America and West Indies: February 1693, 16-28

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'America and West Indies: February 1693, 16-28', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: February 1693, 16-28', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: February 1693, 16-28". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

February 1693

Feb. 16. 92. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Business of New York further considered. Agreed to recommend that £500 from the quit-rents of Virginia and £200 from the revenue of Maryland be sent to New York.
The Solicitor General's report on the petition of Lord Baltimore and the representation of the Assembly of Maryland read. Agreed that it be laid before the King. The petition of the Assembly for the impost money of the 25 ships that left in 1690 to be paid to Colonel Copley, laid aside, as the money is already disposed of by the Treasury. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. p. 168.]
Feb. 16.
93. Order of the King in Council. That letters be prepared to the Governments of Connecticut and Rhode Island ordering them to give assistance to New York. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., pp. 420–421.]
Feb. 16.
94. Order of the King in Council. For £200 to be paid from the quit-rents of Virginia, and £250 from the public revenue of Maryland towards the defence of New York. [America and West Indies. 556. No. 16.]
Feb. 16.
95. Order of the Privy Council. That letters be prepared to the Governors of Connecticut and Rhode Island, ordering them to send men or money for the assistance of New York if required. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. p. 9.]
Feb. 16. 96. Order of the Privy Council. For the preparation of a Commission to the Governor of New York, giving him command of the Militia of Connecticut. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. p. 13.]
Feb. 16. 97. Order of the Privy Council. That £500 shall be contributed by Virginia and £250 by Maryland towards the defence of the frontier of New York, and that orders be given to the Governors of these provinces accordingly. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. pp. 13, 14.]
Feb. 16. 98. Order of the Privy Council. That Joseph Dudley and William Pinhorne be removed from the Council of New York, unless they reside within the Province. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. p. 16.]
Feb. 16.
99. The Purser of H.M.S. Nonsuch to Mr. Sotherne. I think fit to give you some reasons for the suspension of Captain Short. He is much given to drunkenness, which makes him careless and negligent in his duty and quarrelsome ashore, as was seen at Dartmouth and Totness, where he set the whole town in an uproar. When at sea he looked on his officers as slaves, and punished his men so severely that they deserted by twenty at a time. I beg your favour to procure the confirmation of Mr. Dobbins. Signed. Mattw. Cary. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 15 Jan., 1693–4. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 28.]
Feb. 16. 100. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. Address to the King and Queen, calling attention to the danger from the French, asking the Crown to assume the cost of garrisoning Pemaquid Fort, and praying for confirmation of the Acts sent home. Order for payment of expenses of jurors and witnesses at the late Assize Court in Essex County.
Order for debentures for discharge of soldiers' wages to be paid from the rates of the towns.
Order for payment of £27 to Samuel Wheelwright for support of garrisons, and for the payment of Councillors' salaries of five shillings a day, during session of the General Court. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIV., pp. 217–221.]
Feb. 17. 101. Minutes of Council of New York. Three members offered to supply provisions for the troops at Albany out of their private estate, upon the security of the revenue, and Colonel von Cortlandt was appointed to receive and transport the provisions. Order for half a hundredweight of powder to be delivered to Colonel Willett. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 374, 375; and p. 397.]
Feb. 17. 102. Petition of Luke Lopdell to the Lords of the Treasury. For release from the security demanded of him to answer for his ship, which was seized in Virginia for unwitting breach of the Navigation Acts. ½ p. Endorsed. Reference of the petition to the Commissioners of Customs. 17 February, 1692–3. Signed. Hen. Guy. [America and West Indies. 638. No. 5.]
Feb. 20. 103. Lords of the Treasury to Governor Sir William Phips. Ordering him to furnish money to the Commissary of Sir F. Wheler's expedition, if required, to the sum of £5,000, drawing bills upon the Paymaster General. Signed. Godolphin, Ste. Fox, R. Hampden, Cha. Montague. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. C., pp. 309–310.]
Feb. 20. 104. Lords of the Treasury to Commissary General Fotherby. Authorising him to draw bills on the Paymaster General to the amount of £5,000. Signed as the preceding. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. C., pp. 310–311.]
