Aug. 1. Char. Cross. |
543. Mr. Dummer to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
I have your Lordpps'. commands by a letter from Mr. Popple
of the 28th instant, etc. The reason I have not given in my
thoughts in writing in relation with the Bank that has bin lately
projected in N. England, is that I have not yet been able to procure
a sight of the scheme, etc. In the mean time I have had leisure
to peruse my instructions on this head, and find that I have
no power to enter into the argument, but am commanded by
the Governour, Council and Assembly of the Province to pray
that a copy of any such scheme may be sent to them, and they
have time to answer before anything be done in it. The words
of my Instruction are "We are every day more and more perswaded of the great mischeif that will happen to the Province
by any and by every such projection, and accordingly direct you
to use your utmost application to prevent the people being brought
into the service and dependance upon any persons whatsoever,
other than His most sacred Majesty, and his Government of this
Province, and that you may have copys of any application made
by the sd. projectors or any others, and time given to transmit
them hither for an answer; for that we are humbly of opinion,
H.M. Governour, Council, and Representatives are most capable
to put that matter in a true light for H.M. service, and the benefit
of all H.M. subjects in this his Province." Prays that the
Governour, who is just upon his voyage, may be charg'd with
this matter, and that all proceedings may be suspended, till he
shall transmit from thence a full and particular state of the case,
which the present Government there would have done without
order, had they known that the Gentlemen of the Bank would
have made any application here. Signed, Jer. Dummer. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd, Read 4th Aug, 1715. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 866.
No. 55; and 5, 914. pp. 89–92.] |
Aug. 2. |
544. Affidavit of Mr. Bridger that he never received £50
from Mr. Mico in consideration of his cutting H.M. masts, etc.
He acknowledges he had the loan of his boat and horse several
times, etc. Signed, J. Bridger. Endorsed, Recd. Read 2nd Aug.,
1715. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 54.] |
Aug. 2. |
545. Sir Nathanael Lloyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Reply to 29th July. I am of opinion, that. the
methods used, doe not make the 2nd agreement null and void.
For I observe that the 2nd agreement is not a new convention,
butt is founded upon the first capitulation mutually agreed to, 4th
April, 1706. For the Articles (C.S.P. 1706, No. 357 iii., a. 7 and 12),
provide that all the negroes and 4 hostages should be delivered
up. Now the negroes being to bee delivered up, and itt appearing
by the paper of April 6th (v. C.S.P. 1706, No. 357 v.) that 6,023
negroes were then on the Island; and D'Iberville finding, that
many of the slaves were fled to the woods and mountains, I
conceive that D'Iberville's confinement of their masters, till they
shou'd enter into such 2nd Agreemt., to deliver up the negroes
in kind, or value, and to give hostages as well to perform this,
as the first agreement, is butt a provisionall enforcement of the
articles of the first Capitulation agreed to. (ii.) I am of opinion
that the inhabitants are not acquitted from all manner of obligations to perform their part. For they enjoy the cession of the
Island by vertue of the paper dated 19th April (C.S.P. 1706,
No. 257 iii. (b)); now the damages and wast comitted after the
date thereof, and the carrying off some negroes, cannot stand in
discharge of all manner of obligations to perform their parts,
the cession of the Island being a valuable consideration for the
agreement, butt the damages, and taking of negroes, subsequent
to the date thereof may bee computed, and sett off, in part of
satisfaction of such their obligations. (iii.) I am of opinion that
if there was that difficulty, in setling the hostages, as Dunbarr
mentions (June 27) in his deposition, there was little hope of
having their own or the inhabitants' consent, soe that there was
a necessity putt upon d'Iberville to take them. Now hostages
being to bee given by compact, they come by way of accession
to the principal Capitulation, and itt cannot bee said to bee a
taking by force butt as under such precedent agreemt.; and I
concieve they are not prisoners of warr, mutually stipulated to
bee discharged, by the XXIII. Art. of the Treaty of Peace. I beg
leave to observe that the XIth Art. of that Treaty, provides for
the quieting of such like disputes in an equitable way on both
sides, not vacating any capitulations butt by adjustment, and
compensation. Signed, Nath. Lloyd. Endorsed, Recd. Read
2nd Aug., 1715. 4 pp. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 63; and 153, 12.
