America and West Indies: February 1712, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'America and West Indies: February 1712, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: February 1712, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: February 1712, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

February 1712, 1-15

Feb. 1.
287. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lt. Governor Spotswood. Acknowledge letter of Oct. 15 and enclose copy of report of Board of Ordnance re gunpowder (v. Dec. 3 and 6th, 1711), etc. We cannot but commend your diligence and conduct in assisting the province of North Carolina and suppressing their disorders there, which we hope will be an example to other Governors, to do their duties if any such occasions should happen. H.M. has appointed Messrs. Basset and Fitzhughs members of the Council, etc. [C.O. 5, 1363. pp. 394, 395; and 5, 1335. No. 168.]
Feb. 1.
288. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Dudley. Acknowledge letter, etc., of Nov. 13. We shall expect the publick papers, which you promise us by the mast fleet, upon the perusal whereof we shall be able to write to you more fully. We are glad to perceive that ye people of New England are better vers'd than formerly in making of tar and other naval stores, and that the quantity they make is increasing. We have represented to H.M. that Mr. Wentworth be of the Council of New Hampshire, and doubt not but the Agent for that Province will forward to you by this conveyance H.M. warrant for his admission. Your desire of small arms, powder and ball, is what we cannot at present lay before H.M.; for what we presume great quantities were sent along with the late Expedition, and left in the country. Besides you do not acquaint us with the particulars of what is remaining, nor what is wanting, without which we cannot lay the same before H.M. We can give no particular answer to what you write in relation to the division line between your Government of the Massachusetts Bay, and the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, for want of a true state of that matter, not having received from those Colonies any reasons for their claim as they acquainted you. There is indeed a petition lying before us of Wait Winthrop and others, stiling themselves Proprietors of that part of the Narraganset country, call'd the Mortgage Lands, praying H.M. confirmation of their grant. But whether this be what you hint at, we cannot yet determine for want of further light from you, and therefore we desire you by ye first oppertunity to let us have a full state of yt. matter. [C.O. 5, 913. pp. 370, 371.]
Feb. 1.
289. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Hunter. Communicate Mr. Sec. Granville's letter, Dec. 21, 1711, concerning Invalides. Continue:—We have fully laid before my Lord Treasurer what you writ relating to the Palatins, etc., and hope that Mr. Du Pre will be able in a short time to carry a good acct. of that matter. We shall always be ready to do what in us lyes to incourage and promote what may tend to the increase and advantage of the trade of this Kingdom. [C.O. 5, 1122. pp. 480—482.]
Feb. 1.
290. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High Treasurer. Reply to Lord Clarendon's observations concerning the Palatines at New York. (v. Nov. 26, 1711). Refer to Instructions based on Representations Dec. 5, 1709, etc., which seem to imply H.M. consent to subsist the Palatines for the first year. Enclose copy of Representation of Feb. 8, 17 10/11 (q.v.) giving the reasons why it was necessary to allow £15,000 a year for their subsistence for two years. Continue:—When they arrived at New York they were in number 2227, and by the account laid before your Lordp. Nov. 13th last, the number that had been subsisted March 26—June 24th was about 1894. We have no account from the Governor of the application of the £10,000, which has been issued to him, otherways than that he informs us that besides the £8000 for which he had bills over with him he had drawn other bills for £4700, all which had been expended in settling those people, and that he had transmitted an account thereof to the then Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. In order to our laying this matter more fully before your Lordship and to propose some method how H.M. shal be repaid, we take leave to offer that computing by the number of trees already prepar'd they may make 30,000 barrils of tar the first year, 1713, which at New York is 8s. sterling per barril, and will come to £12,000. And that if H.M. shou'd be graciously pleas'd to allow them one moiety, it wou'd be sufficient incouragement for them to go on with their work. And by this means H.M. wou'd be repaid in about 6 years time. In case H.M. shal approve hereof, we are of opinion that it will be necessary a person be appointed by H.M. to receive the tar at New York into a storehouse to be provided there to ship the same for this Kingdom, and to state and keep particular accounts of the whole both in relation to the past as future expence to be laid from time to time before your Lordship. Upon the whole, as it does not appear to us that there has been any mismanagement in subsisting the said Palatines by Col. Hunter, and that his credit is very deeply ingag'd in that service, and in consideration that the whole design of producing Naval Stores in H.M. Dominions by the Palatines must fall and the money already expended be intirely lost, unless they are subsisted for two years, we are humbly of opinion that they be supported in such method as your Lordship shal think proper. [C.O. 5, 1122. pp. 482—488.]
Feb. 2.
