America and West Indies: August 1688

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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'America and West Indies: August 1688', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: August 1688', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: August 1688". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

August 1688

Aug. 1. Again adjourned for want of a quorum.
Aug. 2. Writ for St. David's parish returned. Thomas Richardson elected. Solicitation bill reported with amendments, and sent to the Assembly. Perjury prevention bill brought up from the Assembly, read twice and committed. Thomas Richardson sworn. Order for an embargo on all ships bound for England till Tuesday next, 6th.
Aug. 3. No quorum.
Aug. 4. Perjury bill reported and read a third time. Order for Andrew Orgill and John White, junior, to be brought before the Council to answer for holding a court after their commission was expired. Solicitation bill returned from the Assembly and passed. Assembly granted leave to adjourn to the 6th inst. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXVI., pp. 241, 241A.]
[Aug. 1.] 1,853. Order of the King for the establishment of two regular companies of foot in New York from 1 August 1688, each company to consist of three officers, five non-commissioned officers, one drummer and fifty privates. The rates of pay to be as in England. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., pp. 409, 410.]
Aug. 3.
1,854. Sir Thomas Montgomery to Lords of Trade and Plantations. As Attorney General I am also a Justice of the Peace here. In July last one William Pendleton, a nephew of Mr. Benjamin Skutt, came and informed me that his uncle had used treasonable words, and that he came to depose the same. Having been first cautioned by me he wrote his deposition, and I then took him to the Governor and found Mr. Skutt there, who was come on purpose to tell the Governor that his nephew had threatened to swear treason against him. The Governor read the deposition, and proceeded to question Pendleton on oath, asking him, among other things, whether Skutt were not in high employment in England. Pendleton answered that lately he had been put on business that he did not like, and had retired on that account to Barbados. I observed that this did not look like forward loyalty, whereupon the Governor flew into a violent passion, and asked me why I should remind him of his duty. I made no reply, but for the next half-hour he treated me very unkindly, and was ready at every turn to send Pendleton to gaol. Next day the Governor told me that though Attorney General I was not the King's advocate in the Court of Admiralty, and that I was not to continue there, nor to conduct the Royal African Company's business. I do not trouble you about this, however; though I appeal to you if I have done amiss. Mr. Skutt may produce to you some testimony of his loyalty, but I have reason to believe that he received a letter from England giving the names of all the Aldermen of London who were laid aside and the names of those who were put in by the King, and that he goes about vilifying those put in by the King. I begged him as a friend to forbear, as such speaking would be taken ill, and he seemed to take the advice friendly; but from that day he has done all he can to injure me. Thus much I think it my duty to lay before you. I beg also for your care for the poor white servants here, who are used with more barbarous cruelty than if in Algiers. Their bodies and souls are used as if hell commenced here and only continued in the world to come. They want the merest necessaries of food and raiment, and many die daily in consequence. One Meagher was found guilty of murder last Grand Sessions, whom the Governor reprieved; but he had better been hanged than confined until nauseous distempers had almost eaten him up. Signed, Tho. Montgomery. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 12 Oct. 1688. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 35, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 3–7.]
Aug. 4. 1,855. The Attorney General to Lords of Trade and Plantations. In obedience to your orders I have compared the King's grant of mines in America to the Duke of Albemarle with the proposals of the New England gentlemen. I find that all the mines in New England are excepted from that grant. The gentlemen ask no more in New England than what has been granted to the Duke of Albemarle elsewhere; but the Duke's grant is to him and executors for fifty-one years, whereas the petitioners desire to be incorporated, and to have a grant for ever. A corporation seems very proper to such an undertaking, but the petitioners desire many privileges beyond those granted to the Duke of Albemarle, as for instance the sixth proposal, that on their finding a mine they shall have a grant of the King's land, not exceeding seven miles square, at a rent of sixpence per hundred acres. So also in the 7th, 9th, 15th, 24th, 25th, 27th, and 31st articles. The privileges asked for may legally be granted, and though certainly they would be too great to be granted here in England, yet, since the corporation will reside in England and will be always under the King's eye, they may be proper enough for a country as yet so unpeopled, especially if the corporation were bound to begin to work mines within a limited time. Signed, T. Powis. 3 pp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 36.]
Aug. 6.
1,856. The Clerk of Council of Jamaica to William Blathwayt. I have sent you the minutes of Council by one of the Duke's secretaries, but have had no acknowledgment. I have since received a deputation which confirms me as secretary of the island. You ask for the minutes of Council from 21 February to 21 September last year. I send what I can, but from June 1 to 19 September, when Mr. Egleton died, there is no entry made, nor can I give any account, for I have nothing but some loose papers of his in shorthand, of which I can make nothing. Pray send me over some more ruled paper. Signed, F. Hickman. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 10 Oct. 1688. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 37.]
Aug. 7. 1,857. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Nevis. Order for appointment of a joint committee to draw up the Acts of the island. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., p. 222.]
Aug. 8.
