America and West Indies: May 1690, 19-31

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 13, 1689-1692. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'America and West Indies: May 1690, 19-31', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 13, 1689-1692, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 15 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: May 1690, 19-31', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 13, 1689-1692. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1901), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025,

"America and West Indies: May 1690, 19-31". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 13, 1689-1692. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1901), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025.

May 1690

[May 19.] 885. Journal of Benjamin Bullivant of affairs in New England from the date of Sir E. Andros's departure. Feb. 13. Sir E. Andros sailed. Feb. 17. Advice from Casco of Indians carrying off cattle. Feb. 19. The Piscataqua men of four towns sent a delegate to Boston to negotiate for putting themselves under that Government and to procure ammunition. Hampton refused, saying that Boston would tax them but not help them. The Boston people sent them nine pounds of powder and no more. A common alehouse-keeper proposed to be deputy-president of Maine. The people refused to obey him. An election ordered for May next, as under the charter. Feb. 20. The General Court pardoned all pirates except Tom Pounds and adjourned for ten days. Feb. 24. Tom Pounds further reprieved at instance of Epaphras Shrimpton and sundry women of quality. Advice of the capture of Senectady. The Mohawks sent a letter to Boston, upbraiding them that they ate, drank and slept much but left the war to them, and desiring a speedy attack on Canada. Feb. 27. Proclamation for a general embargo and for all persons to hold themselves in readiness for war. A law came out enjoining collection of arrears of rates left uncollected in Sir E. Andros's time. The condemned pirates told that they might have their liberty on paying 13l. 6s. 8d. or be sold to Virginia, Tom Pounds excepted. March 10. Reports of an action between Indians and French. March 17. Mr. Livingston, secretary at Albany, came to Boston to report the monstrous proceedings of Leisler at New York and to urge the despatch of the forces promised to the Mohawks. Trade so bad that no payments are made and poor people are ready to eat up one another. March 23. Sir William Phips publicly baptised by young Mr. Mather, and admitted a Magistrate. March 18 (sic.) News of the capture of Salmon Falls. Livingstone is opposed by an emissary of Leisler, and is disregarded. The soldiers that were returned from Eastward being disgusted at receiving no pay spoke very insolently to their new masters, crying out publicly in the streets "God bless King William. God bless Sir Edmund Andros, and damn all pumpkin States." There is great difficulty in collecting the new rates. Debentures on the collectors were issued to satisfy the soldiers, but these could not be negotiated except at 25 to 50 per cent. discount. The Council and deputies are debating a descent on Port Royal. Mr. Nelson laid his plans before them, and it was thought that he would be Generalissimo, but the deputies said he was a merchant and not to be trusted, so Sir William Phips is appointed. Nelson refused with scorn to serve under him. Drums beat for recruits; some few enlist and then change their minds and desert; and no one dares to question them. March 27. Mr. Livingstone left for Albany, with the Massachusetts despatches in favour of Leisler. Captain Blackwell arrived from Pennsylvania. He had visited Leisler and reports him a madman. April 3. General Phips's men mustered at the town-house, mostly without arms. About eighty in a body deserted with huzzas on being told that they must find their own arms. One of the officers appointed by Phips was hooted by his company, which had chosen another captain. The Salem deputies and others protest against an election, but are disregarded. April 4. Justices elected. April 14. Sir W. Phips weighed from Boston and anchored at Long Island Head. April 20. Captain George weighed from Nantasket for Piscataqua. The best of the people waited on him with all imaginable respect and gave a deplorable account of their condition since the revolution at Boston; they said they dared not address the King. Some people in Boston signed a petition to their Majesties. They were threatened, and their houses were searched. April 28. Sir W. Phips sailed for Port Royal. May 19. The best of the Council of Piscataqua brought a petition to the King to Captain George. The constable of Casco Bay came on board Captain George and told a lamentable story of the taking of the fort, begging him to procure thirty men to rescue his wife and children. Captain George sent for Major Frost and Captain Fryer, who positively refused the service, saying that all their men had been drawn off by an order from Boston. Captain George then went to fetch off such people as he could save. 9½ pp. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 94.]
