Sept 3rd. Barbados. |
126. Messrs. Sharpe, Walker and Beresford to the Council
of Trade and Plantations. Upon the arrival of our present
Governor, Mr. Crow, we had reason to believe from the foundation we had lay'd dureing the Presidency, the Factions and
Partys that had so long and so unhappily divided us were well
nigh over. Most men were inclinable to be quiet, and to
agree upon a general amnesty for their former heats. But H.E.
has from his first entering upon the Government been so far
from endeavouring or proposeing an accommodation, that he
has only added warmth and violence to our animositys by
countenancing and cherishing sometimes one party, sometimes
another, by turning in and out most of the chief officers of
the Militia according to the humour of the party he happens to
be embarqued with, by rejecting the advice and aid of the
Council, by determineing causes himself cognizable only in H.M.
established Courts, and by imprisoning and oppressing H.M.
subjects contrary to Law. This his insufferable behaviour oblig'd
us to draw up the inclos'd Representation, containing a few
instances of his mismanagement out of a multitude we could
produce, which we presented to himself in person, at the same
time acquainting him, we were ready to justifie and prove
the truth of every fact therein alledged, tho they were too
notorious to need any confirmation. It's with the greatest
concern, my Lords, we find ourselves under this indispensible
necessity of transmitting complaints from a Colony that has
already given your Honourable Board so much unnecessary
trouble. We humbly assure your Lordships that nothing but the
just sense we have of our duty to H.M. and the good of our
Cuntrey could ever have engaged us in so unnecessary and
troublesome a procedure, and if the free and impartial advice
we took the liberty to give H.E., both in and out of Council,
could have prevailed with him to alter his measures, or if
there were any prospect of his being made sensible of his
errors, we should not have disturbed your Lordships on this
occasion. We could not but foresee from the arbitraryness of
his temper that the presenting him such a free censure of his
behaviour, would provoke him to remove us from the Board,
and misrepresent us to your Lordships, but our duty constrain'd
us to that course. We have done what we thought was incumbent upon us etc. Signed, Wm. Sharpe, Alexander Walker,
Saml. Beresford. |
P.S. Sept. 6. Since we deliver'd the inclosed Representation
to H.E., he has conven'd the Assembly, and very ungenerously
given them an imperfect abstract of some parts thereof, on
which without the least proof or any farther enquiry, they
have come to several very violent and scandalous resolves against
us, by which your Lordships will please to observe both the
temper of the Gentlemen, and the mutual combination there
is betwen them to oppress all those that are inclinable to
enter into fairer and more honourable termes than themselves,
and tho' several members of the Assembly moved that the
whole Representation shou'd be layd before them, before they
proceeded to pass scandalous votes and Addresses against the
Members of H.M. Council, whose oaths and duty oblige them
to advise the Governour, but they were so far from consenting
to so reasonable a motion, that they even refus'd to let a
minute thereof be entred in their Books, contrary to the
constant rules and practice of that House. The Addresses
were brought by the Speaker ready drawn into their House,
as by the minutes of ye Assembly will appear, put to the
vote and carryd by a majority without suffering any previous
question to be put, tho often prest by several of the Members;
we have not yet been able to get a coppy of the Address,
and the Fleet being just now ready to sayl, your Lordships can
expect no observations on it by this opportunity. We are,
my Lords, very far from opposeing any acknowledgements to
those noble persons to whom the presents given by the Assembly
are said to be design'd, but what it is, my Lords, that we
think we have very great reason to resent, is that they shoud
dispose of the publick money without our approbation and
privity. Signed, Wm. Sharpe, Alexander Walker, Sam. Beresford. Endorsed, Recd. 17th, Read 19th Nov. 1708. 5 pp.
Enclosed, |
126. i. Representation by Messrs. Sharpe, Walker and Bereford to Governor Crowe. Barbados, Aug. 27, 1708.
H.M. having been pleas'd to appoint us, the underwritten, Members of the Council here, we had reason
to hope your Excellency would, in these times of general
dissatisfaction have called us together as such, that
we might have discharg'd our dutys in that station
by giveing your Excellency faithful and wholesome
advice; But since your Excellency has adjourn'd the
usual monthly meetings of that Board without our
knowledge, and yet at the same time suffer'd ye Assembly to meet and act without us, contrary to ye
practice and end of Legislatures, we think ourselves
oblig'd to make this Representation, least by our unwarrantable silence at this juncture we should be
thought to approve your Excellency's unhappy measures. And first we represent to your Excellency, that
it is the undoubted right of H.M. Council here, in conjunction with your Excellency, to determine all writts
of error, grievances and equitable causes, that they
are an essential part of the Legislature, and ought to
be advised and consulted with by your Excellency undoubtedly in the disposal of all Civil Offices, and in
prudence at a General's first arrival in ye Military,
and generally in all things which concern the legal
and orderly administration of ye Government; for which
ends chiefly H.M. and her Royal Predecessors have
thought fit to establish a Council here. (2) That your
Excellency, in permitting ye Assembly to meet and
act when you adjourned the Council, and to proceed
without us to appoint persons in England to sollicit
the affairs of this Island, has, as far as in you lay,
debarr'd and excluded the Council from that right,
and this disuse of Councils, since H.M. gracious restoration of some of us, whom your Excellency had displaced, is ye more remarkable, if compar'd with ye
frequent meetings of that Board when ye same mostly
consisted of Members appointed by yourself. Your
adjourning the Council has been already attended with
this dangerous consequence, yt. the traders to this
place are allarm'd with the dreadful apprehensions of
another Paper Act. (3) Your Excellency has taken
upon yourself out of Court to set aside Orders solemnly
resolv'd and made in the Court of Chancery; as in
ye case of Mr. Mannasses Gillingham, and Butler his
wife, formerly Butler Chamberlain, who appealing from
a decree of ye Court in a suit for several negro slaves;
the Order of ye Court was, that warrants of appraisment should issue to discreet persons to appraise the
negroes, and yt. if their value amounted to £500,
an appeal should be granted. The said warrants did
issue and ye negros were by gentlemen of ye most
considerable estates in the parish valued at £500 and
upwards, notwithstanding which your Excellency, alone
and out of ye Court of Chancery, did set aside ye
said appraisment, and deny Gillingham his appeal. This
appears more arbitrary and illegall, when we consider
yt. in a case of Mr. Bate's which came before your
Excellency and Council, a day or two before, you
declared your opinion that an appraisment once made
could not be set aside; and what makes the proceedings
of your Excellency in this case yet more partial and
unjustifiable is, that your Excellency, who was party
complainant in this very suit against Mr. Gillingham
and his wife, had yourself decreed for yourself against
them, and yet took this way contrary to your own
declared opinion to deprive them of an appeal to H.M.
from your judgment in your own favour. (6 (sic))
Your Excellency has assum'd to yourself a power of
acting in some cases as sole Chancellor, and in others
as you, in conjunction with the Council, are a Chancery,
and this in one and ye same day, and sitting the same
Court, as in ye case of Shetterden against Lyte upon
a demurrer. The Court then consisted of your Excellency, and five Members of ye Council; ye Court
was equally divided; and yet your Excellency, whose
vote made the Division equal, as sole Chancellor gave
judgment against the demurrer, and order'd the demurrer to be overul'd. Immediately after, a Cause
comeing on, in which one of the said Members, Mr.