pp. 219–222.] |
Aug. 3. Whitehall. |
546. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Stanhope. Reply to April 8, upon the necessity of continuing a
Surveyor of the Woods in New England. The woods in New York,
New England, Nova Scotia, abound with such plenty of trees
fit for producing tar and pitch, fit for masts and all other ship
timber, that there is no doubt but all Europe might be furnish'd
with Naval Stores from thence, were there proper measures taken
to prevent the spoil committed in the woods, particularly in
New England, to wch. place we shall confine ourselves in this
letter. By all the accounts we find in our books, and by the
information, we have had from many persons here, well knowing
in those parts; New England and particularly Piscataqua in
New Hampshire is well stor'd with trees of the largest size for
masts; but we find that there are such vast numbers of sawmills in that Province (many of them being double) that in a few
years time all the trees fit for the Royal Navy will be destroy'd
and cut into boards by the said mills, especially such as grow
near navigable rivers, unless a Surveyor well skill'd, diligent and
faithfull, be appointed to prevent the same, by marking all trees
from 24 in. diameter and upwards, at 12 inches from the ground,
and preventing the inhabitants cutting them down, according to
the directions in the Acts for incouraging ye importation of Naval
Stores, etc., and for the preservation of white and other pine trees
etc. This service is more necessary in time of peace than war; For
that during the war the inhabitants dare not venture far into the
woods for fear of the Indians, insomuch that the Surveyor, whenever he went upon that service, was oblig'd to have a guard from
the Government there; whereas in time of peace, the inhabitants
inlarge their plantations or farms, and extend their settlements,
whereby great tracts of wood are destroy'd and no regard had to
the size of trees for the use of the Royal Navy: Besides great
quantitys as aforesaid are cut down for loggs (as they call'd it)
that is, to be sawn into boards, with wch. and other ship timber,
they have carry'd on a considerable trade to Cadiz and Portugal.
If there were therefore a Surveyor appointed (as there was during
the late wars) the woods might be preserv'd, and H.M. Navy
furnish'd with masts, pitch and tar, and other Naval Stores,
without being dependent on the Northern Crowns for such supplies.
And whereas it is also absolutely necessary for H.M. service, that
the persons appointed for offices in the Plantations shou'd be
well qualify'd for the execution of their respective posts, we take
leave to design what qualifications a Surveyor of the Woods in
those parts ought to have. He ought to be well acquainted in
the woods there, and know the proper places for producing tar,
hemp and masts. He ought at first view to know all species
of pine, what are fit for masts, and what for tar. He ought to be
vers'd in building of ships, whereby he will be enabled to know
what lumber trees will be proper for that work, in case H.M.
shou'd think fit to build store or other ships there, or have the
timber transported hither. He ought to understand the true
method of preparing trees for the production of tar and turpentine,
that he may be able to instruct the inhabitants, so as to make
that commodity (if possible) the staple of that Province; and
thereby divert their thoughts from the woollen manufactures,
in wch. they have already made too great a proficiency. Lastly,
he shou'd be well vers'd in the method of sowing and curing of
hemp, wch. may be rais'd in very great plenty there. Upon
this occasion, we have had some complaints against Mr. Bridger,
the late Surveyor of the Woods, laid before us by Col. Burges and
others; which upon the strictest examination, they could not
make good; and as he has been already many years imploy'd in
those parts in that service, and has acquir'd good experience
and skill in those matters, and being now recommended to us by
ye principal merchants and other persons concern'd in that
Province, who were witnesses to his former services, we submit it
whether it may not be proper that his Commission be renew'd,
so that he may be able to get there before the season be over.
Autograph signatures. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 752. No. 11; and 5,
914. pp. 79–84.] |
Aug. 3. Whitehall. |
547. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Stanhope. By our letter to you of 14th April last, we desired the
favour of being appriz'd of the nomination of any Governors or
Lt. Governors for the Plantations, before their Commissions do
pass, etc. But since that, finding by the Gazette, that Mr. George
Vaughan is appointed Lt. Governor of New Hampshire, who with
his father, is concern'd in several saw-mills in that Province, we
take leave, for your information, to lay before you what the late
Earl of Bellomont writ, upon occasion of Mr. Partridge's being
Lt. Governor of that Province. "Mr. Partridge is a mil-wright
by trade, wch. is a sort of carpenter, and to set a carpenter to
preserve woods, is like setting a wolf to keep sheep; I say,
to preserve woods, for I take it to be the chiefest part of the
trust and business of a Lt. Governor of that Province, to preserve
the woods for the King's use. Besides he is of the country, and
the interest of England is neither in his head or heart. If it
be not presumption in me to give advice, I wish, some few things
were observ'd in the management of the Plantations for the
time to come. First, that there be great care taken in the choice
of the persons imploy'd by the King, from the Govr. to the
meanest Officer; I mean, that they be men of undoubted probity,
and well born. Secondly, that they be not men of the country,
but English men. Thirdly, that they be men of some fortune
in England, to be a tye upon them to behave themselves honourably in their respective trusts." We perfectly agree in opinion
with the Earl of Bellomont, and though Mr. Vaughan be not a
millwright, yet being concern'd in sevl. saw-mills wch. have
occasion'd great destruction in the woods (v. preceding) besides
that he is also one of that country we submit it to you whether
he be a proper person to take care of the woods, and prevent
the cutting down of such trees as may be fit for ye Royal Navy.
