America and West Indies: July 1711, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'America and West Indies: July 1711, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: July 1711, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: July 1711, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

July 1711, 21-25

July 21.
37. Governor Lowther to Lord Dartmouth. Since my letter of 16th instant, a sloop arrived here from Curacoa which brought letters of the 22nd and 26th of June last N.S. that Monsieur du Cass was at St. Lewis in St. Domingo with ten sail of men of warr, the least of which carry'd sixty gunes; and that it was supposed he design'd to go very speedily to Carthagene to convoy home several galleons which lay in that harbour ready for sailing. I cannot pretend to say how much this account may be depended upon, but several intelligent and sober people here give great credit to it. Signed, Rob. Lowther. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O. 28, 43. No. 63.]
July 21. 38. Mr. Attorney General to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Your Lordships having sent to me the draught of your Representation on the Lord Baltimore's petition, requiring my opinion thereon, I humbly lay before you a copy of the report I intend to make on the said petition to H.M., which has also been referred to mee, unless better informed by your Lordships, on which I shall be ready to attend on, or receive your Lordships commands, as you shall please to direct. Signed, Edward Northey. Endorsed, Recd. 21st, Read 24th July, 1711. 1 p. Enclosed,
38. i. Mr. Attorney General to the Queen. Report upon the petition of Charles Lord Baltimore that his right of appointing a Governor for Maryland may be restored to him. Recapitulates events of 1689–1691 relating to the taking of the Government into the King's hands, and the appointment of Col. Copley during the King's pleasure (v. C.S.P.). Col. Copley's commission under the Great Seal June 27, 1691, was granted without the consent of Lord Baltimore, who refused to agree to it. It recited that by reason of great neglects and miscarriages in the Government of that Province, the same was fallen into disorder and confusion, by means whereof, not only the publick peace and administration of justice (whereby the property of the subjects should be preserved) was broken and violated, but also there was an utter want of provision for the guard and defence of that country against the enemy, whereby the same was exposed and like to be lost from the Crown of England, and that the Province and subjects there could not be defended and secured by any other way than by taking that Governmt. into the King's hands and under his immediate care. Severall orders were made in Councill for the provision for the Governor, who was ordered to have half of the 2s. per hhd. laid on all tobaccos exported, the Act laying that duty there having appropriated half that duty for the support of the Government. But I do not find that any judgement in any of H.M. Courts was ever given against Lord Baltimore for determining any of the priviledges granted to his ancestors by the Charter of King Charles I. And I doe most humbly submit it to your Majesty's consideration, it being lawfull, on the necessity before stated, for the late King's preserving that Plantation, to appoint a Governour, whether the warr continuing that necessity doth not yet remain, and thereby make it lawfull for your Majesty to continue to appoint a Governor, or at least till your Majesty be fully satisfyed that that Colony will be sufficiently secured against the enemy by the Proprietor, which will be less prejudice to him now than it was, when that Government was seiz'd by King William, for that since that time, by an Act of Parliament made in the seventh year of his reign, all Governours to be nominated and appointed by Proprietors of Plantations are to be allowed and approv'd of by your Majesty by Order in Councill. 6 pp. [C.O. 5, 717. Nos. 42, 42 i.; and 5, 727. pp. 281–290.]
[? July 21.]
39. Governor Lowther to Lord Dartmouth. Encloses triplicate of June 24 etc. When I writt on the 24th of the last month everybody believed that the preparations which the French were making for an invasion at Martinique were intended against Antegoa: this conjecture happened to be very right, but they were disappointed in their design by the two following accidents, (viz.) H.M.S. the Newcastle being a cruising on the 3rd of the last month met with a French man of war and some sloopes (which we now understand were bound to Guardaloup) and after a long ingagement the French shipes were so disabled that they could not proceed but were forced to return and refit; the next day H.M.S. the Guernsey and Sweepstakes met with another French man of war and chased her into Martinique, upon these accidents the French laid aside their project against Antegoa, and formed a design against Mountseratt with their sloops only, which they put in execution; for on the 14th of the last month about four in the morning they landed 1200 men at a place called Kerr's bay nigh the North west point of the Island and march'd a considerable way into the country, and then the inhabitants meeting them at a convenient pass gave them such a warm reception that they thought fit to retire with the loss of about 50 prisoners and as many killed, and imbarked about 8 a clock at night, so that they did not stay above 16 hours upon the Island; but the reason why they retired in so great precipitation, was from the intelligence they received that the Newcastle had been there but four hours before they arrived, and that a sloop was dispatch'd to informe the Newcastle of their invasion. We have had no intelligence of the enemy since they left Mountseratt, and none of their privateers have appeared about our coastes as usuall. I have advice from Lt. General Hamilton of the 4th instant, that he sent a truce for exchange of prisoners about five weeks ago to Martinique which they still detain, he also says an other flag of truce which was sent from Nevis about 27 days ago is likewise detained, so that we have too much reason to fear that they are preparing for a second attempt upon some of these Islands. I am extreamly sorry to informe your Lordship that all the publick affairs of this Island are in great disorder, but I hope I shall be excused from entring into the particulars at this time, having already given your Lordship so much trouble, etc. Signed, Rob. Lowther. Endorsed, Col. Lowther 21 July, 1711. Holograph. 2½ pp. [C.O. 28, 43. No. 64.]
July 22. 40. Address of the Governor Council and Assembly of New Hampshire to the Queen. Wee crave leave humbly to prostrate ourselves at your Majesty's Royal feet with all humble and dutifull acknowledgments of the highest gratitude for the expressions of your Majesties most compassionate tender regard to the prosperity of your good subjects in these your Majesties Northern Plantations in America, throughout the course of your Majesties glorious reign, perticulerly for the signal instance of your Majesties Royal favour in the gratious acceptance of our late humble addresses for obtaining an expedition to be made for the reduction of Canada and freeing us from those grievous oppressions, which wee have long laboured under by the French of that country and the salvages in their interests in soe near neighbourhood to us; And that your Majestie has been pleased to command the service of such numbers of your skilfull experienced officers, and choice troops, with soe considerable a squadron of your Majesties ships of war in this important affair. And to committ the conduct thereof to H.E. Brigadier Hill and Sir Hovenden Walker, etc. The preparations for the part of this frontier Government in obedience to your Majesties commands for the Expedition by the hand of the Honourable Colonell Nicholson are carried with such application in raising the troops of this Province and transports to joyne your Majesties squadron are this day perfected, And wee render our most humble thanks to your Sacred Majestie for the cloaths, arms, and accoutrements for war of your Royal Bounty directed for the benefitt of your Majesties troops levyed within these your Majesties Governments. May Almighty God on whom your Majesty's dependance is placed be gratiously pleased to smile upon this noble important undertakeing, and grant success thereto, in subdueing of Canada to your Majesties obedience. It will be a glorious acquisition to your Imperial Crown of Great Brittaine, and of unspeakable benefit and advantage to the whole Brittish Empire. May God be also gratiously pleased, to preserve your Majesties sacred person, long continue your life and reign and prosper your Majesties just arms everywhere, for the abasing of the pride of the Great Oppressor of Europe. That your Majesty may be instrumental under God to bring forward a speedy happy and lasting peace is and shall be the daily fervent prayer of Your Majesties loyal dutifull and thankfull tho' distressed subjects. Signed, J. Dudley, Cha. Story, Secretary, By Order of the Council, and Richard Gerrish, Speaker, By Order of the House of Representatives. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 10. No. 5.]
July 23.
41. Mr. Bridger to [? Mr. Popple]. Since my last of May 21st by the pacquet I understand that the Palatines, when they should have gone to worke in the spring, mutined and Col. Hunter obliged to send for officers and 60 men from Albany to quel them, and I am informed they will not worke and that most of them are goeing on the Expedition against Quebeck, soe that the designe of naval stores by them ends at once, and am told that the victualing of the Palatines and not the raising of naval stores induced a Genll. to undertake an affaire he was wholy ignorant of. Sr., I have this great submition to lay before theire Lordps., that if they shall recomend me to H.M. for Lt. Governor of New Hampshire and Capt. of Fort Ann allowing me 60 men, a Lieut. and Insigne, and to have the whole managment of them (keeping this commision) humbly propose to take 40 men to work at 12d. per diem besides theire wages as soldiers, and so relieve them as the service will admitt, the rest to keepe garrison, the woods that are to be worked in is but 16 miles from the fort, 13 miles of it is by water, it is the best place I know of in this country for this worke etc. I would engage to make 1500 if not 2000 barrells of tar. I presume it would answer and set other people to work on the same affaire, and likewise give me power to prevent the utter ruine of H.M. woods. I am thretened to be shot, if they ketch me in the woods. P.S: By some omission in my commission the word lands was left out, which should have been added to the Surveyor General of all H.M. woods and lands, or lands and woods, wch. is most proper, for now they dispute as much for the land as ever they did for the woods and more, besides I humbly offer it on the acct. of lands in generall belonging to H.M. at Annopolis, and if it please God to bless H.M. armes with success at Quebeck, and now at New Yorke, New Hampshire etc. Signed, J. Bridger. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 20th Sept., 1711. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 865. No. 68; and 5, 913. pp. 348–350.]
