Nov. 6. Boston. |
1436. Mr. Addington to Mr. Popple. Encloses Minutes of
Council, Journals of Assembly, and Laws of the Massachusetts
Bay, 1701–1705, etc. The piratical gold upon Quelch's condemnation is shipped on board H.M.S. Guersey, etc. Signed,
Isa. Addington. Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 31, 1705. Read Jan. 23,
1705/6. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 864. No. 1; and 5, 912. pp. 99–104.] |
[Nov. 8.] |
1437. Merchants and Traders to the Queen. Pray that
some proper person well skill'd in the making tarr, raising and
curing hemp, etc., may be sent over to New England and Colonys
adjacent to instruct the inhabitants with a view to carrying out
the intent of the Act for the encouraging the importation of Naval
Stores, which will otherwise be utterly lost. 33 Signatures.
Inscribed, H.M. refers this petition to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Signed, C. Hedges. Whitehall, Nov. 8, 1705.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Nov. 9, 1705. 1 large p. [C.O. 5, 863.
No. 147; and 5, 911. pp. 473–475.] |
Nov. 8. Whitehall. |
1438. Mr. Byfield's receipt from Woolwich Ropeyard for
8 barrels of South Carolina tar, etc., as Oct. 24. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5,
1263. No. 49.] |
Nov. 8. Whitehall. |
1439. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Hedges. In answer to yours of 3rd inst. Mr. Dummer may by
his Agents in Jamaica and elsewhere give notice to the Spaniard
of his undertaking to bring letters to and from Europe in the
course of trade, as a matter of his private doing, without any
public authority from hence. But we do further offer that in
case of his carrying such letters to and fro, they be opened by
the Governor of Jamaica, or the Governor of other Plantations.
And for those going from hence, that they be first examined by
order of a Secretary of State, least a criminal correspondence be
carryed on in behalf of the French, who are in great measure at
present Masters of the Spanish West Indies. And that the
like examination be had of ye property of all goods and bullion
coming to or going from Europe in Mr. Dummer's packet boats
for the use of the Spaniards, or pretended to be such. As to a
further incouragement of the trade with the Spaniards, he may
be referred to the directions given to the Governor of Jamaica.
2 pp. Autograph signatures. Enclosed, |
1439. i. Copy of Lord Nottingham's letter to the Governors
of Plantations. [See No. 116.i.] 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 3.
Nos. 23, 23.i.; and (without enclosure) 324, 9.
pp. 114, 115.] |
Nov. 9. Whitehall. |
1440. W. Popple, jr., to W. Lowndes. In reply to letter
of Nov. 2, the Council of Trade and Plantations desire you to
represent to my Lord High Treasurer that as to the settling a
certain number of Ports [in Maryland] for the lading and unlading
goods, they have been so sensible of the benefit it will be to H.M.
Customs, that they did in May last humbly represent etc. [See
April 23.] And their Lordships do hope from the answer which
they are in some time expecting from Maryland, that the Assembly
have complied in building of towns and warehouses and in the
setting out and appointing of proper sheds, wharfs and keys:
in which case the scheme proposed by Col. Seymour will be of
use; and to which purpose H.M. Instructions have been sent
to Coll. Seymour for Maryland, as likewise to Coll. Not for
Virginia. Their Lordships conceive that in case the Assembly
do not comply with H.M. directions herein, H.M. may settle
Ports in Maryland by her own authority, pursuant to an Act
of Parliament in that behalf. [C.O. 5, 726. pp. 334, 335.] |
Nov. 9. Whitehall. |
1441. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Hedges. Reply to letter of Oct. 27. We were preparing a report
to H.M. upon a similar letter from Col. Seymour. As to the arms
and ammunition, we humbly conceive the proposals made by
him to be very proper, but we do likewise offer that there being
already settled in Maryland a revenue of 3d. on every hhd. of
tobacco exported for the providing of arms and ammunition for
the use of the Province, and as Coll. Seymour writes, there being
a summ in Bank there appropriated for that use, and money
sent over to Coll. Blakiston (Agent for that Colony here) with
orders to lay out this mony for the best advantage of the Province,
we hope this service is sufficiently provided for at present. We
likewise think it will be very necessary that a storekeeper be
settled in that Province, for the good and safe keeping of the
public arms and ammunition, and that H.M. may be pleased
to direct Coll. Seymour to appoint such an Officer, with a fitting
maintenance out of such part of the revenue arising there as he
shal judge proper. We do likewise approve of Coll. Seymour's
proposal of reducing the provincial judges to such a number
as he and the Council may think proper, and humbly offer, that
H.M. send him suitable directions in that behalf. We have had
a very good character of Mr. Bladen, who acts as Attorney General
of Maryland, as well from Coll. Seymour as others, and are of
opinion that he may deserve the sum of 100l. sterling proposed
by Coll. Seymour, which H.M. may likewise direct to be paid
him out of the revenue to be raised in that Province. As to the
settling a certain number of Ports etc., repeat preceding.