Autograph signatures. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 931. No. 11; and 5,
914. pp. 85–87.] |
Aug. 4. Whitehall. |
548. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor
Lowther. Having been inform'd that notwithstanding considerable sums are or shou'd be annually rais'd for the publick
service of Barbados, yet the country is very much in debt and
not in a good state of defence, we therefore expect from you,
according to your Instructions an account of the Revenue
of your Government, what may be necessary for the annual
publick expences both for the civil Government and the
security of the Island; how the same dos arise, or may be most
conveniently rais'd for the future; and how the accts. thereof
are audited there, and that you give us your particular opinion
thereof; In the mean time we think that the publick accounts
shou'd not only be inspected by a Committee of the Council and
Assembly, but shou'd also be laid before both houses, with
liberty for any member to peruse the same, and that with the
copys thereof you transmit to us such observations as are made
upon them. We likewise expect from you an account of the
number of white men able to bear arms within your Govt., and
what you can propose for the better peopling and settling that
Island. As it is proper we shou'd be constantly inform'd of the
strength of H.M. Plantations, we desire you will send us an account
of the several species of stores of war in the magazines within your
Government, how you have been furnish'd from time to time
with the said stores and how the same has been expended. We
take this opportunity of assuring you of our attention and
best endeavour to assist you in promoting the good and advantage
of H.M. subjects in your Government, and of supporting you in
the due execution of your office, etc. |
549. Mem. The like letter, mutatis mutandis, was writ to the
Governors of Jamaica, Lewd. Islands, Bermuda; and of Virginia,
New England, N. York and New Jersey, with this Art. after the
word expended:—We must further desire from you with all
expedition, an account how ye Indians within your Government,
or in your neighbourhood stand affected to the British interest
at this conjuncture, and what you think the best methods for
preserving those Indians who are already in friendship with us or
gaining such who have given or are like to give any of H.M.
Plantations disturbance. [C.O. 324, 10. pp. 81–83.] |
[Aug. 4.] |
550. Governor Burges to Mr. Popple. Encloses following,
to be laid before the Board. Signed, E. Burges. Endorsed,
Recd. 4th, Read 18th Augt., 1715. 1 p. Enclosed, |
550. i. Governor Burges to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have read over ye proposals laid before your
Lordships for setling a Bank of Credit on land security
in New England, but do not see that ye gentlemen do
anywhere set forth ye necessity of such a project, or
pretend that ye Government there has not sufficiently
provided for ye wants of ye People, etc. There has for
many years been a scarcity of mony in that Country,
occasion'd by their over-trading themselves here at
home, but that want has allways been supply'd by ye
care of ye Government, which has at several times
issued out Bills for very great sums, and during ye war
allowed an interest of 5 p.c. upon 'em, but now that is
ended they call 'em in again by degrees to ease ye People
of that burden, and have made out others which they
lend at 5 p.c., in ye same manner ye Bank proposes to
do, and ye interest arising from 'em is apply'd to ye
service of ye Publick. Now it seems to me that ye
project before your Lordships proceeds from a spirit of
opposition to ye Government in some, and the narrow
views of others, who would defraud ye Publick of that
advantage, and divide it among themselves; and
it's probable the late Governor, the Council, and Generall
Assembly all look'd on it with this eye, and condemn'd
it for this reason, when it was brought before 'em etc.
The whole Government of that Country, my Lords, do
rise up against this project, and beg they may have copies
of all schemes offer'd your Lordships, etc., as Aug. 1st.
Signed, Elizeus Burges. 2 pp. [C.O. 194, 5. Nos.
60, 60 i.; and 5, 914. pp. 101–103.] |
Aug. 4. Whitehall. |
551. Mr. Popple to John Taylour. In reply to June 9th,
encloses copy of Representation of Aug. 3, on Mr. Bridger, etc.
[C.O. 5, 914. p. 88.] |
Aug. 4. Whitehall. |
552. Mr. Popple to Jeremiah Dummer. Reply to Aug. 1st.
The Council of Trade and Plantations command me to acquaint
you that when you were at their Board, you seem'd very well
acquainted with the proposal (for a Land Bank), and that, if you
had desir'd it, a copy thereof wou'd have been immediately given
you; which you have now here inclos'd, that if you think fit to
add to, or alter what you have already written, you may do it
as soon as possible. [C.O. 5, 914. pp. 92, 93.] |
Aug. 4. Speaker's Chambers. |
553. Order of Committee of House of Commons, that the
Council of Trade and Plantations do, to morrow morning at
8 of the clock, lay before them all papers they have received in
relation to the present circumstances of Carolina. Signed, Tho.
Liddell. Endorsed, Recd. 4th, Read 5th Aug., 1715. ¾ p.
[C.O. 5, 1265. No. 1; and 5, 1292. p. 460.] |
Aug. 5. |
554. List of papers laid before the Committee of the House of
Commons relating to Carolina, etc. [C.O. 5, 1292. pp. 461–464.] |
Aug. 5. St. James's. |
555. Samuel Molyneux, Secretary to the Prince of Wales,
to Mr. Popple. Mr. Coram and others having made application
to me concerning a new Colony which they have proposed to
establish in North America, and to the settlement of which they
are very desirous to obtain the protection of H.R.H. the Prince,
I pray the sight of the reports of the Council of Trade and Plantations on this affair 7th Dec., and 17th March, before mentioning
it to H.R.H. etc. Signed, S. Molyneux. Endorsed, Recd. 8th,
Read 9th Aug., 1715. 1 p. [C.O. 217, 2. No. 1.] |
Aug. 6. Whitehall. |
556. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses following for their report, and reminds
them of his letter of June 15th, etc. Signed, James Stanhope.
