the French and oblige them to return home with their
merchandize, to the disadvantage of both nations, etc.
Signed, De Costabelle. Same endorsement. A bad
translation. 3 pp. |
179. ix. Commanders of English ships in Placentia Harbour
to Lt. Governor Moody. Aug. 9, 1714. We are entirely
well satisfyed with your zeal and indefatigable care in
managing all affairs relating to the Fishery and publick
trade, etc. 11 signatures. Same endorsement. Copy.
1 p. |
179. x. List of above enclosures. [C.O. 194, 5. Nos. 57, 57
i.–x.; and (covering letter and enclosure x. only) 195, 5.
pp. 419–423.] |
Jan. 24. Annapolis Royal. |
180. Extract of letter from Mr. Adams to Capt. Steele, at
Boston. We were in hopes here upon the General's arrival,
he wou'd pay off the Garrison and settle the place on a good
footing, but on the contrary put us in the greatest confusion,
pull'd down the forts, drove away the French, and carry'd away
all the English he cou'd, that the place is now almost desolate.
In short if his Commission had been to destroy the country, he
could not have discharg'd his trust to better purpose, he employ'd
all his time here, in pursuing his implacable malice against
Gvr. Vetch, when in truth he did the English interest in this
country more damage in the two months he was here, than Govr.
Vetch cou'd have done in all his life, etc. There is not one soul
in this place French or English (save 2) but hate and abhor his
name. Endorsed, Recd. (from Col. Vetch), Read 20th May,
1715. 1½ pp. [C.O. 217, 1. No. 118.] |
Jan. 25. Somerset-house. |
181. Caveat by the Earl of Clarendon against an Act of New
York for the payment of the debts of the Government, etc., and an
Act of New Jersey, to enable Thomas Gordon Esq., Treasurer of
this Province to pay £999 13s. 3d. towards the support of the Government, etc. |
I desire these Acts of Assembly may not be confirmed till I am
heard they being to my particular preiudice. Signed, Clarendon.
Endorsed, Recd. 27th Jan., Read 4th Feb., 1714 (1715). Holograph. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1050. No. 76.] |
Jan. 25. |
182. Extract of a letter from Samll. Penhallow and John
Wentworth, of H.M. Council at New Hampshire. We wish a
continuance of our present Governour, but as there is a vacancy
in the Council by the death of John Gerrish and two more that
are superannuated vizt. Peter Coffin and Nathaniel Weare, who
are each of them between 80 and 90 years of age and live remote,
we recommend three gentlemen of the Assembly, Theodore
Atkinson, Rich'd. Gerrish and George Jaffrey, the former recommended by Lord Bellamont; the two latter had the honour of
having their fathers to live and dye in that post who are well
respected by the Governour and esteem'd of by the people for
their integrity and loyalty. Capt. Richard Gerrish is Speaker
of the Assembly to the satisfaction of all. Endorsed, Recd. (from
Mr. Newman) Read 7th Sept., 1715. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No.
68.] |
Jan. 25. Whitehall. |
183. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. H.M. having been pleased to appoint Col. Hunter
to be Governor of New York, you are to prepare the draught of
a Commission and Instructions for him, for H.M. approbation,
etc. Signed, James Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. 28th Jan., Read
1st Feb., 17 14/15. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1050. No. 75; and 5, 1123.
p. 140.] |
Jan. 25. Whitehall. |
184. Same to Same. H.M. having been pleased to appoint
Col. Hunter Governour of New Jersey, you are to prepare a
draught of a Commission and Instructions for him, etc. Signed,
James Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. 28th Jan., Read 1st Feb.,
17 14/15. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 970. No. 167; and 5, 995. pp. 175, 176.] |
Jan. 26. Whitehall. |
185. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses following for their report. Signed, James
Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. 1st, Read 4th Feb., 17 14/15. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
185. i. Petition of Sir Charles Hobby to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.
Prays to be reinstated as Deputy Governor of Annapolis
Royal. Signed, Charles Hobby. Endorsed as preceding.
1 p. |
185. ii. O. Sedgwick to Mr. Secretary Stanhope. Encloses
following. Signed, O. Sedgwick for Sir C. Hobby. ¾ p.
