Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.
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'Index: J, K, L', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index: J, K, L', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Index: J, K, L". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Jackson, Capt., R.N., Spanish vessel seized by, complaint concerning, 291, 307, 388, 388 i.
-, -, letter from, 277 xi., xii.
Jacob, sloop, case of, 167, 167 ii., 277 iii., xviii., xxi.–xxiv.
-, -, depositions concerning, 277 xxiii., xxiv.
Jacqueau, Moses, memorial by, 669 i., 698.
-, -, -, reference of, 669.
-, -, pension of, petition for renewal of, 698.
-, -, -, recommended, 698 ii.
-, -, -, stopped, 698.
-, -, -, warrant for, 698 i.
-, -, sentenced to death, 698 iii.
-, -, services of, to Navy, 698, 698 i.
Jamaica, Act, ascertaining fees, 149, 149 iii.
-, -, ascertaining number of ports, etc., 615.
-, -, for better securing estates of orphans and creditors, etc., 403, 729.
-, -, declaring what persons shall be qualified to sit in Assembly, 403.
-, -, -, referred, 442.
-, -, -, objection to, 729.
-, -, to disenable any number of Council or Assembly from acting as commissioner for receiving any public money, 403.
-, -, -, report upon, 729.
-, -, to encourage white men to continue and settle, 403, 481 i.
-, -, -, report upon, 729.
-, -, for the more effectual conveyance of land etc., 615.
-, -, concerning escheats, 369 i., 376, 377, 441.
-, -, for limiting times for suits to be begun, suggested, 394.
-, -, for paying for soliciting passing of Acts, 615, 615 iii.
-, -, -, objection to, 527.
-, -, for paying arrears of subsistence for H.M. Regiment, 527, 615.
-, -, for preserving public records, 403, 729.
-, -, for preventing any one person holding two offices etc., 278, 527, 527 i.
-, -, -, carried by tacking, 440.
-, -, -, objection to, 399, 399 i., 413, 437, 440.
-, -, -, petition concerning, 401.
-, -, -, reasons for passing, 429, 431, 439, 440.
-, -, -, reference of, 430, 431.
-, -, -, repeal of, 149, 437, 438, 444.
-, -, -, report upon, 149, 422.
-, -, to prevent hawking and disposing of goods clandestinely, 403.
-, -, -, objection to, 729.
-, -, for prevention of law suits, 394.
-, -, for quieting possessions etc., repealed, 165.
-, -, for further quieting possessions, 149, 149 iii., 492.
-, -, -, amended, 527.
-, -, -, reference of, 168.
-, -, -, repeal of, proposed, 615.
-, -, -, report upon, 394.
-, -, -, reasons for, 429.
-, -, -, -, objections to, 413.
-, -, for further quieting possessions, new, 615.
-, -, -, suggested, 413.
-, -, for raising a revenue (1703), 441.
-, -, for raising an addittional subsistence for H.M. officers and soldiers, 527, 606, 615.
-, -, -, opposition to, 527.
-, -, for regulating fowling and fishing, 403, 729.
-, -, for regulating ministers, 615 ii.
-, -, -, objections to, 615.
-, -, for relief of freeholders of Kingston, 615, 702.
-, -, -, objection to, 690.
-, -, -, referred, 681.
-, -, -, report upon, 690, 723.
-, -, -, suspension of, proposed, 690.
-, -, revenue, passed, 277 xviii.
-, -, for securing possessions etc., 615.
-, -, tacking to money bill, 440.
-, -, vesting estate of Thomas Finch in trustees, confirmed, 650.
-, -, -, petition against, 566.
-, -, -, report upon, 400, 608.
-, Acts of, 149, 413, 527, 527 ii., 681.
-, -, referred, 701.
-, -, transmitted, without seal, 149.
-, -, -, -, complaint concerning, 149 iii.
-, -, -, -, reply to, 149.
-, address from, 94, 94 xii., 107, 148, 149, 277 xviii., 612, 612 i., 615.
-, agent of, Act providing, 615, 615 iii.
-, -, -, objection to, 527.
-, appeals from, question of, 292.
-, Asiento, the, address concerning, 612, 612 i.; and see Castillo, Sir James del.
-, Assembly of, 400, 401, 413; and see Act to prevent any one person holding two offices.
-, -, Act, declaring qualifications of members, 403, 442.
-, -, -, forbidding members to act as commissioners for receiving money, 403.
-, -, -, for quieting possessions, amendments to, suggested, 413.
-, -, -, -, reason for passing, 429.
-, -, address by, 148, 277 xviii.
-, -, -, on peace, not passed, 527.
-, -, -, refusal of Council to join in, 615.
-, -, bills passed and sent up, 527, 527 ii.
-, -, claim to deal with foreign powers, 615.
-, -, claim right to adjourn themselves, 440, 615.
-, -, -, disapproved, 701.