1,858. Governor the Duke of Albemarle to Lords of Trade and Plantations. The Assembly met on the 20th of July and finished more business in two weeks than the last did in two months. As the members are mostly men of known loyalty I doubt not that the King's pleasure will find more ready compliance. They at once considered the King's proposals, copy of which is enclosed, and passed bills for ascertaining the qualifications of jurors, to encourage the conversion of slaves to Christianity and preventing inhumanity to white servants. For the third proposal they threw out the bill. They then passed an Act for raising money for soliciting the island's affairs in England. The fifth proposal is already provided for in existing laws, and to meet the last they have added two clauses to the Act for regulating slaves. They have also increased the severity of the law against perjury and subornation of perjury. I have removed Mr. John White from the Council, principally because he pleaded for the most part, as a lawyer does for his fee, against the King's interest whenever such matters came before Council, and because it was pointed out to me that he was paid by St. Jago del Castillo to plead for him both in Council and elsewhere. I have admitted Sir Henry Morgan to the Council pursuant to the King's order, but I am afraid that he will not live long, being extraordinarily ill. Colonel John Cope, another of the Council, died a few days since. I hear of a great number of English prisoners at Vera Cruz and other Spanish ports, whom I shall demand as soon as H.M.S. Drake returns.
While the election was going forward there were unwarrantable oppositions made in most parishes, as well as malicious practices to prevent fair election. The actors were persons disaffected to the Government, especially at Clarendon, where Colonel Ivy, whom I should never have suspected of such a thing, made a public riot. I committed them to prison, and have sent the state of the case and affidavits to England. I have not yet passed the bills sent up by the Assembly, as I hope they will pass some more. My passing of the whole together may induce them to pass one law which will be truly serviceable to the King. The Isle of Ash, once dependent on Jamaica, and valuable for turtle fishing, has for the past two years been taken by the French, under the command of the pirate Laurens, and British subjects have been prohibited from hunting or fishing. The place is of importance, and in case of a war would, in French hands, be very prejudicial to us. Colonel Molesworth left this Government £446 in debt, and left nearly £2,000 more charged on the revenue. Several privateers have taken advantage of the proclamation, and have surrendered at Bermuda, from whence they were discharged. Some of them returned here, where their goods were seized by Mr. Lynch and themselves imprisoned. Signed, Albemarle. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 19 Oct. 1688. Enclosed,
1,858. I. Proposals to the Assembly of Jamaica. 1. That qualifications of jurymen be better defined. 2. That a law be passed for restraining inhumanity to white servants, and for converting negroes to Christianity. 3. That a law may be made whereby creditors of bankrupts in England, who have estates in Jamaica, may be relieved out of the same. 4. That £300 a year be voted for the solicitation of the island's affairs in England. 5. That a law be made to raise money for building workhouses. 6. That provision be made for discouraging the wanton and wilful killing of slaves. ½ p. Endorsed. Recd. 19 Oct. 1688.
1,858. II. Deposition of Arnold Ladore. As to the canvassing of electors at the election of Assemblymen for Clarendon. Sworn 7 July 1688. 1 p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,858. III. Deposition of Dudley Scott. As to the effects of same. Sworn 7 July 1688. ½ p. Same endorsement.
1,858. IV. Deposition of Thomas Halse. As to abusive language used to him by Colonel Thomas Ivy. Sworn 7 July 1688. ½ p. Same endorsement.
1,858. V. Deposition of Richard Swarton. As to abusive language used by Colonel Ivy to others. ½ p. Sworn 7 July 1688. Same endorsement.
1,858. VI. Deposition of William Dawkins. Confirming the preceding. Sworn 7 July. ½ p. Same endorsement.
1,858. VII. Deposition of Charles Boucher. Confirming No. v. Sworn July 7, 1688. Same endorsement.
1,858. VIII. Deposition of Thomas Waite, Provost Marshal General of Jamaica. As to a riotous attempt of Colonel Ivy and his faction to carry on the election at Clarendon after he had declared the poll to be adjourned. Sworn 7 July. 1 p. Same endorsement.
1,858. IX. Deposition of George Stanton. As to a false report that the Duke of Albemarle was about to impose a poll-tax of £50,000, which was spread during the election. Sworn 7 July 1688. ½ p. Same endorsement.
1,858. X. Deposition of Cornelius Campion. As to an attempt to assault him by some of the opposite faction on the day of election. Sworn 8 July 1688. ½ p. Same endorsement.
1,858. XI. Deposition of John Hewitt. As to the efforts of Colonel Ivy's faction to gain adherents by treating. Sworn 12 July, 1688. 1½ pp. Same endorsement.
1,858. XII. Deposition of Samuel Man. To the same effect as the preceding. Sworn 12 July 1688. Same endorsement.
1,858. XIII. Deposition of John Palmer. Further evidence as to Colonel Ivy's proceedings. Sworn 13 July. ½ p. Same endorsement.
1,858. XIV. Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the election of Clarendon. The adjournment of the election by the Provost Marshal in consequence of the violence of faction that he saw going forward in the election is justified by the precedent of Sir John Moore, Lord Mayor of London, at the election of Sheriffs in the thirty-fourth year of King Charles II. Signed, Richard Derham, B. Magragh. Large sheet. Same endorsement. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., Nos. 38, 38I.–XIV., and (letter only) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXII., pp. 139–143.]
Aug. 10. 1,859. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. The Attorney General's report as to mines in New England read. The petition of Increase Mather and others referred to the Attorney General (see next abstract). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CIX., pp. 180, 181.]
