America and West Indies: June 1712

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'America and West Indies: June 1712', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: June 1712', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: June 1712". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1712

June 2. 436. Mr. Henderson's Short State of the Church of England planted in the Provinces of New York and New Jersey in America. In New York, the Dissenters have taken forcible possession of the glebe etc. of Jamaica on Long Island which belongs to one of the six Churches of the Church of England, and keep the same from the present incumbent (v. March 1st), and that by the countenance of Governor Hunter, who turned out of the commission of the peace and other places of the Government the gentlemen of the Church of England who promoted dissenters in their room, etc. In New Jersey there are but four ministers of the Church of England. The Quakers and other dissenters are most numerous and do make up the greatest part of the Assembly, which is the reason why no Law has been passed in the Church's favour, but they have not been able to doe any harm to it, in regard that the plurality of the Queen's Council are good churchmen etc. The dissenters have at their head Col. Lewis Morris, a profess'd Churchman, but a man of noe principles or credit, a man who calls the service of the Church of England pageantry, who has joyned in endeavours to settle a conventicle in New York, and whose practice it is to intercept letters, etc. He with Governor Hunter have written to the Lords of Trade to turn out of the Councill six Church of England men and to put in six others in their room, some of them Dissenters, and those that are of the Church are such as will run into all the measures of the Assembly and therefore of the worst consequence to the Church, etc. Gives good characters of the Councillors it is proposed to remove and bad ones of those intended to succeed, as Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 334, 335 q.v. Signed, Jacob Henderson, Missionary, Dover Hundred in Pensilvania. Endorsed, Recd. June 12, 1712. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 1050. No. 48.]
[June 2.]
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
437. Mr. Lowndes to [? Mr. Popple.] The Lord High Treasurer refers the following to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd, Read 5th June, 1712. ½ p. Enclosed,
437. i. Petition of [? Stephen] Duport to the Lord High Treasurer. Prays, on behalf of Ralph Willet, the confirmation of a grant of land in St. Kitts made to him by Lt. Governor Walter Hamilton for 2½ years, in case the war shall so long continue. 1 p. Mem. superscribed, Mr. Duport withdrew this petition etc. July 4, 1712.
437. ii. The Lord High Treasurer refers preceding to Wm. Blathwayt, Auditor General of H.M. Plantations, for his report. Signed, Wm. Lowndes, May 23, 1712. ½ p.
437. iii. Mr. Blathwayt to the Lord High Treasurer. Reply to preceding. Such grant being conformable to H.M. letters of Nov. 30, 1705, may fitly be confirmed subject to the limitation mentioned in the petition (No. 1 supra). Signed, Wm. Blathwayt. May 28, 1712. 1¾ pp.
437. iv. Copy of a grant of 120 acres in the former French Basseterre quarter of St. Kitts for 2½ years to Ralph Willet. Signed, Wr. Hamilton, May 16, 1711. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 117, 117 i.–iii.]
June 3.
438. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Dartmouth. Reply to May 27th. We are humbly of opinion, that H.M. ships of war taking goods on freight to carry from one Plantation to another is a practice not only dishonourable, but also prejudicial to the owners of shipping in the said Plantations, and ought therefore to be strictly forbid for the future; and we further humbly offer that, H.M. ships of war at New York that go in the winter to the West Indies may have directions to return so as to be at New York by the beginning or middle of April at furthest for the security of the trade of that Province from the French privateers that cruize upon that coast about that time. Autograph signatures. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1085. No. 3; and 5, 1123. pp. 18, 19.]
[June 6.] 439. i. Advertisement of a subscription list, to be opened on June 26, for setting up iron and steel works in New England and copper works in Connecticut, etc. By order of the Mineral Master General (i.e. Moses Stringer). At the New England Coffee-House, behind the Royal Exchange, London. Seal of Mineral Master General imprinted at head of broadsheet. Printed. 1 p.
439. ii. A scheme for improving the mines, the mineral and the battery works, in New England. A prospectus for above. Printed. 4 pp.
439. iii. Mineralia Adjuvanda, or A Case shewing who, and what the most Ancient and Honourable Societies and Corporations of the City of London (of and for the Mines, the Mineral and Battery Works) are, etc., and that the said Societies were founded by Queen Elizabeth, above 140 years before Sir Humphery Mackworth and William Waller became tenents to their silver mills in Cardiganshire, etc., or the upstart Company of Mine-Adventurers imposed on H.M. and people and discouraged mine and mineral works by their base and scandalous stockjobbings and dealings, etc. Printed. 4 pp.
439. iv. Minutes of the Mineral Court relating to above scheme. Printed. pp. 4–8 incomplete. The whole endorsed, Recd. 6th, Read 12th June, 1712. [C.O. 5, 865. Nos. 82–85.]
June 8.
Carolina in America.
