May 26. Whitehall. |
349. Council of Trade and Plantations to Gov. Dudley.
Since our letter of March 17 we have received one from you of
Dec. 19 (we have also seen your letters of Dec. 28), Jan. 3, and
March 3 to our Secretary. We are sorry to find the Assembly
have been so refractory in the matter of Pemaquid which so
nearly concerns H.M. interest and their own safety. But we
have not seen the Address you mention to have been sent over
by the Assembly without your concurrence to excuse their not
rebuilding that Fort. We can by no means approve their
proceeding in this manner, it is very unfit that Assemblies should
make representations to H.M. by particular Agents of their own
without the consent and knowledge of H.M. Governour, except
it be in cases where the Governour refuses to transmit or report
what they desire, which you will intimate to the Assembly on
such occasions as you shall think proper. We are very sensible
of the little care the Assembly do take in settling a salary upon
you and other Officers, and wish you could propose to us any
method for rendring that affair more easy to you; in the meantime not being forbid by your Instructions as Governor of the
Massachusets Bay, you may immediately receive what presents
shall be made you by Act of Assembly there without expecting
H.M. confirmation, sending over nevertheless by the first
opportunity such Act or Order by which the same is given in
the same manner as all other Acts for H.M. approbation. As
to stores of war, you ought to have sent us a particular account
of the quantities and species desired, and for what places wanted,
as also how H.M. shall be reimbursed; for it is very unreasonable
the Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay should expect that they
should be furnished with stores of war at H.M. expence, while
they of all the Colonies in America do alone refuse to settle a
salary upon H.M. Governour and other Officers there. We have
received the map you have sent us, but we must desire you,
when you send anything of that nature for the future, to give
charge to the persons to whom you intrust it, that they take care
to deliver it themselves, for we had like to have lost this by the
negligence of the Captain, who left it at the post-house at
Portsmouth. We have laid before H.R.H. Councill what you
writ concerning ships of war. And we have also laid before
H.M. what you write about a descent on Port Royall, and when
any directions shall be given therein you will have timely notice.
As to what you write relating to the Castle's requiring more
men than it did before it was inlarged, as also concerning a
winters expedition, we conceive that you are the best judge
in those matters. We leave it therefore to your prudence to
do therein, and upon other the like occasions, as you shall find
most for H.M. interest and the safety of the Province. We are
glad the Assembly of New Hampshire have settled 160l. per
annum on you during your Government. But whereas all Acts
of that nature ought to be sent for H.M. approbation, we are
expecting that Act in order to it's receiving the royall assent.
We have laid before H.M. the Act of New Hampshire for obliging
the inhabitants to do military service, and for raising money
for a stock of provisions to be in each town ready for a march
against the enemy. We send you H.M. letters to the Governments of Connecticut and Rhode Island, relating to their refusing
assistance to you in time of need, as also a copy thereof for your
information. Col. Romer having transmitted to us an inscription
he proposes to be set up on the Castle at Boston, we send you
a copy thereof to be set up accordingly, having no objection
thereunto. We desire you to send us quarterly, or as often
as may be, the number of persons that shall come from England
or any of the Plantations to settle in the Massachusets Bay.
We inclose the extract of a letter from Capt. Lloyd, Commander
of the Company at Newfoundland, relating to the piratical
proceedings of George Bald, Commander of the Adventure, a New
England sloop, that you may make enquiry into that matter,
and if the complaint be found true, that you do your best
endeavours that the offenders be brought to condign punishment.
This may serve as a caution to you not to grant Commissions
to privateers without sufficient security. [C.O. 5, 911. pp. 330–334.] |
May 26. |
350. Mr. Thurston to Mr. Popple. The Chaplain for
Newfoundland has been supported hitherto by a deduction
from the pay of the Company there, pursuant to a warrant from
the late King. I have endeavoured a renewal of the warrant
by the present Queen, thereby to cut off all scruple that might
arise in the officers, who never very well relish't it. But I have
been unsuccessfull, as being a stranger to the Secretary at
War. Prays for a recommendation from the Council of Trade
and Plantations. Signed, J. Thurston. Endorsed, Recd. Read
May 26, 1704. 2 pp. [C.O. 194, 3. No. 21.] |
May 27. Virginia. |
351. Stephen Thomson to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Returns thanks for recommendation as Attorney
General for Virginia. Signed, S. Thomson. Endorsed, Recd. 9th,
Read Aug. 23, 1704. Addressed. Sealed. Postmark. ¾ p.
[C.O. 5, 1314. No. 19; and 5, 1361. p. 20.] |
May 30. |
352. William Byrd to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
I find no direct complaint against Col. Byrd. The gentlemen
concern'd in the Memorial do not charge him with any fraud
or neglect in auditing the publick accounts, neither do they
charge him with not producing them from time to time to the
Governor, before they be transmitted to England. The only
article that has so much as the air of a complaint against the
Auditor, is, that there has not been any solemn audit since
Col. Nicholson came to the Government of Virginia, which these
gentlemen afterwards are pleased to explaine by saying that
the accounts have not been examined in Councill The Auditor
has not the least authority to summon the Gentlemen of the
Council, and therefore it can be no fault in him if they be not
summon'd. I appeal to these gentlemen whether Col. Byrd
has not been frequently heard to lament, that the ancient custome
of passing his accounts in that publick manner should be
interrupted. Insists on the desirability of the public examination
of Accounts, etc. Signed, William Byrd. Endorsed, Recd. Read
May 31, 1704. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1314. No. 20; and 5, 1360.
pp. 476–478.] |
May 30. Virginia. |
353. Col. Quary to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
My last was Feb. 28 etc. Lt. Gov. Evans called an Assembly to
sett April 10; in order to it writts were issued out to the Three
Lower Countys. Mr. Penn's Province would obey noe writt,
but was resolved to stand firm to the late Charter granted by
Mr. Penn just at his going for England, by wch. they have power
to assemble themselves when and as often as they please, with
many other such extravagant priviledges as never was granted
to any people before, nor had this been granted but that Mr. Penn
thought then that ye Parliament had reasum'd his grant to the
Crown, wch. made him so liberal, tho' now he repents and wants
a fair occasion to dam his own Charter. However Col. Evans
was willing to try if he could reconcile or accommodate these
confusions, in order to it appointed the members of the Three
Lower Countys to meet at Philadelphia, wch. they did, and after
all endeavours used to accommodate matters, nothing would
prevail with the Quakers: upon the former union they met
upon the square, the Lower Countys were equal in numbers
with the Upper, but now by Mr. Penn's new Charter the Upper
Countys have more then double the number of Representatives.