-, -, claim right to view fortifications, 527.
-, -, claim right to review regiment, 527, 615.
-, -, claim by, in soliciting bill, 527.
-, -, complaint by, concerning Acts sent home, 492.
-, -, Council's right to amend money bills, denied by, 615.
-, -, -, asserted, 701.
-, -, dissolution of, 440, 527, 615.
-, -, -, reasons for, 492.
-, -, -, -, approved, 701.
-, -, divisions in, 492.
-, -, election of, fines and imprisonments inflicted for, 615.
-, -, Journal of, 149, 277 xviii., 492, 527, 606, 615.
-, -, -, copies of refused to Governor, 615, 701.
-, -, -, ordered to be laid before House of Commons, 351.
-, -, meeting of, 94, 149, 527.
-, -, member expelled from, 149, 492.
-, -, message of, 527.
-, -, new, election of, deferred, 492, 527, 615, 664.
-, -, -, meeting of, 277 xviii., 492, 527, 664.
-, -, -, proceedings of, 527.
-, -, object to maintain regiment, 580.
-, -, -, to standing army in, 492, 527.
-, -, opposition in, 277 xviii., 527; and see Beckford; Totterdale.
-, -, -, description of, 612 ii., 615.
-, -, -, fears of, 612 ii.
-, -, -, report upon, 612 ii.
-, -, praised by Governor, 148.
-, -, prerogative infringed by, 440, 701, 703.
-, -, pressure upon, proposal for applying, 615.
-, -, privileges of House of Commons not to be claimed by, 701.
-, -, privilege pleaded by memeber, 348, 348 i.
-, -, -, report upon, 352.
-, -, proceedings of, complaint against, 615.
-, -, -, Council of Trade on, 701.
-, -, prorogued, 94, 492.
-, -, Speaker of. See Brodrick, William: Beckford, Peter.
-, -, -, rebuked, 701.
-, -, speeches in, 277 xviii.
-, -, speech to, 615.
-, -, -, reply to, 615.
-, -, status of, defined, 701.
-, -, subsistence and quarters of regiment, refusal to continue, 580, 606, 664.
-, -, tacking by, to money bill, 440.
-, -, unwilling to support engineer etc., 309.
-, Attorney General of, 107, 277 xviii., 326; and see Brodrick, W.; Kelly, Edmond.
-, Aylmer, Whitgift, letter from, 149, 149 iii.
-, Auditor of, 94; and see Heywood, Peter.
-, Basnett, —, mission of, stopped, 148, 148 i (ff), 277 ix.–xiv., xviii.–xxii.
-, -, -, instructions of, 277 ix.–xiv., xviii.–xxii.
-, Blewfeilds, Naval Squadron rendezvous at, 167, 238–240.
-, business of, dispatch of, requested, 353.
-, Castillo, Sir James del, claim concerning. See Castillo.
-, cessation of arms in, 277 xiii., xviii., xxii.
-, -, agreement with Governor of St. Domingo and Petit Guavas, 291.
-, -, proclamation of, 94.
-, -, prolongation of, proposed, 176, 239.
-, -, -, prisoners restored after, 176.
-, -, welcomed in, 107.
-, Chief Justice of, 149.
-, Clarendon, parish of, 274 i.
-, coins, and currency, condemnation for clipping.See Fryday, John.
-, commission of enquiry into, proposed, 612.
-, -, instructions for, ordered, 612.
-, convoys, 167, 176, 238–240, 291, 308.
-, Council of, 94, 94 xii., 149, 176, 239, 326, 413, 440, 492, 615.
-, -, Act amended by, 527.
-, -, advice and resolutions by, 277 xv., xviii., xix., xxi.
-, -, Clerk of. See Cockburn, William.
-, -, commended by Board of Trade, 701.
-, -, message to, 527.
-, -, Minutes, 94, 149, 176, 176 i., 413, 436, 492, 527, 615, 723.
-, -, -, tampering with, alleged, 92.
-, -, refuse to join in address, 615.
-, -, right to amend money bills denied by Assembly, 615, 701.
-, -, subsistence for regiment advanced by, 664.
-, -, Surveyor General of Customs and, 636 i.
-, Council and Assembly of, 167.
-, -, address by, 148, 148 i., xii.–xiv., 149, 149 i., ii., 277 xi., xiv., xviii., 321, 413, 527.
-, -, Minutes of, 148, 148 i.
-, -, address by, against monopoly of African Co., 612 i.
-, -, -, referred, 612.
-, Council of War, Minutes of, 94.
-, Councillors of, 413, 477, 490, 491, 701, 703, 706, 718.
-, -, absentee, 94, 107, 413, 718.
-, -, -, removed, 490.
-, -, -, representation concerning, 486.
-, -, Act forbidding to act as commissioners for receiving money, 403.
-, -, charges against, 92.
-, -, leave of absence for, 14, 14 i.
