America and West Indies: March 1712

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'America and West Indies: March 1712', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: March 1712', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: March 1712". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

March 1712

March 1.
New York.
335. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following proposals. As to the first, I am apt to think such a vessel would be of great service here with a ship of better force, and that she may be built on reasonable terms, but whether she can be built without a Parliamentary fund, or whether the concession proposed for naming the Commander here will be given way to, your Lordships will be better judges. The other proposals carry with them such persuasive reasons (I mean those for saving the publick money) that I could heartily wish the experiment was made, the expences can't be much and the consequences may be so good that I hope your Lordships will take them into your consideration, and if you think them of any moment that you will be pleased to obtain H.M. commands thereon. I must again beg your Lordships to signify H.M. pleasure concerning the gentlemen of the Council of Jersey whom I desired to have removed, etc. Your Lordships may guess my uneasiness at having heard nothing from your Lordships since last summer, neither have advice of the payment of any of my bills on account of the Palatines, but I go on with the work as if I had, having (as your Lordships well know) H.M. commands to that effect, etc. P.S. Inclosed I send two Acts passed in Jersey for levying money etc. for the expedition against Canada, and for the currency of bills of credit, neither of which want any remark. I likewise send the last Minutes of Council, etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 10th April, Read Aug. 6th, 1712. 1 p. Enclosed,
335. i. Copy of Address of the principal merchants and traders of New York to Governor Hunter. The said merchants and traders being fully satisfyed of your Excellency's generous inclinations to encourage the trade and navigation of this province, of which they have manifest proofs, not only by the assistance your Excellency hath given them, but that dureing your Excellency's administration they have been freed from all unjust and unfair molestations therein, but to their great griefe the same has not had its desired effects by reason that dureing this present warr this coast has been very much annoyed by a number of small privateers, who by the advantage of their oars and shoal water keep out of the reach of H.M. ships of warr appointed for the guarding of the same, whereby this Province[s] is deprived of the principal benefit H.M. designed in sending them hither, the dismal examples we have had not only of our vessels being taken on the coast, but even out of our very harbours are evident proof thereof, etc. Recommend Col. Heathcote's scheme for a small galley to be provided for guarding the coast, and pray H.E. to request H.M. to sanction the commissioning of such a frigate. v. N.Y. Docs. V. p. 306. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p.
335. ii. Col. Heathcote's scheme for building and subsisting a galley and frigate at New York as H.M. ships of war to guard the coasts of New York and New Jersey, more effectively and at less cost, etc. 1¾ pp. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 307, 308. q.v.
335. iii. Col. Heathcote's scheme for raising Naval Stores. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 308–310. q.v. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1050. Nos. 50, 50 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1123. pp. 27–29.]
March 1. 336. Memorandum of preceding letter. ½ p. Enclosed,
336. i. Copy of an Act of New Jersey for the better recovery of H.M. quit-rents. Endorsed, Recd. April 10. 1712, Read March 19, 17 12/13. ¾ p.
336. ii. Copy of an Act of New Jersey to prevent soldiers and sailors from deserting H.M. service, and servants or slaves deserting their masters or mistresses. Same endorsement. 31/8th pp. [C.O. 5, 970. Nos. 156, 156 i. ii.]
March 1. 337. Governor Hunter to the Lord Bishop of [? London]. Complaint of the factious behaviour of Mr. Vesy, Rector of Trinity Church, and other clergy in the province of New York, etc. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 310–312, q.v. Endorsed, Recd. June 5, 1712. Copy. 10 pp. Enclosed,
337. i. Governor Hunter to John Chamberlayne, Secretary of the Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign parts. Feb. 25, 17 11/12. Describes. the factious and malicious behaviour of some of the clergy. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 312–317, q.v. Copy. 14 pp.
337. ii. Col. Morris to John Chamberlayne. On the same. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 318–323, q.v. Copy (incomplete). 18 pp.
337. iii. Copy of an Address from the Clergy of New York to Governor Hunter. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 325, 326, q.v. 4 pp.
337. iv. Governor Hunter to the Rev. Mr. Poyer, New York, Jan. 26, 17 11/12. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 326, 327, q.v. Copy. 2 pp.
337. v. Mr. Poyer to Governor Hunter. Jamaica (N.Y.) Jan. 30, 17 11/12. Reply to preceding. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. p. 327. Copy. 3 pp.