Enclosed, |
185. iii. Copy of certificates by Lt. Genl. Francis Nicholson,
Governor Vetch and the inhabitants of Nova Scotia as to
the good services of Sir Charles Hobby, Oct. 10, 1710–28th Nov., 1711. Signed, F. Nicholson, Sam. Vetch,
and 26 French inhabitants. 3 pp. |
185. iv. Duplicate of No. 152. |
185. v. Certificate by inhabitants of Jamaica that Col. Hobby,
by his bravery and efforts saved the Magazine and Fort
of Port Royal from catching fire and blowing up.
London, July 10, 1706. Signed, Nich. Lawes and 11
others. 1 p. |
185. vi. Certificate by officers of H.M. garrison at Annapolis
Royal, that Sr. Charles Hobby by his wise conduct
reduced the French inhabitants to obedience, and by
his unwearied diligence with a very small sickly garrison
repaired the Fort etc. Boston, 3rd April, 1712. Signed,
Angus Nicholson, and 10 others. ¾ p. |
185. vii. Certificate that Sr. Charles Hobby has been the chief
promoter of this Colony, having bought lands of the
French, and built houses in Annapolis Royal, to
encourage tradesmen to settle, etc. 31st May, 1714.
Signed, J. Williams, Capt., and 4 others. ½ p. |
185. viii. Certificate confirming No. vi., and that Sir C. Hobby
was a great encourager of religion and good morality.
Annapolis Royal, 10th Oct., 1711. Signed, Jno.
Harrison, Chaplain. ¾ p. [C.O. 217, 1. Nos. 52, 52
i.–viii.; and (without enclosures) 218, 1. pp. 152, 153.] |
Jan. 26. St. James's. |
186. Memorandum of H.M. Commission to William Mathew
to be Lt. Governor of St. Christophers. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 45.] |
Jan. 26. Whitehall. |
187. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Dudley.
Having received information that an Act is lately pass'd in New
Hampshire whereby a duty is laid on all timber cut and loaden
in the Province of Main, etc. (v. 17th Jan.), we are surprized
this Act has not been yet transmitted hither, and therefore we
are obliged to require the same be sent us by the first ships that
come from your Government and a duplicate thereof by the
next conveyance. [C.O. 5, 913. p. 504.] |
Jan. 27. Virginia. |
188. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. It was the 26th of last month e're I had the honour
to recieve your Lordps. letter of 11th Aug., with the Orders
for proclaiming the King etc.; if there were any other commands
by your Lordps. sent by that conveyance, they are certainly
lost, the vessell in which they were dispatch'd being cast away
on the coast of New England, and every man perished, but so
many of the papers as floated ashore being taken up by the
country people and carryed to Col. Dudley, that one pacquett
was dispatch'd hither overland; however this misfortune has
not retarded the proclaiming H.M. etc. (v. Oct. 25 and Dec. 1st).
The General Assembly ended their Session on the 24th of last
month; and as the mutual confidence between me and them will
fully appear to your Lordps. by the Addresses in the Burgesses'
Journal of 24th Nov. and 16th Dec., so I hope the generall
proceedings of that session will prove to your Lordps.' satisfaction.
