April 21. [21 m/2 (Apr.) 1703.] |
604. William Penn to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Honble. Friends, As to the advance upon Coyne in America,
and the Inequality of it, I am of opinion it is an unhappiness
to the Colony, and that they deceive themselves in it; but
haveing made laws to estimate their mony, I am not lawyer enough
to say it can be altered but by a law as I have declared there,
so I do upon this occasion. I wish all were at a par; that an
ounce of silver should be an ounce of silver in all the Dominions
of the Crown. But this objection will be hard to answar (the
rest are common to the rise and fall of mony every where and
soe I wave them) that for want of returns to England all our
mony will be sent in a little time thither. Now tho' this may
be what England would like, yet it is what the Plantations, ye
Northern especially, will take very ill, unless Murrys Banck
were practicable and paper Credit, in the lieu of it. Nor will
goeing to Market with mony instead of Goods serve England
at long run, any more than the Plantations, who for want of
coyn to circulate Trade among themselves, must dwindle in Trade,
and the more because not tradeing with the Spanish Dominions
as formerly, there will not be that supply and recruit of mony
as formerly. Weight seems the fairest way, tho' troublesome,
unless the Queen will allow us a Mint. Our single and Double
Bitts, or Royals, are like our old clipt, thin sixpences, they want
⅓ at least of the intrinsick vallue they goe at; a great abuse.
In short our mony must be melted, markt or weighd. Your
better understanding in these things will supply the want of
myn. I show my respects by this more than my skill, which will
I hope finde yr. charity if not your approbation. I am with
due regard your Respectfull Faithfull Friend. (Signed), Wm. Penn.
Endorsed, Recd. Read April 21, 1703. Holograph. 3½ pp.
[C.O. 5, 1262. No. 27; and 5, 1290. pp. 311–313.] |
April 21. |
605. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. Message
sent up from the Representatives thanking H.E. for his Speech
[April 12], and assuring him the House will endeavour to perform
on their parts what is there required with as much zeal and
earnestness as his Honour with so much sincerity has been pleased
to express on his. [C.O. 140, 6. p. 462.] |
April 22. Whitehall. |
606. William Popple to Sir Bartholomew Gracedieu.
Sir Gilbert Heathcote and Mr. Way, Agents for Jamaica. The
Council of Trade and Plantations desire you to lay before them
your opinion in writing on Monday concerning the Act to prevent
the resetling of Port Royal. (See Journal of Council of Trade,
April 21.) [C.O. 138, 10. p. 438.] |
April 22. Whitehall. |
607. R. Warre to William Popple. Enclosing the letters
which my Lord [Nottingham] has writ by the Queen's Orders
about the boom in Newfoundland, that you may please to send
them. Signed, R. Warre. Endorsed, Recd. Read April 23, 1703.
1 p. Enclosed, |
607. i. Earl of Nottingham to Capt. Richards, Chief Engineer
and Commander of the Company at Newfoundland.
Enclosing extract of Representation of the Council of
Trade and Plantations relating to the boom. H.M.
directs that you may give order for making the same,
according to the model there proposed, and take care
to do the same with all speed. In order whereunto
H.M. has directed some things, which can best be
furnisht here, to be sent hence, and money to be sent
for the other services mentioned in the enclosed paper,
by which you are to govern yourself. Countersigned,
Nottingham. Endorsed, April 20. 1 p. Annexed, |
607. ii. Abstract of Representation of the Council of Trade
and Plantations relating to the Boom, April 9. ½ p. |
607. iii. Earl of Notting ham to the Lord High Treasurer.
The Council of Trade and Plantations having represented
to H.M. some things they conceive necessary to be sent
by the next convoy to Newfoundland, I send your
Lordship by the Queen's command an extract of some
of those particulars (amounting to 158l. 10s.), that your
Lordship may give such orders therein as you shal
judge necessary for sending this money. Signed,
Nottingham. April 20. ¾ p. |
607. iv. Earl of Nottingham to the Lord High Admiral of
England. Enclosing, an extract of a letter from the
Council of Trade and Plantations about the seamen's
assisting in the Fortifications at St. John's Town in
Newfoundland, and some anchors etc. necessary to be
sent thither by the next convoy in order to the making
a boom, with an estimate of the charge; the Queen
having approved thereof, would have you lay these
particulars before H.R.H. that he may give the necessary
orders herein. Signed, Nottingham. Subscribed,
Prince's Council. To be sent from hence, Two small
anchors etc., 23l. 15s. April 20. ¾ p. [C.O. 194, 2.