-, -, persons proposed as, 94, 107, 413, 486, 718.
-, Court of Admiralty, 277 xviii.
-, -, Judge of. See Warner, John.
-, -, Registrar of, 94.
-, Court of Chancery, appeals from, question concerning, 292.
-, Court, Supreme, reference to, 388 iii.
-, -, Judges of, recommendation for mercy by, 388 iii.
-, Courts in, alleged injustice in, 92.
-, Creagh, David, case of. See Creagh, David.
-, crops, good prospect of, 308.
-, defence of, 94, 149, 238–240, 291, 413, 606.
-, -, difficulty of, 94.
-, -, inadequate, 327.
-, -, measures for, 94, 94 xii.
-, -, neglect of, 291.
-, disorders and divisions in, 612, 612 ii; and see Assembly.
-, -, commission of enquiry into, proposed, 612.
-, -, measures to compose, consideration of, 699.
-, drought in, 664.
-, earthquake, 429, 690.
-, embargo laid in, 92, 94, 107.
-, -, objection to, 92.
-, -, removed, 94.
-, H.M. Engineer in, 309.
-, escheats in, 329, 507; and see Kupius, W.; Swymmer, Anthony.
-, -, abuses concerning, 429.
-, -, accounts of, 94 ix., x., 149 v.–ix., 441, 441 i.
-, -, -, report upon, 149, 149 iv.
-, -, -, -, required, 441.
-, -, -, instruction upon, concerning, 149, 413, 441.
-, -, -, -, effect of, 277 xviii.
-, -, -, alteration of, proposed, 441.
-, -, Act concerning, 369 i., 441.
-, -, memorial concerning, 413, 429.
-, -, petition concerning, 369 i., 498.
-, exports to France, taxation of, protest against, 247, 278.
-, fees, exorbitant, 429.
-, fines and forfeitures in, account of, 94 ix., x.
-, -, act concerning, 441.
-, fire (1702), 429.
-, flag of truce from, 167, 176.
-, -, to, 176.
-, forts and fortifications of, 413.
-, -, account of, 94 i., ii., 149 v.–ix.
-, -, Assembly, viewing of, by, 527.
-, -, fund for, 441.
-, -, -, vote for, 290, 309.
-, -, engineer and storekeeper for, proposal for, 290.
-, French attack threatened, 94, 413.
-, Gandy, Mr., case of. See Gandy.
-, Governor of. See Hamilton, Lord A.; Handasyd, Thomas; Beeston, Sir W.
-, -, house of, 277 xviii., 718.
-, -, powers of, 615, 615 ii.
-, -, Council and Assembly, address of, 94, 94 xii.
-, -, flag flown by, 277 xxi., xxiii.
-, guardship, engagement of, 327.
-, health of, 308.
-, hurricane in, 92, 107, 429, 492.
-, -, damage inflicted by, 92, 94, 94 xv., 149, 277 xviii., 292, 413, 690.
-, -, damage by second, 492.
-, -, list of ships damaged in, 94, 94 xv.
-, independence of, tendency to, 352.
-, inhabitants, numbers of, return required, 413.
-, Jacob, sloop, case of, 277 iii., xviii., xxi.–xxiv.
-, Jews in, plantations held by, 481 i.
-, Kingston. See Jamaica, Act for relief of inhabitants of Kingston.
-, -, damaged by hurricane, 94 xv.
-, -, Harbour Street, agreement and conveyance of, 690.
-, lands in. See Jamaica, Act for relief of Kingston etc.
-, -, grants of, accounts of, required, 648.
-, -, title deeds, lost, 429; and see Act for quieting possessions; for relief of Kingston; escheats; Clifford, J.; Kupius, W.
-, martial law in, 94, 107, 149.
-, -, objection to, 92.
-, merchants, 290.
-, -, deputation of, 247, 248.
-, -, petition of, 566.
-, merchants and planters of, representation and complaint by, 238–240, 401, 413, 422, 423, 429, 439.
-, -, consultation with, 580, 583, 584, 591, 606, 608.
-, Militia, 606.
-, -, list and numbers of, 94, 94 xiv., 615 i.
-, ministers of, Act concerning, 615, 615 ii.
-, -, charges against, 615.
-, Naval Officer of, accounts of, demanded, 246.
-, -, instructions to, 326, 326 i.
-, Naval Squadron at, 38, 94, 107, 327, 436, 615.
-, -, Commodore of. See Walker, Admiral Sir Hovenden.
-, -, complaint concerning, 167, 176, 277 i (ff), 291, 413.
-, -, deserters encouraged, 94.
-, -, -, proclamation concerning, 94.
-, -, losses of, from hurricane, 94, 94 xv.
-, -, pressing for, complaint of, 277 xiv., xviii., 413.
-, -, privateers detained by, 94.
-, -, recalled to England, 307, 308.