They are now prorogued to the 24th of April, the law of this country
for continuing Assemblys in case of the demise of the Sovereign
giving them power to act for six months and no longer, from the
time of their first meeting after such demise. Encloses Journals
and laws passed the last Session, etc., upon which as I am directed
by the Royal Instructions, I shall proceed to give you my observations. The manner of carrying on the trade heretofore with the
Indians, has not only been the occasion of frequent quarrells
between them and the English, but at last proved the entire loss
of that commerce. Abundance of loose people imploying themselves in that trade, and having no stock of their own were
obliged to purchase goods at a dear rate, and thereby either
become losers by the bargain, or to use such frauds in their
dealings with the Indians, as have too frequently incited them to
revenge the injustice by private murders: No orders of the
Government could be effectual to restrain those people from
trading: even when upon an open breach with the Indians,
it has been found necessary to prohibite trade; By which means
the Indians have been encouraged to continue their hostilitys:
but for remedying these inconveniencys an Act is now pass'd
for the better regulation of the Indian trade, by which all trading
with Indians within this Governmt. is limited to one place and
that too in open markett. This will pervent all fraudulent
practices with the Indians, and being to be carryed on at the
new settlement which I have lately made on the frontiers will
engage all our Tributarys to fix there for the greater conveniency
of their trading; whereby that place will become a sufficient
barrier against the incursions of any forreign enemy: but because
the trade with forreign Indians (which in times past was very
beneficial to the country, and is now by the ill management of
private persons totally lost) cannot be retrieved, nor effectually
managed without a greater stock than any private person
concern'd in that trade could adventure, provision is made in
this law for erecting a company who are to have the sole priviledge
of the Indian Trade for 20 years, unless H.M. shall think fitt to
dissolve them sooner. This Company are to contribute towards
erecting a magazine for H.M. stores of war, and to take from thence
all the powder used in that trade, delivering in at the same time
a like quantity of fresh powder, whereby the powder belonging
to H.M. will be still preserv'd from decaying; they are also to
erect at their own charge a schoolhouse for the Indian children,
and after two years time to take upon them the whole charge
of maintaining the fortifications of that place, and a guard of
twelve men and an officer, which at present is maintained at a
considerable charge to the country. Sundry other regulations
are made for the better government of the Indians and making
them usefull, instead of being (as heretofore) a burden to the
country. And as a foundation is hereby laid for a just way of
dealing with them, I doubt not that will also prove an encouragement to bring them over to Christianity. In fine, as there are
abundance of benefites like to accrue to the country by this Act,
so I am not sensible of any inconveniency it may occasion either
to H.M. service or the interest of the Colony. The Trade will
now be more extensive than ever it was before: People who
through the remoteness of their living had formerly no thoughts
of applying themselves to any dealings with the Indians, are now
willing to venture their money under the management of this
Company; And if it be considered that this commerce is solely
to be carryed on by the manufactures of Great Britain and the
produce returned thither for sale, that H.M. powder which used
heretofore to ly spoiling in the country will now be kept in a
condition fitt for service; and that whenever the safety of the
Government requires the shutting up the Indian trade, a Governor
has it in his power to stop all supplys of ammunition to the
Indians, which is the surest way of bringing them to reason,
I doubt not your Lordps. will not only approve this Act, but use
your interest with H.M. for giving leave to pass a Charter in favour
of this Company. The Act for exempting certain German Protestants from the payment of levys etc., is made in favour of
severall familys of that nation, who upon the encouragement of
the Baron de Graffenried came over hither in hopes to find
out mines; but the Baron's misfortunes obliging him to leave
this country before their arrival they have been settled on the
frontiers of Rappahannock, and subsisted chiefly at my own
charge, and the contributions of some gentlemen that have a
prospect of being reimburs'd by their labour whenever H.M. shall
be pleased by ascertaining his share, to give encouragement for
working these mines; And I hope the kind reception they have
found here will incite more of the same Nation to transport
themselves to this Colony, which wants only industrious people
to make it a flourishing country. The unseasonableness of the
weather last summer having very much lessned the crops both of
corn and tobacco, I could not but in compassion to abundance of
poor people recommend to the Assembly to give them some
ease as well in the payment of their private debts as of their
publick dues, And accordingly the Act for relief of such persons
as by reason of the drought of last summer have made small quantitys
of corn and tobacco etc. has made such provision therein as the
people are well satisfyed with. And at the same time that an
indulgence is granted for shipping off what old tobacco could
not be exported before the tobacco law took place, without
making it liable to the strictness which is required for stamp'd
tobacco, care is also taken to prevent the fraudulent exportation
of any bad tobacco out of the Colony. The Act for preventing