337. vi. The case of the Church at Jamaica. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. p. 328. Copy. 2 pp.
337. vii. Judgment in the case of the Rev. Mr. Poyer v. Churchwardens of Jamaica. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 328, 329. Copy, 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1050. Nos. 46, 46 i.–vii.]
March 5. 338. Stephen Duport to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Petitions, in behalf of Capt. Ralf Willett, that he may be appointed to the Council of St. Christophers in the room of John Peteres, decd., he having a good estate in that Island, and being in every way qualified to serve H.M. etc. Endorsed, Recd. 5th, Read 20th March, 17 11/12. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 106; and 153, 11. p. 449.]
March 5.
Craven House.
339. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Col. Spotswood, Lt. Governor of Virginia. In the several accounts we have receiv'd relating to the great disorders and insurrections that have of late happen'd in the province of North Carolina, we have constantly been inform'd of your good offices and friendly endeavours to appease those commotions and to reconcile the inhabitants to Mr. Hyde their lawful Governor. On Tuesday last we receiv'd a letter from you dated July 27, 1711 (by what accident it came no sooner to our hands we can't tell) wherein you give us an acct. that by your kind and timely assistance of Mr. Hyde and his Council with the marines from your guard ships and your good management, the tumults were quell'd and peace and tranquility in a great measure settled and established amongst H.M. subjects in that part of the Province. We therefore take this opportunity to return you our hearty thanks for this your friendship and the generous assistance you have been pleas'd to give to that distracted Government, and to assure you of our constant readiness on all occasions to do you any service, etc. Signed, Beaufort, Carteret, M. Ashley, J. Colleton. [C.O. 5, 290. p. 53.]
March 6. 340. Commission and Instructions of Arthur Prior, to be Chief Justice, and Daniel Prior Attorney General, of North Carolina. Signed, Beaufort, Carteret, Ful. Skipwith, M. Ashley, J. Colleton, J. Danson. [C.O. 5, 290. pp. 54, 55.]
March 8.
St. James's.
341. Order of Queen in Council. Repealing Act of Barbados to render more effective certain legacies bequeathed by Capt. Williams, etc.(v. Jan. 18). Signed, William Blathwayt. Endorsed, Recd. 25th, Read 31st Oct., 1712. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 28, 13. No. 95; and 29, 12. pp. 439, 440.]
March 8.
St. James's.
342. Order of Queen in Council. Appointing William Mathew to the Council of Antego. Signed, William Blathwayt. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 11. No. 74.]
March 8.
St. James's.
343. Order of Queen in Council. Restoring Mr. John Frere to his precedence in the Council of Barbados. (v. Jan. 17 and 25, 1712). Signed, Ja. Vernon. Endorsed, Recd. Read June 24, 1715. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 41; and 29, 13. pp. 309, 310.]
March 8.
St. James's.
344. Order of Queen in Council. Referring back their report upon the petition of Thomas Simpson and the widow Gandy, (v. Feb. 21), and also a further petition from the same, to the Council of Trade and Plantations, who are to consult H.M. Attorney and Solicitor General therein in order to a further report to H.M. (v. A.P.C. II. No. 1153). Signed, William Blathwayt. Endorsed, Recd. March 12th, Read Nov. 11th, 1712. 1 p. Enclosed,
344. i. Petition of Thomas Simpson of Jamaica and the widow of Charles Gandy to the Queen. Pray that the Act of Jamaica for vesting Finch's estate in trustees to raise £3800, in order to make good to petitioners that sum paid down by them in accordance with that Act, may be confirmed. 5¼ pp. [C.O. 137, 9. Nos. 73, 73 i.; and (without enclosure) 138, 13. pp. 407, 408.]
March 8.
St. Jago Delavega.