July 25.
42. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges letters of Oct. 26th, Nov. 9th. In obedience to your Lordps.' commands, I here send a transcript of the several proceedings in Council relating to the selling the quitt-rents; by these your Lordps. will be inform'd upon what grounds the method of sale by inch of candle prescrib'd in H.M. Instructions came to be altered: I have also subjoin'd a copy of a letter from Col. Byrd H.M. Receiver General containing some additional reasons why a publick sale is less beneficial, than the method now in use; and since the former practice was altered upon the experience of its inconveniency, I must joine in opinion for continuing the present unless a greater inconveniency appears therein. I have examined the several tables of fees sent me by the respective officers in this Colony, and find them all agreeable to the particular laws by which they were establish'd: and I'm the more confirm'd in the opinion that they are within the bounds of moderation, because I have not heard that there has ever been any complaint of their exorbitancy. I have used my utmost endeavours to detect the persons accused of illegal trading to Curassoa and St. Thomas; but have not been able to discover any thing whereon to ground a prosecution; the books of the Custom-house officers give no light into the matter, and neither the masters nor mariners employed in those vessells being inhabitants of this countrey, nor to be found here, I'm also disappointed of the discoverys which might have been expected from them. Mr. Conner, the owner of one of those vessells, has been with me with great professions of his innocence, he says his vessell neither carryed tobacco to Curassoa nor brought any European commoditys from thence; and that for avoiding all future suspitions, he is resolved never to trade again to that Island. It is very probable that tobacco may be taken on board by the masters without the knowledge of the owners, and after their clearing with the Custom-house officer, which cannot be prevented any other way than by having a watchful eye on the vessells while they are lading and searching them after they are clear'd. I have with the advice of the Council proposed to the Commissioners of the Customs, as the best means to prevent such frauds, the establishing two searchers for this Bay, furnished with shallops or good boats and hands, wch. may be continually runing in to the little rivers and creeks, where such small vessells load, and cruising in the Bay for examining them after they are clear'd; and that this may be done without any additional charge to H.M., I have also proposed the reducing of the three Collectors now established for York and James Rivers, to one for both, and he to live at Williamsburgh, which is the center between both rivers and equally convenient for either, and that the sallarys of the other two Collectors be applyed towards the support of those searchers, which in my opinion will prove more usefull officers for preventing illegal trade. I could heartily wish what your Lordps. seem to expect in relation to the building a Fort at Point Comfort could suit with the disposition and ability of this Countrey; but when I propos'd to your Lordps. the building that Fort, I knew very well it would be in vain to expect the least assistance from the Assembly unless they were first assured they should not be charged with the maintenance of a garrison, which is an annual expence they will never be prevail'd with to lay on the country, however necessary it may be for its security: but if that point were once over, I should not doubt engaging them to contribute to the building the Fort, the charge whereof, I'm still of opinion, will be but inconsiderable in comparison of that of a regular fortification, it being design'd rather as something resembling a Land-guard-fort, than a Bergenop-Zoom. As to the project of the iron mines, concerning which I received the signification of your Lordps.' pleasure, (v. Jan. 29) I have in my former given your Lordps. an account how that design was laid aside by the Assembly, and offerred my thoughts how it may be made more beneficial for H.M. service and the trade of Great Britain, upon which I hope to receive your Lordps.' commands. Encloses Journal of Council, on which I shal only trouble your Lordps. with these few remarks, that having by a Proclamation issued last December given liberty to all persons to take up land on the conditions in H.M. Instructions, it happened through the interfering of entrys that divers persons made pretensions to ye same peice of land, for determining of which it was thought necessary to establish the several rules, mentioned in the Council Journal, which I hope will not be unacceptable to your Lordps., since they have given such satisfaction to the people, and that all contraversys upon these entrys are thereby entirely accomodated. That the directions I gave for restraining the unlimited granting of rights before the person desiring them had made appear to me his ability to cultivate the land claim'd thereby, is readily comply'd with, will appear by the several applications on the Journal. And that I have with equal satisfaction and less charge to the people taken the granting of lapsed and escheated land out of the hands of the General Court (where it had been a long time improperly placed) and brought all applications of that nature to the Governor in Council as a more proper channell to dispense the favours of the Crown. Notwithstanding the objections made against the terms of granting land mentioned in H.M. Instructions, and the positive opinion of some that none would be taken up on those conditions; there have been considerable quantitys entered for since the publication of those Instructions, and patents signed on the same terms last April, for much larger quantitys heretofore surveyed. I hope this will be an argument against further clamours on that head, and hinder any applications from the Assembly for altering the Instruction, especially if H.M. shal be pleased to allow patents to issue for all lands entered and surveyed before the death of Col. Nott, according to what I proposed to your Lordps. Dec. 18. Having lately discovered here a notorious peice of forgery in razing and altering the date of H.M. letter mandatory granted to the Robinson frigat of London, and making it serve a voyage for which it was never intended, I took the opportunity by the New York pacquet to impart that matter with the particular circumstances of it in a letter to my Lord Dartmouth etc.; and having found very great reason to suspect that Mr. Corbin the Naval Officer of Rappahanock, who is also part owner of the ship, is privy to the forgery, the Council being of the same opinion, I have removed him from his office, and shal wait H.M. commands for proceeding further against him, if upon examination of the other owners at London, they shal clear themselves, and throw the crime on him. Your Lordps. will perceive by the accompts herewith sent how much H.M. revenues both of the Quitt-rents and 2s. per hhd. are sunk of late: this is occasioned by the declining price of tobacco for several years successively, which has discouraged people from offerring any considerable rate for the former, or shipping off their own tobacco for advancing the latter, many chosing rather to keep their tobacco in the country under the danger of spoiling, than venture to ship it and run the hazard of its bringing them in debt. The accompt of the quitt-rents has this last year received an addition of above 10,000 acres of concealed land, for there has been no new land granted in that time, and I hope to see that revenue much more considerably advanced by means of the Act passed last session of Assembly. I know not whether your Lordps. have yet had leasure to reflect on the advantages H.M. revenue will receive by that clause of it, making three years non-payment of quitt-rent a forfeiture of the land; but the people begin to perceive that will prove so effectual a remedy against all the evasions wherewith they have hitherto been able to conceal their land, that some have proposed to me to move H.M. to accept of a reasonable fine or composition for altering their tenures, and giving them new patents for their land upon the terms of paying a small acknowledgment in lieu of the present annual quitt-rent: but this being an overture on which I have not yet had time to forme a judgement, I shall neither encourage nor discountenance it, untill I receive your Lordps.' directions. Col. Hunter, Governour of New York, having signifyed to me that he had received H.M. commands to buy up a great quantity of provision for the subsistance of the forces sent to Canada, and that it was feared the service might be prejudiced unless a supply of pork were sent from hence, provisions being scarce in that and the neighbouring Provinces; I have used such dilligence that there are now upwards of 700 barrells of pork ready to ship off from this country, and I believe I have not left in it one barrell of sound pork besides. Tho' this great demand happened at a time when I had no Assembly to sett a rate on this commodity, I have taken such measures that there is very little of it bought at a higher price than I myself gave last Christmas when provisions were at the cheapest. The price of the pork was to be paid out of the quitt-rents, so far as that would go, but your Lordps. will observe by the quitt-rent accompt, how little it will discharge. So that I have been obliged to engage my own credit for the remainder, the people being unwilling to take Col. Hunter's bills, wch. they do not know how to negotiate at the Treasury. Capt. Smith, of H.M.S. Enterprize attending this Governmt. has had the good fortune to take at the Capes a French privateer of 88 men belonging to Petit Guaves. The prisoners have been subsisted here ever since June 7th, and I have chosen rather to send them to England by H.M. fleet, where they may be exchanged for the like number of H.M. subjects, than to transport them with a Flagg of Truce to their own Island, being resolved on my own part to avoid all suspition of an unlawful correspondence with H.M. enemys, as well as to endeavor by all means to prevent it in others. I should not have added to your Lordps. trouble if the