1714. Aug. 3. Channell Row. |
1. Major Douglas to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
In obedience to your commands I desire to acquaint your Lordships, that soon after my arrivall from the Leeward Islands, I
delivered some papers to be laid before your Lordships, wch.
amongst other things will show the great distresse of the Island of
Montserrat (wth. some particular causes and some aggravating
circumstances of those poor people's misfortunes) by their being
invaded in a piraticall manner by ye ships and force under Monsr.
Cassaert and during a sincere negotiation of a peace in Europe.
Refers to enclosures, "and for other particulars to Sir John St.
Leger, Agent for that Island, not doubting but your Lordships
will think it for the honour of his most sacred Majesty that exact
justice be done in repairing the losses of so brave and diligent a
people as the inhabitants of that Island have behaved themselves
on all occasions in defence of H.M. Island. The other three
Islands of Antigua, Nevis and St. Xtophers were oblidged to
extrodinary charges and fatigues upon that surpriseing occasion,
but the first in a more particular manner where ye enemy upon
their second appearance hovered a great while on their coasts
to the great prejudice of that Island, and it is generally beleived
their damages amounted to above £30,000. The Island of Nevis
was overrun, and those great depredations committed by the
enemy before I had the honour to command these Islands, tho'
I cou'd never find any good reason to look upon ye four unfortunate gentlemen, that were forcibly carryed from thence to
Martinique as hostages, but as prisoners taken and seized upon by
chance of war, yet all ye service I was able to render them was
in obtaining more civilities and greater liberties in their confinemt.,
and a certain constant supply from that Island, in a much more
beneficiall manner than it had been before. I inclose some
Minutes of Councill relateing to the breach and open infraction
of the said pretended capitulations by the French." Refers to
Col. Jury, the Agent, "being well assured that tho' the inhabitants
are a very industrious and deserveing people they are utterly
unable to bear so vast a burthen and wch. they alleadge is unjustly
charged to their account." Signed, Walter Douglas. Endorsed,
Recd. Read Aug. 3, 1714. 1 p. Enclosed, |
1. i. Duplicate of C.S.P. 1714. No. 678 i. |
1. ii. Duplicate of C.S.P. 1714. No. 678 xiii. |
1. iii. Petition of David Bethun, Rector of St. Anthony, and
Jonathan Yate Giffard, Rector of St. George in Montserrat, to Governor Douglas. Return thanks for his
settling glebes for the support of the clergy out of
escheated lands. Pray H.E. to recommend their sad
circumstances, brought about by the invasion, to the
Bishop of London, Society for propagation of the
Gospel, etc. Signed, Da. Bethun, Jona. Yate Giffard.
Copy. ½ p. |
1. iv. Duplicate of C.S.P. 1714. No. 678 i. |
1. v. Address of Governor Douglas and the President,
Council and Assembly of Montserrat to the Queen.
Wee your Majties. poor, but dutifull and loyall subjects,
humbly beg leave to acquaint you with our calamitous
sufferings occasioned by the French, to ye ruin of many
of us and damage of all. Thrice of late (vizt.) Jan.
28, 17 09/10, June 14, 1711, and July 8th, 1712, they
invaded this Island and tho' they never conquered it,
yet the last time they being much superiour to us did
us great spoile. Their force was 3, 500 men and ours but
one company of your Majties. troops commanded
by Capt. John Marshall and the Militia of the Island
commanded by Col. John Daly, both wch. made 400
effective men, and the said Daly and Marshall with ye
rest of our officers and soldiers did what possibly they
could, or might in reason be expected from them,
yett the enemy overrun great part of the Island, burnt
our towns, destroyed our houses in the country, sugar
works and plantations, carried away sundry of our
slaves, killed and took with them most of our horses,
cattle and small stock, broke, burnt and carried with
them our household stuff cloathing and merchandizes,
insomuch that they left many of us destitute of the very
necessaries of subsistence, food and raiment, all wch.
might have been prevented had your Majties. six ships
of war then at Barbadoes, come to our releife when
Governour Lowder first ordered them so to do, but such
were their delays, that Genll. Douglas (after long
expectation of their joyning him at Antegoa) ventured
down to us wth. only 4 small ships of warr, and 5 sloopes,
the first appearance of wch. so scared the enemy that
they imediately ordered their men on board and left
our Island, if then the very sight of 4 ships of warr did
such service, what might reasonably [have] been expected
from ten. But what adds more to our misery is that
before we were last attacked your Majtie. (as we hear)
had entered into a Treaty of peace wth. the French King,
wch. if so lett ye world judge whether we have not hard
measure, and are unfairly dealt with by the enemy.
Such are our circumstances, that without releife we are
not able to resettle your Majties. Island nor maintain
ourselves and familyes, etc. We earnestly beg your
Majtie's. charitable consideration, that either restitution
may be made to us by the enemy, or the bounty of our
own nation extended to us, without which some of us
must inevitably perrish for want; etc. Superscribed,
A copy of an Address sent up to Antegoa for the Cheif
Governor's approbation wch. was drawn up in a hurry
and transmitted for England before he could get to
Montserrat to have it altered. Antigua, Jan. 7, 1712/13.
1 p. |
1. vi., vii. Extracts of Minutes of Council and Assembly of
Nevis, Oct. 26, 1713. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 152, 10. Nos. 27,
27 i.–vii.] |
Aug. 3. London. |
2. Col. Vetch to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Reply
to letter of July 28th, relating to the xth and xvth Articles
of the Treaty of Peace, with regard to the regulation of the
limits betwixt the British and French Dominions upon the
North Continent of America. As to the limits betwixt the
Hudson's Bay Company and Canada, refers to the Managers
of the Company. Continues:—I have never been at Hudson's
Bay, though often att Canada and along that coast. About
9 or 10 years agoe the French made a new settlement
upon the Continent betwixt the streights called Charles
and Hudsons in the country of Labradore where they erected
a small fort called by the name of Monsr. Pontchartrien, in
wch. they had a company of marines commanded by Monsr.