Endorsed, Recd. 6th, Read 9th Aug., 1715. 1 p. Enclosed, |
556. i. Duplicate of scheme for a land bank in New England,
No. 488. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 57, 57 i.; and 5, 914.
pp. 94–96.] |
Aug. 9. Whitehall. |
557. Mr. Popple to Samuel Molyneux. Reply to 5th Aug.
Encloses representations relating to proposed settlement by
disbanded soldiers. "There was none of 7th Dec." etc. [C.O.
218, 1. pp. 255, 256.] |
Aug. 9. Virginia. |
558. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Refers to letter of July 15. Continues: Since
which, I have received proposals from two of the most powerfull
Nations engaged in the war (and who by meer accident were
drawn into it) for reestablishing a peace by my mediation. These
overtures were brought me by the King of the Saraws (a nation
in their neighbourhood) who assured me that upon my orders,
they would immediately cease all hostilitys against Carolina,
and with all convenient speed send in some of their great men to
treat of their accomodation, if by this means I can only prevail
with them to stand neuter, the people of Carolina will I doubt not,
be able with the succours sent from hence, to subdue all the other
Southern Indians who are their enemys. This change in the
face of affairs is the more agreable in regard of the unaccountable
disposition of the people of this countrey, who notwithstanding
their threaten'd danger, have generally chosen for their Representatives in the present General Assembly, persons of the meanest
capacitys, and most indifferent circumstances, and whose chief
recommendation to that post, is their declared resolution to raise
no taxes on the people for any occasion whatever. I send your
Lordships a copy of my Speech at the opening of this Session;
but I find yet no hopes of their doing anything to purpose upon
it. The laws which have been lately made for restraining dishonest and fraudulent practices in the general dealings of the
country are the object of their envy, and the contriving to repeal
them the sole subject of their consultations hitherto; and as
if the House of Burgesses were resolved to follow entirely the
example of their Electors, of the few gentlemen that are among
them, they have expell'd two, for having the generosity to serve
their county for nothing, which they term bribery. Your Lordps.
will judge, what good is to be expected from such beginnings.
So that I must look upon the overtures of accomodation made by
the Indians as a particular favour of Providence which putts into
my hands an occasion of relieving our neighbours and securing
this H.M. Colony, when I'm like to be so little assisted by other
means. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. 14th, Read 17th
Nov., 1715. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
559. Copy of Lt. Governor Spotswood's Speech to the
Assembly of Virginia, Aug. 4, 1715. Endorsed as preceding. 3
pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. Nos. 13, 13 i.; and (without enclosure)
5, 1364. pp. 256–258.] |
Aug. 10. Whitehall. |
560. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. Recommend for H.M. confirmation Act of New Jersey to enable Thomas
Gordon, Treasurer, to pay £999 13s. 3d. towards the support of the
Govt., etc. [C.O. 5, 995. p. 306.] |
Aug. 11. Whitehall. |
561. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. H.M. having been pleased to continue Mr. John
Bridger in his office of Surveyor General of the Woods in all the
Plantations on the Continent of America, you are to prepare
a draught of a Commission and Instructions for him, etc. Signed,
James Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. 17th, Read 18th Augt., 1715.
1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 59; and 5, 914. p. 100.] |
[Aug. 11.] |
562. Memorial concerning the quit-rents of Virginia. Incorporated in Representation of Sept. 2, q.v. Endorsed, Recd. (from
Mr. Byrd), Read 11th Aug., 1715. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No.
4.] |
[Aug. 11.] |
563. Copy of order from the Lords of the Treasury concerning
the quit-rents surrendered by the Lord Colepepper. July 25,
1684. v. Calendar of Treasury Books under date. Endorsed
as preceding. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 5.] |
[Aug. 11.] |
564. Copy of William Blathwayt's report to the Lords of
the Treasury upon William Byrd's petition following. Oct. 20,
1698. Endorsed as preceding. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 6.] |
[Aug. 11.] |
565. Copy of William Byrd's petition to the Lords of the
Treasury for the payment out of the quit-rents of £2,955 9s. 8½d.
advanced by his father, Auditor General of Virginia, to supply the
deficiency of the Revenue. Referred to William Blathwayt,
Auditor General, for his report. Sept. 28, 1698. Endorsed as
preceding. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 7.] |
[Aug. 11.] |
566. Copy of Lords Justices' warrant ordering payment of
preceding. Nov. 15, 1698. Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp.
