Dec. 16. Whitehall. |
911. The Earl of Sunderland to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses following papers relating to Newfoundland. Signed, Sunderland. Endorsed, Recd. 17th, Read 21st
Dec., 1709. ¾ p. Enclosed, |
911. i. Duplicate of No. 859.i. |
911. ii. Duplicate of No. 890.ii. |
911. iii. Duplicate of No. 859.ii.(a). |
911. iv. Duplicate of No. 859.ii.(b). |
911. v. Duplicate of No. 859.iii. |
911. vi. Duplicate of No. 890.v. |
911. vii. Duplicate of No. 890.vi. |
911. viii. Duplicate of No. 859.iv. |
911. ix. Deposition of John Collins, of St. Johns. Oct. 22,
1709. On Dec. 21, 1708, about 3 or 4 a clock in the
morning, a party of French of about 160 men was
discovered very near the fort by the centinell of the
S.W. corner of the New Fort, who endeavoured to fire
his peice, which did not go off, he then called to the
centinell of the N.W. corner, who fired his peice which
alarmed the place. Deponent being one of the Captains
of Militia for the New Fort, went to ye place which had
been appointed for his quarters, which was the Guard
House of ye said Fort, where two other Companys besides his were appointed their quarters for the assistance of H.M. Garrison in the Old Fort, and to receive orders from their commanding Officer. Deponent
found severall men there who wanted powder and ball,
he having ordered what he had in his possession to be
carryed there, with which he supplyed those that wanted
as far as it would go, and then heard the firing of
small arms at the N.W. corner of the New Fort, which
was between our men there and the enemy. The
Lieutenant of deponent going to see what was the
meaning of this, was shot through the shoulder before
he could return. At the same time as the firing, deponent heard Quarter cryed in the Old Fort, and presently after the French there cryed "Vive le Roy" three
times, upon which Deponent and others in the Old
Fort gave 3 huzzaa's, and then the Enemy immediately
fired at them, and they at the enemy. Severall men
on our side were kill'd and wounded. They of the New
Fort called often to the Old Fort to have the Sally
Port opened and the Bridge let down, but could have
no answer, some of the soldiers of the Garrison got out
into the New Fort, and said there was 500 French men
in the Old Fort, and that they gave no quarter, upon
which those of the New Fort accepted their offer of
quarter on Dec. 26. Deponent heard Serjeant Steel
say at Mr. Winchen's house that when the French entered the Old Fort, there was but one man besides himself on the works, and that Major Tho. Loyd came as
far as the ramparts and said Fight, Boys, and went
away, and he never saw him afterwards, untill the
Garrison was taken half an hour after the first alarm,
and that he beleived it was lost by neglect. Some time
before the French came, deponent was ordered to the
Old Fort to give a receipt for ammunition, which he
did as he saw all the other Captains of the Militia do.
It was for double ye quantity of ammunition they
received, and the said receipts were to Capt. Vane. Deponent allways paid towards the Minister 3 quintalls
of fish per boat; he knew it had been paid for a year
or two by most of the Harbours in the land, out of
which the Minister was to have an allowance, the
rest to be as a publick stock, but to what use it was
converted, he knoweth not. He do not know that Major
Loyd traded, but sayeth he did let out soldiers to hire
every year, for that one year he had two for which he
paid Major Loyd £35. |
List of inhabitants killed in the New Fort:—Jno.
Nicholls, Wm. Armstrong, Nich. Southard, Wm. Bickford, Wm. Johnson, Jno. Grove, Jno. Rusenell, Antho.
Gifford; wounded, Tho. Squary, Jno. Luff, Michll. (sic),
Robt. Bentiett, Wm. Lee, Tho. Harris, Abr. Barritt.
Copy. 3¾ pp. |
911. x. Deposition of Tho. Gruchy. Oct. 19, 1709. Corroborates preceding. Signed, Tho. Gruchy. Copy. 1¾ pp. |
911. xi. Deposition of Allin Southmayd. Major Loyd hired
soldiers out to the Planters including himself. The
money raised by the levy of fish was paid to the
Minister by him to the amount of £105 sterl. in 1707.
On Dec. 20, 1708, he was in the Old Fort untill about
12 at night, and in company with Major Loyd, who
was as at other times chearfull without having to appearance any apprehension of the enemy's being so
near, and ordered one of the serjeants to be put in
prison for not seeing the cartouch boxes fill'd. Does
not beleive the Old Fort was taken by treachery of
Major Loyd, but, by the report of those in it, as well
as others, beleives it to be by neglect. Signed, A.
