America and West Indies: June 1685

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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'America and West Indies: June 1685', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: June 1685', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: June 1685". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1685

June 2. 206. Minutes of a Council held at Charlestown, Carolina. A second warrant issued for the apprehension of Lord Cardross (see No. 173) and others. The Marshal's return of the warrant. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXI., p. 141.]
[June 2.] 207. Account of several sums of money, etc., seized as piratical goods, and condemned to the King's use. Total, 8,576l. 1 p. Endorsed. June 2,85. To be sent in a letter to Mr. Blathwayt to consider and report to my Lord his opinion. The document evidently emanates from Roger Elletson (see Nos. 67, 128, 159). [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 134.]
June 2. 208. Minutes of Council of Barbados. The Members of Assembly were sworn in. Henry Quintine and John Gibbes sworn of the Council. Order as to the taking of depositions in the matter of Sir John Witham. The Assembly presented Judge Reid as their speaker. The Governor announced that he was ordered to return to England.
June 3. Bill for impost on wines and liqors brought up by the Assembly, read thrice and passed. The Assembly hoped to have the Militia Bill ready to-morrow.
June 4. The Assembly brought up the Militia Bill, which was amended; a small Bill for a present to Captain Jones, of H.M.S. Diamond; and a Bill to continue expiring Acts. Adjourned to 16th. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 599–601.]
June 2. 209. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. List of Members.
John Codrington
Richard Barratt
St. Michael's.
William Forster
John Berringer
St. Peter's.
John Farmer
John Davies
St. Thomas.
John Leslie
John Bromley
St. John's.
Robert Bishop
Richard Elliott
Michael Terrell
Samuel Lambert
St. Lucy.
John Reid
Thomas Helmes
St. James.
Samuel Smith
William Fortescue
St. Philip.
Abel Alleyne
John Mills
St. Andrew.
Paul Lyte
Richard Salter
St. George's.
John Waterman
Edward Binney
St. Joseph's.
John Reid chosen Speaker, and approved by the Governor. The petition and appeal of Sir John Witham, with the Order in Council thereon, read.
June 3. Act for an impost on liquors continued for eighteen months. 500l. voted to Sir R. Dutton for his expenses in prosecuting the commutation of the four and a half per cent. duty, and 500l. to Henry Walrond to defray his expenses in going to England. Act to prevent trading with negroes read and passed.
June 4. Militia Bill debated. Freemen billeted on other persons to receive 7½ d. per day. Bill passed. A present of 100l. to Captain Jones carried. Bill to continue expiring Acts read and passed. Adjourned to 16 June. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIV., pp. 106–109.]
June 4. 210. Governor Cony to the Earl of Sunderland. I have received your letter and my Commission and Instructions. Pursuant to orders I have seized upon all the great guns for the King's use. The small arms are still in the hands of the militia, until they can provide some of their own, which I believe they will not, having in part declared as much. The slaves which I had in my possession at my first coming remain in my custody; but as to the Colony's slaves, born in private houses of their females, when let out for a term of yeares, no one will part with them. These are the positive words of the Council: "If the King will have them, "let him proceed at law. They were born in our houses, and we "will keep them." It is a custom here that when one man's slaves marry with another's, the two masters divide the children among them. If this custom should extend to the Colony's slaves, the Bermuda Company had in this way to the value of four or five hundred pounds, if they could be discovered. As to the custom on tobacco, they are so far from being willing to pay it that they privately convey it in their own bottoms to other parts, New England, Barbados, etc., pretending that from those ports it shall be transported to England. If it must pay custom (say the people) let it pay it there; and the better to palliate the discovery, they stow it in cask lined with fish. I have sent home one barrel discovered by the searchers, for demonstration. In the long run none of this reaches the Custom House in London or elsewhere, for it is passed on to other ships in the night, and transported to divers countries. Till I can call an Assembly I only desire them to bring their vessels under my command, and make a due entry of what they ship off or import in the Secretary's Office, that hereafter custom may be paid, but they refuse to come under my command to be searched, calling it an oppression to the subject. The few that do come under my command lie off seven or eight leagues at sea till the boats bring out the tobacco to them. This was a common fraud in the Company's time. By report these Islands make annually four or five hundred thousand weight. As to the King's lands, I have several times moved the Council to give me a particular account of these lands, the present tenants' names, and the pretences on which they held them, their due value, the perquisites of the Provost-Marshal and whence they arise, as well as those of other officers, in order to know if their perquistes be sufficient for their places. If they prove sufficient, the land attached to their offices may be turned to some other account, such as the defence of the country, which would revive it, for long contentions have made it decline. Here is almost thirty sail of trading vessels, and their owners are wealthy (though for the most part contentious), yet they pretend poverty, thwarting the Government, and enslaving the meaner sort of people, who would gladly live under Government. Timber is wholly destroyed, what with building vessels and selling them, with other sort of wooden ware, to foreign parts. When I prohibit it, they cry out, "What! are "you sent hither to enslave us? We are a free-born people; our "lands are our own, and we will do with our own what we please; "and if we do not like the King's Government, we can leave the "Island and go and live elsewhere. The Company was a Company "of rascals, and thought to have brought us under their command, "but now we find we are in a way to be perfectly ruined and "enslaved." This is their frequent discourse to me, for they esteem all government, not of their own establishing, to be slavery, and are now aiming to choose one Thomas Richards for their Governor. About fourteen whales have been killed this year. I have often asked the sheriff for an account of the oil, but without result. The people here are so allied that they will not disturb each other in any matter that concerns the King. A large whale is worth 80l., all expenses paid. You may judge by this how considerable that royalty is. The people claim it as their property, belonging to their purchased lands.