345. Governor Lord A. Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges two letters under the same cover. Replies to enquiries of Oct. 26th:—To article (i.) your Lordships will have received a full answer in the Receiver General's accots., which I have transmitted and shall continue half yearly, as is required by H.M. Instructions, etc. (ii.) The offices in this Island, other than Patent offices, are very inconsiderable. As to publick charges, and the state of the revenue, I referr your Lops. to my letter of Jan. 19. (iii.) I inclose a list of all the Patent-offices, etc. I have not as yet found any reason to suspect that these offices are well enough discharged, at least have received no complaints of any of them. But as I find in case of misbehaviour or insufficiency in any officer which may be appointed, H.M. by this Instruction has been pleas'd to lodge a sufficient power in her Governor for the remedy of it. I cannot but take notice to your Lordps. on this occasion, of an Act lately past here, and which I now suppose to be under your Lordps. consideration, to prevent any one person from holding two or more offices of profit in this Island, which appears to me to be an encroachment on the Queen's prerogative. This Act will appear to your Lordps. to be principally intended to provide that the same person shall not be Secretary and Provost-Marshall; and I must so far agree in the reasonableness of it, that those being two of the most considerable offices, they would be too much for one person: But, my Lords, the true state of that matter is, as I here set them down in the list, Mr. Rigby executes Mr. Baber's office, and Mr. Nichols executes Mr. Rigby's; and this, it seems, was first admitted by the late Governor upon Sir Edward Northey's opinion of the legality of it; if it be legal I see no inconveniency in it: H.M. Instructions seeming chiefly to require that the offices be well executed: and I must do Mr. Rigby the justice to say he executes the Secretary's Office with general satisfaction: But however this agree with your Lordps.' judgements, I belive you will be of opinion that this Act is too general. My Lords, I am told the offices of Naval Officer and Register of the Admiralty have ever been in the same person; and the Secretary's and Clerk of the Council, unless hindred by some extraordinary circumstance; and in both these there is such affinity and relation that it seems almost necessary. Besides here are some offices of very small profits, which are for instance: the Clerk of the Crown, the Advocate General, the Judges of all Petit-Courts, the several Coroners, Clerks of the Peace and Clerks of the Market; all which by the general words of this Act must be in different persons; and which I really think, by reason of the scarcity of people, and especially of persons capable, may be attended with great inconveniencies. I have troubled your Lops. too long on this article; But if it concerns the Prerogative as I think it does, I hope your Lordps. will excuse it, and represent this Act to H.M. for her disallowance. (iv.) An account of all Courts, Offices, etc. I beg your Lops. will excuse me if I suppose this Instruction to have been given in the infancy of these Colonies, before the Civil Government was well settled, and the several jurisdictions established by a Law: There is an Act of this Island for establishing of Courts and directing Marshals' proceedings, which I think contains all the jurisdictions of the Courts: in which there seems this notable defect that lands are not extendable here. I take it that the Bill of Fees now before your Lordps. contains a full answer to Article (v.); and as this bill has been long a framing, and your Lordps. may have heard much upon the subject, I shall say but little. I think I should not be altogether just to the Government I am at present honour'd with, if I did not take notice to your Lops. that several fees which I am inform'd every Governor has had, are by this Act taken away; amongst which I think none more extraordinary than that which was paid for the Broad Seal, on all publick attestations, and is now had gratis. (vi.) The account of the number of inhabitants must be collected from the several Parish-books, and from the musters of the several Regiments; some of which, tho' I have frequently required them, have not as yet been sent me; and having given your Lops. my opinion of the state of this Island more generally in my last letter, I will desire leave to deferr this till I can get the whole, that I may then give you but one trouble. (vii.) How many are born, christen'd and buried ? This I have sent to the Commissary and have requir'd him to give directions to all the Ministers of the several parishes, to give me an accot. from time to time; but have not been able to obtain it. (viii.) I have not yet received the accots. of arms etc. from the proper officers, but shall as soon as possible endeavour to comply with this article, (ix.) Your Lops. will I hope before this can come to hand, have received the account of negroes etc. at large, which I have sent as certified to me by the Naval Officer; and your Lops. will observe that there is no proportion between the import of negroes by the Company and separate traders; the latter so much exceeding; and indeed I cannot but acquaint your Lops. that it seems to be the universal opinion both of merchants and planters here that an exclusive trade to Africa would be extremely prejudicial to them. (x.) Refers to letter of Jan. 19. By another opportunity I will send the plans of what additional fortifications are intended to be made, and I shall then be better able to inform your Lops. what ordinances will be necessary. As to improvements by trade, I am told the flourishing time of this Colony was when the Assiento was settled here; which the French have now the advantage of. If a favourable opportunity offers, (which probably may at the conclusion of peace) I cannot doubt but your Lordps. will contribute as much as you can to the re-establishment of it here upon a like bottom; the advantage whereof will center in great Britain.