Feb. 20. 105. Address of the Council of New York to the King and Queen. Thanking them for the appointment of Governor Fletcher, and complaining that as soon as he began to compose all differences, the old troubles were renewed by the countenance given to one of Leisler's accomplices by Sir William Phips. Signed. Child. Brooke, W. Nicolls, Caleb Heathcote, S. van Cortlandt, John Lawrence, G. Minivelle, Frederyck Flypse. 1½ pp. [America and West Indies. 579. No. 29.]
Feb. 20. 106. The Warrant Officers of H.M.S. Nonsuch to the Lords of the Admiralty. Already abstracted in No. 88I. Copy. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 29.]
Feb. 20.
107. Governor Sir William Phips to the Earl of Nottingham. I have written several letters to Governor Fletcher in the hope of maintaining a good correspondence, and to avoid disputes as to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket I have sent him a copy of the charter. I also wrote to ask him what assistance we might expect from New York for the expedition against Canada. I find him averse from both correspondence and concurrence. He has sent me a messenger (lately the jailor at New York) to tell me that he designed to go to Martha's Vineyard early in the spring to take over the government and expects me to meet him there. His messenger was a herald, for he delivered his message as a challenge. I sent him word that disputes which could not be settled by the charter must be determined by their Majesties, but that meanwhile I should use the power entrusted to me if he made any such attempt. He also asked for the delivery of one Abraham Gouverneur as a fugitive from justice; but on Gouverneur's producing a certificate of his release by the Queen's order I declined to do so. The true reason is that he has intercepted a letter of Gouverneur's which contains some reflections upon him; and Gouverneur tells me that having met with threats and hard usage from Governor Fletcher, notwithstanding the order for his release, he used then hard expressions of him. I do not approve the letter and have checked Gouverneur for it, but I do not think it sufficient reason for delivering him up. I understand that Governor Fletcher has been moved to make these demands by some enemies of mine that are about him. Signed. William Phips. 1 p. Endorsed. R. May 24, '93. Duplicate of the foregoing. [America and West Indies. 561. Nos. 21, 22.]
Feb. 20.
108. Governor Sir William Phips to the Earl of Nottingham. The disorders of Rhode Island in civil and military government are now most evident. They pretend to three miles on this side the river upon the main, which is a part of Plymouth Colony joined to Massachusetts, and have improved this pretence to such a height that they have stirred up the inhabitants of Little Compton, a town lying next to Rhode Island, to a tumultuous assembling to run a line for the boundary; although the boundary has been fixed by Council in the midst of the river that parts the Island and the main. When I came among them the people were convinced of their error and submitted. The ringleaders of the mischief, Daniel Willcocks and Henry Head, have given bail to answer for their crimes; their accomplices are fled. I then went to Rhode Island, caused the Royal Commission to be publicly read and required obedience to the royal commands concerning the militia. Had they concurred I had designed to settle the militia and cause forts to be built for their defence; but the Council, though summoned by the Governor, would not appear. The governor, a Quaker named John Eastney, shewed all due respect, expressed his resentment of the Council's behaviour, complained of their disorders in Government and pointed out that it was only a perverse humour in the Council that made them show such disrespect. He also expressed his earnest desire of having the Island under this Government, and promised to send me an answer from the Council as soon as he had consulted it; but he has not done so yet, though six weeks have passed since I left that place. This plainly demonstrates that they desire to continue in their present disorders, which will doubtless expose them to destruction if attacked by the enemy; whereby their Majesties' design of putting the militia of the other Colonies under the command of the Governor of Massachusetts will be wholly frustrated. New Hampshire cannot be supported but by assistance from this province; and some of the principal inhabitants at Piscataqua told me that they intended to petition their Majesties to be joined to us. Signed. William Phips. 1¼ pp. Endorsed. R. May 24, '93. [America and West Indies. 561. No. 23.]
Feb. 20.
109. Governor Sir William Phips to the Earl of Nottingham. I have reported my expulsion of the French and Indians from our Eastern frontier, with a force of six hundred men. They have not since appeared in any numbers, and the fort at Pemaquid has checked further attacks from them. Two ships sent by me to the Canada River have also burnt several houses there and taken a ship laden with wine, brandy, and other French goods. The French in Canada are in great want of provisions, which gives us an advantage, if their Majesties think fit to order an attack. The men on board these ships were not pressed, but volunteers. Signed. William Phips. 1 p. Endorsed. R. May 24, 1693.