unhappy commotions in our neighbouring Province of North Carolina did not oblige me to represent the same as a matter that may very sensibly affect the peace of this Colony without the application of proper remedys. One Col. Thomas Cary being some years agoe appointed Deputy Governor of North Carolina under Sir Nathaniel Johnson, was afterwards removed by an order of the Lords Proprietors, and a President chosen to take on him the administration: but it was not long before Mr. Cary being join'd by certain Quakers entrusted by the Proprietors in some part of the administration gathered together a rabble of the looser sort of people, and by force of arms turned out the President and most of the Council, and by his own authority assumed the administration of the Government. In the mean time the Lords Proprietors appointed Col. Tynte Governor of South and North Carolina, and Mr. Edward Hyde to be Deputy Governor of the Northern Province, who was to receive his commission from the former. Mr. Hyde arriv'd here last summer, but before his arrival Col. Tynte dyed, so that he found himself thrown into a country without any power or credentials, except some private letters from some of the Lords Proprietors. However, by these he gave so good satisfaction of his being the intended Governor for that Province, that every one that could pretend to have deputations from the Lords Proprietors, and among the rest Col. Cary, joined in a petition to him to take the administration as President of the Council, untill his commission for Governor should arrive. Accordingly he was sworne, proceeded to settle Courts of Justice, wch. had been interrupted during the course of the former troubles, and called an Assembly. But Mr. Cary and those of his party finding their interest decline, and fearing to be called to account for many unwarrantable actions and oppressions whereof they had been guilty, began to find fault with their own election, protested against the meeting of the Assembly as not called by lawful authority, and endeavoured to stir up the people to throw off their obedience to the establish'd Government. Upon which the Assembly ordered Mr. Cary, and some of the chief of that party, to be taken into custody, and proceeded to pass a law obliging Mr. Cary to account to the Proprietors for their dues, wch. he had refused to pay for the subsistance of the Palatines according to their order, and added some other clauses perhaps too severe to be justify'd, wherein it must be confessed they show'd more their resentment of their ill usage during Mr. Cary's usurpacon (as they call it) than their prudence to reconcile the distractions of the country, but of this your Lops. will better judge by the copys of the laws and address wch. are here inclosed. 'Twas not long before they found their power was too weak to inforce the execution of the laws they had passed. For Mr. Cary having made his escape out of custody, had again recourse to his old friends the Mobb, of which he drew together so great a number, and fortify'd his house with great guns and other warlike stores, that when the Government had taken a resolution to apprehend him, they found it impracticable to attempt it. Mr. Cary did not long content himself to stand on the defensive, but fitting out a brigantine of six guns, furnished him by a leading Quaker of that Province, with some other vessells equipp'd in a warlike manner, he again declared himself President, and went to attack Mr. Hyde and his Council at a place to wch. they had retired for their safety. It was then I received pressing applications from them for assistance from hence to enable them to defend themselves against this Insurrection. Whereupon having advis'd with the Council, it was thought fitt in the first place to offer my mediation for accomodating their differences, believing that Mr. Hyde would be prevail'd on to suspend the severity of the Laws against Mr. Cary untill the Proprietors' pleasure were known; and that this being once obtain'd, Mr. Cary would be contented to sit quiet and suffer the Government to go on in the way to which he himself had agreed. Accordingly I sent a Gentleman very fittly qualify'd for transacting an affair of that nature to offer my mediation to both partys, and writt to them the letter of wch. I here send your Lordps. the copy: and because I was in some doubt whether Mr. Cary would yeild to a peaceable accomodation, I also writt another letter (copy inclosed) to be delivered him in case he rejected the former, intending that if fair means would not prevail on him, he might at least be frighted into a compliance by the expectation of a superior force from hence. Mr. Hyde and his Council readily embraced the offer made them, declaring themselves ready to yeild to any termes that could in justice or reason be expected of them; but Mr. Cary obstinately rejected all offers of accomodation. Tis true at first he made a shew of accepting the mediation, but soon show'd that he had no other intention in it, than to seize Mr. Hyde and his Council by drawing them to an interview, separated from their guards, wch. he treacherously attempted to execute in violation of his own promise and agreement. After his disappointment in this design, he would never agree to any place of conference where Mr. Hyde could rely on the safety of his person: he was with great difficulty perswaded to declare what his demands were, and after a copy of them was obtained, he positively refused to sett his hand to it: and tho' he had notice given him by the gentleman I sent thither that every one of his demands would be agreed to with some necessary explanations, even that would not content him, but warned the mediator to retire for he was resolved to treat no otherwise than with arms. Matters being now come to the last extremity, Mr. Hyde and his Council again pressed for assistance by a joint letter (copy enclosed); and having had the unanimous opinion of H.M. Council here, that there was now no other way left but that of force to put a stop to this dangerous insurrection, and that it was conformable to H.M. Instructions to assist Mr. Hyde and those in the legal administration of that Government, I thereupon ordered the Militia of our frontier countys to draw together, designing to march a detachment of them into Carolina, and at the same time to obtain a reinforcement of marines from H.M. ships of war here, to be sent in their boats to the Sound of Chowan for securing the brigantine and armed vessells with wch. Mr. Cary had been enabled to insult the Government and overawe the people. But the Commodore of our homeward bound fleet judging it the least part of his duty to do any service to this Country, possitively refused to afford me any assistance either of men or boats, tho' upon my first communication of that project to him he seemed to approve it, and that I also represented to him how serviceable his boats might prove in transporting the pork I had ordered to be bought up in Carolina for the Queen's service; and 'tis only owing to that disappointment that I have been obliged to lay aside the thought of getting any pork from thence, which I wish may not be a disadvantage to H.M. service in another place. In the mean time I receiv'd advice that Mr. Cary had attempted to put in execution his chief design of seizing Mr. Hyde and his Council, that he indeavoured to land a party of his men, while at the same time he attacked them, with his cannon from his brigantine; but finding he was like to meet with some resistance, and the courage of his mobb not being so great in action as in imagination, he gave over the attempt and is since retired to a remote part of the country whether it is impracticable to march the militia from hence to attack him, he is there gathering a greater force and threatens to bring down the Tuscaruro Indians to his assistance. I have sent what marines could be spared from our guard ships to the assistance of that Government, in hopes by that means to satisfy the people that they are mistaken in what their Quaker-Polititians have infus'd into them, that this Government had no authority, nor would ever meddle in their quarrels, and if this will not do, I shall still endeavour (notwithstanding the almost insuperable difficulties of marching forces into a country so cut with great rivers and without any conveniency of water carriage) to put an effectual stop to these confusions, which give so great apprehensions to H.M. subjects of this Colony, who reflect that ye fatal rebellion raised here, which cost the Crown a great expence of treasure to quell, sprung from much less dangerous appearances, especially since Mr. Cary has threatned to act another Antegoa tragedy, to which his own desperate circumstances and the wretched crew he has got together seem like enough to prompt him. It is no small concern to me to find in two or three of our frontier counties where the Quakers have got the greatest footing, such a reluctancy to undertake anything against Cary and his party, which I understand is owing to the crafty insinuations of that sort of people, who not only have been the principal fomenters of the distractions in Carolina, but make it their business to instill the like pernicious notions into the minds of H.M. subjects here to justify all the mad actions of that rabble by such arguments as are destructive to all Government, I think it necessary on this occation to represent to your Lordps. how ill this country is provided for its defence either against a forreign enemy or intestine commotions. The powder which H.M. sent hither some years agoe is so much wasted, that there's no dependance upon its doing execution even at half distance. I beg your Lordps. will be pleased to move H.M. for a fresh supply, and that in the mean time the Admiralty may give orders to the Captains of H.M. ships resorting hither, to exchange from time to time some of their fresh powder for some of ours, wch. will be as proper for their use, in their signals, watch guns and salutes. The confusions in Carolina have hindered the meeting of the Commissioners for settling the boundarys, but as soon as the affairs of that country attain any tollerable settlement, I shal press them all I can to come to a conclusion, and hope by the next conveyance, I shal be able to give a good account of that affair.