Nos. 116, 116.i.-iv.; and 195, 3. pp. 213–218.] |
April 22. Castle of Bermuda. |
608. Mr. Larkin to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Enclosing the following. Signed, Geo. Larkin. Endorsed,
Recd. 19, Read July 20, 1703. 1 p. Enclosed, |
608. i. Copy of Mr. Larkin's Memorial to Governor Bennett,
April 10, 1703. Larkin is ready to enter into Bond,
with or without security, as hath been proposed to
and required of him by the Governor, to answer to H.M.
in England for what he stands committed to her Castle
here, and therefore expects forthwith to be set at liberty
in order to setle his affairs, that he may proceed upon
the service his late glorious Majesty, King William,
was pleased to send him, and a positive answer under
the said Governor's hand. (1) Whether he will try
the persons now in prison upon the account of piracy.
(2) Whether he will, upon Larkin's being set at liberty,
issue his Commission to two persons, one of them to be
nominated by Larkin, for examination of witnesses to
make good what's conteined in his letters to the Lords
of Trade (3) and grant him forthwith an especial Court
for trial of all such actions as he conceive himself entitled
unto against any person in those Islands. (4) That
he have a copy of all such Instructions as have been
given unto Capt. Peasley relating to Larkin. (5) That
he have a copy of Col. Day's Commission to Richard
Gilbert (6) and of Governor Bennett's Commission and
Instructions to Capt. Jennour upon his going out
upon the last wreck, (7) and a copy of the bond entered
into by Josepp Holbeck and Boaz Bell the younger
before two of the Council as Commissioners for trial
of pirates, and also a copy of the bonds entered into by
others as accomplices to pirates, which are now remaining
in the Secretary's Office. Signed, Geo. Larkin.
Endorsed, Recd. July 19, 1703. 2 pp. |
608. ii. Geo. Larkin to Mr. Minors, April 19, 1703. You gave
me to understand by yours of the 12th that the Governor
had received my Memorial of the 10th. If I have not
an answer to it by to-morrow in the evening, I shall
take it as a flat denial of Justice to H.M. I am informed
there's a vessel bound directly from these Islands to
Jamaica; since I am not permitted to go myself, I
desire you'l give me timely notice of her sailing, that
I may not loose this oppertunity of transmitting the
duplicate of the late King's Commission etc., to the
Governor of that place. I have no answer to the first
part of my letter touching the affidavits, nor to that
of the 9th, and I still want the opinion of the Justices
for not bayling me. Signed, Geo. Larkin. 1 p. |
608. iii. Mr. Minors to Mr. Larkin. St. George's, April 19.
H.E. is at present extraordinary busy and engaged
in sending a packet to H.M. of high importance for
H.M. interest in this Government in pursuance of the
great trust reposed in him, and H.E. cannot be at present
diverted from compleating the same. And when that
is done, he will consider of giving you a further answer
to your Memorial, and in the meantime, as he thinks
himself in all duty bound, will take a due care that no
denial or failure of Justice be made towards H.M. service
or any her subjects as you seem to charge. Signed, Cha.
Minors, Secy. Endorsed, Recd. July 19, 1703. Copy. ¾ p. |
608. iv. Affidavit in testimony of Mr. Larkin's good behaviour
since coming to these Islands. Signed, Jacob Russell.
Endorsed, as preceding. 1½ pp. |
608. v. Affidavit of Dr. Starr in testimony of Mr. Larkin's
good behaviour. Signed, J. Starr. 2 pp. |
608. vi. Affidavit of John Collings that when Mr. Larkin
and Col. Day at high words touching the latter's
ingratitude, Mr. Larkin did not mention a word about
opposing the Governor or Government, as is set forth
in Lt. Henley's affidavit. ¼ p. [C.O. 37, 4. Nos. 22,
22. i.–vi.; and (without enclosures) 38, 5. pp. 410, 411.] |
April 22. Whitehall. |
609. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Upon
further consideration of the state of the coine in the Plantations,
ordered that abstracts be made of any Acts in this Office, whether
confirmed or not confirmed, and of their papers which relate to
the rate, weight and fitness thereof. |
Their Lordships agreed upon the draught of a report for displacing Mr. Partridge etc., and made some progress in preparing
a report upon Col. Dudley's letter relating to the affairs of New
England. |
April 23. |
Letter from Mr. Warr inclosing letters under flying seals from
the Earl of Nottingham to the Lord Treasurer, H.R.H. Council,
and the Commander in Chief of the Company at Newfoundland,
relating to the Boom for St. John's Harbour, read, and copies
being taken of the said letters, they were sealed up, and the two
first ordered to be put into the hands of Mr. Thurston that he
may deliver the same, and solicite the effect thereof. Ordered
that in the Instructions to be prepared for the Commodore of
the Newfoundland Squadron, he be directed to inspect and take
care of the fitting of the said Boom, as far as his other service
will permit. |
Representation for removing Lt.-Gov. Partridge etc. signed. |
Representation upon Governor Dudley's letters signed.