Acknowledges letter of Nov. 22 and Act relating to duties. We are in hopes what has been further represented to your Lops. on that head will obtain the same reliefe to the bonds. I shall observe your Lops.' directions as to the Assembly's pretended right of adjournment, if ever they be so unwise as to put it to the tryal; which I hope they will not. And here I think myself in justice obliged to acquaint your Lops. that Mr. Brodrick the present Speaker of the Assembly, then a Member of the House, strenuously opposed that proceeding, and asserted H.M. prerogative; and I beg leave to take this opportunity of recommending him to your Lops.' favor that he may be restored to his place in the Council here, which I am perswaded will be for H.M. service; and as that is what chiefly induces me to this recommendation, so it will be the strongest argument with your Lordps. in his favour. I have had a private information that some Acts that have been transmitted to your Lops. from hence, have not had the seal affixed to them; which tho your Lops. mention to have under consideration, you are so obliging as not to take notice of. I have examin'd into that matter, and cannot tell where to fix the omission; but I must bear the blame to your Lordps. I have endeavour'd however to retrieve the mistake as soon as may be, by sending duplicates of two Acts, which were the only indefinite Acts past that session: the others being expired I thought immaterial. I am glad your Lordps. approve of what I have done in rejecting the cartel offered by the French: you will be confirmed in the reasonableness of my having so done, when I acquaint you that we take many more French prisoners than they do British. I am likewise with great satisfaction to acquaint your Lordps. that the arrival of several ships lately with provisions from Europe, and the goodness of the season here, both as to sugar and plantation provisions, have already in a great measure removed all complaints mention'd in my former, in relation to the then scarcity thereof. Signed, A. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. May 3, 1712, Read July 17, 1713. 7½ pp. Enclosed,
345. i. List of patent-offices in Jamaica.
Office. Patentee. Office Executed by,
Attorney General William Brodrick the Patentee
Receiver-General Leonard Compere Charles Chaplin
Secretary John Baber Richd. Rigby
Naval Officer William Norris the Patentee
Clerk of the Grand Court Robert Clowes Matthew Gregory
Cl. Cancel. & patents Arthur Wynter Francis Melling
Provost Marshal Richd. Rigby Harvey Nicholls
Clerk of the Crown John Guey John Guey
Same endorsement. ⅓ p. [C.O. 137, 10. Nos. 7, 7 i.; and (without enclosure) 138, 13. pp. 450–460.]
March 9
and April 15
346. M. Latouch to Mademoiselle Budan et Cie. Acknowledges letters and cargo received by the Duc d' Anjou, which arrived safely in spite of 8 English ships which have been watching the island and taken a number of vessels, etc. A business letter dealing with accounts, disposal of merchandize, sailings, etc. for the Canary Islands and St. Malo, etc. and from the South Seas. Signed, S. Latouch. French. 15½ pp. [C.O. 166, 1. No. 5.]
March 11.
St. James's.
347. H.M. Warrant appointing William Mathew to one of the two vacancys in the Council of Antegoa. Countersigned, Dartmouth. [C.O. 324, 32. pp. 132, 133.]
March 11.
Treasury Chambers.
348. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple. The Lord High Treasurer refers enclosed to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report, etc. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd. Read April 29, 1712. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed,
348. i. Copy of petition of Robert Lee, executor of the Earl of Stirling, for arrears due, etc. v. C.S.P. 1703. No. 142 i. 2½ pp.
348. ii. Copy of deed, signed by James Duke of York, Nov. 10, 1674, assigning to Lord Stirling £300 per annum out of the profits of the Province of New York in return for the surrender of his interests therein. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 1050. Nos. 38, 37, 37 i.; and (covering letter and enclosure i. only) 5, 1122. pp. 493–495.]
March 12.
349. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. Refer to memorial of merchants of Maryland Feb. 15. Recommend that Mr. Tobias Bowles be appointed to that Government, he having lived there several years, and being recommended by some of the principal merchants trading to Maryland, and others, as a person of integrity, ability, and well vers'd in the trade and constitution of that Province. We recommend him as a person of known loyalty, and well affected to your Majesty's Government, every way qualifyed to serve your Majesty in that trust. [C.O. 5, 727. pp. 312, 313.]