P.S. Kiquotan, July 28, 1711. Since I came hither to dispatch the Fleet, I have received advice that upon the arrival of the marines I sent to Carolina, the heads of that mutinous rabble there are fled and dispersed, and that there is now great hopes that country will again be restored to peace; the Assembly and Courts of Justice beginning to resume their functions without fear of further disturbance. The Commissioners for settling the boundarys are just now mett, and I hope they will conclude that affair before they seperate; so that I may be able by the next opportunity to lay their proceedings before yr. Lordships. There are now further discoverys made of the ill designs of Mr. Cary and his party, there being some affidavitts sent in hither to prove that Mr. Porter, one of Cary's pretended Council, was with the Tuscaruro Indians, endeavouring by promises of great rewards to engage them to cutt off all the inhabitants of that part of Carolina that adhered to Mr. Hyde. The Indians own the proposal was accepted by their young men: but that their old men, who have the greatest sway in their Councels, being of their own nature suspitious that there was some trick intended them, or else directed by a superior providence, refused to be concerned in that barbarous design. Signed, W. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. 25th Sept., Read Nov. 16th., 1711. 12 pp. Enclosed,
42. i. Lt. Governor Spotswood to Lord Dartmouth. May 5, 1711. v. No. 24 i. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 2¼ pp.
42. ii. Duplicate of No. 24 ii.
42. iii. Copy of Proclamations (i) March 19, 1710 (11), proroguing the Assembly to 7th Nov., and (ii) April 28, 1711, for the due holding of Courts, and for returning quit-rent rolls etc. Signed, A. Spotswood. Same endorsement. 2¼ pp.
42. iv. (a) Copy of Acts passed in North Carolina, 1711. (a) for the better preserving the Queen's peace. (b) for redressing grievances as to titles of land etc.,
(b) Copy of Address of the General Assembly of Carolina to H.E. the Palatin and Lords Proprietors of Carolina. We being met to perfect so far as in us lyes the recovery of this your Lordps.' poor country out of a most wretched confusion, etc., think it at this time sufficient to inform your Lordps. that some restless and giddy heads among the people called Quakers pursuing their wonted practice and indefatigable endeavour to oppose (we may rather say to) extirpate the Church, after they had procured several changes in the Government being perhaps encouraged by their former success, did in 1708 joyn with Col. Cary, Mr. Porter and Mr. Moseley etc. and some persons of desperate fortune at Pamplico raised an insurrection against the Government then duly established by a Commission from your Lordps. and to which they themselves had subscribed: and having by force and other sinister means got the records and offices into their hands, they set up an arbitrary Government which by discords amongst themselves soon fell piecemeal to the ground; till that nothing remained but confusion, disorder and oppression. These matters may it please yr. Lordps. are notorious, and need no proof, the disorders being encreased to that degree, that the continual clamour amongst ourselves, and the reproach we lay under in the neighbouring Collonies, as also the grievous complaints made on behalf of the poor Palatins, put all who had any sense of duty either to God or man under a necessity of seeking some remedy for these detestable evils, which we saw were very likely to continue another year. The good method which your Lordps. had taken being frustrated by the death of Coll. Tynt, and the Hon. Edward Hyde Esq. being arrived here, and it appearing by letters from Col. Tynt, and other testimonys that he was appointed by your Lordps. to be our Governor, we could not but look upon him to be the most propper person to receive us out of this distress. And therefore many endeavours were made to put the Government into his hands, which were opposed and frustrated by Col. Cary: but in a little time Mr. Hyde's great candour and gracefull behaviour so far prevailed wth. the best, and the awefull respect to his family and interest overawed others, that Col. Cary found himself under a necessity of complying or being deserted by all those that yet adhered to him; whereupon Mr. Hyde was unanimously chosen by all who could pretend to have a suffrage in the election, upon which a Council was called to appoint Courts of Judicature and necessary ministers, and to call an Assembly, to which Council Col. Cary and Mr. Porter were both called, but without any reason refused to give their attendance; on the contrary they have used all possible and most malitious and odious endeavours, having caused the records and seal to be detained to obstruct it, and all regullar proceedings, and to overturn the Government and introduce the former confusion and miserys: for which their seditious practices we were under a necessity to bring them to a tryal (the account of which herewith sent). And now the Government to the general satisfaction of all men being thus put into some order, we earnestly pray your Lordps. favourable construction of what has been done, and that your Lordps. would assent to these Acts we have herewith sent. And whereas in the first there is a provision for continuing the Government, we do not therein presume to give rules to your Lordps. but out of a deep sense of the miseries we have allready felt to prevent the like, untill your Lordps. shall according to yr. great wisdoms appoint a better method, being verrily perswaded that your Lordps. have not been informed of the want of such a necessary provision. And whereas in the second Act all proceedings during these two years last past are made void, which howsoever it may seem severe, yet we found it necessary because of the unheard of irregularities and unlawful judgements therein past, as appear by the copys which have been given out of their Courts, which could not be anywise provided for, whilst they conceal all their Journals and Records, that an inspection cannot be made, we thought it better that a few should be compelled to bring their suits over, than many be concluded under unjust judgement, and yet the severity is not so great as their declaring by proclamation all proceedings null and void, that had been done by the space of nine months before they usurped the Government without any exception, tho in those proceedings they could not challenge one article. And having laid before yr. Lordps. this short but true account of our present condition, we in most humble manner beseech yr. Lordps. to take this poor countrey into your consideration without any dependance on the other part of your Lordps.' province, by which the influence of yr. Lordps. good government towards us have been very much clouded. And that you would continue to us this worthy gentleman who has been so happy an instrument of peace and reconciliation amongst us; and that you would remove these three restless incendiaries, Col. Cary, Mr. Porter, and Mr. Moseley, from having any share in the Government, which is all the punishment we pray may be inflicted for many crimes and misdemeanours they are justly chargeable with. We have but one thing more to lay before your Lordps. which is the sale and surveys of your Lordps.' lands, concerning which the complaints are so numerous and grievous, and all the accounts we have yet had from either Mr. Moseley or the Secretary's Office so short and unsatisfactory, that no certain account can be had till a careful review be made; thus much only is certain, that many surveys have been returned for tracts of land, whereon the Surveyor has never sett his foot. We hope this matter will be reduced into some better order by Mr. Lawson, who as he has been a very zealous promoter of the settlement of this countrey, so we doubt not but he will be serviceable to yr. Lordps. in this office; which at this time needs a skillfull and faithfull manager. We pray leave further to supplicate your Lordps. on behalf of several of the new inhabitants who have imported themselves and familys at a great charge into this Government during these troubles, upon the encouragement given of having land by purchase, and there being no setled Government, was under a necessity of setling themselves upon any land they found vacant, or else to have removed themselves into some other countrey to their great dissappointmt. or utter ruine. We hope yr. Lordps. will consider their case and give order that they may have their lands granted on the same terms that other your Lordps. tenants have, who had the fortune to import themselves at a happier juncture. We lastly beg your Lordps. that if any person shall malitiously make any other representacon of the state of the country and our proceedings than we have here done, that your Lordps. would be pleased to suspend your belief till we can make reply assuring your Lordps. that we have had no other end than the doing justice to all men and setling such a peace as we and our posterity may reap the benefit of, etc. Signed, Edward Hyde, W. Glover, Tho. Pollock, Richd. Sanderson, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Wm. Swan, Speaker, Fred. Jones, Wm. Bray, Robt. Wallice, James Coles, Edward Smethwick, John Jordan, Richd. Jasper, John Blunt, Wm. Read, Tho. Vandormulen, Lag. Reading, Leonard Laftin, Edward Boyner, Tho. Relfe, Tho. Long, Richd. Lerry, Tho. Lee, Richd. Stamp, Fran. Delamare, John Muncref. The whole endorsed, Recd. Sept. 25, Read Nov. 16, 1711. Copy. 12 pp.
42. v. Copy of Lt. Gov. Spotswood's letters to Col. Cary and the President and Council of Carolina, June 20, 21, 1711. Referred to in covering letter. Same endorsement. 3½ pp.
42. vi. Copy of letter from the President and Council of Carolina to Lt. Governor Spotswood, June 29, 1711. Referred to in covering letter. Same endorsement. 3 pp.
42. vii. Account of H.M. Revenue of Quitt-rents in Virginia, April 25, 1710—June 1st, 1711. Total, £1814, 19s. 2d. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p.
42. viii. Account of H.M. Revenue of 2s. per hhd., 15d. per ton and 6d. per pol. in Virginia, Oct. 25, 1710—July 20, 1711. Total, £4105 13s. 1½d. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p.