After some time spent to noe purpose, the Gentlemen of the
Lower Countys, finding themselves thrown off by the Quakers,
and that they must shift for themselves, went back to their
own count[r]y, and the Lieut. Governor hath ordered them to
meet him at Newcastle, to see what can be done with them
singley, in order, I suppose, for the security of the country,
wch. lies so open and exposed, but I cannot see how it is possible
for them to undergo the great charge of it themselves, besides
they will be very unwilling to undertake it at their own cost,
since the Quakers of the Upper County will reap the greatest
benefitt, and yet will not contribute anything towards their
own defence. Since the Quakers have thrown off the Three
Lower Countys, I hope yr. Lordships will think it high time
that H.M. take those poor people under her immediate protection.
I am very confident that Mr. Penn's proud Province will quickly
repent there throwing off Lower Countys; it will quite ruin their
trade, nor can they subsist [without being supplied from them;
besides in case the Lower Counties be made] a Province of itself,
or joyn'd to any other Government, then the tobacco which
is all made there cannot by law be carried to them without first
paying the 1d. per lb. duty, which will ruin Pensylvania, and
very much improve the trade of the Lower Countys. Besides
the 2,000l. which the Assembly gave Mr. Penn before he went
hence, and the excise on beer, wine etc., he had managed the
People so wth. his spatious pretences, yt. he gott a subscription
from all the several meetings throughout the whole Province,
which by a very modest computation amounts to 2,500l.; one of
the original subscriptions and an original recet from his Secretary
and Receiver General to the Collector I have in my possession;
by enclosed copy your Lpps. will see the pretences he uses to
impose on the poor people and to gain his point, so that by these
ways together wth. the quitt-rents, supernumery land and the
constant sale of land, the Country is quite drained of all the
money, there is scarce enough left to goe to market. |
I have your Lordships a full acct. of the severall fatall attaques
made by the Indians and French on the out settlements of New
England, and alsoe that a party of about 300 Indians, headed
by about 20 or 30 French had fallen into the Proprietary Govmt.
of Connecticutt and cut of a place called Dearfield, they killed
52 of the inhabitants and carry'd away 80 prisoners; the Indians
and French had 50 killed in this action. Their cheif officer was
M. Marecure, who formerly cut off Schenectade. We must
expect frequent misfortunes of this nature in one Province or
another, where the Enemy please to fall on us, nor is there any
other effectuall way to prevent these mischiefs but by cutting
off Canada, wch. may be done with ease, if H.M. would but
resolve on it; nothing can secure her subjects in any of her
Provinces, or prevent the French from being in time Masters
of the Main. |
H.E. Col. Dudley hath disolv'd the Assembly of that Province,
April 21st. I doe much fear that he will change for the worse.
Lord Cornbury designs as soon as [the Assembly at New York]
rise to hasten up to Albany to settle the frontiers, and in order
to it hath adjourned the Assembly of the Jersys to June 20,
at wch. time I resolve to attend H.E. at Burlington. I need
not tell your Lordships of how great a consequence the effectual
securing of the Five Nations and the Frontiers is to all H.M.
Governments. I am very confident that he will do all in his
power, but I fear it is impossible for ye people of that Province
to support the charge of it. I doe very well know that the
inhabitants of New York are suppos'd to be a very rich people,
but in reallity they are not: it is true they had formerly a very
great trade, and gott abundance of money the last war, when
we had a trade with the Spaniards, besides they had a very
proffitable, tho' an unlawfull trade to and from Madagascar,
besides the advantage of several privateers and Pyrates [bringing
great quantities of mony and goods amongst them, all which is]
gone to pay there Creditors in England, and have very little left
among them; they have had very great losses this warr both
going and coming from England, besides vast losses in the West
Indies; their Trade is in effect quite gone, the produce of the
Country is of little or no value, nor is there any markett for it
anywhere, soe that on the whole matter their circumstances
are very low, and yet the charge of the Governmt. is much higher
then it use[d] to be, and their Neighbours less able to supply
them then ever. Their Northern Neighbours have enough to doe
in defending themselves and their frontiers from the enemy,
who are so frequently assaulted by them, so that there can be
but very little hope of assistance from any of them. To the
Southward, the Jersys are able to supply their quota of men
and subsist them, tho money is very scarce amongst them, yett
that want may be answered by the produce of the Country.
Lord Cornbury very well knows how to manedge that point,
but there is a fatall obsticle, which I fear will ruin all the hopes
of being supply'd with men from hence. When the people of
Jersey find that their next neighbour of Pensylvania doe neither
supply there quota in men or mony, they will think it very
hard that they must be under worse circumstances under H.M.
Governmt. than these fellow-subjects are under a Proprietor,
but this is not the worst, for those that are sent on this expedition
are generally single men, and rather than fare worse than there
next neighbours, will leave the country and goe to Pensylvania,
by which means H.M. Province will be depopulated etc. This is
already in every man's mouth. Pensylvania will give no supply
of men or money so long as they remain under their present constitution, soe that instead of being an advantage to the Crown,
or contributing in ye least to ye security of H.M. Provinces or
themselves, they will rather contribute their endeavours to
hinder others. The Lower Countys, if we consider them as
they are now thrown off by the Quakers of Pensylvania, and
are independent, nothing can be expected of them, more then
the settling a Militia amongst them, and putting them on the
most proper methods for their own defence, and in case they
find that doth bear hard on them, then they will have recourse
to the same remedy that ye People of the Jersey have, and remove
themselves to Pensylvania, wch. still shews the necessity of
that Province being under some other regulations. H.E.
Col. Seymour arrived in Maryland April 11. I was there to
attend him. He called his Councill, where he and they were
qualified by [taking the oaths appointed] etc. The Assembly,
wch. were called, and in being in the last Reigne, were [then on
adjournment]. H.E. thought fit to humour them to meet Apr. 24,
in order to renew the Act for laying 3d. upon every hhd. of
tobacco, wch. the Assembly had formerly given to Col. Blakistone,
but was expired after his quitting the Governmt. Had H.E.
stayed till a new Assembly was called, he must have lost the
benefitt of that duty on all the tobacco that goes home in this
fleet. The Assembly renewed that Act, and then were dissolved;
there is now writts for calling a new one. The Assembly of
Maryland did formerly give something toward the support of
Albany, but there is not a penny of it paid to this day, and they
are in hopes by some way or other to evade the payment of it,
and I have very great ground to doubt whither they will ever
be prevailed wth. to give any more, for they are very apprehensive of their own danger from the Indians and French,
especially since the cutting off of Dearfield. I believe yr.