the malicious burning or destroying the publick storehouses of tobacco
agents, may seem to intimate a more general aversion to the late
measures for improving the staple of tobacco than there really is
among the people; 'Tis only the meaner unthinking sort that
reflecting only upon the present trouble it gives them, without
looking so far as the future advantage they will reap thereby,
give themselves more than ordinary libertys in talking, while all
the better sort of people are sensible of the benefites of such a
regulation; And tho by the laws of England, burning of houses
is felony, yet it was thought not improper to make known to the
people what punishment persons guilty of such a crime, are to
expect by a law of their own. The Act for preventing frauds in
tobacco payments is by an Act made this Session continued for one
year longer; And as the preamble of that Bill sets forth part of
the reasons for prolonging, so I beg leave to add one other cause
of my endeavouring to lengthen the time: which is, that since so
great an allowance is granted by the late Act of Parliament
upon dammaged tobacco, neither the merchant nor planter might
have it in their power to turn this indulgence to the prejudice of
the Crown by shipping off from hence unsound tobacco, which
costs nothing, and getting the allowance thereon at the Custom
house; for by such a practice, a very considerable part of the
dutys of all the good tobacco would be drawn back by the allowance on that which is bad. And tho the Assembly could not be
prevail'd on to make their law of equal duration with the Act of
Parliament, yet I'm in hopes when they have a little experienc'd
the advantages arising by the present measures, they'll be
desirous to continue it even for a longer time. The Act made in
1710 for prevention of abuses in tobacco shipp'd on freight, being
found beneficial to the country, and such as has not been
complained of by any of the masters of ships during the time it
has heretofore been in force, is now by an Act pass'd this session
made perpetual. The Act to supply the defects in the Act for laying
a duty on liquors and slaves, being only intended for a further
provision to pay off the debts of the country already contracted,
and to keep up their publick credit, with a suitable care to prevent
frauds in the payment of that duty, I hope neither of these Acts
have in them any thing which will be disagreeable to your Lordships. It is a great satisfaction that I can now acquaint your
Lordps., that an Act is pass'd for erecting a magazine, whereby
not only a place is provided for lodging the powder which her late
Majesty was graciously pleased to send over for the publick
service of this Government, but sallarys are established both for
a storekeeper and an armourer. The want of such a provision heretofore has been the occasion that most of the arms sent in for
the service of this country are become almost utterly unservicable,
and the ammunition for the most part spoil'd or embezzelled,
but now I doubt not to keep what arms there are in the country
in good condition; And by means of this Act and the provision
made in the Indian bill to have constantly a supply of good
powder ready for all occasions that may happen. Your Lordps.
will observe by this Bill that the money appropriated for building
the magazine is entrusted solely to my management, a confidence
which I have gain'd from them by offering to advance my own
money without interest towards that building, since their present
funds are so much anticipated, that they could not possibly raise
even that sum in a considerable time. I have in my former letters
mentioned to your Lordps. the disadvantage arising to the trade
of this Colony by the unequal rates at which gold coins have
pass'd here, and all much inferiour to the currency in the other
Plantations. This having lessned very much the current cash of
the country by draining from hence all the gold and British
silver coin. Upon the general direction I recieved from your
Lordps., 23rd April, 1713, I have consented to the passing an Act
for regulating and settling the current rates of gold coins and British
silver coins in this Dominion, which now bears a nearer proportion
to the rates formerly settled for forreign silver coin, tho' both
much lower than what is practised in ye neighbouring Colonys,
yet 'tis hop'd this regulation will hinder the export of a good part
of our running cash; and since there is an exception of all H.M.
Revenues and of debts contracted in England, it will be no
detriment to the interest of the Crown nor injury to the trade of
Great Britain. The Act to oblige owners and occupiers of mills
to which publick roads shall lead to make the damms of such mills
ten foot wide at the top is no otherwise remarkable, than as it
will be a testimony to your Lordps. of a commendable disposition
in the people of this country, to make their publick roads
convenient. The Act to repeal part of the Act giving a reward for
the killing of wolves and for lessning such reward, was made upon
the complaint of the inhabts. of the frontier countys, where
wolves are most numerous, that the whole charge of destroying
those noxious creatures fell upon them. And therefore the
Assembly have with a great deal of justice, thought fitt both to
lessen that reward, and to levy the charge upon the whole country
in general. Upon a representation from the inhabitants of the
countys of Princess Anne and Essex, that the times appointed by
the County Court law for holding their Courts were inconvenient,
as interfering very often with the Courts of the adjacent countys,
An Act is pass'd for altering the Court days of those countys; but
as I have always look'd upon it to be the prerogative of the Crown
to fix both the times and places for holding H.M. Courts, I have
got a clause added to this Act for saving H.M. prerogative in
both those points; and cannot forbear offering to your Lordps.