440. John Stewart to [? the Earl of Dartmouth.] Refers to letter of last summer, copies of which were sent to H.M. and her Ministers etc. I have already told your Lop. that the holding and keeping of the British Empire in America and the wealth thereby yearly to the nation is guarded by our Indians, and that whether we or France have the most warlike and numerous body of them as ours or thers commands all North America, and all the Indians North of the sea of Mexico must either be ours or France's in a lytle tyme, there is no other medium and that unles we keep portroyall in Nova Scotia, and do not conquer and take Quebeck and Mountroyall, all the Northern Colonies will be lost to Great Britain, and if Fort Movill built and garisoned by the French lying at the foot of Movill River on the sea of Mexico bordering near ye Indians who live on the same river, and where I was 20 year ago, I say unles Movill Fort be bomb'd out at the charge of the parliament and raz'd or deserted by two lynes in the ensuing peace of Christendom, if not so, in a very few years the French Chacta, Tumi and Movill Indians will be too strong for all our Indians and Carolina has more in number and far more martiall then all the other 9 British Colonies in the North have, so that Carolina, Virginia and Maryland will be lost to the British nation, and must become the frenches. I have liv'd some years 500 myls distant from any Christian town, plantation, hutt or howse among Indians, and have travel'd with an Indian army of 1300 men in ther war expeditions 30 days without seing an Indian hutt or howse, so I know very well what most of Indians ar. I have seen some parts of all the Kingdoms of Europ, and two Empyrs, seen Chinoes, Tartar Turk and Persian and 8 Colonies in America, and I do know that neve[r] was any Indian Nation or race of mankind more savage, fearce and brutall then the Chactaes ar, they cannot be fategued or harrast but ar invincible, they run up to the very musle of ther enemies' guns with unparalyd and undanted resolution. I knew them ten years ere ev'r the French wheedl'd them to ther interests, they have got into the exercise and practise of 700 guns and so soon as all ar they'l drive all our Indians and us to into the sea or bring all our Indians over to them. Had we no Indians to be our out and home guards, 100 such were able to drive all the whites into the sea, etc. Nay 100 wer able to harras all the armyes on both syds now in Flanders wer they 100 myls in our woods, for nothing but fortified places can stand before them, they run faster then horses, they find food evrywher, by nature growing to ther hand and ev'rywher they have impregnable Castles of Kain swamps, mashes, bogs and morasses to retreat to. The chief design of this letter is to put my Superiors in mind by humbly laying before them the considerations foresaid, but more especialy to remynd them that to conquer Quebeck, Montroyall and Canada the forces sent must be more then sufficient and sutably qualifyed especialy highlandes, and they must come seasonably, that is, tymously there. They must be at Boston by the first of March, etc. Let us possess Movill, Mountroyall and Quebeck, and we shall possess all the traffick of the ocean and become the arbiters of Europe, etc. My great grand-father was naturall son to K. James I of Scotland and my father true heir to Patrick Stewart, Earl of Orkney, his uncle, but our family being banisht by the presbiterian party lost his uncle's estate, etc. The nation has already by act of parliament made use of 4 of my projects, and so to me now ther is a royall and nationall bounty due. I am very old and very poor, etc., etc. Signed, John Stewart. 4 closely written pp. [C.O. 5, 9. No. 16.]
June 9.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
441. Mr. Taylour to Mr. Popple. The Lord High Treasurer desires the opinion of the Council of Trade and Plantations upon the following. Signed, J. Taylour. Endorsed, Read. 10th, Read 12th June, 1712. 1 p. Enclosed,
441. i. Petition of William Codrington of Barbadoes, and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to the Queen. King Charles II granted Burbuda to Christopher and John Codrington, petitioner's uncle and father, for fifty years. The latter built a castle there at his great expence. Christopher and his son, Christopher, died possessed of the whole island. The latter bequeathed half of it to petitioner William, whom he made executor, 1/8th to two other persons, and the remainder to the above Society. In March 1710 the Island was through the treachery of John Birmingham surprized by the French, and when they saw they could not hold it against the force that the petitioner, William Codrington, was bringing against them, they blew up the Castle, and took away all the servants, negroes and dead stock, and destroyed the quick stock to the loss of petitioner William Codrington several thousand pounds. Petitioner the said executor hath been at great expences in hireing and manning of ships to reduce the said Island, and hath rebuilt the castle thereon, and new stockt the same, to which expences the Society are contributory. Christopher Codrington the son gave to petitioners the Society his two plantations in Barbadoes of considerable yearly value, for promoteing the Christian religion in the Leeward Islands. And to render his said benefaction still more usefull to the pious purpose aforesaid, also gave them 31/6 ths of Burbuda. William Codrington hath agreed to give petitioners one other sixteenth part thereof, if your Majesty shall please to make some further grant of the Island unto petitioners. The said Island is a nursery for horses and black cattle, necessary for the neighbouring Caribee Islds., and is moreover improveable by planting cotton and ginger, etc., but the remainder of the term is too short to encourage petitioners to plant. Pray H.M. to grant to the Society the reversion and inheritance of ¼th part of the Island, and of the other parts to William Codrington and his heirs for ever, or for such other durable estates respectively, and under such rents, acknowledgements, and services respectively as shall seem meet. Signed, Christopher Prissick, Robert Chester, Wm. Cleland, Agents for Col. Codrington. Subscribed, H.M. refers this petition to the Lord High Treasurer for his opinion. Signed, Dartmouth, Whitehall, May 30, 1712. 5 pp.
441. ii. Copy of the will of General Christopher Codrington. Bettys Hope, Antigua, Feb. 22, 1703. Endorsed, Recd. 19th (sic), Read 12th June, 1712. 3 pp. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 120, 120 i., ii.; and (duplicate of No. 1.) 121; and (without enclosure ii.) 153, 11. pp. 483–489.]
