July 19. Whitehall. |
306. Mr. Popple to John Phillips. Your letter of June 5th
having been laid before the Lords Commissioners of Trade, they
desire to speak with you thereupon on Friday, etc. [C.O. 5,
913. p. 249.] |
July 19. Whitehall. |
307. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Dartmouth. Enclose following. Autograph signatures. 1 p.
307. i. Extract of Governor Handasyd's letter, June 4. 1 p.
[C.O. 138, 13. pp. 165, 166; and 137, 45. Nos.
94, 94 i.] |
July 19. Whitehall. |
308. Mr. Popple to Josiah Burchett. Encloses extract from
Governor Handasyd's letter June 4, and Mr. Dickenson's of March
1st. [C.O. 138, 13. pp. 166, 167.] |
July 19. Whitehall. |
309. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Dartmouth. Enclose draught of a Commission for Col. Corbet
to be Governor of Maryland (v. July 7.) Mem. Col. Corbert
not going over to Maryland, his Commission is not entred.
[C.O. 5, 717. p. 178.] |
July 20. Boston. |
310. Sachems of the Six Nations to the Queen. We the
Sachems sent from the Six Nations of Indians in the neighbourhood of New York being now (God be thanked) safely in our
native Continent, return our most humbly and hearty thanks
to your Majesty for all your great favours to us when in Brittain;
and acknowledge your Majesty's great care and kindness in
providing so well for us in our passage over and return under
[the care?] of the worthy Anadigarina and Quider. Wee like
[wise re]turn our hearty thanks to your Majesty for your [gracious?]
promise of sending us over Ministers, and hope [you will?] hasten
them over: and that your Majesty would [please to?] order
that a chapell and house be built for the Missi[onaries at?] the
Indian Fort, and an officer and some souldier[s for the?] same,
etc. P.S. Our desire is that Anadigarina, Col. Nicholson, send
this home to the Great Queen. Signed, Henrick ?, and John ?,
Brant Sagayonquaroug, Micholas Eta[—]. 3 Totem Marks.
(—Buffalo (?) Dog ? Tortoise). Edges torn. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 898.
No. 2.] |
July 21. Whitehall. |
311. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Dartmouth. Enclose following. Annexed, |
311. i. H.M. Commission for the Lord Archibald Hamilton
to be Governor of Jamaica. In the usual form. Aug.
15. Countersigned, Wrighte. [C.O. 138, 13. pp. 167–188.] |
July 21. Whitehall. |
312. Council of Trade and Plantations to [?the Lord
Treasurer.] Enclose following, etc. 2 pp.
312. i. Petty expences of the Board of Trade. Lady Day—to Midsummer, 1710. 6 pp. v. B. of T. Journal
under date. [C.O. 388, 76. Nos. 100–103; and 389,
36. pp. 462–464.] |
July 22. St. Jago de la Vega. |
313. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Acknowledges letters, etc., of Nov. 18, Nov. 25,
Jan. 19, and April 4. I have now received 39 more recruits.
I send you a coppy of the Proclamation in relation to the pyrats:
as to the pardon, it's exactly according to H.M. Pattent to me
under the Great Seal, pardoning everything, high treason and
willfull murder only excepted. There is, as I am inform'd
come to this Island near 100 of 'em, as well those that call themselves officers as others; powe [? poor] sorry miserable creatures,
that is in want both for their backs and bellys. They say that
there is severall more of them, gone on board our privateers
and traiding sloops, and the whole body of them either starved
with want, or dispersed somewhere or other to gett bread. As
to what you say as to Laver-decruse Fleet being gott home:
as soon as I receiv'd any intelligence I gave you notice of it;
which was not untill after they were gone: our privateers layd
off Laver-decruse between it and the Havana untill they had
like to have been lost, having neither sayles nor riging lef them,
both English and dutch. As to our men of warr, it was imposible
for them for to lye there in the mouth of the Gulfe, the currt.
being so strong, and so vast a distance from Jamacia, and must
have sayled thro' the Gulfe, so that it would have been at least
4 or 5 months before we could have expected them here again,
in any case they had with no other accidents. As to other
news here, wee have very little, only H.M.S. the Crowne has taken
and sent a French prize laden with wines and drye goods; there
was also a Spanish ship cast away upon our coast, coming from
Craucus laden with cocoa; the ship with all the cocoa was lost,
but most of the men's lives were saved, being native Spaniards,
I have caused them to be sent to Carthegena and Porto Bello,
and we are now in hopes the Spanish Trade will mend upon us,
having latly had two or three sloops come in, that has made pretty
good voyages, and there is 8 or 9 more going: I hartly wish them
good success. I come now to request the continuance of your
Lordships' favours, that in case a peace should ensue, that the
Regiment under my command, nor myself may be neglected,
that the Core (corps) may have no reason of complaint, as to
loose their birthright upon our being employed in H.M. service
at so great a distance, etc. The men of war to the number of
five are out upon the cruse, they have on board 150 soldiers of
H.M. Regt. to help to man them. I hope they will have good
success, or at least prevent the French tradeing upon the coast.