886. Stephen van Cortlandt to Sir Edmund Andros. It is now seventeen weeks that I have been turned out of my house by Leisler's violence. He has sent to enquire after me almost every week, but by God's grace I am still free. I have sent to ask him why he persecutes me thus and what crime I have committed, offering to give security for good behaviour and for my appearance when lawfully called on, but I could get no answer except that he meant to have my person if between heaven and earth. People say he will recover from me the money I received of Collector Plowman by your order; others say he thinks I do not own him as the King's Lieutenant-Governor; then that Mr. Bayard had written to his friends that he would retake the fort (which letter was intercepted) and that I conspire with Bayard against him, which is wholly false. Mr. Bayard is still in prison and in irons. William Nicolls is in close prisoner, so is Mr. Hix for not delivering up his commission as justice of the peace. Poor Perry is there still; Mr. Johannes Kip, Alderman and deacon of our church, for going in the church to old Mr. Beekman to receive the alms, before he went to Henry the baker, who is now of the Council. Mr. Christopher Gera is in prison for saying he was as much Lieutenant-Governor as Leisler; S. Godineau for not delivering up his commission as lieutenant—he was in Colonel Dongan's expedition at Albany—Major Willet and others are forced to fly; Colonel Townley and other gentlemen of New Jersey dare not come to town. Governor Dongan was confined in his house at Hemestead, but is gone to New Jersey; Mr. Plowman, Major Brockholes, Robert Livingston and others are forced to absent themselves. In March last Milborne went up to Albany with 200 men, took the fort, disbanded the established company, put new magistrates in place of the old, and follows Leisler's steps in imprisoning several people; which made some of the inhabitants rise, together with some Indians, and forced Milborne to fly for his life to Esopus. The French and Indians since your departure have again destroyed some people to the eastward of Boston, have burned Senectady, and taken twenty-eight prisoners. A party of Indians and young men followed the French, overtook them, killed some and took others. The French Indians have lately killed over ten people at Conestagione, which has alarmed the whole country and driven people from their plantations. Most of the Albany women are at New York. Leisler has pressed Depeyster's brigantine and a Bermudian ship, which are to accompany the expedition to Quebec; and the men at Albany, with others from the other Colonies and 1500 Maquas, are to attack Canada by land. Thus the army will consist of about 600 English and 1500 Indians, but I am afraid that the privateers will take the two ships with everything that they want on board, and go their ways. Drums are daily beating for men for the vessels, but few appear, which has caused a resolve to press some of the best inhabitants of New York and send them aboard. This has driven several of them to New Jersey. To defray all these charges Leisler sent out his warrant to call an Assembly. Only about ten appeared, all of his side, and voted for John Sprat, Corn. Pluvier, Robert Walters (Leisler's son-in-law) and Mr. Beeckman to be representatives of New York; but Beeckman would not sit. Suffolk County would not meddle with it; other counties sent representatives chosen by a few people of their side and, as I understand, very weak men. These men sat at Walters' house, when the people delivered several petitions for the prisoners to be set at liberty and for redress of grievances; but nothing was done, and after a few days' sitting an act was made to raise threepence in the pound on all property real and personal, to be paid on the 1st of June, and that every town shall have equal freedom to "boult and bake" and transport what they pleased directly to what country they should think fit, no one place having any privilege over another. This is all that this wise Assembly did. On this Leisler orders all provisions to be stopped, orders ale, beef and pork to the fort, breaks the cellars open and takes by force what he pleases—guns, powder, and provisions—and I fear all has been carried into the fort or aboard the two vessels, all against the will of the owners or with a promise that they shall be paid at the close of the war. Mr. Plowman had sixty barrels of pork taken by force by a hundred of Leisler's men. If he supposes any man to owe arrears for the tax imposed by Governor Dongan he takes away their goods without going to law to know whether they are indebted or not, and says that he will be answerable for it to the King. He has also seized and sent out to Albany the remainder of the money gathered for the ransom of the slaves in Turkey. You would wonder to hear the lies spread against the former Government. The imagination of treason is so deep in the minds of the people that it can hardly be got out. The people still work and watch at New York, now making it, now breaking it again, to keep them at work. It is now almost a year since the troubles began, in which time I have not been at home three months, being forced to absent myself from fear of being put in prison, where prisoners are kept very nastily, and access to friends is counted a great favour. I cannot tell you of all our troubles, not having an exact account of the particulars. I am in the chaos of these troubles, cut off from my property, my wife affronted and beaten, my children threatened, one of them dead and all the rest sick, my