Southmayd. Copy. 2 pp. |
911. xii. Deposition of John Marshall, St. John's Harbour.
Oct. 19. Corroborates No. ix. supra. Signed, John
Marshall. Endorsed, Recd. 17, Read 21st Dec. 1709.
Copy. 1½ pp. |
911. xiii., xiv. Account and receipts of nails, boards, etc. furnished by order of Capt. Taylor, H.M.S. Litchfield,
for the rebuilding of the Fort of St. Johns. Signed,
Arthr. Holdsworth, Jos. Taylor, Jno. Shales, John Collin. Oct. 20, 1709. Same endorsement. Copies. 1½ pp. |
911. xv. Copy of Commodore Taylor's Commission to John
Collin to be Governor of the Fort and Harbour of St.
John's and all the sea-coast between Ferryland and
Carbonear. Signed, Jos. Taylor. Oct. 6, 1709. Same
endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 4. Nos. 101, 101.i.xv.; and (without enclosures) 195, 5. p. 117.] |
Dec. 17. Spanish Town. |
912. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Since my last I have none to own from your Ldships.
but a duplicate of July 15th; as to the affaires here, we have
been greaviously afflicted with sickness, I think more people has
dyed of all sorts this year than in any year since I have been
in these parts. I have recd. by the pacquet boate Sophia 50
recruites, they tell me I am to have 50 more by the next
pacquet and yt's. all we are [to] expect, but in case mortallity
attends us so every year, I am afraid we shall have occasion
for near as many every pacquet, I have lost within this 3 months
137 men. We have a report here of a French squadron consi[s]ting of 15 saile and 8 saile of St. Mallows privateers, as
for my own part I am of opinion their's nothing in't, notwithstanding they write it very possatively from the Windward
Islands. The French and Spanish Fleet is not yet come from
Laverdecrous to the Havannah, but is hourly expected; there
is one gallion and another ship at Carthagena very richly
loaden with money etc., which the Spaniards say they will not
trust under a French convoy, therefore is resolved they shall
stay there till Peace, but as they are the weaker party, I
expect, if a strong French squadron come, they will obleidge
them either by foule means or fare. The marchants and others
haveing requested of me for the advantage of trade, to issue
out a proclamation and to grant a pardon to these Pirates at
the Semblers and other places upon the Spanish Coast, which I
gave you an acct. of in my last, and haveing consulted with the
Councill concerning yt. matter as also the Attorney Generall,
they have unanimously requested of me to issue out a Proclamation and to grant a pardon (according to H.M. Commission to
me) for all misdemeaners, High Treason and wilfull murder excepted, which I have done accordingly and sent it by a vessell
which has obleidged himself to deliver it to the Commander in
Chief, Mishall, all which I hope will be to H.M. and your
Ldships.' satisfaction, and that it will do us that service in case
they will not come in, they will not be our enemys, at least
they will not medle with H.M. subjects. As to the Councillers in
relation to the selling and disposeing of negroes, they have all
given me for answere, that they doe not sell or dispose of any
but what belongs to themselves, so they look upon themselves
quallifyed to sitt upon appeales. Our men of warr here is in
a very bad condition by death and sickness, they can send but
two of them to sea at once, and the one fifth part of their
company must be soldiers; we have been very much plagued with
French and Spanish privateers for this two months past about
this Island. As to other news here their is none that I know
of worth giveing your Ldships. the trouble of. I should be glad
to receive H.M. Orders for the releife of me and my regiment,
etc. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd, Read 16th
Feb 170 9/10. 2 pp. [C.O. 137, 8. No. 77; and 138, 13. pp.
89–92.] |
Dec. 19. Whitehall. |
913. Council of Trade and Plantations to the House of
Commons. Representation on African Trade, as ordered Dec.
15. So far as it relates to the Plantations, quotes reply of
Separate Traders, Nov. 17. "It does appear that the separate
traders have sent out from the several Ports of this Kingdom
about 12 ships to one despatch'd by the Company. . . . The
Company have so far neglected the Trade, that had not the
separate Traders carried it on . . . ., our American Plantations
would have suffer'd very much for want of a competent supply
of negroes to the great prejudice of the sugar and tobacco trades
(already labouring under the utmost discouragements) and consequently the Revenues arising to the Publick from those trades
must have been greatly lessen'd." etc. etc. [C.O. 389, 21. pp.