Cortemanch where they have since had a considerable factory
and trade in furrs, fish and oyle, but whither this will fall within
the precincts of the British part of that countrey I doe not pretend
to determine. As to the limits betwixt the French Collonys of
Cape Bretton, Canada and those of L' Accadia Nova Scotia and
all the other British Colonys along the vast Continent of North
America; commencing from the Gutt, or passage off Cancer,
wch. separates Cape Bretton Island from that Continent, which
I take to be the limits by the Treaty, and stretches away southwest, as far as the limites betwixt South Carolina and St.
Augustine, along the sea coast intirely belonging to the Crown of
Brittaine, behind all wch. vast and well inhabited Colonys the
French have run a sort of imaginary settlement or pretended
line by some small forts at several hundred miles distance one
from another as farr as the mouth of the River Misasipy in the
Great Bay of Mexico, by wch. they intirely environ upon the land
part all our British settlements upon the sd. Continent, betwixt
wch. as there hath never as yet (properly speaking) been any
adjustment of limits the countreys betwixt them being as yet not
much regarded for want of being settled, though the value encreases every day; and it would very much contribute not only
to the peace of posterity but true interest and honour of Great
Brittain to have those limits advantageously adjusted, but as
that would prove a work of very great expence so it would require
several sheets to containe a particular schame of the proper
methods towards wch. I shall not be wanting in contributing
my assistance when demanded, etc. Signed, Sam. Vetch.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Aug. 3, 1714. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 217, 1. No.
16.] |
Aug. 3. |
3. Abstract of damages the Hudson's Bay Compa. have
sustained from the French in times of Peace, 1682–1688 (as
in former statements). Total, £100, 543 13s. 9d. Signed, Wm.
Potter, Secr. Endorsed, Recd, (from Captn. Merry), Read 3rd
Aug., 1714. 1 p. [C.O. 134, 2. No. 41.] |
Aug. 4. Hudson's Bay House. |
4. Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading
into Hudson's Bay to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Pursuant to the 10th Article of the Treaty of Utrick the Company
did the begining of June last, send a shipp for Hudson's Bay, and
therein a Governor one James Knight and his Deputy Mr. Henry
Kelsey to take possession of the whole Bay and Streights of
Hudson, together with all other places relateing thereto, as
mentioned in the said Article, they haveing not onely Her late
Matie. (of Blessed Memory) her Comission for the same purpose,
togeather with one from ye Compa., but likewise the Most
Christian King's order under his hand and seale with a power from
ye Canada Compa. to deliver up the same, according to the said
Treaty, which shipp at the request of the Canada Compa., is not
onely to bring away the French settled in Hudson's Bay, but
likewise theire effects, pursuant to the aforesaid Treaty, they
paying freight for the same, which shipp may be expected the
latter end of September or begining of October next. Repeat
Memorial of Feb. 8, 1712, and claim for damages(Aug. 3), "which
they humbly entreat your Lordships to take effectuall care of,
to the releife of the great hardshipps they have soe long laboured
under." (Cf. C.S.P. March 4, 1699, and May 23, 1709.) Signed,
Wm. Potter, Secr. Endorsed, Recd. Read 4th Aug., 1714. 2 pp.
[C.O. 134, 2. No. 42; and 135, 3. pp. 129–132.] |
Aug. 5. Whitehall. |
5.Circular letter from Lord Bolingbroke to Governor Lord
A. Hamilton and the other Governors of plantations. The
Queen having been two or three days out of order, on Thursday
last H.M. grew somewhat worse, and on Fryday morning about
ten of the clock she was struck with a very strong convulsion; she
recovered her senses in about two hours; but contimued to lanquish
and to sink away by degrees till near half an hour after
seven on Sunday morning when it pleased Almighty God to take
her to his mercy. I enclose to you the Proclamation of his
present Majty. which you will cause to be published throughout
your Government. The Office letter will acquaint you with the
appointment of the Lords Justices and the other publick occurrences,
by which you will see what effectual care has been taken
to secure the publick peace on this occasion, and to disappoint
the hopes of those few who are enemys to the present happy
settlemt. P.S. By direction of ye Lords Justices of this Kingdom
I send yr. Lop. a proclamation which has been published here,
declaring the sence of the Law with respect to persons who held
offices from her late Majty. at the time of her death, and I am
to desire that you will please to publish the same in all places under
your command. Signed Bolingbroke. [C.O 324, 33. pp. 50–57.] |
Aug. 6. |
6. Same to Lords Proprietors of Carolina. Encloses above
Proclamations, etc. Signed, Bolingbroke. [C.O. 324, 33. p. 53.] |
Aug. 5. Council Chamber, St. James's. |
7. Order of Lords Justices in Council. Approving draught of
Proclamation with blanks for proclaiming the King in the
Plantations, and ordering the Council of Trade and Plantations
to prepare copies, properly filled up, for the respective Colonies
and Plantations in America, for their Excellencys' approbation,
to be passed with the Great Seal of Great Britain. Signed,
Christo. Musgrave. Endorsed, Recd. 5th, Read 6th Aug., 1714.
1 p. Enclosed, |
7. i. Draught of Proclamation of King George I. [Printed,
Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 2nd ser., xv. 335.] 1 p. [C.O.
323, 7. Nos. 33, 33 i.; and (without enclosure) 324,
10. p. 50.] |
Aug. 6. Whitehall. |
8. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Justices.
Enclose draughts of Proclamation as ordered in preceding. We
most humbly submit it to your Excellencies, whether the said
Proclamations and such directions as may be sent with them, are
to be sent by such merchant ships as may be found ready to sail,
or whether it may not be more certain and more expeditious
that two small vessels be dispatched on purpose. The one to
New England, which will serve for all the Provinces on the
Continent, and from thence to Placentia in Newfoundland, and
the other to Barbadoes, and any one of the Leeward Islands,
Jamaica and Bermudas. Annexed, |
8. i. Copy of Proclamation of King George I. v. preceding.
[C.O. 324, 10. pp. 51–53.] |
Aug. 5. Freehold in Monmouth County, New Jersy. |
9. Joseph Morgan to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Encloses following. Signed, Joseph Morgan. Endorsed, Recd.
12th Oct., 1714, Read 23 Nov., 1717. Addressed. Sealed.