42. ix. Minutes of Council of Virginia, Aug. 23, 1702, Oct. 18, 1705, July 25, 1710, June 16, 1711, relating to the manner of selling quit-rents. Same endorsement. Copy. 2½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1316. Nos. 71, 71 i.–ix.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1363. pp. 346–367; and (duplicate of enclosure No. v.), 5, 9. No. 17.]
July 25.
43. Extract of a letter from Laurence Hollister of Bristol to Benjamin Cater of London. Reports the engagement of the Newcastle with the French etc. ½ p. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 69.]
July 25.
44. Mr. Addington to Mr. Popple. Encloses following. Signed, Isac. Addington. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 20th Sept., 1711. 1 p. Enclosed,
44. i. Proclamation by Governor Dudley for preventing desertion of H.M. forces. Penalties for harbouring and rewards for arresting deserters etc. July 13, 1711. Boston. Printed. 1 p.
44. ii. Duplicate of No. 45 vii.
44. iii. Proclamation by Governor Dudley appointing William and Francis Clarke of Boston, merchants, to accompany officers appointed by General Hill and secure provisions for the Expedition. Mr. Commissary Belcher is to take up all pork and grain brought in by water, for the service of the Expedition. Capt. Samuel Gookin and Samuel Phipps are to attend the camp on Nodles Island and see that there is no extortion or oppression in the sale of victuals there, etc. Boston. July 2, 1711. Printed. 1 p.
44. iv. Order made by the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay, Boston, May 30th, 1711. Any person enticing or harbouring deserters to be liable to £20 fine or 6 months imprisonment, etc. Printed. 1 p.
44. v. Order by Governor Dudley, Boston, July 3rd, 1711. The Select-men of the several towns of the Province are to see that beeves, sheep, fruits, and greens etc. for subsisting H.M. 6000 British troops encamped on Nodles Island, be daily sent to Boston or Winnisimet, where the proper officers will attend to bargain for the same. Printed. 1 p.
44. vi. (a) General Hill to Governor Dudley. Lt. General Nicholson brought me this morning the Act of the General Assembly, passed yesterday, for further enforcing and enlarging the Act passed in May last against inticing, harbouring etc. of deserters. I hope it will fully answer the end for which it was made. I have only to desire you will be pleased to give direction for securing all such souldiers and marines as may be apprehended after I am gone, in consequence of the said Act: and that it be particularly recommended to Mr. Attorney General to prosecute the inhabitants of this Colony offending therein with utmost severity accordingly, etc. July 21st. (b) Admiral Walker to Governor Dudley. Same as preceding, with the substitution of seamen for souldiers. (c) Proclamation by General Hill and Admiral Walker, pardoning deserters since June 25, surrendering at or before July 27 etc. Boston, July 21, 1711.
(d) Order in Council of the Massachusetts Bay. Boston, July 21, 1711. That the above be printed etc. Printed. 1 p.
44. vii. Copy of Act referred to in vi. (a) preceding. Printed. 2 pp.
44. viii. Order by Governor Dudley. Boston, July 20, 1711. The Commanding Officers of the respective regiments are to cause above Act to be published by beat of drum in the several towns, etc. Printed. 1 p.
44. ix. Proclamation by Governor Dudley, Boston, July 16th, 1711, addressed to Col. Ephraim Hunt, Major Robert Spurr, Col. John Phillips, Col. John Hathorne, Col. Benjamin Church. Upon information from General Hill and Admiral Walker as to desertions from the camp and fleet, I hereby direct you to raise the military companies of Hull, Hingham, Weymouth, Brantry, Milton, Dorchester, Roxbury, Dedham, Melfield, Bi[ ]gs's, Cambridge, Charlestown, Maldon, Lynn, Marblehead, Salem, Bristol and Pocassett, to examine all strangers and travellers whatsoever, etc. Col. Nicholson has put into my hands £100 sterl. for the reward of officers and persons recovering deserters, etc. Printed. 1 p.
44. x. (a) Resolution by the House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, June 12, 1711, that H.E. be pleas'd to emit the annexed Proclamation etc. Signed, John Burrill, Speaker.
(b) Proclamation by Governor Dudley. Boston, June 12, 1711. Whereas our Soveraign Lady the Queen, expressing her most compassionate resentment of the great losses, charge and expences of her good subjects in these H.M. Provinces and Colonies in North America, for their necessary protection and defence, from the insults of the French in their neighbourhood, and the Indian salvages in their interest, as well as for the defence of the sea-coast: of her tender regard to the welfare of H.M. subjects aforesaid; has been graciously pleased to declare her royall resolution to make an Expedition, under the protection and blessing of Almighty God, to attempt the removal of H.M. said enemies; the recovery of her country's, and to bring them under her intire subjection; thereby to procure a happy and lasting tranquillity and quiet to H.M. subjects in these northern Plantations. For the effectual carrying on of which great important Expedition, H.M. has been also pleased to order a very considerable squadron of Her ships of war, bomb ships, transports and train of artillery, with accoutrements for war, and land forces, from Her Kingdom of Great Britain; part of which are arrived, and the rest daily expected. And to command the service of some of her troops in their Provinces and Colonies to joyn H.M. British forces in this undertaking. And for their encouragement to yield their dutiful and chearful obedience to H.M. commands in that respect over and above the great advantages which will particularly accrue to them, by the success of this noble enterprize, H.M. of her royal bounty, has been pleased to order armes and ammunition for the furnishing of these her troops, and a coat, breeches, stockings, shoes with buckles, two coloured shirts, coloured neckcloths, and hat, gratis; for every officer and souldier that shall be retained in her service aforesaid. And further to promise upon her royall word, to such person or persons who shall distinguish themselves on this occasion, that, out of the lands and territories which shall be reduced to H.M. obedience, She will, if they desire the same, grant them houses, lands, priviledges and immunities for the support and benefit of themselves and their posterity; and to give ample instructions to the Commander in Chief of her said forces, to indulge her loving subjects in what plunder or booty may be gotten in this expedition, and to apportion the same justly and equally amongst her said subjects, according to the service by them respectively performed, and to settle Garrisons in those countries of H.M. regular troops. To all which, H.M. Government of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay have superadded their further encouragement, of advancing the pay of their officers, souldiers, sailers and transports, and provided for the return of their troops as soon as the Expedition shall be over, etc. To be published at the head of the several regiments of militia. Printed. 1 p. This and the preceding Printed at Boston, by B. Green, Printer to H.E. the Governour and Council. The whole endorsed, Recd. Sept. 18, 1711. [C.O. 5, 865. Nos. 69, 69 i.–x.; and (without enclosures) 5, 913. p. 351.]
July 25.
Boston, New England.
45. Governor Dudley to Mr. Secretary St. John. Col. Nicholson arrived here June 8, and General Hill and the forces June 25th, since which there has been no application wanting in this wild country to persue the affairs so as to save the time, and I hope 3 days will dispatch the fleet and forces in good health and vigour and a middle passage will in 30 days shew them Quebeck where God can make them victorious. Refers to enclosures. We humbly hope the Fast ordered by H.M. Instructions to be holden to-morrow will fil their sayles etc. Signed, J. Dudley. 1 p. Endorsed, Rd. 17 Oct. Enclosed,
45. i. Minutes of proceedings of the Congress of Governors at New London, June 21, 1711, in preparation of the Expedition to Quebec. Copy. 9 pp.
45. ii. Duplicate of No. 44 iv.
45. iii. Duplicate of No. 44 x.
45. iv. Duplicate of No. 44 iii.
45. v. Duplicate of No. 44 v.
45. vi. Duplicate of No. 44 i.
45. vii. Proclamation appointing a General Fast for July 26th and the last Thursday in every month during the Expedition, "that divine conduct may be granted to H.E. the General and the honourable the Admiral, with H.M. forces under their command." Signed, J. Dudley. July 16, 1711. Printed. 1 p.
45. viii. Duplicate of No. 44 vii.
45. ix. Duplicate of No. 44 vi.
45. x. Copy of Minutes of General Assembly, May 1711, resolving upon address of thanks to H.M. for setting forth an Expedition of so great consequence and making provision for 900 men besides commission officers for the Expedition. 6½ pp. [C.O. 5, 898. Nos. 10, 10 i.–x.]
July 25.