-, -, rendezvous at Blewfeilds, complaint concerning, 167, 238–240.
-, -, Spanish vessel seized by, complaint concerning, 291, 388, 388 i.
-, -, trading by, complaint concerning, 148 xii., 167, 238–240, 277 xviii., 307.
-, -, -, -, objection to, 148 xii.–xv.
-, -, -, order to prevent, 413.
-, negroes in, 413, 441.
-, -, outrages by, 94.
-, -, -, apprehension of, 94.
-, -, -, measures to prevent, 94.
-, -, rebellions, danger from, 606.
-, -, numbers of, 606.
-, -, trade in, 148 xii.
-, -, -, monopoly of, address and petition against, 527, 612, 612 i; and see African Co.; Asiento, the.
-, opposition in, described, 149.
-, packet-boats, 10, 10 i.
-, parties in, 612 ii; and see Assembly.
-, passes for foreign ships, 307, 308.
-, patent offices in, objection to holding more than one, 149; and see Act to prevent one person etc.
-, peace, address upon, by Assembly, 321.
-, -, -, objection to, 615.
-, -, -, not passed, 527.
-, -, -, proclamation of, 413, 436.
-, -, negotiations and truce, news of, received, 148.
-, -, welcomed in, 94, 94 xii., 277 xviii.; and see above Jamaica, cessation of arms.
-, Petit Guavas agreement with, 291.
-, Petit Guavas, Governor, proposals for trade and exchange of prisoners to, 148, 148 i (ff).
-, pirates, 291, 327.
-, plantation bonds, prosecution of, ordered, 326, 326 i.
-, -, protest against, 326 ii., 413, 423, 426.
-, -, restored, 176.
-, Port Royal, 94 xv(a), 239, 690.
-, -, garrison for, report upon, 606.
-, ports, Act ascertaining, 615.
-, prerogative of the Crown, infringement of, 394, 440, 615, 701, 703.
-, -, -, report upon, 352.
-, -, measures for assertion of, threatened, 701.
-, prisoners of war, exchange of, with French, proposals for, 148, 148 i (ff), 277 ix., x., xiii., xviii.
-, -, restored, 176.
-, privateer, case of, 277 i., ii., xviii.
-, privateers, called in, 94, 277 xviii.
-, -, French, depredations by, 291.
-, -, -, outrages by, on Spaniards, 107, 277 i., ii., xviii.–xxiv., 413.
-, -, -, enquiry into, 94.
-, -, detained by men of war, 94.
-, -, Spanish, depredations by, 167, 176, 271.
-, Receiver General of. See Chaplin, Charles; Compere, Leonard; Knight, James.
-, prizes and prize goods, duties on, enquiry into, 351.
-, -, -, taken off, 413.
-, proclamation in, 413, 436, 492, 615.
-, Provost Marshal, Deputy. See Sharpless, George.
-, quit-rents, 615.
-, -, account of, 94 ix., xi., 149 v.–ix.
-, -, -, required, 648.
-, -, disposal of, 441.
-, records of, Act for preserving, 403, 729.
-, -, lost and damaged, 429.
-, H.M. regiment in, 94.
-, -, Assembly claim right to review, 527, 615.
-, -, breaking of, ordered, 701.
-, -, establishment of, instructions upon, desired, 664.
-, -, -, proposed, 275.
-, -, -, reduced, 492, 701.
-, -, papers relating to, laid before House of Commons, 637, 642.
-, -, retention of, objection to, 580.
-, -, -, enquiry concerning, 580, 583, 584.
-, -, -, -, reply to, 591.
-, -, -, necessary, 94, 149, 492, 606, 612 ii.
-, -, -, report upon, 701.
-, -, subsistence of, 277 xviii., 440.
-, -, -, Act for, 606, 615.
-, -, -, advanced by Governor and Council, 664.
-, -, -, -, opposition to, 492, 527.
-, -, -, refused by Assembly, 606.
-, -, -, -, report upon, 606.
-, -, vote for maintaining, 413.
-, Revenue in, 92, 441, 615.
-, -, accounts of, 94, 94 iii.–viii., 149 v.–ix., 413, 436 i.
-, -, required, 648.
-, -, Act passed, 149, 277 xviii.
-, -, diminishd, 277 xviii.
-, seal of, 149, 149 iii., 690.
-, Secretary of. See Rigby, Richard.
-, Secretary's Office, 92, 403; and see Rigby, Richard.
-, settlers in, need of, 94.
-, shipping, losses of, from hurricane, 94, 94 xv.
-, Sina, case of, 277 i.–iii., xviii.
-, Spaniards, hostilities by, after cessation of arms, 615.
-, -, trade with, 107, 238–240, 277 xviii.–xxiv., 307, 388, 388 ii.
-, Speaker, 277 xviii.
-, stores of war, accounts of, required, 413.
-, -, embezzlement of, alleged, 92.
-, sugar crops, prospects of, 292.