7–16.] |
Dec. 19. Whitehall. |
914. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Sunderland. Enclose following, and desire, in case H.M. shall
think fit that a Law be passed here, as we propose, that Her
pleasure be signified accordingly. Annexed, |
914. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. An
Act having been passed here in the 3rd and 4th years
of your Majesty's reign for incouraging the importation
of Naval Stores from America, etc., we sent the same
to your Majesty's several Governors there; but there
being no provision in the said Act for preserving of
white pines, which are the only trees proper for masts
for your Majesty's Royal Navy, and great waste being
frequently made of those trees, Governor Dudley, by
the advice of Mr. Bridger, proposed to the Assembly of
New Hampshire the passing of a Law for that purpose,
which was passed accordingly, prohibiting all persons
in that Province to cutt, fell or destroy any white
pines or mast trees, not being the particular property
of any private person, above the growth of 24 inches
diameter at 12 inches from the earth under the penalty
of £100 sterl. for every such tree so cutt. But upon
Coll. Dudley's proposing to the Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay the passing of a like Law there, they
refused to do the same, tho' it was in the words of
their Charter, alledging that they wou'd not enact their
Charter into a Law. Wherefore for the more effectual
prevention of spoils in the woods there, and for the
better preserving of trees fit for your Majesty's Royal
Navy, we humbly offer that an Act be passed here for
that purpose, and humbly take leave to annex the
draught of such a Bill. In case the same be passed
into a Law, there will then be no necessity that the
forementioned New Hampshire Act be confirmed; otherwise we are humbly of opinion that your Majesty be
pleased to ratify and confirm the same. |
914. ii. Draught of an Act for the better preserving of Masttrees in America. [C.O. 324, 9. pp. 415–420.] |
Dec. 19. Whitehall. |
915. The Earl of Sunderland to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Col. Hunter having proposed that for preventing
the Palatines he carrys with him to New York from falling off
from the employment designed for them, or being decoy'd into
Proprietary Governments, they may be obliged by a contract
in writing to attend that work, H.M. is pleased to approve thereof,
you are to advise with Mr. Attorney General about the drawing
up such an instrument etc. Signed, Sunderland. Endorsed,
Recd. Read Dec. 20, 1709. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1049. No. 140;
and 5, 1121. p. 488.] |
Dec. 20. |
916. Draught of a Covenant for the residence and employment of Palatines in New York. See preceding and Dec. 21.
3 pp. Endorsed, Recd. (from Col. Hunter.) Read Dec. 20,
1709. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1049. No. 141; and 5, 1121. pp.
489–492.] |
Dec. 20. Whitehall. |
917. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney General. Encloses preceding for his opinion thereon. [C.O. 5, 1121. p. 493.] |
Dec. 21. |
918. Mr. Attorney General to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses, with amendments, covenant for Palatines. v. Dec. 19, 20. Signed, Jas. Mountague. Endorsed,
Recd. Read Dec. 22, 1709. 1 p. Enclosed, |
918. i. Draught of Covenants for Palatines' residence in New
York. 5 pp. [C.O. 5, 1049. Nos. 144, 144.i.; and
5, 1121. pp. 498–503.] |
Dec. 21. Whitehall. |
919. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Sunderland. Enclose letter from Council of Maryland, Aug. 21.
q.v. From whence we presume the late Governor had not communicated to them H.M. Additional Instruction May 3, 1707,
empowering the eldest Counsellor to take upon him the administration as Governor in such cases. Recommend that a
triplicate of that Instruction be transmitted to them, to prevent
any disputes that may arise amongst them, till the arrival of a
new Governor. [C.O. 5, 727. p. 160.] |
Dec. 22. Whitehall. |
920. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Sunderland. Enclose Commission for the Earl of Orkeney to be
Lieut. and Governour General of Virginia, which is in the
usual form. Enclosed, |
920. i. The Earl of Orkney's Commission as above. [C.O.
5, 1363. pp. 2–26.] |
Dec. 23. |
921. Draft of H.M. Instructions for Robert Hunter, Governor
of New Jersey. (Signed Dec. 27). Set out, N.J. Archives, 1st ser.
iv.i. and see No. 924.i. Includes: |
Members of Council:—Lewis Morris, Andrew Brown, Francis
Davenport, Wm. Pinhorn, Geo. Deacon, Wm. Sandford, Richd.