[C.O. 5, 1317. No. 8.] |
[Aug. 12.] |
567. A general account of H.M. Revenue of 2s. per hhd.
arising within the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, Aug. 20,
1705—Oct. 25, 1712. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Byrd) Read
12th Aug., 1715. 10 pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 19.] |
Aug. 13. London. |
568. Col. Nicholson to Mr. Popple. Encloses following etc.,
and recommends Capt. Mears and Major Mascarene. Continues:
What ye project of ye port at Pejebscot is I don't know but in
my humble oppinion if that affair is not very cautiously mannaged
it may make ye Eastern Indians jealous, and if they find too
that we are either afraid of, or want them they will be very
haughty and insolent and is commonly ye forerunner of mischief,
and ye French will not fail of taking all opportunitys to infuse
strange notions into their heads and endeavour by all ways and
means to make them break from ye English. Mr. Latour is a
French Officer (I think) at Cape Bretton and came last winter to
Boston pretending to gett a passage from thence to Annapolis
Royall to look after some estate he had there and applyed himself
to me for leave to goe thither which I refused him and spoke to
Govr. Dudley severall times about him and two or three others
that were at Boston and I left there concerning whom I also
writt to Govr. Dudley a letter with my opinion (enclosed) etc.
Refers to enclosures. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Endorsed, Recd.
Read 16th Aug., 1715. 1½ pp. Enclosed, |
568. i. (a) Extract of letter from David Jeffries and Charles
Shepreve, merchts. in Boston, to Capt. Robt. Mears,
6th July, 1715. The Cape Sable Indians have taken
severall of our fishing vessells, the[y] kept one vessell
and some men as hostages (and have sent home ye
others) until they return with £30. The Indians say ye
lands are theirs and they can make warr and peace when
they please it's feared they are animated by ye French
at Cape Bretton an unhappy settlement, can't they be
removed, We hope it will be endeavoured which if
done will be a happy day for this country. |
(b) Extract of letter from Major Paul Mascarine [? to
Capt. Mears] Boston, July 2, 1715. Repeats first part
of preceding. Continues:— I wish Mr. L'tour's going
from hence may not be ye occasion of it. The station
shipe (Rose) is ordered to cruise to Cape Sable. Endorsed
as preceding. 1 p. |
568. ii. Minute of Council of the Massachusets Bay, Boston,
June 28, 1715. Advised, that Major Paul Mascarene be
imployed as an engineer to view and report what may
be done toward the reparation of the Fort at Pejebscot.
etc. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p. |
568. iii. (a) Governor Nicholson to Governor Dudley, Boston,
N.E., Dec. 25, 1714. When I came from Annapolis
Royall, I acquainted your Excellcy. of two or three
vessells which went from your Governmt. and traded
at Cape Bretton etc. I am apprehensive that severall
vessells will be sent early in ye spring from both your
Governmts. to that place, and I suppose upon ye designe
mentioned in the inclosed extract, one reason for my
supposition is that there is in this place three French
officers vizt. Monsr. Latour and his wife who I do
conjecture was sent by Monsr. Vaudriel upon some such
account or upon a worse if he designed for Annapolis
Royall. Monsr. Bonaventure I think came directly
from Cape Bretton and I think he is come hither upon
the same accot. The last is Monsr. D' Autevil who I
take to be ye most dangerous man of ye three because
he is ye most capeable etc. It was and is very strange
to me his pretending to leave Canada privatly wch. I
think it was almost impossible for him to do and bring
with him such a great equipage etc. I think your
Excellcy. would do well to know ye truth thereof. Mr.
Nelson tells me that he know his father, that he was
Attorney General in Canada, he is brother in law to
Monsr. D'Iberville etc. He has served in the Marines,
etc. If any one Brittish Officer or more should go to
Canada without a public charracter they would be very
strictly examined etc., and not allowed to goe abroad
without some person with them. I desire your Excellency
to take effectuall care that none of these three French
officers goe to Annapolis Royall or any place in Nova
Scotia or Newfoundland, etc. I was very sorry to hear
that your Excy. had an accot from Capt. Moody at
Casco Bay of disturbance there with ye Indians on accot.
of some people selling them rumm, and that some
accident had happened thereupon. Your son likewise
told me that Capt. Moody had sent your Excy. a letter
from ye French Jesuit who is among ye Indians. I
cautioned Capt. Moody and I think before your Excy.
of holding any correspondence with ye French Jesuit
etc., but I am afraid that gain is his godliness, both in
this affair and that of ye wreck of Casco Bay, which
I think is now gone too farr to be smothered. The
correspondence and trading with that Jesuit in my
humble opinion is or may be of very pernicious consequence for by his so doing he may confirm ye Indians
in ye opinion that they can do nothing with ye English
but by him and so must depend on him and then it
may be in his power to sett ye Indians upon ye English
when he pleases. I know no buisness a French Jesuit
has with English subjects. Your Excy. may see in the
Conference which Govr. Hunter had with the Five
Nations what he spoke to them concerning French
priests amongst them. The unfortunate affair of H.M.
sloop Hazard I hope your Excy. will take effectuall
care to have it strictly examined into for 'tis supposed
that severall things and some of value were imbezelled
by ye people of those parts. Signed, Fr. Nicholson.