-, sugar, taxation of exported, protest against, 247, 248.
-, trade, by Navy, objections to, 148 xii.–xv.; and see Jamaica, Naval Squadron.
-, -, -, order to prevent, 413.
-, -, decline of, 94, 664.
-, Trade fleet, detained, 92.
-, -, convoy for, 92.
-, -, sailing of, complaint concerning, 167, 176.
-, trade, illegal, in, 34, 37, 277 i.–iii., xviii.–xxiv., 326.
-, -, -, seizure for, 436.
-, -, with French, proposals for, 148, 148 i (ff), 148 xiv., xv.
-, -, Maryland, 717.
-, -, with Petit Guavas, proposals for, 277 ix.–xiv., xviii.–xxiv.
-, -, -, Admiral Walker's objections to, 277 ix.–xiv., xviii.–xxiv.
-, -, -, -, address concerning, 277 xi., xiv., xviii.
-, -, with Spaniards, 107, 388, 388 i.
-, -, -, check to, 307.
-, -, -, off St. Domingo, 277 xviii.–xxiv.
-, -, Spanish coast, 238–240.
-, -, -, decay of, 615.
-, -, -, -, reasons for, 615.
-, -, threatened by pirates, 327.
-, Treaty of Commerce, protest concerning, 247, 248.
-, wine licences, account of, 94 xi.
-, Withywood, 167.
Jamaica Coffee-house, London, 377.
Jamaica galley, 94 xv.
Jamaica, H.M.S., 94 xv., 307.
Jamaica (N.Y.), petition concerning, 26 i.
James, —, puisny Baron, L.i., 305.
James, Capt., 247.
-, -, document signed by, 248.
James II., King, grant by, Va., 270 i.
Janton, E., document signed by, 373 i.
Jenings, Edmund, Councillor, Va., 603.
-, -, absentee, 453.
Jennings, Richard, (Bermuda), Act concerning, 30.
Jesuits, intrigues of, 153.
-, -, withdrawal of, demanded, 153.
Jews, in Jamaica, 481 i.
John, galley, 69.
John, Spanish Indian, (N.Y.), reprieve of, 64, 102.
Johnson, Mathew, Clerk of Parliament, document signed by, 684.
-, Robert, provisionally appointed Governor of Carolina, 302.
-, -, H.M. approval of, requested, 316, 317.
-, -, recommended, 335.
-, -, security for, required, 335.
-, William, document signed by, 678 ii.
Jolly, H.M.S., 6, 38, 476 i.
Jones, Edward, Secretary and Provost Marshal, Bermuda, 125.
-, -, claim by, against Lt. Gov. Bennett, 479, 715.
-, -, patent of, revoked, 87.
-, -, proceedings against, 382.
-, -, -, money voted for, 540.
-, Francis, deposition of, 544, 544 ii.
-, Richard, jun., (Ma.), document signed by, 145 ii.
-, Thomas, 544 ii.
Jordan, Edward, 694.
Jory, Col., Agent, L.I., 639.
-, -, letter to, 724, 736.
Joseph galley, 94 xv.
Joshua, Brown, sen., document signed by, 519 i.
-, -, jun., document signed by, 519 i.
Jowles, Henry Percy, document signed by, 145 ii., 503.
Junonitz, 603 i.
Justice, Ad., Rev., document signed by, 234.
Keech, William, declaration by, 484 vii.
Keirton, Robert, deposition of, 517.
Keith, William, Surveyor General of Customs in America, memorial by, 636 i.
-, -, -, referred, 636.
-, -, member of Councils, 636 i.
Kelly, Edmond, Attorney General, Jamaica, appointment of, 615, 664.
Kelsey, Henry, commission for, requested, 350 i.
Kennebec, River, 166, 366, 467.
-, -, settlement on, petition concerning, 653, 653 i., 656.
Kennedy, Richard, deposition of, 735 iv.
Kenney, James, document signed by, 678 iii.
Kent, Charles, document signed by, 422, 591.
Kerby (Kirby), Thomas, Secretary of Antigua, arrested in Barbados, 136.
-, -, charged with high treason etc., 136, 141.
-, -, depositions concerning, 53, 54.
-, -, petition of, for bail etc., 136.
-, -, reference of, 137.
-, -, sent home for trail, 6, 136.
-, -, witnesses against, description of, 129.
Keys, James, 411.
King, John, document signed by, 373. i.
-, Sir Peter, petition by, 702.
-, Richard, document signed by, 679 i.
Kingston, sloop, 94 xv.
Kingston. See. Jamaica.
King William, ship, 94 xv.
Kinsale, Lt. Governor of. See Hawley, Col.
Kintha, 503 i.
Kirby, Thomas. See Kerby.
Kirke, Sir David, tenement of, (Newfd.), 115 i.
Knight, James, Capt., Governor of Port Nelson, commission for, requested, 350 i.