Postmark. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
9. i. An invention by Joseph Morgan for the improvement of
navigation by means of a boom, crank, wheel and oars,
with diagrams. 16 pp. [C.O. 5, 971. Nos. 18, 18 i.] |
[Aug. 6.] |
10. Objections to the demands from the Most Christian King
or Monsieur D'Iberville against the inhabitants of Nevis. The
inhabitants capitulated April 4, 1706, and surrendred themselves
prisoners of warr, some had liberty from Monsieur D'Iberville to
be in ye country at their own plantations, the rest were kept
prisoners in towne, whilst the small army under D'Iberville
ransack'd the whole country to get in the negroes, horses, cattle,
coppers, mills, stills, etc., without any manner of opposition,
except sometimes by a few negroes, who kept in ye woods of the
mountains and were resolv'd not to surrender themselves wch.
Monsieur D'Iberville perceiveing, and having intelligence of the
arrivall of an English squadron of men of warr, wch. he much
dreaded might suddainly come upon him, he caused ye inhabitants
to meett, to whom he made a second proposall, for that they had
not comply'd with one of their Articles, which it was not in their
power to performe, to witt, of delivering in all their negroes etc.,
and demanded of them to signe an instrument of writing, whereby
they oblige themselves to deliver in a certaine time to ye said
D'Iberville or his order, 1400 negroes, or for every negroe wanting
100 peices of eight; in consideration of which he would leave
them all the slaves, horses, cattle, houses, sugar-works etc. then
upon the Island, which in truth it was not in his power to carry
off, his ships being pester'd wth. horses, cattle, coppers, etc., ye
negroes defending themselves in the mountaine. All which ye
inhabitants refuseing, M. D'Iberville caused the principall persons
of them to be carryed on board of his ships of warr, the rest to be
made prisoners in the Church, wth. threats of carrying ym. amongst
ye Spaniards in case they wou'd not signe, keeping them in that
manner severall days, at last on ye 19th April oblidg'd them to
comply, from which it plainly appears that it was not voluntary
but by meer compulsion, notwithstanding severall houses, sugarworks etc. were burnt, after this, and some slaves carried off.
As to ye hostages they were not deliver'd but taken off by force,
and what is mention'd to be due from them for their entertainment
at Martinique has been wholly discharg'd by ye Publick of Nevis.
All which is humbly submitted to, and hop'd will be judg'd,
that in the first place, compelling ye inhabitants, and ye burning
etc. afterwards will make this agreement voyd in itselfe, and that
the hostages now at Martinique will be discharged without any
further trouble. Endorsed, Recd. (from Genl. Hamilton) Read
6th Aug., 1714. 1½ pp. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 28; and 153, 12.
pp. 139–142.] |
Aug. 8/19. Fort Kykoverall, Rio Essequebe. |
11. P. Vanderheyden Rezen to the Directors of the Dutch
West India Company. Signed, P. Vanderheyden Rézen.
Endorsed, Read Nov. 15 (N.S.), 1714. 4 closely written pp.
Dutch. Enclosed, |
11. i.–xix. Lists, accounts, inventories, ships' ladings and
clearings, Minutes of Council, etc. [C.O. 116, 21. Nos.
11, 11 i.–xxi.] |
Aug. 9. |
12. James Campbell to Mr. Popple. Encloses following.
Requests a copy of the objections of one Slyford to Capt. Taverner's
memorial, for his reply, etc. Signed, Ja. Campbell. Endorsed,
Recd. 9th, Read 11th Aug., 1714. 1 p. Enclosed, |
12. i. James Campbell to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Lt. Governor Moody has desired me to apply for directions to him about the subjoined matters. Some of
those things together with Capt. Taverner's request
seem to be of immediate consequence. A sloop is
ordered to sail in a few days for the Continent of America
and Newfoundland by order of the Lords Justices,
besides which I expect no other occasion of shiping to
Placentia before the next spring, wherefore dispatch
is the more requisite. Gives abstract of letters of June
22 and July 3, q.v. Endorsed as preceding. |
12. ii. Copy of Col. Moody's Commission appointing James
Campbell Agent for Newfoundland. London, July 7,
1713. Signed, J. Moody. Same endorsement. 1½ pp.
[C.O. 194, 5. Nos. 46, 46 i., ii.; and (without enclosure
ii.) 195, 5. pp. 390–395.] |
Aug. 10. |
13. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Governor and
Council of South Carolina. Upon the death of Henry Duke of
Beaufort the late Palatin of our Province of Carolina, we the
rest of the Lords Proprietors did unanimously choose the Right
Honble. John Lord Carteret to be our Palatin, etc. You are
therefore hereby required to publish the same thro' all our
Province, etc. [C.O. 5, 290. p. 75.] |
Aug. 10. Councill Chamber, St. James's. |
14. Order of Lords Justices in Council. Approving Proclamation, Aug. 5, and ordering that the Council of Trade and
Plantations doe take care for the speedy conveyance thereof with
letters from the Privy Councill to the respective Plantations by
the two vessels appointed for that purpose. Signed, Christo.
Musgrave. Endorsed, Recd. Read 11th Aug., 1714. ¾ p. [C.O.
323, 7. No. 34; and 324, 10. p. 54.] |
Aug. 11. Whitehall. |
15. Mr. Popple to Mr. Burchett. The enclosed packets
to the Governors of New England, Placentia, Barbados, the
Leeward Islands and Jamaica, contain letters from the
Lords of H.M. Privy Council and from the Lords Commrs. for
Trade and Plantations, to all the Governors in America, for
proclaiming His Majesty in the respective Plantations under their
Governmts. I am to desire you to cause them to be delivered to
the Captains of the vessels appointed, etc. [C.O. 324, 10. p. 55.] |
Aug. 10. |
16. Same to the Governor of South Carolina. You are forthwith to proclaim King George I. etc. [C.O. 5, 290. p. 77.] |
Aug. 10. |
17. Form of Proclamation of King George I. (v. No. 7 i.)
[C.O. 5, 290. p. 76.] |
Aug. 11. Whitehall. |
18. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Bolingbroke.
Enclose copies of memorials by James Campbell (Aug. 9) and
Capt. Taverner (March 31), and of their own representation thereupon (April 2) to be laid before the Lords Justices for their
pleasure upon the several particulars therein mentioned. Continue:— We are inform'd unless their Excellencies' directions are
sent by the sloop now going for the Continent, there will be no
other conveniency of sending thither till the spring, except a
ship be sent thither on purpose. Autograph signatures. 2 pp.