Colleton was a party, he of course arose from the
Board, and then there being only four Members with
your Excellency, whereas ye practice of that Court
requires five and the Governour, your Excellency put
off ye hearing ye same, declareing there was no Court
for that Cause; so yt. your Excellency in one and ye
same day has declar'd yourself Chancellor, and not
Chancellor. What fatal consequences may we not expect from inconsistency and uncertainty in so high a
Court? (7) Your Excellency has as a Chancellor kept
one Cuthbert Mitford in prison above one year by
vertue of a ne exeat insulam, altho' he has fully answer'd
and deny'd upon oath the suggestions of ye Bill brought
against him, and no proceedings but dilatory motions
for renewing Commissions have been on the plaintiff's
part in the said cause; and what makes this yet a
higher violation of ye subjects' liberty is, that you
are yourself party complainant in ye said Cause. Your
Excellency has not only innovated in the Chancery;
but haveing rented ye office of your private Clerk or
Secretary for an excessive annual summe, which the
legal ffees could not raise, two methods have been
fal'n upon to effect it; exacting ffees from Plaintiff
and Defendant, and takeing cognizance, by way of
petition, of matters cognizable alone in H.M. Courts
of Law or Equity; as in ye case of Mr. Somers, where
ye matter in dispute was a promisary note, which your
Excellency commanded should be paid on pain of imprisonment; in ye case of Bampfield and Waterman,
where you order'd several negro slaves to be surrender'd
on ye same pain. Your Excellency cant but be sensible many more instances then these can be given,
where you have taken upon you at your own House
by way of petition, to give judgment in cases of debt
and other cases of meum and tuum, all wch. we protest against as illegal infringments of our right as
Englishmen, who as such have not only a right to
justice, but also to the establisht legal method of distributeing it. That when your Excellency has by way
of petition call'd up H.M. subjects from all parts of
ye Island, the very defendants are oblig'd to pay for
ye dismissions of ye petitions against them, and this
when, on the very face of ye petitions it appears
even to yourself that you have no cognizance of them.
(8) In order to encrease ye busines of your private
office, you have assum'd to yourself ye power of putting
a stop to proceedings at Common Law, upon executions
after judgment upon the bare suggestions of ye party
in his petition, as in ye case of Mr. Walter against
Mr Gibbes. Your Excellency, on ye petition of Mr.
Gibbes, stopt ye proceedings of the Marshal upon the
execution, without any proof of any irregularity, and,
which is more grievous, upon hearing the said petition,
altho the Marshal produced the Records, whereby it
appear'd he had acted according to law; yet your
Excellency continued ye stay of proceedings, which
Mr. Walter's Attorneys appealing from to ye Court
of Grievances holden by your Excellency and Council,
your Excellency was so conscious of haveing acted
arbitrarily in this matter, yt. without any farther proof
on either side then what was before you on your
private hearing the same, you took off ye stay of proceedings, alledging it had another face when formerly
before you, tho James Cowse Esq., Counsel at Law,
to whom you appeal'd, declared to your Excellency it
appear'd alike on both hearings. (9) Your Excellency
has not only assum'd to yourself this power in ye
case of private persons, but also where ye Queen has
been party, by which means the casual Revenue may
be very much impair'd; as in ye case of Mr. Arnold
and Mr. Grey; against whom a considerable recovery
was had upon the behalf of H.M. in ye Court of
Exchequer, but when ye Marshall went to levy for
satisfaction of ye same, he was stopt by yr. Excellency's
order, and this too after it had been publickly discourst yt. ye negroes of one of those gentlemen had
done your Excellency considerable service in your plantation. (10) Mr. Walters haveing made a recovery
which affected the estate late Mr. Farmer's, was proceeding to obtein satisfaction, when he was stopt by
your Excellency's order on the bare suggestions of
Mrs. Herbert in her petition, yt. she claimed dowre out
of ye said estate. This stop lasted some time, and
then the party dismist her own petition, which was all
ye relief Mr. Walter could obtein for that unjust delay.
If any man is aggriev'd by any error in ye Courts
below, our Laws give him a writt of error; If any
man has equitable matter for his relief, ye Court of
Chancery gives him an Injunction; in these cases ye
recovery is well secured, and ye party griev'd will
have his costs; But in this new way your, Excellency
has found out, you take upon you to stop proceedings
without secureing the recovery. You harass ye Queen's
subjects by calling them before you from all parts on
suggestions of facts, which, if true, cannot be determined by you; and when at last after all their attendance and expence they can procure a dismission, they
must themselves pay ye fees for it, and yet your
Excellency can give them no cost. (11) As ye establishment of this petitioning Court in the manner
above is wholly new, so in the establisht Courts of
Justice, your Excellency has taken upon you to innovate; when your Excellency was pleas'd to sit as Chief
Judg of ye Court of Grand Sessions, immediately after
your arrival; a Bill of Indictment haveing been preferr'd to ye Grand Jury at ye Queen's suit against Mr.
Sandford, wherein Mr. Cox was prosecutor in behalf
of H.M., when the Attorney General desired the prosecutor might be sworn to give evidence to ye Grand
Jury; your Excellency, tho ye same be according to
law, deny'd it, and at ye same time was pleas'd with
a great deal of good nature without any mocion by
ye prisoner, to call for his evidences, and order them
all to be sworn to give evidence to ye Grand Inquest
on ye prisoner's behalf. (12) Your Excellency has
in ye Courts of Chancery, Error and Grievances brought
the impartiality of your judgment very much in question
by accepting considerable presents from persons haveing suits depending in those Courts; as in ye case of
Mr. Slingsby and others. (13) Your Excellency has
obtein'd the summe of £500 to provide yourself another
house; notwithstanding which your Excellency and
family have still had your constant residence in the
same, under a rent paid by ye publick, over and
above ye said summe. (14) Your Excellency in the
capacity of Ordinary has taken upon yourself to imprison H.M. subjects for supposed comtempts in not
obeying illegal and arbitrary orders made by your Excellency
as Ordinary; and that too in cases where such
orders have never been served upon the party committed
for breach of them; and when the prisoner has with
great difficulty obtain'd to be bail'd on such committment, upon entering into security to appear at ye
next Court of oyer and Terminer; your Excellency,
conscious of the illegality of such your committment,
has not only without ye applycation of the prisoner,
but even contrary to his earnest desires, order'd a
nolle prosequi to be enter'd, as in the case of Mr.