[C.O. 391, 16. pp. 86–88; and 391, 97. pp. 317–322.] |
April 22. |
610. Journal of House of Representatives of New York.
Bill to enable the Justices of Albany read the third time and
sent up. [C.O. 5, 1185. pp. 34, 35.] |
April 23. Whitehall. |
611. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. Having
some time past represented to your Majesty the state of defence
of your Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, New
Hampshire and other adjacent parts, according to the Memorials
we had then received, we humbly take leave to lay before your
Majesty the last account we have from Collonel Dudley, your
Majesty's Governor in Cheif of those Provinces, relating to the
same matter, vizt., That in New Hampshire, from whence the
best masts and other naval stores are brought, there is but one
fortification, situate at a place called New-Castle at the entrance
of Piscataqua River, which is not sufficient (without other additional works) for the defence of the said river, the boundary
between that Province and the Province of Main. In the Fort
there are 31 gunns mounted. The carriages and platforms being
defective, Collonel Dudley hoped he might induce the inhabitants
to repair them: but represents the Province unable (by reason
of their poverty) to be at the charge of all such other reparations
and works as are necessary for the defence of that country. As to
the Massachusets-Bay, and the Province of Main, which is united
to that Government, the eastern parts thereof being most exposed
to the French, he had travelled through all that country, and
renewed the English friendship with the Indians as far as
Sta. Croix, but was still apprehensive of their defection by reason
of the French Priests that are among them. In the same journey
he had viewed the remains of the fort at Pemaquid (a place of
great importance for the security of the Eastern frontiers of
New England) which was taken from them by the French in the
late war and demolished. And as he had been directed by your
Majesty to use his utmost endeavours to promote the rebuilding
of that fort, be had in order thereunto taken with him workmen
and surveyors, who were of opinion, that the repair of the stone
work alone could not be perfected under 7,000l., and that the
lodgings of furnishing within, for the reception of men and stores,
would require near as much more, besides twenty peices of
ordnance to be put into it. He adds that the maintenance of a
hundred men for the defence of that fort, according to the method
of payment, and the establishment of that country (which is
two shillings per day) together with incidental charges, will
amount to near 5,000l. p. annum. He had used his endeavours
to persuade the Councill and Assembly to raise a fund for the
repairing and putting the said fort into a state of defence; and
having prevailed with the Councill to concur with him in that
matter, the Assembly had refused to do it. Upon consideration
of the general necessities of the Province, and their incapacity
to sustain the whole charge of the war on all their frontiers, he
proposes that cannon and other stores of war formerly
desired may be sent from hence, which Collonel Romer, the cheif
Engineer there, did particularize as follows, vizt., 50 cannon of
24lb. to 18lb. ball, 2 mortars, granadoes and bullets in proportion,
4,000 hand granadoes with their fuzees; 600 firearms; 400 heads
for half pikes, as likewise 2 master gunners and one bombardier;
and as an argument to enforce the reasonableness of these
demands, he writes that he had been informed the French have
a garrison of 400 men at Port Royal in Nova Scotia near to New
England, and did expect more, who in conjunction with their
Indians (of whom they had 200 listed, clothed and armed, and
many others ready to joyn them) would be able to insult all the
inland frontiers of that Province. Upon consideration of the
growing state of Port Royal, he humbly proposes that your
Majesty would be pleased to direct 3 or 4 men of war to call
there, adding that with the assistance of some of the people of
New England, for the land part, they might be able to destroy
that French Settlement, and deliver your Majesty's territories
in those parts from so dangerous a neighbourhood. But in case
this be not resolv'd, he insists, however, that (besides the
cannon and stores of war before mentioned) a 4th rate frigate
may be added to the 5th rate, which does now attend your
Majesty's service in those parts, with which (if no greater force
of shipping be sent him) he hopes to do some considerable service;
the people of New England commissioned by him having already
been very successfull in their undertakings at sea against the
French. Upon intimation of an invasion intended by the French
and Indians by land, he had prevailed with the Assembly to agree
to an Act for listing every fourth man in the Province, to be ready
armed and cloathed. fit for a march in twenty-four houres. In
relation to the Civil Government of the Province, all the Councillors
and other officers being chosen annually by the Assembly, and
depending wholly on the people for their subsistence, he represents