estate going to decay, my credit blasted, without remedy from the Government here and without a friend to whom I can turn in England. I beg your favour to help me as far as you can, and to procure an order for my relief, that those who are imprisoned or threatened with imprisonment may be set at liberty on giving security to answer before the King's Governor for any charges against them, that none be condemned but by due course of law, nor their goods taken from them without a trial, that goods already taken shall be answered for at law by those who have taken them, and that generally our grievances may be redressed. I enclose my account for repair of the fort and other expenses on account of the soldiers. £728 is still due to me. There are also the advances that I made to Captain Baxter's company, which were to be refunded when the men were paid. I hope you will be cleared from the imputations against you and that you will receive a good sum as damages for false imprisonment. Pray procure for me discharge of my account, and payment of the companies that they may repay me. I also enclose an account of salary due to me. The Bostoners are setting out vessels to take Port Royal. Connecticut is all in arms for her defence. But New York is in a still sadder condition, between French and Indians and our present rulers. I hope a good wise Governor may shortly arrive from England, and that you will have an opportunity to discourse with him before he starts. Signed. S. V. Cortlandt. We hear that Colonel Sloughter comes to New York, and Captain Nicholson to Virginia. Port Royal is taken. 5½ pp. Printed in New York Documents, III., 175. [America and West Indies. 578. No. 136.]
May 19. 887. Address of the inhabitants of New York to the King and Queen. We had hoped to share in the happy deliverance wrought by you, but to our grief find ourselves sorely oppressed, having groaned for twelve months under the burden of slavery, executed among us by some ill men, who have assumed your authority, overturned all civil power (in defiance of our proclamation) and ruled us by the sword at the sole will of an insolent alien aided by a rabble, none of them formerly thought worthy of the meanest office, and some of them criminals. We are imprisoned without warrant or mittimus, and shut up in dark, noisome holes without access from our friends or relief by law. They seize our estates without trial or conviction, plunder our houses, pretending it is for your Majesty's service, open all our letters, abuse the ministers of the reformed churches and seize their revenues. We beg for protection and relief. Thirty-six signatures. Large sheet. Endorsed. Read in Council, 9 Oct., 1690. [America and West Indies. 578. No. 135, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., pp. 279–281.]
May 19.
888. John Coode to Lieutenant-Governor Nicholson. I have assumed the chief command of this province, and am glad of your arrival, that we may obtain satisfaction for the blood of Mr. John Payne, who was murdered by some Papists who have fled into Virginia. Our enemies will omit no sort of artifice to appear innocent before you, and I presume that the great encouragement that they had at first in Virginia was due to the interest of Colonel William Digges, a professed enemy in arms against King William. Copy. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 22 Oct., 1690. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 2. No.10.]
May 19. 889. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Orders as to shipping and as to payment of the King's tenths on wrecked treasure. The embargo on ships taken off. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. pp. 51, 52.]
May 20. 890. Sir Thomas Montgomerie to Colonel Stede. Thank you for your compassionate answer to my last. I have tried through Lord Inchiquin to give you satisfaction, by begging your pardon, but they declined to move, and I have no one but yourself of whom to ask mercy. I beg you ten thousand pardons. Copy. 1 p. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 4. No. 29.]
May 22. 891. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. The Lord President is desired to represent that at present there is no settled Government in New York, persons having been seized by one Leisler, a Walloon. The French have recently burnt one of the forts in the province, so that unless Colonel Sloughter and the ten companies sail at once, the province will be lost. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., pp. 265, 266.]
May 22.
892. Order of the King in Council. For the speedy despatch of the convoy with Colonel Sloughter and the two companies to New York. Signed. Cha. Montague. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., pp. 266, 267.]
[May 22.] 893. Petition of Edward Randolph to the King. Recounting his services in the Colonies since 1676, in particular his zeal in enforcing the Acts of Trade, and his recent imprisonment by the revolutionary party at Boston, and praying for restoration to his office, of which some other person during his imprisonment obtained a grant under the Great Seal. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed. Presented to the Council 22 May, 1690. Read 19 June. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 95.]
May 23. 894. Willoughby Chamberlayne to Colonel Stede. My mother, my wife and myself beg you to discharge our negroes, as we are in great want of their attendance. We leave it wholly to you to punish them as you please, but beg your clemency. Copy. ½ p. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 4. No. 30.]