Subscribed. |
(b) Circular letter from Governor Nicholson to all
Governors, Custom House officers etc. All lawful ways
and means ought to be used to prevent ye French's
setling of Cape Bretton, for I find they will not be able
to make any considerable settlements there unless they
be assisted from some of H.M. Provinces with lumber,
provisions, tobacco etc. Directs them to send home a
full account of what is done in the matter of trading
there, etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. The whole endorsed
as preceding. Copy. 3¼ pp. |
568. iv. Deposition of Denis and Bernard Godet, Annapolis
Royall, 13th Sept. N.S., 1714. Describe a fishing
voyage along the coast from Annapolis to Cape Breton
and their stay at Louisburg 22nd May, 1714— Aug.,
1715. Two English sloops one from Boston and one
from Cascoe Bay, loaden with boards, salt, cattle and
other goods, were trading there etc. Signed, Denis
Godet, Bernard Godet (their marks). Same endorsement.
2¼ pp. |
568. v. Deposition of Peter Arceneau, Annapolis Royal, 24th
Sept. (N.S.), 1714. Describes voyage in a birch canoe
from Baubassin to Cape Gaspe, 28th May, 1714.
Confirms preceding as to English sloops trading at Cape
Breton, etc. Signed, Peter Arceneau (his mark). Same
endorsement. 2¼ pp. |
568. vi. (a) John Netmaker to Lt. Governor Moody. Portsmouth, 6th May, 1714 (sic ?=1713). Genl. Nicholson
desires you to make all the dispatch possibly you can in
those affairs you are to sollicitt at the Victualling Office,
Board of Ordnance etc. Signed, John Netmaker. |
(b) General Nicholson to Lt. Governor Moody. Cork,
July 3, 1713. I am very sorry you have mett with so
many delays etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Copy. The
whole, 1¼ pp. |
568. vii. General Nicholson to Lt. Governor Moody. Cork,
Aug. 3rd, 1713. I leave Major Robert Haudy in charge
of the detachment at Kingsail till you arrive etc., and
have taken care for their subsistance till then etc.
I think ye most equal and just way of forming ye four
companys will be by drawing lotts for them etc. Encloses copies of H.M. Orders and Instructions. I have
given Mr. Netmaker directions to leave with the
Governor of Kingsail cloths for ye garrison of Placentia
etc. Urges his speedy arrival etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Copy. 3½ pp. |
568. viii. (a) List of papers for Lt. Governor Moody. |
(b) Major Robert Haudy's receipt for preceding.
Copy. ¼ p. |
(c) General Nicholson to Lt. Governor Moody. Cork,
Aug. 10, 1713. Refers to preceding letter and enclosures.
Signed, Fr. Nicholson. |
(d) General Nicholson to Lt. Governor Moody, Boston,
June 15, 1711 (sic ?=1714). I was very glad to hear of
your arrival at Newfoundland etc. H.M. service
requires that so much of ye clothing as can possibly be
disposed of to your four companys and ye people
belonging to ye train be distributed to them, the rest
you may dispose of as you shall find most for the service
and interest of H.M., and I hope you'l meet with a good
markett etc. Col. Samuel Vetch who is Capt. of one of
your Companys hath behaved himself very arbitrarily
and illegally in severall respects and hath also cheated
H.M. very notoriously in many accots. of which I have
sufficient proof under his own hand and by ye oaths
of severall persons and instead of making up his accots.
with me hath scandalously run away. Therefore I do
in H.M. name require you not to pay any money to him
or his order upon accot. of his company, untill H.M.
pleasure be further known, etc. I hope you have brought
with you ye chest of medicines for H.M. Garrison of
Annapolis Royall and send them thither or this place
ye garrison being in great necessity as Lt. Governor
Caulfeild writes me. I think you have ye folio works of
ye author of the Whole Duty of Man given by Mr.
Francis Lynn for the Garrison of Annapolis Royall wch.
I also hope you either have or will send as likewise my
globe lanthorns, etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Copy.