Aug. 10. 1,860. Petition of Increase Mather, Samuel Nowell and Elisha Hutchinson, on behalf of the inhabitants of New England, to the King. Since the dissolution of the late Government many inconveniences have attended and will attend us unless relieved. We beg consideration of certain proposals annexed. In the margin. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations referring the proposals to the Attorney General for report. Whitehall, 10 August 1688. Annexed,
1,860. I. The proposals above mentioned. That the possession of property owned before 24 May 1686 may be confirmed; that the register for titles of land in New England may be confirmed; that townships may decide on questions as to commons and other business by vote of the majority of the freeholders, and that their commons may be confirmed to them: that Courts of Conscience may be in each precinct, with jurisdiction up to the value of forty shillings; that probates of wills may be made in such Courts of Conscience where estates do not exceed ten pounds in value, and in the case of larger estates, in the County Courts; that all marriages may be registered and ratified in a Court of Conscience; that there may be a court of equity for all considerable causes. A note in the margin that the three next clauses were struck out by the committee, viz. (1.) That a revenue of £5,000 a year having first been provided for maintenance of the Government, no other imposts shall be laid but by a General Assembly. (2.) That the General Assembly shall consist of Governor, Council and members, to be elected by the freeholders of each precinct. (3.) That no laws shall be made except in such General Assembly; that there be liberty of conscience; that no man be cumpelled to maintain a religion that he does not profess; that each religion be left free to support itself; that Cambridge College be confined to those that erected it, and all present meeting houses left free to them that built them. 1 p. Endorsed. Read 10 Aug. 88. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., Nos. 39, 39I., and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., pp. 25, 26.]
[Aug. 10?] 1,861. William Blathwayt to Elisha Hutchinson. Requiring him and his fellow petitioners Mather and Nowell to attend the Lords of Trade and Plantations on Wednesday next. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., p. 75.]
Aug. 10. 1,862. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Referring the petition of Increase Mather and others to the Attorney General for report. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., p. 76.]
Aug. 10.
1,863. William Blathwayt to the Attorney General. Instructing him to prepare a draft patent for the grant of mines in New England, with such exceptions as are intimated in his report (see No. 1,855), and containing a clause obliging the patentees to begin work at their mines within a limited period, and to produce some profit to the King, as provided in the Duke of Albemarle's grant. Draft, with corrections. ½ p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 40.]
Aug. 10 1,864. Commission to Sir AEneas Macpherson to be Governor of Nevis. Countersigned, Sunderland. Copy. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 41.]
Aug. 12. 1,865. Memorandum. Sir Robert Holmes acquainted the King that his agent Mr. Lynch has received great discouragement from the Government of Jamaica in the business of suppressing pirates; that warrants of arrest had been issued against him at the suit of pirates committed to gaol in Port Royal; and that several pirates in custody could not be tried without special orders from England. Sir Robert begged for power to assure them all of pardon, and that Mr. Lynch may receive letters of protection from the King, and be discharged from confinement. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXII., p. 128.]
Aug. 16. 1,866. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Letter from Captain Spragge read complaining of several illegal proceedings of the Governor of Carolina.
James Smailes's petition to have his complaints against the present and late Governors of Bermuda read. Order for his witnesses to attend the Lord Chancellor for the taking of their depositions.
Sir Nathaniel Johnson's transcript of the state of the Leeward Islands presented. The part of it that deals with legal matters referred to the Attorney General. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CIX., p. 182.]
Aug. 19.
1,867. Governor Lord Howard of Effingham to the Earl of Sunderland. My last gave you an account of the seizing of three pirates. They have petitioned for the benefit of the King's declaration, but after they had signed a confession I told them that they were not within the terms of the proclamation, as they had not surrendered themselves, but had been taken. They answered that they came with intent to surrender, but hearing that the proclamation was not published dared not venture. ? answered that they knew of such a proclamation, and that though I had not then received it, they should have had the benefit of it; but on the contrary they denied that they were pirates both to Colonel Cole, Captain Rowe and myself, and persisted in their denial, not laying hold of the proclamation until it was published. I therefore await the King's orders in the matter, not judging these men worthy to receive the benefit of the proclamation without them. Signed, Effingham. Holograph. 1 p. Endorsed. Enclosed,
1,867. I. Account of plate and money seized from Edward Davis, Lionel Delawafer and John Hinsent. Signed, William Cole, Simon Rowe. Copy. 1 p.
1,867. II. Examination of the three men aforesaid, and of Peter Cleiss, a negro, before William Cole. All three of the men denied that they were privateers. Taken 26 June 1688. 2 pp.
1,867. III. Duplicate of the preceding. 2 pp.
1,867. IV. Petition of Edward Davis, Lionel Delawafer and John Hinsent to Lord Howard of Effingham. For the benefit of the King's proclamation of pardon to privateers. Certificate of Lord Howard of Effingham that the three men on the 16th August 1688 confessed themselves privateers. Large sheet.
1,867. V. Duplicate of preceding. 2¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., Nos. 42, 42I.–V., and (without enclosures) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXIII., p. 224.]