my humble opinion that the grievances of the people would be
more speedily redressed, if H.M. shall be pleased by an Instruction
to the Governor, to grant a general power (upon the application
of the principal inhabitants) to alter both the time and place of
holding any Court, since notwithstanding severall countys by new
settlements are of late increas'd to a very large extent of ground,
the Courthouses will continue as they were when those countys
were first erected; nor can the people ever agree among themselves
for remedying this inconveniency, or obtain redress in the
Assembly unless it happen that the Burgesses of the County be
chosen out of that remote precinct; besides it has been the
practice in some remote parts for the Justices, of their own
authority to alter the place of their sitting, but with so little
consideration for the ease of the people, that whenever their
designation has taken place they have only consulted their
own conveniency or private advantage. Neither is there any
law of this country to warrant their proceedings, and much
less are they, in my opinion justifyable by any precedent
from the practice of England. It has not been usual to give
your Lordps. the trouble of any particular observation on the
Act for raising a publick levy; But the present Act being of a
nature different from any other that ever pass'd here, so far as I
can find, I beg leave to explain the occasion upon which it is
grounded. The last Assembly, pass'd an Act for continuing the
Rangers, with power to me to disband as many of them as I
thought fitt, and to apply the pay which would have been due to
them had they continued, to such other uses as I should judge
necessary for the security of the frontiers: In pursuance of this
trust, I took a progress last September, cross the frontiers of the
Colony, and having form'd a settlement of the Tributary Indians
on Maherine River, erected a Fort, and appointed a guard of
twelve men and an officer to reside there, and to accompany
the Indians in their ranging, for securing that frontier against
any forreign enemy, and also erected another Fort on the South
branch of Rappahannock River for the German Protestants
whom I have mentioned before to serve as a barrier against
the Northern Indians. I thought it necessary for the ease of the
country to disband all the Rangers except 24, and by that means
having saved so much of their pay as will support these 24
Rangers for two years to come. The Assembly were so well
satisfyed with the frugality of that management that they very
readily agreed to my proposal (v. Journal, Dec. 17) and have
accordingly made provision in this Act for levying the pay of
these Rangers in the two respective succeeding years, without
laying me under the necessity of calling an Assembly to defray
that charge, as has been usual on former occasions. Your Lordps.
will observe that the several summs of tobacco raised in those
years for the Rangers is appointed to be paid solely to me; And
if H.M. shall be pleased to continue me here till the determination of that time, I hope to give them so good an account of the
just disposition of what they have raised, that the mutual
confidence between us will be thereby more and more improved
to H.M. service; And that it will not thereafter be so difficult
to prevail with an Assembly to trust a Governor on extraordinary
emergencys to raise a tax, upon the people, which is a matter
that hath been often recommended by Instructions and communicated to the Assembly but as often rejected by them. Besides
these publick Acts, there are three others of a less general
concernment relating to the ringing of hoggs, which however
triffling in themselves may serve to shew how great an alteration
there is in the tempers of the people, since even in my time it was
enough to lose a man's election as a Burgess, that he had show'd
the least inclination to the ringing of hogs. There was one other
Act prepared this Session, entituled an Act to continue an Act
for security and defence of the country in times of danger, which
your Lordps. will percieve by the Assembly Journal I refused to
pass, because it having been once re-enacted before, and now
again made temporary, it would have been contrary to one of the
Royal Instructions, quoted. And tho' the Council, notwithstanding I communicated to them that Instruction concurr'd
with the Burgesses in passing this Act; yet it is evident they were
not very unanimous in it, since your Lordps. will observe by
comparing the Assembly Journal at the time of its passing on
22nd Dec. with the Council Journal on 24th Dec., that the absence
of one Member of that Board altered their opinion so much that
the major part advised me not to pass it. And indeed had their
opinion been otherwise, I should have thought myself obliged
to reject it, not only in conformity to the Royal Instructions, but
in regard I have found it by experience, notwithstanding its
specious title, to be a very useless Act. I cannot forbear taking