Lordships may not allow this to be a good reason, but rather
think they ought to prevent the approach of their danger by
assistance in supporting Albany. However when your Lordships
consider there other circumstances more especially in relation
to Trade and the effects of it [hath] on them, I am sure you will
give grains of allowance to them. Noe Trade belonging to
England is worse manedge than the tobacco trade, and therefore
doe wish yt. there were a regulation of it. I am sure it would
be for the interest of H.M., the Planter and the Mercht. too,
but as it is manedg'd it is injurious to all. I cannot give a greater
instance than the last fleet under the convoy of the Guernsey
and Oxford, known here as the Smoaking fleet; it hath done
more damage to trade and the intrist of these Provinces than
all that were concern'd in it were worth; it hath lower'd the
price of tobacco both at home and at all forreign marketts almost
to nothing, I mean the Aronoco tobacco; it hath entail'd such
a feud and misunderstanding betwixt the inhabitants that will
require some time to reconcile; some few that did not see into
the reason of trade were for encouraging them, but the most
considering men that saw further and knew the consequence
of such irregular methods gave them all the discouragement
they could. These Provinces produce but one crop of tobacco
in a year; one fleet of ships may carry home all this tobacco
under a good convoy; this would fix the price of tobacco here,
in England and all forreign marketts; then all persons concerned
would buy briskly, being well assured that no other supply would
come till next year's fleet; whereas the [late destructive and
irregular way of having several Fleets] to carry home this tobacco
ruins trade, discou[rages the buyer], lowers the price, to the ruin of
all concerned, for when an after fleet is expected, they always
depend on ten times a greater quantity than really there is, and
so deferr buying, perhaps there never was such an instance of
four severall fleets that went from hence in fourteen months
time, wch. hath given such a fatall blow to trade that will hardly
be retriev'd, by wch. means severall thousands of hhds. of Aronoco
tobacco were not worth to the owners one penny, some left on the
masters of the ships hands for the freight, and had not some
worthy eminent merchant, who had a true honour for Trade
and the Intrist of these countrys, stood in the gap and supported
it, it would have been far worse; however it had this fatall
effect, that the tobacco yielding little or nothing, the Planters'
Bills of Exchange were returned protested to their great damage,
and utter ruin of many, nor can they ever hope to recover
themselves but by the advance of tobacco, wch. must be the right
regulation of that trade. The present warr hath cutt us out of
the trade of Spain, France, Flanders and part of the Baltick,
which took of[f] at least 20,000 hhds. every year, and that of the
most ordinaryest sort, whereas now the greatest forreign markett
is Holland, wch. takes off none but our fine bright Aronoake,
wch. is but little in comparison of the browner sort, and it is to[o]
evident that we have cloy'd that markett. These severall fleets
so different in their intrist have very much disappointed the
Country of such supply of goods as should answer their necessitys;
ye Smokers Fleet, thinking to take the advantage of the Planters,
would not sell their goods but at a very extravagant price, wch.
they would not give, depending on the Grand Fleet's coming
in the fall, and perhaps they concluding that the Smokers Fleet
had pretty well supply'd the country, slecken'd their hand and
sent not soe much goods as else they would have done, so that
between them both the Country is disappointed and in great
want of goods, especially if the Fleet should not be here again
before Christmas; that wch. contributes more to this disapointment is the loss of severall ships of the Fleet, who had a great
quantity of goods on board, wch. wth. the many ships lost going
home is another misfortune that these countrys grown under.
The remedy of all these evills in the future is (1), as there is but
one crop of tobacco in a year, soe there may be but one sufficient
fleet to carry it home under a good convoy; that noe ship be
permitted to sail but what goes in the fleet under convoy; the
Assembly of this Province having by sad experience found the
ill effects of the late confused and distructive method of trade,
have proposed the time for the fleet to sail; they have given
their reasons, wch. I hope your Lordships will approve. They
propose that the Fleet doe sayl from England in Sept., wch. will
bring them hither in Nov., by wch. time great part of the tobacco
will be stript and packt, soe that by the time they have delivered
their goods and gott their ships in order, the tobacco may be
ready for them to take on board. (2) By the Fleet's being on
our coasts in Nov. is before the North west winds sett in,
so that they will in all likelihood meet with smooth short passages
whereas if they come on these coasts in the dead of the winter,
they will meet with very hard violent weather, such as may force
them to bear away to the West Indies, by wch. they hazard
the loss of their ships by the enemy or the loss of the men's lives
for want of provisions, of wch. we have had so many instances,
particularly this year. By being here in Nov., there will be
time enough all the winter for the merchants to sell their goods
and purchase tobacco, and it will be very seasonable for the
planters to furnish themselves with cloathing for their servants
etc., the want of wch. this year proved a very great damage.
They may then be ready to go hence in April or May, and will
prevent the ships being damaged by the worm, and secure the
men from those sicknesses which generally attend them in the
heat of summer; going home, they will have good weather and
moderate winds, soe that if they have good convoys, they may
be kept together, the contrary effect of wch. by going home in
the winter was sadly experienced by the last fleet, etc., etc. No
single ship ought to be suffered to sail since it lessens the Queen's
Revenue, feeds the enemy, encourages privateers, ruins the
Planter, makes a noyse and perhaps feeds a markett, in a word
it cannot be for a publick good. It cannot be for H.M. service
that a Commadore's orders should confine him to a fixed day
of sailing hence wth. the fleet, it being impossible for H.R.H. at
soe great a distance to foresee the many and great accedents that
may fall out. I humbly propose that somewhat may be left
to ye Governmt., and if your Lordships think fit that the Commadore may be joyn'd with them, this may prevent many
inconveniencys and be a great satisfaction to ye country. |
And now I humbly propose whither, considering the present
miserable and unhappy condition of these Provinces, your
Lordships may not think fit to suspend for the present the
pressing them to pay their quota towards the supply and support
of Albany, till they have a little recover'd themselves etc. Such
a gratious condescention in H.M. will make the People of these
poor Provinces easy and chearfull, and, when they are able to
contribute, far more willing and larger then what is now expected
from them. I am not in the least changed from my former
opinion, that the security of all the Provinces on the Maine doth
depend on the effectuall defence of Albany and the frontiers,
together wth. secureing the Five Nations to the English intrist,
that the Province of New York are not able to defray the charge
of it, that it's not reasonable that H.M. should be at the expence
of it, espetially whilst she is ingaged in soe chargeable a warr;
that it ought to be defray'd by the severall Governments that
reap the benefitt of it, that noe better method can be found
then what hath been agreed on by your Lordships; but the
miserable effects of this present warr hath very much alter'd
the state of the Tobacco plantations, wch. may make it
adviseable to suspend there payment for some time. |
The Assembly of this Province [Virginia] mett Aprill 20th and
sate till May 12th, and were then prorogued till Oct. 19. They
past severall good Acts. The factious uneasy spirit is contracted
into a very narrow compass; the people's eyes are open to see
that those men had noe other ground or motive for what they
did but their mallice and revenge for not being continued in all
places of honour and proffit; it is generally thought that Mr. Ben.