June 11.
442. The Earl of Dartmouth to Governor Lord A. Hamilton. Recommends Mr. John Fooke to his protection. [C.O. 324, 32. p. 154.]
June 12. 443. Mr. Docminique's characters of persons proposed for the Council of New Jersey. (v. May 12). John Andersen and Elisha Parker, both inhabitants in Prith Amboy very large traders, and old Planters, and men of the best estates upon the place. Wm. Morris, a man of an extraordinary character as well as master of a good estate. John Hamilton, Postmaster Genll. of North America. Tho. Byerly, a gentleman of the best estate in the country and in a publick post. John Reading, I have not yett mett wth. anybody that personally knows him etc. I have bin very dilligent in my enquiry, and doe find there is not one of 'em inclinable to Presbytery, but all well affected both to Church and State. Endorsed, Recd. Read June 12, 1712. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 970. No. 158; and 5, 995. p. 159.]
June 12.
444. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Hunter. Acknowledge letters of Jan. 1st and March 1st. We have considered what you write, as also what the Council of New York have represented to us, of the disputes that have happen'd between them and the Assembly in relation to the amending of mony bills: and are laying that whole matter before H.M. The Assembly's pretence of an inherent right to dispose of the money of the Free men of New York, is altogether groundless. They only sit as an Assembly, and are a part of the Legislature (as is also the Council) by virtue of a power in H.M. Commn. to you, without which they cou'd not be elected to serve in Assembly, and consequently their assuming a right no ways inherent in them, is a violation of the constitution of the Govt. of that province, and is derogatory to H.M. royal prerogative. If therefore upon your acquainting them with what we now write upon this subject, and what we writ you in our letter of Nov. 13th last, they-still persist, you may acquaint them that such measures will be taken here, as may be effectual to assert H.M. undoubted prerogative in that province, and to provide for the necessary support of that Government. Your erecting a Court of Equity by advice and consent of the Councill is pursuant to the powers granted you by H.M. under the Great Seal of Great Brittain, and therefore the resolve of the Assembly of Nov. 24, 1711, upon that matter is very presumptuous and a diminution of H.M. royal prerogative, for that H.M. has an undoubted right of appointing such and so many Courts of Judicature in the Plantations, as she shal think necessary for the distribution of Justice. The same may be said upon their second resolve, relating to the establishing of fees, as to the Bill which you say lies before the Councill, for enacting the ordnance of 1693, into a law, we have no objection at present why the same may not be done. The Assembly adjourning themselves from Nov. 24, 1711 to the first Thursday in Aprill following, after your having signify'd your intention of doing it, and their naming Treasurers to collect the public mony, when H.M. has appointed an officer for that purpose, are other instances of their disrespect and undutifulness to H.M. All which will be taken notice of and proper remedies appli'd, if your next letters do not inform us, of their having chang'd their behaviour.
We have under consideration what you and Col. Quary write relating to the ship St. John Baptist. Mr. Dupre who has acquainted us he goes by this conveyance will inform you of what has past here, in relation to the Palatins: and that you may know more perticularly what we have done in that matter, we send you here inclosed copies of our reports thereupon. Upon receipt of your letter wherein you transmitted to us an account of the method us'd by Mr. Sacket in preparing the trees for tar, we writ to Mr. Whitworth etc., who sent us the inclos'd account (v. April 1st). This method being somthing different from that of Mr. Sacket, we thought fit to communicate the same to you. We wish you had more fully explain'd what you write in relation to Mr. Bridger, and particularly abt. the spoil committed in the woods. We have before us the address from the merchants relating to the furnishing H.M. with Naval Stores, as also Col. Heathcot's proposal for building a gally, and guarding the coast of North America from the insults of the French privateers. But as those matters belong more properly to the Navy Board, and require to be well considered, we are not able at present to give you any particular observations thereupon. We must deferr to another oppertunity to answer your letter relating to your Government of New Jersey. In the meantime, we can only assure you, we shall do all that in us lies to make that Government easy to you, etc. [C.O. 5, 1123. pp. 21–26.]
June 13.
445. Mr. Popple to Governor Dudley. Encloses duplicates of Jan. 25 and Feb. 1st., and acknowledges letter of Nov. 13, 1711, " which their Lordships have now under consideration, and will be able to send you answers thereto by the next conveyance." [C.O. 5, 913. p. 377.]
June 13.
446. Same to Mr. Addington. Acknowledges letter of Dec. 21st, etc. [C.O. 5, 913. p. 378.]
June 13.
447. Mr. Popple to Lt. Governor Spotswood. Acknowledges letters etc. of Sept. 5, Nov. 17 and Feb. 8. Their Lordships have the same under consideration, and will return answers thereto by the first conveyance that shall offer. [C.O. 5, 1363. p. 407; and 5, 1335. No. 173.]
June 14.