[C.O. 194, 23. No. 13; and 195, 5. pp. 396, 397.] |
Aug. 11. Whitehall. |
19. Same to the Duke of Shrewsbury, Lord High Treasurer.
Request payment of enclosed account of office expenses and six
months' salaries due Midsummer last. [C.O. 389, 37. pp. 79,
80.] |
Aug. 11. |
20. Circular letter from the Council of Trade and Plantations
to Governors of Plantations. Enclose letter from the Lords
Justices for proclaiming King George I., etc. We earnestly
recommend to you that you proceed without loss of time in the
execution of those orders, etc., and you are to return a speedy
account of your proceedings therein. Quote Act for the security
of the Protestant succession continuing the use of the public
seals until H.M. successor shall give order to the contrary. Mem.
The latter sentence was omitted to the Proprietary Governmts.
and to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Printed, Mass. Hist.
Soc. Proc. 2nd Ser. xv. 335. [C.O. 324, 10. pp. 56, 57; and
152, 12. p. 142.] |
Aug. 12. Whitehall. |
21. Lord Bolingbroke to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Col. Moody having represented in his letters, that several of the
French inhabitants of the best condition at Placentia seem
inclineable to swear allegiance to the King and to continue there.
That it would be for the public service, if he had liberty to portion
out some of the wast ground in Newfoundland to the soldiers
and their familys, as the French have formerly done there, and
now do in the Island of Cape Breton. That the French never
allowed their inhabitants, or fishing ships, to make use of the
Beach upon which the Fort of Placentia is built, that they set
apart for fishery and trade, the grand Beach on the other side of
the Harbour, which lyes within musquet shot of the batterys,
and that he is of opinion the same methods ought to be continued.
And that he desires to be informed how far Placentia and its
dependancys, are subject to the jurisdiction of Captains of the
King's men of warr and the fishing Admirals, and also if he ought
not to have the distribution and direction of all the stages and
fishing beaches, that may be quitted by the French inhabitants,
to the English fishing ships, when they arrive in Placentia, St.
Peters, etc. I am directed by the Lords Justices, to desire that
your Lordps. will take the several heads above-mentioned forthwith into your consideration, and report your opinion what may
be properly done, upon each of them respectively, and state
particularly how the law stands, with respect to the Captains of
the King's ships and fishing Admirals. Capt. Moody taking
notice in his Memorial, of the want of a sloop of about 100 tuns
to be under his direction, with ten men to man the same, for
observing the proceedings of the French, for visiting and assisting
the other English settlements in Newfoundland, and other
publick services, I have writ to the Admiralty concerning the
expence and method of furnishing this ship, but I am directed by
the Lords Justices to desire, that you will report your opinion,
as to the use that you judge such a sloop as is desired may be of
to the publick service, that so the necessary directions for
providing the same may be given, if your Lops. shall be of opinion,
that the end proposed thereby may answer the expence of it.
As I believe in a very little time a vessell will be sent away with
Instructions to Mr. Moody, which cannot be concluded till you
make your report, and as this opportunity, will probably be the
last that we shall have of sending to Newfoundland this year, I
am by directions of the Lords Justices to let you know, that you
are to transmit this report to me as soon as possible, and whatever
else you may have before you necessary for Col. Moody's or Capt.
Taverner's instruction or information. Signed, Bolingbroke.
Endorsed, Recd. 12th, Read 13th Aug., 1714. 2½ pp. [C.O.
194, 5. No. 48; and 195, 5. pp. 401–403.] |
Aug. 12. Placentia. |
22. Same to Lt. Governor Moody. Your dispatch from
Placentia of June 22 is come to my hands, and I have laid it before
the Lords Justices. It was very welcome news to hear that you
were so happily arrived with the British Forces at Placentia,
and had taken possession of that place, and of the whole Island
of Newfoundland in the name of her late Majty., pursuant to the
Treaty of Peace. It is not doubted but you will use your utmost
endeavours to strengthen and secure the British settlement in
that town, and to improve in the best manner the fishery, and all
other advantages of this nation in that country. The Hazard
sloop being ready to sail for North America, I would not delay
writing to you, tho' in the few days since your letter has come to
hand, and in the great hurry which you will easily imagine every
Office and every man of business must have been in on the great
event of the Queen's death, it has not been possible either to make
the necessary preparations for your supply, or to come to definitive
resolutions on the several things you propose. It will however be
some satisfaction to you, that the methods of supporting you
and of improving the advantages gained by the acquisition of
Placentia are taken into very serious consideration by the Lords
Justices, and will I make no doubt be promoted very effectually.
The several heads which you write to me upon and which Mr.
Campbell likewise represented to the Board of Trade have been
layd before the Lords Justices, and the proper orders have been
given to the several Offices to report their opinions in some cases
and to make the necessary preparations in others. Dispatch is
recommended to all of them, and I have given notice to the
Secry. at Warr that he should take care to sollicit the Treasry.
himself and make your Agent Mr. Thurston perform his part,
as I beleive Mr. Campbell will perform his. I hope in three weeks
time a vessell may be dispatched on purpose to carry you
definitive and express orders in every point, and also such necessary supplys as you have writ for. In the mean time I am to
tell you, by the command of the Lords Justices, that they approve
of your detaining the transport for Capt. Taverner's use, who
I hear arrived at Placentia a few days after your letter to me of
the 22d. of June was writ. Their Excys. would have this
Gentleman pursuant to his Instructions with all possible dispatch
and care proceed on the intended survey. It had been happy
if the necessarys which he desired in Aprill last had been furnished.
It is not my business to enquire why that was omitted, but orders
are now given for the dispatch of them, and I hope by the ship
which you are to expect soon after the arrival of this letter all
that is necessary for Capt. Taverner's going forward with his work
will be supplyed. In a memorial presented by Capt. Taverner
to the Board of Trade, the Lds. Justices observe, that he desires
to be informed whether the French have the liberty to cut down
trees in the Petit Nort, in answer to which their Excys. command
me to say that they do not understand the French to have this
liberty by the Treaty. Their Excys. command me in answer to
the question you ask whether the French officers may be permitted
to sell their houses, lands and estates to the best bidder, for the
present to give you no other instruction than this, that these
houses should go to the Officers of the Garrison for the time being.