Harrison and the rest of his gang have made their last effort this
Session; the occasion was this; the Act for laying an imposition
on liquors and negroes appropriated to the building of the Capitoll
was expired; the inside work not being quite finish'd the
Assembly brought in a Bill to revive the Act for one year longer,
and tho this Act noe ways concern'd H.M. or the Governor,
but purely for the service of the Countrey, yet this Gentleman
with his few factious friends us'd the utmost of their endeavours to
have thrown out this Bill, wch. did so effectuall[y] shew the
Assembly and the whole Country the true temper of them, that
they will never be abused or imposed on by them more; wch.
proved to be a very happy accident, for after this they could
gain noe one point, but all things went on very smoothly in the
Assembly. The great noyse and clamour which was so improv'd
in the Country by those few uneasy is now quite blown over,
all those malicious storys of H.E., being sent for home by H.M.
and a new Governor sent in his room, wch. they endeavoured
to impose on the people, are now at an end. |
The late expedition in South Carolina under Col. James Moore,
against the Apalacy Indians, was a brave action, and will be
attended with this good consequence, to secure that Province
from any sudden attempt of the Spanyard, or Indian, against
them by land, this nation of Indians being the chief that the
Spaniard depended on for that design. Col. Moore marched
wth. a great body of our friendly Indians and about 50 Englishmen; they killed a great number of the Enemy, brought a great
number of them Prisoners, besides 1,300 that came voluntary
with them to live under the protection of ye English Governmt.
I hope your Lordships will assist that Govt. wth. a man of warr
and a bomb ketch, in order to taking St. Augustine, wch. may
wth. ease be done, and will be of a vast consequence by a totall
removall of the Spaniards and French from those Southern parts,
and bring all the Indians under the English Governmt. As for
Providence, it lyes still ruin'd and depopulated, and soe is like
to continue unless H.M. will please to take it into her own hand
and protection; then it would be soon settled, but noe number
of people will ever venture to settle it again under the Proprietors;
it's pitty such a place should be deserted. Signed, Robt. Quary.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Aug. 15, 1704. 8 closely written pp. partly
torn. Enclosed, |
353. i. Robert Quary to Governor Lord Cornbury. For many
years past all manner of illegal trade hath been carried
on, encouraged and sheltered at a place in the Province
call'd Sandyhook, to H.M. very great damadge in her
Revenue. Ships from Madagascar, Curacoa, Surinam,
St. Thomas etc. bound for New York, there land or
put on board some sloop the manufactory of Europe
and other prohibited goods brought from those forreigne
parts, and also great quantitys of pyratical goods;
wch. done the ships goe up to Yorke perhaps in their
ballace, and in a little time after the goods are conveyed
to York in wood boats etc. For many years there has
been a very pernicious trade carryed on from Pensylvania
to that place by some sloops belonging to New York.
They carry goods to Pensylvania, and in their return
back they doe perhaps enter a small quantity of tobacco
for New Yorke, for wch. they doe pay the duty, and
after they have got their clearing, they fall down to
some creeke or other in the Lower Countys, and there
take in their full loading of tobacco, wch. they bring
to some of the small places neare Sandy-Hook, where
they putt it on shoare, and then goe up to New Yorke.
The tobacco is sent up in wood boats, under their
loading, and landed in the night or putt on board some
vessel bound for the French or Dutch Governmts.
But generally those ships to stop at Sandy Hook and
take in the tobacco there. By a strict inquiry into
this wicked trade, I am very well assured that H.M.
hath been damaged above 20,000l., and will be injured
to a greater value. Proposes the building of a small
Plattform or Battery of three or five guns; with 8 or
10 men constantly to attend; that all vessels bound
in from the sea be obliged to touch there to make report,
and take a waiter on board up to New York; all vessels
outward bound to take an officer on board and land
him at Sandy-hook; H.M. Collector of Amboy to be
oblidged to reside there by himself or deputy; beacons
to signal the approach of ships to be erected there and
at the Narrows etc., etc. Feb. 15, 170¾. Signed, Robt.
Quary. Endorsed, Recd. Aug. 12, 170¾. 3 pp. |
353. ii. Memorandum of Copy of the Subscription obtained by
Mr. Penn for mony from the inhabitants of Pennsylvania etc. ¼ p. [C.O. 323, 5. Nos. 51, 51.i., ii.;
and (without enclosures) 324, 9. pp. 1–30.] |
[May 30.] |
354. Copy of the Subscription obtained by Mr. Penn for
money from the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania. Whereas our
Enemies by their frequent and unwearied attempts and misrepresentations of us and this Governmt. to our Supperiors in
England have at length so farr prevailed that our Govermt. and
therewith our priviledges are like to be taken away, and our
Christian liberties thereby infringed tending to the great
prejudice of us and our posterity, if timely care be not taken
to prevent the same, for which cause there seems an unavoidable
necessity that our Friend and Governor Wm. Penn doe speedily
repaire for England to defend his and our just rights, which
cannot be done without a considerable supply towards defraying
the charge thereof. Therefore we the underwritten . . . do
severally agree to pay to William Penn, his heirs etc. the several
sums of money by us respectively subscribed. Darby. Signed,
James Cooper, 5l., John Blunston 5l., John Wood, 10s.,
Tho. Worth 10s., Nich. Ireland 10s., Daniell Hiberd 1l., Michaell
Blunston 2l., Thomas Bradshaw 1l., John Marshall 1l., Obadiah
Bonsall 10s., Benjamin Cliff 10s., Rich. Parker 1l. 4s., Will. Cooke
10s., John Smith 10s., Edmond Cartledge 1l., Joseph Needs 2l.,
Robert Scothorne 10s., James Williams 10s., Josiah Hearne 10s.,
John Hircke 10s. Receipted. Total, 26l. 14s. Endorsed, Recd.
Aug. 15, 1704. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1262. No. 85.] |
[May 30.] |
355. Copy of Deputation by James Logan, Mr. Penn's
Receiver, to James Cooper, to collect the sums subscribed by
the Friends of Darby Meeting towards the said Proprietor's
supply in his voyage to England. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1262.