Aug. 20. 1,868. Abstract of certain letters from Boston. The proceedings of the Governor and Council seem rather for the ruin than the protection of the people of New England. All our titles of land are undervalued, writs of ejectment are served upon divers people's lands, a writ of intrusion upon Hog Island, another against Mr. Lynd for fencing land near Charlestown, and another against Peter Marke of Charlestown. All these were to have been tried in the last Superior Court of Pleas, but for some reason were suspended till October. An island in Plymouth Colony is already sued for and recovered by Councillor Clarke. The people were willing to bear the expense of a suit, and signed a paper to that effect, for which they were termed factious, and sent for to Boston. Among them, Mr. Ichabod Wiswall, though lame, was forced to come, or else he must have been cast. They paid unreasonable charges and were bound over to the last Sessions, when, after they had waited their pleasure, they were sent home again. Sundry more instances might be given, and to add to our affliction, the sound of the trumpet, and the alarm of war and garments rolled in blood are now among us, God having brought the sword of the Indians against us. They have taken Northfield and cut off several persons; it is feared the whole of them by this time. The Governor and most of the Council were gone to New York, but in their absence the rest of the Council ordered a supply of powder to be sent to all the out-towns and ordered all Indians going up and down to surrender to us on pain of death. We hear that seven hundred, or as some say, two thousand Indians are up, and it is thought that some Frenchmen are armed and with them at a place called Pennycook, where they have erected a fort of four acres of ground, and were holding a consultation about war with the English. The old men are averse to it, but the young seem to be resolved. Oh, that the Lord would divide them in their councils! I heartily wish that some of our own gentlemen may not be concerned in this evil design, for I am informed that those in power have said that it is not for the King's interest that we should enjoy the country, but rather that another people should. Extract. One closely written page. Endorsed. Recd. 13 Oct. 88. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 43.]
Aug. 20. 1,869. Duplicate of foregoing. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 44.]
Aug. 27.
1,870. List of the persons fined in the Supreme Court on the 27th August 1688. Colonel Ivy Fined £300, two others £500, one other £600, one other £200, and eight more smaller sums; all for riot. John Towers, for saying in Court, "Salus populi suprema lex," fined £600 for contempt; Edmund Ryves, deputy to Mr. Kelly, fined £200 for contempt; Charles Sadler, for speaking scandalous words of the Chief Justice, fined £300. Total fines, £3,340. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 45.]
Aug. 28.
1,871. Secretary to the Treasury to William Blathwayt. Forwarding report of Commissions of Customs as to East New Jersey (see No. 1,837). Signed, Hen. Guy. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 46.]
Aug. 28. 1,872. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Nevis. Two Acts, against insolence of negroes and riots of negroes, sent down to the Assembly. Address to the King as to the West India Company. The Assembly proposed that all the country's debts should be paid in ready money, or sugar to the value thereof; the Council replied that time should first be given to the present Treasurer to consider his affairs. Act to confirm existing Acts passed. Order for a joint committee to draft an Act for planting provision. Order for republication of the Act to amend the Act against trading. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., pp. 175–179; also under date July 28, ibid., pp. 222–225.]
Aug. 29.
New York.
1,873. Extract from minutes of Council of New York. Order in Council for the execution of the Act for raising one penny per pound on all estates, real and personal. Copy. 1 p. Annexed,
1,873. I. A copy of the Act in question. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., Nos. 47, 47I.]
Aug. 29.
New York.
1,874. Account of stores in Fort James, New York. Large sheet. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 48.]
[Aug. 29?] 1,875. "Stores belonging to the gunners in Fort James." A short list. Scrap. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 49.]
Aug. 30.
1,876. Lieutenant Governor Stede to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I lately received the news of the birth of the Prince of Wales, whereupon I convened the Council and Assembly, acquainted them with these good tidings, and ordered a day of public and solemn thanksgiving, which was gladly performed by the people. Our joy was also expressed from all the forts in the island and all the ships in the roads, and by my own particular regiment in the town. Though we have no conduits, yet the streets ran wine, and after the evening bonfire this joyful day ended happily without any disorder or confusion. We have presumed to address the King on the occasion, and beg you to present the address. I enclose an Act lately passed here for the ordering and governing of negroes, which is indeed but a compilation of the multitude of scattered laws relating thereto, which made them both troublesome and difficult. I hope that this is a step to the collecting and compiling of all the laws. The Council and Assembly being now engaged on the laws respecting Christian servants, all care will be taken to prevent over severe dealing with such servants by bad masters. Such bad dealing has not been common, and where it has happened has been redressed by the Governors upon complaint, and as occasion required the servant has been compensated, or the master punished and the servant set free. But it will be impossible to keep the servants in due order and obedience such as is required by their masters and by the safety of the island, unless there be severe laws to punish any insolence towards masters and any embezzlement or destruction of their goods. For often they most villainously and maliciously destroy the horses and cattle, most of the white servants sent here being taken from the gaols, and being men whose lives have taught them all kinds of villainies and reduced them to such misery that they come to the Colonies to escape from starving. Here they cannot be maintained without work, and many of them, not being used to it, will not set themselves to it, but run away after stealing what they can, and often escape from the island by getting a number of them together and seizing fishing-boats or other vessels. Often they are so wicked that they beat their overseers and even their masters, and, indeed, an argument lately used by the Attorney General that masters ought not to correct servants so as to break the skin has given them so much encouragement that they were more refractory than ever, and provoked their masters and then dared them to strike or whip them. Since that mistaken argument has been cleared away they behave themselves better, as heretofore. In case of hard usage they can appeal to a Justice of the Peace or to myself, and where such complaints have come before me I have gone into them carefully in Council.