448. Address of the Governor, Council and Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay to the Queen. Return thanks for the gift of arms. (v. Feb. 13.) "which favour we take as an expression of your Majesty's gracious acceptance of our dutyfull obedience to your Majesty's royal commands to assist the design of the expedition to Canada, which was instantly intended with all application and alacrity in all things to our utmost ability beyond what was required of us by your Majesty's royal instructions and whereof at first we had no view could posibly be accomplished in season. We hope our humble representations thereof already laid before your Majesty have hapily prevented or wiped off any impressions made by insinuations to the contrary that might prejudice the Government in the present hapy constitution thereof under your Majesty's most gracious establishment which we humbly pray and hope for the continuance of, it being very acceptable to your Majesty's good subjects, who yeild a ready and dutifull obedience thereto and cheerfully consent to the levying of heavy taxes towards the support thereof and for the defence of the Province against the common enemy. Your Majesty's good subjects of this Province for more than 20 years past (with little cessation) have been grievously harrased and oppressed by war and that very different from the wars in Europe whilest we have to do with very numerous barbarous salvages within our borders that decline to come to any fair open battle, but oblige us to stand continually under armes thro' our long extended frontier to prevent their impressions, continually infesting us, and of late more than ever, with small partys spread thro' all the parts lying sculking under the covert of horrid thickets, woods and bushes where it is impracticable to pursue 'em, and besides the losses both in men and cattle that we sustain from them, occasions us a constant expence which with our other expences for guarding of the sea-coast whereof the neighbouring Governments as well as ourselves reape the benefit has immerced us in a very heavy debt. We most humbly pray your Majesty will be graciously pleased to order that the accompts for the advance to the last year's Expedition upon encouragement of your Majesty's royal assurance may speedily be directed to be paid. And also that in consideration of our great charges and want of a stock of powder for the supply of your Majesty's Castle and Forts and other service within this Province, not being to be procured here, your Majesty will be graciously pleased to order a supply to be sent us accordingly. We pray Almighty God to preserve your Majesty's sacred person to direct your Councils and prosper your just armes that this calamitous war may happily soon determine in a safe and honourable Peace. Signed, J. Dudley, Isa. Addington, Secry., John Burrill, Speaker. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 10. No. 7.]
June 17. 449. Anonymous reply to Mr. Henderson (June 2). Defends Governor Hunter and Col. Lewis Morris against the malicious and ungrounded accusations of the Missionary, and gives different versions of the characters of the New Jersey Councillors. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 336–338, q.v. [Endorsed, Recd. June 12, 1712. 8½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1050. No. 49.]
June 17. 450. Earl of Rochester to the Earl of Dartmouth. Prays that William Brodrick may be appointed to the Council of Jamaica in the room of Col. Valentine Mumby, who is represented as a person that will returne thither no more. (v. April 5). 1¼ pp. [C.O. 137, 51. No. 62.]
June 18. 451. Mr. Tilden to Mr. Popple. Prays to be allowed to see papers transmitted by Governor Lowther and Skeen's petition, (v. May 1st), etc. Signed, Geo. Tilden. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 19th June, 1712. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 13. No. 93; and 29, 12. p. 436.]
June 18.
Annopolis Royall.
452. Capt. Vane to [? the Earl of Dartmouth.] Allen who is an inhabitant here, and as I have informed you knows of a silver mine; upon promise that I've made him (by consent of the Lt. Governor) in case he would produce some of the ore; and that it proved on proof to be as pretended, that he should not be forced to discouver the same, till H.M. had been informed thereof and a recompence allotted him: and that his son should have an employ as he should be found capable of, when the said mine should be wrought, about 10 days agoe, he parted from hence for the other side of the bay of fundy, where the said mine [is] to fetch some of the ore, and shall take care to send you some of it to be proved, etc. Gouverneur Vetch arrived here ye 6th from boston, but says ther's noe orders, yett from court conserning the fortifications of this place: that the publicke bills are soe il paid, that nobody att boston; will advance any money on the same etc., that the fortifications are like to loose the best season for working, and the occation of making bricks etc. which we very much want; all the chimneys in the Garnison being ready to fall down, as well as best part of the houses. This I humbly take the liberty to informe you off least hereafter I might be blamed, for what is not in my power to remedy, having reseved as yett no orders, etc. Signed, G. Vane. Endorsed, Recd. Sept. 15. 3 pp. [C.O. 217, 31. No. 7.]
June 18.
St. James's.
453. H.M. Warrant impowering Lt. Governor Spotswood to take £150 per annum for rent for two years longer etc. as recommended March 15 q.v. Countersigned, Oxford. Endorsed, Recd. June 21, 1712. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1316. No. 81; and 5, 1363. pp. 408–410.]
June 23.
N. Yorke.
454. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Since ye receipt of yr. Lordps'. letters of Oct. 26, Nov. 13 and Feb. 1st, this present packett boat is ye first oportunity which has offered by which I cold returne answers. There has been noe revenue for support of Government settled in this Province since ye expiration of ye last of May 18, 1709. But your Lordps. will observe by ye Act past this present sessions, that there is a summe issued for that purpose out of ye money in their Treasurer's hands, which tho' barely the sallary due to me, without any allowance for fireing and candle for ye garrisons, for repaires of ye house and barracks, for my frequent journeys to Albany and negociations with ye Indians, and presents to them and expresses on all occations, I was under a necessity to accept, the Act as your Lordps. may observe being conceiv'd in such terms as does not cutt off my claims to ye remainder due, etc. Your Lordps. have long since received the table of fees, etc. I have issued out orders to ye severall counties and cities for an account of ye number of their inhabitants and slaves, but have never beene able to obtain it compleate, the people being deterr'd by a simple superstition and observation, that ye sickness followed upon ye last numbering of ye people. However by ye next opportunity I hope to send it you compleat haveing faln upon new methods for procureing it. In ye mean time the following scheme of ye old lists taken in 1703 compaired with ye new which I have beene able to procure of ye respective countys hereafter mentioned will afford your Lordps. a general view of ye increase of ye numbers;
1703. 1712. Increased.