The men of war are pretty healthy as well as the Island, etc.
Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 11th
Sept., 1710. Addressed. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
313. i. Governor Handasyd's Proclamation for pardoning
certain pirates, under Capt. Michael, on the coast of
Porto Bello, etc., on condition that they return to
Jamaica within 60 days and take the oaths of allegiance,
etc. St. Jago de la Vega, Nov. 19, 1709. Endorsed,
Recd. Sept. 8, 1710. Copy. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 137, 9.
Nos. 18, 18 i.; and (without enclosure) 138, 13. pp.
289–292.] |
July 22. St. Jago de la Vega in Jamaica. |
314. Governor Handasyd to the Earl of Sunderland. I
have received by the last pacquett 39 recruits, etc. Prays that
his regiment and himself may be remembered in case a peace
should ensue, etc. Repeats part of preceding. Signed, Tho.
Handasyd. 2 pp. [C.O. 37, 51. No. 25.] |
July 22. Whitehall. |
315. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes. Applies for copies of
Acts of Parliament referred to in Governors' Instructions. [C.O.
324, 9. pp. 442, 443.] |
July 22. Whitehall. |
316. Lord Dartmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. H.M. having been pleased to appoint Robert Lowther
Esq. to be Governor of Barbados in the room of Mitford Crowe
Esq., who is recalled; I desire you will please to direct a Commission and Instructions to be prepared for him as usual, to be
laid before H.M. etc. Signed, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. 24th,
Read 27th July, 1710. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 13. No. 32: and 29,
12. p. 116.] |
July 24. New York. |
317. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. By a small vessel bound for Lisbon I gave your Lorps.
notice of our arriveal here, since that time all the Palatine
ships separated by this weather are arriv'd safe, except the
Herbert frigat, where our tents and armes are, she was cast away
on the East end of Long Island on July 7, the men are safe, but
our goods much dammaged. We still want the Berkley Castle,
which we left at Portsmouth. The poor people have been mighty
sickly, but recover apace; we have lost above 470 of our number.
Soon after my arriveal, I sent the Surveyor Genll. wt. some
skilfull men to survey the lands on ye Mohaks' river, particularly
the Skohare to which the Indians had no pretence, being Col.
Bayard's grant, they however by the instigation of some ill
intentioned men at first refused to suffer it to be survey'd,
upon pretence of it's having returned to them after the resumption,
but have been better advis'd since, so that at this time he is
actually surveying of it. These lands however I believe will be
no ways fitt for the design in hands, being very good lands which
here bears no pines, and lyes very remote. I shall however
be able to cary it on elsewhere, for there is no want of pines, but
the pine land being good for nothing, the difficulty will lye in
finding such a situation as will afford good land for their setlements near the pine lands. I am in terms with some who have
land on Hudson's river fitt for that purpose, which I intend to
view next week in company with Mr. Bridger, who is now with
me, and gives me good incouragement, tho' I have mett with
some discourageing accts. here, but after full information, I
believe I shall be able at last to accomplish the great design,
so I be supported in it at home. I have as I think a much more
difficult task here. that is reconcileing men to one another and
theer true interests, all I can say as yet is that they are in no
worse disposition then that I found them in. I can make no
judgement as yet of the setling a Revenue. Some alterations
in the Commissions of the Peace and the Militia seem absolutely
necessary, but none shall be made but such as are, so that your
Lordps. may not be troubled with complaints, and I may have
no difficulty in answering. In this as in everything else, I shall
have no regards but to H.M. true interests according to the best
of my capacity. There was a mistake in the transcribeing
of my Instructions as to the name of Mr. Prevost, his name is
David, but in ye Instructions Daniel. There is another in
H.M. Letter for restoreing Mr. Walters, his name is Robert.
but in the letter he is called Thomas Walters, your Lorps. will
I hope give directions to have them rectify'd. I have however
ventur'd to swear them of the Council, the mistake being palpable,
and I at a losse for a quorum without them. I have sent by this
conveyance (the Kingsale) the Seals of the two Provinces broken
in Council as I am ordred. There is a tract of land, part of the
resum'd grant of Capt. Evans, called the Highlands, being about
12 miles in length along the River, mountainous and barren
and incapable of improvement or of a road, and only valuable
for firewood, no man will accept of any part of it under the quitrent directed to be reserv'd, unlesse it be what is contiguous to
the river, where he may with ease transport the wood, so I beg
your Lorps. will be pleas'd, if you think good, to explain that
part of the Instruction directing that the lenghth of each tract
of land to be hereafter granted do not extend along the banks of
any river, with one exception as to that part of Evans' grant.
For if the patenting of lands and increasing the quitt-rents be
necessary, this exception is so. One thing more. The Queen
likewise directs by her Instructions that in each Patent there be
a covenant on the part of the Patentee, to plant settle and
effectually cultivate at least three acres of land for every fifty
in three years from the date of the Patent. Most of the
unpatented lands within this Province lye very much expos'd to
the French and Indians of Canada on the frontiers, so that
dureing the warr no setlement can with any safety be attempted.