291. Mr. Bridger to the Earl of Dartmouth. Returns thanks for favours and that he has this opportunity "to be instrumental to the good of established church, of wch. your Lordship will be informed by the inclosed from a people bred in schism from their cradles, etc." Continues:—They are a people of good reputation and live well according to this country, and are the most valuable where they live, 2 of them, vizt. Abraham Merrill and Joshua Brown, were decons to the meeting house, but are now for the mother and established church; there are many more willing to come as soon as they see the church finished, and a man of example, learning and moderation that will instruct and lead those people, if such a one, as I humbly joyne wth. your Lordps.' petitioners, do come over. I dare say we should have more in a year or two at our church than would go to the disenting meetings, perticularly if H.M. will give such an allowance to the person that comes as to support him without asking anything from the people, tho' but for two or three years, the people here are not so biggoted to theire own way, but to be free from the minister's tax, most of them would be of our Church and make many free-will offerings to the parson more than theire tax, this my Lord I know is theire humor, nither do I know whether the Charter of New England impowers them so far, as to lay a tax either to the building a meeting house or paying the ministers by a law or tax raised in H.M. name, as they now doe, and in this Province wh. is imediatly under H.M. Governmt. the select men with the Justices of the Peace have raised a tax in H.M. name on the people to build a new meeting house and are now a gathering the same. I humbly lay the same before your Lordsp., presuming it is repugnant to the laws of Great Brittian then void of itself, yet the people suffer by two or three obstinate men, but wth. great submition to your Lordship say, here is no government at all, the Governor at Boston and Leit. Governor as well, so everyone acts as he please, here is none to apply to on H.M. behalfe, but self intrest governes all, etc. Seeing H.M. name made use of to serve theire occasions only, I thought it my duty to lay the same before your Lordsp. Your petitioners are an example without president, and as it is approved by you the church will stand or fall, and it will be the only way to draw the schismaticall curtaine from before these people's eyes, by wch. they have been so long in blindness, but the danger and risque is very great, it being seldom or never seen that the Church should flourish under a disenting Governor. I most humbly pray your Lordshipp's favour in representing the state of this infant church to H.M., and that H.M. would be graciously pleased to furnish it wth. books, pulpet and communion cloths and plate books etc., wch. would much please and oblige the other people, etc. Signed, J. Bridger. 2¾ pp. Enclosed,
291. i. Petition of Inhabitants and Freeholders of Newbury in New England to the Earl of Dartmouth. Our meeting-house was puled down by rude hands, wch. to our satisfaction we had injoyed many years past. Since that our opposite partie have levied by tax on our estates to the building another meeting-house so far distant from us and many others that wee nor they are able to goe so far wh. renders it wholey unservisable to all; notwithstanding we was the greatest part of the whole. These proceedings obliged us to build a Church and did, and now do declare it to be the Queen's Chappel built on our own land, yet canot proceed thereon by reason of a warrant from the Genl. Assembly (enclosed), this put an entire stop to our proceedings till Mr. Bridger heard of our trouble and sent us severall letters and incouraged us to proceed, but he is now come to our reliefe, and has put us in this way of petitioning your Lordshipp from whome wee pray a satisfactory and speedy answer, being without any person to preach to us. Wee have made Mr. Bridger our agent and have given him the land for the Church, and have enabled him with workmen and materiales to fenish the Church and is realy a patron to us, and he has engaged himself to us and to goe on in that work against all opposers whatever and as he has so he will stand in the gap for us. Pray that he may be established near them, etc. Signed, John Bartlett, Joshua Brown, Joseph Annis, Saml. Bartlett. Newbury, Jan. 28th, 17 11/12. 1 p.
291. ii. Order of Council and Assembly, Boston, Aug. 22, 1711. Upon an information offered by Capt. Hugh March and others of the town of Newbery that several persons living in the west precinct of said town have raised and in part covered a meeting-house notwithstanding the order of this Court July 19, past, to desist therein untill their had been ane hearing; ordered that Samuell Bartlett, John Ordeway deacons Joshua Brown, Joshua Bailly, Skipper Lunt and Penuell Titecome be anew served by the sherriff with the order of July 19th past, and attend this Court to answer for their contempt. Concurred by the Representatives, consented to, J. Dudley. Copy. 1 p.
291. iii. Petition of inhabitants and freeholders of the West precinct of Newbury to the Earl of Dartmouth. Petitioners are building at theire own costs a Church for the worshipp of allmighty god according to the Established church of Great Brittain. Pray that a suitable parson may be sent, with a convenient allowance, books, ornaments etc. Signed, Joshua Brown, John Bartlett, Skipper Lunt, Samuel Bartlet, John Merrill, Abraham Merrill, and 13 others. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 1091. Nos. 67, 67 i.—iii.]
Feb. 2.
292. Mr. Bridger to the Earl of Dartmouth. Since I had the honour to wright to your Lorsp. I have seen the Act for the preservation of white and other pine trees, which obliges me and deputies to marke all trees proper to be taken for H.M. service, which is puting an imposibility on me having no deputies allowed, tho' the business of pereservation lyes not above 40 miles distant the two extreames, yet with the allowance of 3 or 4 deputies I dare engage performe that worke to your Lordps.' satisfaction, without either another surveyor added, or my commision halved, which I presume will be the opinion of one who will propose it to your Lordp. to serve his son, not knowing in the affaire, etc. There is a wast made in H.M. woods yearly, and having no help could not prevent it, nor is it posible to be done without assistance. I have been here and shall be more than three months and have published the Act to the people, but have not yet been so happie as to make an example on any, tho' many transgress[ions] as I am daily told are committed. I am at a very great expence every day I am in the woods, and tho' I have a guard from the government I am obliged to subsist them wch. cost me every day 20s. I have not less than 6 horsemen at any time, nor am I safe with them, but cannot subsist more, so must runn the danger of the Indians, etc. Prays relief, etc. Proposes that merchant contractors should pay 6/8 to the Surveyor General for every tree loaded on board, etc. As to Mr. Collins' contract, tho' he be gone of(f) the change, yet his agent here cuts masts under pretence of fulfilling that contract, notwithstanding there are 9 shipps' loads now rotting in this river for want of shipping according to contract. As to Naval Stores from hence, that is lost by reason the Navy did not pay the premiums, there is in this fleet only in barrels of tar 712, of pitch 1194, of turpentine 1631. The method I proposed some time since I presume would give some life to it, which was that I should buy all that was to be got here at a certaine price, that would incourage the makers, for now the marchts. beats the price down so low that theire is little or none made, etc. 18s. per barrel would governe the market, etc. Signed, J. Bridger. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1091. No. 68.]
[Feb. 4.] 293. Petition of Wm. Hyde to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Prays to be appointed Secretary of Barbados in the room of Ed. Jones, removed, etc. Endorsed, Recd. Read Feb. 4, 17 11/12. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 9. No. 21; and 38, 7. p. 31.]
[Feb. 4.] 294. Petition of Thomas Cooke, Rector of St. Bennet's, Paul's Wharf, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Recommends Francis Bond, son of a former deputy-Governor of Barbados, for the Council, etc. Endorsed, Recd. Read Feb. 4, 17 11/12. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 13. No. 83; and 29, 12. p. 406.]
Feb. 5. 295. Edward Warner to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Petitions to be appointed to the Council of Antigua. Owner of a considerable estate there; his grandfather was Lt. Governor, etc. He was in England at the time of the late disorders, etc. Endorsed, Recd. Read Feb. 5, 17 11/12. ½ p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 98; and 153, 11. pp. 424, 425.]
