Index: V, W, Y

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 25, 1710-1711. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1924.

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'Index: V, W, Y', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 25, 1710-1711, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1924), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].

'Index: V, W, Y', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 25, 1710-1711. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1924), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,

"Index: V, W, Y". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 25, 1710-1711. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1924), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.


Valminiere, M. de la, letter from, 538 i.

Vanbell, — Agent for Brandenburgh Company, presents given by, to Governor Parke, p. 210.

Vane, George, Capt., Engineer, 190 i., 528, 529, 558 i.

-, -, account of capture of St. Johns by, 528 ii.

-, -, charge of treachery against, 528 vi.

-, -, letter from, 549.

-, -, prisoner at Placentia, 528 iii.

-, -, -, in France, 528 iii.

-, -, -, released, 528 iii.

-, -, proposal by, for fortifying St. Johns, 558 i., 560, 560 ii.

Varenne, M., prisoner, exchange of, 225.

Vaudreuil, Marquis de, (Philippe de Rigeau), Governor General of Canada and Governor of Quebec, 528 vi., 855, 864 i.

-, -, Christmas entertainment by, 673.

-, -, Indians despatched to Port Royal by, 887.

-, -, -, Eastern, intrigues with, 81.

-, -, -, Five Nations intrigues with, 81, 834 i. 859.

-, -, -, -, message to, 864 i.

-, -, -, -, -, reply to, 864 i.

-, -, letter to, 427, 427 i., 673.

-, -, -, reply to, p. 381.

-, -, Onnondio, Indian name for, 834 i.

-, -, Port Royal, articles of capitulation of, transmitted to, 427, 427 i.

-, -, threatened with reprisals by General Nicholson etc., 427 i.

Vaughan, George, Agent for New Hampshire, 81, 491, 492, 510 ii.

-, -, accounts of, 335, 335 ii.

-, -, mission of, 491.

-, -, return of, 34, 35.

-, John, Earl of Carbery, proposal by, to surrender lands in Jamaica, 140, 157.

-, Robert, document signed by, 541 ii.

-, William, Councillor, New Hampshire, 491, 508, 510, 510 ii., iii.

-, -, document signed by, 509 i.

-, -, order to, 81 xviii.

-, -, opinions of, 382.

-, -, records kept by, 382.

Vaus, Domingo, 235.

Venus, French man of war, 528 iii.

Vera Cruz, 313.

-, French men of war at, 530.

-, Spanish men of war and galleons at, 170, 530, 738.

Vernon, Capt., R.N., 857.

-, James, letter to, 417.

Verseer, 569.

Vert, Bay, 887.

Vetch, Samuel, Col., Governor of Annapolis Royal (Port Royal), 81 xvii., 302, 425, 427, 433, 491, 673.

-, -, Governor of Canada, appointment as, requested, 613.

-, -, Governor of Nova Scotia, title assumed by, 613.

-, -, Anadiasia, Indian name of, 194.

-, -, bills drawn by, for pay and victualling of garrison, 721, 721 i., 733, 742, 748.

-, -, -, payment of, requested, 879.

-, -, Boston visited by, 742.

-, -, Canada Expedition, renewal of, urged by, 613.

-, -, Commission of, 613.

-, -, document signed by, 419, 420, 425, 426, 427 i., 460, 733, 741 ii., 879 i.

-, -, instructions of, 460.

-, -, letter from, 103, 237, 392, 395, 396, 573, 611, 613, 721, 741, 742, 855, 879, 884, 887.

-, -, letter to, 497.

-, -, Livingston recommended by, 741.

-, -, memorial by, 741 i.

-, -, proposals by, for Expedition against New Spain, 237.

-, -, returns to Annapolis Royal, 741.

-, -, reward asked for by, 237, 613.

-, -, salary, application for, 742.

-, -, summoned to Council of War, 893.

Victor, (Indian), 673.

Vigilant, French ship captured, 219.

Virgin Islands, claims to, 731.

-, defence of, 813 i.

-, -, proposal for, 731.