No. 86.] |
May 30. Jamaica. |
356. Information by Robert Hotchkyn, Attorney General
of Jamaica, against Hugh Totterdell. An Assembly being summoned at St. Jago de la Vega, April 11, 1704, Hugh Totterdell,
late of Spanish Towne, being duly elected and returned for the
parish of St. Catherine's, and Richard Thompson for the parish
of Kingston, the said Hugh contriving and intending to defame
the said Thomas and excite sedition and create a jealousy
between the Governor, Council and Assembly and the Queen's
liege people and to bring the Governor and Government into
contempt etc., the said Richard being appointed Chairman
of a Committee of the Assembly to bring in a Bill for the
quartering of H.M. forces, and the said Hugh being afterwards
appointed Chairman in his room, on May 10 at Spanish Towne
uttered these scandalous and seditious words in the hearing
of the said Richard and divers others, to witt, "I desire I may
be likewise excused, for if anything should goe amiss, I shall be
rogu'd and rascall'd as before, and therefore desire the said
Richard may not be excused, but continue Chairman, that he
may be rogu'd and rascall'd in his turne," upon which Richard
asked him who would call him so; he replied, the Governor;
to which Richard replied that he would give no occasion for such
language; Hugh answered that he was no time server, he had
rowed against the stream and found he could pull up against all,
and that the first good dinner the Governor had in this Island,
Hugh gave it him. |
The Court is further informed that whereas Hugh was intrusted
with a packet of letters from the Queen for the Governor, he
privately concealed and withheld it for 7 weeks from June 8.
Prays that Hugh may come into Court to answer upon the premises.
Endorsed, Oct. 25, 1704. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 45. No. 61.] |
May 30. Whitehall. |
357. W. Popple to Wm. Lowndes. The Council of Trade
and Plantations find that the Revenue Act of Jamaica [May 19,
24] does agree in every material part (except as to the rates of
goods imported) with the former Revenue Act, which has been
in force for 21 years and upon which the Customs and other
Revenues have bin collected without any inconvenience. But
that the Lord High Treasurer may have intire satisfaction, they
will send his observations to the Governor and Council of Jamaica;
that such defects as may appear to them to be essential may
be remedied by a subsequent Act, and that they likewise return
an answer to the several particulars, and in the meantime they
humbly conceive this Act fit to be laid before H.M. for her Royal
approbation, if his Lordship has no objection to their doing the
same. [C.O. 138, 11. pp. 273, 274.] |
May 30. Whitehall. |
358. W. Popple, jr., to Mr. Attorney General. Enclosing
draught of a Proclamation for settling the rates of foreign coins
in the Plantations, that it may be put in such form by your care
as you shall find requisite, to be presented to H.M. the next
Councill Day. Annexed, |
358. i. Proclamation referred to above. [No. 392.i.] [C.O.
324, 8. pp. 446–449.] |
May 30. Philada. in the Province of Pensylvania. |
359. Lt. Governor Evans to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. What mismanagement and abuses have been
before my time I know not, but since I have not been able to
make the least discovery. And I am sure 'tis no Governor's
interest to connive where the Law gives so large share of the
fforfeiture, and whatever regards H.M. interest commands my
firm obedience, especially since it has graciously pleased ye
Queen to grant me her Royal Approbation. I find it is the
great unhappiness of these parts of the world in generall
to be too much divided in opinions. I have therefore
endeavoured to my utmost to reconcile animosities and take
off the edge of some men's unreasonable anger; but how far I
have succeeded I am not able to judge, it having been the practice
I am informed of writing to England large accounts of every
minute passage without the least complaint or notice here, nay,
even where they have seemingly approved. My Lords, I write
not this that I am conscious of any occasion given, but if any
should be taken from the malicious and restless humours of
men, I humbly beg that I may have notice of it before intire
credit be given etc.; I have earnestly press'd to the Assembly now
sitting the raising that summ required of this Province in the
late King's letter for the assistance of New York etc., which you
(May 19, 1703) enjoyn'd the Proprietor to take care of. I find
it goes much against the humour of the people here, as well as
in the rest of our neighbouring Colonies. The reasons here urg'd
by them are that the Lord Bellomont's project which gave
occasion for these quotas to be demanded, was altogether
impracticable, and as such (say they) is esteem'd by those who
know the scituation of the country. However, I proceeded to
discharge my duty in this affair, and continued by messages
and conferences urgently to press it to them. I cannot yet
determine the Resolutions the House will take thereupon, the
Assembly having not as yet passed an Act of any kind, otherwise
I should transmitt and shall not neglect it by the first opportunity.
We have now under consideration methods of securing ourselvs
against incursions from Canada (which is as necessary for the
safety of our back settlements as anything) by engageing all
our friendly Indians, as well the Five Nations as others, and by
keeping some kind of patroul abroad, which I hope we shall
speedily effect by a good Law and an answerable Fund for it.
I have lately (for I could not well before the Assembly sate)
publish'd a Proclamation for raising a Militia throughout the
Government, and thereupon issued out Commissions, and hope
to have all the country in arms, who will bear any, on any account,
as great part I believe will, but a full and regular Militia I fear
is not to be expected. The Province now acts in legislation
distinct from the Lower Counties upon some steps that had
been made before my arrival, however both sides think
themselvs more disengaged and freer to goe on with the
publick business in different Assemblies. Signed, John
Evans. Endorsed, Recd. Sept. 8, Read Oct. 19, 1704. 4pp.
Enclosed, |
359. i. Proclamation by Lt. Governor Evans requiring all
persons residing in this Government, whose perswasions
will on any account permit them to take up arms in
their own defence, to provide themselves with a good
firelock and ammunition in order to inlist themselves in
the Militia. Every inhabitant to repair and inlist himself
with the officer commanding in his district etc.
Philadelphia, May 26, 1704. Signed, John Evans.
Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 1 p. |
359. ii. Speech of Lt. Governor Evans to the Assembly of
Pennsylvania, April, 1704. Nothing is of greater
importance than a well regulated Legislative power
consisting in the concurrence of those that are invested
with the power of Government and the people. … But I
was not a little surprized at my arrival to hear that
there had been any tendency to a division in the
Legislative powers happily settled by our Constitution
in an Assembly of the Freeholders of this Province and
Territorys. Since the first electing of this Government
I have been pleased to hear that you have all hitherto
been united in one body in your Assembly, and in
them have joyntly enacted Laws by wch. you have
been peaceably governned and flourished at least equally
for the time to any Collony in America. And I shall
be exceedingly sorry should you upon my arrival break
that union and confirm by Act a separation that I
must believe was the unhappiness of the place to have
ever laid any foundation for. I am well assured by
all my Orders that H.M. considers both this Province
and Territories as one intire Government, and both the
Royal Approbation and my Commission tell me that
I ought to use my utmost endeavours to keep you soe.