46. Col. King to Mr. Secretary St. John(s). Refers to enclosed Journal. You'll there find, what difficultyes we mett with through Nicholson's neglect in not sending his two transports with a man of war to New York to convoy our provisions from thence: through the misfortune that the Coloneys were not inform'd of our comeing two months sooner: and through the interestedness, ill nature and sowerness of these People: whose Governmt., doctrine, and manners; whose hypocrisy and canting are insupportable, and no man living but one of Gen. Hill's good sense, and good nature would have managed them with that patience and dexterity as he has done. But if such a man mett with nothing he could depend on, altho' vested with the Queen's royal power and authority, and supported by a number of troops sufficient to reduce by force all the Coloneys. 'Tis easy to determine the respect and obedience H.M. may reasonably expect from them for the future, and how absolutely necessary it is, and with what great truth one may affirm, that till all their Charters are resum'd by the Crown, or taken away by an Act of Parliament: till they are all settled under one Government with an entire liberty of conscience: and an invitation to all nations to settle here, they will grow every day more stiff and disobedient, more burthensome than advantageous to great Brittain. The inclos'd Plan of Quebeck I form'd from the best advice that could be had here. As to the strength of the works, the accounts differ'd: but all agree that the scituation of the place is very strong, and the avenues leading to it from the River choak'd with woods, rocks and precipices. I have therefore by my General's orders provided here a crane and other engines, which will enable us with the 30 horse we take from hence to surmount any difficulty of that nature we shall meet with, in bringing our canon, mortars, and ammunition to the part which shall be thought proper to attack the Town at. Wherefore neither the strength of the place, or the great trouble the advantagiousness of its scituation must undoubtedly give us, do make me in the least dubious of success, because I know that with pains and resolution we can overcome them. So that if storms, contrary winds, and the difficult navigation of the River don't defeat us, I beleive it's certain nothing else can. The Pilots who were with Sir William Phipps in his Expedition against Canada, and indeed all others we mett, represent the navigation of the River as the greatest difficulty we shall encounter. That from Tadoussac to some leagues above Quebec the water ebbs and flows with that prodigious rapidity it will carry a ship above a league and half an hour: that we must have a sufficient gale of wind to stemm this tide, or it will drive the ships on shoals and rocks, which are in vast numbers all along the River: and that there's every day, especialy in the latter season, such squals of wind, that the stoutest ships are hardly able to resist them. I am now in no very great pain whether Nicholson will gett ready in time to make the diversion he was order'd by Wood Creek, Chambly and Montreal. For an expedient is found, which I hope will answer the end near as well. This expedient is in sending the week we go from hence one Major Levingston with 100 English and 300 Indians from Albany. These 400 men can alarm that country as well as 4000, consequently will prevent the regular troops as well as all the inhabitants above Trois Rivieres from falling down to defend Quebeck, which I take to be the principal design of Nicholson's Expedition. Our General's Declaration, which he sends you by this occasion, would undoubtedly do us great service if the inhabitants of Accadia had been tolerably well treated after the reduction of Annapolis. However I hope it will have some effect, and at least gain us pilots to conduct us up the River: and encourage part of the inhabitants to join us, and bring us in provisions when we are landed, since the General has very prudently resolv'd to give them all manner of encouragement, and perform religiously what he has promiss'd in his Declaration. I can't express the uneasyness we have been all in for our long stay at Boston. But it was unavoidable on our part, unless we had gone without provisions and the men transports and all other necessarys we were to have from hence. 'Tis certain if the Government here had made that dispatch which they ought to have done, and which our General constantly press'd them to: I beleive we might have sail'd from hence a fortnight ago. But all has been done with indolence and indifference with a thousand scruples and delayes. I had almost forgott to mention one grievance we mett with here, which is insupportable especialy on such an occasion as this. 'Tis the encouragement given here by the people to deserters, and the severe Acts of Parliament against land or sea forces makeing any reprizal; I mean to recruit and compleat their respective compliments. This hardship falls very heavy on the Naval Force, as its more frequently here and that the encouragement given by the inhabitants to seamen is vastly great. Indeed the Government here at the General and Admiral's desire have fallen into such measures in appearance as would prevent the people from concealing or enticeing away our men: but notwithstanding we have lost above 250: a great number considering how weak our regiments are, and how ill our men of war are mann'd. But these losses, delayes and lateness of the season I don't think are sufficient reasons to induce me to change the opinion I always had of our succeeding: so that I still firmly beleive nothing but the navigation of the River of St. Laurents or a force from Europe can defeat us, etc. Signed, Rich. King. 7½ pp. Enclosed,
46. i. Col King's Journal, May—July, 1711. May 4. The Fleet for reduceing Canada and Newfound-Land sail'd from Plymouth. The 8th the Admiral sent back four men of war he brought to strengthen his squadron till we gott clear of the Capes being inform'd that M. Ducass was at sea with a strong squadron to fall on the Fleet, etc. May 9th. The Mary transport was miss'd. She had aboard her 80 soldiers of Col. Desney's Regimt. and a great part of its cloathing. As we had no bad weather to separate her from the Fleet, we could not conjecture what was become of her. May 15. The Monmouth man of war having sprung her foremast, the Admiral left the Swiftsure to take care of her till it could be mended: and order'd them both to make the best of their way afterwards to Boston. May 21. The Mary gally, which had on board cloathing, artillery and several stores for the service of the Expedition Lt. General Nicholson was to command, was detach't from the Fleet under convoy of the Kingston man of war for New York to deliver there to Nicholson or his order the aforesaid stores. June 18 we miss'd 13 of the transports: and considering we had almost constantly for ten dayes before great foggs, dirty hazy weather, and often very stiff gales, of wind, it is surprizeing more of them did not lose the Fleet. June 19. The Fleet sail'd by Cape Sables and the Seal Islands. The Admiral left off of these Islands the Mountague man of war to convoy to Boston such of the transports as lost the Fleet and should pass by there. The 24th in the evening the Fleet came into Nantasket harbour. Here it met with the Monmouth, Swiftsure, Dunkirk and all the transports seperated from us during the voyage. The Dunkirk lost the Fleet in giving chase to a French sloop, which she took and brought in here loaden with salt fish. The Humber had like to have been lost coming into the harbour by the neglect or ignorance of the master of the Monmouth, who placeing a bouy on the wrong place of a shoal the Fleet should avoid in coming in: and depending on that, pretended to steer the ship in by it contrary to the advice of the Pilate, so runn'd her head aground. It happen'd luckily that the tide was almost spent, and the water very deep abaft the ship: so that when the tide return'd, they toad her off, not perceiving she receiv'd any damage, etc. June 25. In the morning Deputies from the Governour and Council came to the Fleet to compliment the General and Admiral on their arrival. They acquainted them that Nicholson arriv'd at Boston on the 8th, with two men of war and two transports, which were still in the harbour without any Instructions when to proceed to New York, where the stores aboard them must be deliver'd, that he was gone to New London with the Governour the 15th to a General Congress, etc.; that there were two sloops under convoy of a man of war sent to Annapolis to carry provisions and orders for Col. Vetch to embark immeditely for Boston with all the officers and artillery that were not absolutely necessary for the defence of the place: and that they had letters the 23rd from Col. Vetch, which gave an account that Forbus the Engineer with 2 officers and 60 men fell into an embuscade of the Indians. Forbus with one of the officers and 17 men were kill'd and all the rest taken prisoners. This unfortunate affair was undoubtedly perform'd at the instigation of the French inhabiting Accadia, who have been very severely treated since the reduction of Annapolis. The 26th. Contrary winds prevented the transports from coming to Noddles Island, the place the Governmt. here appointed the troops to encamp on. This day the Admiral appointed a man of war to convoy Nicholson's two transports to New York: but they not expecting to sail suddenly from hence, were careening as well as the men of war that-came with them, and could not be ready to sail before the 29th. This great omission of Nicholson in not sending these ships immediately away to New York was a very great mortification both to our Admiral and General, knowing how absolutely necessary it was they should be there: the arms and cloathing for the troups that were to march by Albany, and the presents to engage the Five Indian Nations in our interest, being aboard them. This day likewise a demand was made of the Government of some stores wanting in the trayn of artillery which were promiss'd to be provided with the utmost expedition. June 27th. The troups landed and encamp'd on Noddles Island, which is a mile distant from this town and opposite to it. This place is proper to encamp 8000 men on, the ground dry, the water good, and the air sweet and refreshing. Yesterday Captain Butler of the Dunkirk was broke by a Council of War held aboard the Admiral for giving chase without orders to the French sloop he took; and loseing company of the Fleet by the said chase. The 28th. Both yesterday and this day the General and Admiral had several conferences with the Governour and Council. They were in order to find out