-, description of, by Capt. Walton, 705, 706.

-, Dutch claims to, 731.

-, French claims to, 731.

-, French settlement in, 705.

-, Governor of, the Governor of Leeward Islands, 705, 731, 801, 813 i.

-, -, formerly the Governor of Barbados, 731.

-, -, salary of, proposed 731.

-, -, Governors of, Commissions and Instructions of, 731.

-, Lt. Governor of, See Walton, John, Capt.

-, -, commissioned by Governors of Leeward Islands, 705.

-, memorial on, 731.

-, neglect of, 731.

-, petition for grant of, etc., 601, 601 i.; and see Walton, John, Capt.

-, pirates shelter at, 731.

-, produce of, 705, 731, 801, 813 i.

-, questions put by Council of Trade concerning, answers to, 731.

-, raid upon, threatened, 782.

-, report upon, ordered, 813 i.

-, settlement of, objections to, 813 i.

-, -, question referred to Governor Douglas, 813 i.

-, H.M. sovereignty over, assertion of, ordered, 813 i.

-, Spanish Town, 801, 813 i.

-, -, cotton export from 731.

-, -, description of, 813 i.

-, sugar works in, 705.

-, tobacco grown in, 705.

-, trade, illegal, in, 601, 731, 801, 813 i.

Virgin Queen, 899.

Virginia, 362, 527 i.; and see Byrd, William.

-, Act, appointing public rollinghouses, 710.

-, -, appointing a Treasurer, 710.

-, -, for ascertaining value of coin, 710.

-, -, concerning juries, 514.

-, -, concerning probate, 710.

-, -, declaring qualifications of Officers, objections to, 709.

-, -, declaring what is meant by seating lands etc. (1666), repeal of, 437, 670, 709, 755, 804.

-, -, for dividing parishes, 437, 555.

-, -, to enable Mrs. Harris to sell lands etc., 710.

-, -, to encourage working of iron mines, 437.

-, -, -, instruction concerning, 624.

-, -, -, opinion of Council of Trade on, 911.

-, -, -, rejected, 437, 555, 911.

-, -, for establishing County Courts, objections to, 710.

-, -, for establishing General Court, 514.

-, -, to explain Act establishing General Court, 710.

-, -, for establishing ports and towns, repeal of, 53, 349.

-, -, Excise, 710.

-, -, for granting and seating lands, repeal of, 349, 437, 449, 670, 709, 710.

-, -, -, reasons for, 804.

-, -, -, re-enacted in part, 710.

-, -, -, clauses in, concerning quit-rents, 710.

-, -, -, -, embodying H.M. Instructions, order for passing, 756.

-, -, Habeas Corpus, 710 i.

-, -, laying duty on slaves, 710.

-, -, laying fine on those refusing to serve as Sheriffs, 710.

-, -, for naturalisation, objections to, 514.

-, -, obliging masters of ships to prevent cutting of tobacco hogsheads, 710, 744.

-, -, -, reasons for, 710.

-, -, for payment of Councillors' salaries, 170.

-, -, to prevent deserters from H.M. Navy, 710.

-, -, to prevent the destroying of bastard children, 710.

-, -, to prevent frauds in the Customs, objections to, 709.

-, -, for raising a public levy, 710.

-, -, for raising 2 s. per hhd., objections to, 710.

-, -, -, for regulating ordinaries and restraint of tipling houses, defects of, 710.

-, -, -, for further regulating the same, 710.

-, -, Revenue (1705) repeal of, reasons for, 709, 710.

-, -, -, new, 709, 710.

-, -, for security and defence of country, continued, 710.

-, -, to set free a negro, 710.

-, Acts of, 554, 555, 638, 709, 710.

-, -, amendment of, 349.

-, -, Committee for revising, proceedings of, 710.

-, -, embodying H.M. instructions, effect of, 709.

-, -, proclamation of, 349.

-, -, report upon, 514.

-, -, Parliament, question whether extended to, 710.

-, -, Admiralty Officers, fees of, 247, 555.

-, Agent of, See Blakiston, Nathaniel.