notice to your Lordps. on this head of a strange distinction made
by some of the Council, that their acting in the General Assembly,
and at the Council Board, are two different capacitys. That
as an Upper house of Assembly they may concurr in making laws
which afterwards when their opinion is asked as Councillors, they
may nevertheless think unfitt to be pass'd: This distinction was
first begun in the time of Col. Nott's Government, and was now
made use of in the case of the Act just mentioned, but with what
reason, I must submitt to your Lordps.' better judgment; only
taking notice that if as an Upper house of Assembly they can
seperate themselves from the duty of Councillors, they are then
under no oath at all: And if such a distinction be allowed, it may
be hereafter extended to other occasions of the Government. And
then your Lodps. will be pleased to consider how little assistance
a Governor can hope for from such Councillors. Having thus
dispatch'd my observations on the laws herewith sent, I am now
to acquaint your Lordps. of another transaction in the Assembly
somewhat out of the common road. It is an Address of the
Council and Burgesses to H.M. concerning the Quitt Rents,
mentioned in the Journal 16 and 17th Dec., wherein they
remonstrate against the late practice of remitting the Quitt Rents
of this Colony into the Exchequer in England, and pray that
they may be directed back into their old channell (as they term
it) and that not only the deficiency of the publick Revenue,
but all other extraordinary expences of the Government may be
defrayed out of the same. At the same time that they prepared
this Address they presented another to me to bespeak my recommendation; but as I had no part in the fraiming this design, so
your Lordps. will observe by my answer (v. Journal), how little
I approved of their proceedings: I must own with them that
the deficiencys of the Revenue of 2s. per hhd. have more than
once been supplyed by an exhibition out of the Quitt Rents;
And I am an humble suitor to your Lordps. for your good offices
with H.M., that the present deficiency may be supplyed in the
same manner, it having been occasioned chiefly by the discouragements under which the tobacco trade hath layn for some
time past. But nevertheless I am far from thinking it reasonable
that H.M. shou'd be petition'd in the beginning of his reign to
divest himself of his whole Revenue of Quitt Rents, and thereby
be disabled from promoting such other services as H.M. may think
proper to undertake for the advantage of this Colony; however I
have transmitted this Address to the Lords Commissioners of
the Treasury, as a matter proper for their cognizance, and so
shall dismiss it, after taking notice of one remarkable circumstance,
that this Address had it's rise from the Council, and that none were
so forward in it as those persons, whose duty, I should think,
obliged them rather to oppose all measures that tended to the
diminution of H.M. interest, but were nevertheless the most
active to engage the Burgesses to concurr with them therein.
The many undue practices heretofore used in the payment of
H.M. Quitt Rents, was one chief motive of my forming the plan
of the late law for preventing frauds in tobacco payments: And
as by obtaining that Act I have advanced the value of the Quitt
Rent tobacco, I thought it was also necessary to obviate the many
abuses in the manner of collecting thereof; to which purpose I
formed the regulations and scheme which your Lordps. will find
in the Council Journal of 8th Dec.; and notwithstanding some
opposition I mett with therein (where I least expected it) every
article after a full debate was agreed to by a majority of the
Council. And tho I am well satisfyed that the methods proposed
therein will be advantageous to H.M., yet that I might remove all
prejudices against a scheme, which I must acknowledge is very
different from the former practice; I desired the opponents to put
their objections in writing, and that I would return my answer
in the same manner, and leave the whole matter to the determination of our superiours; None of the Council have yet offered
any objection except the Receiver Generall, who tho' he was
against the whole scheme, has thought fitt to turn all his arguments upon one article. I herewith transmit his objections and
my answer, etc. And as that gentleman is now going home, I
pray your Lordps. will do me the justice to admitt of no representations from him, but what shall be as fairly stated and answered
as this is. Refers to enclosures etc. Signed, A. Spotswood.
Endorsed, Recd. 6th April, 1715, Read 16th May, 1716. 12 pp.
Enclosed, |
188. i. Account of H.M. Revenue of 2s. per hhd. in Virginia,
25th April—25th Oct., 1714. Totals, Receipts, £2,279
1s. 9d. Expenditure, £3,349 11s. 8d. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. |
188. ii. Copy of the objections of the Receiver General of
Virginia to the 6th Article of Lt. Governor Spotswood's
new scheme for the better collecting the quitt-rents.