Your publick interest alsoe will I suppose noe less
clearly informe you that you are by that soe inseparably
united yt. neither can without great loss and inconveniency suffer a division etc. I therefore earnestly
press both to you, the Representatives of the Province
(notwithstanding the steps already made to a separation)
and to you of the Lower Counties, who upon the consultation at N. Castle with some of the principal of
you on this head thought it requisite to meet here
to deliberate and consult of this important affair,
that confering by yourselves and together as there
shall be occasion, you would take the speediest and
properest means to forme yrselves by an amicable
agreement into a convention that may enable you
effectually to proceed to the consideration of such
matters as the services of H.M., this Government, and
our common interest and safety may require and which
I must lay before you. The different numbers of
Representatives need not be any obstruction, yr.
business together being not now immediately to proceed
to voting, but to find any means to put yourselves
jointly into a fit condition for it etc. Copy. 1¼ pp. |
359. iii. Copy of the Representatives' Condescention of the
Territories to the Representatives of the Province of
Philadelphia, April 13, 1704. We the Representatives
for the County of N. Castle, Kent and Sussex, being
(by virtue of the Governor's writ for election) met at
Philadelphia, April 10, in expectation to have joyned
in Assembly with the Representatives of the Province
of Pennsylvania, found ourselves disappointed therein
by their pretending a former separation. Wherefore
we do think it our duty to manifest and declare how
unwilling we are to admit of any such thing as a disunion, being afraid that the consequence thereof must
of necessity prove prejudiciall to the Peace and Interest
of the Proprietary and Government. Wee therefore
being very sensible of the same, do declare that for the
quietness and prosperity of the Government, wee are
satisfied and contented to accept of the Charter given
and granted by Wm. Penn, Oct. 28, 1701, according
to the true intent and meaning of the same, that is to
say, if the Province will joyne with us in representing
the same by four Members out of each County, so that
our Representatives may be equall in number, conform
to the 2nd article of the sd. Charter, and the antient
use and practice of this Government. The which is
now offered by us, not doubting of your satisfactory
answer in writeing. Signed, James Coutts, John Healey,
Roolof De Haer, Isaac Gooding, Wm. Rodeny, John
Brinkloe, Wm. Morton, Arth. Moston, John Hill, Wm.
Bagwell, Rob. Burton, Rich. Paynter. 1 p. |
359. iv. Second Speech by Lt. Governor Evans to the
Representatives of Pennsylvania. My earnest desires
and endeavours for an union between you and those
of the Lower Counties in legislation, having by means of
the sev[erall steps that] been made before my arrivall
prov'd unsuccessful, and you being now in a condition
by the Proprietor's Charter to proceed to business etc.
Nothing can be of greater importance towards man's
happyness and safety than that the legislative powers
be well and duely regulated, for the effecting which you
have now as fair an opportunity as sound and wholesome Laws can give you. The Queen's Majesty and
the Proprietor have effectually done their parts, and for
mine I shall always be ready to promote whatever may
prove of so happy a tendency. It remains only that
you will accomplish your own happyness by a firm
establishment of your own Constitution on such a
reasonable and regular foundation as that each particular
interest H.M., the Proprietor's and your own may be
so interwoven (as naturally they doubtless are) that
each may support the other. H.M. expects that while
all the rest of her subjects everywhere cheerfully contribute to the great and necessary expenses of her
happy Government, you will with no less alacrity present
H.M. with the sum mentioned in the late King's letter
towards the expenses of New York. The Proprietor
expects you will support the dignity of the Government
in all its branches, and not suffer it to lye as an oppressive
load upon him, whose unwearied endeavours have never
ceased to secure you in the enjoyment of your just
rights and priviledges, and while he is enabled to
undergoe it, doth by me give you assurance that he
will never be wanting in whatever may most effectually
secure you, but that unless you can find means to
recommend yourselves to the Ministry at home by
answering the just ends of Government, the burthen
must needs lye much the heavyer upon him, and perhapps at length prove to much to beare. I am also
to recommend to yr. care some method to secure ourselves
in these dangerous times of warr, especially that you
have a more then common regard to the Indians and
such as are suffered to come among them, etc. Copy.
1 p. |
359. v. The Representatives of the Three Lower Counties
to Lt. Governor Evans. Philadelphia, April 14, 1704.
In obedience to your writs, we have made our appearance
before your Honour on the 10th to have acted
legislatively in Assembly. But whereas we did observe
by your Speech (above) that you judged it fitt that all
endeavours should be used in the first place for the
uniteing of your Government in one Assembly, being
very sensible of the respect wee owe yr. Honour,
and being very well satisfied that you did at that time
propose matters of the greatest import towards the
interest, quiet and prosperity of the Government, have
accordingly use[d] our utmost endeavour for an accommodation wth. the Representatives for the Province, and
since we are assured that our endeavours cannot prove successfull, as by their answer does plainly appeare [see Oct.
15, 1704], We therefore humbly lay before your Honour's
consideration, the necessity there will be for to fall
upon methods for a speedy and effectual settling our
Counties in a regular method of Government, that so justice
may be duely administered, the people preserved in
their rights and liberties, and your Honour's expectation
from us answered etc. Signed, John Hill, Wm. Bagwell,
Robt. Burton, Richd. Paynter, James Coutts, John
Healey, Roolof De Haer, Isaac Gooding, Wm. Roddney,
John Brinckloe, Wm. Morton, Arth. Moston. Copy.