the same as very inconvenient and inconsistent with your Majesty's
service. As to Trade, he set forth the great difficulty of effecting
any strict observation of the Acts of Trade amongst the
inhabitants of that Province, not only from their own disposition
and popular constitution of their Government, but also from
their constant intercourse with the neighbouring Colony of
Rhode Island, who under ye same pretence of indepent government permit the landing of any goods there without duty. Upon
all which we humbly offer to your Majesty, that in relation to
New Hampshire, your Majesty would be pleased to reinforce the
orders formerly given, that the Assembly be urged in the most
pressing manner to do their utmost for their own preservation,
and particularly in keeping the fort at Piscataway in good repair
and in a state of defence, to which charge we humbly conceive
the Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay may in like manner be
exhorted to contribute, they being likewise interested in the
security of that neighbouring place, as a frontier and inlet to
their country. For the encouragement of the people of NewHampshire (which is a small Province, neither populous nor
wealthy, but very considerable on the account of naval stores),
we humbly propose that 50 barrills of powder, and 100 small
armes with the appurtenances, be sent thither, and that your
Majesty would also be pleased to assure them of your royal care
and protection, as there may be further occasion; that as to
the Massachusets Bay, your Majesty would likewise be pleased
to reinforce the orders formerly sent requiring the Assembly
to exert their utmost endeavours in providing for their own
preservation, particularly in building the fort at Pemaquid,
and furnishing their other fortifications and stores with necessaries.
And we humbly offer that for their encouragement and in part
of their demands, your Majesty would be pleased at present to
direct, that 20 peices of cannon and two mortars with bullets
and shells proportionable be sent thither. As to Port Royal
aforementioned, we humbly submit the proposition of destroying
that Settlement to your Majesty's great wisdome. Lastly, as
to the inconveniences arising in the Massachusets Bay from
the want of power in your Majesty's Governour, the irregularities of the trade of those parts, and particularly in Rhode
Island, we have nothing to offer more than what we have
frequently laid before your Majesty, relating to independent
Governments in America. Signed, Weymouth, Ph. Meadows,
Wm. Blathwayt, Jon. Pollexfen, Mat. Prior. [C.O. 5, 911.
pp. 6–14.] |
April 23. Whitehall. |
612. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. Having
had under our consideration the state of yr. Majesty's Province
of New Hampshire in New England, we humbly take leave to
observe that William Partridge, the present Lieut. Governour,
does appear to us, to be a person unfit for that trust, as having
upon several occasions neglected to pursue his Instructions, and
being a Merchant known to carry on a trade to forreign parts,
which we conceive improper for a Governor to do, since he
may divert or monopolise the course of legal and fair trade; and
whereas the said Partridge has not yet been confirmed by your
Majesty as Lieut. Governor, we are humbly of opinion that it
may be for your Majesty's service that he be removed from that
imployment. We further humbly offer that John Usher, Esq.,
formerly Lieut. Governor of that Province, is a person well
qualifyed for the discharge of the trust in the place of the said
Partridge. Signed, Weymouth, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt,
John Pollexfen, Mat. Prior. [C.O. 5, 911. pp. 4, 5.] |
April 23. |
613. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. The
town of Marblehead having voted 60l. as proposed Feb. 18, 1701,
40l. ordered to be paid as then promised. Accounts of the wages
due for the crew of the Greyhound referred to a Committee. |
40l. paid to Major Stephen Sewall towards subsisting the
10 men posted at the fort at Salem. [C.O. 5, 789. p. 499.] |
April 24. St. James's. |
614. Order of Queen in Council. Approving of Representation of April 23, and having not as yett confirmed the said
Partridge in the Government of New Hampshire, H.M. in Council
is pleased to appoint John Usher to be Lieut. Governor in his room,
and ordering the Council of Trade and Plantations to prepare
the draught of a Commission for H.M. Royal signet and sign
manual accordingly, and to present the said draughts for H.M.
approbation at this Board. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed,
Recd. Read April 30, 1703. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 863. No. 24; and
5, 911. pp. 21, 22.] |
April 24. St. James's. |
615. Order of Queen in Council. Approving Representation
of April 23, and ordering the Council of Trade and Plantations
to prepare draughts of letters to the Governor of the Massachusetts
Bay and New Hampshire in the most pressing manner accordingly
and to present the same for H.M. approbation at this Board.
Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd. Read April 27, 1703.