Signed, W. Byrd. 2 pp. |
188. iii. Lt. Governor Spotswood's reply to preceding. Endorsed as letter. 1 p. |
188. iv. Account of the publick tobacco of Virginia, 10th
Dec., 1713—24th Dec., 1714. Totals. Receipts and
Expenditure including payments to be made to the
Governor in 1715, and 1716. 803, 527 1b. Signed,
Miles Cary. Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp. |
188. v. Account of the births and burials in the several parishes
in Virginia, 20th April–20th Oct., 1714. Totals:—Births: Free, males, 379; females 320. Slaves, males,
121; females, 132. Burials: Free, males, 116;
females, 123. Slaves, males, 28; females, 34. Endorsed
as preceding. 2 pp. |
188. vi. List of those holding office in Virginia, including
Officers of the Courts and Customs, Council and Assembly,
Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Patent Officers, etc.
Endorsed as preceding. 2 large pp. gummed together.
Torn. |
188. vii. Proclamation of a General Thanksgiving to be held
on Nov. 25th for the peaceable accession of King George.
Williamsburgh, Nov. 1st, 1714. Same endorsement.
1 p. [C.O. 5, 1317. Nos. 27, 27 i.–vii.; and (without
enclosures) 5, 1364. pp. 312–338.] |
Jan. 28. St. James's. |
189. Memorandum of H.M. Commission to Edwd. Byam to
be Lt. Governor of Antegoa. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 45.] |
Jan. 29. Whitehall. |
190. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. H.M. having been pleased to appoint Brigadier
Richard Franks to be Governour of Maryland in the room of
Captain Hart, you are to prepare a Commission and Instructions
for H.M. approbation, etc. James Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd.
Read Feb. 1, 17 14/15. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 717. No. 60; and 5, 727.
p. 439.] |
Jan. 31. Jamaica. |
191. Governor Lord A. Hamilton to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I herewith transmitt the Minutts of Council of the
13th inst. by which your Lopps. will see the circumstances wee
are under at present, not haveing hitherto recd. any powers nor
directions from H.M.; and tho the opinion of the present Attorney
Generall mentioned in the Minutts is contraverted by other
lawers here, I thought it most advisable to conform my self to
His as least lyable to inconveniencys. But this day putting an
end to that nicety, there is a recess from all publick bussiness
here, not takeing my self to be sufficiently impower'd to act
further then the keeping up the form of Government, in so far as
is necessary for the preservation of the publick peace and tranquillity of the Island and the prevention of any interruption
to the trade and commerce thereof. It is with satisfaction that
I acquaint your Lopps. that there has not the least disorder
hitherto hapened, and I doubt not of the same tranquillity's
continuing dureing this intervall. Signed, A. Hamilton.
Endorsed, Recd. 12th May, Read 27th June, 1715. 2 pp.
Enclosed, |
191. i. Copy of Minutes of Council of Jamaica, 13th Jan.,
17 14/15. The Attorney General gave his opinion that the
six months mentioned in the Statute for continuing
persons in office at the time of the demise of Her late
Majesty are to be computed as lunar months. The
Council advised H.E. to dissolve the Assembly
to-morrow, and two Proclamations were issued, one
dissolving the Assembly, and the other requiring all
persons in office civil or military to act notwithstanding
the expiration of the time mentioned in the statute so
far as to continue the preservation of the public peace
and quiet of the Island. Same endorsement. 5 pp.
[C.O. 137, 10. Nos. 78, 78 i.; and (without enclosure)
138, 14. pp. 137, 338.] |
Jan. 31. Whitehall. |
192. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Upon the representations that have been made to
the King for recalling the orders sent to you for preparing a
Commission, etc. (v. 5th Jan.) for Col. Coddrington, you are to
pursue these directions no further, and forthwith prepare a
draught of a Commission and Instructions for Walter Hamilton
Esq., to be Governor of the Leeward Islands, etc. Signed, James
Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. Read 1st Feb., 17 14/15. 1 p. [C.O.
152, 10. No. 38; and 153, 12. p. 152.] |