I may perhaps by the next opportunity write more particularly
to you upon this head. The Lords Justices think the Treaty so
express as to the limitts in which the French are to fish, that it is
matter of some surprize how they should venture to come, as you
write to Mr. Campbell, several of their ships have come to fish
within 15 leagues of Placentia. Their Excys. hope that Capt.
Taverner has beat them off, and it is their positive order to you,
that you oblige them to keep within the limits prescribed by the
Treaty. That you give them warning to forbear fishing whenever
they exceed those limits, and that if this warning is not taken you
should prevent them by force and make seizure of their vessells.
I have at this time nothing more to add but my hearty wishes,
that you may for H.M. service and the good of our Country
improve to the utmost the advantages of Newfoundland, which
I am perswaded we are very far from having a full knowledge of.
You may depend that nothing in my power shall be left undone to
support and encourage you in this good work. Signed, Bolingbroke. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 58–61.] |
Aug. 12. Whitehall. |
23. Lord Bolingbroke to Capt. Taverner. I am very glad to
hear, that you are arrived at Placentia, and tho' much time has
been lost to your great disappointment, and in my opinion to
the prejudice of the publick service, in setting forward the
worke for which you was designed; yet I hope that ample amends
will be made for both. A ship will be despatched etc. as in preceding.
As to your own interest, I am your witness, and will be your
Sollicitor. In the meanwhile I persuade myself you neither
have nor will be wanting to do the best you can in your present
circumstances, towards answering the end of your Commission,
and promoting the King's service. As you are Surveyor of
Newfoundland I am to desire, that you will, by your first letter,
report whether it may be of conveniency, or advantage to the
fishery, to fish on that beach of Placentia, where it is said the
French did not use to suffer their people to fish, and whether the
allowing hereof may be of any prejudice to the Fort. Signed,
Bolingbroke. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 62, 63.] |
Aug. 12. Whitehall. |
24. Lord Bolingbroke to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
The Lords Justices desire to have an account forthwith laid before
them of what has been done since the peace relating to Hudson's
Bay, Nova Scotia, and St. Christophers. Some things have
passed in my Office, others I believe in the Treasury, and a
considerable deal I doubt not has been done by your Lops.—
wherefore if your Lops. please to collect a perfect state of the
whole I will furnish you with what you may want from me. I am
likewise on this occasion to put your Lops. in mind of the points
referred by the Treaty of Peace with France to the discussion of
Commissarys, that their Excellencys may be acquainted with the
Orders given to the Commissarys of Commerce in those matters,
and their proceedings thereupon. Your letter of the 30th of July
relating to Capt. Vanbrugh has been laid before the Lords
Justices, and the orders their Excys. have been pleased to give
thereupon have been sent to the Treasury and to the Admiralty.
It is likewise thought fit that your Lops. in your station should
advertise the Governours and other Officers in the Plantations
of their duty in the particulars mentioned in your letter, both with
respect to the trading to the French settlements, and to the
illegal landing of goods from thence. Signed, Bolingbroke.
Endorsed, Recd. 13th, Read 14th Augt., 1714. 1¾ pp. [C.O.
134, 2. No. 43; and 135, 3. pp. 133, 134.] |
Aug. 14. Whitehall. |
25. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Bolingbroke.
Reply to preceding. Enclose copies of memorials from Col. Vetch,
the Hudsons Bay Co., and petitions and representation relating
to St. Kitts etc. Conclude:—We shall take care by the first
opportunity to send directions to the Governors and other
officers in the Plantations, in relation to the illegal trade between
the sd. Plantations and the said French settlements. Autograph
signatures. 3 pp. Enclosed, |
25. i., ii. Duplicates of Nos. 3 and 4. [C.O. 217, 31. Nos.
11, 11 i.; and 134, 3. Nos. 20, 21 (enclosures only);
and (without enclosures) 135, 3. pp. 134–136.] |
Aug. 14. Whitehall. |
26. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Bolingbroke.
Reply to No. 21. We humbly represent that ye allowing the
French inhabitants to remain, notwithstanding they should swear
allegiance to the King, may be attended with ill consequences;
for that upon any rupture with France, they may take arms
against his Majesty, as they have done on other occasions, and
particularly in Nova Scotia, as we are inform'd by Col. Vetch who
commanded the garrison there. Upon the taking of that country
from the French, the inhabitants swore allegiance to her late
Majesty, but soon after, all H.M. forces (except the garrison that
remain'd in Annapolis Royal) were withdrawn, the French rose
in a body, took arms, were by a preist at the head of them,
absolv'd of their said oath, and block'd up the Fort and Garrison
for several months; nor did the French return to their obedience
till the peace was proclaim'd. And Placentia being so near to
Cape Breton, which is now settling and fortifying, and also in the
way of ships sailing to and from Canada, we apprehend it may be
dangerous to leave the French upon Newfoundland. As to Col.
Moody's proposal of apportioning some of the waste ground to
the soldiers and their families, we are humbly of opinion, that till
it be known what British families are gone, or what shall go next
fishing season to settle there, and that returns are made by Capt.
Taverner of the survey he is to make there, no disposition be
made of the sd. lands to the soldiers, but that they be kept to
their duty, till H.M. pleasure shall be known. As to the using or
not using of the beach on which the Fort is built, we are not able
to give any opinion how necessary it may be to the fishing ships,
or inconvenient to the Garrison, till the return of the said survey
be made, as also the opinion of Col. Nicholson, which we have
reason to expect, since we are inform'd that he designs to be soon
at Placentia to view that garrison. As to his desire to be inform'd
how far Placentia etc. are subject to the jurisdiction of Capts.