-, T., document signed by, 272 i.
Knight(s), Charles, claim etc. from the Asiento, 40 i.–v., 130, 133.
-, -, affidavit concerning, 130.
-, -, order concerning, 40.
-, -, petition concerning, 40 i.
-, -, report upon, 133.
-, James, Deputy Receiver General, Jamaica, 94.
-, -, accounts of, 436 i.
Kupius, Godart, petition of, 481 i.
-, Johanna, petition of, 481 i., 498.
-, -, -, report upon, 579, 701.
-, William, decd., estate of, petition concerning, 481 i.
-, Williamina, Mrs., heires of, 413, 429.
-, -, escheated estate of, Jamaica, petition for grant of, 149, 274 i., 401, 552 i., ii.
-, -, -, reference of, 274.
-, -, -, report upon, 579, 701.
Lake, Sir Bibye, petition of, 653 i.
-, -, -, referred, 653, 705.
-, -, caveat against, 656.
-, -, -, withdrawn, 677.
-, Thomas, Capt., settlement of, 653 i.
-, -, -, petition concerning, 653, 653 i., 656.
Lambert, Michael, Lt. Governor of St. Kitts, 128.
-, -, address in praise of, 373 i.
-, -, charges and complaints against, 36, 76, 79, 139, 685.
-, -, -, evidence for, 685.
-, -, documents signed by, 678 ii.
-, -, letter from, 17, 33, 74.
-, -, letter to, 33 i.
Lambton, John, Rev., document signed by, 519 i.
Lancaster pink, 94 xv.
Lancaster, Mathew, H.M. Remembrancer, certificate by, 365, 368.
Lane, John, Deputy Collector, Barbados, complaint by, 735, 735 iii.
-, -, deposition of, 571 iv (d).
Laronde, Capt., French spy, 522.
-, -, grant of Sables Island to, 521, 522.
Lasley, Col. See Leslie.
Laurence, Sir Thomas, Secretary, Ma., Act settling ordinary licences of, rejected by Assembly, 586.
-, -, address concerning, 567.
-, -, claims of, reply to, 567.
-, -, complaints against, 567.
-, -, deputies of, abuses concerning, 567.
-, -, fees of, instructions concerning, 112.
-, -, patent etc. of, 567.
-, -, petition of, for restoration of perquisites, 555.
-, -, representation concerning, 567.
-, -, security of, 567.
Law (e)s, Nicholas, Col., 690, 723.
-, -, document signed by, 188, 591.
-, -, letter from, 591.
-, -, letter to, 584.
Leach, John, document signed by, 145 ii.
Lee, George, letter from, 120.
-, Richard, Col., restored to precedence in Council, Va., 473.
-, Thomas, document signed by, 678 iii.
Leeward Islands, The; and see Douglas, W.; Parke, Daniel.
-, account of, 55.
-, Act establishing Courts, 55 x.
-, Acts of, digest of, not feasible, 55 x.
-, Agent of. See Nevine, William.
-, attack upon, by French, 6, 8, 17, 33, 33 i., ii., 36, 38, 44, 44 i., 45, 57, 57 i.–vii., 69, 74, 92, 94, 95, 95 i., 180, 181, 207.
-, Attorney General, informations by, 305.
-, cessation of arms, proclamation of, 108, 282.
-, communicated to Governor of Martinique, 108.
-, Chief Justice of, 55 x.
-, Clerk of the Navy Office. See Perrie, Edward.
-, coin, currency in, Act for ascertaining rates of, not observed, 412.
-, commission of enquiry into, proposed, 612.
-, convoys, 57, 95 i.
-, Council of, letters, orders by, 57 vi., 69, 69 i.
-, -, oppose breaking of cartel, 57.
-, Court of Exchequer, officers of, 305.
-, Courts of, account of, 55 x.
-, -, act establishing, 55 x.
-, -, Customs, Surveyor General of. See Perrie, Edward.
-, defence of, 6, 8, 36, 38, 44, 45, 57, 57 i.–vii., 69, 94, 95, 95 i.; and see. s. guardships.
-, -, alleged neglect of, 36.
-, fast day, proclamation for observing, 23 vii.
-, fees of, 55 x.
-, Governor of. See Douglas, Walter; Hamilton, Walter; Parke, Daniel.
-, guardships, 6, 33 ii., 36, 38, 44, 57, 57 i.–vi., 95, 95 i., 605.
-, -, attempt to intercept Ducasse, 181.
-, -, complaint concerning, 6.
-, -, incresed of, demanded, 95.
-, -, succour Montserrat, 38, 95 i.
-, -, from Barbados, aid of, requested, 6, 8, 38, 44, 57 ii.–vii., 69.
-, -, -, delay in rendering, 38, 45, 57 iii.–vii., 69, 95 i.
-, -, -, pusillanimous retirement of, 38, 69, 95, 95 i.
