Index: B

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


Baber, John, Secretary, Jamaica, 345, 345 i.

-, -, Act concerning, 345.

-, -, deputy of. See Rigby, Richard.

Bahamas, Providence, engineer visits, 82.

Bailey, Arthur, document signed by, 314.

Baillie, And., Rev., document signed by, 228 i., 319 iii., iv.

-, George, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 281.

Bailly, Joshua, 291 ii.

Ball, Capt., 14 i.

-, William, Rev., document signed by, 319 iii.

Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert, Charles.

Barbados, 81 i., ii., p. 49; and see Lowther, Robert; Barbuda.

-, Act, to dock entail of certain lands and vest in B. Chapman, 151, 264.

-, -, -, confirmed, 282, 283.

-, Act, to enable the executors of Christopher Estwick, etc., delay in transmitting, 390, 394.

-, -, -, objection to, 390, 394.

-, -, -, report upon, 390.

-, Act, Excise, dispute concerning, 434.

-, -, regulating fees, 318 vi.

-, -, to render more effectual legacies by Capt. Williams to the parish of Christ Church. 151.

-, -, -, objections to, 266.

-, -, -, repeal of, 321, 341.

-, -, -, report upon, 266, 321.

-, Acts of, 77, 144.

-, Act of Parliament, for ascertaining the rates of foreign coin, 394.

-, -, for encouragement of trade to America, published in, 132.

-, Acts of Trade and Navigation, 145.

-, -, breach of, prosecution for, 318 i.–v.

-, address from, 241, 242, 318, 319 iii.–v., viii.

-, African Company, The Royal, Agents of, claim by, 145, 145 i.

-, Agent for. See Tryon, Rowland.

-, appeals from, 145.

-, appeals, rule concerning, 228.

-, Assembly of, address by, in reply to complaint of the Clergy, 228 ii., iii., 378 xv.

-, -, address of, 228 ii., iii., 242, 318, 318 viii., 378 xv.

-, -, dispute with Council, 434.

-, -, Journal of, 20, 77, 228 i.

-, -, Lowther praised by, 318, 318 vi.

-, -, Speaker of. See Maxwell, Thomas.

-, attack upon, rumoured, p. 48.

-, Attorney General of. See Hodges, Thomas; Slingsby, Arthur.

-, Camwood Merchant, case of, 145, 145 i.

-, Carlisle Bay, 378 xi.

-, Christ Church, parish of, Act concerning, 151, 266, 321, 341.

-, churchwardens of, complaint concerning, 228, 228 i.

-, -, reply to, 228, 228 ii., iii.

-, citron water, present of, 80.

-, clergy of, address of, 319 iii., iv.

-, -, -, in praise of Governor Crowe, repudiated, 319 iv.

-, -, address resenting alleged neglect of, 378 xv.

-, -, benefices of, 228, 228 i.–iii.

-, -, complaints by, 228, 228 i.

-, -, -, reply to, 228 ii., iii.

-, -, letter from, 378 xv.

-, -, petition of, for escheated lands, 228, 228 i.

-, Codrington's bequest, 441 i.

-, -, application concerning, 228 i.

-, coins, currency in. Act for ascertaining rates of, 394.

-, -, -, proclamation concerning, obeyed, 228.

-, -, -, objection to, 228.

-, -, exported from, 228.

-, condition of, 20.

-, convoys, 434, 434 i., iii.

-, convoy, permits to sail without, granted by Governor, 434.

-, Council, advice of, 318.

-, -, appeals, decision upon, 228.

-, -, dispute with Assembly, 434.

-, -, Lowther, praised by, 318, 318 vi.

-, -, Minutes of, 20, 77, 140, 144, 318 vi., 378, 378 i., xiii.

-, -, President of. See Lillington, George; Sharpe William.

-, -, proceedings of, betrayed, 318 vi.

-, -, reply to complaints of clergy, 228, 228 ii., iii.

-, Council and Assembly of, address by, 378.

-, -, charges by, against Skene, 318, 318 vi.

-, -, message to, 318 vi.

-, -, Minutes of, 378 vi.–viii.

-, -, report by, upon Skene, 318 vi.

-, councillors of, 113, 131, 218, 224, 256, 294, 343, 360, 376, 377; and see Colleton, John.

-, -, precedence of, 262 i., ii.

-, Court of Admiralty, appeal from, 145.

-, -, Judge of, decision by, 378 xxvii; and see Woodbridge, Dudley.

-, -, report by, 378 xxxi.

-, Court of Chancery, 228, 266.

-, -, causes pending in, 378 x.

-, -, proceedings of, 378 ix.

-, Court of Exchequer, action in, 228.

-, -, appeal from, 228.