Buckworth, sole Judg of H.M. Court of Admiralty here.
(15) Your Excellency has also imprison'd H.M. subjects
for supposed contempts of your extrajudicial orders,
and has kept them in prison several weeks without bail
or mainprize, till they have been necessitated to lay
down offices of considerable yearly value thereby giveing
your Excellency an opportunity of conferring them
upon your own creatures, as in ye case of Mr. Small.
(16) Your Excellency has taken upon you to impose
new, arbitrary, and illegal oaths, extrajudicially upon
H.M. subjects, threatning them with imprisonment in
case of refusal; as in ye case of Mr. Godfrey, whose
wife discovering a jealousy of him to your Excellency,
you thereupon, without any proof, obliged him to swear
never more to speak to ye party suspected; and to
Mr. Baron, upon a suspicion you had of your secrets
being discover'd, you administer'd a general oath to
answere all such questions as you should ask, without
limitation to any subject matter. This we cannot but
look upon as a sort of Inquisition, and as one of ye
greatest infringments of the English Libertys. (17)
Your Excellency has greatly discourag'd trade in threatning to seize merchant ships, and sending persons on
board for that end without any cause, as you tacitly
confest by proceeding no farther on such occasion; as
in ye case of the Royal Affrican Company's ship, the
Sherborough. (18) You have also oblig'd all masters
of ships to have their petitions to you for leave to
sail drawn by your own Clerk, even in cases when
they have already had them drawn by others, so yt. they
have doubly paid for the same, which is a heavy
burthen upon trade, of which ye Masters of the several
ships now bound out are so many instances, and of
which they make just and heavy complaints, as contrary
to a solemn Order of Council made on the like occasion.
(19) Your Excellency is very much lessen'd in the
esteem of H.M. good subjects by several times solemnly
and publickly denying you ever design'd Mr. Cleland
for Lt. Governour of this place, when he as publickly
gives out and shews your Excellency's letter assureing
him of the same; wch. if you were not sensible was true,
it might be reasonably presumed you would have called
him to a legal account for the same. (20) Your Excellency, at a time when the Publick was in great want
of money, and the inhabitants unable to pay a tax,
did by frequent adjournments and other methods prevent
ye passing of the Excise Bill the last Assembly till
their time expired; and before ye present Assembly
could meet and prepare another Bill for that purpose,
great quantitys of exciseable liquors were imported,
by which the Publick lost a considerable summe. (21)
Your Excellency has made so many suddain and unaccountable alterations in the Militia, yt. many of our
best men are unemploy'd, and for no other apparent
reason, then their not being of the prevailing party;
whereas your Excellency can't but be sensible, yt.
ye way to quell our factions, and so put an end to
our divisions, would be to prefer all men of merit
indifferently, without any regard to a party; that H.M.
subjects may find virtue, and not listing themselves
under this or that leader, the best way to preferment.
(22) Your Excellency has given a Brigadeer's, and
a Cheif Judge's Commission to two Gentlemen after
you had declared one of them a hot-headed fellow, fit
only to breed disturbance; and ye other a beggarly
fellow, more in debt then he was worth. If these
were not your Excellency's real sentiments of these
Gentlemen, you did them ye highest injustice in representing them under such disadvantageous characters,
and gave all men too just grounds to believe, you
would have but little regard to your Instructions, when
any prevailing passion came in competition; and if
your Excellency was of opinion they deserv'd ye character you gave them, then we leave your Excellency
to consider, whether in disposeing these posts, you
have well discharg'd ye trust reposed in you by H.M.
But we cannot forbear telling your Excellency, your
illegal dispensing with ye Law in Mr. Holder's case had
subjected you to ye complaints of the Assembly, who
like faithfull patriots were about representing your
illegal proceedings to H.M.; to prevent which you
were contented to prostitute ye dignity of ye Government, and to sacrifice the publick good to your private
safety. Sr., we think it our duty to lay this representation before you; we design farther to send ye
same home to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and
Plantations. In ye mean time, your Excellency will
please to make such use of it as you see proper. P.S.
Sept. 1st. The foregoing representation is what wee
had prepared to lay before your Excellency in Council
yesterday, being Council day of course, but we were
prevented from doing it by your summoning ye Council
to meet the day before, and even then adjourning
the same for a month, as soon as you had sworn Mr.
Pilgrim a Member of that Board, without affording us
time to enter on ye consideration of ye publick affairs.
We were then very much surprized at this proceedure,
but are more so this day, when we find your Excellency
has permitted the Assembly to meet and prepare Addresses to H.M. of very great concern to the Publick
without giveing us an opportunity of declareing our
approbation or dislike of the same. We are sensible
this is intended to affront the Council, and represent
the same as insignificant and useless in H.M. Government. But our surprize did not end here. We find
you have not only put this slight upon us, but have
also permitted the Assembly yesterday to dispose of
ye publick mony in presents to private persons without
our consent or priority. This we can't but look upon
as an assuming the Legislature solely to themselves,
contrary to H.M. Instructions. Wee are sorry we should
be forc'd to lay before your Excellency here and the
Council of Trade and Plantations at home, so many
miscarriages in the management of the publick affairs.
But we are sensible it is what our duty obliges us to,
and therefore needs no apology. Signed, Wm. Sharpe,
Alexander Walker, Saml. Beresford. Endorsed, Recd.
17th, Read 19th Nov. 1708. 5¾ pp. [C.O. 28, 11. Nos.
22, 22. i.; and 28, 38. Nos. 73, 73. i.; and (without
enclosure) 29, 11. pp. 313–318; and (enclosure only)
319, 1. pp. 93–101.] |
Sept. 4. Windsor. |
127. The Queen to Governor Parke. Whereas in compassion
to the distrest estate of our subjects in Nevis and St. Christophers, whom the depredations of the enemy and a late hurricane
have almost reduced to ye utmost extremity, We have been
graciously pleased out of our Royal Bounty to order a supply of
provisions of beef, pork and flower, as also 50 barrels of
nailes of several sorts, together with bolts and hinges for the
building their houses to be sent to them, and that the same
should be consigned to you. Our further will and pleasure is,
and We do hereby strictly charge and command you that, as
soon as you shall have received the said provisions, nails and
other things abovementioned, you distribute the same, or cause
them to be distributed by the Lieutenant Governors of our said
Islands to the inhabitants thereof in proportion to their wants.