-, Assembly of, 21, 364.

-, -, Address by, 555, 710, 710 ii., 711, 911.

-, -, composition of, 437.

-, -, counties and parishes divided by, objection to, 437, 555.

-, -, dissolution of, 638.

-, -, -, by Governor's death, question of, 709.

-, -, gentlemen excluded, 437.

-, -, irregular proceedings of, 638.

-, -, journals of, 555, 638, 710.

-, -, managment of, by Lt. Governor Spotswood, 554, 555, 638, 709–711.

-, -, meeting of, 463.

-, -, negro conspiracy, procedure of, concerning, 555.

-, -, new, 349.

-, -, parties in, 437.

-, -, payment of creditors etc. refused by, 638.

-, -, permission to enact Instruction into a Law, 670.

-, -, praised by Spotswood, 709.

-, -, prorogued, 744.

-, -, refuse to ratify treaty with Indians, 638.

-, -, reject measures of defence, 638.

-, -, reject project of working iron mines, 437, 555, 911.

-, -, Speaker of. See Beverley, Peter.

-, -, speech to, (1684), 555, 710.

-, -, temper of, 437.

-, -, writs for election of, form of, 709, 709 iii.

-, Auditor General of, 349.

-, bastard, concealment of death of, woman acquitted for, 710.

-, bastards, Act to prevent destruction of, 710.

-, boundaries of, with Carolina, 206, 555.

-, -, Commissioners for settling, 263, 671.

-, -, -, representation concerning, 671.

-, -, -, order approving, 364, 686, 719.

-, -, -, delays by Carolina, 437, 437 iii., 709 ii.

-, -, -, report of Virginian Commissioners upon, 437, 437 iii.

-, -, -, -, proceedings of Council upon, 437 iv.

-, -, -, cost of laying out, 53.

-, -, Indians living within contested, petition of, 437.

-, Canada Expedition, quota for, suggested, 482, 503, 575 i., 579.

-, coin, currency of copper, Act declaring, 710.

-, -, Act for ascertaining value of, 710.

-, Collector of, Receiver of Virginia duties, office combined with that of Naval Officer, 349.

-, -, instruction concerning, 349.

-, -, sloop required for, 349.

-, College of William and Mary, rebuilding of, 710 i.

-, -, condition of, peaceful, 206, 350, 351, 353.

-, convoy of trade fleet, 263, 349, 744.

-, corn, embargo on, 21, 53.

-, -, -, removed, 437 i., 438 i.

-, Council of, 21, 53, 154, 349, 437, 555, 638, 710.

-, -, Address of, 638 i., 710, 710 i., 711, 911.

-, -, Clerk of, salary of, augmented, 709.

-, -, instructions communicated to, 349.

-, -, Minutes of, 263, 263 i., 349, 351, 437, 437 iv., 709.

-, -, payment of, 710.

-, -, relations of, with Lt. Governor Spotswood, 638.

-,-, Council and Assembly of, Address by, 555, 890.

-, -, Committee for revising Laws, 710.

-, -, Councillors of, 349, 555, 709.

-, -, Act declaring qualifications of, repealed, 709.

-, -, Act to same effect still in force, 709.

-, -, William Byrd, omitted by error and restored, 449.

-, -, persons to be recommended as, scarcity of, 709.

-, -, recommendation for, 894.

-, counties of, division of, by Assembly, objections to, 437, 555.

-, Court, Admiralty, fees of, 247, 555.

-, -, General, Act to explain Act establishing, 514, 710.

-, -, -, -, appeal from, 710.

-, -, -, lands, granted by, 437, 710.

-, -, -, Courts of. Act establishing, 349, 515, 555.

-, -, -, instruction concerning, 349.

-, -, -, objection to, 710.

-, -, Oyer and Terminer, 437, 710 i.

-, -, Record, appointment of, 710.

-, Customs boat for James River, proposed, 449, 450.

-, debts of, 349.

-, defence of, 449, 555, 575 i., 638.

-, -, Act for, 710.