An information has lately been brought by Sir Thomas Montgomery, the Attorney General, against Mr. Skutt, a member of Council, who is charged by one William Pendleton with having spoken unbecoming words of the King. [Repeats the story written in No. 1,830.] The first witnesses produced by Sir Thomas having failed, I asked him before the Council if he had any more, and he named three or four, who were ordered to attend next day. They came and were examined accordingly, and three of them drew their own depositions, which are herewith enclosed, but the other two said nothing in support of Pendleton's statement, but rather the contrary. You will see by the order that the Attorney General offered something to the Board by way of discourse concerning Mr. Skutt, aggravating the offence charged against him by Pendleton, and setting him forth to be a very ill man; but the speech being of matters altogether foreign to the affair in hand, we conceived it to be unseasonable at such a time, and desired the Attorney General, if he could, to let us know anything that was to the King's service in the affair. This he could not do, and he withdrew, but he has since brought me a paper addressed to myself and Council, giving an account of his observations on Mr. Skutt in several particulars, copy of which shall be forwarded to you at the next meeting of Council. On the whole, after Mr. Skutt had been called in and had utterly denied the matters laid to his charge, the Council decided that, considering Pendleton's character and former behaviour towards him, Mr. Skutt had always behaved himself like a loyal and dutiful subject, and that no further proceedings should be taken without instructions from you. Mr. Skutt produced to us many papers in his defence, but we did not think it necessary to peruse them. He begged, however, that they might be sent to you, and they have been forwarded to Mr. Blathwayt.
I had hoped to have sent by this packet an account of the boundaries of the islands and of the King's title thereto, and of the recent French encroachments thereon, especially at St. Lucia. The French allege some agreement, by which they have equal rights with the English to hunt, fish and cut wood, while neither nation shall have the right to settle, as is shown by Mr. Christopher Codrington's affidavit, who was Deputy Governor of Barbados at the time. I will not enter further on the subject now, for I hope that the commission appointed to enquire into it will present their report in a few days. Recent advices from Surinam report a mutiny of the soldiers there, who had murdered the Governor and attempted to murder the Deputy Governor, but had been reduced to obedience by the inhabitants. Eleven of the ringleaders were put to death with exquisite torments, and things there are now in peace and quiet. This island lies so much out of the way of our neighbours that we know little of what passes to leeward of us. Nor are we in the way of taking up pirates on their return from the South Seas, for none have been here except one great empty ship, foreign built, which was brought in here by a sloop's company belonging to the island. The sloop had been taken by the pirates, on her way from Bermuda to this island, who had embarked themselves on her and transported themselves, as it is thought, to pennsylvania or some of the northern parts of America. But we have no certain knowledge. The pirate ship brought in by the men belonging to the sloop was old and out of repair, and was sold for £170 only, the pirates having taken the best of the guns and rigging for the sloop. They put some Brazaletto wood, however, from the sloop into the ship, to make room for their own goods, which were estimated to be worth over £12,000. I had the misfortune to be a part owner of this sloop, which had been sent out with supplies to the wreck, so that I have lost all my venture. I thank you for your permission to accept the present voted to me by the Council and Assembly, and ask leave now to accept the like sum again voted to me. The reception of the Duke of Albemarle has been an extraordinary expense to me, as also the celebration of the birth of the Prince of Wales. September 3. I have received your letter of 10 June, and shall obey the order for thanksgiving and public rejoicing over the birth of the prince. Signed, Edwyn Stede. 3½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 25 Oct. 1688. Enclosed,
1,876. I. Order of the Governor and Council of Barbados for a day of thanksgiving and rejoicing for the birth of the Prince of Wales. Dated 7 August 1688. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 25 Oct. 1688.
1,876. II. Address of congratulation from the Council and Assembly of Barbados on the birth of the Prince of Wales. Thirty-six signatures. Large sheet, mutilated. Endorsed.
1,876. III. Account of the celebration of the birth of the Prince of Wales at Barbados, August 19, 1688. All the clergy and gentry attended the Governor at Fontabelle, and the day was thus celebrated. First went the led horse, a band of five trumpets, the life-guard of horse, a band of six trumpets, the Provost Marshal and his officers bareheaded, the colonel of the life-guard, with his sword drawn, attending the Governor, who was splendidly arrayed. Then followed the Council, the judges, the Assembly, the secretary, the clergy, the lawyers, the justices, the military officers and private gentlemen, all in regular order, marching to St. Michael's town. There the Governor was met by the royal regiment of footguards, twelve hundred men, when the Governor, having received them, stopped in the centre and began the King's, Queen's, Queen Dowager's, the Prince of Wales's, the Princess of Orange's, the Princess of Denmark's, and all the Royal Family's healths, which were severally performed with volleys from the horse-guards, regimental volleys from the foot-guards, and universal acclamation of huzzas. Then the Governor rode in the same state to James's Fort, where the same was repeated with the addition of six guns from each of the five forts. Thence the foot-guards marched to Fontabelle and drew up, the Governor and his guards following, where, after many military exercises, he treated the whole body of the country to a most magnificent entertainment, such as the present state of the West Indies never saw, and the future will admire. At the head of every company was set a quarter cask of wine, meat and bread and all necessaries for two thousand people, besides five hundred gentlemen at one table of two hundred and fifty feet in length, who were all entertained at the Governor's expense. The ladies and other persons of quality after dinner had also a splendid entertainment of sweetmeats, the best that Europe and the West Indies afforded. At last a great, bonfire to a "stupendous" height being erected at the Court gate, the Governor, as a full pattern of loyalty, again drank the whole Royal Family's health, the whole island with guns, fireworks and voices, echoing after him, God save the King and all the Royal Family. 1 p. Endorsed.