Wherefore I offer it humbly to your Lorps., if it be not necessary
to apply to H.M. for leave to grant lands with a covenant to
plant and setle as before in three years after the conclusion of the
present warr with France, which will increase the quit-rents in
the meanwhile and secure the planting of these lands in that
time. As to what relates to the Indians. The Senekas suspected
to be in the French interest have ever since my arriveal kept
their fires burning as a sign of their continuing in the Covenant
chain, and have by one of their principal Sachems endeavoured
to clear themselves of that suspition. The Waganhas, a nation
heretofore in the French interest, at a meeting of the Five Nations
where two of our deputy's assisted, have entered into the Covenant.
The French have built a stone Fort at Chamblis on the river
that runs from ye Lake into the River of St. Laurence. They
have had lately four ships from France, two with men and two
with provisions. They have sent some small partys of their
Indians towards the frontiers of New England, which I have
advis'd Col. Dudley. These advices we have from our spyes.
I have sent to the Five Nations to meet me at Albany the 10th of
August, and have fixt our assembly to the 1st of Septr., the
harvest oblidging as to that delay, and some small time being
requisite toward the quieting of men's minds before they meet
in ane assembly. In relation to the malversations of Mr.
Peartree and the present Mayor of New York, I must refer your
Lordps. to Capt. Davis and Capt. Euston's information, who are
now bound for Engld. Capt. Davis declares only that the Mayor
had hindred him and his Capt. from pursuing their deserters,
and had threatned to clap them in prison if they offer'd at it.
Peartree however was in no ways acceptable here as a Councillor,
as I find the other is not as a Mayor, haveing continued so for
several years. By ane Expresse from Col. Nicolson, I have just
now notice of his arriveal at Boston the 17th of July. The Berkley
Castle the last wanted Palatine ship lost company with them the
3rd of July last. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 13th,
Read 24th Oct., 1710. Holograph. 6½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1049.
No. 161; and 5, 1122. pp. 173–180.] |
July 26. New Yorke. |
318. Mr. Bridger to [?the Lord Dartmouth]. Acknowledges
Instructions concerning Palatines as in following. Concludes:
I do not fear but a few years will prove that H.M. may be sufficiently supply'd hence wth. Naval Stores. The tar tree must
stand two years after preparing before it can be made into tar,
wch. time once sunk or over, a constant supply will follow.
Signed, J. Bridger. Endorsed, R. Oct. 16. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1091.
No. 17:] |
July 26. New Yorke. |
319. J. Bridger to [? Mr. Popple]. Acknowledges Instructions
to assist the Governor in placing and instructing the Palatines,
etc. This service is very chargeable to me, wch. I begg may
be considered, etc. Repeats preceding. I am now going up Hudson's River in order to settle the Palatines on proper land. I
am sorry their Lordships cannot support me in the seizures of the
masts I have made, nor the expences I am at on that service. It
is impossible for any officer to preserve H.M. intrest now everyone
going into the woods in defiance and cut what they please. The
Act I proposed for the preserving of all white pine or mast trees
is the same with the other Act that preserves pitch pine, and theire
only wants the words, of all white pine and mast trees, before or
after the pitch pine, the penalty to be £100 sterl. for every tree
cut, fell'd or destroyed according to the words of the Charter,
only the forfieture to be one moiety to H.M., the other to the
Informer that shall sue for the same. Signed, J. Bridger. Endorsed, Recd. 13th, Read 24th Oct., 1710. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5. 1049.
No. 162; and 5, 1122. pp. 180–182.] |
July 26. |
320. Petition of Merchants trading to Jamaica to the Queen.
Pray that Major John Blair, inhabitant of Jamaica, being a
person of considerable estate there, and of great integrity and
loyalty, may be appointed to the Council. Subscribed, |
320. i. H.M. refers preceding to the Council of Trade and
Plantations for their opinion. Signed, Dartmouth.
The whole endorsed, Recd. 2nd, Read 4th Aug., 1710.
1 p. [C.O. 137, 9. No. 14; and 138, 13. pp. 188,
189.] |
July 27. Whitehall. |
321. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Dartmouth.
Enclose following. Annexed, |
321. i. Draught of Commission for Robert Lowther to be
Governor of Barbados. In the usual form. [C.O.
29, 12. pp. 116–132.] |
July 28. Whitehall. |
322. Lord Dartmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following. H.M. would have you cause an
Article to be inserted in the Instructions you are now preparing
for Governor Lowther, pursuant to the directions in this order,
and in the most effectual terms, whereby the persons mentioned
in this order may receive the full benefit of H.M. gracious
intentions to them. Signed, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd.