March 12. 350. Jos. French and Isaac Royall to Michael Ayon. If we were sure a letter by this opportunity would come safe to your hands you might have expected a full narration of affairs since the arrivall of our present Generall [=Governor Douglas, Ed.], but as it goes first to Nevis by a vessell in whom goes Lt. Genl. Hamilton to complaine against the Generall, doubt its miscarriage, for wee are obliged to be as concise as wee can and shall only say that never were greater assureance given to a people worse performed then has been by our Generall to us att his first arrivall even till of late, oaths promises and assureances were plentifully past that justice should be done for our deare late Generall's murther. The soldyers sent up from Leeward, force writ for to Barbadoes, a Jamaica privateer detained who had on board 180 men they and their captaine brave true hearty men, but when it came to the push the mountaine produced a mole, there was nothing more then who gives most as if Parke's blood was to be sold by auction, so that from Clem the Butcher's cow vallue £12 to others of £1600 as it is said in the whole it cannot amount to less then £20,000 in Bills of Exchange money sugar cotton timber and bonds etc. never was bribery so barefaced. Indeed to amuze the world three or four of the fagg end were taken up and committed for five or six weekes but are since out on bayle for which they are no doubt well squeezed. Wee know his Instructions and the mercye the Queen had allowed the murtherers, and if according to those Instructions he had taken up the principalls to such a number and them to have sent home since they could not be tryed here, wee had clapt our hands on our mouths, but to turn the deepest tragedy that has been known into a comedy is what touches us to the quick, indeed, they have nothing to boast of being so well squeezed that 'tis beleived some of them will never retreive themselves. Wee are desireous that this affaire should be well represented att home for as you observed in your letters you expected 'twould be shamm'd off, hee is now the odium of both partyes, etc. Signed, Jos. French, Isaac Royall. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Perry) June 6th, 1712. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 118; and 153, 11. pp. 470–472.]
March 13.
New York.
351. Francis Harison to [? the Earl of Dartmouth]. Refers to his recommendation of him to Governor Hunter and begs for some promotion. Signed, Fra. Harison. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1085. No. 10.]
March 15.
352. Lt. Governor Bennett to [? the Earl of Dartmouth]. Refers to last letter of Oct. 16. Recommends Ensign Walter Mitchel to be Lieutenant, in the place of Lt. John Davis, of H.M. Independent Company of Foot, and George Tucker ensign. Signed, Ben Bennett. Holograph. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 38. No. 11.]
March 15.
St. James's.
353. H.M. Warrant appointing Edward Warner to the Council of Antegoa. Countersigned, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. Read, April 2, 1712. Addressed. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 108; and 153, 11. p. 452; and 324, 32. p. 133.]
March 15.
354. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High Treasurer. Report upon Lord Orkney's memorial (v. Jan. 21). Upon the Assembly's having appropriated a fund for £5195 for ye building of such a house, which was thought would have been sufficient, the Governors were restrained from receiving the £150 per annum usually allow'd for house-rent. But in consideration that the said house is not yet habitable, and that the Governors and Col. Spotswood (as we are informed) have had leave to receive the said house rent for two years, and that the said rent has always been paid out of the duty of 2s. per hhd. on tobacco exported, which is appropriated to the use of the Governmt. there, we have no objection why Col. Spotswood may not be allowed to receive the said house rent for 2 years longer, if it shall not be made habitable before that time. [C.O. 5, 1363. pp. 396, 397; and 5, 1335. No. 169.]
March 21.