New York 4436 5840 1404
King's County 1915 1925 10
Richmond County 503 1279 776
Orange County 268 439 171
West Chester 1946 2803 857
9068 12,286 3218
Queen's Co. 4392
Suffolk 3346
Albany city and Co. 2273
Ulster and Dutches 1669
Of these countys I have as yet noe lists, nor from ye Jerseys, but hope to be able to send it by ye next. From Connecticut I have soe imperfect an account, that I am ashamed [to send it but will endeavour to get a more perfect one.]
In ye five countys whereof I have procured lists the numbers were compos'd as followeth:—
1703. 1712. Increased.
Christians 7767 10511 2744
Slaves 1301 1775 474
By this imperfect computation your Lordps. will be able to make some guess of ye generall increase of ye people, and leave it to your Lordps. consideration what ye consequences are like to be, when upon such an increase, not only ye support of Government but ye inclinations of ye people to support it at all decrease. As to births and burialls, there has never beene any register kept that I can heare of, neither is there any possibillity of doeing of it, untill such time as ye countyes are subdivided into parishes, great numbers remaineing unchristened for want of ministers. Refers to enclosures. As to ye wants and defects of this Province, besides that of a revenue which your Lordps. have beene soe much troubled with, the forts and barracks want thorough repaires, one halfe of ye Governor's house ready to fall down. Wee want tenn flaggs, the forts being now five in number. Refers to enclosure for other stores wanting. I should be very glad the Assembly would give me an occasion of retracting what I have formerly wrote your Lordps. concerning their obstinacey, but their proceedings since that give me but too much cause to continue my complaints against them, for tho' they have past the Bill I have beforementioned in such a manner as both ye Councill and myselfe cou'd agree to it, yet they have since sent us up another for paying the officers of the Government in their former appropriating manner, which the Councill cold not agree to for the reasons they sent to your Lordps., soe that nothing more can be expected from them. I have not only expended my own money for all the contingencies of ye Government ever since I have beene here, but the daily complaints and cryes of ye officers who have not received a shilling for their support since my comeing renders my condition very miserable and would make it insupportable but for ye releife I hope for from home; if I cold be prevailed on to put my private interest in competition with H.M.'s, I should have but little difficulty in getting my own sallary, the Assembly both in and out of the House professing the greatest willingness to make me easy (as their phraise is), but unless I would give up H.M. prerogative of appointing her own officers, and rewarding their services, divert ye channell through which the receipt of her money has ever run, and by these meanes reserve nothing but the name of a Government, it is in vaine to expect from these men any manner of support, which layes me under a necessity of entreating your Lordps. to think of us with that compassion which our present wants require, and to give me your speedy directions how to behave myselfe under these distresses. The Act before mentioned and one other to encourage the makeing of lintseed oyle are ye only ones that have come my length this sessions, the last wants noe other remark then that it's past to encourage the projection of that manufacture in this place. I must now give your Lordps. an account of a bloody conspiracey of some slaves of this place to distroy as many of the inhabitants as they cold. It was put in execution in this manner, when they had resolved to revenge themselves for some hard usage they apprehended to have received from their masters (for I can find noe other cause) they agreed to meet in the orchard of one Mr. Crook neare the middle of the town, some provided with firearms, some with swords and others with knives and hatchetts, this was the sixth day of Aprill, the time of meeting was about twelve or one of ye clock in the night. When about three and twenty of them were got togeather, one Coffee a negroe slave to one Vantilburgh set fire to an outhouse of his masters, and then repairing to the place where the rest were, they all sallyed out togeather with their arms and marcht to the fire, by this time the noise of fire spreading through the town, the people began to flock to it. Upon the approach of severall the slaves fired and killed them, the noise of ye guns gave ye allarm and some escapeing their shott, soon publisht the cause of ye fire, which was ye reason that not above nine Christians were killed, and about five or six wounded. Upon the first notice which was very soon after the mischeife was begun, I ordered a detachment from the fort under a proper officer to march against them, but the slaves made their retreat into ye woods by ye favoure of the night, haveing ordered centries the next day in the most proper places on the Island to prevent their escape, I caused the day following the Militia of this town and of the county of West Chester to drive ye Island, and by this meanes and strict searches in the Town, wee found all that put the designe in execution. Six of them haveing first laid violent hands upon themselves, the rest were forthwith brought to their tryall before the Justices of this place, who are authorized by Act of Assembly to hold a Court in such cases. In that Court were 27 condemned, whereof 21 were executed, one being a woman with child her execution is by that meanes suspended. Some were burnt, others hanged, one broke on ye wheele, and one hung alive in chaines in the town, soe that there has beene the most exemplary punishment inflicted that cold be possibly thought of and which only this Act of Assembly cold justifye. Among these guilty persons severall others were apprehended, and againe acquitted by the Court, for want of sufficient evidence. Among those was one Mars a negroe man slave to one Mr. Regnier, who was [? brought] to his tryall and acquitted by the Jury. The Sheriffe the next day moveing ye Court for the discharge of such as were or should be soe acquitted by reason he had soe many in his custody that hee apprehended they would attempt to make their escape. But Mr. Bickley who then executed the office of the Attorney Generall for Mr. Rayner opposed his motion, telling the Court that at that time none but Mars being acquitted, the motion cold be only intended in his favour against whom he should have something further to object, and therefore prayed he might not be discharged. Soe the Sheriffe did not obtaine his motion. Mars was then indicted a second time, and againe acquitted, but not discharged, and being a third time presented was transferred (the Court of Justices not designeing to sitt againe) to ye Supream Court and there try'd and convicted on the same evidence only as appeared against him before on his two former tryalls. This prosecution was carryed on to gratify some private pique of Mr. Bickley's against Mr. Regnier, a gentleman of his own profession, which appearing soe partiall and the