July 31st, Read Augt. 1st, 1710. 1p. Enclosed, |
322. i. Copy of Order in Council of Feb. 18, 1709 (10) (q.v.)
upon the petitions of George Gordon and Alexander
Skeen. [C.O. 28, 13. Nos. 33, 33 i.; and 29, 12.
pp. 132–134.] |
July 28. New York. |
323. Governor Hunter [?to Lord Dartmouth]. H.M. was
pleased to direct me to see that justice was done to my Lady
Lovelace, and spoke very feelingly of that Lady's affaires, when
I had the honour to kisse her hand for leave. The case stands
thus. By one Act of Assembly in the Jerseys there was £800
given to the Lord Lovelace, after his death there was another
Act of Assembly past giveing £500 of that summ to Col. Ingoldsby,
the then Lt. Govr. £100 for contingencys, and £200 only to the
Lady Lovelace. I suppose by this time both these Acts are laid
before H.M., and I make no doubt of H.M. approveing the first
and disapproveing the later, but the difficulty will be to gett
back the money, Coll. Ingoldsby haveing already toucht it, and
his necessitous circumstances will hardly allow him to refund,
as I am inform'd. I wait H.M. orders in that matter, etc. P.S.
I wrote at large by the Kingsale; this comes by the Maidstone.
Signed, Ro. Hunter. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1091. No. 18.] |
July 29. Antigua. |
324. Governor Parke to the Earl of Sunderland. I hope
I shall by a vessell which I shall dispatch after the Fleet to St.
Christopher's send your Lordship the depositions taken on my
part to the complainants against me to this day. The deposition
inclosed will shew your Lordship what artifices are used against
me, and how they made it impossible for me either to come home
with the Fleet, as I have earnestly endeavoured, or to affix the
seal to the depositions taken either for or against me. But as
the reasons there gave 'em is an abstract of our proceedings, I
shall trouble your Lordship no further till I send you my defence,
and I shall as soon as that is finished, come over in the first
man of warr according to H.M. direction. Signed, Daniel Parke.
Endorsed, R. Oct. 12. 1 p. Enclosed, |
324. i. Copy of paper read by Andrew Boult on behalf of
Governor Parke, Antigua, July 29, 1710 to Col. Edward
Byam, Mr. Crump and other complainants when they
desired that the Broad Seal might then be affixed to
their papers. (v. following letter). Deposition confirming preceding. Signed, Richd. Jardine, Philip Walsh,
Wm. Martin, J. Gallagher, Luke Walsh, Jno. Bermingham, Thomas Morris, J. Godsill, Andrew Boult, Tho.
Long, H. Pember, Duncan Dee, Benj. Eversden. 8 pp.
324. ii. Deposition by the Officers of Col. James Jones'
Regiment, St. Johns, Antigua, June 22. 1710. Coll.
Jones sent the Adjutant to order Charles Bowes,
Serjent of Grannideers, to be brought to his tryal on a
complaint prefer'd against him for insulting and
threatening Charles Kallahane, planter, on June 14,
1710, in the Court House of St. Johns where depositions
were there takeing against H.E. General Parke, upon
which Kallahane went out of the Court House, tho' he
then attended there as an evidence against General
Parke, and was afterwards called and sworn accordingly.
The General refused to allow Bowes to be brought before
the officers, declaring to the Adjutant that since Col.
Jones did not try him the day after his commitment,
he would not have him tried till there were more officers
in the Island, there being now too few. Signed (by
all the officers on the Island excepting Capt. Thomas
Newell), Hen. Hughes, Phil. Everard, Edward Mann,
Richd. Worthington, Char. Lyndon, Ja. Jones, Peter
Buor, Vall. Morris, Jo. Rokeby. 1 p.
324. iii. Deposition of John Otto Bayer, Antigua, July 7,
1710. On Sept. 5th, Capt. Phillip Welsh, of Col.
Jones' Regiment, with a band of soldiers searched
deponent's house at night under pretence to look for the
person that had shott the Generall, and then hurryed
him to towne betwixt the soldiers, to the house of Mr.
Thomas Gateward, J.P., where he was released, etc.
Signed, Jno. Otto Bayer. 1 p.
324. iv. Deposition of Nathaniel Marchant, Antigua, July
10. 1710. On Sept. 10th deponent was in the roome
where the wife of Capt. James Barter then lay sick
in bed, when Ensigne Luke Walsh knocked and came
into the roome and looked about him and went out,
etc. Signed, Nath. Marchant. ¾ p.
324. v. Deposition of William Williams, Antigua, July 10.
1710. In the latter end of Aug. or beginning of Sept.
1709. Standing at the door of Richard Denbow of the
town of St. Johns, taverne keeper, deponent saw Capt.
Phillip Walsh strike Capt. Bastian Otto Bayer over the
head and Bayer strike Walsh. Ensigne Luke Walsh,
Michael Ayon. Humphrey Osborne, and Capt. John
Wickham came up, and Luke Walsh struck Bayer
with his sword over the head. Bayer had only a small
stick in his hand. Signed. Wm. Williams. ¾ p.
324. vi. Deposition of John Strong, Antigua, July 10, 1710.
On Nov. 18, 1709, Capt. Philip Walch, in company with
John Bermingham and Michoel Ayons, Provost Marshal,
beat deponent because as he declared he had kept him
waiting in the Custom house boat. etc. Signed, John
Strong. ¾ p.
324. vii. Deposition of Jacob Le Roux, Antigua, July 10, 1710.
Corroborates No. v. Signed, Jacob Le Roux. ¾ p.