May 23. 895. Sir Thomas Montgomerie to Colonel Stede. I am most grateful for your noble character. My petition to the Governor is not I hope the worse for those amendments. Could you procure me liberty to appear in a court at Holetown next week, or I shall lose heavily by non-appearance? Copy. 1 p. [Ibid. No. 31.]
May 24. 896. Sir Thomas Montgomerie to Mr. St. John. Pray speak to Colonel Stede, and if it pleases him that my petition be presented to the Governor pray present it or let me know if he advises any alteration. ½ p. Copy. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 4. No. 32.]
May 24.
897. Minute of the Commissioners of Admiralty. Having received orders to provide transport to convey Colonel Sloughter and the stores and soldiers with him to New York, we beg to represent that a ship has been waiting for him for two months and the vessels laden with stores. The ship was sent on convoy-duty on the 13th, of which the King was informed, but has since been driven into Plymouth, whither orders have been sent to her to return at once to Spithead. Signed. Pembroke, Carbery, J. Lowther, Jn. Chicheley, Tho. Lee. 1 p. [America and West Indies. 578. No. 137, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., p. 257.]
[May 24.] 898. Account of the fight between H.M.S. Rose and French man-of-war off Cape Sable. We left Piscataqua on the 19th May and on the 24th were chased off Cape Sable by a French man-of-war of thirty guns, and full of soldiers. The Frenchman bore down and fired a broadside at the Rose, when Captain George made up close to him and gave him his fire to good purpose. Then continued an obstinate fight at half musket-shot for two hours. The Rose lost her mizzen and was much cut up in sails and rigging, but she bored her enemy through and through, knocking two and three ports into one. It was dead calm else we had run athwart him. We saw her captain fall and she must have lost at least a hundred men, but being a quick sailer, she got away. Captain George and six men were killed on board the Rose and seven desperately wounded. Copy. 1¼ pp. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 96.]
May 26.
899. Thomas Newton to ? . Last week Casco was taken. There were eighty soldiers in several garrisons, but so quartered that they could not support each other, so were all killed or taken. It is reported that York and Wells have fallen since. Probably everything as far as Piscataqua will be destroyed, for the Charter Government cares little for that country or for the lives of the settlers, but only for smaller matters. Though the King's letter only authorised them to preserve the peace till further order, yet they proceed according to the old charter and have an election shortly. Nothing will serve them but a charter; but unless the King intervene speedily, the country will be ruined. Sir William Phips sailed to Port Royal three weeks ago, and has sent back several prisoners on its surrender. But we have lost far more at Casco than we have gained at Port Royal. Still we are better off and better governed here than at New York, where the tyrant Leisler has taken the King's letters and usurped his authority. It is a crime enough to send any man to gaol not to salute him by the name of Lieutenant-Governor. Colonel Bayard has long been in irons: he was carried round the fort walls in a chair to terrify the people; and all for no crime but speaking words against Leisler, which he declares to be high treason. Several more have been imprisoned, but obtained release on petitioning him. Not long since a pirate came in from the West Indies, to whom he gives pay and has granted a commission, to make his escape on him (as is supposed) when the new Governor comes. It is feared the French and Indians will attack Albany before long. It could be easily taken owing to the distraction caused by Jacob Milborne. Leisler has demanded £5,000 for the war with France and threatens if need be to take it by force. He has put all the merchants' stores on board the pirate without giving them so much as a receipt. Signed. Tho. Newton. Copy. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 22 Oct., 1690. [America and West Indies. 578. No. 138.]
May 27. 900. Sir Thomas Montgomerie to Colonel Stede. My affairs all tend to my ruin. I ask you for one charity more, to visit the prisoner in distress, otherwise I despair. Copy. ¼ p. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 4. No. 33.]