Duplicate of the foregoing. 1 p. [America and West Indies. 561. Nos. 24, 25.]
Feb. 20. 110. Governor Sir William Phips to the Earl of Nottingham. I have ordered the Acts passed since my last transmission to be sent home for confirmation. I desire to be checked if anything be amiss. By an Act for granting an assessment a fourth part of yearly income and ten shillings per poll was to be levied, but the assessors would not observe the Act, and I was obliged to insist upon a fresh return, which will bring in £30,000. I found the Treasury empty on my arrival, and there is little hope of recruiting it during the war, but I hope that a way will be found to pay the expenses of Government. Signed. William Phips. ½ p. Endorsed. R. May 24, '93.
Feb. 20. Duplicate of the foregoing. [America and West Indies. 561. Nos. 26, 27.]
Feb. 21. 111. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. Letters to Mr. Blathwayt and Sir Henry Ashurst approved, and ordered to be transcribed and signed by the Secretary.
Order for Sir Edmund Andros's accounts to be audited before any decision is taken as to John Usher's accounts. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 221–222.]
Feb. 21. 112. Governor Sir William Phips to the Earl of Nottingham. I have already given you an account of my appointing a Commission to try cases of witchcraft, while I was driving the French and Indians from the Eastern parts of the Colony (see letter of 10 October, 1692). On my return I found people much dissatisfied at the proceedings of the Court, which had condemned and executed some twenty persons, some of whom were believed by many to be innocent. The Court still proceeded in the same method of trial, which was by the evidence of the afflicted persons who, as soon as the suspected witches looked at them in Court, instantly fell to the ground in strange agonies and grievous torment, but when touched by them on the flesh at once revived. Thereupon they made oath that the prisoners at the bar did afflict them, and that they saw their shape or spectre come from their bodies, which put them to such torments. The judges, on enquiry, told me that they had begun thus, but had human testimony against such as were condemned, and undoubted proof of their being witches; but at length I found that the devil took upon him the shape of innocent persons, some of the accused being of unblameable life to my own knowledge.
The Deputy Governor however still persisted rigorously in the same method until I put an end to the court and stopped the proceedings, lest many innocent people should perish, pending instructions from England. When I put an end to the Court there were at least fifty persons in prison, in great misery by reason of the extreme cold and their poverty, most of them having only spectre evidence against them. Some I released on bail, and consulting with the judges how to release others I found many of them acknowledge that their former method was too violent, and that if they could sit again they would proceed differently. Moreover Mr. Increase Mather and other divines gave it as their judgment that the devil might assume the shape of an innocent person, and that the look and touch of suspected persons was not sufficient proof against them. Accordingly I permitted a special superior Court to sit at Salem on the 3rd January, with the Lieutenant-Governor as chief judge, using another method. Of fifty-two tried all were cleared but three, and I was informed by the Attorney-General that there was as good reason, in his judgment, to clear the three as well as the rest. The Lieutenant-Governor signed a warrant for the speedy execution of these three as well as of five more, condemned by the former Court, but I reprieved them till the King's pleasure should be known. The Lieutenant-Governor, enraged and filled with passionate anger on this account, refused to sit on the bench in a superior Court then holding. Indeed, from the beginning he has hurried these matters on with great precipitancy and by his warrant has caused the goods of the executed to be seized and disposed of without my consent or knowledge. The stop put on the first method of proceeding has dissipated the black cloud that threatened this province with destruction; for the delusion of the devil did spread, and its dismal effects touched the lives and estates of many and the reputation of some of the principal persons here, and indeed clogged and interrupted their Majesties' affairs. Signed. William Phips. 2 pp. Endorsed. R. May 24, '93.
Duplicate of the foregoing. [America and West Indies. 561. Nos. 28–29; and (entered as addressed to William Blathwayt) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., pp. 426–430.]