Autograph signatures. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 721. No. 5; and 5, 726.
pp. 336–338.] |
Nov. 9. Philadelphia in Prov. of Pensylvania. |
1442. Lt. Governor Evans to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Refers to letter of Feb. 14. H.M. Proclamation
for ascertaining the current rates of foreign coines, I am with the
greatest concern and regrett oblig'd to acquaint your Lordps.
notwithstanding all the authority can be made use off in this
case by the Govmt. here has not hitherto been effectual to bring
ye People to that Regulation of money therein commanded in
their mutual Dealings and Bargains, wherein Trading men have
alwayes been found to have taken great Liberties. And though
I have pressed the entring on that meathod as early and earnestly
as was possible to those of H.M. subjects that I am Honour'd
and Intrusted with ye command of, yett, what with the inconvenience of formere contracts and great scarcity of money, and
other difficulties to be removed, they seem'd very desirous or
rather resolv'd to take measures therein from those of our neighbouring Govmts. that are not only much more considerable in
trade, But nearer the influence of your Lordps.' more immediate
Directions, and seeing they have not yett entred upon the practice
of it, ye People here are unwilling to be the first, mistrusting in
some measure their own managemt. in an affaire where the whole
Continent of the Queen's Plantations in America is equally
concern'd; However, ye Officers for Collecting and receiving
H.M. Dutys do receive money according to the Regulation.
All I have to offer to your Lordps. is to assure [you] that I have
not been wanting in my duty and obedience herein to H.M., and
beg your directions etc. I have now, in persuance of H.M. sacred
commands requiring me to putt the inhabitants of this Govmt.
in the best posture of Defence in this dangerous time of warr,
settled as regular a Militia as (with the consent of the
Representation of the People) I could induce them to be sensible
of the necessity off, for ye Queen's Honour and the safety of
Her subjects, obliging all those of the Lower Counties from 16
years of age to 60 to furnish themselves with arms and ammunition
and to inlist in Companies under Commission'd Officers. The
Quakers in those Counties being so very inconsiderable for
numbers, and likewise pleading a Privilege of exemption to the
Representatives of the sd. Counties from a clause of a Charter
granted by the Propr. to the Province and the Territories before
my arrival [see Nov. 2], which is that none should be molested
or disturbed on account of their Religious Persuasions, for which
reason and considering the very small number of those People,
they inclin'd, against all arguments to the contrary, to exempt
them. However, there is att this time a Militia as well appointed
and regular as any I know off on the Main, considering the number
of inhabitants and the Infancy of the Thing, it being the first
that was ever seen here that deserv'd the name of one. And
in the Province, where the Quakers are the Cheif Body of the
People, I have likewise caus'd as many companies as possible to
be rais'd of such as can bear arms, of whom there might be more,
if some who screen their disaffection to ye Govmt. under the
specious pretence of a more sacred name, did not too much
endeavour to alienate ye minds of such as they can prevail on
from joyning in obedience to H.M. commands to provide for
their own security. I inclose an Addresse to me from all or
most of the Traders of note in this Province, complaining of great
hardships they lye under in shipping off their tobacco to the
West Indies, where alone it is at present (they say) vendible,
which though it more properly belongs to H.M. Commissioners of
the Customs, yet as nothing can be accounted fforeign to yor.
Lordps. Board that relates to H.M. Plantations, so I hope you
will not think it unworthy of your notice, but favourably forward
an effectual redresse, which would be a very great ease to the
people in general, and especially to those of the Lower Counties,
who are and have alwayes been from the very beginning susteined
upon the Bottom of Planting Tobacco, For the very great scarcity
of money, almost incredible, making it impossible for them to
pay the dutys in money, and the Collectors refusing to take
them in specie according to the expresse words of the Act, where
money is not to be had (which is but too exactly their case)
causes so great a stagnation in that Trade, that if it be not
remedied, it must shortly lay them under the greatest hardshipps,
etc. Signed, John Evans. Endorsed, Communicated by
Mr. Penn. Feb. 22, 1705/6 [q.v.]. Read March 1, 1705/6. 6 pp.
Enclosed, |
1442. i. Traders and Inhabitants of Pensilvania to Lt. Governor
Evans. (1) The Collectors formerly took the 1d. per lb.
export duty on tobacco in currant money of the Province
plus 25 p.c. Now that the value of a shilling etc. has been
fixed by H.M., they not only insist on being paid in
money, but also continue, by order of the Surveyor
General, the advance of 25 p.c. (2) Tobacco, so shipped,
when lost or taken by our enemies, as about ¾ ths of all
the shipping we had at ye beginning of this warr is already
lost that way, we are denyed the priviledge of shipping
the same quantity again custome free, a privilege for
the reasonableness of it granted by the Act of Tonnage
and Poundage, and generally practised in the neighbouring Colonies etc. Pray for the Governor's intercession for redress. Signed, John Van Laer, Robt.
Turnham, Tho. Murray, James Thomas, Wm. Hall,
Antho. Palmer, John Hunt, Nathl. Curtys, Tho. Norton,
Wm. Poole, Nehemiah Allen, Clem. Plumstead. Tho.
Masters, George Claypoole, Robt. Grace, S. Graham,
Sam. Peres, Richard Hill, Benja. Godeffroy, A. Scott,
Benja. Wright, Jos. Growdon, Edwd. Shippen, junr.,
Hercules Coutt, Joseph Shippen, Edwd. Shippen, Wm.