[May 27.] 901. Sir Edmund Andros's account of the State of New England. In 1686 he was named Governor of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Narragansett County, Rhode Island, New Plymouth and County of Cornwall. In 1687 Connecticut was added and also New York and the Jerseys. On receipt of his commission and instructions, which bade him cultivate the friendship of the Five Nations, he went to New York and Albany, where the Indians (though they were met in Council about going to Canada) at once came to meet him and were settled and confirmed in his government. He then wrote and requested the Governor of Canada to restore some Indian prisoners and to quit a considerable fort which he had built at Niagara, in spite of Colonel Dongan's protests against such building. The Governor accordingly withdrew his garrison and said that he would write to the King of France about the release of prisoners. The revenue of the united provinces of New England amounted to about £12,000 annually. There being no Church of England in Boston, a meeting-house was borrowed, but, since this was found to give offence, the building of a new church was hastened, and was completed at the charge of the members of that Church. Sir Edmund was always ready to give grants of vacant lands and confirm defective titles, the late Company having failed to comply with their charter in this respect. Courts of Justice were erected and fees regulated. The Indians continued in good order and subjection till the end of 1688, when some unadvised proceedings of the inhabitants to eastward provoked a rupture, and the Indians made raids, killing and taking several people. Sir Edmund was then at New York, three hundred miles from Boston, but he hastened to Boston with all speed, sent troops and stores eastward to reinforce those parts and vessels to secure the coast, He also raised fresh forces and appointed Major-General Winthrop to command, but that officer falling sick, took command himself, and by the settlement of posts, garrisons and parties, and by constant inroads and marches (in which the King's standing troops were always employed) he reduced the Indians to such straits that until the recall of the forces during the late troubles there was no more trouble with them. At the latter end of March, 1689, Sir Edmund returned to Boston, leaving all the posts and garrisons in good order and condition. On the 18th of April several of the Council conspired with those who were magistrates and officers under the Chartered Government, to over-throw the Government and introduce their former Commonwealth, and by false reports and aspersions gained the support of most of the people. About two thousand horse and foot appeared in arms, and Sir Edmund Andros, not knowing the occasion thereof, went down to the Council. Though the streets were full of armed men none offered to him or to those who were with him the least rudeness or incivility, but on the contrary the usual respect. But when he came to the Council Chamber he found several of the former magistrates and officers who paid him no suitable regard, but made him and others of the Council prisoners and kept him for ten months in secure and close confinement, until he and they were sent to England to answer the charges against them, when there being no charges against them, they were discharged. During the time of his confinement the Governor was allowed no communication with anyone, in person or by letter. After his arrest the conspirators aforesaid dispersed the few soldiers of the standing companies on the spot, recalling the rest who were employed against the Indians to eastward; the officers were surprised and brought down prisoners. The confederates at Boston seized all the King's stores of arms and ammunition and disabled the Rose frigate. They also broke open the Secretary's office and seized the records. The Members of Council who were in league with the confederates then took upon them the Government, and not content with the mischief that they had already done, withdrew all the garrisons from the East, far outside the limits of the Colony, seized several of the officers, recalled the vessels appointed to guard the coast, and disbanded the forces. The Indians having notice of this, and having been supplied before the insurrection with arms and ammunition by some of the chief conspirators in Boston, were encouraged to renew the war; and by the assistance of some French, fell upon the English settlements, killed a captain and several hundred English, and captured Pemaquid fort and considerable territory. The fishery and the trade in masts and lumber is consequently almost wholly ruined. The conspirators then suborned the rest of the Colonies to follow their example, whereby the whole of the royal revenue therein is lost and destroyed.
The usual time for election of magistrates in Boston coming on in May, 1689, there were great controversies on the settling of civil government, some being for a new election, some for continuation of the officers elected in 1686; which latter course being adopted, the Charter Government, though vacated at Westminster Hall, was re-imposed. They then revised their former laws and courts of judicature, and tried and executed several persons. During Sir Edmund's time the country paid only the old rate of one penny a £ the present Government has exacted sevenpence half-penny. Since this insurrection the people carry on irregular trade without limit, admitting no laws to be valid but of their own making. They also sent to Albany to treat with the Five Nations, and invited them to Boston, a most dangerous proceeding, since it revealed to the Indians the weakness and disunion of the country, thereby giving the French the advantage to subdue the Indians and attack Fort Albany. The forces sent out by them last summer, though encouraged by promise of £8 a head for every Indian killed, proved ineffective to suppress the enemy or secure the country, and on approach of winter were recalled, leaving the country exposed. The French and Indians will now probably invade the heart of the country, unless the King take speedy measures to prevent it. Signed. E. Andros. 6½ closely written pages. Endorsed. Recd. 27 May, 1690. Printed in New York Documents, III., 722. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 97.]