-, inhabitants of, case of, against Goveror Parke, 532.
-, Lt. General of. See Hamilton, Walter.
-, merchants trading to, memorial by, 666.
-, packet-boats, 10, 10 i.
-, paper relating to, laid before Board of Trade, 709, 709 i.
-, -, thrown overboard, 55.
-, patent offices in, 569.
-, peace welcomed in, 157.
-, plantation bonds, prosecution of, 305.
-, prisoners of war, cartel for exchange of, 38, 57.
-, prisoners sent home for trial, 306.
-, -, evidence against, delay in dispatching, 306.
-, -, instruction concerning, 108.
-, privateers, 678 iii.
-, -, losses from, 95.
-, Protestant refugees, petition of, 630 iii (ff).
-, Provost Marshal of, 55 x.; and see Warner, Ashton.
-, H.M. Regiment in, 6, 36, 678 xii.
-, -, arms and clothing needed by, 57.
-, -, papers relating to, laid before House of Commons, 637, 642.
-, -, pay of, in arrears, 6.
-, -, quarters and subsistence of, 57.
-, -, quarters refused in Antigua, 6.
-, -, -, in Montserrat, 57 vii.
-, Secretary of, 55 x.
-, Spaniards, British vessels seized by, 282.
-, stores of war, accounts of, 55 ii.–vii., x.
-, trade, illegal, with Martinique, 1.
-, trade with Maryland, 717.
-, Trade fleet, convoys for, 57, 95 i.
-, -, embargo on, 6.
Legge, William, Earl of Dartmouth, Secretary of State for the Southern Province and West Indies, 94 iii., 612 ii., 699.
-, -, document signed by, 84, 87, 96, 111, 112, 158–161, 172, 268, 337 i., 363, 370, 415, 432, 433, 655.
-, -, letter from, 4, 5, 34, 49, 50, 51, 66, 82, 89, 98, 109, 117, 137, 147, 152, 153, 155, 237, 241, 246, 276, 277, 277 xiii., 279 i., 307, 318, 325, 337, 337 i., 343, 350, 375, 386, 387, 389, 395, 425, 425 i., 432, 449, 455, 456, 524 iii (e), (f), (k), 605.
-, -, letter to, 2, 6, 16, 18, 24, 28, 31, 37, 39, 44, 56, 58, 59, 64, 71, 73, 74, 81, 89, 93, 101, 106–108, 113, 114, 114 i., 115, 119, 121, 123, 131, 143, 144, 148, 154, 164, 167, 171, 181, 182, 186, 208, 232, 233, 239, 249, 250, 252, 255, 256, 258, 261, 265, 273, 279 i., 282, 287, 291, 294, 295, 307, 310, 311–313, 321, 339, 347, 354, 368, 380, 406, 407, 413, 425, 443, 447, 466, 467, 472, 523, 604–606, 720.
-, -, superseded, 116, 455, 487, 488.
-, -, office of, 135.
-, -, secretary of. See Lewis, Erasmus.
Leopard, brigantine, 94 xv.
Leslie (Lasley), Col. William, Barbados, 69.
-, -, deposition of, 45 vii.
-, -, document signed by, 45 i.
Lewis, Erasmus, Secretary to Lord Dartmouth, 265.
-, -, letter to, 6, 46, 73, 81, 93, 186, 402.
-, -, Provost Marshal, Barbados, 186.
-, -, leave of absence, 487.
-, -, patent of, 96.
-, -, -, to act by deputy, 98, iii.
-, -, -, revoked, 452.
-, -, recommendation of, 487.
-, John, document signed by, 379 i., 385, 448 ii.
-, -, Councillor, Va., document signed by, 453 i., 473 i., ii.
-, Odoardo, 94 xiv.
Liddell, George, Councillor, St. Kitts, i.
-, -, document signed by, 373 i., 678 ii.
-, -, Montserrat, deposition of, 678 vi.
-, -, document signed by, 678 i., iv., xii., xiii., 710 i.
-, William, document signed by, 678 iii., iv.
-, -, statement by, 678 v.
Liddle, Capt., 33 i.
Lilley, Christian, Col., Engineer at Barbados, report by, 309.
Ling, Anne, will of, 228.
Lisbon, 511.
-, ships from, fish at Newfd., 614.
-, trade of, with Newfoundland, 115 i.
Lisle, Capt., charge against, 6.
Littleton, Commodore, 436.
Liverpool, 33.
Livingston, Col., Indian Company of, at Annapolis Royal, 31.
Lloyd, Edward, President of Council, Ma., document signed by, 16, 145 ii., 319, 503.
-, -, instructions to, 395.
-, -, concerning prisoners sent home, 49, 50, 62.
-, -, -, concerning the Truce, 50, 66.
-, -, -, -, reply to enquiries in, required, 420.
-, letter from, 11, 144, 145, 145 i., 586.