of the King's ships of war, and the fishing Admirals, we are
humbly of opinion that Placentia etc. ought for the present to be
subject to the regulations in the Act of 11th and 12th of King
William III., to incourage the Trade to Newfoundland, untill
further regulations can be made by Parliament. The purport of
which Act in relation to the Admirals of Harbours and the
Capts. of the King's ships, is as follows, that every fishing ship
from Great Britain, or the fishermen thereof, that shall first
enter any harbour or creek in Newfoundland, shall be Admiral
of the said Harbour, for that season, and that the master of the
second ship so entring shall be Vice-Admiral, and the third, RearAdmiral; and if any persons are possess'd of sevl. places in several
creeks or harbours, they shall make their election, which they will
abide in, within 48 hours after any demand of any after comer,
and in case of any difference touching the said matters or any
other differences arising between the masters of fishing ships
and the inhabitants there, about fishing rooms, stages, flakes etc.,
such differences and disputes shall be determin'd by the fishing
Admirals in their respective harbours, an appeal being reserv'd
to the Commanders of the men of war, appointed convoys for
Newfoundland. As to his having the distribution of the beaches
and stages, quitted by the French, we are humbly of opinion,
that the officers of garrison ought not to have anything to do
with the Fishery. But that the beaches and stages ought to
be left to the public use, and disposed of according as in the
said Act is directed. As to Col. Moody's desire of a sloop of
about 100 tons with 10 men to be under his direction for observing
the proceedings of the French, for visiting and assisting the other
English settlements in Newfoundld. and other public service;
we take leave to observe that by memorials we have receiv'd
from Biddiford and Barnstable, they desire that some men
of war be order'd every fishing season to cruize on the coast of
Newfoundland for preventing the French to fish in any harbours,
and from settling there, for protecting the fishery from pirates,
and preventing illegal trade. This we are humbly of opinion
will be much more effectual for the purposes above said, than such
a sloop as Col. Moody mentions; besides wch. we conceive such
a sloop can be of little use there in ye winter season for the
purposes above-mentioned, by reason of the ice. We further take
notice that Capt. Taverner is by his Instructions, to have one of
the transports that lately went to Newfoundland. [C.O. 195, 5.
pp. 404–409.] |
Aug. 16. Boston. |
27. Mr. Addington to Mr. Popple. Encloses Minutes of
Council, 2nd Dec., 1712, to 20th June, 1713; Journal of Assembly
May—Oct., 1713, and Acts 1712–1714. Signed, Isa. Addington.
Endorsed, Recd. 1st Oct., 1714, Read 25th June, 1718. 1½ pp.
[C.O. 5, 866. No. 155; and 5, 915. pp. 136, 137.] |
Aug. 19. Boston, New-England. |
28. Governor Dudley to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Your Lordships' letters of the 6th April referring to the Articles
of peace, and commerce concluded between Great Brittain and
Spain, with H.M. proclamation thereupon arrived here the 18th
June, and two days after were made publick with all solemnity
in both the provinces of the Massachusets and New Hampshire,
and will be observ'd accordingly. Encloses papers, as July 13
and Aug. 16. Continues: The French in the neighbourhood of
these provinces are so industrious to draw off our tribes of Indians
at the Eastward from their obedience to H.M., that I was forced
to direct their attendance of me at Portsmouth in New Hampshire
on the 21st Aug. last past, whither I was attended by the
Gentlemen of the Councils of both the provinces, and I had
General Nicholson's company with me, and the Indians made
their appearance by 27 of their Sachems, and Delegates, and I
went over the Articles of pacification signed by them the last
year, which I transmitted to your Lordships, to which I now
added the present Sachems consent, and presented them with
cloath, woolen, and linnen, tobacco, ammunition for their hunting
to the value of 150l. as we are forced always to do in these
Governments, as well as at Albany, and elsewhere, and I part'd
in all friendship, and hope I shall be quiet with them. Signed,
J. Dudley. Endorsed, Recd. 1st Oct., 1714, Read 25th June,
1718. 1 p. Enclosed, |
28. i. Copy of submission and pacification of the Eastern
Indians, Portsmouth, 13th July, 1713. 5¾ pp. |
28. ii. Ratification of preceding agreement, 28th July, 1714,
signed by the Sachems that were not present and had
not signed the last year. Totem marks and names.
Nos. i. and ii. endorsed as covering letter. 1¾ p.[C.O.
5, 866. Nos. 156, 156 i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 5,
915. pp. 137–139.] |
Aug. 19. Boston, New England. |
29. Governor Dudley to Mr. Popple. In this packet are
the Minutes, Acts, and other papers to be humbly lay'd before
their Lordships. I have your commands referring to seeds, or
roots for the Garden. I was-so little acquainted with the Flower
Garden of England, when I was at Home, that if you would tell
me the names of anything you think, we have here, I should be
glad to know it against the season which for seeds is Michaelmas
and for roots the Spring. I shall send any thing, that I think
acceptable when the time comes. Signed, J. Dudley. Endorsed,
Recd. 1st Oct., 1714, Read 25th June, 1718. Addressed. ½ p.
[C.O. 5, 866. No. 157; and (first paragraph only) 5, 915. p. 139.] |
[Aug. 19.] |
30. Stephen Duport to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Prays for a report on petitions presented May 14th relating to
St. Christophers. Endorsed, Recd. 19th, Read 20th Aug., 1714.
½ p. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 30.] |
Aug. 19. Whitehal. |
31. Council of Trade and Plantations to Col. Sharpe, President
of the Council of Barbados. Her late Majesty having been
inform'd that an illegal trade has been carry'd on between several
of ye British Plants. in America (and particularly from Barbadoes)
by Capt. Vanbrugh, Commander of ye Sorlings, who brought some
wine and brandy from Martinico and ye French settlements in
those parts, to ye prejudice of the trade of this Kingdom, and
in violation of ye laws thereof, and ye treaties between this
Kingdom and France, their Excellencys ye Lords Justices have
commanded us to send you an extract of ye Treaty of Peace and
Neutrality in America, 1686, [quoted]. We further find by ye
40th Article of ye Instructions to the Capts. of ye ships of war,
that the said Capts. are expressly restrain'd from taking any goods
and merchandizes on board ye said ships. Upon all wch. we
are commanded to signify to you that you take particular care
for ye future that the foremention'd Treaty be punctualy observ'd,
and put in execution and that no illegal trade be carry'd on
between H.M. Island of Barbadoes under your Government, and
ye French settlements in America by any of H.M. ships of war
attending Barbadoes, or by other Brittish ships; as likewise
that none of ye French subjects be allow'd to trade from their said
settlements to Barbadoes. And whereas Col. Maycock ye
Treasr. of Barbadoes has been very active in opposing ye offrs.
of ye Customs in ye executn. of their office a particular account
thereof you will find in ye inclos'd paper etc., we think it is impossible ye laws can be put in execution unless ye said officers are
countenanc'd and supported in doing their duty, wch. we particularly recommend to your care. [C.O. 29, 13. pp. 95–98.] |
Aug. 19. |
32. Memorandum of circular letter from the Council of
Trade and Plantations to the Governors of Plantations, as preceding, mutatis mutandis. [C.O. 153, 12. p. 143; and 324, 10.
p. 58.] |
Aug. 23. Boston. |
33. Governor Dudley to Mr. Popple. Encloses papers
which had been mislayd by the officer of Newhampshire etc.