355. John Wickham to [? Mr. Perry]. Since our happyness depends in some measure on your makeing proper application, I can't but lett you know the state of our affaires etc. Our Generall arrived here July 7th. In regard of H.M. Commission and the so long wisht for releife of a gent. we thought sent from Heaven to us, he was received with all the solemnity our Island could afford and treated by all the Loyalists with wonderfull respect, etc. After some stay H.E. embarqued for the other Islands, severall of our freinds shewed their zeale and true loyalty by waiteing on H.E. thither. During his stay at the Leward Islands, he writ severally to all or most of our freinds and particularly to our Lt. Governor Yeamans, allwayes signifyeing to us his sincere intention to doe the Queene justice etc., which incouragements and the dislike of that barbarous action engaged us to raize £500 sterl. and gave the Generall our bills upon his promise to send to his brother Sr. John St. Leidger (in conjunction with you) to represent our case to H.M. with all the aggravateing circumstances that that barbarous murther was long designed before it was putt in execution, his late H.E. being shott att and once wounded with the addition of all manner of opprobrious language, etc. During the Generall's absence our Assembly still carryed on their heat and shewed their dislike of the present Government as well as the former by absolutely refusing to quarter H.M. soldyers notwithstanding they were often addressed to it by the Governour in Council, which the Governour signifyed to H.E. and in answer H.E. writ both to the Governour and Major Buer to gett subscriptions for the releife of those poor men and further that he would look upon those persons that refused it to be as one of the rebells and should be treated accordingly, which menaceing language wee none of us wanted being hearty wishers to princely Government, therefore wee freely subscribed for fourscore barrells of beefe and as much flower for the releife of the soldyers and severall gents. that had neither (it being at that time very scarce) subscribed for a yoke of oxen and all sorts of Indian provision. Notwithstanding all this the Generall (as it was generally thought and not without very good reason) did receive bonds for £5000 from Mr. Thomas Trant, who was sent by the rebells to Nevis to negotiate that affaire with H.E. After H.E.'s returne to this Island, he still promised to make us all easye and do the Queene justice, which wee had very little reason to beleive, his proceedings being generally disliked, beginning first with some little alteration in the Militia and suspended Mr. Lightfoot out of the Councill which I beleive he had sufficient reason to doe, soon after he issued out writts for the apprehending of some of the rebells, beginning (except Capt. Paynter) with some of the least in the Government extorting from them either money or bonds from very great summes even to £20, collecting by those measures (as is generally reported) from £30 to £50,000 in negroes, bills of exchange, plate, ready money and sugar, an estate fitter for a nobleman then a breviate major who sells the Queen's mercye by auction, which proceeding you may judge if it's not a mortification (beyond surviveing) to us poor Loyalists, nay, and farther upon H.M. birthday issued out a general pardon only excludeing Thomas Kerby that fled to Barbadoes and Capt. Paynter, Capt. Kerr, William Hamilton, and John King, which four were under confinement and admitted to bayle, tho' our Law sayes those that are guilty of high treason are not bailable and was the opinion of all the loyall part of the Councill. On H.M. birthday H.E. made a small treat but none of the loyalists anticipated of his dinner save one or two of the Queen's officers, but towards night some of them went to drink H.M. health and mett with some of the gent. rebells there who imediately insulted them, particularly Mr. Phillips (who is a very scoundrell) abuseing and askeing Major Royall (even before H.E.) where's the result of all your scandalous depositions since the Generall has given us a pardon, and Capt. Lyle (Commander of H.M.S. Dyamond) who joyned with the faction imediately after his arrivall to this station, drew his sword and shakeing it over Mr. French calling him severall times rascall and villaine and tho' he made his application to the Generall, he tooke no notice of it, only excused it by his being in drink, and notwithstanding the Generall saw the consequences of his generall pardon, yett he (the next day) issued out a proclamation, declareing that whoever should call any of those gents. either rebells or murtherers, or should inveigh or use any language tending that way, the offender should suffer thirty dayes imprisonment and £20 fine to be imediately levyed on his goods and chattles, and if none his body to be kept in close custody till found or paid, which none but such truly loyall subjects and hearty well wishers to H.M. as wee are could beare. If the tenure of our Government is such that wee must be bought and sold as the Generall for the time being shall think fitt, itt being generally granted to some nobleman and he farms it out to the Lord knows who, I can't see but there will be a great deale of male administration, to prevent which (if H.M. wont take some care of us) will remove to some more auspicious part of H.M. Government. By the Statutes of England, if a man kill another in what wee call a fair duell, yett he shall stand ye judgment of his peers, and its ods if doth not suffer death, much more do I wonder that H.M. Generall should (after a