[Feb. 5.] 296. Petition of Jeremiah Dummer to the Queen. Your Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay has receiv'd private intelligence since the failure of the late Expedition to Canada, that the French and Indians design to make an invasion upon 'em, and they have likewise great reason to fear a defection of their own Indians. Their Forts and Garrisons are destitute of stores of war, and the Province is so extremely impoverish't as to be no way able to supply 'em. Prays, as Agent, for a quantity of small arms and powder. Signed, Jeremiah Dummer. Endorsed, R. Feb. 5, 17 11/12. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 10. No. 149.]
Feb. 6. 297. Proclamation of H.M. General Pardon to the inhabitants of Antigua. Whereas a great number of our subjects in this our Island of Antegoa, did lately in an open rebellious manner take up arms and committ a most barbarous murder on the body of Daniel Parke Esq. then our Captain General and Commander in Chief in and over all our Leeward Carribbee Islands in America, nevertheless, wee being perswaded that many of the offenders were drawn into that rebellion and murder by the subtle insinuations, and by the influence of some of the chief advisers and promoters thereof, and not from any rancour of mind, or disaffection to our Government, Wee out of Our princely disposition to forgive, have resolved that our clemency shall temper our justice. Know ye therefore that Wee of our especial grace and favour, certain knowledge and meer motion, have pardoned remitted and released and by these presents for us, our heirs and successors do freely and absolutely pardon remitt and release to all our subjects of the said Island of Antegoa who were any offenders in the said crime (other than such persons as hereinafter are excepted) and to their heirs, executors and administrators all and all manner of treasons, felonys, misprisions of treasons or felony, murders, crimes, misdemeanors and offences whatsoever by them and every of them (except as hereinafter excepted) consulted, commanded, acted or done, on account of the said late rebellion and murder and of and from all paines of death and other paines and penaltys, indictments, convictions, attainders, outlawrys, escheats and forfeitures therefore had or given, or that may or might accrue for the same, except out of this our Proclamation of free pardon all and every such person and persons who are apprehended and in custody in order to be proceeded against and prosecuted according to law for the murder aforesaid and brought to condign punishment and all such persons who are fled from justice on account of the said crime whereby others may be deterred from committing or attempting the like for the future. Also except those of H.M. Councill in any of the four Islands of Antegoa, Nevis, Montserrat and St. Christophers who have been concerned in encourageing, abetting or assisting in the said rebellious and barbarous murder. Provided always that if any of the persons hereby meant or intended to have the benefit of this our gracious and free pardon shall presume to justify the murder aforesaid or shall attempt the like rebellious practices (as above mentioned) for the future they shall receive no benefit by this our gracious Proclamation of free pardon, but shall be liable to be prosecuted according to law for any of the crimes abovementioned. Countersigned, Walter Douglas. St. Johns, Feb. 6th, 1712. Copy. 1½ pp. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 82.]
Feb. 7. 298. Copy of letter from Col. John Evans to Wm. Penn. London, Feb. 7, 17 11/12. You was pleased to enjoyn me to make such an estimate of the revenue of the Governmt. of Pennsylvania as I was able from near seven years experience in the Province, and found to be the settled income really and truely communibus annis which please to accept as follows. Licences for publick houses and permits for strong water shops £120. Registring vessels and passes and bills of health £50. Fines and forfeitures £150. Seizures upon unlawful trade, the Crown's thirds £250. Mony raised by Assembly in my time £300. The duty of one penny per pound upon tobacco £600. Besides which there appears by the Custom House accounts to have been paid in England for tobacco made in that Province several years above £10,000 a year to the Crown, to which may in all reason be added when you come upon a valuable consideration for your surrender (which you are pleased to informe me you are about) near £20,000 a year that Pensylvania (planted and improved at your sole cost and care) takes off, of the English manufacture, and it may yet farther in justice be considered what it would have cost the Crown of Great Britain to have brought that Province to the perfection they will find it in, etc. Signed, John Evans. 1⅓ pp. Annexed,
298. i. Further benefits vested in the Crown upon Mr. Penn's surrender of Pensylvania by the disposal of Offices now in his gift. Secretary's place for the Province and Register for Probate of wills amounting per annum to about £250. Master of the Rolls and Keeper of the Seal £100. Clerk or Prothonotary of the Courts of Philadelphia £250. Sherrif of Philadelphia, £200. Clerk of the Court of New Castle, £200. Sherrif of New Castle, £200. Besides there are Clerks and Sherrifs of the several Counties of Bucks, Chester, Kent and Sussex the least of which are worth about £40 per annum. There are likewise Corroners, Registers Office for deeds and another for wills in each county much about the same yearly value. Moreover Mr. Penn's Lieut. surrendered into the hands of the Lord Bellamont then Governor of New York about 5000 pieces of 8, the same being treasure trove in that Province supposed to have been brought in there by some pirates from Madagascar; and tho' the same of right belonged to Mr. Penn by his Charter yet being by Lord Bellamont remitted into the hands of the Crown, Mr. Penn has not received one penny thereof. Copy. 1 p. The whole endorsed, Recd. (from ye Treasury) Read 30th Aug. 1715. [C.O. 5, 1265. Nos. 4, 4 i.]
[Feb. 7.] 299. Major General Handasyd to the Queen. Petitions that arrears of levy money, subsistance, and deductions on behalf of widows, due to his Regiment in Jamaica, may be made good etc. Endorsed, Recd. 7th, Read 18th Feb., 17 11/12. 4 pp. [C.O. 137, 9. No. 61.]
Feb. 8.
Hudsons Bay House.