Cf. 19th Aug. Signed, J. Dudley. Holograph. ½ p. [C.O.
5, 866. No. 158.] |
Aug. 27. New York. |
34. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses Acts past in the last two Sessions of
Assembly, "the severall incidents which stopt the saileing of
the Queen's ship the Sorlings has occasioned the delay of those
past in the former Sessions till now," etc. That for laying
an excise on all strong liquors retailed in this Colony, is
intended for the payment of the publick debts, and has
relation to the Act past in the house of Representatives
for that purpose which is now with ye Councill under consideration
of the Committee, and I hope tho' it is a very long one (the
claimes and debts which are allowed just, being particularly
narrated in the Bill) it may be expedited before the ship sails
that I may be the better able to remarke upon both and transmitt
it with the other upon which it depends, to your Lordps. That
for paying sundry summes to severall persons therein mentioned
is for paying the Commissioners who stated the publick accounts,
their Clerk and incidents. An Act to impower Dutches County
to elect a Supervisor, a Treasurer, Assessors and Collectors. This
County was formerly by reason of it's small inhabitants annex't
to another by an Act of Assembly, but that Act being expired and
the number of inhabitants encreas'd, it was necessary that they
shou'd have county officers of their own. An Act for levying
and paying the severall duties therein mentioned etc. Bills of this
nature have been formerly sent up by the House of Representatives with clauses derogatory to H.M. Prerogative, for which
reason they were not past, but in this these clauses are left out.
An Act for lycenseing hawkers and pedlars. The cheife intent
of this Act is ye encouragement of ye city, and shop keepers, and at
ye same time if it does not lessen ye number of pedlars, obleige
them to pay something towards the uses of the Government, being
an unsettled vagrant sort of men who for that reason heretofore
paid nothing. An Act for collecting and paying to the County
Treasurer the arrears of taxes in the County of Richmond for defraying
the necessary publick charge of the said County. The defects in
former Acts had created a necessity of passing this, and there
being likewise provision by a law for defraying the publick
charges of other countyes. An Act for a supply to be granted to
H.M. for supporting the Government for ye ensueing yeare. After
much difficulty the Assembly past last yeare an Act of the same
nature, laying a duty on wine, rum and European goods imported
from the Plantations. In this they have left out the duty on rum,
which was ye only branch to be relyed on, that on wine will most
assuredly bring in nothing or next to nothing this yeare, the
country being overstocked with wine for one whole yeare soe that
this Government must as it has done hitherto subsist itself, and
at the end of the yeare goe abegging to the Assembly to make
good their resolves and the deficiencies, and tis great odds that
they will doe neither. If it be for H.M. service and interest
that her Government here should remaine upon this foot, I
am satisfyed, tho' by accounts and vouchers of their own stateing
and allowance they owe me already neare to £5,000. I lay my
account with haveing rumm enough imported this yeare to stock
the country for the ensueing, and then the duty on wines to be
taken off and the support given out of a duty on rumm. Refers to
enclosed account of the Revenue for last yeare out of which I have
had barely ye salary appointed me by H.M., not all I have
expended for fireing and candles for the garrisons, and not one
farthing for all my contingent expences of Government. An Act
for the Treasurer's paying to H.E. a summe of money for presents
to ye Indians and for his expences in going to Albany. All I shall
remark upon this Bill is that the summe is not sufficient to
purchase the presents those Indians now expect, who are grown
very uneasy for want of it. They want to have the hatchett
taken out of their hands as they call it, but the truth is that they
have beene hitherto soe accustomed to presents from the time of
the first settlement when they were considerable and the Province
weake that it is now grown into a sort of tribute which they most
certainley expect, and the Assembly unwillingly give, soe that
I must either resolve to be a loser myselfe or venture a disturbance
on the frontiers which cannot be for H.M. interest, and have
accordingly appointed Sept. 15th for the day of meeting the Five
Nations as they are called at Albany, and doe not doubt but to
settle all matters soe with them that they may be quiet and the
country enjoy perfect security. Sept. 6th. Since ye writeing
of what is above the Assembly has agreed to all ye amendments
made by ye Councill to the Act for paying and dischargeing the
publick debts, which I have past and publish't and now with
ye rest transmitt to your Lordps., and most humbly and earnestly
recommend it to your Lordps. for your speedy inspection and
approbation, in order to Her Majesty's, upon which I know in a
great measure that depends. Had I known or cold I have
apprehended that there was anything in that Act, either contrary
to my Instructions, or H.M. interests, tho' I am reduced to very
great necessities, I had not past it nor ye other to which it has
relation; but the first, I meane that for appropriateing ye duty
on liquors retailed toward ye payment of publick debts, I cannot
doubt but your Lordships will allow to be reasonable, seeing H.M.
has not thought fitt to apply that Fond by Act of Parliament to
any other use. And the duties on wine, rumm, negroes and
tonnage of vessels and European goods imported from other
Plantations will be sufficient for an honourable support to her
Government here. Neither is it in reality any other than Act
for ye support of Government it being for payment of what is due
for its past support and publick services in it. In other Provinces
that fund is lodged in the Country Treasurer's hands for the
country's use, soe that it is noe new thing. Your Lordp. will
observe that there is due to me neare £5,000 of this money which
arrises from my arreares of sallary rebuilding and repaireing the
forts and magazines and other publick services as appeared by the
accounts stated and allow'd by their own Commissioners appointed
for that purpose and afterwards by themselves soe that if these
Bills miscarry I shall be in a more deplorable condition then the
worst of my enimies could wish me. Your Lordps. well know
what I have suffered upon the account of the Palatines not one
of my bills for their subsistance being paid, whilst I stand
indebted upon that score more than I shall ever be able to pay
in my life without H.M. gracious assistance. That People scatter
themselves abroad but generally within the two Provinces, soe
that if ever H.M. is pleased to resume that designe I shall be
able to gather together a number sufficient to carry on that work.