means to prevent the merchants imposeing on us in our exchange. For they had already unanimously agreed not to give us above £120 of this country money for £100 sterl. in London: whereas they ever gave before from 145 to 175. That the Governmt. here should make the utmost dispatch in raising the troups and provideing the other necessarys they were to furnish us, and oblige the country to bring in provisions of all kinds to refresh our men and save our salt provisions. They promiss'd at our arrival we should have in the greatest plenty fresh provisions of all sorts, but hitherto we found nothing less and were oblig'd to our men from aboard the transports. The result of these conferences were, that the Governmt. should lend us 2 or £3000 of this country money to subsist the troups till the Assembly mett, July 5th: and that pressing orders should be given to prepare with the utmost expedition whatever this Province was to furnish, and particularly that fresh provisions should be brought in. The money was accordingly lent: and the orders given as they assur'd us. At the same time the Admiral gave in a memorial of what provisions would be necessary for the subsistance of the troups three months; desiring they would give an account of what they could furnish of it, and how they would propose to supply the rest. This evening the two storeships for Nicholson sail'd under convoy of the Chester man of war for New York. The Admiral gave orders to Capt. Mathews, Commander of this man of war, that when he had convoy'd the two storeships so far that they could proceed to New York in safety, he should sail to Cape Britton and cruise betwixt that place and Placentia till our Fleet should pass by thence. June 29th. The General order'd to be provided with all possible diligence 30 horse with harness, eight waggons or tombrils, and all things necessary for their transportation. The reason he order'd these things was grounded on the certain information he had that there was near 100 pieces of cannon in Quebeck: that in opposition to these it would be necessary to make the greatest fire we could and therefore a vast number of hands must be constantly employ'd to draw the canon, mortars and ammunition for that service; which in all probability we should not be in a condition to spare, if a great number of seamen must always remain aboard to preserve our ships from fireworks we were inform'd the enemy had prepar'd to destroy them. These fireworks are said to be made on great floats of timber, which they design to send down with the tide to the part our fleet shall anchor at, and as the ebb is excessively rapid and that these floats sink near 4 foot in the water, they hope we shall not be able to toa them clear of our ships and consequently that they will either burn them, or oblige us to cutt our cables to avoid them and so be drove ashore by the tide. July 1st. The General receiv'd an express from Col. Hunter, whereby he acquainted him that the provisions he was to provide in his Governmt. for our troups were ready, but that he had no man of war to convoy it hither. Upon which an order was dispatch't to New York for the first man of war that should arrive there to take immediately into his care what transports with provisions Col. Hunter should order to be deliver'd to him, and convoy them hither with the utmost expedition. Col. Hunter's express brought likewise an account that the Kingston man of war detach'd from the Fleet at sea with the Mary transport was not yet arriv'd at New York. This want of convoy for our provisions from New York, is entirely owing to Col. Nicholson's neglect in not sending at his arrival here the two transports with stores immediately away for New York, under convoy of the two men of war which brought them hither. For these were design'd to convoy to us what provisions we were to have from thence. Thus has he not only risqu'd dissapointing the diversion he is to make, but even the whole expedition by detaining us here for want of provisions, till the season is too far advanc'd. July 2nd. It plainly appear'd the Governmt. here did not put in execution any of the promisses they made us. For the bread we contracted for, to subsist our men during our stay here, was not deliver'd. The fresh provisions, which was to be brought in, in great plenty, was not sufficient for the quarter of our troups. And all other things to be provided, were brought us with that sloath and indifference, there could be no fixing any time when they would be finish'd. For these reasons and that the Governmt. and Council had sent no answer to the Admiral's memorial: the General sent the Governour and Council a message to represent to them our condition, and the treatment we mett with: to let them understand how different it was from what H.M. could reasonably expect in return for the vast expence she had put. herself to in commisseration of them. That any one who would read their several memorials to the Queen and her Ministry, wherein they represented in the strongest terms the deplorable condition they were reduc'd to by the frequent incursions of the French and their Indian allies: by their loss of trade, and the great expence they were at in maintaining troops to defend their frontiers; could not imagine they would defeat this great effort her Majesty was so graciously pleas'd to make in their favour by not giving provisions and whatever else was necessary for carrying on vigorously the Expedition: that H.M. could not but resent so undutifull, so ungratefull, so unjust a return: and that if out of her great tenderness and indulgency for her subjects she should be inclin'd to pardon them, would not the Parliament interpose, and beg her Majesty to do justice? That therefore he hop'd they would seriously reflect on what they were doing, how far the season was advanc'd, and the length and difficulty of the voyage to Quebeck: that they would make proportionnable dispatch with the provisions and other things demanded of them, and lend the troups £5000 more in their bills, and settle the exchange for it at a reasonable rate. Upon this message they lent the £5000 and issued a Proclamation to order search to be made for all provisions fitt to be sent to sea; that it, and whatever ships came into the harbour with anything that could contribute to victual us, should be secur'd for H.M. Fleet and troups etc. (v. No. 44 iv.). July 2, 3, and 4th. Diligent search was made for all the provisions in town that were proper to carry to sea. All they discover'd they mark'd for the Queen's service, takeing an exact list of the quantitys of each kind and where they were lodg'd. The 5th, this list was laid before the Governour and Council, with a memorial from the General and Admiral, wherein they desir'd that they would fix the prizes of each species contain'd in the said list: that they would order the delivery of them immediately to our Commissarys, and settle the exchange of money, that bills might be given for the said provisions and what other things we should be furnish'd with here. In the said memorial they recommended to them the utmost dispatch, shewing that the success of the expedition depended entirely on our speedy departure from hence. This evening in complyance to the said memorial they fix'd the prizes of the provisions, and order'd them to be deliver'd to our Commissarys: and the Assembly or Parliament of this country (which mett here yesterday) settled the exchange of money at 140 per cent., which is 10 or 15 per cent. less than it usualy is at. But our necessities oblig'd both our General and Admiral to accept of it at this rate. July 7th we had advices from Col. Hunter that no man of war was yet arrived to convoy to us the three months provisions he had prepar'd for us; that besides this quantity he could furnish us with what wheat and peas we should have occasion for, upon which the General and Admiral dispatch'd an express to him to desire him to send all the peas and wheat he could procure along with the three months provisions: and that if they were gone before this advice should come to his hands, he should send them by the first opportunity after us, and particularly that the two frigates which were to cruise off his coast should be likewise sent, they being absolutely necessary to assist us in our navigation up the River of St. Laurents. The 10th the General reveiw'd our European troups: and found that they all amounted to 3500 effective men. This day the Admiral came to a resolution of sending home the Devonshire and Humber, being assur'd by all the pilots we take from hence, that it was impossible to carry them up the River of St. Laurents without running great risque of loseing them. July 9, 10, 11, 12, our Commissarys and Agent Victuallers were employ'd in makeing the distribution for the fleet and army of the provisions found in town, and buying three transports to load with a sufficient quantity of wheat, rye, and Indian corn to subsist the troups with bread for three months. The General order'd this corn to be provided, because that all the provisions we should be able to gett here, would only compleat what we had aboard to three months, and that if any accident should prevent the provisions for New York to join us before the River of St. Laurents should be froze up our troups would run a great risque of perishing before supplys could be sent them the next sommer. July 11th. Capt. Cockburn, Commander of the Saphire was sent to Annapolis for Col. Vetch and such artillery stores and officers belonging to it as were not absolutely necessary for the defence of the place. As soon as he had put all things aboard at Annapolis he had orders to return hither, provided he could do before the 25th instant: otherwise that he should cruise off of Cape Sables, and join the Fleet as they pass'd by there for Canada. July 14th. Lt. General Nicholson arriv'd here from New York and Col. Vetch from Annapolis. The first brought an account that in 8 or 10 dayes the troups he was to make a diversion with from Albany would be marching towards that place. That expresses were sent to the five Indian Nations in allyance with us, to desire their attendance at Albany: and that he beleiv'd they would be there before the 25th instant. That he did not doubt but they would heartily enter into what measures Col. Hunter and he should propose for attacking with all their power our common enemy the French and their allies. That he did not expect his full compliment of troups from any of our Provinces, especialy from New York and Pensylvania: and that he hop'd the boats, canoes, provisions and other necessarys would be ready by the time the troups would assemble. He could give no tolerable reason why he did not on his arrival