-, -, instructions for mutual assistance of Carolina and Maryland, suggested, 638.

-, -, measures proposed for, 349, 638.

-, -, -, rejected by Assembly, 638.

-, distress in, 710.

-, duties of, Receiver of. See Collector.

-, emigration from, to Carolina and Proprietary Governments, 21.

-, epidemic in, 21, 53, 206, 364, 555, 709 i.

-, escheats, 710.

-, Fast and Humiliation, day appointed for, 437 i., 438 i., 709 i.

-, fees, Act limiting, repealed, 709.

-, -, Act to same effect still in force, 709.

-, -, -, Act new, passed, 710.

-, -, tables of, 349, 555.

-, German Protestant Refugees, arrival of, 263.

-, -, proposal to migrate from Carolina and Switzerland, 638.

-, -, lands for, instructions required, 638.

-, Governor, Lt. Governor of. See, Orkney, Earl of; Jenings, Edmund; Nicholson, Francis; Spotswood, Alexander.

-, -, ecclesiastical jurisdiction of, 710.

-, -, instructions of, observation upon, 178.

-, -, letter to, 47, 129.

-, Governor's House, money for completion of, 349, 710.

-, guardships, 154, 206, 208, 263, 363, 364, 449.

-, -, Agent for victualling, proposed, 349.

-, -, appointed for, 21, 53, 243, 453, 478, 555.

-, -, deserters from, Act to prevent, 710.

-, -, obliged to refit at New York, inconvenience of, 349.

-, -, reinforcement of, 555.

-, -, request for, 7, 21, 263, 349, 360, 364, 452.

-, -, to victual at, proposal for, 349, 453.

-, -, sloop from New York hired, 154, 206, 258, 263.

-, health of, 364, 555; and see epidemic.

-, Indian slaves, duty on, 710.

-, Indians, French intrigues with, feared, 638.

-, -, living within contested bounds, petition of, 437.

-, -, Maherine, complaint from Carolina against, 709 ii.

-, -, Seneca chief killed in, 638.

-, -, trade with, dispute with Carolina concerning, 206, 364, 555.

-, -, -, order concerning, 555.

-, -, Treaty of 1677, observance of, 437.

-, -, Tuscoruro, treaty with, ratification of, refused by Assembly, 638.

-, iron, manufacture in, 555.

-, -, -, discouraged, 911.

-, -, mines in, Act for encouraging, instructions concerning, 624.

-, -, -, project for working, 437, 555.

-, -, -, -, rejected by Assembly, 555.

-, James River, lands upon, 555.

-, Juries, Act concerning, 515.

-, Justices of the Peace, nomination of, 710.

-, -, scarcity of, 555.

-, Kiquotan, 421 i., 437.

-, lands in, Act for granting etc. repealed, 349, 437, 449, 670, 710, 804.

-, -, -, re-enacted in part, 710.

-, -, Act declaring what is meant by seating etc., (1666) repeal of, 437, 670, 709, 755, 804.

-, -, grants of, encroachments on Royal prerogative, 710.

-, -, -, escheated, 437, 710.

-, -, -, General Court and, 710.

-, -, -, in disputed territory, forbidden, 671.

-, -, -, instruction concerning method of, 53, 154, 437, 709, 804.

-, -, -, -, objections to, 21, 437, 555, 709.

-, -, -, -, order for passing into an Act, 756, 804, 812, 812 i.

-, -, -, -, effect of, 709.

-, -, -, -, representation upon, 670.

-, -, -, -, approved by Lord Orkney, 702.

-, -, -, proclamation, concerning, 709, 709 i.

-, -, -, proposal by Lt. Gov. Spotswood concerning, 709.

-, -, and see Virginia, boundaries.

-, letters for, 82.

-, liberty of subject, instruction concerning, 349.

-, Lt. Governor of. See Jenings, Edmund; Spotswood Alexander.

-, manufactures in, 555, 710.

-, -, costs of, 744.

-, -, growth and reasons for, 744.

-, -, iron, 911.

-, -, linen, 744.

-, Militia of, 349.