-, -, letter to, 395, 396, 420, 567.
-, -, warrant to, 158, 161.
-, James, document signed by, 145 ii., 503.
-, Nathaniel, document signed by, 600.
-, Philemon, document signed by, 16, 145 ii., 319, 503.
Lobatto, Sarah, will of, 221.
Lodge, —, (Jam.), 277 iii.
Lodwick, Col., letter to, 736.
London, Bishop of. See Compton, Henry.
Long, Abel, document signed by, 519 i.
-, Charles, Councillor, Jamaica, absentee, 107, 477, 486.
-, -, dismissal of, 486, 490, 615.
-, -, document signed by, 422.
Longpré. See Chemin.
Loockerman, Gouert, document signed by, 145 ii., 503.
Loquet, —, 669.
Lords, House of, order by, 684.
-, -, -, reply to, 688.
Louis XIV., King of France, 521.
-, -, order by, 480 i.–iv., 509, 522; and see Newfoundland, Placentia.
Lovelace, John, Baron Lovelace of Hurley, late Governor of New York and New Jersey, case of, 126.
Low, Emanuel, arrest of, proclamation for, 25 i (a).
-, -, commitment of, complaint concerning, 156.
-, Nevil, arrest of, proclamation for, 25 i (a).
Lowe, Henry, Councillor, Jamaica, 94 xiv.
-, -, death of, 615, 706.
Lowndes, William, Secretary of the Treasury, letter from, 259, 267, 274, 379, 476, 493, 494, 514, 599, 618, 630, 669.
-, -, letter to, 356, 574.
Lowther, Robert, Governor of Barbados, 143 i., 696, 711; and see Barbados; Skene, A.; Sharpe, W.
-, -, appeals to, query and instructions concerning, 412.
-, -, Attorney General suspended by, 45.
-, -, Beresford suspended by, 475.
-, -, charges against, 475, 487, 711, 735, 735 ii.–iv.
-, -, -, by commanders of guardships, 69, 69 i.
-, -, -, -, answer to, 69.
-, -, -, by A. Skene, 257, 333, 333 i.
-, -, -, -, reply to, 344, 412, 571, 571 i.–vi.
-, -, commission and instructions by, 180 i., ii., 257.
-, -, -, of, delivered to President Sharpe, 657, 657 i.
-, -, departure of, 654, 657.
-, -, document signed by, 80.
-, -, instructions of, 241, 257, 344, 397 i., iii., 398, 412, 421, 657, 657 i.
-, -, -, concerning glebes, request for, 234.
-, -, -, to, concerning prisoners sent home, 49, 50, 63.
-, -, -, concerning the Truce, 50, 66.
-, -, -, enquiries in, reply to, required, 421.
-, -, -, reprimand for infringement of, 487.
-, -, judge removed by, 711.
-, -, letter from, 45, 69, 106, 141, 180, 181, 182, 186, 257, 258, 269, 306, 344, 397, 397 ii., 412, 421, 571, 716 i.
-, -, letter etc to., 38, 45 viii., 57, 69, 95 i., 98, 109, 111, 150, 172, 183, 241, 318, 396, 412, 421, 487, 488, 545, 571 iv., 576, 735.
-, -, orders, warrants by, 69.
-, -, party of, 711.
-, -, petition, memorial, to, 45 viii., 571 iv., 735.
-, -, proclamation by, 180 iii.
-, -, recall of, 545, 576, 654.
-, -, -, order for, reception of, by, 654, 654 i.
-, -, relief of Leeward Islands proposed by, 69.
-, -, refusal of, to surrender Government, 654.
-, -, -, -, opinion of Council on, 654, 654 i.
-, -, -, censure for, urged, 711.
-, -, reprimanded, 412, 487.
-, -, Secretary of. See Upton, Arthur.
-, -, servants of, 69.
-, -, summons by, 333 i., 412.
-, -, trade, illegal, encouraged by, 735, 735 i.–vi.
Lucas, George, Speaker, Antigua, 231.
-, -, document signed by, 95, 95 i.
-, John, Chief Baron, Court of Exchequer, L.I., 305.
Ludwell, Col., Councillor, Va., absentee, 453, 603.
-, -, exchange of lands of, 381, 506.
-, -, -, report upon, 542, 548.
-, Philip, boundary commissioner, Va., petition by, 514, 514 i., ii.
-, -, -, report upon, 543.
Lumley, George, permit to return to Carolina, 135.
Lyme, H.M.S., chaplain of, 69.
Lynch, Bartholomew, document signed by, 678 iii.
-, John, document signed by, 238, 422.
-, Patrick, document signed by, 678 iii.
Lynde, Benjamin, Councillor, Mass., 467.
Lyndsey, —, evidence by, against Parke's murderers, 129.
Lyons, Henry, Councillor, Antigua, document signed by, 23 i.
Lytton, John, will of, 223.