[May 27.] 902. State of the four companies of standing forces in New England, each of fifty men. Two companies in the English Establishment viz., Captain Sir E. Andros, Lieutenant Thomas Treffry (both in London), Ensign Ames Amos (in New England), Captain Francis Nicholson (in Virginia), Lieutenant James Weems, Ensign Joshua Pipon (both in London). Two companies by establishment paid at New York. Captain Anthony Brockholes (at New York—a Roman Catholic), Lieutenant John Jordan (in London), Ensign Russell (dead), Captain Gervais Baxter (at New York—a Roman Catholic), Lieutenant Thomas Sharpe (at Albany), Ensign Bradford. Some of the officers employed against the Indians eastward were imprisoned; the men were disbanded except those at Albany, where Lieutenant Sharpe was continued in command. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 27 May, 1690, from Sir E. Andros. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 98.]
[May 27.] 903. "A list of Nominations by the reassumers for New Government without the King's leave 1690." A list of the officers elected in Massachusetts. Twenty six names in all, with numbers, apparently of votes, after them. Simon Bradstreet, Governor. Thomas Danforth, Deputy Governor. Captain Winthrop, Major General. John Phillips, Treasurer. Isaac Addington, Secretary. William Stoughton and Samuel Sewall, Commissioners. For date see next abstract. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 99.]
May 27.
904. Extract of a letter from John Usher at Boston. I suppose you will have heard of the great conquest at Port Royal. The poor people surrendered at the first summons, having not a gun mounted. There is great talk of an expedition to Canada which they hope to take on as easy terms. A post from Casco last night confirms the deplorable state of the place, two hundred persons being killed, though it was said to be the strongest garrison in those parts. The men held out as long as they could, but surrendered from want of ammunition. The terms were that they should be transported to Piscataqua, but the French and Indians knocked all who could not travel with them on the head. We hear that the enemy have now beset Wells and mean to take the whole country. There has been an election since I wrote the above, when Sir William Phipps and Dr. Oakes crowded out Messrs. Shrimpton and Richards, and Major Pyncheon has been turned out for Major Winthrop. Copy. ½ p. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 100.]
May 28. 905. Extract of a letter from Boston to John Usher. The news of the capture of Casco Bay is confirmed. Unless the King help us speedily we shall be ruined. Yesterday Samuel Bradstreet was elected Governor and Thomas Danforth Deputy Governor. Colonel Shrimpton, Major Richards and Major Pyncheon were left out, and Captain Winthrop, Sir W. Phipps and Dr. Oakes chosen in their stead. Copy. ½ p.
Another copy of the above. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. Nos. 101, 102.]
May 28. 906. Extracts from letters to divers persons from New England. Letter to Colonel Lidget. Boston, 11 April, 1690. Giving an account of the capture of Senectady, Newichewanock and Salmon Falls. 1 p. Letter from Benjamin Bullivant: received at Falmouth, July, 1690. All the Casco forts have been cut off owing to the withdrawal of the troops. The people begged for help, but Mr. Danforth answered that Jesus Christ was king of earth as well as heaven, and that if Jesus Christ did not help them, he could not. Sir William Phips has sailed. The Bostoners now print their laws, raise taxes, force open warehouses, press all sorts of goods, and have set up the excise. I was rated and obliged to pay £10 in three months, and I should have been pressed, to cheat me out of £10 or £20 more, if I had stayed. The common people now wish Sir E. Andros were back again. Letters to John Usher. Boston, 27 and 28 May, 1690. Already abstracted under dates. Copies. 3½ pp. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 103.]
May 28. 907. John Coode to Lieutenant-Governor Nicholson. I have received news of the concurrence of the Northern Governments to oppose the common enemy. Copy. ¾ p. Endorsed. Recd. 22 Oct., 1690. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 2. No. 11.]
May 29. 908. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. The Agents for New England attended and Mr. Bradstreet's letter of 29 March was read (see No. 797), as also Sir E. Andros's report on the forces raised in 1688. Order for copy of the letter to be given to the Agents for their reply (see No. 912). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CIX., pp. 324, 325.]
May 29. 909. Summons to several persons connected with New England to attend the Lords of Trade and Plantations and bring with them their latest information as to those parts. Draft with corrections. ½ p. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 104.]
[May 29.] 910. Memorandum of permission asked by Sir Thomas Lapes to export arms and ammunition to New England. Inscribed. Read 29 May, 1690. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 106.]