evidence being represented to me as very defective and being wholly acquitted of ever haveing known anything of the conspiracey by the negroe witnesses who were made use of in the tryalls of all ye criminalls before ye Justices and without whose testimonies very few cold have beene punished, I thought fitt to repreive him till H.M. pleasure be known therein. At this Supream Court were likewise tryed one Hosea belonging to Mr. Wenham, and one John belonging to Mr. Vantilburgh, and convicted. These two are prisoners taken in a Spanish prize this warr and brought into this port by a privateer about 6 or 7 yeares agoe and by reason of their colour which is swarthy they were said to be slaves and as such were sold among many others of the same colour and country. These two I have likewise repreived till H.M. pleasure be signifyed. Soone after my arrivall in this Government, I received petitions from severall of these Spanish Indians as they are called here, representing to me that they were free men subjects to ye King of Spaine but sold here as slaves. I secretly pittyed their condition, but haveing noe other evidence of what they asserted then their own words, I had it not in my power to releive them. I am informed that in the West Indies where their laws against their slaves are most severe, that in case of a conspiracey in which many are engaged a few only are executed for an example. In this case twenty one are executed, and six haveing done that justice on themselves, more have suffered than wee can find were active in this bloody affaire, which are ye reasons for my repreiveing these, and if your Lordps. think them of sufficient weight, I begg you will procure H.M. pleasure to be signifyed to me for their pardon, for they lye now in prison at their masters' charge. I have likewise repreived one Tom a negroe belonging to Mr. Van Dam, and Coffee a negroe belonging to one Mr. Walton. These two I have repreived at the instance of the Justices of ye Court, who were of opinion that the evidence against them was not sufficient to convict them. As to ye Palatins, I doe assure your Lordps. that their work comes fully up to our expectation, the trees they are prepareing and which will receive the last barking next Fall promise extreamly well, and Mr. Sackett tells me he does not in the least doubt but that the experiment he is makeing of some trees to fell at a yeares preparation will answer very well and as soon as this barking which they are now about is over hee will try it, of which I will inform your Lordps. by the first opportunity after it. As to that small quantity of tarr which I formerly mentioned to your Lordps. I must begg leave againe to observe to you that it was made from the knotts which the children gathered togeather whilst their fathers were working on the trees. This tarr may have ye burning quality, but is as good for pitch as ye other. Your Lordps. want to be informed out of what fond I provide the cask for ye tarr. I formerly told your Lordps., that out of ye sixpences and fourpences a day for these people's subsistance I hoped to pay all the contingent charges, except such as are mentioned in a list sent by Mr. Du Pré, and this of ye cask is one of those charges I shall pay out of the subsistance. I have not had any complaints of late of the Palatines, they work chearfully and seemed resolved to goe through what they are imployed about being greatly incouraged by ye proposall of receiveing one halfe of ye profitts of the tarr to their own use, whilst the other halfe goes towards ye payment of the charge H.M. is put to about them. I am toe much indisposed now to goe to them, but as soon as I am able I designe to goe up and visit their works, and Mr. Sackett being with them he will take care that noe part of this barking season be misspent. I must againe intreat your Lordps. to reflect on Mr. Bridgier's behaviour, his dissobedience of H.M. possitive commands, his disserting this service at a time when he knew not that I cold find any who understood this work to direct the people in the method of doeing it and to superintend them whilst they were about it, by which he has as much as in him lay betrayed ye service, and subjected H.M. to ye loss of soe much money as she had expended on them. Your Lordps. will pardon me I hope for reminding you of this, but I cannot think of this conduct of his without being of opinion that he justly deserves H.M. highest displeasure and your Lordps.' discountenance. The affaires of the Jerseys at present dont require the giveing your Lordps. the trouble of a separate letter. It being absolutely needless to meet ye Assembly soe long as ye Councill is soe constituted, for they have avowedly opposed the Government in most things and by their influence obstructed the payment of a great part of the taxes, soe that I waite with great impatience for ye remedy your Lordps. have made me hope for. In the meane time you will receive an account of the Courts and offices there. I must begg your Lordps.' patience till ye next opportunity for the numbers of that people and other matters relateing to that province. My present indisposition has beene the occasion of the confusion of this letter, which I hope your Lordps. will pardon, and I beg leave further to inform your Lordps. that the method I have taken to provide cask is this. There are ten palatin coopers whom I have appointed masters for that work, each of them has a number to attend him for cutting of staves and hoop sticks. I agree with the masters for halfe a crown a barrell, one halfe to be paid them in money, the other halfe to be stated to their account as part payment of the debt they owe H.M., by this meanes I hope to be able to find cask at a reasonable rate. If in this country where dayly labour is never computed at less than halfe a crown a day, many private persons have found their account by makeing bad tarr of the knotts, what may wee not expect from the labour of those people, which amounts but to the halfe of that dayly expence, making an allowance of two thirds for children and such as can't work, and makeing of good mercatable tarr, and imploy'd in a manner that each man's labour must produce a great deale more than by the methods formerly known and practic'd here. The warr betwixt the people of North Carolina and ye Tuscorora Indians is like to imbroil us all. The Five Nations by the instigation of the French threaten to joyn with them, tho very lately they sent me by my own messengers to them their offers to interpose amicably in that matter. I have sent some men of interest with them to disswade them from this fatall designe with presents and promisses, haveing noe other way left, our Assembly haveing fettered me soe that I can talk to them in noe other language. They are but a handfull and puff'd up with ye court has been made to them. In the meantime nothing shall be wanting on my part to prevent this mischeife or bring them to reason and their duty. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. July 30, Read Aug. 6, 1712. 14 pp. Enclosed,
454. i. List of the Courts of Law within the Province of New York, and of the officers belonging thereto. Endorsed, Recd. July 30, 1712. 2 pp.