-, Courts of, accounts of, required, 132.

-, Customs, books, extract from, 378 xx.

-, -, Collector of. See Lane, John.

-, -, officers of, ill-used by Governor Lowther, 395 i.

-, -, officers of, traders, objection to, 378.

-, -, Surveyor General of, letter from, 316 i. (c).

-, H.M. Engineer at, 317, 330; and see Lilly, Christian.

-, exports of, 77 ii.

-, -, list of, 378 ii.

-, factions in, 132, 434.

-, fees in, 378.

-, -, Act regulating, 318 vi.

-, -, report upon, 318 vi.

-, -, table of, 318 vi.

-, -, -, required, 132.

-, flags of truce, trade, illegal, by, 77.

-, Governor of. See Lowther, Robert.

-, Grand Jury, address of, in praise of Governor Lowther, 318, 318 vii., 319 viii.

-, guardships at, 2 i., 228, 305, 317, 318, 395 i.

-, -, Antigua etc., assisted by, 30, 39, 318, 350.

-, -, criticism of, 186.

-, -, French merchant fleet captured by, 319, 418.

-, -, Governor's orders to, 378 xii.

-, -, -, refusal to obey, 77, 434, 434 i., iii.

-, -, praise of, 241, 242.

-, inhabitants of, address of, 241.

-, -, census of, required, 132.

-, Kerby, Thomas, arrest of, for Parke's murder, 355.

-, Maria. of Nantes, case of, 228.

-, merchants of, address of, 319 v.

-, -, petition of, 434, 434 i., iii.

-, Naval Officer of, 378, 378 ii.

-, Naval Officer's list, 77 ii.

-, negroes, 390.

-, -, imported, accounts of, required, 132.

-, -, trade in, with French, 423 vi.

-, Officers in, fees of, 378.

-, -, return of, required, 378.

-, -, -, objection to, 378.

-, Oxford, ship, seizure of, case of, 318, 318 i.–v., 378, 378 i.; and see Oxford, ship.

-, patent offices in, 378, 393.

-, -, accounts of, required, 132; and see Skene; Slingsby.

-, pressing of sailors in, 395 i.

-, prisoners of war, exchange of, 67, 67 i., 228.

-, -, -, cartel for, refused, 77, 186.

-, -, list of, 378 xiv.

-, -, sent to England, 77, 80 i., ii., 318, 318 vi., viii.

-, -, -, address for, 318, viii.

-, privateers, 395 i.

-, -, captures by, 378 xi.

-, -, -, French, infest, 39.

-, -, -, losses from, 77, 77 i., 186.

-, prizes, 77, 145, 378 xi., 418.

-, prizes and prize goods, action concerning, 228.

-, Revenue, accounts of, required, 132.

-, Revenue, case concerning, 228.

-, Secretary of. See Barwick, Samuel; Skene, Alexander.

-, -, fees of, 378.

-, -, -, report upon, 318 vi.

-, -, Minutes of Council relating to, 378 xiii.

-, -, nomination of, desired by Governor, 378.

-, -, office of, 434.

-, Secretary (Governor's private). See Upton, Arthur.

-, ships entered and cleared at, list of, 77 ii., 378 ii.

-, Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, applications to, 228 i.

-, Solicitor General. See Carter, Richard.

-, -, form of oath of, 378 xvi.

-, stores of war, accounts of, required, 132.

-, sugar, exports of, 378 ii.

-, trade of, 77 ii.

-, Trade fleet, permission to sail without convoy, 434.

-, -, petition to sail, 434, 434 i., iii.

-, trade, illegal, 423, 423 vi.

-, -, -, with Ireland, etc., 378.

-, -, -, with Martinique, 77.

-, -, -, trial for, 318 ii.–v.

-, trade with Plantations, 378 ii.

-, transport, 61 i.

-, Williams, Capt., legacies of. See Barbados Act.

Barbarie, John, document signed by, 251 i.

Barbuda, bequest of, 441 i.

-, betrayed to French, 441 i.

-, expedition to recover, 441 i.

-, grant of, 441 i., 463.

-, -, plundered by French, 441 i.

-, produce of, 441 i.

Barrott, Abraham, 149 iv.

Bartlett, John, Capt., memorial by, 53 i.

-, John, document signed by, 291 i., iii.

-, Samuel, document signed by, 291 i., iii.

-, -, summoned for contempt, 291 ii.

Barwick, 375.

Barwick, Samuel, Secretary of Barbados, appointment of, 318.

Basse, Jeremiah, Secretary and Clerk of Council, N. J., complaints against, 8, 14 i.

-, -, character of, 96.

-, -, Council's address in favour of, 14 i.

-, -, dismissal of, urged, 165.

-, -, document signed by, 58 i.