300. The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudsons Bay to the Council of Trade and Plantations. For avoiding all disputes that may arrise between the Company and the French setled in Canada, they conceive it necessary, that no wood-runners either French or Indians, or any other persons whatsoever, be permitted to travell or seeke for trade, beyond limitts beginning from Grimingtons Island, or Cape Pedrix, latitude 58½ North, which they desire may be the boundary between the English, and French on the Coast of Laboradore towards Ruperts Land on the East Maine, and Nova Brittania on the French side, and that no French ship, barque boate or vessell whatsoever shall pass to the N.W. of Cape Pedrix or Grimington's Island, towards or into the Streights [or Bay of] Hudson, on any pretence whatsoever. That a line be supposed to pass to the South westward [of the] Island of Grimington, or Cape Pedrix to the Great Lake Miscosinke alias Mistoseny, dividing the same into two parts (as in the mapp now delivered) and that the French nor any others imployed by them, shall come to the North or Northwestward of the said Lake, or supposed line, by land or water, on or through any rivers, lakes or countrys, to trade or erect any Forts or Settlements, whatsoever, and the English on the contrary not to pass the said supposed line either to the southward or eastward. That the French be likewise obliged to quitt surrender and deliver up to the English upon demand, York Fort by them called Bourbone undemolished, together with all forts, factories, settlements and buildings whatsoever, taken from the English, or since erected or built by the French with all the artillery and ammunition in the condition they are now in, together with all other places they are possessed of, within the limitts aforesaid, or within the Bay and Streights of Hudson. These limitts being first setled and adjusted, the Company are willing to referr their losses and damages formerly sustained by the French in times of peace to the consideration of Commissioners to be appointed for that purpose. Refer to Charter. Signed, By Order of the Governor and Company etc. Wm. Potter, Secr. Endorsed, Recd., Read 8th Feb., 17 11/12. 2 pp. [C.O. 134, 2. No. 34; and 135, 3. pp. 117—119.]
Feb. 8.
301. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have chosen this first opportunity by an out-port ship to hasten to your Lordps. the journals of our late Assembly, tho' that of the House of Burgesses is not compleat and the latter part only copyed from their votes as they were returned to me every night. Your Lordps. will observe by these Journals the matters upon which that House and I have chiefly differred; and I shall only here continue the bare relation of their transactions, upon their return after their adjournment, without any comment: since your Lordps. are better able to judge what may be the consequence of such unaccountable proceedings, and what remedys are proper for checking the irregularitys of Plantation Assembly. According to what I had the honour to write your Lordps. in my last, I hop'd the recess I gave the House of Burgesses till the 24th of last moneth, would have been sufficient time for them to reflect on their former irregularitys, and brought them together with a better disposition for the publick service: but they no sooner mett than they began to give indications of the same obstinate temper with which they separated; by continuing their contentions with the Council, and by adhering to the disallowance of the just claims of many publick creditors, tho' they had not the least objection against the usefulness of their services for the security of the country. I was however willing to wait some days longer in expectation of their entring on new measures to defend themselves in this time of danger; but perceiving no advances therein, I thought it necessary on the 28th past to quicken them by a speech wherein I took occasion to answer sundry misrepresentations of matters of fact in their Address of Dec. 21st (v. Journal of Burgesses), and likewise to assure them that I was ready to yeild to anything they could in justice or reason demand. But this had no better effect than to put them anew upon a justification of their former proceedings, without the least show of a more just behaviour for the future. So that finding nothing could be expected from a sett of men so regardless of their duty to their country, I thought it more advisable to put an end to their session, than to burthen the people by keeping them longer together to prosecute their fruitless contentions, and on the last of January dissolved the Assembly after having passed the few bills they had prepared at their former meeting, which were only two publick and two private Acts, besides that for appointing Rangers, which I pass'd in December. The shortness of time will not allow me to send by this conveyance the transcript of those Acts, but your Lordps. will see by the titles they are of no great consequence. I have already intimated the reasons that obliged me to reject the bill prepared by the Burgesses for raising money to carry on a war against the Indians, with which I hope your Lordps. will not be dissatisfy'd. For had I pass'd it in terms so prejudicial to the interest of Great Britain and unjust to the people here, I could neither have been excusable to H.M., nor to the Country, besides the ill consequence of engaging in a war upon a deficient fund, to be supplyed by the same unjustifyable means, if not worse, than those on wch. it was begun, or else the publick creditors left for ever unpaid. The perverting the sense of laws already made, with no other intent than to evade the payment of the publick debts, such as the charge of the Militia that attended at Nattoway Town on the Conference with the Tuscoruro Indians, and the expence of a spy-boat fitted out in pursuance of H.M. Commands on the late alarm, to discover the approach of the enemy, shows what little dependance there is on the faith of a House of Burgesses: for tho' both those services have been own'd by that House to be for the publick benefit, yet no arguments either of mine or the Council could obtain the least allowance for them. This obstinacy is the more remarkable in that the first of these claims might have been discharged according to a proposal of the Council for less than the value of £50, by only exempting the Militia from this year's publick levy. The other of the spy-boat was so frugally managed, that the whole expence for three moneths amounted only to £121. This last, with about £100 for the subsistance of 80 French prisoners, and between £40 and £50 expended in raising the batterys were all the money payments insisted on in the Book of Claims, and yet so strenuously refused by the Burgesses, that they chose rather to let the book of claims remain unpassed, and the whole countrey to suffer for want of laying the publick levy than yeild to the just demands of the people in so trifling a sum. These are the proceedings which obliged me to put an end to this Assembly, and by wch. the late Burgesses hope to recommend themselves to the populace, upon a received opinion amongst them that he is the best patriot among them that most violently opposes the raising any money let the occasion be what it will: they may in some measure be excused for acting that part; since the far greater number of the late Burgesses had scarce any other merit, to qualify them for the people's choice. I have here represented to your Lordps. their faults with the same freedom I used in commending their behaviour in the Session last year, and whoever will compare the proceedings of that Session with the incongruitys of this, will hardly believe the same men could act so differently: but this may be easily accounted for when the persons are considered, whose want of publick spirit has irreconciled them to everything which required expence, and such were most of the affairs recommended to them this Session. And it now appears plainly that the vote of raising £20,000, (which is indeed a great sum for this Country) was no other