[May ?] 911. Memorandum of arms to be shipped to New England in the ship James. A few lines. [Ibid. No. 107.]
[May 29.] 912. Account of the forces raised in New England and of the forts built for defence against the Indians in 1688. FORT PEMAQUID. Garrison. Captain Brockholes' regular company; Captain Tyng's and Captain George Minot's Provincial Companies. Total 156 men. On the insurrection in Boston the whole of these forces were withdrawn except eighteen of the regular company, and the fort fell into the hands of the French. NEW DARTMOUTH. Garrison. 20 regulars under Lieutenant Jordan, Captain Withington's Provincial Company. Total 84 men. Most of the troops were drawn off or debauched so that they carried their officer prisoner to Boston aud deserted the fort. REDOUBT ON DAMARASCOTLY RIVER. This being garrisoned from New Dartmouth was also deserted. SAIODCHOCK, NEWTOWN, FORT ANNE, POJEBSCOT. These forts on the Kennebec were commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Macgregory and Major Thomas Savage with their men and Captain Manning's Companies, in all 180 men. The Major and most of the officers of the New England forces revolted, seized the Lieutenant-Colonel, drew off the men and deserted the forts. FALMOUTH, a fort in Casco Bay. Garrison. Captain George Lockhart's company of 60 men. The commander was seized and the forces withdrawn. SACO RIVER. A fort commanded by Captain John Floyd with his own company and a detachment, in all 88 men. Kenebinke and Wells, forts garrisoned from Saco. The whole of these forts were deserted by the officers and men. MERRIMAC RIVER. A company of 50 men was at the Upper Plantation, as also the militia of that river. The officers and men were debauched, and quitted their stations. CONNECTICUT RIVER. Captain Jonathan Bull's company of 50 men and the militia under Colonel Robert Treat, and 40 men of the regular companies. The officers and soldiers deserted their posts. Total of all troops employed, 709 men. The vessels employed on the coast were H.M.SS. Speedwell and Mary and two provincial sloops. All the principal garrisons were supplied with three months' provisions and sufficient warlike stores, and at Boston there were further military stores in the Castle.
While the forces were out the Jndians were powerless, but when they were withdrawn the Indians did and still do great damage. The King is urged to exert his authority for the saving of the country. Signed. E. Andros. 2½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. from Sir E. Andros, 29 May, 1690. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 105, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., pp. 211–215.]
May 30. 913. Answer of the Agents for New England to Sir E. Andros's account of the forces raised for defence of New England in 1688 (see No. 912). We take exceptions to the words "subversion of the Government" and "insurrection" used by Sir E. Andros in his preamble, thinking that the zeal shown by the people of New England to secure the Government there for King William deserves more favourable terms. PEMAQUID. Captain Brockholes, who commanded at this fort, was a papist and was thereupon dismissed after the revolution. The men disbanded were not of the standing garrison, of whom not a man was drawn off. The fort was taken afterwards it is true, but owing to the carelessness of the garrison. NEW DARTMOUTH and NEWTOWN. These towns were destroyed during Sir E. Andros's reign, in revenge probably for an injury done by him to the Indians. There being thus nothing left to protect, a fort was unnecessary. REDOUBT IN DAMASCOTLY RIVER. This was destroyed on the advice of Colonel Tyng and Major Savage as it protected nothing. So also Fort Anne and Pojebscot. Colonel Macgregory was seized by his own soldiers because of his cruelty to them. SAGADEHOCK. This being a fort erected by the fishermen was abandoned at their own instance. FALMOUTH, CASCO BAY. This fort is still continued by the Massachusetts Government and in better order than in Sir E. Andros's time. Captain Lockhart, being reputed a papist, was on that account dismissed and a new commander put in. It was here that the Indians were checked and defeated since the revolution. KENNEBEC. We know of no fort. WELLS is still well inhabited, and a company of foot is there. SACO RIVER was deserted in Sir Edmund's time for want of provisions, and the officer was put under arrest by Sir Edmund for coming to ask for subsistence for the garrison. MERRIMAC RIVER. The Council after the revolution changed several officers that they could not trust, but the Major in command keeps his station. All our frontier towns have been reinforced, which were weakened by Sir Edmund by the manning of his trifling forts. CONNECTICUT RIVER. This continues as it was, only Colonel Treat thought the force stationed by Sir Edmund excessive, and dismissed part of it. The vessels were chiefly employed to convey soldiers to and fro at Sir Edmund's pleasure. There was great complaint that those who served in these ships were not paid in Sir Edmund's time. The forces brought by Sir Edmund from England were about 120 men. Some died or deserted before the revolution. He took part of them in service against the Indians, and what became of them he best knows. We are well assured that not one of them was killed by Indians, and that not an Indian was hurt by them. We have no exact inventory of the stores and provisions found in the garrisons at the time of the happy revolution, but we can aver that the garrisons were supplied from Boston, and that the reinforcements were paid by private persons, and not from the Treasury. The occasion of our present distress is the war between England and France, which prevents all supplies from England, and the mischief from the interruption of our ancient government is not yet recovered. We have given orders for transport of ammunition, with which we hope to be able to defend ourselves until the King attempts, if he think fit, the reduction of Canada; and we doubt not that he will restore to us our ancient rights and privileges. Signed. Elisha Cooke, Thomas Oakes. Large sheet. Endorsed. Recd. 24 June, 1690. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 108, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., pp. 215–221.]