I am in great need of powder and round shot for the castle and forts. I have mounted eighteen great guns, which for many years have been lying in dirt or under water, and the clearing of them, with other contingencies, caused great expense of powder, as also have frequent false alarms raised by the inhabitants, without cause or without knowledge of the people that actually raise them. I have presumed to send home Mr. Henry Bysshe; which is also his own desire. He has been a great incendiary, and still is, notwithstanding the King's Commission. If he remained here, it would be impossible to keep quiet. From the first day of his landing he has made such disturbance that I have not enjoyed two days of quiet since. With much ado I kept him in prison for several months, yet he has been as frequently resorted to by the discontented party as when at liberty. The people have seized upon a small French vessel that came upon the rocks, brought her into harbour, took away her goods, and would not permit her to come under my command, but permitted her seamen to range our channels. They disarmed the soldiers I sent to bring her under my command, and lastly piloted her out to sea, to steer what course she pleased. She left one Frenchman ashore, whom I have sent home with Captain Phips in H.M.S. Rose, to be examined by their Lordships. The poor man tells me he is afraid to tell the truth for fear of injury from the inhabitants. I have sent also the papers concerned. I suppose Captain Phips expects to be paid for his passage. Captain henley, a privateer, lately arrived here in a Dutch ship, and, as is reported, landed 3,000l. or 4,000l. worth of Dutch goods. He was piloted in by one Zachariah Burrows, but the country would not permit his ship to come under my command. I laid hold of Henley, however, and imprisoned him; but the country forced me to set him at liberty. My very Council and captains of militia, though all protesting that they would bring him under my command, yet would not, nor would the sheriff lay his broad arrow on the goods he landed that account might be given to the King, in case the Dutch should redemand them. Since then Henley is proclaimed pirate in Jamaica, and one Goff, his companion, in New England. Henley had his commission from Governor Lilburne, of Providence: copy enclosed. It is the intention of the people to make this island a pirates' refuge. I expect two more pirates, by what Henley said, and daily dread the capture or plunder of the country. The discontented party at the King's Commission are old. William Righton, William Peniston, Richard Stafford, George Bascom, Thomas Owterbridge, and Thomas Richards; for all expected, after the Company was dissolved, that, the King would have left them to their own election of governor and government.
Pursuant to instructions I have honoured the late mournful and joyful occasion. By my last packet I received a letter addressed to the "first clergyman in Bermuda." By the seal I judge it to be from the Bishop of London. I also received a proclamation concerning prayers for the Royal family, but none of the clergy will receive it. Old William Righton said it belonged to him, for he was the oldest teacher in Bermuda. The letter is still by me. None of the King's affairs move forward here. Many articles I suppose are sent home against me. The people continually quarrel with me, and I am daily in danger of my life, yet I have never wronged any man a farthing. Bribes I never took, though Henley and the people offered me some hundreds of pounds. They are offended with me because I stand to my duty and the King's interest. They say they must and will be heard by the King, and that he must do them justice. In this way time is consumed, and nothing is done but railing at my commission and government. Contrary to my Commission, those whom they please must sit at Council with me, and this actually is the work of the Council themselves. They would impose unknown oaths on me; they would keep the forts without my commission and command the magazine. I must not imprison without consent of my Council; it is they that are to govern, and myself that is to subscribe to their orders. Truly, my lord, I am afraid that the country is betrayed. All would like to live on public lands, but neither pay for them nor do duty. There is much discontent among the clergy. Mr. Bond remains still bound: his petition is enclosed. The clamour of the country is that I have no power to govern but through the Duke of York, a Papist. The forts they will keep until they know better by what authority I command here. An address has been drawn up to the King, but I durst not sign it. It relished more of a petition, conditions and directions to the King, than an address. I told them their error, and gave them some gazettes to direct them, but all is slighted. What they intend to have I know not, but they are guided by Mr. Bish, who tells Captain Phipps that he does well not to meddle between the Governor and the country. They designed to send me aboard Captain Phips for England, if he would take me, on the following pretext, that seeing me in danger and myself timorous, I should desert my commission, and desire him to secure me from their fury. Signed, Richard Cony. Holograph. Four very closely written pages. Endorsed. Recd. 26 July 85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 135.]