than a design of some to raise none at all, since under pretence of raising so considerable a sum, they believed they might more easily have recourse to extraordinary means, wch. they were sure would never pass, for had they really intended to carry on the war against the Indians, they could not have done it in a more frugal way than by the Treaty I concluded with the Tuscoruro Indians; but tho' that was entred into at the instance of their own House, they have made no provision for enabling me to performe the terms of it. Indeed some of the House have since their dissolution owned more freely than they would do while sitting that most of the irregularitys of their proceedings are owing to some rash votes pass'd without foresight, wch. they could not afterwards get over without breaking through the rules of their House, and so they chose rather to let the country suffer than acknowledge themselves in an error. After what I have here represented, I think it necessary to acquaint your Lops. that these differences with the house of Burgesses, have made none between me and the country; I have not had the least dispute with any one member of the Council, and even these very persons who composed the house of Burgesses have all along declared as much satisfaction with my administracon as with any Governor they ever had; tho' your Lops. will observe by my speeches I have not flattered them. So that the ill management of the late Assembly may in all probability give a new turn to the humors of the people, and make them chuse for their next Representatives men of more generous and disinterested principles: but I shal first see some signs of such a disposition before I call another Assembly. In the meantime I am taking all necessary precautions to secure the Country against the Indians, etc. (Here follows passage quoted by Lord Dartmouth April 15 q.v.) At present the danger seems much more to threaten North Carolina where the Indians daily gather strength, and have already besieged a party of the inhabitants in a small fort they had built for their protection. The distractions amongst themselves gave the Indians all the opportunity they could wish of destroying them: for as our Burgesses for their private interest have disappointed all means of defending this country, so those of Carolina on a worse principle have resolved to sacrifice that province to their own private resentments, and because they cannot introduce into the Government the persons most obnoxious for the late rebellion and civil war, they will make no provision for defending any part of the country, and are now likewise dissolved without doing any business. The Baron de Graffenried being obliged while he was prisoner among the Indians to conclude a neutrality for himself and the Palatines lives as yet undisturbed but is sufficiently persecuted by the people of Carolina for not breaking with the Indians, tho' they will afford him neither provisions of war or victuals, nor any assistance from them: he has always declared his readiness to enter into the war as soon as he should be assisted to prosecute it: but it would be madness to expose his handfull of people to the fury of the Indians, without some better assurance of help than the present confusions in that Province gives him reason to hope for: since the Indians would soon either entirely destroy that settlement, or starve them out of the place by killing their stocks and hindering them from planting corne. In the mean time the people of Carolina receive great advantage by this neutrality, for by that means the Baron has an opportunity of discovering to them all the designs of the Indians, tho' he runs the risque of paying dear for it, if they ever come to know it. This makes him so apprehensive of his danger from them, and so diffident of help or even justice from the Government under which he is, that he has made some offers to remove to this Colony with the Palatines, upon some of H.M. land; and since such a number of people as he may bring with him with what he proposes to invite over from Swisserland and Germany will be of great advantage to this country, and prove a strong barrier against the incursions of Indians, if they were properly disposed above our inhabitants, I pray your Lordps.' directions what encouragements ought to be given to this design, either as to the quantity of land or the terms of granting it. Your Lordps. will also be pleased to instruct me as to the settlement of a great number of the other inhabitants of North Carolina, who I understand design to remove hither for protection. I beg leave to represent to your Lordps. the necessity of some speedy orders for this Colony, Maryland and Carolina to assist each other in case either be attack'd, and if your Lordps. shal think fitt to propose this to H.M., I humbly offer that the regulation of that assistance may not be left to the precarious humor of an Assembly, but that your Lordps. will be pleased to consider of some more proper method for rendering it effectual. I should have sent ere now an account of the stores of war in this country: but considering those accounts have been transmitted both by Coll. Nott and Mr. President Jenings, and none other sent hither since, I thought it needless to trouble your Lordps. with an account which would contain only the same thing without any alteration except as I have already intimated to your Lordps. the powder is much more wasted and decayed than it was then. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. 14th April, Read 11th Dec., 1712. 5 pp. [C.O. 5, 1316. No. 86; and 5, 1363. pp. 426—436.]
Feb. 9.
302. Governor Douglas to the Earl of Oxford, Lord High Treasurer. I durst not presume writing to your Lordship before I had fulfilled your commands of settling the publick affairs of these Islands, and quieting the minds of the people of this Island in particular. I have view'd the fortifications and put the Militia in the best posture of defence, and in all the respective Assemblys have passed some usefull bills into Acts which will be submitted to the Royall approbation, particularly by repealing an imperfect and pernitious Law in this Island for establishing of Courts etc., by the dilatoriness and uncertainity of recovering debts, by this Act the Island was reduced to the brink of ruine and the publick credit almost quite sunk, and making another for these purposes to answer all Sir Edward Northey's objections. On my arrival here, July 8th, I found the Island in great confusion and distractions which rendered it impossible for me to put H.M. orders in execution without taking some time to put about 200 men of the Queen's Regiment in some order and disposition (in which Major Peter Buer was very serviceable) to save further charges to the Crown in preventing farther commotions and all other desperate measures from an unsettled and deluded people having their chief hopes in Col. Hamilton Lt. General of these Islands (an unquiet enemy to all chief Governors) soothing and palliating their crimes as the proofs to be transmitted by the first proper conveyance will plainly prove, his encourageing these people in their obstinacy and sedition, and found myselfe unable to proceed further for the honour of H.M. service without suspending him from all offices and places of trust in these Islands untill H.M. further pleasure be known and appointing Col. Daniel Smith (approved of by all the Islands) Lt. Governor of Nevis in his room according to the power granted to me by H.M. Instructions, besides the Addresses and Articles presented to me by the Lt. Governors, majority of the Councillors, and other chief inhabitants to remove him in order to restore the safety and tranquility of these unhappy Islands, when these and other necessary alterations were accomplished; I took some pains to divide the heads of the Faction and Association and afterwards sent to seize five of the most violent and active offenders who surrendered themselves with all submission and obedience wholy relying on the unbounded mercy of our dread Sovereign Lady the Queen, some of them have been a month in custody in the chief time of their making sugars which happens to be a great addition to their sorrows, which seem to be very reall and unfeigned and as these poor islands do humbly pray to be considered as under your Lordps.' protection, they throw themselves at your Lordship's feet to interceede for them at the throne of mercy: the provocations to that insurrection had been of a long continuance and insupportable to some weak people who were drawn into that conspiracy without imagining it would arise to an open rebellion or murder of the chief Governor, and without foreseeing the unhappy traine of miserable consequences that has attended this Island, which by the great mercy of our Soverign Lady the Queen and your Lordship's most happy and glorious administration may flourish again in a short time and prove a very considerable Colony. P.S. (in his own hand) All ye honour and happyness that I am ambitious of is to receive your Lordship's particular commands, etc. etc. Signed, Walter Douglas. Endorsed, R. May 15, from Sir John St. Leger (v. May 15). 4 pp. Enclosed,