1,876. IV. Deposition of William Pendleton. As to treasonable words spoken by Benjamin Skutt. 17 July 1688. ½ p. Endorsed. Recd. 25 Oct. 1688.
1,876. V. Deposition of Richard Bendysshe. As to Pendleton's threat to swear treason against Benjamin Skutt. 18 July 1688. 1½ pp. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. VI. Deposition of John Rogers, to same effect. 18 July 1688. 1½ pp. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. VII. Extract from minutes of Council of Barbados, 7 August 1688. The proceedings of the Council as to Sir Thomas Montgomery's information against Benjamin Skutt.
1,876. VIII. Deposition of Thomas Fullerton. As to the alleged treasonable language of Benjamin Skutt. 8 August 1688. ½ p.
1,876. IX. Deposition of Christianus Gardner. As to the same language. 8 August 1688. ½ p.
1,876. X. Deposition of Richard Cartwright. As to the same. 8 August 1688. ½ p.
1,876. XI. Extract from minutes of Council of Barbados, 9 August 1688. Respecting unbecoming behaviour of Sir Thomas Montgomery in the Court of Chancery, in consequence of having a bill dismissed. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 25 Oct. 1688.
1,876. XII. Deposition of William Hawyes. As to further unbecoming behaviour of Sir Thomas Montgomery, respecting the arrest of Ralph Lane. 20 August 1688. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. XIII. Deposition of Thomas Dodd. As to the threatening of the jury by Sir Thomas Montgomery in another case before Court. 21 August 1688. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. XIV. Further deposition of Thomas Dodd as to Sir Thomas Montgomery's misbehaviour. 21 August 1688. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. XV. Deposition of William Robinson in confirmation of the preceding. 21 August 1688. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. XVI. Copy of proceedings in an execution against Ralph Lane. 1½ pp. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. XVII. Sir Thomas Montgomery's warrant for the commitment of John Langley for an assault on Ralph Lane. Copy. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. XVIII. Warrant of Justice William Chester for arrest of Ralph Lane and another for libel. 23 September 1686. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. XIX. Another warrant for arrest of Ralph Lane for riot. 30 September 1686. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,876. XX. Extract from minutes of Council of Barbados, 18 July 1687. Proceedings against Ralph Lane for a scandalous libel. Endorsed as the preceding. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., Nos. 50, 50I.–XX., and (letter and enclosure No. I. only), Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 7–17.]
Aug. 31.
1,877. Captain Francis Nicholson to [William Blathwayt?]. The Governor started for New York on the 31st of July, and I went with him as far as New London, about a hundred and twenty miles from hence. There the Governor heard that some strange Indians had passed through the upper towns on the Connecticut river, doing no harm to the English. But a few days later an Indian came to Springfield, where Colonel Pyncheon lives, who commands the militia in those parts, saying that a little before dawn some Indians fell upon ten or twelve of our Indians ten miles from Springfield, killed five and carried off three. The Governor thereupon despatched Colonel Pyncheon, who brought him the account, to pursue them. Copy of his letter herewith enclosed will tell you of his proceedings. The Governor sent me back from New London, and as I came through Narragansett County I spoke to the Indians there, telling them what had happened, and that if they were afraid to live there in the woods they might go to the next English plantation. I also offered them a reward if they could meet with any of the Indians that had killed their friends. They heard me very thankfully. When I came here I sent to some of the neighbouring Indians and told them the same, who were equally thankful, being frightened. They asked for a little powder and ball, which I gave them. On the morning of the 19th inst. I received the enclosed letter from Mr. John Wing, and a few hours later came the man who gave me the account of Pennycook. About the same time I had the news of the French vessel, and Ensign Pipon, who commands Fort James at Pemaquid, wrote to me of a report among the fishermen that Castine was come to Penobscot with a frigate, to build a fort there, and that Mons. Villebonne (who was sent to Colonel Dongan last year about the ship seized at Penobscot), and, I think, an engineer came in a ketch to Pemaquid on the 17th inst., and made enquiry for a French shallop which they pretended had run away. The officer told them he would enquire for their vessel, which he did, but there was no news of any such, for I believe it was only an excuse for viewing these parts. They had been at Penobscot when Mons. St. Castine complained to them of Sir E. Andros having been there in his absence. The French gentlemen said that St. Castine had complained to the Governor at Port Royal, but that no notice had been taken, so that he had then complained to the Governor of Canada. They stand mightily upon Penobscot being within their boundary, and the Governor of Port Royal has news from France that the frontier between the two towns will be adjusted next January. They say also that they have orders, if they find any English boats fishing beyond Cape Sable, to bid them begone. I have since heard that these gentlemen left Pemaquid on the 23rd.