June 4. 211. Governor Cony to Lords of Trade and Plantations. This varies little from the foregoing. 4 closely written pages. Endorsed. Recd. 26 June 85. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XVII., pp. 148–180, and Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 136.]
June 4. 212. Abstract of a letter from Colonel Cony. The King's Commission was coldly received. Though confirmed by the present King, the Council tell him that he is no more than a justice of the peace, and that they will make him take what oaths they think convenient. The Captains of two of the forts, without commissions from him, say that they will keep them, yet do not duty there. The Council say they have as much to do at the Council Board as he. The Sheriff will not take notice of persons imprisoned by him. The Secretary is ignorant. Tobacco is daily transported clandestinely. Timber is sold and carried off to foreigners. The people will not supply arms and ammunition. The Council gives no accounts of the Crown lands. The people wilfully break their arms because they will not do duty. 1 p. Endorsed. Read 1 August. On same sheets,
Abstract of depositions transmitted by Colonel Cony 4 June last. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 137.]
June 4. 213. A collection of enclosures sent with the three foregoing despatches.
213. I. Attestation of John Harloe as to the forcibly seizure of a French wreck on the rocks of Bermuda by Christopher Burrows' men. Dated Jan. 15, 1684–5. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 17 July 85.
213. II. Attestations of Edmond White, Henry Harmer, and John Tucker that they went on board the wreck with Burrows, and brought off part of the cargo. Superscribed, Copy of the Governor's warrant for bringing in the wrecked vessels. Dated 20 Jan. 1684–5. The whole. 2 pp.
213. III. Deposition of Richard Stafford. That he had heard Henry Bysshe say many times that the resolutions of the judges in the book called Dalton were not law. Dated 20 Jan. 84–5.
213. IV. Declaration of William Bell, that Samuel Trott had advised him not to pay his rent. Dated 23 January 1684. Scrap. Endorsed.
213. V. Attestations of John Goodell, John Priestly, and William Young. As to further trespasses of Burrows and others on the wrecked French ship. 2 pp. Dated 6 February 84–5.
213. VI. Attestation of Christopher Burrows, that Bysshe warned to him to leave town and escape arrest. Scrap. Dated March 10, 1684–5.
213. VII. Petition of Henry Bysshe to the Governor of Bermuda, for release from prison, upon the resolution of judges on Statute I. Edw. VI., cap. 7. Dated 14 April 1685. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 17 July 85.
213. VIII. Copy of the resolution referred to in foregoing, that all patents of judges and justices are determined by the King's death. Law-French. Scrap.
213. IX. Resolution of the Council of Bermuda on Bysshe's petition, that he shall be sent to England. Certified copy. Dated 28 April 1685. Scrap. Endorsed.
213. X. Copies of Nos. VII., VIII., and IX. 1 p. Endorsed. Read 9 Sept. 85.
213. XI. Declaration of John Rongoe, a negro, as to clandestine shipment of tobacco to New England. Dated May 22 1685. Scrap. Endorsed. Recd. 17 July 85.
213. XII. Address of Lieutenant William Jones, Captain Brangman, and twelve others to Lords of Trade and Plantations, testifying that the complaints against Governor Cony are groundless, and that he has approved himself a loyal and faithful subject. Dated 1 June 1685. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 26 July 85.
213. XIII. Petition of Sampson Bond, Minister to Governor Cony. A long argument to prove that the bond into which he had entered for good behaviour is void in law, ending with a request that the bond be cancelled. 2 closely written pp. Endorsed. Recd. 26 July 85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., Nos. 138 I.–XIII.]
[June 4?] 214. Petition of the inhabitants of Bermuda to Lords of Trade and Plantations. There was much distraction caused in the Island at the dissolution of the late Company. Our condition is now worse, owing to the practices of persons unfriendly to kingly Government. It is useless to ask the Governor to change his Council, for we know not whom to recommend to him. Most of the present Council will not take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy. The Governor has done no injury to any in the Island, but has striven to do his duty; but he is only one, and has none to help him. We beg you to represent our condition to the King. Signed, Francis Tucker, Samuel Brangman, William Jones, John Britton. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 139.]
June 5.
215. Governor Cony to Captain William Phips. Warrant to transport Sarah Oxford to England, and deliver her to the custody of the Earl of Sunderland as a principal abettor of Henry Bysshe. P.S.—Let no one know of this warrant till you are in the river as high as Gravesend. Signed, Richd. Cony. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 9 Sept. 85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 140.]