324. viii. Deposition of James Barter, Antigua July 10, 1710.
On Sept. 10 last, Mr. Luke Walsh came to deponent's
house in the evening with Capt. Humphrey Osborne,
John Osborne, Michael Ayon, Duncan Dee and Dennis
Macklemoor, and lighting from his horse, asked what
centinell that was in the path. Deponent said he had
placed no centinell, to which Ensigne Walsh replyed
"han't you, I hope you have one the less, for I have
shott a negroe below yonder." He forced his way into
deponent's wife's chamber and looked about, not saying
what for, nor shewing any power to act. On being told
that nobody had gone from that house that day, he
called deponent a liar, etc. Signed, James Barter.
1 ¼ pp.
324. ix. Deposition of Archibald Campbell, Antigua, July 12,
1710. In June, 1709, deponent was in company with
Thomas Kerby, Secy. of Antigua, when Capt. Phillip
Walsh advanced from the tavern of Richard Denbow
with a drawn sword and struck Kerby over the head
saying "You are one of them." Kerby was unarmed,
but there was a challenge given and a duell betwixt
them next morning, as deponent heard. Signed,
Arch. Campbell. 1 p.
324. x. Deposition of Samuel Cozens, master of the Offly
frigate, Antigua, July 12, 1710. On Sept. 18, 1708,
deponent was at the house of Edward Chester Senr.
of the toun of St. Johns merchant in company with
a great many gent., and continued there a great part of
the afternoon; he observed none of the company
guilty of any riott, breach of the peace or good behaviour,
but that they were merily drinking a bottle, particularly
drinking the Queen's health, etc. On Sept. 19 he saw
Col. Thomas Morris come into the town of Parham, and
heard him declare that he had been mightily fatigued,
that he had got nine of the doggs in goal, and would never
rest till he had filled the goal as full of the doggs as it
could hold, and that he would be a second Judge
Jeffrys, hang them first and judge them afterwards.
On May 8, 1710, at William Martin's tavern in St.
John's Capt. Phillip Walsh, Ensigne Walsh and two or
three other officers of Col. Jones' Regiment drew on him
and threatened to send him to the devil if he was
against the Generall, etc. Signed, Samuell Cozens.
1¼ pp.
324. xi. Deposition of Joseph Redhead, Carpenter, Antigua,
July 12, 1710. 2 Oct. last when deponent was playing
at lanskennett at the house of William Grantham,
tavern keeper in Parham, Michael Ayon and Capt.
Phillip Walsh etc. assaulted him and drew upon him.
Walsh would have murthered him, had not John
Bermingham interposed (v. xvi.) Ayon drank to the
damnation of those that had signed against the Generall
and threw his mugg at deponent, etc. Signed, Joseph
Redhead. 1 p.
324. xii. Deposition of Joseph Adams, Merchant of St. Johns,
Antigua, July 14, 1710. In Sept. 1709 deponent was
going upstairs in the house of Caleb Lasher of the town
of St. Johns, tavernkeeper, when Ensign Luke Walsh
pulled him down and beat him, till Mr. Cæsar Rodeny
interposed. Deponent asking why he used him after
that manner, he replyed "Damn you and your articles
too." etc. Signed, Jos. Adams. ¾ p.
324. xiii. Deposition of Richard Smith, Antigua, July 14,
1710. Bastian Otto Bayer, told deponent that he had
been assaulted by Capt. and Ensign Walsh, who asked
him his reason for not pulling off his hatt to Generall
Parke when he meet him, to which he replyed that it
was in the night, and soe he did not know the Generall
from another man. Signed, Richard Smith. 1 p.
324. xiv. Deposition of Elias Foster, soldier, Antigua, July
14, 1710. Acting under orders from Governor Parke,
deponent in June last seized 85 baggs and one hogshead
of cocao at the house of Edward Chester, senr. Signed,
Elias Foster. 1 p.
324. xv. Deposition of Joseph Adams, Antigua, July 14,
1710. On April 3, 1709, Michael Ayon, Provost
Marshall, entered the house of Barry Tankerd with 7
or 8 soldiers and commanded deponent and his company
to aid him in looking for a malefactor, Barry Tankerd.
Some of the company answered, that if he came with a
legal writ and civil authority, they were willing to
assist him, but that they would be noe wise instrumentall
in levying war upon the Queen's subjects. Ayon
refused to shew his authority, and ordered his soldeiers
to search the house. Centinells were set about the house,
whom Ensigne John Osborne ordered to fire upon white
or black that they should see with armes. All which
behaviour soe freightned Tankerd's wife and daughter
that they left the house, etc. Signed, Jos. Adams.
1 p.
324. xvi. Deposition of Samuel Lightfoot, Carpenter, Antigua.
Dec. last he saw Redhead (v. No. xi.), closed with Ayon
under him. John Cunningham [? Bermingham No. xi.),
interposed on his behalf, explaining to Capt. Walsh's
company that Redhead was in drink; they thereupon
lasht and beat Cunningham on the face. Signed,
Saml. Lightfoot. 1¼ pp.