302. i. Address of the Council of St. Christophers to Governor Douglas. Congratulate H.E.'s arrival etc. and express horror of Governor Parke's murder. Continue:—Upon notice given to Lt. General Hamilton of the said murther by gentlemen dispatched to him from Antegua, he came down to this Island in order to let us know yt. by the death of Generall Parkes the Goverment devolved uppon him, and by some words at the Counsell Table gave us reason to beleive as he resented yt. action he wod. make a strict and impartiall examination thereof, etc. This gave life to an Address to H.M. the former part of which contayned our abhorrance of the murther, the latter an humble recommendation of Lt.-Generall Hamilton as a person worthy to be honoured with her high commission of Capt. Generall and Cheif Governour. But to our great surprize wee found the said Address returned. Provided we wod. stricke of ye paragraph expressing the detestation of Generall Parke's murder he wod. accept of and thank us for the rest, but he findeing us not inclynable to race out ye part seemed to slight us, so yt. adress droped, this made us come to a second resolution of layeing before H.M. that our detestation and to clear ourselves from any imputation as contrivers or abettors of that bloody tragedy. At second comeing down to this Island uppon makeing up the General Councell and Assembly convened to meet by his writs in his own name which is very remarkable at the Island of Antegua, he began with a rufled countenance to let us know the resentment he conceivd at our Address to the Queen layeing down therein our abhorrance of the murther, telleing us 'twas not none of our busyness, but being answered at the board that wee held ourselves bound in duty and conscience so to do, as likeness [sic] being under the same obligation of gratitude with those of Nevis for H.M. princely compassion towards us, etc., and uppon giveing him our farther sentyments yt. H.M. very well knew how to punnish her Generalls uppon omission of theyr duty etc., this unlocked his resentment unto this astonisheing expression to us 'had what he deserved,' and uppon readeing our letters in the Minutes of the Counsell relateing thereunto finding yt. Michaell Ayones was intrusted with them in a suddaine heat ordered the Clarke of the Counsell to give him a coppy, wch. he told us wod. shew to the Lords for trade and make Mr. Ayon appear the greatest villayn in nature, etc. Lt.-Generall Hamilton by countenanceing the murtherers of Generall Parke to so high a degree keeps up the flames of that evill wch. will, if not timely extinguished, carry its dangers to near your Excellence's person. Wee therefore humbly address yr. Excellency to remove the cause by suspention of Lt.-Generall Hamilton, and thereby incapacitate him from oppressing us in case of your death, etc. 2 pp.
302. ii. Address of the Lt. Governor, some of the Council and inhabitants of Antigua to Governor Douglas. Similar request for the suspension of Lt. General Hamilton. Signed, John Yeamans, Thomas Morris, Richard Oliver, Sam. Byam, Jos. French, Jno. Wickham, H. Pember, Rich. Worthington, Isaac Royall. Copy. 1 p.
302. iii. Articles exhibited against Lt. General Walter Hamilton, during his administration as Governor in chief of the Leeward Islands, cf. preceding. (1) Upon his arrival at Antigua, he neither conversed with nor countenanced General Parke's friends, but gave himself up wholly to the councils of the adverse party. (2) He discouraged the taking of oaths relating to the murder and hindered and menaced those who went about to do it. (3) He highly resented all discourse tending to the truth of the murther, and cited Dr. Buxton before himself and Council for a sermon preached at Parham Church describing it. (4) He called a 'General Council and Assembly at this Island to inquire into the murther (which he mildly terms death) of the late General, but in no way took care to protect those that should give their affidavits. (5) He permitted Col. Jones to use barbarously Serjeant Bows who behaved bravely and stood by the General Dec. 7, where he was very much wounded. Flying to leeward after that action, Bows was returned by the Lt. General's order to this Island, and Col. Jones afterwards confined him on Monks Hill in a dungeon several weeks where he was most barbarously used, and could get no relief tho' application was made to the Lt. General untill they had squeezed out of him an affidavit, tho' the affidavit now on record in the Minutes of the General Council said to be taken by him which for want of a full examination of the matters therein contained the truth is only in part discovered. (6) When he took Mr. Mark Bigg's oath relating to a difference between Edward Chester, Senr., and Lt. Richard Worthington he swore him only to the truth, when if he had been swore to the whole truth etc., it would have made that oath to be against Chester, and which must be presumed was contrived between the Lt. General and Chester. (7) He desired the Address of the Council of St. Kitts to be altered (v. supra). (8) When Dr. Bonnin was interrogated on oath before him and General Council, he desired to be excused, for that it was not safe for him to swear, which words upon the direction of Mr. Willett, one of the General Council from St. Christophers were minuted on the Councill books, but afterwards found blotted out as supposed by the Lt. General's order or contrivance with the Secretary's. (9) He only interrogated the people as to the late General's crimes. (10) He did unlawfully take from Mr. Marke Bigg a negro boy belonging to his brother-in-law. (11) A parcell of iron imported into this Island in a French truce being seiz'd by the late General and a parcell of cocoa etc. which Edward Chester senr. in a felonious manner Dec. 7 took out of the Generall's house adjoining to Savouret's Tavern after his death by breaking open the doors and carrying the same to his own house, was either seiz'd by the Lt. General or agreed between him and Chester, for that he has credit for the same with Chester in his books. (12) He was mightily exasperated when anything appeared to be for opening the truth relating to the murther, and upon his hearing that Mr. Ayon's being gone to leeward to go for England in order to lay open the matter before H.M., he expressed himself in a violent manner and that he would give £500 to know how he went off or who had a hand in it. (13) He shewed his malice against Governor Parke in his letters before the murder, and said at Nevis that he expected to hear he was run or a worse thing would befall him, etc. (14) When he first heard at Nevis that Mr. Ayon, Lt. Worthington and others who were General Parke's friends and who were with him when he was assaulted and who were not killed, he declared his satisfaction thereof for that they were preserved for the gallows, etc. Signed, John Yeamans, Thomas Morris, Richard Oliver, Sam. Byam, Jer. Blizard, Isaac Royal, Jno. Wickham, Jos. French, Jno. Sawcott, H. Pember, Goussè Bonnin, Richd. Worthington, William Yeamans. Copy. 2½ large pp.