1 p. |
359. vi. Representatives of Pennsylvania to Lt. Governor
Evans. Return thanks for thy Speech, as also to the
Proprietor for his peculiar regards to our interest and
happyness in the choice of so worthy a person to rule
over us, and to our gracious Queen for favouring thy
Lieutenancy wth. her Royal Approbation. We are
very sensible of thy concurrant endeavours with ours
to reunite us with the Three Lower Countys, and that
nothing of that is justly chargeable upon any but themselves, as our late answer to their proposalls for a
reunion will sufficiently prove. And we are also well
assured that the due regulation of the Legislative power
is of so great importance to our safety and happyness
that wee shall make it our care to settle the same so
farr as wee are capeable. But forasmuch as thou
hast been pleased to press us to the dispatch thereof
and to acquaint us that our Proprietor hath effectually
done his part towards our happy establishment, wch.
wee woud willingly hope has been in procuring the
Queen's Royall sanction to our Laws, which wee humbly
desire may be communicated unto us, to the end our
present service may be made the more easy, and that
we may proceed with the greater alacrity, hoping thou
wilt be ready to concur in what may be proposed for
that end in relation to each particular interest concerned. As for the expectation of our presenting the
Queen with the sum mentioned in the late King's letter
we refer to the former Assembly's answer, wch. wee
hope the Proprietor has so represented at home, that
wee shall not be justly blamed for not raising money
at this time for that service, since wee have our own
back settlements to secure, and our Friend Indians to
ingage. The Proprietor's expectations has been under
our serious considerations; and as wee hope the people
of this Province have not been wanting in giving ample
testimonys of their affections to him on divers occasions
of late, so wee shall still continue thankfully to acknowledge his and thy care of us and of our just rights and
priviledges, the continuance of which will the better
enable us to approve ourselves to the Ministry at home,
and also to remove the weight and burthen that may
be so heavy upon our Proprietor so far as it concerns
the good and advantage of the People of this Province.
We assure thee of our sincere affection to thyself, and
intend to proceed with all diligence to the despatch
of the other business of this Session, intending carefully
to avoid passing any votes which may in the worst
sence have a tendency to reflect on the Lower Counties
on acct. of their separation from us, and heartily wish
them all happyness under thy administration in the
circumstances and condition the Queen has been pleased
to put them, and shall be ready when a fitt expedient
is found to reunite, and in the meantime shall use our
endeavours to preserve amity and friendship with
them as our friends and neighbours, united by common
interest, tho disjunct in legislation. Signed, David
Lloyd, Speaker. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1262. Nos. 83,
83.i.–vi.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1291. pp. 50–54.] |
May 31. Bermuda. |
360. Lt. Governor Bennett to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Presuming I do not now suffer in your Lordships'
opinions in the affair about Mr. Larkin, I venture to supplicate
your Lordships on my behalf, relating to the petition my brother
now lays before you, that H.M. may grant me a Commission for
Capt. Sandys his Company (he being dead). I have constantly
supplied the officers and soldiers, tho money has not been duly
returned, and I have always been 6 months out of pockett, and
now its near a year, for I have not received any subsistence for
the Company since June 25 last, and to support the men (for
there is no such thing as credit, for them people are generally
soe poor) I have borrowed 400l. for which I pay interest, which
is very hard considering I have noe manner of advantage by
the Company etc. Signed. Ben. Bennett. Endorsed, Recd.
Read July 18, 1704. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O. 37, 6. No. 16; and
38, 6. pp. 46, 47.] |
May 31. |
361. Governor Nicholson to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I received yours of July 29, and return my hearty
thanks for all your continued favours to me etc. I gave
S. Tompson a Commission pursuant to H.M. Order, and shall
give him encouragement according to your letter of Aug. 10.
I transmit the Journals of Council and Assembly herewith.
I'm heartily sorry that H.M. commands about New York could
not be complied with, but I should fail in my duty to H.M. and
your Lordships, if I did not humbly represent the general aversion
there is against supplying H.M. Province of New York from
hence, either with men or moneys, but more particularly at this
time, for a great many of ye inhabitants have very bad accounts
from England of their tobaccos, and ye Merchants write them
yt. they are rather like to have worse than better. And here
hath been a bad spring for ye plants, and except, please God,
there comes some seasonable weather next moneth and ye
beginning of July, there will be but indifferent crops: and here
will be 4 or 5,000 hhds. of tobacco left and but one Bristol ship
in York River. Here is a scarcity of goods, and they will be
much wanted next winter, except supplies come from England.
I am heartily sorry yt. ye merchants can't agree there about
sending ye Fleets hither. And I'm fearfull that some will
endeavour to hinder ye Fleets coming hither ye next Fall, or early
in ye Spring: and if they should succeed therein, it will be very
prejudicial to H.M. interest and service here. Refers to
proceedings of Assembly in relation to trade. And I hope in God
that what I have done therein, as likewise concerning H.M.S.
Drednought and Fowey etc. will not be displeasing to your
Lordships. I most humbly propose that H.M. would please
to suspend her royal commands about ye assistance to be given
to New York till, please God, the people have better accounts
of their affairs: for my own part according to my duty, I shal
be most ready to serve H.M. not only in yt. affair, but in all
others with my life and fortune. Mathew Page dying, and
there yn. being but 8 of the Council in ye Country, I appointed
John Smith, and beg your Lordships to move H.M. yt. he may
be continued. I propose that John Lewis may be ye next.
I begin now to look for Mr. Secretary Jennings, with your commands. I could heartily wish yt he was arrived in a man of
war to attend this Government; for we shall have never a man of
war within ye Capes after ye Fleet is sailed etc. I thank God that
this H.M. Colony is in peace and quietness. Signed, Fr. Nicholson.Endorsed, Read 9th, Recd. 23rd Aug., 1704. 1¾ pp.
Enclosed, |
361. i. Address of the Governor, Council and Burgesses of
Virginia to the Queen, 1704. Loyal Address, thanking
H.M. for "bestowing her royall picture upon this
poor Colony," etc., etc. 55 signatures. Endorsed, Recd.
Aug. 9, 1704. 1 p. |
361. ii. List of tithables of Virginia, 1704. Totals, Tithables,
26,928. Pds. of tobacco, 228,882. Signed, Wm.
Randolph, jr., Endorsed, Recd. Aug. 9, 1704. ¾ p. |
361. iii. List of Patents for land granted in April General
Court, Virginia, 1704. |
County. |
Grantee. |
Acres. |
Essex |
Andrew Harrison |
1,100 |
Elizabeth City |
Tho. Poole |
474 |
Charles City |
Robert West |
298 |
New Kent |
Francis Clark |
282 |
Gloucester |
Robert Porteus |
692 |
Essex |
Andrew Harrison, etc. |
813 |
" |
John May |
191 |
" |
Tho. Tinsley |
1,400 |
" |
Thomas Tinsley |
1,000 |
" |
Wm. Scott |
156 |
" |
Edward Merrick |
1,014 |
" |
John Ridsdaile |
92 |
" |
John Cook |
47 |
" |
Wm. Lowry |
1,044 |
" |
Wm. Johnson |
550 |
" |
John Coleman |
1,200 |
" |
Robert Brookes |
650 |
" |
Tho. Gregson |
37 |
Nansemond |
Christopher Gewin |
900 |
King William |
Edmund Smith |
150 |
Nansemond |
James Doughty |
308 |
King William |
Wm. Bassett |
1,000 |
New Kent |
Geo. Lovell |
1,100 |
York |
Wm. Pattison |
300 |
Charles City |
Robert Mumford |
50 |
Nansemond |
Lewis Conner |
90 |
King and Queen |
Edward Lewis |
400 |
King and Queen |
Robert Dowglass |
150 |
Gloucester |
Anne Forrest |
200 |
New Kent |
Evan Jones |
472 |
Gloucester |
Wm. Collawns |
62 |
" |
Wm. Thornton |
110 |
" |
Dunkin Bohannon |
145 |
" |
James Ranson |
40 |
New Kent |
David Clarkson |
100 |
" |
Tho. Butts |
296 |
Charles City |
Joan Liscomb |
432 |
Essex |
Clara Robinson |
860 |
" |
Benj. Robinson |
655 |
Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. |
361. iv. Mr. Auditor Byrd's Account of the Quit-Rents, 1703.