324. xvii. Deposition of Abell Baldwin, Chirurgeon to the
Offly frigate, Antigua, July 14, 1710. Corroborates
last paragraph of No. x. Signed, Abell Baldwin. 1¼
324. xviii. Deposition of John Russell, Mariner, Antigua,
July 14, 1710. As to one Bishop abusing one Eliz.
Hasting. v following. Signed, Jno. Russell. 1 p.
324. xix. Deposition of Eliz. Hastings, Antigua, July 14, 1710.
She was insulted on several occasions by soldiers, who
swore at her etc. Signed, Eliz. Hastings. 1 p.
324. xx. Deposition of Capt. Barnard Whalley, Col. James
Jones, Rev. Philips Johnson, Chaplain, Lt. Geyrveyes
Gryles, Lt. Philip Everard and Thomas Ridley,
Chyrurgeon, of Col. Jones' regiment. Nevis, Aug. 2,
1710. In Sept. 1709 deponents dined at the house of
Alexander Langden in Charles Town, in company with
Col. James Jones and Duncan Dec. Col. Jones drunk
a health to all the gentlemen of the Calves Head Clubb,
saying it was their healths that the Generall and his
party called Calves' heads, for that was the tytle the
party went by that was agt. the General. Said Col.
likewise drunk a health to the speedy removeall of
D.P. Whalley, Johnson and Ridley heard Col. Jones
say that it was a barbarous action for any person to
shoote the General after the manner he was shott,
etc. Signed, Barnard Whalley, Philips Johnson, G.
Gryles, Phil. Everard, Tho. Ridley. 1½ pp.
324. xxi. Deposition of Lt. Gerveys Gryles, Nevis, Aug. 2,
1710. In 1708 Richard Atkinson, a soldier in his
company, was discharged by Col. Jones, but entered on
the rolls after his discharge. Deponent heard Col.
Jones tell Lt. Philip Walsh to leave Atkins out of the
muster rolls. Signed, G. Gryles. ½ p.
324. xxii. Deposition of Mrs. Mary Plunkett. Mountseratt,
Dec. 28, 1709. On Dec. 20, at night, deponent heard
two or three blowes given and imediately Mrs. Martin
French ran into her chamber followed by Lt. Philip
Everard with his sword drawn, who told her to send out
yt. raskall (meaning Mr. French) yt. was in her chamber
and give him a pistoll. Deponant answered yt. shee
had noe pistoll, and that her husband was not at home,
and desired not to be disturbed, upon which Mr. Andrew
Power came in and desired him to be quiett, at which
he went out of the house and ordered the guard to
secure the rascall that was in Mr. Plunkett's house,
meaning Mr. French. Deponent desired Mr. French
to break the barrs of a back window of her chamber and
that way to escape, etc. ¾ p.
324. xxiii. Deposition of Martin French. Mountseratt, July
28,1710. Ensign Luke Walsh with a file of muskertiers
arrested deponent at a tavern. The Governor ordered
his discharge. Signed, Martin French. ½ p.
324. xxiv. Deposition of Martin French, Mountseratt, July
28, 1710. Lt. Phillip Walsh and Phillip Everard came
in disguise with soldiers clothes and musquets to
deponent's house at an unseasonable time of the neight,
and made a drummer beat Round heded Cockels Com
Dick for an hour. Several times before the said officers
ordered the drums to beat the same about the town at
very unseasonable times of the night to the great
disquiet of most of the towne. Signed, Martin French.
½ p.
324. xxv. Deposition of Sygismond Cooper, Mountserratt, July
28, 1710. On July 29, 1709, deponent kept a tavern
in Plymouth. There were several gentlemen drinking
a glass of wine in his house and singing harmless songs,
when Ensign Luke Walsh came to the door with a
drummer and best round about Cockolds for a considerable time, at which the company being very much
incommonded, ordered deponent to shut the door. Walsh
asked who dared to shut any door against him and drew
his sword offering to stick his servant. Later Walsh
drew his sword upon Capt. Hodges and wounded him,
and then coming into the room with a drawn sword and
pistoll swore he would kill six of the company, and that
he would have the heart's blood of one Capt. Fox, agent
of the Island. Signed, Sygismond Cooper. 1 p.
324. xxvi. Deposition of Edward Toward, Mountserratt,
July 28, 1710. On Nov. 11, 1709, Capt. Walsh
approached deponent in the shop of John Barbottaine
and after asking why he gave himself the liberty to talk
of the General, fell upon him and beat him,etc. Signed,
Edward Troward. ¾ p.
324. xxvii. Deposition of Andrew Power, Mountseratt, July
28, 1710. On Dec. 20, 1709, Lt. Everard best Martin
French over the head and chased him into Mr. Edward
Plunkett's house etc. v. xxii. Signed, Andrew Power.
1 p.