-, mines, iron, proposed working for public, 437.

-, -, -, rejected, 555; and see Act to encourage etc.

-, money, tobacco the only medium, 437.

-, mountains explored by Company of Adventurers, 555.

-, Naval Officer. See Allen, Arthur; Harrison, Nathaniel.

-, -, instruction concerning, 349.

-, -, fees of, Act limiting, repealed, 709.

-, -, -, Act to same effect still in force, 709.

-, Naval Stores, exports of, 597 i.

-, -, premiums on, proposal for easier payment of, 744.

-, -, production of, proposal concerning, 744.

-, -, -, instruction in, required, 744.

-, -, as quit-rents, proposed, 437 v.

-, -, negroes, 710.

-, -, conspiracy of, discovered, 206, 364, 437 i., 438 i., 710.

-, -, conspirators executed, 206, 263, 364.

-, -, -, Act to set free discoverer of, 710.

-, -, -, bill to prevent, rejected, 555.

-, -, duty on, 710.

-, -, -, objections to, 710.

-, -, imports of, excessive, 710.

-, -, increase of, results of, 744.

-, -, prices and supply of, 21.

-, -, proclamation to prevent assemblies of, 437 i., 438 i.

-, -, -, for arrest of, 437 i., 438 i.

-, Officers, Act declaring qualifications of, objections to, 709.

-, -, -, limiting fees of, repealed, 709, 710.

-, -, -, -, to same effect in force, 709.

-, -, -, new Act passed, 710.

-, -, proclamation for continuing, 437 ii., 438 i.

-, Ordinaries etc., Act for regulating, 710.

-, packet-boats, 911.

-, -, dispatches by, 555.

-, parishes of, division of, 555.

-, -, -, disputes concerning, 437.

-, -, -, by Assembly or Governor, 437.

-, -, -, -, instruction concerning, 437.

-, pirates, increase of expected, 349.

-, Point Comfort, fort at, proposed, 349, 449.

-, -, garrison for, 349.

-, postal service in, project of, 437.

-, -, difficulty of payment of postage, 437.

-, Prerogative of the Crown, 437.

-, -, in appointing Courts of Record, maintained, 710.

-, -, -, encroachments on, in grants of land, 710.

-, -, concerning escheats, 437.

-, President and Council of, 349; and see Jenings, Edmund.

-, privateers, Commissions of, instruction concerning, 373. 378.

-, -, defence against, 349.

-, -, infest coast of, 21, 154, 177, 206, 263, 364, 555.

-, probate. Act concerning, 710.

-, Proclamations issued in, 437 i., ii., 438 i., 709, 709 i.

-, prosperity of, 206.

-, quit-rents, 349.

-, -, accounts of, 709.

-, -, Act concerning, 710.

-, -, proposal for payment of, in Naval Stores, 437, 437 v., vi.

-, -, roll of, Act for, 555.

-, -, sale of tobacco for, by inch of candle, altered, 349, 449.

-, raid on, by privateers, 263.

-, Receiver General of. See Byrd, William.

-, Revenue, accounts of, required, 53.

-, -, Act (1705) repealed, 709, 710.

-, -, Act, new, passed, 709, 710.

-, -, frauds on, remedied, 710.

-, -, of 2s. per hhd., account of, 709, 709 iv.

-, Rivers of, ferries, 555.

-, sailings for, from Whitehaven, 40.

-, seamen, deserters, proclamation for arrest of, 437 i., ii., 438 i.

-, Secretary of, 349.

-, settlement of, directed against communications of Mississippi and Canada, 555.

-, -, proposals concerning, 555.

-, Sheriff, office of, difficulty of filling, 710.

-, -, Act laying fine on those refusing to serve, 710.

-, shipping, Act favouring Virginian owners, repealed, 709.

-, -, Act to same effect still in force, 709.

-, ships, clearings of, 437.

-, -, tonnage, measurement of, 710.

-, slaves, duty on, 710.

-, stores of war, request for, 638.

-, tobacco, crop of, 40, 53, 349, 449.