Trent, Isaac Norris, Saml. Finney, George Roch, Joseph
Pidgeon, Samll. Preston, Wm. Fishburne. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1263. Nos. 66, 66.i.; and (without
enclosure) 5, 1291. pp. 337–343.] |
Nov. 10. Burlington in New Jersey. |
1443. Lt. Governor Ingoldesby to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Since my arrivall and publication of H.M. Commissions appointing me L.G. of New York and New Jersey I
have not been allowed by my Lord Cornbury to act, and not
being of the Council or acquainted with the affaires of either of
the Provinces, has been the only reason of my silence etc. About
the beginning of Nov. last, his Lordship left the Province of
New York, where I then was, and went to New Jersey. In a little
time after a letter came from the frontiers at Albany, directed
for H.M. Service to my Lord Cornbury, being sent from the
Gentlemen at Albany appointed to manage the Indian affaire, to
him; this letter having been delivered to me, and the Messenger
that brought the same discoursing in the town that severall
Indians were seen skulking about Albany and Schonectady,
and that the people there were much frightened, and I being
informed that that letter was sent to my Lord Cornbury
on that head, I conveened the Councill, who advised me to open
the letter, which I did in Councill, and found a paper inclosed
in Indian and Dutch, which I imediatly gott translated into
English, and sent expresse to Burlington to his Lordship. Refers
to enclosures, by which your Lordships will perceive that my
Lord Cornbury directs me (while he himself is in New Jersey)
to repair thither, he having appointed that for my station, and
New York to be left without either Governour or Lieut. Governour.
I imediately obeyed, and on my arrival at Burlington waited
on his Lordship for his directions, but did not nor have to this
day received any instructions from him. About three months
since (I having been before that time commanded to Burlington
by his Lordship) and then residing there, one of our cheif Indian
Sachims, having travelled from this country to Pennsylvania to
trade and having gott a pass from the Governor of that Province
to Burlington, and being arrived here, he applyed to me for a
passe to the Province of New York, which I granted to him.
My Lord Cornbury told me that I had done what I had no power
to do, that it was his prerogative only to grant passes. Whereon
I desired that his Lordship would please to give me instructions
that I might know what I had to do, but he told me he did not
design I should act at all, and that therefore he would not give
me any instructions, adding further that when he was in either
of his Governments of New York or New Jersey, he was in both.
These are the only two acts of government I have done since my
arrival here, of which I believe it my duty to acquaint your
Lordships. I humbly pray that since my Lord Cornbury does
not think fitt to give me any instructions, that your Lordships
will give me directions how I shall discharge my duty to H.M. etc.
Signed, Rich. Ingoldesby. Endorsed, Recd. Feb. 12, Read
April 5, 1706. 3 pp. Set out, N.Y. Docs., iv. pp. 1162, 1163.
Enclosed, |
1443. i. Copy of a letter from Onnondage received by B.
Freerman. Schonectady, Nov. 2, 1704. An Onnondage
Indian is arrived from Canada, and gives an account
about the belts sent by Col. Schuyler, vizt., that the
two Castles, Kagnawage and Kanossadage, were willing
to accept of the offers sent by the said belts, but that
some of them dare not, but would rather referr it to
their Governor, who thanked them that they had
submitted the matter to him, and acknowledged them
to be their head. The Governor answered that Corlaer's
Lake or the Lake Rodsio was locked up for them in this
matter, as also in regard of merchandize, and that it
was ill people that passed that way, but that it was
only a path for soldiers, but that the path of peace runn
through the Lake of Cadaracqui to Onnondage. And
further that four Kagnawages Indians are gone out to
fight against the English, and another twenty, which
this Indian saw go out of Chambly and sayd they would
go and fight a place called Aorage. The French this
last fall were intended to make an attack somewhere,
but it was stopped by the Sachems. As also that an
army was preparing with great vigour to make an attack
this winter over the ice, but on what place, it was kept
secret. And lastly this Indian had seen 7 French
spyes at the hout Kills by the Little Falls. Signed,
Barnardus Freerman, Adam Vrooman, Lawrence vander
Volgen. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. Set out, N.Y.
Docs., iv. pp. 1163, 1164. |
1443. ii. Lt. Gov. Ingoldesby to Governor Lord Cornbury.
New York, Nov. 12, 1704. Encloses preceding. Signed,
Rich. Ingoldesby. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. Set
out, N.Y. Docs. iv. p. 1164. |
1443. iii. Governor Lord Cornbury to Lt. Governor Ingoldesby.
Burlington, Nov. 15, 1704. Yours came to my hands
last night. It was no small surprise to me to find that
you had opened a letter directed to me, when you had
no instructions from me to do it, etc. You know very
well that I have appointed your station in this place.
I hereby require you forthwith to repair to your duty
here etc. Signed, Cornbury. Same endorsement. Copy.
1 p. Set out, N.Y. Docs. iv. pp. 1164, 1165. [C.O. 5, 1049.
Nos. 11, 11.i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1120.
pp. 441–446.] |