The trees are now ready for manufactureing and I want nothing
but money to imploy hands to make a very considerable quantity
of tarr haveing had ye trees tryed which for ye most part answer
expectation. I have sent by this ship to my Agent Mr. Strahan,
the Journals and Leidgers of that People's subsistance attested
by the oaths of ye commissaries and officers who kept these
books and accounts, and I cannot doubt but your Lordps. will
give him your generous assistance in his endeavours for my
releife in compassion to one who sufferrs, if he must suffer for
haveing strictley observ'd and executed H.M. orders. There
were some other Acts past on the same day with that for paying
the debts, which your Lordps, shall have by a ship which is to
saile soon, but it was impossible to have them ingrossed time
enough for this conveyance. They are not of any consequence.
I must begg leave once more to recommend myselfe and my hard
circumstances to your Lordps., etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter.
Endorsed, Recd. 21st Oct., 1714, Read 21st June, 1715. 10 pp.
Enclosed, |
34. i. List of Acts passed in New York 1713, 1714. Same
endorsement. 1½ pp. |
34. ii. Account of the Revenue raised by an Act of New York,
July 1st, 1713—June, 1714. Total, £3,222 1s. 6d.
Issued in Governor's and other officers' salaries. Signed,
H. Byerley, Collr. Same endorsement. 2 pp. [C.O.
5, 1050. Nos. 82, 82 i., ii.; and (without enclosures)
5, 1123. pp. 279–286.] |
Aug. 27. N. York. |
35. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
This acknowledges the honour of yr. Lordps.' with the Treaties
of Peace and Commerce with Spaine which I have published in
both Provinces, etc. Refers to enclosed list of Acts of New Jersey
passed in the last sessions 23 publick and 15 private ones. I know
as near as I can judge that none of these Acts are contrary, but
conformable as much as can be to H.M. Instructions for which
reason your Lordps. will not be troubled with reading many
remarks. Our men of noise have exerted their talent against the
Act, that ye solemn affirmation of ye people called Quakers etc. Your
Lorps. well know that H.M. Instructions to me are possitive for
endeavouring to procure and pass such an Act, which of itselfe is
sufficient reason to me for soe doeing, but the state of that Province absolutely requires such one, that people being by farr the
most numerous and wealthy in the Western Division, and as
I may affirm upon experience the most dutyfull. There are
besides some Acts relateing to the practice of the law, which the
lawyers and none but they cavil at. The practicers of law (for
there is not a lawyer in the country) were by their illegal exactions
and unwarrantable splitting and spinning out of causes, become
the only remaineing greivance in that country, the ordinance and
ye law enforceing ye observation of it with the other Acts for
regulating their practice were ment and framed to prevent for
the future these abuses. Your Lorps. can never be induced to
beleive that the unreasonable gaines of a very few can outweigh
or over-ballance the quiet and prosperity of a whole Province,
soe I need say noe more upon that head. The Act laying a duty
on slaves is calculated to encourage the importation of white
servants for the better peopleing that country, a law something
like that in Pensilvania haveing evidently had that effect. That
for laying a duty on wheat exported is for the encouragement of
their own manufacture of bolting, that they themselves may have
the benefitts arriseing from their own produce. That for confirming conveyances of land, made by wills and powers of attorney
was judg'd absolutely necessary, for in a new country the
Proprietors of which live for ye greatest part in England, where
also the original grants and deeds remaine, without such a
law noe man will venture to purchase lands or can be safe in his
purchase if he should. There are amongst the private bills two
for naturalizing three persons inhabitants of that Province, Mr.
Baird is a very worthy and ingenuous man, and one of the most
considerable traders in that country, and very usefull to ye
Government which are sufficient inducements to recommend his
Act to H.M. approbation. I acquainted Mr. Popple of ye reason
which induced the Assembly there to settle the support of Government for a shorter time then they had proposed, when there
apprehensions are over, and the malitious designe of such insinuations more aparent, as they already beginn to be, I make noe
doubt of settleing that and other matters in that Province in a
manner agreeable to H.M. interest and your Lordps.' desire.
The Act for ascertaineing and settleing the property of lands comeing
in late in that Session, miscarryed for want of being rightly
understood. The tenures in the Western Division are so doubtful
or precarious (occupancey being one of their best titles) that
it must either remaine unpeopled, or the people be involved in
unextricable law suites and confusion without such an Act which
I shall endeavour to procure next Assembly. Mr. Sonman's
sometime of H.M. Councill in the Jerseys haveing as I formerly
inform'd your Lordps. stole and conveyed away out of the
Province all ye publick Records, thought fitt after haveing
sometime absconded to convey himselfe to England, where he
has imploy'd much time in writeing over malicious and false
reports to alarm the people, and in as much as in him lyes to
continue ye confusion which he cheifly raised there, soe I firmley
hope he can neither find creditt with or countenance from your
Lordpps. howsoever he comes recommended. I shall at my next
goeing to the Jerseys endeavour to open a Court of Chancery there
which is indeed much wanted. I humbly recommend myselfe to
yor. Lordships' patronage. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd.
21st Oct., 1714, Read 20th March, 17 15/16. 5 pp. Enclosed, |
35. i. List of 38 Acts past in New Jersey, 1714. Same endorsement. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 971. Nos. 9, 9 i.; and (without
enclosure) 5, 995. pp. 310–315.] |
Aug. 28. Freehold, in ye County of Monmouth, in ye Eastern Division of New Jersy. |
36. Joseph Morgan to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Encloses scheme for the improvement of navigation, etc. (v.
Aug. 5). Signed, Joseph Morgan. Addressed. Postmark. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 971. No. 19.] |
Aug. 30. St. James's. |
37. Mr. Addison to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
The Lords Justices desire you will attend them on Wednesday
etc., prepared to give them an account of Mr. Taverner, how he
came to be employ'd and how he was qualified for the service for
which he was appointed, etc.. Signed, J. Addison. Endorsed,
Recd. Read, Aug. 31st, 1714. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 5. No. 51;
and 195, 5. p. 413.] |