Feb. 21. 113. Minutes of Council of Barbados. The Governor acquainted the Assembly of the arrival of Sir F. Wheler's expedition, whereupon they brought up a bill for the accommodation of the troops. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XII., p. 400.]
Feb. 22. 114. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for Colonel Peter Beckford to go to his command at Port Royal and await the Governor's arrival. Order offering £4 a head for every negro brought in alive and £2 a head for every negro brought in dead by the party sent out after the runaway negroes. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. pp. 241, 242.]
Feb. 23.
115. The King to Governor Codrington. Directing him to take care for the assignment of a suitable glebe for ministers out of the lands escheated in each parish, or to endeavour to prevail with the Assemblies to pay the additional allowances to ministers in money. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 44. pp. 112, 113.]
Feb. 23.
116. The King to Governor Fletcher. A squadron and land forces will sail for the Caribbee Islands so as to reach New England by the end of May or middle of June at latest, there to refit and proceed to attack the French in Canada. Sir William Phips has been ordered to prepare ships, men and provisions against the arrival of the said expedition, and you will consult with him as to what shall be done by New York in the enterprise. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. pp. 35–36; and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. C., pp. 305–306.]
Feb. 23.
117. Order of the King in Council. Disallowing the Act lately passed in Maryland for the fourteen pence tonnage, and authorising Lord Baltimore to collect the same for his own use. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 8. pp. 68–69.]
Feb. 23.
118. Royal licence granting six months' leave of absence to Archibald Carmichael, naval officer of Barbados. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 330, 331.]
Feb. 24. 119. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. Letter from Major Pyncheon read, reporting the capture of two Mohawk Castles by the French and Indians. Order for repayment of the messenger's expenses. Order for payment of 7 per cent. interest on £2,400 advanced by four of the Council to the public. Order for sundry payments, including £250 to discharge a bill of exchange drawn by Sir Henry Ashurst. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 222–223.]
Feb. 24. 120. Secretary of the Treasury to William Blathwayt. Forwarding report from the Commissioners of Customs on the case of Luke Lopdell. Signed. Hen. Guy. ½ p. Annexed,
120. I. Commissioners of Customs to Lords of the Treasury. 20 February, 1693. In a former report we recommended that the forfeiture of Luke Lopdell's ship should be insisted on; but in view of a statement to which he has sworn we think the forfeiture of the cargo sufficient. Signed. G. Boothe, Robert Southwell, Rich. Temple, Jo. Werden. 1 p. Endorsed. Read 1 and 3 May, 1693.
120. II. Affidavit of Luke Lopdell in extenuation of his offence against the Navigation Acts 11 February, 1693. 1½ pp.
120. III. Copy of letter of Commissioners of Customs of 25 August, 1692, insisting on the forfeiture of Lopdell's ship. 1 p. [America and West Indies. 638. Nos. 6, 6 I.–III.; and (without enclosures II., III.) Board of Trade.Virginia, 36. pp. 230–232.]
Feb. 25.
121. The King to the Governor of Virginia. Ordering him to propose to the Assembly the allowance of sufficient salaries for the clergy, and to enquire whether the several Acts of Virginia for support of the Ministry be properly enforced. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 36. pp. 222–223.]
Feb. 25. 122. Memorial of Captain John Goddard to Lords of Trade and Plantations. That a protection may be given to the ship David to carry himself and household to Bermuda, and that H.M.S. St. Alban's may be ordered to convoy her. ½ p. Endorsed. Recd. 25 Feb., 92–3. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 2. No. 10.]
Feb. 25. 123. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir Thomas Laurence's petition read (see No. 35 I.) and decision thereon taken.
Sir Peter Colleton and Sir Robert Danvers were heard concerning two acts of Barbados, as to the qualifications of electors, jurors and vestrymen, and as to a gift of £1,000 to Sir Timothy Thornhill; and decision therein was taken.
Draft instructions to Captain Goddard approved, and his petition for a passage considered. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. pp. 169–174.]
Feb. 25. 124. Minutes of Council of New York. Order for careening of H.M.S. Aldborough in Jefferies Cove.