May 30. 914. Journal of the proceedings of the late Expedition under Sir William Phipps, knight, to Port Royal. April 23. Anchored in Nantasket and embarked the soldiers. Monday, April 28. Sailed from Nantasket, five ships in all. Thursday, May 1st. Anchored at Mount Desert. In the evening an officer was sent to reconnoitre Penobscot fort, who reported that Castine was gone and only 200 Indians in the fort. Resolved to attack the fort. May 2. Weighed and sailed up the harbour intending to attack the fort, but were hindered by contrary winds. May 3. The soldiers were landed on an Island to prepare for the attack, but bad weather prevented it. May 4. At 8 in the evening the soldiers were embarked to attack the fort, while one of the ships engaged it by sea; but the fort was found to be deserted. May 5. The Salem and Ipswich companies joined us. Weighed at 6 p.m., and sailed for the entrance of the Bay of Fundy. May. 6. Landed and took the houses of some French planters at Passarequadie who denied our flag of truce. Plundered the houses. Six of our men wounded. May 8. Sailed, and on May 9 entered Port Royal Harbour. May 10. A flag of truce was sent to summon the fort. May 11. The fort surrendered. May 12. Went ashore to search for hidden goods. We cut down the cross, rifled the Church, pulled down the high altar, and broke their images. May 13. Kept gathering plunder all day. May 14. The inhabitants swore allegiance to King William and Queen Mary. May 15. The outlying inhabitants summoned to take the oath of allegiance, which they did on the 19th. May 21. Sent a ship along the coast of Nova Scotia to procure the submission and allegiance of all French and Indians, and dropped down the river with the rest of the fleet and our prisoners. May 30. Arrived in Boston Harbour. Copies of orders to different officers, and of the instructions left with the president of Port Royal. List of the Fleet:—Six Friends (flag), 42 guns, 120 men; Porcupine, 16 guns, 117 men; Mary, 8 guns, 12 men; Union, 4 guns, 15 men; Mary Ann, 2 guns, 9 men; Lark, 9 men; Bachelor, 6 men. List of the officers of the Foot Regiment:—Major Johnson commanding. Seven companies. 446 of all ranks. Mr. Joshua Moody, Minister. The whole a small quarto printed pamphlet. 16 pp. Printed at Boston. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 109.]
May 30. 915. The Dutch Ambassador to [William Blathwayt]. Enclosing certain papers relating to the Colony of Rensselaerswyck. Signed. Arnout van Citters. French. ¼ p. Endorsed. Returned to him the 4 June, '90. [America and West Indies. 578. No. 139.]
May 30. 916. Jacob Younge to John Coode. I have news that the Senecas have cut off the principal place in Canada except the Governor's residence. They tell me too that they have a hundred French prisoners and the other nations rather more. Those Senecas who informed me are about to settle on the Susquehannah. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 22 Oct. 1690. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 2. No. 12.]
May 31.
917. Warrant for the use of the Public Seal of New York. Printed in New York Documents, III., 726. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., p. 251.]
May 31. 918. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. The Earl of Inchiquin sworn in as Governor. Order for a proclamation for continuance of officers in their posts. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. p. 52.]