Upon the news I had from Worcester and elsewhere, I sent a messenger to Pemaquid and to the towns along the coast to warn them, and sent orders to Worcester not to quit the place, for they should be sure of help. On the 19th I went from hence, hearing that some places were much alarmed by the news from Northfield, and were short of arms and ammunition. I went first to secure our Indians about ten miles away and then passed through two or three towns to encourage them. I also sent on two Englishmen and an Indian from Dunstable to Pennycook, which is sixty miles up the Merrimac. Next day I went through Groton and Lancaster and found the people much alarmed, these being out-towns, but encouraged them like the rest by reminding them that they were the subjects of a King who would protect them. At night I came to Worcester, where I ordered the few men left to fortify a house, and sent to reinforce another little settlement with six militia men from Marlborough. I ordered that all men leaving these outtowns should be sent back, for if they were abandoned we should lose communication, except by a roundabout way, with Springfield. At Marlborough and Worcester I found the people much afraid of two Indian forts, for they had noticed that the manner of the Indians towards them had changed of late, and that strange Indians had come among them this summer. I went to the fort some twelve miles from Worcester and found fifty Indians, one third of them men. I could not reach the other fort till late at night. There were rather more Indians there than in the other. I asked both parties if they were afraid of strange Indians, and as they said yes, I told them either to go to the English plantations for security if they could, but if not to disperse in the woods. I let them understand that we were not afraid of them, nor wanted their help. These two Indian forts lie within a night's march of five towns, and might either have been destroved by an enemy or might have joined with an enemy, so I sent them down among the English plantations. On my way home I visited as many places as I could, and re-assured them, for they were all alarmed. On the 24th I returned, having ridden two hundred and thirty miles, though never above a day's journey from Boston, so that I might be within reach of news if anything extraordinary should happen in any other part of the country. I enclose the account given by one of the men whom I sent to Pennycook. The Sachems I have not yet seen, so I intend to go again and see what posture they are in. Since my return I have had several letters full of alarm over the Indians, but have striven to encourage the people with, I hope, good results, for I have heard no more of their fears, but only of their being in a good posture.
I have in prison eight men, supposed to be pirates. They did belong to Peterson, the remainder of Yankey's and Jacobs' company, both of whom are dead. Peterson was in a barcolongo of ten guns and seventy men. He was at Rhode Island this summer, and the Governor sent Captain George of H.M.S. Rose by sea, while I went by land, but he was gone. On enquiry I learned that some of the Rhode Island men had traded with him, whereupon the Governor ordered a Court to try them, but the Grand Jury threw out the bill. Still I have at Salem two ketches under seizure for trading with him, and the masters and several of the men are in prison for the same offence. One of the masters with his ketch came with a prize, that the pirate had taken in the West Indies, to the Island of Martin's Vineyard, and there let them have a man to pilot them to Port Labarre in Nova Scotia. They gave him fifty hides and forty tusks from the prize, which were sold. At Port Labarre they burnt the ship, for there Peterson met them and took eighteen of the men belonging to the prize with him. The rest are in prison. Peterson, after leaving Port Labarre, sailed for the Gut of Cancer, took a ship of Mons. Castine's in the way, and surprised another ship in the gut. Next day the Governor came from the fort of Chebucto to see the ship, and was captured and made to pilot the ship up to the fort. The pirates said they took the fort easily, for all the soldiers were asleep. They plundered it, finding several chests of arms and other goods useful for the Indian trade and great store of provisions, some of which they left to the garrison at the Governor's entreaty; nor did they spike the guns when told that the garrison might otherwise be destroyed by the Indians. They took a ketch afterwards from a Frenchman which had originally been taken from Piscataqua. This vessel Peterson sent back, saying that the French rogues had no business with other people's vessels. He also sent some leagues to fetch another English ship captured by the French, in order to restore her, but she was not to be found; and Peterson would not stay longer, being afraid of H.M.S. Rose. But before he went he released the ketch which had piloted him, and sent her, with ten French fishermen, who were weary of Cancer, to New England. One of these men told me that the Governor of Canada had left Quebec with four thousand men against the Indians, for the Indians had burned a great deal of their corn, and they were afraid for the rest, so much so that the Governor had forbidden the export of provisions. This may or may not be true. The pirates said that they were bound for the Gold Coast, being near a hundred men well armed and victualled for a year. The Governor writes from New York that he has been to the two Jerseys and settled them, and that in a week he hopes to go to Albany. I have intelligence that the French have been insinuating themselves among the Five Nations, and the Governor has sent to the Indians to tell them that he will be at Albany. He wishes me to join him and see things are quiet here. I shall go to Albany by Springfield, and so through the woods, to see if I can hear of the Indians who have done the mischief, for they were reported to be from the French and to have marched in two companies, of which that which killed the English is returned, but not the other. I had the happiness of sending the Governor the news of the birth of the Prince of Wales. Though it reached me late at night I endeavoured to solemnise it as well as the place and time could afford. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. 5½ large pages. Endorsed. Recd. 13 Oct. 1688. Read 17 Oct. Printed in New York Documents III., 550–554. Enclosed,