In the doing of which you, or our said Lieut. Governors in
your absence, are to take ye advice of our Council and Assembly
in each of ye said Islands respectively to the end the said
distribution may be performed in the most just and equal
manner possible, and no part of our said bounty may be embezeled or misapplyed, but that our charitable purpose and
intention in this behalf may be effectually complyed with, which
wee earnestly recommend to your care, and shall expect from you
a particular account of your proceedings herein. And for so
doing, this shall be your warrant, etc. Countersigned, Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. p. 115.] |
Sept. 5. Windsor. |
128. The Earl of Sunderland to Governor Lord Lovelace.
Having a very good character given me of Mr. John Riggs,
a Lieutenant of one of the Independant Companys in New
York, I take the liberty to recommend him to your Lordsp's.
protection. Your favour to him in any occasion that may
offer for his advantage will particularly oblige, my Lord, etc.
Signed, Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. p. 116] |
Sept. 6. Barbados. |
129. Governor Crowe to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to enclosed duplicate of his last letters and
papers. Messrs. Sharp, Walker and Beresford has lately deliver'd me one of a very extraordinary nature, wch. I have
not had time to answere by reason of the great hurry I have
been in on the ffleet's sailing, they tell me they will lay the
same before yr. Lordshipps, where I hope it will make no impression till the next oppertunity, when I shall vindicate myselfe, so as I hope will be approv'd off by your Lordshipps.
I humbly recommend the Generall Assembly's inclos'd Address
to your consideration. Signed, M. Crowe. Endorsed, Recd.
16th, Read 19th Nov., 1708. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 11. No. 21;
and 29, 11. pp. 311, 312.] |
Sept 7. Whitehall. |
130. The Earl of Sunderland to Governor Parke. I send
you enclosed H.M. Letter concerning the disposal of the provisions, nails etc., she is graciously pleased to send as Her
Royall Bounty to the poor inhabitants of Nevis and St. Christophers (See Sept. 4), by which you will observe that H.M. is
very earnest to have the same equally distributed and duely
applyed in which H.M. is the more pressing because of a surmise
that the provisions wch. were sent on board two ships that
arrived in those parts some time since were not so regularly
disposed of as they might have been, but I hope you will
take such care of those which are now sent as may prevent
any complaints of this kind for the future. Signed, Sunderland.
[C.O. 5, 210. p. 119.] |
Sept. 7. Maryland. |
131. Governor Seymour to the Council of Trade and Plantations. This serves to accompany the Laws and severall
Journalls now transmitted your Honble. Board by Commodore
Huntington, and to acquaint you, that on June 14, and not
before, I had the honour of your Lordshipps' commands in
your letter of May 7, 1707. Wherein your Lordships were
pleased to signify, that an Act of Parliament had past in
England for the Union of H.M. two Kingdoms of England and
Scotland into one by the name of Greate Britain. Whereupon,
with the advice of H.M. Councill here, I issued a Proclamation
to the severall Countys of this Province for proclayming the
same: And at this place, being the seate of Government, on
July 18, having ordered severall troops of the Militia to review,
and invited the best of H.M. subjects here to the handsomest
entertainment the country would admitt me to make them, we
proclamed H.M. Queen of Great Brittain, the Act of Union
being read on the Courthouse Hill, after which H.M., H.R H.
and many other good loyall Healths were dranke, and the
gunns on our plattforme, as well as those of the ships in the
Severne River here, discharged, to the great joy and pleasure
of H.M. subjects. I had likewise presented to me four severall
letters under H.M. signett and sign manuall, commanding me
to admitt and swear of H.M. Councill here, four Gentlemen, to
witt, Col. John Contee, Mr. Seth Biggs, Mr. Samuel Young, and
Col. Thomas Greenfeild. Coll. Contee and Mr. Samuel Young
had been sworne some little time before, for want of Councellors, being under the number of 9, and on Aug. 16 Col.
Greenfeild was admitted and sworne, and at the same time,
with the advice of the fullest Board I could procure, I was
obliged to sweare Mr. Philip Lynes, whom I have heretofore
mentioned to your Lordships, for want of Councellours; Col.
Contee and Mr. Biggs being both dead since H.M. appointment,
and Col. Francis Jenkins, who is now President at the Boarde,
being very ancient, often indisposed, and residing at so vast
a distance, to witt, the extream parts of Somersett County, on
the other side of the Bay, that I can never gett him on any
emergency till the Councill is over; Wherefore to compleate
the number of Counsellours, there being only 8 resident; here
besides Mr. Lynes, I humbly present to your Lordshipps the
names of four Gentlemen of good reputation, integrity and
ability, that is to say, the said Mr. Phillip Lynes, Col. Thomas
Addison, Mr. John Hall and Col. William Whitington, if you
please to recommend them to H.M. for her appointment. Your
Lordships' letter of Dec. 30, 1707, with H.M. circular letter,
requiring the Counsellours in the Plantations diligently to attend
H.M. service in the respective Councills, of which they are
Members, were read in Councill, and H.M. said letter recorded
in the Journall thereof. As for your Lordships' letter of March
6 you mentioned, I have not had the good fortune to receive
it, but am to acknowledge the receipt of H.M. Order in Councill
of Aprill 1st, 1708, declaring 2 Acts of the Generall Assembly
of this province to be repealed, etc., which were read at the
Board and publique notice given of the said Laws being repealed. And Sir Symon Harcourt's report concerning Sir
Thomas Larance etc., with H.M. Order thereon, being read to
H.M. Councill here, wee have resolved to recommend it to
the next Generall Assembly with the most pressing arguments
and motives we can use to perswade them to comply with
H.M. Royall pleasure. And for your Lordships' truer information of the value of those lycences; in obedience to your
commands, I have procured the best account I could, and have
inquired into their reall value, on which occasion I had the
advice of the greatest traders here, and especially Mr. Amos
Garrett, who is one of Sir T. Laurence's Agents, and am
informed that Sir Thomas's calculation is soe extravagant, that
it is almost two thirds more than what they truely amount to,
the said Mr. Garrett and others not valuing them at more
than 5 per cent., and their reasons are that the sallary of
receiving to the Sherriff is 10 per cent., that the tobacco lyes
stragling and dispersed in the severall Countys, not being on
execution, and many times slender securitys taken for the payment of those fines, most of such who keep ordinarys very poore
persons, who take up the trade, and the Justices are willing
to encourage them, to keep them off the County charge. My
Lords, observing the Roman Catholicks in this province discourse of the late designed invasion by the pretended Prince
of Wales, and were listning after the success, I thought it
might not be amiss, with the advice of the Councill, to take
the number of them in the severall Countys, that I might
compute their ability in case any misfortune should befall us,
which God forbid, and have inclosed the said lists for your
Lordships' consideration, for I am satisfied those people have
an illegall correspondance somewhere, they having reported the
raising the seige of Toulon some months, and the invasion of
the Pretender severall weeks, before we could have any intimation
thereof. My Lords, it might still continue prejudiciall to H.M.
service should I omitt to acquaint your Lordps. how ill the
trade here have been treated in respect to the incertainty of
the sayling of the present convoy, of which I had not the
least intimation from Commordore Huntington, untill the latter
end of August, and then was forced to dispatch boate and
hands to Virginia to obtain that satisfaction. And altho' Capt.