rebellious manner) be invaded in his own house, and there with H.M. soldyers barbarously murthered, yett receive the benefitt of a pardon before conviction, etc. Quotes Coke. We have not only laboured under the difficultyes of anarchiall power (the scum of the people getting into the Assembly) but under the miserys of a severe drowth, the just judgments of an angry God, whereby a great many people were reduced to sad extremityes, and our trade being quite ruin'd, which no doubt is oweing to the late Rebellion, and the villanye of the Surveyor Generall of H.M. Customes, Mr. Edward Perrye, who takes all designing measures to entrapp the unthinking master of the merchants shipp, bring him under a seizure, which proceedings has almost scared away all trade from this Island. I am heartily sorry that wee the Loyalists should have any occasion to complaine of the administration of H.M. Generall when we have hitherto supported (to our power) H.M. authority in this Collonye, but it's naturall for the aggrieved to complaine. Wee neither desire riches nor honour of H.M., but on the contrary only justice and destinction in him of which wee daily meet with insults and affronts, and if wee apply ourselves to H.E. wee can have no redress but huggs the rebells and makes them his bosome freinds, giveing credence to all rascally storyes and base insinuations and never will produce his authority, whereby wee are entirely robbed of all measures for our justification, and threatens us with irons or to fight us, which if he did not know wee dare not doe he would not be so forward, he's a man of so little honour that he forfeits his word daily with us. After his arrivall he encouraged us to prosecute those gents., but wee have since found that it was only to informe himselfe, who were the principles that he might make his advantage, which he did so much to our disadvantage that he even discovered the most secrett of our councills and advice to them, leaveing us a marke to their envy and villanye. There's one of his noblest actions I had like to have forgott, that is, after all his fair promises of freindshipp to our Lt. Governor Yeamans, he while he was att Leward promised to suspend him and give his comission to Govr. Pearne of Mountserratt, but not dareing to doe so barefaced an injustice, he used all his endeavours to collect what depositions he could against him, but before he could obtaine them, Col. Pearne sent him word he was a man of no honour. Some of the rebells who were of the Cabinett Councill in this affaire (it's thought it's Col. Watkins, who murthered a man under a table before he was concerned in the late murther) asking some of their party if they could not sweare something against the Govr. and receiveing but a faint answer, asked them farther if they could not blaspheeme, for that perjury was but blasphemy which God would easily forgive. If any such villanous depositions should come home, I doubt not but the Court of England will take particular notice of them, tho' in the meane time I beleive the Governour will be suspended, which if he is there can be no greater misfortune befall this unhappy Island, he being knowne to be a gent, of integrity, justice, clemencye and knowledge in the Laws, our very foundation being entirely oweing to him etc. The Genll. to frighten the people into a complyance gave out that he would encamp up and downe the country and burne and destroy all their houses, canes etc. which had its desired effect, so that they freely gave him their money, bonds, plate etc., as I have already mentioned, and Mr. Edward Chester junr., he made him pay £300 sterl. for selling that quantity of cuttlasses to the rebells in order to arme their negroes, which he said was levying warr against the Queen, and among all the rest of his presents, he condescended to take a cow from Clem the Butcher, who was the villaine that broke our late Generall's back after he was wounded, etc. Signed, John Wickham. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Perry) June 6, 1712. 2 closely written pp. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 119; and 153, 11. pp. 473–483.]
March 21. 356. Mr. Secretary St. John to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following, in order that a copy of the letter therein mentioned may be laid before the House. Signed, H. St. John. Endorsed, Recd. 21st, Read 24th March, 17 11/12. 1 p. Enclosed,
356. i. Order of the House of Commons that an Address be presented to H.M. that she will direct an account to be laid before this House of the effective men in the regiment of Col. Francis Alexander, late Col. Jones's, in the Leeward Islands, for the two last years, and that a copy of a letter from the Governor of the Leeward Islands to the Council of Trade and Plantations relating to the same be also laid before the House. Signed, Paul Jodrell. Cl. Dom. Com. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 107, 107 i.; and 153, 11. pp. 450, 451.]
March 22.
357. Mr. Secretary St. John to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following. Signed, H. St. John. Endorsed, Recd. Read 24th March, 1712. 1 p. Enclosed,
357. i. Address of the House of Commons to the Queen, with H.M. order that the Address from Jamaica in June last relating to the trade to Africa may be laid before the House. Signed, Paul Jodrell. C. Dom. Com. 1 p. [C.O. 388, 15. Nos. 49, 49 i.; and 389, 22. pp. 478, 479.]
March 25. 358. Petty Expenses of the Board of Trade Dec. 25, 1711—March 25, 1712. Total £29 12s. 7d. Stationer's account, £18 19s. 4d. Postage, £3 16s. 7d. 4 pp. [C.O. 388, 76. Nos. 129–131; and 389, 37. pp. 38, 39.]