454. ii. Account of the stores of war in the Forts of New York, June 18, 1712. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp.
454. iii. Duplicate of preceding.
454. iv. Account of stores wanting for the garrison at New York, June 23, 1712. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 1 p.
454. v. Duplicate of preceding. [C.O. 5, 1050. Nos. 51, 51 i.–v.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1123. pp. 30–48.]
June 23. 455. Memorandum of No. 454, enclosing,
455. i. State of the Courts of Judicature in New Jersey. June 21, 1712. Endorsed, Recd. July 30, Read Aug. 6, 1712. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 970. Nos. 160, 160 i.]
June 23.
New York.
456. Governor Hunter to the Earl of Dartmouth. I beg your Losp. will beg H.M. pardon for these condemn'd persons mention'd in enclosed letter. There was no other method left to stop the Jury of that prosecution which had like to have proceeded to the condemning of guilty and innocent, it grew up to a party quarrel and the slaves far'd just as the people stood affected to their masters, more have been executed, in a cruel manner too, then were concern'd in the fact, and I'm afraid some who were no way privy to the conspiracy. Prays for protection and assistance, etc. P.S. The minute of the Treasury your Lorsp. was pleased to transmitt has quieted the minds of the people much with relation to ye bills for the Expedition, some of which had been return'd upon me protested. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Holograph. 2 pp. Enclosed,
456. i. Copy of No. 454. [C.O. 5, 1091. Nos. 76, 76 i.; and (duplicate) 77, 77 i.]
June 24.
Annapolis Royall.
457. Lt. Gov. Vetch to the Earl of Dartmouth. I have not as yett been favoured with H.M. particular commands relating to the pay and state of this garison, etc. The garison is now perfectly healthy, and since the arrivall of Coll. Livingston's company of Indians, who are verry well fortified in the most proper place for our defence about a quarter of a mile from the grand Fort, which they themselves effectuate, with a vast deall of labour and industry, this spring, and verry small expense to H.M., wee are pretty secure notwithstanding some partys of Indians sent out by the Governour of Canada, to catch some prisoners for intelligence who have succeeded too well upon the frontiers of New England this spring, having killed above a dozen English and taken as many prisoners there, but as our company of Indians who are worth four times their number of Brittish troops have struck such a terrour into them, so I do doubt not but in a litle time they will either wholly banish our troublesome Indians, or oblidge them to submitt themselves to H.M. Government, which would soon be effectuated were it not for the number of Popish priests that remain missionarys amongst them: what creates me a great deall of uneasiness is the multitude of officers of different Cors, whose jarrs about command and rank create me ane endles trouble, which the setlement of the garison upon a regular footing would wholly prevent: in which I pray your Lordship's favour, the victualling and contingent charges of the garison and reparations of the Fortifications absolutly necessary amounting to a considerable summ of money by reason of the bad posture wee found them in and the troubles wee meet withall since, and would I give way to our present Engineer's projections, the verry artickle of the fortifications would ammount to a verry great summ: but as I have and allways shall as much as possible avoid putting H.M. to any expense but what is absolutely necessary for the preservation of the garison untill H.M. shall be pleased to give particular orders with relation to the same, so I must intreat your Lordship's favour with H.M. and my Lord Treasurer that what bills are drawn for the contingent expenses may be punctually payed: for it is with the last difficulty that I cann procure any credit to H.M. att Boston, by reason of the delay of the former bills: the Agent being such a vast summ of money in advance already, and so many of his bills being returned protested: by which he will be a verry great sufferer, if he have no consideration allowed him for the same, which I doubt not through your Lordship's favour he will obtain. I must likewise recomend to your Lordship's favour and care, the five or six subalterns of the New England troops who stayed here to incourage their men to doe so, and now depend upon H.M. taking care of them with the other secound officers. The expense will be so small in comparrison of the service it may be of, that I hope H.M. may be pleased to continue to take care of them still notwithstanding the troops they belonged to being dismissed. The want of H.M. orders and Instructions with regard to the patenting out the lands not possessed by any of the French verry much obstructs the setlement and peopling of the country: in which I humbly begg your Lordship would be pleased to signify to me H.M. commands. Brigadier Nicholson cann best of any person att home inform your Lordship and the Ministry what methods are properest to be taken both with regard to the civill and military establishment of this country because of his thorrow knowledge of the most part of all this Brittish Continent. Wee are still continueing to face the whole rampart round with timber like small masts, a good part of which is finished: and indeed it is so absolutely necessary that wherever that is not done the rampart hath wholly tumbled down by reason of the violent frosts and sudden thaws this last winter and spring: which wee are repairing as fast as wee cann, etc. P.S. June 27. Since the above wee have advice that the Indians are gathering togither in a body being joyned by some French from Canada in order to give us all the disturbance they cann, which is only to confine us to salt provisions. Our Indian company is now of verry great use to us and without them even in peace it will be hard for this garison to subsist, the Indians of thiss country being never to be trusted. Signed, Sam. Vetch. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 9. No. 108.]