Gore in H.M.S. Bristoll, has layne in Patuxent some months
within 50 miles of this place; I have neither seen nor heard
from him. I hope your Lordships will remember my severall
applications concerning the encouragement given in North Carolina to H.M. subjects here to disert this her more profitable
province, which is still carryed on to a very high degree. All
which I submitt to your Lordships' wise consideration, etc.
Signed, Jo Seymour. Endorsed, Recd. 9th, Read 17th Dec.,
1708. 6 pp Enclosed, |
131. i. Copy of Address from the Lt. Governor and Council
of Maryland to the Queen. Congratulate H.M. on
failure of the attempted invasion by the Popish Pretender, equipt by the French King. Endorsed as
preceding. 1 p. |
131. ii. Account of the Ordinary licences granted in Maryland Oct. 1703–1707. Total, 101, 600lb. tobacco,—at
5 p.c. in money for four years, £254. etc. Names
given of some 70 keepers of ordinaries during those
years. Same endorsement. 2 pp. |
131. iii. List of Papists inhabiting the several Counties of
Maryland, 1708. Total, 2974. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 716.
Nos. 56, 56. i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 727.
pp. 99–106.] |
Sept. 9. Southwark. |
132. Mr. Cox to Mr. Popple. Governor Crow having surrendred ye Navall Office to my brother Samuel Cox, I desire
leave to withdraw my petition. Signed, Charles Cox. Endorsed,
Recd. Sept. 9, Read Oct. 26, 1708. Addressed. Postmark.
½ p. [C.O. 28, 11. No. 27; and 29, 11. p. 306.] |
Sept. 11 Windsor. |
133. H.M. Warrant granting Richard Rigby, Provost Marshal
of Jamaica, 3 years leave of absence, on his appointing a Deputy
etc. Addressed to Governor Handasyd. Countersigned, Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. pp. 116, 117.] |
Sept. 14. Whitehall. |
134. The Earl of Sunderland to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. What is proposed in the inclosed petition seems to
be so advantagious to our trade, that H.M. thinks it deserves
your serious consideration, and desires your opinion what be
proper for H.M. to do therein. Signed, Sunderland. Endorsed,
Recd. Sept. 15, Read Oct. 25, 1708. 1 p. Enclosed, |
134. i. Thomas Pindar, of London, merchant, to the Queen.
By incouragement of your Majesties letter of Feb. 20,
1706/7, granted to petitioner in favour of Manasses Gilligan of Barbadoes, for promoting the trade with the
Spanish West Indies, petitioner is now advised that, by
the interest and influence of Gilligan, a considerable
merchant of New Spain hath been at Barbadoes to
purchase negroes, etc., and made offers of settling
and promoting the Assiento Trade in that Island, and
of importing thither for that end sufficient quantities of
bullion and peices of eight, and that the same may
meet with no interruption, he desires your Majesty
will be pleased to grant passes for the ships imployed
in that service. Prays for 4 passes accordingly. 1 p.
[C.O. 28, 11. Nos. 15, 15. i.; and 29, 11. pp.
301–303.] |
Sept. 16. London. |
135. Mr. Dummer to Mr. Popple. Gives sailings of the
King William packet. Out and home 112 days. This pacquet
boate brings from severall hands an account of the conduct
of Admirall Wager and ye ill conduct of those Captns. which
made up his verry litle squadron with which he attempted the
Spanyards' fleet (14 saile of ships, 2 sloops and one brigantine),
for which they have been tryed and found guilty of the breach
of the 14 and 30 articles of warr. Signed, E. Dummer. Endorsed, Recd. Sept. 17th, 1708. Addressed. 1¾ pp. [C.O.
323, 6. No. 70.] |
Sept. 20. Windsor. |
136. Order of Queen in Council. John Hallet is appointed
to the Council of Barbados (cf. Aug. 18). A warrant is to
be prepared accordingly. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd.
23rd, Read 25th Oct. 1708. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 28, 11. No. 14;
and 29, 11. pp. 299, 300.] |
Sept. 20. Virginia. |
137. Col. Jenings to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Having on June 24 given myself the honour of writing to
your Lordships by H.M.S. Garland and at the same time
sent a duplicate by a merchant ship of that fleet, I humbly
beg leave to be referred to that letter, and the papers therewith
sent, without giving your Lordships the trouble of repeating
anything I then laid before you. I herewith send your Lordships
the Journals of Councill from Oct. 15, 1706 to April 30, 1708,
an abstract of which I sent in my last. There have been
four meetings of the Councill since, chiefly intended for giving
the necessary orders for hastening the merchant ships in their
joining Capt. Stewart in June, and Commodore Huntington now,
and for taking into consideration your Lordps.' commands signifyed in your severall letters; but the severe and extraordinary
fevers and other sicknesses with which almost all parts of
the country have been afflicted for near two moneths past,
and under which several of the members of the Council at
this time labour, hath hindered the answering those inquirys
sent by your Lordps., as well as the reading the last proceedings
of Council, so as to prepare them for your Lordships' view.