-, tobacco hogsheads, guage of, 906.

-, -, Act to prevent cutting, 744.

-, -, illicit exportation of, 349.

-, -, prices of, low, 349, 449, 710.

-, -, rolling-houses, bill appointing, 710.

-, -, sale of, by inch of candle, 449.

-, -, the only specie in, 437.

-, tobacco trade, depression in, 437 v., 710 i.

-, -, -, remedy for, 744.

-, tonnage, measurement of, 710.

-, trade; and see Virginia, tobacco.

-, -, depression in, 437 v., 709, 710, 710 i.

-, -, -, effects of, 744.

-, -, -, remedy proposed by Spotswood, 744.

-, -, Fleet, 263, 349, 744.

-, -, -, convoys for, 349, 351, 353, 744.

-, -, -, sailing of, 437.

-, -, illegal, letter concerning, 47, 53.

-, -, -, measures for prevention of, 349, 437, 449.

-, -, -, with Curaçoa, 349, 437, 449.

-, -, -, with St. Thomas, 349, 437, 449.

-, -, Indian, dispute with Carolina concerning, 206, 364, 555.

-, Treasurer, Act appointing, 710.

-, Verina, parish of, 555.

-, Williamsburgh, Courts held at, 437.

Volpone, quoted by Col. Parke, 228.

Vosbery, Jacob, 673.

Vulker, —, N.J., 835 xxiii.


Waer, Nathaniel, 382.

-, Peter, 508.

Waganhas. See Indians.

Waite, Thomas, document signed by, 541 ii.

Walch, Philip, Capt. See Walsh.

Waldron, (Walderen), Richard, Councillor, New Hampshire, 81, 215, 335, 491, 492 ii., 508.

-, -, admission of, without warrant, 283, 335, 348, 348 i., 508.

-, -, -, reason for, 860.

-, -, appointment of, order and warrant for, 508, 508 ii., iii., 509, 509 i., 510 iii., 695.

-, -, case of, 81 xvii., 113, 283, 491.

-, -, complaint against, by Lt. Governor Usher, 283, 335, 491, 508.

-, -, -, reply to, 491, 492, 492 i.

-, -, lands held by, 283, 491, 492 i.

-, -, opinions of, 382.

-, -, suspension of, 508, 509, 509 i., 510, 510 i., 860.

-, -, -, reasons for, 508, 508 ii., iii., 509, 509 i., 510 iii.

Walighlawit, Indian Sachem, 834 i.

Walker, Alexander, Councillor of Barbados, 623.

-, -, address to, 274 i. (c).

-, -, document signed by, 201, 264, 264 i., ii., v., 265 i., 541 ii.

-, -, letter from, 235.

-, -, N.J., document signed by, 835 xix., xx.

-, David, document signed by, 835 xx.

-, George, document signed by, 541 ii.

-, Admiral Sir Hovenden, 832 i.

-, Thomas, Capt., elected Commander in Chief, Bahama Islands, 421 i.

-, -, report by, 421 i.

-, Warram, Rev., 190 ii.

-, William, acquittal of, confirmed, 67.

-, -, address concerning, 68 i.

Walpole, Robert, Secretary at War, 229, 230.

-, -, letter to, 240.

-, -, reference to, 300.

-, -, report by, 404.

Walsh, Luke, Ensign, charges against 324 iv., v., vii., viii., x., xii., xiii., xvii., xxiii., xxv.. xxix., 516.

-, -, commission of, 516.

-, -, deposition of, 324 xxx.

-, -, document signed by, 324 i.

-, Philip, Capt., 149, 589.

-, -, charges against. 324 iii., v.–vii., ix.–xi., xiii., xvi., xvii., xxi., xxiv., xxvi., xxviii., 516.

-, -, -, reply to, p. 204.

-, -, deposition of, 324 xxx.

-, -, document signed by, 324 i.

Walters, Robert, Councillor of New York, erroneously written Thomas, 317.

-, -, admitted to Council, 454.

-, -, document signed by, 886 ii.

-, -, warrant for restoring to Council, 14.