1,877. I. John Pyncheon to Francis Nicholson. Springfield, August 21, 1688. Last week I sent warnings to Brookfield and Worcester, and when I came home hastened to Northfield with twenty or twenty-four soldiers, and in two days' time had three houses there fortified, left three men with them, one for each garrison, and returned about the 9th inst., leaving all well. A few days before I went up intelligence was brought of Indians about three miles this side of Northfield, and twelve men went out after them and came upon them, but could not follow them. I left the people at Northfield in a good posture, and thinking themselves secure with their three fortified houses, and I expect they were too secure; for on the 16th, while the men were at work in the meadows, the Indians came down into the broken ground at the north end of the town, killed three women and were gone in a trice. I at once sent fifty soldiers from the several towns here on hearing of this, who came upon an Englishman shot dead, but saw no Indians and little sign of them. Other parties have been out since, but without better success. The Indians are evidently gone, and when the next shock will fall no one knows. I took a list of the people in Northfield when I was there—but twenty-nine men, of whom three have been killed—and their harvest is still to get in. They wrote to me for twenty-four or thirty men, but we cannot afford them, for the towns are weak. This town consists mostly of out-farms, and few homes are together. The town-plot, indeed, is tolerably safe, but half the people are three or four miles distant from it, so that the securing of a place so threatened is absolutely necessary. Some I call in, others I help to fortify. I have sent six men to Brookfield to bring off the women and children. Thirty of the men here have been sent to help different places, and now we have been alarmed by the discovery of an Indian in the woods, and by the report of firearms. I am sending out scouts, but I cannot hold the town against sudden incursions if all the people be sent else-where, so you may send me at least sixteen or twenty soldiers to secure Northfield, that we may recall our own men to defend our own place. Duckfield and Brookfield would also be glad of a few men. At Northfield arms are wanted: send me at least twenty and ammunition. I will do all I can. Signed, John Pyncheon. 2½ very closely written pages. Endorsed. Recd. 13 Oct. 88.
1,877. II. The same to the same. Springfield, August 27, 1688. Thanks for your care of us. When the men whom you have ordered reach Northfield I hope that it may be secure, though arms are wanting, and I know not that they have any stock or magazines to go to. Some of our men are returned, but some are still at Northfield, whom I shall call in when the new men arrive. Since the attack on Northfield the people have made diligent search for the Indians, but can find nothing of them. There are many reports of them about these towns, but nothing certain. The rest of the letter is practically a repetition of the preceding letter. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 13 Oct. 88.
1,877. III. John Wing to Francis Nicholson. Worcester, 17 August 1688. I have heard from Colonel Pyncheon of an Indian attack on Northfield. He fears the whole town is cut off. I shall send away our women and children to-night. If I can persuade the men to stay I shall endeavour to garrison the place for defence as well as I can, but here no one has any power of command. I shall do what I can by persuasion and advice. Signed, John Wing. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,877. IV. Information of Josiah Parker of Groton, received from an Indian. That there were two hundred Indians at Pennycook, many of them French, gathered into a fort, and discussing whether they should fight the English; the young men being for and the old men against fighting. Signed, Josiah Parker. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,877. V. Information of William Hobbv. As to the visit of a French ketch to the harbour of Menhegoune on pretext of search for a missing sloop. Signed, Wm. Hobby. 19 Aug. 1688. 1½ pp. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,877. VI. Information of Robert Paris. As to his journey to Pennycook, on which he found no sign of hostile preparations among the Indians. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,877. VII. Governor Andros's proclamation of a day of thanks-giving for the birth of the Prince of Wales. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed as the preceding. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., Nos. 51, 51I.–VII., and (without enclosures), Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., pp. 30–36.]
[Aug.?] 1,878. Petition of Increase Mather, Samuel Nowell and Elisha Hutchinson, on behalf of the people of New England, to the King. We, your dissenting subjects, have been hardly treated. We beg for liberty of conscience and of property, and for a charter confirming the government of Cambridge College as originally established. Copy. 1 p. Annexed,
1,878. I. Memorial of the condition of dissenters in New England. We are the wealthiest people in New England, and have cheerfully submitted to the present form of Government, but it has been the artifice of some in the Church of England to traduce us as disloyal. We are not suffered to set apart days of prayer and thanks-giving, not even for the royal declaration of liberty of conscience. The service of the Church of England has been forced upon our meeting houses. Punishment has been threatened to any who give the value of twopence to maintain a Non-conformist minister. We have been fined and imprisoned for scruples as to taking an oath in any but our ancient form of lifting the hand. Dissenters' lands are measured out and given to Anglicans, and liberty to improve their property is denied them. Whole towns are under dread of having their lands seized unless they give money to re-purchase them. We are told by those in authority that we are no better than slaves, and have no title to property or to English privileges. Some of us have been imprisoned without cause assigned, others forced to pay fines extorted from them by inferior officers; and it is commonly reported that the college built for Non-conformists will be taken from them and given to the Church of England. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., Nos. 52, 52I.]
[Aug.] 1,879. Memorandum. On the petition of the gentlemen from New England (see preceding abstract), the King has been pleased to declare that he will grant them full and free liberty of conscience and exercise of religion, their property and possession of houses and lands, and that Cambridge College shall be governed by a president and fellows as formerly; all of which to be confirmed to them under the great seal. Scrap. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXIII., No. 53.]