After the departure of H.M.S. Garland, Commodore Huntington
ordered out one of H.M. ships under his command to cruise:
but that ship did not proceed on that service for some days
after, having been obliged to go round to York River, to take
in bread and provisions, during which time we had daily advices
of the appearance of privateers on our coast, and after that
man of war was out a cruising, one Capt. Tarleton of Leverpoole
was chased from his anchors at the mouth of York River by
a privateer sloop. Whereupon, at the Council held July 29,
upon consideration of our danger, it was the unanimous opinion
of the Council that, for securing this coast and trade against
the privateers, it was necessary to have a fourth rate man of
war, and a briganteen or sloop of about 8 or 10 guns, and
proportionably mann'd; this latter to give chase to the privateer sloops in the shoal water, where by the report of all the
Captains of the men of war that had been discoursed on that
subject, it appeared very easy for such sloops to pass without
coming within gun shott of a large ship. I have by this
conveyance laid this matter before H.R.H. the Lord High
Admiral, and I humbly beg your Lordships' favourable recommendation thereof, for it is demonstrable from the boldness of
those privateers in coming within our Capes, even in sight of
H.M. ships of war, that they place their chief confidence in the
lightness of their vessells, and the impossibility of a large
ship's following them among the shoals. I must on this head
beg leave further to observe to your Lordships that the sloops
which have been occasionally hyred here for the assistance
of the men of war in that service have never answered the end
proposed, for besides the almost impossibility of procuring a
good sloop here fitt for such a design, the difficultys which
the Captains of the men of war have pretended of dividing
their men, and of sending out such sloops without their ships
going in company, have made all the services intended by
those sloops fruitless; so that they have only proved a charge
on the Queen's Revenue, without any real advantage; and this
consideration obliged the Council to advise the discharging the
sloop impressed last summer, after she had been imployed and
paid out of the Queen's revenue for six weeks, and yet in
all that time not above five days out a cruising. I informed
your Lordships in my last, that we were under some apprehensions from the Tuscoruro Indians, who had not complyed
in delivering up some of their nation suspected of a murther
committed last year in this Colony. In order to make them
more yeilding in that particular it hath been thought fitt to
prohibite all trade and commerce with them: this hath had
some effect on them already, by obliging them to make overtures for an accommodation, and I am inform'd their coming
in to complete it hath been only obstructed by the raging of
a violent distemper amongst them for several weeks past. I
thought it necessary to advise with the Councill, concerning
the calling an Assembly, the chief occasion for which at this
time is the raising an additional fund for finishing the Governor's
house, the whole sum appropriated by Act of Assembly for
that use being already expended, and yet the rooff not rais'd,
nor any inside work done: I should have been glad to have
had an Assembly for this purpose, but the majority of the
Council thought it too great a charge to the Country to have
an Assembly now, and another on the arrival of the Governor
(he being daily expected and), by whom they thought it very
probable H.M. would send such directions as might make the
calling of an Assembly then of absolute necessity. Nor were
they of opinion that either the danger of the Country from
the privateers, or the apprehensions we were under from the
Tuscoruro Indians, were sufficient grounds for calling an Assembly, the preventing of the first being a task too great for
this Country to undertake, and the danger of the latter not so
apparent, since there was hopes of an accommodation with
those Indians. A nation of Indians called the Saponies, who
were formerly tributarys to this Government, and removed
Westward about 20 or 25 years agoe, have lately return'd and
prayed to be received again into protection, and to have land
assign'd them for a settlement, which by the advice of the
Council I have granted them, in consideration of their being
one of the Nations included in the Articles of Peace made with
the Indians in 1677. Their number is not considerable, being
only about 30 bowmen, but the character they have of being
stout fellows, and withall very friendly to our inhabitants, makes
me hope their Settlement (which is on the Maherine River)
will be some kind of barrier against the Tuscoruros, or any
other Indians that might be suspected to annoy us on that
side, since they'l be able to advise us of their designs, soon
enough to prevent both their and our danger. I have lately
received H.M. warrant for paying unto Col. Hunter £1418 5 0
out of the Quitt-rents as a compensation for the loss of his
equippage, and £500 per annum out of the same fund from
July 1, 1707, till his arrival in this Colony; and pursuant to
H.M. commands I have passed a warrant for the first, and
another for one year's allowance ending July 1, 1708, both
which sums will be remitted him by this conveyance: but that
fund is so much drained by this and the former remittances
into the Exchequer that I'm afraid the subsequent allowance
(which is ordered to be paid quarterly) must be superseded till
the next year, if he stays out so long. I hop'd to have sent
your Lordps. the copys of the accounts of H.M. Revenues of
quitt-rents, and 2/- per hogshead, but the unfortunate absence
of the Council has hindered their being audited; so that I must
beg your Lordps.' patience till after our Genll. Court, when I
hope to have an opportunity of sending by some of the latter
ships. I'm sorry to acquaint your Lordps. that there's but an
indifferent prospect of a market for the quitt-rents this year,
the want of shipping in the country in the winter time, casts
a damp on the tobacco trade, and discourages purchasers when
they are uncertain of the conveniency of sending it home;
I'm perswaded that among the many advantages the trade might
gain by the fleets coming in hither in the fall, and returning
in the spring, H.M. quitt-rents would be considerably advanced
by it. I am informed from North Carolina that there are very
great commotions in that Governmt., occasioned principally by
the Quakers, who after they had prevail'd with the Lords Proprietors to turn out the Deputy Governor, and give the Council
(who were most of their perswasion) a power of chuseing
their own President, made choice of one Mr. Glover, and because
they did not find him for their turn, voted him out again.
They have had the cunning to sett all that Country in a
flame, and all but themselvs in arms against one another.
It would be tedious to trouble your Lordships with an account
of the proceedings of the several partys, which look liker the
freaks of madmen than the actions of men of reason, there
has already been one man unfortunately killed in the fray, and
tho' 'tis said they are coming to an accomodation, yet by the
best information I have, it is not like to end so. I thought
it my duty to acquaint your Lordships of this, as it happens
so nigh this H.M. Colony; tho' I hope it will have no ill
consequences as to us. Signed, E. Jenings. Endorsed, Recd.
6th, Read 17th Dec., 1708. 3½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1316. No. 9;
and 5, 1362. pp. 318–325.] |
Sept 20. Windsor. |
138. Order of Queen in Council. Appointing Valentine
Mumby a Member of Council of Jamaica. Warrant to be prepared accordingly. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd. 23rd,
Read 25th Oct. 1708. 1½ pp. [C.O. 137, 8. No. 21; and
138, 12. pp. 329, 330.] |
Sept. 20. Windsor. |
139. The Earl of Sunderland to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses following, "which you'll please to take
into your consideration and to let me have your opinion what
is fitting for H.M. to do therein." Signed, Sunderland. Endorsed, Recd. Sept. 24, Read Oct. 25, 1708. 1 p. Enclosed, |
139. i. Francis Oldfield to the Council of Trade and Plantations. A native and constant inhabitant of Jamaica,
having a considerable estate there, and for several years
a member of Assembly, petitioner desires to be one of
the Council, for which he is recommended by Governor
Handasyd. Copy. ¾ p. [C.O. 137, 8. Nos. 22, 22. i.;
and 138, 12. p. 331.] |
Sept. 20. Windsor. |
140. Order of Queen in Council. Referring following to
the Council of Trade and Plantations, who are to hear the
Petitioner's Agent and make further report upon this matter
to H.M in Council. In the meantime the Order in Council
of Aug. 18 is to be suspended. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed. Recd. Dec. 23, 1708, Read Jan. 3, 1709. 1¼ pp.
Enclosed, |
140. i. Alexander Skene to the Queen. Prays that the recent
proceedings against him (July 8, Aug. 10, 1708) may
be reviewed. Petitioner's Agent was not heard by the
Council of Trade, etc. Copy. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 28, 11.