Townley, Dan. Cox, Roger Mompesson, Peter Sonmans, Hugh
Hoddy, Wm. Hall, and Robt. Quary. Additional Instruction relating to the heats and divisions in New Jersey:—Whereas an
Address has been laid before us from several of the Members of
our Council complaining of the Assembly there (Nov. 2), and
likewise another Address from the Assembly in their own vindication and complaining of the Council: and whereas we have
been informed that these Addresses have increased the heats
and animosities between the said Council and Assembly to the
great obstruction of our service in that Province, and to the
disquiet of our subjects there, it is our will and pleasure that
upon your arrival you examin into the reasons and causes of
the said differences, and that you endeavour all you can amicably
to reconcile the disagreeing parties and to compose all such
differences betwixt them, and in case you shall meet with any
opposition therein, that you then represent unto us by one of
our Principal Secretarys and to our Commissioners of Trade and
Plantations, your opinion upon the whole for our further pleasure therein. [C.O. 5, 995. pp. 34–132.] |
Dec 23. |
922. Capt. Moody to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Report on Newfoundland. In July last, pursuant to H.M. commands I setled about 900 men with their families upon severall
strong Islands lying to the norward and southward of St. Johns,
delivering to them a share of H.M. bounty of armes, ammunition
and provisions, assureing them that they might expect further
marks of hir Royall favour, prevailing with them to change their
resolution of quiting the country, which, as they told me, was
only ocationed by the Garrisons att St. Johns being so shamefully
lost, by which means the course of their trade was stopt, and
their corispondence and interest quite rewend at St. Johns,
together with their just feors of their own weakness and the
enemies power and further designes of carrying them all away
captive to Cannada to be slaves, which they threaten to doe,
believing them no longer able to pay £7000 sterl. for their ransom, as they did last summer at St. Johns, and for liberty to
fish their. I have not only now, but in time past used my
faithfull endavers for the preservation of the people and trade
of Newfoundland, and for H.M. Garrisons their, the los of which,
and the manner of takeing it, I doubt not but your Lordships
have been fully apprized of, as well as that all the officers
and souldiers, with 48 pieces of cannon, morters, armes, ammunition and provisions, with boombs, powder ball etc., was carryed
in 4 ships to Plasentia and Cannada in April, 1709, and that
the Fort and Castle at St. Johns are both blown up and burnt
with all the inhabitants' houses except 4 or 5, and most part of
the mud wall of the Fort, which would have been too great
labour to have levelled, and to litle or no purpose if they had,
and which the remaining part of the inhabitants at St. Johns
by the diligence of Comadore Taylor have pallasaded and retired
into, and built themselves hutts with hopes to defend themselves
against any stragleing or small parties for this winter, but
withall assured me, before my departure from St. Johns in
July, and upon my comming away from thence Nov. 8 last, as
did allso the inhabitants in generall, that they were no longer
then this winter able to abide in the country, unless the Goverment would build a garrison and send a suffitient force from
hence to protect them and their trade and families, they haveing likewise petitioned H.M. to that purpose, and writ to your
Lordships, beging that you would assist them in recommending
their supplication for protection etc., which petition and letter
were sent by me to Boston and with one from myselfe to your
Lordships, Aug. 10, in the Dursly gally, etc. Signed, J. Moody.
Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 28, 1709, Read Jan. 20, 170 9/10. Holograph. 1½ pp. Enclosed, |
922. i. Capt. Moody to Governor Dudley, Col. Nicholson, Col.
Vetch, and to the Honble. the Governers assembled att
Rehoboth to consult of present affairs. Proposal for
reduction of Plasentia. Signed, J. Moody. 1¾ pp. |
922. ii. Reply to preceding. Oct. 14, 1709. Rehoboth in
the Massachusetts. We do highly approve of Col.
Moody's good intention, and thankfully accept the offer
of his service in the projected expedition to Port Royall;
but cannot under the present distresses and disappointments judge ourselves capable to do anything at Newfoundland, the support of the Inland frontiers of the
Province demanding the service of all their troops, besides the hopes of a descent upon Port Royall if possible to be brought to passe this winter, etc. Signed, J.
Dudley, G. Saltonstall, Saml. Cranston, Sam. Vetch,
Fr. Nicholson. Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 28, 1709, Read Jan.