3 pp. |
(e) John Bulkley's receipt for above letter to be
delivered. ¼ p. |
568. ix. General Nicholson to Lt. Governor Moody. Boston,
N. England, 20th Dec., 1714. This is designed by Major
Paul Mascarene and other officers whom he recommends
for employment in the garrison of Placentia, etc. I am
very much concerned that I could not be with you in
the Fall but ye season of the year being so farr advanced
before I could leave H.M. Garrison of Annapolis Royall
the pilott of H.M.S. ye Phoenix would not undertake
to carry her to Placentia. I hope you have and will
take effectual care for ye preservation of H.M. Forts
and soldiers and not trust ye French no more than you
are under an absolute necessity to do, for I found them
of the same principles wch. I always thought they had
that is of tricking but this is of ye French who are
Roman Catholicks and who are under the dominion of
ye Jesuits and Priests and who are for ye glory of their
own Nation etc. Encloses letters etc. I recommend to you
to enquire about ye affair of Capt. Thomas Jamesee and
that you will have as little concern with ye French who
have declared for their king as possible and that you'l
do what in you lyes to encourage lawfull trade and to
discourage illegall and to do what you can possibly
for to prevent of ye French's settling of Cape Bretton
and to endeavour by all lawfull ways and means to
discourage them from making any considerable fortifications and settlements there, and to find out if any of
H.M. subjects either from Great Brittain West Indies
[or] these parts on ye Continent trades there, what
comoditys they sell them and what they have in
exchange and send home full accots. of all your affairs
etc. I am now (God willing) bound for Great Brittain
and shall endeavour to have the affairs of ye Garrison
etc. settled, etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Copy. 3¼ pp. |
(b) Major Mascarene's receipt for preceding letter to
be delivered. Copy. ¼ p. |
568. x. General Nicholson to Lt. Governor Caulfeild. Boston,
July 5, 1714. Refers to enclosures, etc. I find that
the articles of provisions charged to H.M. are very
considerable. I must recommend you to be watchfull
what that person, Mr. Capon does therein etc. Tho'
you have been so long without your pay, I hope it will
be for your advantage, for I have drawn for no money
upon accot. of the garrison, only for the provisions sent
to you, etc. I have endeavoured to buy ye pork and
mollasses as good and cheap as possible, etc. Copy.
2¼ pp. |
568. xi. (a) Genl. Nicholson to Lt. Governor Caulfeild. Boston,
Nov. 6, 1714. Encloses papers relating to the death of
Queen Anne and the Proclamation of King George
etc. You must as soon as possible have ye same done
at Annapolis Royall etc., and send orders to have it
done in parts adjacent, vizt. at Mains, Chicanecto etc.
The inhabitants up the river you will summon down
to you and if you think proper to suffer them to be
in the Fort when H.M. is proclaimed you must take care
that no evil accident happen thereby for I do with all
ye earnestness imaginable recommend you to see
those orders etc., which we agreed upon to be duely
putt in execution etc. I hope Messrs. Lafosse and Martin
are gone and all others that are not inhabitants in your
parts and that you will take effectual care to secure H.M.
Garrison from any surprize or otherwise and that no
person whatsoever lodge in or frequent the Garrison
but those that belong to it and upon this account I
cannot but again caution you about Mr. Willm. Winett's
doing either of them he having marryed a French
woman who is a Papist as likewise all her relations. I
also again caution you about yor. servt. Sherriff. Refers
to enclosures and 8 hhds. of molasses and 20 barrels of pork
sent for the Garrison, etc., and urges him to be careful
with the provisions etc. Gives instructions as to disposal
of surplus clothing etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Copy.
4½ pp. |
568. xi. (b) General Nicholson to Lt. Governor Caulfeild.
Boston, 20th Nov., 1714. Encloses duplicates of
enclosures sent with preceding, with instructions for
administering oaths of allegiance etc. Continues:—I hope in God before this you have gott some proper
person to read ye Common Prayer etc. on Sunday.
Sends 28 barrels of beef and 8 hhds. of molasses, for the
use of the garrison only. The salt and barrels to be sold
on H.M. account. Hopes that all will be very zealous
and active in promoting King George's interest. William
Winnett is not to be employed upon any account, or
suffered to come within the garrison. Recommends
that a just and full account of all affairs be kept as a
Journall, "I having left with you proper paper books, and
now send another" etc. Continues: I am in hopes with
good management that ye provisions for each man will
not come to more than 7d. of this country money and yt.
at 60 p.c. exchange will make it pretty cheap etc. You
must do what in you lyes to prevent any French officers
or others coming into your Governmt. either from hence
Canada or Cape Bretton, and if you hear of any you
must send an order to them to leave ye country imediately and if any of them should bring letters from ye
Govr. of Canada or Cape Bretton for yourselfe or me
you must dispatch them as soon as possible and have
some proper person to observe what they doe and you
must order them not to deliver any letter or speak with
any person but when you are present etc. Signed, Fr.
Nicholson. Copy. 6 pp. |
568. xi. (c) Governor Nicholson to Lt. Governor Caulfeild.
Boston, 20th Dec., 1714. I hope the provisions sent
with those Mr. Andrew Belcher will send you will be
sufficient to victuall H.M. Garrison to ye latter end of
July etc. Repeats part of preceding etc. I shall
endeavour to do you all the service that in me lyes
etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Copy. 1½ pp. Encloses
copies of his letters to Lt. Governor Moody and correspondence with Andrew Belcher. Copies. 2½ pp. |
568. xii. Minutes of Council of War, Annapolis Royal, Sept.
29, 1714. General Nicholson recommended the
observance of certain dispositions and regulations by
the Garrison. Copy. 3 pp. |
568. xiii. Officers of the Train to General Nicholson. Report
upon the magazines, etc. The store rooms are only
mud walls and ought to be clapp boarded. There are
no lodgements for the Train etc. Signed, G. Vane,
Humphrey Hutchinson, John Burges. Oct. 8 and 9,
1714. Copy. 2 pp. |
568. xiv. G. Vane to General Nicholson. Proposals for
regulations to be observed in issuing stores at Annapolis
Royal. Oct. 8, 1714. Signed, G. Vane. 1¼ pp. |
568. xv. Minutes of Council of War, Annapolis Royall, 10th
Oct., 1714. Dispositions of the Train ordered in case of
alarm. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. 3 pp. [C.O. 217, 2.