Feb. 26. Two letters from the Governor at Senectady of 21st and 23rd February received. Letter of 21st February. I landed at Albany on Friday morning, 18th inst., and got up to Albany that evening on a very ill mis-shod horse. I sent out such parties as came up to me with Indian guides to reinforce Major Schuyler, who was then got up with the enemy. He had some light conflicts in which he always drove them to their entrenchments, and killed seventeen of them, four being their best officers, to judge by their clothes. On Feb. 21st I was directing the detachment of van Cortlandt's regiment to march and had ordered them their supplies, when I observed some men across the river, who being brought over, reported the retreat of the French past our reach, and that Major Ingoldsby was marching back. We have lost a great opportunity of destroying that party. I shall stay no longer than to see our party return, and shall then come back to you. The want of obedience in the private men, I suppose, occasioned this great loss, for, as their position was described to me, it was hardly possible for the French to escape. We lost four Christians and ten wounded.
Letter of 23 February. I returned hither (Senectady) yesterday with Major Islington and the officers of his detachment. I shall detain Colonel Willett until I have enquired into the apparent delay in sending forward men and stores to the parties engaged with the enemy. I must also confirm the Sachems in their alliance and make provision for such Indians as have been burned out. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 376, 377, and pp. 397–399.]
Feb. 26. 125. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. On the petition of Sir Thomas Laurence (see No. 35), agreed to move the King whether the acts and order which intercept the Secretary's fees shall not be repealed, and to recommend that the Secretary's security for performance of his duties be £1,000 and that of his Clerks £100. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 8. pp. 96–99.]
Feb. 26. 126. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. That the draft Instructions for Governor Goddard be submitted to the King in Council. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 28. p. 83.]
Feb. 26. 127. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. That the petition of Governor Goddard as to passage for himself and freight for military stores to Bermuda be laid before the King. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 28. p. 86.]
Feb. 26. 128. Minutes of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir Peter Colleton and Sir Robert Davers having objected (1) to the Act of Barbados requiring members of the Assembly to qualify themselves by a sacramental test, as being prejudicial, and (2) to the Act for granting £1,000 to Sir Timothy Thornhill, as an ill precedent; and Sir Robert Legard having answered on Sir T. Thornhill's behalf, the Lords agree to submit to the King's determination whether these two Acts shall be confirmed or not. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., p. 319, and pp. 339–342.]
Feb. 27.
129. Thomas Dobbins to Mr. Sotherne. I beg your favour in procuring me a Commission, now that Captain Short has been suspended from command. Our stores are very low and none are to be obtained here but at extraordinary rates, while anchors and cables are not to be had. I beg your favour for William Distance to succeed me as gunner. Copy. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 30.]
Feb. 27.
130. Thomas Dobbins to Lords of the Admiralty. Since his suspension Captain Short has refused to leave behind him one of the ship's muster-books, and still refuses to do so despite the Governor's written order. I therefore know nothing of the entries, discharges and qualifications of men. Signed. Thomas Dobbins. ½ p. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 31.]
Feb. 28.
131. Governor Sir William Phips to Lords of the Admiralty. I ask your consideration of my complaints against Captain Short. I will only add to them that he has neglected order of all kind on board his ship; has pressed men ashore without my warrant and afloat beyond his complement, making men pay for their release. I therefore forbade him to press at all without my warrant, for he has used his power to make a prey of the King's subjects. I have borne with much from respect to his commission, but my kindness has been misconstrued as weakness; and I now leave the matter to your justice. I have desired your directions for making a dock and erecting a victualling office, as it may be done better and cheaper here than in any other part of America. Copy. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 32.]
Feb. 28.
132. Governor Sir William Phips to the Earl of Nottingham. A complimentary note, covering his letters of 20 and 21 February. Signed. William Phips. ½ p.
Duplicate of the foregoing. [America and West Indies. 561. Nos. 30, 31.]
Feb. 28.