Basset, William, Col., Councillor, Va., 120, 200, 222, 223, 287.

-, -, question of precedence of, 408.

Bate, Raynes, Agent of the African Company, claim by, 145, 145 i.

-, -, bond of, 145 i.

Bayley, Arthur, letter from, 118 i.

Beak, —, (Barbados) suspension of, 318.

Beaufort, Duke of. See Somerset, Henry.

Beauport, 94 i.

Bedford galley, H.M.S., capture by, 418.

Bedgood, Jeffrey, 164 i.

Beekman, G., document signed by, 251 i.

Belcher, Andrew, Commissary of Stores, Mass., 44 iii., 45 iv.

Bellomont, Earl of. See Coote, Richard.

Bennett, Benjamin, Lt. Governor of Bermuda, instructions of, answers to, required, 139.

-, -, letter from, 143, 352.

-, -, letter to, 52, 139.

-, -, soldiers pardoned by, 143.

-, Joseph, court martial of, 61 i.

Beresford, Samuel, Rev., document signed by, 319 iii., iv.

Bermuda, Assembly of, 9.

-, -, address of, 143.

-, Council of, 143.

-, Courts in, accounts of, required, 139.

-, defence of, against privateers, 143.

-, epidemic in, 143.

-, fees in, list of, required, 139.

-, fortifications of, account of, 139.

-, health of, 143.

-, H.M. Independent Company of Foot, officers of, 352.

-, -, pardon of soldiers in, 143.

-, -, reinforcement of, requested, 143.

-, inhabitants of, census of, required, 139.

-, Lt. Governor of. See Day, Samuel: Bennett, Benjamin.

-, -, house of, order etc., concerning, 9, 52.

-, measles, 143.

-, negroes imported, account of, required, 139.

-, Patent Offices in, account of, required, 139.

-, privateers infest, 143.

-, Revenue of, account of, required, 139.

-, Secretary and Provost Marshall of. See Jones, Edward.

-, stores of war in, account of, required, 139.

Bevon, J., document signed by, 173.

Bickley, —, Attorney General, New York, irregularity of, 454.

Bigg, Mark, deposition etc., of, 302 iii.

Billing, Edward, N.J., 14 i.

Billop, Joseph, Escheator General, N.J., 14 i.

Bindloss, William, purser, 395 i.

-, -, libel, petition etc., by, 378xxv.–xxvii., xxx.,xxxiii., xxxvi., xxxviii., xxxix., xli., xlii.

-, -, reply to, 378 xxviii., xxix; and see Oxford ship, case of.

Birchfield, M., Surveyor General of the Customs, North America, Collectors suspended by, 14 i., 95.

-, -, complaint against, 95.

-, -, returns to England, 96.

Birmingham, John, treachery of, 441 i.

Blake, James, complaint against clothing supplied by, 115.

-, -, letter from, 115.

Blathwayt, William, Auditor General of the Plantations, and Clerk of the Privy Council, 109, 251 i., 375.

-, -, Deputy of, N.E., 375.

-, -, accounts of, 99.

-, -, -, required by, 258.

-, -, -, -, from, 258.

-, -, document signed by, 341, 342, 344.

-, -, letter from, 258.

-, -, letter to, 261.

-, -, reference to, 74 iii., 79 i., 437 ii.

-, -, report by, 74 ii., 79 ii., 437 iii.

Blizard, Jer., document signed by, 302 iii.

Blunt, John, document signed by, 42 iv (b).

Bonaventura, Cape, 94 i.

Bond, Francis, recommendation of, 294.

Bonner, John, Capt., pilot, 164 i., 175 v.

Bonnin, Goussé, Dr., deposition of, 154 iv.

-, -, document signed by, 302 iii.

-, -, interrogation of, 302 iii.

Borland, John, Agent of Garrison, Nova Scotia, bills of, unpaid, 304.

-, -, charge against, 403.

Boston, 44–46 i., 61, 61 i., 73, 73 i., 87, 87 i., 95, 96, 98, 175, 175 ii., iv., v., 192, 250, 253, 291, 452, 457.

-, Castle at, 229, 375.

-, N.Y., guardships victual at, 251.

-; and see, Massachusetts Bay, Canada Expedition.

-, Governor's house at, 165.

-, prizes taken into, 68.

Bourbon Fort. See York Fort.

Bourn, Sampson, Capt., R.N., letter from, 30.

-, -, engages French, 30, 39.

-, -, praise of, 132, 136; and see Newcastle, H.M.S.

Bourne, Thomas, document signed by, 319 viii.

Bowden, Elizabeth, Mrs., grant of lands to, in St. Kitt's, 106, 109, 148.

-, William, document signed by, 213.