Nos. 2, 2 i.–xv.; and (without enclosures), 218, 1. pp.
256–261; and (copy of No. i. only) 5, 752. No. 10.] |
Aug. 13. New York. |
569. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. By this conveyance (the brigantine John and Mary, etc.)
Your Lordps. will receive all the Acts past in this last Session of
Assembly, etc. I know of none that require any particular
observations besides those upon which I have already observed,
if it be not ye Act constituteing the Agent etc. (v. July 25). I
formerly sent to your Board a copy of ye extravagant Act for
that purpose, which they soe long and strenuously insisted upon,
excludeing the Governour and Councill from haveing anything
to doe with the Agent. They pass'd and sent up ye same verbatim
as formerly. I frankly acquainted the majority of ye house who
were in earnest about an Agency at this time in order to ye
solliciting the Bills for publick debts and naturalization, that I
cold not assent to't, soe they were satisfy'd to take back their
Bill and new garble it as it now stands. Not that I conceiv'd
that there was anything very materiall in the point of who should
instruct their Agent, but there is something of moment in giveing
way to ye indeavours of encroachment on ye powers of Governor
and Councill in these remote parts, of which I believe your
Lordpps. are sufficiently convinc'd. What made me labour
this point with some industry and application, besides ye necessity
of such an officer, was the choice of ye man whom yor. Lordpps.
will find every way well qualify'd for that office. In two days I
begin my journey to Albany to have an interview with ye Five
Nations. I have strong hopes of perswadeing them to interpose
in ye Carolina Warr. If that Government will send terms of
accommodation with their Indian enemys, I am confident that
our Indians will offer and inforce them. I have w[rote to] ye
Governor to that purpose and there is noe other way devisable
to putt an end to that warr and restore that Colony to it's former
tranquility. I have sent them also some arms and ammunition
from H.M. store here. I have lately receiv'd my patents for ye
Government of these Provinces. I am amaz'd to heare of ye
opposition some men made to their passing, and the more soe
because there is not one man found out hitherto in either Province
who does not in terms renounce and denye haveing any hand
directly or indirectly in instructing or encourageing these men
who have given themselves and my friends all this trouble. I
know nothing at all of Samuell and Daniel Cox Citizens. But as
to Mr. Sonmans I have formerly inform'd your Lordps. that
he had fled from prosecution for haveing cary'd out of ye Province
of Jersey and imbezel'd all ye publick Records which were seiz'd
by an accident at Burlington in their passage from York to Philladelphia under a permitt as a chest of goods. He is indeed one
of the most infamous men in these parts, and his life and conduct
too foul to be the subject of any letter which your Lordps. are
to read. The other person, the Reverend Mr. Vesey had labour'd
hard for a prosecution ever since I had ye honour to govern here
but to noe purpose, soe at an interview betweene him and a very
great man then at Boston it was resolv'd that he should goe for
England and cry out Fire, and Church at all hazards, and accordingly he went in ye manner your Lordps. have heard, but that
plott in all other of its parts soe well concerted happen'd to be
deficient in ye point of time and season, and the rage of a dissapointed politician prompted him to joyn in these impotent
and unchristian efforts against mee. He has wrote to his freinds
here that he is to returne with the character of Comissary to ye
Bishop of London. I have wrote to his Lordpp. that I can hardly
beleive it. Since there is a happy issue put to ye confusion at
home, it is to little purpose to propagate what was by the meanes
of that man rais'd here, which cannot be his Lordps. intention
tho' it may have that effect. There are wanting three Counsellors
in ye Jerseys in ye room of Mr. Quarry Mr. Mompesson and Mr.
Hall deceased. I humbly recommend in their rooms, David
Jamison, the Cheife Justice of that Province, David Lyell a
proprietor there, and John Bambridge another substantial
proprietor of ye Western Division. I have recommended George
Clarke Esq. in my former to ye place vacant in ye Councill of
New York by ye death of Mr. Mompesson. I have not as yet
receiv'd my new Instructions. Your Lordships may depend
upon it that I shall not step aside in one single point from what
shall be there injoyn'd me, whatsoever these ill men may have
represented or may hereafter represent. P.S. By this yor.
Lordps. will receive ye Minutes of ye Councill but those of ye
Assembly being not yet copy'd out yor. Lordps. will receive them
by ye next conveyance. Signed, R[o. Hunter]. Endorsed,
Recd. 17th Oct., Read 10th Nov., 1715. 3 pp. Edges torn.
Enclosed, |
569. i. List of Acts assented to this Session (v. July 25). Same
endorsement. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1051. Nos. 11, 11 i.;
and (without enclosure) 5, 1123. pp. 361–367.] |