Great Island,
133. Lieutenant-Governor Usher to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I send the reports of the Massachusetts Committee as to my accounts. The second report varies slightly from the first. On the 8th of February, pursuant to orders given to me, I presented my accounts to the Governor and Council, and was requested to leave a fair copy of them in file, which I did. This done, I was asked if I had not paid money to Sir Edmund Andros in England, to which I replied that the sum was shown in my accounts. Major Winthrop said that he understood I had £2,000 of the King's money on the day of the Revolution; to which I answered that he was mistaken. Major Richards asked me if I could swear that I paid the money to Sir Edmund Andros before he went to England, to which I answered that I could. After this the Council appointed another Committee to examine my accounts, which came to the conclusion that £850 was due to me, in agreement with the first report; but none the less I could obtain no answer, nor anything but delays and slights. They take exception to Sir Edmund Andros's salary, holding that as the money is raised by the people it must be disposed of by the people, and that if the King appoint the Governor the people must appoint his salary or the King pay him himself out of the revenue in England. At last I put in a motion for an answer to my accounts, but notwithstanding your order for the same and for payment of the balance to me, I am put off from week to week and from month to month. I asked the Secretary for a copy of the minutes of the proceedings, but he refused, and indeed he enters what minutes he pleases, for he has no entry of the question about the £2,000 nor of my answer. Excepting Mr. Stoughton all act for the country and not for the King and hinder everything relating to the King's service. Any of their proceedings in the revolution is encouraged, but anything from the King they will not comply with. I hope that you will not sanction subsequent payments from the Treasury, considering that mine are first due, and that you will order the balance due to me to be paid, which indeed is so much out of my pocket. Their delay in making the report is due only to the hope that another change may come, so as to return to their Charter-Government and not pay the debts due under the King's government. Signed. John Usher. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 18 July, 1693. Read 6 Dec., 1693. Annexed,
133. I. Report of the Committee of the Council of New England, 31 December, 1692. That John Usher's accounts have been duly examined and that a balance of £850 is due to him.
Second report of the same, of same date. Reporting the same balance to be due, but that £798 of the rates levied at that time, and two bad debts of £27 are still outstanding, and that £4,286 has been paid to Sir E. Andros for salary, though two receipts for £400 each indicate that part of the sum was applied to purchase of provisions for the new raised troops.
Letter of William Stoughton to John Usher, 22 February, 1692–3. I am much concerned that you should have had so much trouble over your accounts, but I have been unable to attend Council for some time owing to a fall. As one of the Committee appointed to examine the accounts I must own that you made everything very clear and certain from the first article to the last, as our first report showed, and that you have given every facility to the Council and answered all questions, so that I know not what more you could have done. I shall use my utmost endeavour to procure despatch of this business.
Copies. The whole, 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 24 May, '93. [Board of Trade. New Hampshire, 1. Nos. 20, 20 I.; and (without enclosure) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXVII., pp. 243–247.]
Feb. 28. 134. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for payment for fifty cartouche-boxes delivered to the magazine. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. p. 242.]
Feb. 135. Memorial of Colonel Lidgett. New England is greatly distressed by a war with the natives assisted by the French. The evil is greatly added to if not wholly continued by some practices among themselves done openly and without restraint. The peltry is generally purchased from the Indians by English merchants, and is paid for in blankets, linen, iron, steel, lead, guns, powder and shot, at great rates, which is profitable to the traders but fatal to the public, since it supplies the enemy with the means of destroying them. In 1688 the Government took care that there should be no trade with French and Indians, and the Indians were so much distressed for want of arms that they came in April 1689, a few days before the revolution broke out, to ask for peace. Not finding those to whom they expected to apply they returned and renewed the war, which they are enabled to do by the English themselves. At the beginning of 1689 a sloop brought into Boston much peltry, purchased as above, she having given Bermuda as her destination and hence obtained clearance. The French and Indians, who were then in great want of powder, thus obtained plenty; and since then many others have pursued and do still pursue the same trade without contradiction. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. Feb., 1692–3. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 33.]
[Feb.] 136. Draft letter to the Governor of Massachusetts, announcing that Sir F. Wheler's squadron will arrive in New England at the end of May for an attack on Canada. 4 pp. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 6A.]
[Feb.] 137. Similiar draft to the Governor of New York, to same purport. 4 pp. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 6B.]
[Feb.] 138. Draft Instructions to Daniel Cox to repair to Boston to see to the execution of above instructions. 4 pp. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 6c.]