Total, 5,978l. 16s. 2d. Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp. |
361. v. Mr. Auditor Byrd's Account of the 2s. per hhd., Oct. 25
1703—April 25, 1704. Total, 2,210l. 5s. 8½d. Endorsed
as preceding. 2 pp. |
361. vi. Mr. Treasurer Robert Carter's acct. of the Imposition
on liquors, servants and slaves. April 28, 1704.
Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp. |
361. vii. Mr. Carter's Accounts of H.M. Revenue, 1703. By cash
paid on warrants for salaries etc. + balance, 334l. 10s. 3d.
=2,037l. 4s. 9½d. By Liquor Duty, 966l. 17s. 2d., and
duty on servants and slaves, 329l. 3s. 1½d.; balance
brought forward, 741l. 4s. 6d.=2,037l. 4s. 9½d. Endorsed
as preceding. 2 pp. |
361. viii. Transcript of the proceedings of Assembly of Virginia in
relation to trade, April, 1704. Endorsed as preceding. 5 pp. |
361. ix. Transcript of letters, Orders of Council etc. relating
to H.M.S. Dreadnought and Fowey. Endorsed as
preceding. 15 pp. [C.O. 5, 1314. Nos. 21, 21.i.–ix.;
and (without enclosures) 5, 1361. pp. 8–16.] |
May 31. |
362. Governor Nicholson to [the Earl of Nottingham ?].
Your Lordship's letter of July 22 I had not the honor to receive
till ye latter end of March last, because Capt. Evans, Commander
of H.M.S. Dreadnought did not arrive here before yt. time, having
been forced to Barbados. Your Lordship may be assured that
I will bot[h] chearfully and punctually obey H.M. commands
concerning ye Captains of H.M. men of war, by using of you
with all civility etc., and I hope that none of you can justly accuse
me of doing otherwise. Capt. James Moody may have reported
otherways, but I appeal to ye Journals of ye Council, and I
think yt. several of his actions here were arbitrary and illegal.
And I now send to our Agent Mr. John Thraile copys of papers
which can prove ym. Encloses Journals of Council etc. Signed,
Fr. Nicholson. Enclosed, |
362. i. Governor Nicholson to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. May 31. Duplicate of following. 2 pp. |
362. ii. List of Laws, Journals etc. sent by Sir Thomas Lawrence,
Bart., to the Secretary of State. ¾ p. |
362. iii. List of Acts of Virginia, passed April, 1704. 1 p. |
362. iv. List of enclosures, Acts, Minutes of Council etc. sent
to Lord Nottingham. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 720. Nos. 1, 1.i.iv.] |
May 31. Annapolis. |
363. Copy of proposals made to Governor Seymour by
Andrew Tonnard, Shipwright, for supplying H.M. Navy with
timber from Maryland and for erecting a yard for building ships
of war etc. in the River of Pattuxent, at 4l. per tun, the price in
England being 7l. or more. All the workmen to be employed must
be sent from England etc. Subscribed, I refer these proposals
to Sir T. Lawrence that he may lay it before H.R.H. and the
Council of Trade and Plantations. Signed, Jo. Seymour.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Aug. 18, 1704. 4½ pp. [C.O. 5, 715.
No. 79.] |
May 31. Whitehall. |
364. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Hedges.Enclosing draughts of letters to Governors, which,
according to directions from the Lord Treasurer, we have drawn
up for the better securing H.M. and the Lord High Admiral's
shares of prizes in the Plantations, for H.M. signature.
Annexed, |
364. i. Drafts of Letters to Governors. Begins as Feb. 16
Concludes:—"And we further charge and command
you that you cause due care to be taken that all Commanders of our ships to [? do] deliver up the Prizes
by them taken and brought into any Port within your
Government into the possession of such Officers for
Prizes as are properly appointed and authorized to
take charge of the same, and that all persons be required
to be aiding and assisting to the said Prize Officers
in preventing embezzlements and recovering of prize
goods, which may happen to be embezelled and concealed,
as well as in the execution of all orders to them directed,
in relation to prizes by any Court of Admiralty legally
established by our High Admiral in our sd. Plantations."
[C.O. 324, 8. pp. 450–450.b.] |
May 31. |
365. Circular Letter from the Queen to the several Proprietary
Governments in America [sent to Mr. Secretary Hedges, May 31].
Whereas complaints have been made to us of abuses in the Courts
of Admiralty in the Plantations, and of irregularities in the
disposition of prizes brought into our said Plantations by our
ships of war, privateers or others with letters of marque. For
prevention whereof we strictly charge and require you, that
you take care as far as in you lyes, that all persons whatsoever
within our Colony/Province of — be obedient to such orders and
instructions as shall be received from time to time from our
High Admiral, and that they be aiding and assisting to our
Officers, and the Officers appointed by our High Admirall in the
recovery of our dues, as also of those of our High Admirall
in cases of prizes and Admiralty Causes according to our
declaration for the encouragement of our ships of war and
privateers, and for maintaining the rights of our Admiralty.
And whereas our further pleasure is, that all Commanders of
our ships do deliver up the prizes by them taken and brought
to any Port within our said Colony [Province] of — into
the possession of such Officers for Prizes as are properly appointed
and authorized by us to the charge of the same, we do hereby
require all persons within that our said Colony/Province to be aiding
and assisting to the said Officers, in preventing embezelments
and recovering of prize goods, which may happen to be embezeld
and concealed, as well as in the execution of all orders to them
directed, in relation to prizes by any Court of Admiralty legally
established by our High Admirall in our said Plantations. [C.O.
5, 1291. pp. 37–39.] |