20, 170 9/10. ½ p. [C.O. 194, 4. Nos. 103, 103.i.,ii.;
and (without enclosures) 195, 5. pp. 118–121.] |
Dec. 23. Whitehall. |
923. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Sunderland. Enclose draught of Instrument to be signed by Palatines going to New York (Dec. 21). [C.O. 5, 1121. p. 504.] |
Dec. 23. Whitehall. |
924. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Sunderland. Enclose following to be laid before H.M. |
924. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. We
herewith present to your Majesty draughts of Instructions for Col. Hunter for the Governments of New
York and New Jersey, which are to the same purpose as
those given to the late Lord Lovelace. And whereas
William Peartree, one of the present Council of New
York, has been represented to us as a person unfit to
serve your Majesty in that station, particularly in regard of his not giving due attendance at that Board,
that several men who deserted your Majesty's service
from on board Lowstoft and Triton's prize, are there
imployed by the Mayor of New York, and by the said
Peartree on board their vessells, contrary to the Act
for incouragement of the Trade to America, and to the
prejudice of your Majesty's service, we therefore humbly
offer that he be left out of the said Council, and that
Dr. Samuel Staats, of whom we have had a very good
character, be constituted a Member in his stead; and
there being a vacancy by the death of Thomas Wenham,
we humbly offer that Robert Walters, of whom we have
likewise had a good character, be constituted by your
Majesty a Member of the said Council in his stead. We
further offer that as the said Stats and Walters were
formerly Members of that Council, they be now reinstated in their places according to the precedency they
then had, as has usually been done in like cases. In
relation to the Council of New Jersey, Lewis Morris
having been suspended by Capt. Ingoldsby by the Lt.
Governor, since the death of the late Lord Lovelace,
for reasons which do not appear to us sùfficient, we
humbly offer that he be restored to his place and precedency there, and there being two vacancies in the
said Council, we humbly offer that Thomas Gordon and
Thomas Gardner, who have been well recommended to
us by the Proprietors here, as persons fit to serve
your Majesty in that station, be constituted Members of
the said Councill, that the number of twelve may be
compleat. And whereas there have been great disputes
and differences between the Council and Assembly of
New Jersey and both have addressed to your Majesty,
each against the other, and as Col. Hunter who is now
going over will be the best able when upon the place to
inform himself of the matters contained in the said
Address, we humbly offer that he have an Instruction
from your Majesty requiring him to examin into the
causes and reasons of the said differences, and to
endeavour all he can to compose the same; and that in
case he shall meet with any obstruction therein, that
then he represent the matter as it shall appear to
him, to one of your Majesty's Principal Secretaries
of State, and to your Commissioners for Trade and
Plantations, for your Majesty's pleasure thereupon, and
therefore we take leave to add hereunto the draught
of an Additional Instruction for that purpose. We
further take leave to lay before your Majesty the
draughts of Instructions for Col. Hunter for his Governments of New York and New Jersey, relating to the
Acts of Trade and Navigation which are in the usual
form. And in obedience to your Majesty's Order, Dec.
15, we humbly lay before your Majesty the draught of
an Additional Instruction to Col. Hunter, relating to
the fees of the several officers at New York. Annexed, |
924. i. Draught of Instructions for Col. Hunter, Governor
of New York. Cf. those of Lord Lovelace, C.S.P. 1708.
Set out, N.J. Archives, 1st ser. iv.i. (These were
dated Dec. 27, 1709). |
924. ii. Additional Instruction to same. You are to reconsider the Table of Fees of 1693, and to prepare another
etc. as proposed Nov. 29, Dec. 15 supra. |
924. iii. Instructions to same relating to the Acts of Trade
and Navigation. [C.O. 5, 1122. pp. 1–125.] |
Dec. 23. |
925. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Hunter.
Repeat Instructions for the Governments of New York and
New Jersey, previously given to "the late Lord Cornbury, now
Earl of Clarendon." You are to enquire into the employment
of deserters from H.M. ships by William Peartree and the Mayor
of New York, and prosecute them etc. if guilty. Set out,
N.Y. Docs. v. 154. q.v. [C.O. 5, 1122. pp. 126–136.] |
Dec. 24. St. James's. |
926. H.M. Warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General.
You are to prepare a Bill for our Royall signature for the
Earl of Orkney to be Governor of Virginia. Countersigned,
Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. p. 187.] |
Dec. 25. St. James's. |
927. Order of Queen in Council. Drafts of Instructions for
Col. Hunter, Governor of New York and New Jersey, relating to
Acts of Trade and Navigation, approved. Cf. Dec. 23. Signed,
Chris. Musgrave. Endorsed, Recd. 9th, Read 12th Jan. 170 9/10.
1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1049. No. 151; and 5, 1122. pp. 142, 143.] |
Dec. 25. St. James's. |
928. Order of Queen in Council. Dr. Staats and Thomas
Walters are appointed to the Council of New York in the room
of William Peartree, discharged, and Thomas Wenham, decd.