Bowes, Charles, Serjeant, (Antigua), deposition of, 154 v., 176, 302 iii., iv.

-, -, -, altered, 154 v.

-, -, ill-treatment of, 154 v., 302 iii., iv.

Bowles, Tobias, recommended for Governorship of Maryland, 349.

Bown, John, N.J., 14 i.

Boyd, Thomas, document signed by, 42 iv. (b), 78 i.

Boyle, —, bequest of, for education of Indians, Va., 177.

-, Henry, Ex-Secretary of State, letter from, 154.

Boymer, Edward, document signed by, 42 iv. (b).

Bradford, Bartholomew, printer, N.Y., 14 i.

-, -, Secretary, N.J., 14 i.

Bray, William, document signed by, 42 iv. (b).

Brazil, French attack upon, rumoured, p. 48.

Breton, Cape, 98. p. 43.

-, -, Canada Expedition off, 175 i.

-, -, Spanish River. See under Canada Expedition.

-, -, transports wrecked on, 162.

Brett, John, document signed by, 63 iv., vi.

Brewsters, The, Mass., 175 v.

Brice, Edward, Rev., (Barbados), document signed by, 228 i., 319 iii., iv.

Bridger, J., Surveyor General of H.M. Woods in America, 167.

-, -, applies for Lt. Governorship of New Hampshire, 41.

-, -, at Boston, 95.

-, -, charge against, 95, 251, 444, 454.

-, -, -, enquiry into, 95.

-, -, baulked by Dudley, 251.

-, -, reply to, 85.

-, -, charge by, 163, 292.

-, -, Church supported by, in N.H., 291, 291 i.

-, -, Commission of, alteration in, proposed by, 41.

-, -, deputies required by, 292.

-, -, Instructions of, 95.

-, -, letter from, 41, 85, 95, 163, 291, 292.

-, -, letter to, 166.

-, -, masts cut above contract, order for seizing, requested by, 163.

-, -, Naval Stores, despatched by, 85.

-, -, -, method of preparing explained by, 85.

-, -, -, proposal concerning, 41, 292.

-, -, -, refuses to instruct Palatines in, 95, 251, 454.

-, -, -, -, reprimanded for, 166.

-, -, -, seizure of by, dismissed, 85.

-, -, salary of, 95.

-, -, -, increase recommended, 166.

-, -, threats against, 41.

Bridges, John, Proprietor, N.J., document signed by, 156.

-, William, Commissioner of Ordnance, document signed by, 69.

Bridgewater, ship, 194.

Bridlington. See under New Jersey.

Bristol, 124, 318 iii., 395 i.

-, Custom-House Officers of, letter from, 7.

-, -, return by, 7 i.

-, merchants of, trading to Newfoundland, petition of, 234.

-, sailings from, for Newfoundland Fishery, 7, 7 i.

-, ship from, press gang attacked by crew of, 96.

Bristol, packet boat, 14 i.

Brodbelt, Lawrence, document signed by, 173.

Brodrick, William, Attorney General and Speaker of Assembly, Jamaica, 18, 345, 345 i.

-, -, document signed by, 124 i., 125 i.

-, -, opposes Assembly's claim to right of adjournment, 345.

-, -, recommendation of, to be restored to Council, 345, 372, 450, 459.

Brooke, Francis, Surveyor General, N. Carolina, Commission and Instructions of, 379.

Brookfield, 375.

Brown, Capt., 61 i.

-, Joshua, 291.

-, -, document signed by, 291 i., iii.,

-, -, summoned for contempt, 291 ii.

Buckeridge, Richard, Collector, Antigua, deposition of, 154 iii.

Budan, Mlle. et Cie, letter to, 346.

Buer, Major Peter, 302.

-, -, document signed by, 302 vi.

-, -, letter to, 355.

Burbuda. See Barbuda.

Burchett, Josiah, Secretary of the Admiralty, letter from, 2, 10, 35, 430.

-, -, letter to, 11, 30, 34, 364, 429.

Burke, Richard, document signed by, 433 i.

Burlington, H.M.S., 2 i., 317, 318.

Burrill, John, Speaker, Mass., document signed by, 3, 44 x. (a), 123, 448.

Butler, Capt., R.N., court-martial of, p. 42.

-, John, Fort Major, Nevis, 194.

Buxton, Rev., (Antigua), 302 iii.

Byam, Samuel, document signed by, 302 ii., iii.

Byerley, Thomas, Collector of Customs, N.Y., document signed by, 251 i.

-, -, salary of, order for payment of, 95.

-, -, suspended, 95.

-, -, recommendation of, for Council, N.J., 413.

-, -, qualifications of, 443.

Byrd, William, Receiver General of Virginia, letter from, 42.