March 25. 359. Col. Nicholson's Memoranda for the Earl of Dartmouth. (i.) That H.M. send an order to Governor Hunter to summon as many of the principal Indians of the Five Nations, and present Mr. Andrews the Missionary to them, acquainting them that he is sent by H.M. according to their request. (ii.) That the belt of wampoon they sent by me, H.M. graciously accepted. (iii.) That care will be taken by the Society [for propagating the Gospel] to send another missionary the next year, to officiate in the other chapel which shall be built in ye Onodawgus' country. (iv.) That Govr. Hunter make a present in such manner as he shall think fit to ye Indians, who upon this occasion shall come to him, out of those presents sent the last year, (v.), and order one of the best interpreters to go and be with Mr. Andrews. That he appoint such officers and number of soldiers as he shall think proper for the guard of the Fort. (vi.) That H.M. give communion plate, linnen, surplice, furniture for the pulpits and reading desks in the two chapels etc. His Grace of Canterbury told me he would lay out 20 guineas for those uses. (vii.) That H.M. give her Royal Arms, such as are usually put up in churches, painted on canvas to be set up in the Chapels, and six more to be set up in the chief castles of the Six Nations, as likewise a quantity of H.M. effigies, and of her Royal Arms, in print to be distributed among the Indians. (viii.) That H.M. signify to the Indians, the continuance of her royal favour and protection, and of her being very well satisfied with their zeal and forwardness the last summer. (ix.) There is in the hands of Mr. Micajah Perry, mercht. in London, £130 towards the charge of building the Fort, chapels, etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 9. No. 106.]
[March 27.] 360. Col. Richard Scott to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Formerly a member of the Council of Barbados where his estate is very considerable, petitioner came to England for his health in 1703, having H.M. licence therefor, which expired some years since. Being now bound thither, prays for a mandamus that he be restored to his place and precedency in the Council upon the first vacancy. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 27, 1712. ½ p. [C.O. 28, 13. No. 85; and 29, 12. pp. 410, 411.]
March 27.
361. The Earl of Dartmouth to Governor Hunter. The Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign parts, having come to several resolutions in order to answer the great design of their establishment, as you will see by the enclosed minutes which have been laid before the Queen by my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, H.M. highly approves of what is therein proposed, and as she has already given directions for providing the plate and other things desired of Her, she is willing to do everything else on Her part that may contribute to so good an end, you will therefore summon as many of the principal Indians of the five Nations as you shall think proper, and acquaint them, that H.M. has, in complyance with their request sent Mr. Andrews as a missionary to instruct them in the principles of the Christian religion, that he will be followed very soon by another person of the same character, and that H.M. will, on all occasions, give those people continual marks of Her royal favour and protection. The Indians having sent H.M. a belt of wampoon, you are to lett them know that she has kindly accepted it, and at the same time you will make a present to such of them as shall come to you, out of those things which were sent you last year, and assure them of H.M. satisfaction in the zeal they shewed for Her service in the last summer's expedition. When the Fort is built, you will send such a number of soldiers thither as you shall think necessary for its security, and appoint a good interpreter to attend the Missionary. As the quiet and repose of H.M. subjects under your Government seem in a great measure to depend upon a good understanding with those Indians, I do not doubt but you will take the best care you can to cultivate a friendship with them. Signed, Dartmouth. Annexed,
361. i. Duplicate of No. 359.
361. ii. Duplicate of C.S.P. 1710. No. 210. [C.O. 324, 32. pp. 136–141.]
March 28.
362. The Earl of Dartmouth to Governor Douglas. I have received the favour of yours of Nov. 28th, and am glad to find you have so far quieted the minds of the people, and taken such prudent measures by the regulations you have made, as not to be under any apprehensions that the publick peace may be disturbed. Whenever you think it for the advantage of the service that any alterations should be made in the Councill, or promotion among the officers, H.M. thinks fit that you should send hither their names, and the reason upon which your opinion is grounded: H.M. will then order her pleasure to be signifyed concerning them, being determined for the future, not to confirm any changes that are made, without her previous approbation. The other particulars of your letter are under consideration, etc. Signed, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. Read Nov. 21, 1712. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 139; and 153, 12. pp. 44, 45; and 324, 32. p. 141.]