Cf. Dec. 23. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 2½ pp. [C.O.
5, 1049. No. 152; and 5, 1122. pp. 143–145.] |
Dec. 25. St. James's. |
929. Order of Queen in Council. Draft of Instructions for
Col. Hunter, Governor of New York, with Additional Instruction
for preparing a table of Fees to be taken by the respective
officers there, approved. Cf. Dec. 23. Signed and endorsed as
preceding. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1049. No. 153; and 5, 1122.
pp. 145, 146.] |
Dec. 25. St. James's. |
930. Order of Queen in Council. Restoring Lewis Morris
and appointing Thomas Gordon and Thomas Gardiner to the
Council of New Jersey, as recommended Dec. 23. Signed, Chris.
Musgrave. Endorsed, Recd. 9th, Read 12th Jan. 1709/10. 2 pp.
[C.O. 5, 970. No. 91; and 5, 995. pp. 133–135.] |
Dec. 25. St. James's. |
931. Order of Queen in Council. Approving Representation
on draft of Instructions of Governor Hunter, New Jersey, Dec.
23. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 970.
No. 92; and 5, 995. pp. 135, 136.] |
Dec. 27. London. |
932. J. de Kocherthal to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have, since my arrivall at New Yorke, observed that if
the planting of vineyards in the English America was once
seriously undertaken, the same would be the most proffitable
labour which the new-comers there could ever desire, and more
advantageous to this Kingdom than the America sugar or tobacco
trade. To that end I have kept correspondence with all such
persons as have had the least experience in that affaire, and
have actually undertaken a journey over the whole Continent.
The climate and soil are suited for vine-growing, as is shown
by the presence of wild vines and by trials already made. Of
all the experiments which hitherto have been tryed, that of
Mr. Robert Beverley upon the highlands in Virginia is the
last and most remarkable, whose vineyards and wine all persons
are talking of in Virginia. The President and Consuls in
Williamsburgh have had this matter under their deliberation.
That the experiment has hitherto not been found to answer,
is due to inexperience and want of skill. The French method of
planting is altogether disagreeable with the ground and climate,
whilst as to that made on the Rhinlander system, conducted by
High Germans in Pensylvania, the best of them are the Greisheimers, who have hardly any common skill or knowledge in the
vintage. Other objections as to climate and tending etc. stated
and answered. If 10 or 12 skilful vine-gardiners, were allowed
to go over with suitable plants, to choose convenient places,
there is not the least doubt but that English America would in
a short time appeare full as fit and capable for the nursery
and wine-trade as any other place in the whole Universe. Signed,
Joshua de Kocherthal. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd, Read 13th Jan.
170 9/10. 7 pp. Enclosed, |
932. i. Abstracts of letters to Joshua de Kocherthal from
persons consulted as to the cost of his maintenance at
New York. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 3 pp.
[C.O. 5,.1049. Nos. 155, 155.i.] |
Dec. 27. Whitehall. |
933. Mr. Popple to Governor Hunter. Encloses Order in
Council, Dec. 15. etc. Set out, N.Y. Docs. v. 158. [C.O. 5,
1122. pp. 137, 138.] |
Dec. 28. Whitehall. |
934. The Earl of Sunderland to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Refers to letter July 27. I once more desire to
know whether you have any objection to Mr. Berwick, etc.
Signed, Sunderland. Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 28, Read Jan. 4,
170 9/10. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 13. No. 4; and 29, 12. p. 65.] |
[? Dec.] |
935. Thomas Gordon to [? the Earl of Sunderland.] Encloses "duplicate of the last Assembly's Address to be layd
before H.M." For as soon as the Assembly [New Jersey] had
complyed with H.M. commands and raised both men and money
for the expedition against Canada, the Lt. Governour disolved
the Assembly. My Lord Lovelace (a good and pious man,
whose death is greatly lamented) in Aprill last appointed me
Cheife Justice, in the room of Roger Mompesson. In Aug. the
Lt. Governour put Mompesson in again, without assigning any
reason for suspending me, etc. Set out, N.J. Archives, 1st ser.
III. 500. Signed, Thomas Gordon. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 980. No.
38.] |
1709. |
936. Naval Office. List of Ships, Jamaica, 1709—1722.
[C.O. 142, 14.] |
1709 ff. |
937. Lists of persons recommended for Councillors in the
Plantations. [C.O. 324, 48.] |