-, Thomas. See preceding.

Walton, John, Capt., Lt. Governor of Virgin Islands, 601.

-, -, Commission of, 813 i.

-, -, letter from, 705, 706, 731, 740.

-, -, petition of, for commission or grant of Virgin Islands, 601, 601 i., 731, 740, 801.

-, -, -, objections to, reply to, 801.

-, -, -, representation upon, 813 i.

-, -, salary of, 813 i.

-, -, Virgin Islands, described by, 705.

-, -, -, settling of, reasons for, offered by, 705.

-, Shadrach, 491.

-, -, document signed by, 81 vii.–ix.

Wanneschakis, Indian Sachem, 834 i.

Wansworth, Fisher, Capt., effects of, in Jamaica, 254.

War, Secretary at. See Granville, George; Walpole, Robert.

Ward, Lord Chief Baron, letter to, 151.

Wardll., Andrews, document signed by, 541 ii.

Ware, —, (N.H.) 81.

Warner, —, p. 206.

-, Edward, document signed by, 788.

Warr, Richard, documents sent by, 526, 526 i.–xiv.

-, -, letter to, 527 i.

Waterbury, 673.

Waterman, James, document signed by, 541 ii.

Waterhouse, Benjamin, (G.P.O.), letter from, 527 i.

Waters, —, (Barbados), 467.

Waterson, William, document signed by, 563 i.

Watkins, Col., (? Samuel), Antigua, 324 xxviii., 674 iv. (b).

-, -, barbarous treatment of Parke by, 677 i.

-, -, case of, 391.

-, James, document signed by, 783 i.

Waycocon, identification of, 437 iii.

Weantinuck, 673.

Webster, Robert, document signed by, 835 xix., xx.

Wells, N.E., prisoners taken by Indians from, 190 iii.

Wells, Thomas, 219.

Welsh, Capt. See Walsh.

Wenham, Thomas, 14.

Wenmoth, Stephen, Mayor of Fowey, letter from, 79.

Wentworth, Fisher, Capt., 124.

-, John, 382, 491, 508.

Werden, Sir John, a Commissioner of Customs, document signed by, 220 iii., 543 iii.

West Indies, The. See Plantations, The.

West Jersey Society, Agent of. See Morris, Lewis.

West, Patrick, Antigua, 783 iv. (b).

Wetheril, Thomas, document signed by, 835 xix., xx.

Weymouth, Mayor of, letter from, 78.

-, -, letter to, 63.

-, sailings for Newfoundland from, 78.

Whaley, Capt., 899.

Whalley, Bernard, Capt., deposition of, 324 xx.

Wharf, —, case of, (L.I.), p. 208.

Wheeler, John, 832.

Whetham, Col., Regiment of, in Leeward Islands, 204 i.

Whetstone, John, document signed by, 541 ii.

Whiples, —, 673.

White, Anthony, document signed by, 3 i.

-, William, deposition by, 518 i.

-, -, document signed by, 783 i.

Whitehaven, merchants of, complaint by, 40, 40 i.

-, sailings for America, 40.

Whiten, Mrs., 190 iii.

Whiting, Col., 855.

-, —, English prisoner in Canada, 673.

Whittmore, James, letter to, 527 vi.

Wicconse Creek, lands on. See Virginia boundary dispute.

Wickham, John, Capt., 899.

-, -, charges against, 324 v., vii.

-, -, document signed by, 821 i.

Willard, John, 219.

Willcocks, George. See Willocks.

Willett, John, document signed by, 783 i., ii.

-, Ralph, document signed by 783 i.

William III, King, 252, 390, 636 i.

-, -, encourages scheme for settling Tobago, 193 i., 223.

William and Mary, ship, plundered by privateers, 263.

Williams, Col., Antigua, p. 206.

-, Rev., daughter of, prisoner of Indians, surrender of, demanded, 427 i.

-, -, -, refused by Governor of Canada, 673.

-, Rowland, document signed by, 674 ii.

-, William, Antigua, deposition of, 324 v.