Nos. 43, 43. i.; and 29, 11. pp. 363–366.] |
Sept. 23. Barbados. |
141. Governor Crowe to the Council of Trade and Plantations This packet honours me with none of your Lordships'
commands. Our Fleet sayled on the 7th. I have been since
soe indisposed with a cold and feavour that I have not been
able to finish the answer I am a making to Messrs. Sharp,
Walker and Berresford's Paper (Sept. 3); your Lordships may
depend thereon by next etc. Signed, M. Crowe. Endorsed,
Recd. 20th, Read 24th Jan. 1708/9. 1 p. Enclosed, |
141. i. Governor Crowe's Speech to the Assembly of Barbados, Sept. 4, 1708. Refers to following. I desire
the Assembly will let me know whether there be any
such general dissatisfaction in the country as these
Gentlemen pretend, etc. ¾ p. |
141. ii. Abstract of Messrs. Sharpe, Walker and Berresford's
complaints. (see Sept. 3.) 1½ pp. |
141. iii. Address of the Assembly to Governor Crowe. Reply
to preceding. (1). The Assembly hath satt very often
at times when the Council did not sit, to prepare
laws. This Assembly hath never done otherwise, or
pretended to pass any Act, to which they did not expect
the concurrence of the Councill, as by their Minutes
appears. (2) The Councill has satt as frequently in
the time of your Excellency's Government as it usually
did formerly, except since the arrivall of the London
Fleet, etc. As to ye dredfull alarm, another Paper
Bill, we know of no such alarm. It never was in our
thoughts, etc. (3) In the time mentioned the Assembly passed two Excise Bills; the first after some
conferences and delays made by the Councill was rejected by them because Agents for this Island were
appointed in the sd. Bill, wch. the Councill refused
to pass, alledging that the Agency was a matter forreign
to the title of the Bill, upon wch. the Assembly passed
a second Bill, wherein the Agency was named in the
title, and sent it to the Councill, who after severall
debates and delays did likewise reject that Bill, because
the Assembly according to their former custom had
named the Agents for this Island, so that these Gentlemen charge the delays and inconveniencies brought
on this Island by others on your Excellency. (4) The
Militia has not been so well setled these last four
years as it is at present. (5) It is justifiable by the
example of Parliaments and conventions of Representatives in other places, to petition H.M. separately or
joyntly with others as they think fit. The Councill sat
on Aug. 30. The Assembly sat the next day and resolved upon the sd. Address to H.M., of wch. we do
not know that your Excellency had any foreknowledg.
etc. (6) It is true that Assembly, according to the
example of former Assemblies, did agree that the Treasurer should buy 15 doz. citron water, to be sent for
presents to England, the Members declareing that if it
should be refused to be allow'd to the Treasurer on his
accompting, wch. is done by consent of the Council,
they would reimburse it out of their own pockets. How
this can be called a disposall of the public money etc.,
we do not understand, and it is most unjust to charge
your Excellency for permitting us to vote it, since
it was impossible for you to know what our votes would
be etc. (7) Their appreciation of the general dissatisfaction of the Island arose in these Gentlemen only
as soon as the Assembly had offered in an address to
your Excellency, Tuesday last, to prove the corruption
and bribery of Alexander Walker in promoting the
late Paper Bills. There has not been so general a
satisfaction and quiet in these Islands for four years.
The principal grounds for dissatisfaction that remain
are (1) The poverty and want of trade occasioned by
the late paper bills, and the arbitrary governmt. of
Sir B. Granville which has made several hundred of
the inhabitants leave the Island. (2) That a full
enquiry has not yet been made into the villanous design
against Major Lillington and Col. Downs in laying
treason to their charge and imprisoning them thereupon wth. other great hardships, and that the ministers
and instruments of that villany are not yet punished,
without wch. the inhabitants cannot hope to live in
safety for the future. (3) That a full enquiry has
not been made into the bribery and corruption by
wch. the paper mony was forced upon us. (4) The
deposit mony and other greivous extortions in the Register's Office of the Court of Chancery are not yet
reformed. (5) That the simonaicall disposall of Church
liveings in the time of Sir B. Granville, of wch.
there is violent cause of suspicion, are not yet enquired into. etc. Sept. 4, 1708. Same endorsement.
3 pp. |
141. iv. Minutes of Council of Barbados, Aug. 30, 1708.
The Governor adjourned the Council to next day in
course, owing to the sailing of the fleet, etc. Same
endorsement. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 12. Nos. 1,
1. i.–iv.; and (without enclosures) 29, 11. pp. 383, 384.] |
Sept 24. Jamaica. |
142. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I am to own the receipt of your Lordships of May
14, June 25, and enclosures, etc. As to Mr. Whitchurch's allegagations sett forth in his petition, I do aver that the most
part of them, (if not all) is false, and that in Sir W. Beeston's
Government the land was escheated and the Negroes belonging
to Worth Delamaine and this Negro woman, particularly named
in the writ of enquiry, were by Mr. Whitchurch or some others
kept out of the way, and were not be found, it being the
common custom of people here to deprive the Queen of all they
can: As to his setting forth that Mr. Puckle, his Attorney
here, spoke to me in his behalfe, he never said one word to
me of the matter, as his letter I have here enclosed will
affirm, and as to the Chief Justice's opinion or the proceedings
then of the Grand Court, I never do concern myselfe with
them, but do always let the Law have its due course. It
has been my constant study since I came into the Government
to assist H.M. Treasury by all lawfull means, as ffines, fforfeitures and escheats, and there has been an account given
by the Receiver Generall's Deputy here in the publick accompts
he has sent to my Lord Godolphin of all escheats found for
H.M., and the bonds given in by the persons to whom they
were granted, made payable at the expiration of 3 years, if
no heir appeared in that time. I writ to your Lops. about
4 or 5 years ago concerning escheats, and particularly of an
escheat granted to one Parker, to which I had your Lops.'
answer, and took it to be a very satisfactory one. I must
confess I believe the Country is not very well satisfied at my
diligence to see that they pay Quitt-rents to H.M. for the
land they have in their possession, and obliging them to patent
what they hold without title, which I am sure is above half
a million of acres added to the Revenue, since I came into
the Government. And notwithstanding this, H.M. Revenue here,
if well paid, does not amount to within £2,000 per annum of
the contingent charges, and the Assembly have never assisted
the Treasury with one royall, altho severall times desired it, to
help to discharge the debts of it. I have been under a necessity
myselfe to give £200 per annum, Jamaica mony, out of my
own pockett for private intelligence, that we may not be surprized by the French and Spaniards that surround us on every
side, which I hope I shall be considered for, for in case I
should bring any such charge here, I should be obliged to make
known from whence I had my intelligence, which must infalliby be the ruine of the spys, they being under the subjection
of the French. This I have formerly given an account
of to your Lops. As to Mr. Peeke, whom your Lops.