1 p. [C.O. 5, 863. No. 23; and 5, 911. pp. 15, 16.] |
April 24. Williamsburgh. |
616. Minutes of Council of Virginia. H.E. acquainted the
Council with his intentions of going to New York to meet my
Lord Cornbury as soon as the General Court is over, pursuant
to the desire of the Council of Trade and Plantations, Nov. 4.,
and ordered that if anything extraordinary should happen during
his absence expresses should be sent after him to Annapolis,
and in case he were gone from thence, to Philadelphia, and so to
New York, if he should go so far. Proclamation ordered, notifying
that the administration of the government is vested in the
President and Council, and declaring William Byrd President,
during such absence. |
Upon reading a letter from Henderson Walker, President of
North Carolina, complaining that the Maherine Indians do daily
commit great injuries to the inhabitants of that province by
destroying their stocks and burning their timber and houses,
refusing to pay tribute or render obedience to that Government
upon pretence that they are tributaries to this H.M. Colony and
Dominion, altho' their living is amongst the inhabitants of North
Carolina, it is the opinion of the Council that it doth not appear
that the said Maherine Indians live within the bounds of Carolina,
but have always been reputed tributaries and paid tribute to
this Government as living under the same, and therefore the
Province of North Carolina hath no pretence of demanding tribute
of them, but if any injuries or outrages have been or shall be
committed by them, upon due proof thereof, H.E. and Council
will take suitable measures for furnishing them, and giving all
reasonable satisfaction to the inhabitants of North Carolina. |
Upon a petition of George Walker, ordered that the Court of
Elizabeth City County inquire into the condition of the tackle
of the Abraham of Bristol, sunk at Point Comfort, and if it prove
to be perishing from rats etc., as alleged, that they dispose of it
for the benefit of the owners. |
Thomas Wynn was appointed Interpreter to the Nattoway,
Maherine and Nansemond Indians in the room of Thomas Blunt,
with whom they have expressed dissatisfaction. |
Whereas the Nansemond Indians have made application to H.E.
that no person may be allowed to take up land below a place
called the Bean Swamp adjacent to their land, Ordered that
Thomas Wynn enquire what and how much land the said Indians
now possess, and what quantity of land there is below the Bean
Swamp. |
Whereas the Nattoway Indians have made complaint that the
English inhabitants daily take up land and seat nigher to their
towns, so that in a short time they will have no room either for
their stocks or hunting, and praying that none may be permitted
to seat nigher to their town than at present, and also complaining
that William May of Isle of Wight County hath surveyed a
Plantation belonging to them on the Nattoway Swamp, ordered
that the Interpreter inquire into the matter. |
Complaint being made by the Nattoway Indians that the
inhabitants of this Colony carrying rum into their town may
prove of very dangerous consequence by reason that many
of their men getting drunk therewith may at such times be made
an easy prey to any strange Indians who shall invade them, H.E.
by advice of the Council doth hereby strictly forbid all persons
whatsoever to carry any rum or other strong liquor into the
Nattoway Town, upon pain of suffering such punishment as may
justly be inflicted on them for their offending in a matter of
such pernicious consequence. A copy of this Order to be
published by the Sheriffs. |
Upon the Representation of Mr. Secretary Jenings, the Council
advise that H.E. represent to H.M. that the Clerk of the Council,
House of Burgesses and General Court, if they be Clerks of
Counties, have power to appoint deputies. |
Petition of Edmund Jenings that, having paid duty on tobacco
shipped by him for Barbadoes, but burnt in York River, he be
admitted to re-ship the same quantity duty free, was referred
to the Trustees and Governors of H.M. College of William and
Mary, being a matter relating to the Revenue of the College. |
Upon reading a petition of William Byrd, of King and Queen
County, setting forth that upon information given to H.E. and
Council of certain words spoken by the petition against the
General Assembly, an order was made that he should be taken
into custody until he gave security for his good behaviour, and
being the petitioner was never guilty of speaking such words
out of malice, but only as they had been told him by others, he
therefore prayed that certain witnesses may be examined, and
if his innocence shall thereupon appear, that he may be discharged
from further trouble; H.E. and Council, being satisfied that
petitioner hath behaved himself well and peaceably towards the
Government ever since the aforementioned order was past, declared the said Order void. |
Ordered that the Clerk of the Council deliver back to Mr. Auditor
Byrd the Bills of Exchange drawn by him pursuant to H.M.
directions for payment of 3,388l. 3s. 4d. to the Treasurer of
H.M. Ordnance for arms and stores of war, there being no
opportunity at present of transmitting the said Bills to England. |
Warrants signed for salaries etc. [C.O. 5, 1412. pp. 64–71.] |