June 24.
458. Mr. Popple to Lt. Governor Spotswood. Encloses Warrant for house-rent (v. June 18). [C.O. 5, 1363. p. 411; and 5, 1335. No. 174.]
June 25.
459. The Earl of Dartmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Mr. Brodrick the present Attorney General at Jamaica and Mr. Hugh Totterdell, a gentleman likewise of great consideration there, being both recommended to H.M. as persons very fit to be of the Council in that Island, I am to desire you will let me know whether you have any objection against their being preferred to that trust, that I may lay the same before H.M. Signed, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. July 4th, Read Aug. 27th, 1712. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 9. No. 71; and 138, 13. p. 403.]
June 25. 460. Petty expenses of the Board of Trade, March 25—June 25, 1711. £38. 3. 5. Stationer's Bill, (includes Capt. Cooke's Voyage to the South Sea 2 volls. qtt. 12/-) £26. 4. 6. Postage, £84. 9. 8. 5 pp. [C.O. 388, 76. Nos. 138, 140, 142.]
[June 25.] 461. Petition of Elizabeth Renoult, widow, to the Queen. Petitioner's husband John Battist Renoult possessed 5000 acres in the French part of St. Kitts and a considerable estate in slaves etc. Col. Codrington having conquered the French part of the Island, 1690, granted him 336 acres of land and part of his slaves and stock, in consideration he was of the Protestant religion and well affected to the English. He swore allegiance to the English Crown. By the peace of Ryswick the French part was surrendered to the French who offered to restore to petitioner what had been her husband's, if she would renounce the Protestant religion, which she refuseing to doe, she was obliged to abandon her plentiful estate and retire into Gt. Britain with 4 children, where she is reduced to a very miserable and destitute condition. Prays for Letters Patent for that part of her estate formerly granted to her husband by Col. Codrington. Overleaf,
461. i. This petition is referred to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their opinion. Signed, Dartmouth. The whole endorsed, Recd. July 1st, 1712, Read March 23rd, 17 13/14. 1¼ pp. Enclosed,
461. ii. Copy of John Baptiste Renoult's bond for £2333 18. Jan. 1, 1690. Signed, John Bapt. Renoult.
461. iii. Copy of Governor Codrington's grant of the above property to John Baptiste Renoult. Signed, Chr. Codrington. 1½ pp. [C.O. 152, 10. Nos. 11, 11 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 153, 12. p. 114.]
June 27. 462. Deposition of John Norwood, Collector of Customs [? at Antigua]. On June 14, 1710, Lt. Governor Walter Hamilton threatened and abused deponent for refusing to send him an accompt of the loading of the Union frigate. Signed, Jno. Norwood. ¾ p. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 81.]
[June 27.] 463. Copy of grant of the Island of Burbuda by King Charles II to Christopher and John Codrington. Countersigned, (Sir) William Stapleton. Endorsed, Recd. Read June 27, 1712. 3 pp. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 122, 123; and 153, 11. pp. 490–497.]
June 28.
464. Planters and merchants in, and traders to Jamaica to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Pray that the Act transmitted last October for the further quieting possessions and preventing vexatious suits may be approved. Most of the inhabitants have lost some of their originall patents, and two books of the Records of the Island, Nos. 3 and 4, for 1671 and 1672 are missing, (occasioned by the misfortune of the fire at Port Royall, the earthquake, and French invasions) so consequently all the assignments of those patents which formerly were indorsed upon the back of the patent and recorded afterwards in the Secretarye's Office, etc. Signed, John Ayscough, Edmd. Edlyne, Whitgift Aylmer, Joseph Hodges, Wm. Parrott, Antho. Chamberlain, Claudius Archbould, Edward Searle, Samuel Jones, Val. Munbee, Geo. Eves, Jno. Freeman, Richd. Lloyd, Charles Kent, Rich. Thompson, Rd. Harris, Francis Melmoth, Edwd. James, Elias Pearse. Endorsed, Recd. 12th Aug., Read Dec. 11th, 1712. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 9. No. 74; and 138, 13. pp. 409–411.]