here send to New York the two transports with stores, the want of which and a convoy for our provisions he own'd to be a great detriment to the whole undertakeing. Col. Vetch brought an account that the French Indians in Accadia summon'd the Fort at Annapolis to surrender a few dayes after they had defeated the party he sent to cutt timber to repair it: that they afterwards block'd it up for four dayes and then retir'd: that the Fort was at present in a tolerable good condition and fitt with the garrison in it to resist any force the enemy can raise in that country against it: and that he would have brought all the officers, men, artillery and stores that good (=? could) with safety be spar'd: but that the sloop he came in was so smal, it would not contain the quarter of them. July 17. Capt. Harrison, General Hill's Aid de Camp arriv'd here from New York. He was sent with the Kingston man of war and the Mary transport detach'd from us at sea, with letters and instructions for Col. Hunter and Lt. Genl. Nicholson: and to observe how forward they were in raising the troups and provideing the provisions etc. He brought an account that he only arriv'd at New York the 12th inst. with Kingston and Mary transport being detain'd in their passage by contrary winds calms and currants. That Col. Hunter acquainted him that most of the troups to be rais'd in this Government were ready: that the boats and other necessarys prepareing for Lt. Genl. Nicholson would be finish'd by the 21st instant: and that now the two storeships were arriv'd from Boston with the cloathing arms etc., he hop'd to have his men and whatever he was to provide for the expedition from Albany ready by the latter end of this month. The 20th, all our troups were reembark'd to prevent desertion: and to save the salt provisions, the Agent Victuallers were ordered to deliver fresh every two dayes. The 22nd. All the last week we were employ'd in putting the artillery stores and provisions aboard: in watering and fitting out all the transports: and getting ready with the utmost expedition the Windsor man of war appointed for our General since it has been resolv'd to send back the Devonshire with the Humber to England: and as it was discover'd about 12 dayes ago that one of our transports which carry'd 300 men of Col. Kirk's regiment was not in a condition to proceed further: two vessells were taken up here for that purpose, and are prepareing with all possible diligence. This day three of the Sachems or Kings of the Five Indian nations of Iroquois our Allies arriv'd here. They were deputed by all the five Nations as their Plenipotentiaries to our General and Admiral on account of the present expedition: and to see what men of war and troups we had here for that service. For as this Fleet did not come two year ago and last year as they were assur'd they would, they did now [? not] expect it or beleive it was arriv'd here. July 23. They had their audience of our General and Admiral. The substance of their speech was that with much fatigue they came a great way in hot weather to see them: that their troups were already on their march and would be at Albany by the latter end of this month: that the fine season would be over before we could finish our expedition, therefore advis'd the Admiral to take of his great canoes or men of war: and that as they were now assur'd we design'd to prosecute vigorously the war against the French and their allies, they would heartily employ all their force in our assistance as good friends and brothers. The General and Admiral treated them with great civility: made them presents in the usual manner: gave them all imaginable assurances of the Queen's protection and the great esteem she had for their nations: shew'd them our troops and fleet: and did all they could to imprint in them great ideas of the Queen and make them long to be under her Governmt., and to be fellow subjects with those men that they saw command armys and fleets so vastly superior to any ideas they ever had before of either. The 24th, the New England troups embark'd tho' their transports were very far from being ready to receive them. No sailors aboard: and except provisions and water, beds and all other necessarys were in a manner wanting. The reluctancy and ill nature that these people shew'd to serve us and forward the Expedition upon all occasions before: did not near so fully demonstrate their perverse and wicked intentions as this great neglect: it being evident to anybody that has seen this country, that they could fitt out and man twice the number of vessells they were to furnish for this Expedition in much less time than they have had to do it in. Therefore I can't imagine what their designs could be by all these delayes if they were not to delay us here, till the advanc'd season of the year will probably defeat us. And what almost confirms me in this opinion is, that it's certain that those who rule and proffitt by their present dissorderly Governmt. now see how reasonable it is to change: that the conquest of Canada will naturaly lead the Queen into it: and shew her how absolutely necessary it is to put all this Northern Continent of America under one form of Government for the real good of the present Coloneys: for the establishing of others: for their mutual support: and the vast advantages that will thereby accrue to great Brittain. One of the three men of warr we have now cruising betwixt Cape Britton and Newfoundland took the 12th inst. a French vessell of 14 guns and 120 tunn, loaded with wine, brandy and bale goods, and sent her in here. She brought an account that she left France June 9th in company with two other merchant men all bound for Quebeck. That off of Rochelle they join'd a fleet of theirs of 15 men of war and about 20 merchant men commanded by Monsieur De Guy. This fleet they kept company with till they were about 100 leagues off of Cape Finistre, when they directed their course to the westward for Quebeck; the fleet keeping a southerly course. Monsieur De Guy had not open'd his last orders when they left him: but all people concluded he was bound for Barbados, Jamaica, or Brazil, tho' some private letters taken aboard this prize say possitively that he is to come to this country if he can't releive Quebeck, which they suppose in France already lost. Nine of the 15 men of war are ships betwixt 50 and 76 guns. The prize and the two merchant men which came out of France with her, had each of them 30 recruits aboard for the troups in Canada. July 26th. This country gally came in here, and brought under her convoy from New York seven sloops loaded with provisions, which we have distributed aboard our transports. July 29th. Some officers arriv'd here from Annapolis and brought letters for our General from Sir C. Hobby, Depty-Governour of it: wherein he inform'd him that he call'd a Council of War upon the receival of his letters sent him by the Saphire, for the marines, and all the officers and ammunition that was not necessary for the defence of his garrison; that the majority of the Council of War was of opinion that the marines could not be sent away without endangering the loss of the place: that therefore he kept the said marines and 100 men of the New England troups which were sent to releive them. The stores that were order'd to be sent Sir Charles takes no notice of in his letter: but the officers who came from thence assure us, he sent none. Wherefore Col. Vetch being of opinion that 100 of the marines and a great part of the artillery stores (which we realy wanted) could be well spar'd; our General and Admiral order'd Capt. Southwyck, Commander of the New England gally, to sail with a brigantine to Annapolis, for them; and that as soon as he had put them aboard he should follow the Fleet with all diligence. And as the New England transports were mann'd out of the said gally, Governour Dudley was desired to be aiding in remanning her with the utmost expedition. And least Sir Charles Hobby should again evade sending the aforesaid marines and stores, possitive orders were now sent him by Capt. Southwyck for the delivery of both. July 30th. Having at last gott all our Fleet victuall'd for 3 months, and the New England transports mann'd, we all sail'd out of Nantasket or Kingroad Harbour with a fair gale at S.S.W. to pursue our expedition. This morning several merchants at Boston had advice from Barbados that Monsieur De Guy was arriv'd with his squadron at Martinico. Lt. General Nicholson was to sett out this day from Boston, for New York, and thence to Albany, where his troops were assembling to make the diversion. As we had advice on Saturday that the boats, provisions, and all other necessarys for the said troups were ready, 'tis probable he will be at Lac St. Pierre by the time we shall gett to Quebeck, which will effectualy answer the design of his expedition. Aug. 3rd. We sail'd by Cape Sables with all our fleet. The 10th the Saphire join'd the Fleet off of Cape Britton. Capt. Cockburn, Commander of her, brought an account that Annapolis was still block'd up by the French and Indians: that Sr. C. Hobby had made a sorty on them but to no great purpose: and that he could neither gett the marines or stores he was order'd to bring from thence for the reasons Sir Charles sent before. He brought likewise an account that the Chester and Leopard men of war, which were to join the Fleet off of Cape Britton, were watring in Spanish River: that the Chester took a sloop belonging to Placentia, which gave intelligence that they were all appriz'd there of our arrival at Boston: that they were under the greatest apprehensions of being attack'd, tho' they were assur'd our design was against Canada: that they had sent several sloops to Quebeck to give Monsieur Vaudreul the Governour timely notice to be on his guard: and that several ships were coming from Provence to his releif. The 11th. The Admiral resolv'd not to send home the Devonshire and Humber off of Cape Britton as he first design'd: but to take them with us to the Island of St. Paul; and there leave them to cruize 20 dayes betwixt that place and Cape Ray before they return'd. And that he might have an account of all occurrences they should meet with, he left them the prize sloop to send after him to Quebeck when they left their cruize. The reason the Admiral came to a resolution of ordering these two men of war to cruise, was that he might by that means take along with him the two men of war, which he should otherwise be oblig'd to leave cruising at the mouth of the River St. Laurents. The 12th. The Chester and Leopard join'd us betwixt Spanish River and St. Paul's Island. 29¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 898. Nos. 11, 11 i.]