302. iv. Affidavit of Charles Bowes, Serjeant in the company of Capt. Richd. Worthington in Col Jones' Regt. Nov. 14, 1711. On Dec. 7 when Governor Parke was murthered and deponent wounded in his defence, he saw Henry Smith now an ensigne in the Regiment in armes amongst the rebells. He told deponent as he lay bleeding that they had given him his due. When he was confined at Monk's Hill by order of Col. James Jones, Smith told him that he, deponent, knew that General Parke had sold the Island to the French, and if he would make affidavitt of itt, he should be released. Deponent said he knew of no such thing, etc. Signed, Charles Bowes. ¾ p.
302. v. Address of the Assembly of Antigua to the Queen. Duplicate of Feb. 23, 1711.
302. vi. Lt.-Governor, some of the Council and inhabitants of Antigua, to Governor Douglas. Return thanks for the suspension of Lt. General Hamilton. "Such were the discouragements the loyal party received from him, that we must have quitted our interest and families" etc. Signed, John Yeamans, Lt. Govr.; Thomas Morris, Richard Oliver, (of H.M. Council); Peter Buer, Jos. French, Jno. Wickham. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 42. Nos. 83, 97–101, 103.]
Feb. 9.
303. Lt. Gov. Vetch to the Earl of Dartmouth. The severity of the winter having detained the mast fleet hitherto, I have presumed to give your Lordship thiss. Gives details of levying of company of Indians (v. Jan. 3.) Coll. Livingston is not only considerably out of pockett, but must have a verry great sway amongst them to raise such a number att any rate. They are now embarked for Annapolis Royall, etc., etc. Signed, Sam. Vetch. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 9. No. 105; and (duplicate) 105 i.]
Feb. 10.
Boston. April 2.
304. Same to Same. Duplicate of preceding, with postscript of April 2nd added:—Since writing of the above I have advice from the Agent for the garison Mr. Borland that none of his bills are so much as accepted att home which is like to ruine him intirely, as it hath done the publick's credit here, so that I must intreat your Lop. to speak to my Ld. Treasurer, to direct the payment of the sd. bills, other ways it will be impossible for me to support the garison of Annapolis Royall: with regard to which I extreamly long for your Lordship's commands, etc. Signed, Sam. Vetch. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 9. No. 107.]
[Feb. 11.] 305. Extract of letter from Major Douglas to Mr. Lewis, one of Lord Dartmouth's Secretaries. When I arrived in this Island, I found the people in the greatest distractions and fears for several days under arms, in continual alarms, the Loyalists upon their guard, and in a dread of the country party, whom they lookt upon as their greatest enemys. There is soe great an intimacy and friendship between the Queen's troops and the rebells, that upon the least motion I should make to apprehend any of the Planters the Island would be in an insurrection, and the Loyalists being the weakest, exposed to certain ruin and destruction. My orders to Capt. Norbury were slighted by him when I sent him three prisoners on board, pretended at first he wou'd not receive them, being not properly under my command, this put a stop to any further progress in this affair, and gave the rebells all the hopes of security. Till I have a sufficient power according to the 69th article of my Instructions from the Board of Admiralty, I must suspend all thoughts of further executing H.M. commands, you will be pleased to let my Lord Dartmouth know that I may receive those orders that are so proper for H.M. service in this affair, and would tend to the safety of ye Colony. The whole Assembly but one appeared in arms in the Rebellion as their Commanders. I beleive it would not be amiss, if the civil and military officers received some marks of H.M. resentment by being made incapable. Capt. Norbury brings home Capt. Rooksby, Lt. Watts and Ensign Smith, etc. The depositions and witnesses that go with them, will I hope bring them to a deserved punishment, that may be exemplary to the rest here. This is the only step I am able as yet to make. I would be very cautious of exposing H.M. authority again to new insults, the Island to a civill war, or the attempts of an enemy, that is upon the watch for those advantages any commotion would give 'em, that I must waite for H.M. further orders, to enable me to execute her commands, and to protect the people from such accidents that might ensue. A man of war with some regular forces, or the men or war order'd from Barbados for a few days upon this station and under my command would sufficiently strengthen me. The spirit of rebellion is so infused into the majority of the people, that the same members are thought only the fittest persons to be their Representatives. I take ye liberty to assure you, I have done all yt. was possible for ye honour of H.M. service, for which I am every minute ready to sacrifice my life wth. satisfaction, but I humbly represent that either a qualifyed pardon or some more force are necessary for ye safety and quiet of this Isld. Signed, A faithful extract, etc. E. Lewis. [C.O. 153, 11. pp. 427–429.]
Feb. 12.
Craven House.
306. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Council and Assembly of North Carolina. Nothing could more sensibly affect us than the news we have receiv'd of the very great disorders and tumults that have lately happen'd in North Carolina and we having taken into our more serious consideration the unhappy condition of our said Province as well in regard to the administration of the Government and justice there as in relation to the commerce thereof and we are persuaded that nothing can more effectually contribute to the welfare of our said Province than the appointing of proper and fit persons to inquire into the state and condition of the same and administer justice accordingly; We therefore inform you that we reposing special trust and confidence in the ability and integrity of Edward Hyde Esq. have authoriz'd and commission'd him our Governor of our said Province of N. Carolina during our pleasure to whom we hereby require you to pay all due obedience as the Acts of your Assemblies and our Charter under the Broad Seal of England oblige you; We have also sent you over several other new commissioned officers in whom we have great confidence and therefore recommend them to you[r] care and friendship that by the mutual assistance of each other justice may be more duly administred, the welfare of our said Province and the peace and satisfaction of all the inhabitants under our care may be more effectually establish'd. We earnestly recommend to you Gentlemen in your General Assemblies that you wou'd seriously consider of the state of the Church in our Province and take care that the same may be establish'd and that all due and necessary appointments may be made to the Ministers thereof, and to give encouragement to such proceedings we are willing to contribute the sum of £200 towards the building a Church in such place as shal be thought most suitable and convenient to all or at least the greatest part of the inhabitants. We desire you to prepare laws for our confirmation whereby the peace and happiness profit and advantage of all the people under our care may be best secur'd and improv'd and all such disorders as have lately been committed amongst you for the future may be prevented. And lest any invasion or descent shou'd be made hereafter upon you by any Indian or other foreign enemy whatever we think it highly expedient that a law be prepar'd for the regulating the Militia that for the future they may be made more ready and able to defend the country and preserve the peace and quiet of the Govt. We expect that care shal be taken that our quit-rents may be duly paid to our Receiver Genll. at such times and places as shal be thought most proper or at one convenient place upon each River and considering the smallness of the reserv'd rents we expect they should be paid in fine silver. You are to endeavour that such laws, customs and usages of our said Province as are for the advantage of the Government thereof be put in execution and we desire you to remember that no law whatever either already pass'd or that hereafter shal be pass'd shal be in force after they have been disapprov'd of by us here nor for any longer term than two years unless such law is within that time confirm'd under the hands and seals of the Palatin and four more of the Lords Proprietors. We doubt not Gentlemen but you will constantly endeavour the good of our Province and that you will do us all the friendly offices that shal be in your power. Signed, Beaufort, Carteret, Fulwar Skipwith, J. Colleton, J. Danson. [C.O. 5, 290. pp. 50–52.]
Feb. 13. 307. Mr. Hodges, Attorney General of Barbados, to Mr. Popple. The Queen has bin pleased to renew my licence of absence for six months longer, so hope that Mr. Lowther or Mr. Slingsby's applications will have no effect on the Lords to my prejudice, etc. Signed, Tho. Hodges. Endorsed, Recd. 13th, Read 25th Feb., 17 11/12. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 13. No. 84; and 29, 12. p. 409.]
Feb. 13.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
308. Treasury Minute. Col. Nicholson called in. My Lord [Treasurer] resolves, that 2/3 upon the bills relating to the Expedition to Canada, and for transporting the garrison of Anapolis to France, shall be satisfyed forthwith, and the remaining third part as soon as it shall appear who is to be charged with the monys taken up for those services, that so the same may be accounted for, which matter is now under examination, and ready for a report. (v. No. 309.) [C.O. 324, 32. p. 127.]
Feb. 13.
309. The Earl of Dartmouth to Governor Hunter. Col. Nicholson having given an account upon his arrival here that 2000 small arms with a considerable quantity of powder and ball, part of the stores allotted for the expedition to Canada, were left under your care; I am commanded to acquaint you, H.M. is pleased to order they should remain with you for the publick service. As you cannot but look upon this to be a mark of H.M. goodness to Her subjects in those parts, I hope so large a supply will likewise be sufficient for your security. The enclosed paper (No. 308) is copy of a minute taken at the Treasury, by which you will see how readily the disbursements made for the use of the Government have been complyed with here. Signed, Dartmouth. [C.O. 324, 32. p. 125.]
Feb. 13.
310. Same to Governor Dudley. Duplicate of preceding except that the number of small arms is 1000, and conclusion;—"Such a ready complyance is an encouragment for everybody to shew their zeal for the good of their country, when their reinbursements are so punctually answered." Signed, Dartmouth. [C.O. 324, 32. p. 126.]
Feb. 14.
311. The Earl of Dartmouth to Lt. Governor Spotswood. H.M. having commanded me to signify by this mail to Her Governors of New England and New York, that the small arms and ammunition designed for the expedition to Canada, should be left in their hands for their better defence against any attempt of the enemy; I thought proper to communicate the same to you as a mark of H.M. tender concern for her subjects in the Plantations, and that you may allways depend upon her care for your safety. You know that last year Mr. Corbin at that time Naval Officer at Rappahannock River lay under some suspicion of having made a razure in one of H.M. passes, that it might serve for another purpose than that for which it was sign'd; I cannot refuse him the justice to tell you he has voluntarily appeared here, and petitioned to be heard for the clearing his innocence in that matter. Signed, Dartmouth. [C.O. 324, 32. p. 128.]
Feb. 14.
St. James's.
312. H.M. Warrant. appointing John Wentworth to the Council of New Hampshire in the room of Winthrop Hilton, decd. [C.O. 324, 32. p. 128.]
Feb. 15.
313. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. There being frequent demands from the Plantations of arms, ammunition, ordnance, and ordnance stores, and particularly of late from Virginia, the Massachusets Bay, and the Leeward Islands. The Council and Assembly of Nevis have represented to us that by reason of the attempts of the enemy in 1706, the hurricane in 1707, and by reason of two years of drought since, they are rendred unable to take care of their own security as formerly in providing such stores as are necessary for their defence, and therefore pray your Majesty will order them such arms, stores ammunition as are contain'd in the annex'd lists: But there being no fund as we are inform'd for supplying the said Plantations, we humbly take leave to offer that it is necessary some provision of a certain annual summ be made, for providing stores for the defence of the said Plantations. [C.O. 324, 10. pp. 1, 2.]
[Feb. 15.] 314. Maryland Merchants to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Government of Maryland having been vacant near three years: and finding by experience the laws in force respecting trade grow languid and faint, and that there is an occasion for some further laws to be enacted, wee humbly hope your Lordships will recommend it to H.M. to send a Governor to the said Province that is acquainted with that country, and its traffick, which may contribute to give new life and vigour to that Colony, and improve the Queen's revenue here. Signed, Arthur Bailey and three others. Endorsed, Recd., Read Feb. 15, 17 11/12. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 717. No. 48; and 5, 727. p. 311.]
[Feb. 15.] 315. Deposition of W. Martin, of Antigua, as to the behaviour of Capt. Norbury. (v. Aug. 27, 1711 etc). Signed, Willm. Martin. Endorsed, Recd., Read Feb. 15, 17 11/12. 2 pp. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 101.]