324. xxviii. Deposition of Sygismond Cooper, Mountserratt,
July 28, 1710. About March 17 last Governor Parke
arrived at Montserrat with Dr. McKenney, Col. Watkins,
Capt. Painter, Mr. Cockron and Capt. John Duer,
who were chosen representatives for Antigua to serve
at the General Assembly at St. Christophers, to which
place they were then summoned. Deponent went to
the house of Mrs. Mary Norton, travern keeper, to pay
his respects to them, when Capt. Phillip Walsh came to
the door and abused him for keeping company with
those Calves heads' etc. Signed, Sygismond Cooper.
¾ p.
324. xxix. Deposition of Samuel Finch, Mountserrat, July
28, 1710. On July 30th last deponent was living
with James Bunyard when Luke Welch came in.
Deponent said, You have given Mr. Cooper an ugly
cutt. He replied that he designed to cutt his nose off,
but mist his stroke, and that he was resolved to have his
life, etc. Signed. Sa. Finch. ¾ p.
324. xxx. Depositions of undersigned, Antigua, July 29,
1710. They attended the Governor this day and desired
the Broad Seal to be affixed to their papers. Andrew
Boult showed them some depositions taken on the
Governor's behalf, and read a paper stating that he was
willing to affix the seals interchangeably as soon as the
Justices had read and attested his copies, etc, etc.
Signed, Richd. Jardine. Wm. Martin, Jno. Gallagher,
Jo. Bermingham. Thomas Morris, James Godsell,
Duncan Dee, Phill. Walsh, B. Eversden, Luke Walsh,
Andrew Boult. Thomas Long. H. Pember. 1 p.
324. xxxi. Paper read by Mr. Boult on behalf of Governor
Parke, referred to in preceding. Signed, Andrew Boult.
Copy. 5 pp.
324. xxxii. Deposition of James Rawleigh, St. Christopher's,
July 29, 1710. On July 28 deponent was sent by the
General about 3 p.m. to Col. Edward Byam and
Nathaniel Crump, the Justices that took the affidavitts
for and against General Parke, to desire they would go
and examine the affidavitts taken on his behalfe, which
was the time appointed by themselves through Richard
Oglethorp, which Justices being at Mr. Nevin's house.
Col. Byam answered that from the time he left off takeing
affidavits yesterday, he examined affidavits on com
plaintants' behalf until 8 p.m.. and began again this
morning and not yet done. He would let the General
know when he had done, and then would examine his.
They did not do so that night. Next morning at tenn
a clock which day the Fleet was to sail, deponent went
in search of Col. Byam but could not find him. In the
afternoon he said that as soon as he had taken Mr.
Jones' deposition, he would meet him at the coffeehouse to examine the affidavits, but he went instead to
the Governor's house with complainants and their
affidavits to desire the Broad Seal. Signed, James
Rawleigh. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 152, 42. Nos. 25, 25 i.-xxxii;
and (duplicate of Covering letter) 27.] |
July 31. Kensington. |
325. Order of Queen in Council. Approving Governor Lord
A. Hamilton's Commission (July 21) which is to be prepared
for H.M. Signature, etc. The like orders for Robert Lowther to
be Governor of Barbados, and John Corbett to be Governor of
Maryland. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd 4th, Read
7th Sept., 1710. ¾ p. [C.O. 137, 9. No. 16; and 138, 13. p.
285; and 5, 11. Nos. 49, 50.] |
July 31. Whitehall. |
326. Lord Darmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. H.M. would have you enquire into the allegations
contained in the enclosed Memorial, and report the same as they
shall appear to you, together with your opinion what may be
a reasonable consideration for the Queen to give Mr. Penn upon
the surrender of his Government, as soon as conveniently may
be. Signed, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. Read Oct. 31, 1710.
1 p. Enclosed, |
326. i. The Memorial of William Penn, Proprietor and Governor
of Pennyslvania, in relation to his Government. The
settlement of Colonies having in all ages been accounted
a very great advantage to the Governments from whence
they were derived, this Kingdom has thought it her
particular intrest, to plant a large number of them in
foreign parts, tho' with great hazard and charge, from
whence they have received a vast increase of power and
wealth by their Trade. The said William Penn, by
his indefatigable endeavours, and intrest in his Friends,
with a great expence to the sensible decay of his
partimonial estate, undertook near 30 years ago, and
has since compleated the settlement of a considerable
Colony, in that tract land in America granted him by
King Charlkes II. and from an unhospitable wilderness,
has raised it to a flourishing country, without the least
charge to the Crown of this Realm, from whence
considerable advantages have accrued to the Kingdom,
as well by the constant consumption of its manufactures
and improvement of navigation, as by the increase of
duties paid here on goods from thence, which duties
have already amounted, in one year, to above £10,000.
The motives that induced the King to grant this Country
to the said William Penn, with all necessary powers
for the well governing thereof, were not only from an
inclination to promote an undertaking so laudable in
itself, and advantageous to the Publick, but also the
consideration of his Father's services, as is at large
expressed in his Letters Patents, and further, that at
that time there was due to the said William Penn from
the Crown, for his Father's disbursments in the
Victualling Office, and interest thereon, the sum of
£16,000, of which he never received one peny. And
what principally engaged the said William Penn in so
difficult and hazardous an enterprize, besides his desire
of promoting so great a publick good, was the hopes he
conceived, that he and his posterity might there enjoy
a quiet retiremt. guarded with such an authority as
might render their lives more comfortable and easy.