Williamsburgh, (Va.), 437.

Willmarie, 190 iii.

Willocks, (Willcocks), George, Proprietor, New Jersey, case of, 835 xxiii., xxviii.

-, -, charges against, 835 xxvi., xxxvii.

-, -, charges by, against Basse, 835 xxviii., xxxv.

-, -, -, reply to, 835 xxxvii.

-, -, deposition of, 835 xxx., xxxv.

-, -, document signed by, 835 xix.

-, -, non-juror, 835 xxxvii., xxxix, xl.

-, -, party of, 835 xxvi.

-, -, petition of, 835 xxviii.

Willoughby of Parham, Lord Francis, (1646), Commission of, 402 i.

Willson, Ebenezer, document signed by, 158 i.

-, John, document signed by, 835 xx.

Wiltshire, John, documents signed by, 274 i.

Windsor, H.M.S., 286.

Winter, A. See Wynter.

Winter Harbour, Indians attack English at, 673.

Winthrop, Adam, document signed by, 81 x., xi.

-, Major General, 893.

-, Wait, petition etc. of, concerning Narragansett Country, 231 i., 618, 825.

Wishart, Sir James, a Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty, document signed by, 823 i.

Witt, Felton de, 809.

Woodberry, 673.

Woodbridge, N.J. See New Jersey.

-, Dudley, document signed by, 66 ii.

Wood Creek, Canada Expedition, depot at, 81, 834 i., 893.

-, Benecke Indians at, 673.

-, forces withdrawn from, 158 i.

Woods, H.M., in N.E. etc. See Bridger, J.

-, -, Crown rights to, question of, 205, 234, 283.

-, -, Indians in, danger from, 44, 485, 884, 887.

-, -, waste of, 34, 36, 81, 86, 102, 113, 117, 283, 319, 508, 515, 579, 846, 847.

-, -, -, Act of Parliament to prevent, proposed, 81, 215, 481, 491, 510, 626.

-, -, -, Acts to prevent, 34, 36, 517, 832.

-, -, -, Act to prevent, N.J., rejected, 832.

Woollaston, —, 484.

Woollen manufactures, British, 567, 582 i.

-, -, exports of, 127 i., 544 i., ii.

-, in New York, instruction concerning, 517.

-, in the Plantations, 34, 86, 491, 744, 866 i., ii., p. 48.

-, -, discouraged, 517, 579.

Worsham, Richard, 332 iii.

Worthington, Richard, Lt., 674 i.(d), 674 iv. (b).

-, -, attack upon, 783 iii.

-, -, charges against, 674 i.(h). 783 iv. (b).

-, -, deposition of, 783 ii., iii.

-, -, document signed by, 324 ii.

-, -, letter from, 783 iii.

-, -, wounded, 783 iii.

Wright, —, document signed by, 766 i.

-, Benjamin, deposition of, 835 xi.

-, John, 783 iv. (a), 899.

-, Robert, document signed by, 835 xix.

-, Thomas, deposition of, 374 iii.

Wyanoak Creek, identification of, 437 iii.

Wyke, George, Capt., (Montserrat) 904.

-, -, document signed by, 783 i., ii.

-, -, property of, raided, 782.

Wynter, Arthur, petition of, 2.

-, -, -, report upon, 233.

Wyre, Nathaniel, 491.


Yannes (? Hannes), John, 219.

Yate, Robert, document signed by, 227.

Yeamans, John, Lt. Governor of Antigua, 623 ii., 674 iv. (b).

-, -, Addresses by, 838.

-, -, at Parke's murder, 838.

-, -, charge against, of favouring rebels and suppressing evidence, 821.

-, -, Chief Justice, 782.

-, -, document signed by, 674 ii.

-, -, letter from, 674, 838, 877 ii., 878 ii., 891 i., 904.

-, -, letter to, 877 i. (b).

Young, Francis, 589.

-, James, account of murder of Governor Parke by, 623, 623 ii.

-, Samuel, document signed by, 93, 474.

-, Thomas, (Antigua), death of, 589, 623 ii.