acquaint me H.M. has been pleased to appoint one of
the Councill of this Island, I have no objections to him,
but I am sorry my behaviour has been so indifferent, as that
my recommendations should not be taken notice of, since it
has always been thought that the Governors were the fittest
judges, who were men most capable to serve the Queen and
Country in the Councill, and not that the Jamaica merchants
and ffactors should have the recommending them. Mr. Brodrick,
whom your Lops. mention in yours, I have known here these
5 or 6 years to have behaved himself very justly to his Queen
and Country; I likewise recommended Mr. Oldfield who is a
very honest man, and a man of as good an estate as any in
the country, but am mightily concerned that I have had no
return. I writt to this purpose to my Lord Sunderland. I
have lately had the misfortune to meet with many unexpected
alterations, as the Privy Seal for restoring Mr. Barrow, who
so basely affronted the Queen's authority, altho I had H.M.
approbation as well as your Board's for what I had done in
that case: this Privy Seal in relation to Mr. Rigby's escheat,
without being heard what reasons I had to offer one way or
the other: and severall other matters which I shall not here
trouble your Lops. with. Mr. Totterdale, who has been a constant
desturber in Assemblys and Grand Courts, did in fface of
the last Grand Court, upon the triall of a criminall who was
to be burnt in the hand, tell the Queen's Attorney Genll., when
arguing law for the punishment of the criminall, that he did
not know how soon it might be his turn to be whip'd at that
place: As soon as I heard of it, I sent to the Court to have
Mr. Totterdale suspended pleading, or bound over till there
should be satisfaction made for the affront given to H.M.
Officer, but have yet obtained neither, so that without some other
method is taken to support the Queen's authority, I know not
what will be the issue, for no man is in ffashion here, but he
that will oppose it. Enclosed your Lops. will have a list
of the ships that have arrived here from Guinea since June 25,
1698, with the number of Negroes imported by each vessell, as
well permission ships and others as the Affrican Company's.
I likewise send a list of all prizes brought in here, and condemn'd
since July last till Sept. 20. And since that a French ship has
been sent in by one of our privateers, which is not yet condemn'd,
the same privateer took 3 or 4 more vessells, but burnt them,
not being able to send them into Port. I have caused a brigantine to be seized for the Queen that was taken without a legal
Commission, she will be tried in a few days, of which I shall
give you an account in my next. I have received 40 recruits
by this packett boat, and hope to have the remainder by the
next. The Privy Seal for the return of Mr. Whitchurch's Negroes
shall be duly comply'd with, notwithstanding Mr. Rigby has
been at between £30 and 40 expence in the passing through the
Courts and the severall Offices, wch. I shall reimburse him, and
place to the back of my own acct. The Act of Parliament in
relation to the coin and that of the Trade to America shall
likewise be observed. By a ship lately arrived from Bristoll
have received a Gazette that gives an account of our glorious
victory in Flanders, which I shall cause to be put into Spanish,
and send among the Spaniards. Our merchant ships consisting
of 7 sail under convoy of 5 men of war will sail for Great
Britain in two or three days, on board which will be in boullion
better than £200,000 sterl., and therefore I hope a squadron
will be ordered to meet them in the Soundings. The Island
has been sickly this month past, but not attended with great
mortality. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd. 25th,
Read 26th Nov., Dec. 6th, 1708. 5 pp. Enclosed, |
142. i. William Puckle to Governor Handasyd. I never applied to your Excellency in relation to Mr. Whitchurch's
affairs, etc. Signed, Wm. Puckle. Endorsed, Recd.
25th Nov. 1708. Addressed. 1 p. |
142. ii. List of prizes condemned in the Admiralty Court,
Jamaica July-Sept., 1708. 5 Spanish, 2 French. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. |
142. iii. List of vessels arrived in Jamaica with negroes June
25, 1698–June 14, 1708. Totals: Negroes imported
by the African Company—6854; by separate traders,
35718; importers not indicated, 1804. Grand total,
44,376. Same endorsement. 6 large pp. [C.O. 137,
8. Nos. 24, 24. i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 138,
12. pp. 340–345.] |
Sept. 24. Jamaica. |
143. Governor Handasyd to the Earl of Sunderland. Repeats preceding letter, and adds:—I received 40 recruits by
this packett-boat, and hope to have the remainder by the next.
I am favoured with your Lop.'s letter of Jan. 31 in behalfe of
Capt. Virnon. I think he is very deserving, and I shall be
proud of an opportunity of doing him all the service that lies
in my power or any Gentleman your Lop. is pleased to recommend. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, R. Nov. 25, 1708.
4¾ pp. [C.O. 137, 45. No. 90.] |
Sept. 25. Plantation Office, Whitehall. |
144. W. Popple jr., to the Commissioners for stating the
arrears due from King William. Salaries due to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, Michaelmas, 1700—March
8, 1702—£11, 574. 8. 4. Salaries due to the Secretary, Clerks,
Doorkeepers etc. £1,022. 0. 3¼ . [C.O. 389, 36. pp. 368. a, b.] |
Sept. 28. Kensington. |
145. H.M. Warrants, addressed to Governor Parke, appointing
Wm. Thomas and Richard Oliver to the Council of Antego.
Countersigned, Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. p. 118.] |
Sept 28. Kensington. |
146. H.M. Warrant, addressed to Governor Handasyd, appointing Valentine Mumby to the Council of Jamaica. Countersigned, Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. p. 118.] |
Sept 28. Kensington. |
147. H.M. Warrant, addressed to Governor Crowe, appointing John Hallet to the Council of Barbados. Countersigned,
Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. p. 119.] |
Sept. 29. Antigua. |
148. Governor Parke to Mr. Secretary Boyle. I did myselfe the honour to write soon after I heard you were principall
Secretary of State to congratulate you; I write now to begg a
favour which is onely common Justice. I hear there is one
Mr. Nivine gone home to endeavour to gett me out of my
government. He has, as I am informed, carryed home articles
against me, but the Councill as well as myselfe are ignorant
what they are. The favour I begg is, that I may have liberty
to answer whatever is lay'd to my charge, before I am condemned. I am very sure they can alledge nothing against me
will doe me an injury; it is noe wonder people of these Islands
sends home Articles against theyr governours. I have been
the longest without a complaint of any that ever was before
me, nor doe I know any just cause they have now, except
preventing theyr clandestine trade with the French and Dutch.
If upon a full hearing, you thinke I deserve to be turned out,
then lett me be used as I deserve, but if I have discharged
my trust like an honest man, I hope I shall have your protection,
etc. Signed, Daniel Parke. Endorsed, Recd. Jan. 19. 2 pp.
[C.O. 152, 42. No. 9.] |