But instead of this, having twice transported himself
thither, in hopes of this enjoyment, he had those
attacks made upon him, that obliged him as often to
return, after a very short stay there, to defend his interest;
and further, he has at other times almost continually
(notwithstanding his entire compliance with the Laws
of this Kingdom, relating to that settlement) met with
such disturbances, from the uneasiness some have been
under, upon the account of Proprietary Governments,
that his fatigues and expence have become unsupportable to him; and it has been so fully received by many,
that such Governments are inconvenient to trade, and
inconsistant with the dignity of the Crown, that he
is no longer willing to contend, but will surrender
those powers of Government with which he is invested,
and deliver them entirely into the hands of the Queen,
provided he can receive such a reasonable consideration;
as may appear due to his merrits in settling the said
Colony, and be secured in the enjoyment of what will
be necessarily due to himself, and his friends who are
now immovably fixed there. In consideration of this
surrender he with humility conceives, that he ought to
have such a sum, as may reimburse him of a reasonable
part of his past expences, and relieve him from the
necessities, that his engagement in that Province has
plunged him into, which sum may be raised out of any
such fund, as shall be found most convenient. And
whereas he was particularly at a very great expence and
trouble in asserting the right of the then Duke of York
to a tract of land on the lower parts of Delaware Bay,
against the Lord Baltimore, the principal part of which
tract the said Duke and granted to William Penn, and
afterwards, when upon the Throne did actually give
him the whole; but his sudden removal prevented
the full execution of the grant, intended for a more
intire confirmation thereof, with all necessary powers
of Government; the said William Penn humbly craves
that this affair may be fully settled and confirmed.
He doubts not but as that Colony was at first principally
settled and improved by men, who being for conscience
sake, unable in their native country, where in other
respects they lived in credit and plenty, to comply
with some things that the Laws required of them, did
in hopes of greater liberty and ease, transport themselves
thither, and upon that foundation are fixed with their
families there: he doubts not therefore but it will be
found necessary as well as reasonable, to indulge these
People at all times, in such things as they never could
nor now can either here or there comply with, while
they are known in all other regards to be peacable,
industrious and obedient to Governmt. as any other
subjects whatsoever. And as he proposes his Posterity
shall fix themselves there, he hopes he may modestly
crave some particular mark of respect to be continued
to his family, for distinguishing them above the rank of
those who have planted under him: as that the Proprietor for the time being may always have a place, and
be the first in the Council there, or receive some other
suitable instance of the regard due to them, in remembrance of him that first made it a Colony. These heads
he humbly offers to the consideration of the Queen and
her Ministry, and for the more speedy dispatch of the
affair, requests that persons may be appointed to adjust
the whole matter, according as his proposals shall be
approved of. 3pp. [C.O. 5, 1264. Nos. 102, 102 i.;
and 5, 1292. pp. 224–229.] |
July 31. Whitehall. |
327. Lord Dartmouth to Lt.-Governor Spotswood. I take
the first opportunity that offers to acquaint you that H.M.
having been pleased to appoint me Secretary of State in the room
of my Lord Sunderland, and to assign me the Southern Province
with the West Indies, you are to transmitt to me from time to
time an account of what may occur in your parts etc. relating to
H.M. service and the benefit of the Government under your care,
whereupon I will send you H.M. pleasure, etc., etc. Signed,
Dartmouth. Like letters sent toCol. Dudley, Col. Hunter, and
to the President and Council of Maryland. [C.O. 324, 32. p. 11;
and324, 31. pp. 3, 4.] |
[? July.] |
328. Col. Jones to the Earl of Sunderland. Complains of
the injustices and hardships dealt to him and his regiment by
General Parke. Since my first arrivall to the Leeward Islands,
he found me unapplicable to all his mean unjustifiable veiws,
and therefore stuck at nothing to injure me in intrest and
reputation, and to that purpose has pickt out a sett of men, both
officers and soldiers, abandon'd to all his black and gloomy
designes, whom he has us'd as tools to trample under foot all
discipline, etc. So far has he carried his pernicious views of this
kind, that I must in reason expect that in a little time my regimt.
will look more like a herd of banditti then a body of regular
troops, etc. I am to be made an anvil of affronts by a man so
notably distinguished for ye worst of characters. He has carried
his insolence so farr yt. upon receipt of ye most mannerly and
dutifull messages to call me scoundrell and lyar. He takes upon
him to serve his own purposes, not onely to do ye duty of Col.
of the Regimt., but of every other officer, even to that of a sarjt.,
so that I can no longer consider myself accountable for ye miscarriages of my regimt., ye ruin whereof is onely to be prevented
by sending home an officer to represent ye ruinous state of ye
same, and to yt. purpose have chosen ye bearer hereof, Capt.
Valentine Morris, who is likewise to take care that my regimt.
be recruited in ye most speedy and effectuall manner, etc., etc.,
Signed, Ja. Jones. 2 pp. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 29.] |