June 5.
216. Lords of Trade and Plantations to Lord Howard of Effingham. Sarah Bland and Colonel St. Leger Codd have agreed to submit their differences to arbitration (see No. 36). If the arbitration fail you will summon the parties before you and determine the matter. Signed, Rochester, Halifax, P., Clarendon, C.P.S., Sunderland, Bridgewater, Craven, Ailesbury, Tho. Chicheley. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXII., pp. 325–327.]
June 5. 217. The Secretary of Barbados to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir Richard Dutton designs to embark for England on the 24th inst., when I shall give an account of the public papers and orders that he leaves with me. Signed, Edwyn Stede. ½ p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers. Vol. LV., No. 141.]
June 6. 218. Depositions of Francis Powell, master of the sloop Speedwell. As to the capture of his sloop by a Spanish ship flying English colours at the Cays. The Spaniards took the ship, and sailed off towards Point Morant to land and rob some plantation. A Frenchman, whom they met, told them to try that of Captain Davis. They returned to South Cays without doing mischief, but were heard talking of a descent on another plantation.
Deposition of John Hill, of the Speedwell. Was forced to pilot the Spaniards into a port of Jamaica. The Spaniards threatened to come and attack Captain Davis's plantation again.
Deposition of Daniel Smith, confirming the above. Deponent escaped by swimming, but one of his comrades was killed by the Spaniards. Sworn on 6 June 1685. Copies. 8 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 23 Sept. 85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 142.]
June 7. 219. Address of the General Court of New Plymouth to the King. Regret at the death of the late King, who was gracious to the Colony, congratulations on accession, and petition for a Royal Charter, containing such rights, franchises, and privileges, especially religious, as may be necessary for good governments. Signed, Thos. Hinkley, Govr. Large sheet. Endorsed. Recd. 25 Sept. 1685. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 143.]
June 8. 220. Governor Cranfield's Commission to Walter Barefoot to be Deputy-Governor of New Hampshire. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXVII., pp. 148–149.]
June 11.
221. Colonel William Digges to Lord Baltimore. King James the Second has been proclaimed with all possible ceremony and a great deal of joy. Though our neighbours, having early information, could shew their duty before us, yet I doubt not that we shall be as ready to do our duty as they, notwithstanding the distinction in the governments. Extract. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed. Read 1 August 1685. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 144, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LII., pp. 94–96.]
June 11. 222. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Governor Bradstreet's letter of 21 April read (see No. 137).
Sir Richard Dutton's letters of 24th and 29th March read (see Nos. 88, 98). The Lords do not believe in his ignorance of their orders as to receiving presents, and drew up a letter in answer (see No. 245).
Petition of Diego Maget read (see next abstract). Copy to be sent to the Commissioners of Customs and to the African Company for their observations. Petition of Sarah Harrison read (see No. 175). Sir Philip Howard to be directed to enquire and report as to it, by a clause in his instructions. Colonel Molesworth's letter of 15 March read (see No. 67). Memorandum of documents received. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVIII., pp. 148–155.]
[June 11.] 223. Petition of Diego Maget to the King. Is come from Spain with a power from Balthazar Coymans to embark for Jamaica and continue the negro-trade in that Island. Prays benefit of the laws as extended to British subjects, and leave to bring Spanish fruits there for the encouragement of the trade. Signed, Diego Maget. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. and Read 11 June 85, 20 June 85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 145, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXI., pp. 52–54.]
June 11. 224. William Blathwyat to Henry Guy. Forwarding foregoing for report of Commissioners of Customs. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXI., p. 54.]
June 11. 225. William Blathwayt to Sir Benjamin Bathurst. Forwarding copy of petition of Diego Maget for opinion of the Royal African Company. Memo.—Sir Benjamin Bathurst and other members of the Company were heard on 15 July, when the Lords decided to instruct Sir Philip Howard on the subject. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXI., pp. 56–57.]
June 12. 226. Sir Peter Colleton to William Blathwayt. I enclose the examination of Robert Dangerfield, taken in Carolina, which will give you a better idea of the proceedings of the pirates there seized than any other. This confession was owned by two men now prisoners in the Marshalsea in Southwark. Signed, P. Colleton. Holograph. ½ p. Endorsed. Annexed,
226. I. Examination of Robert Dangerfield. Recounting how he was picked up with thirty-five more off Point Negril, Jamaica, by a ship that professed to be on a trading voyage, and went to Rattan, where the ship was placed under orders of Laurens, the pirate. Thence they sailed for Virginia and New England, thence to the Guinea Coast (Gambia), and back to Carolina, where she was wrecked. A long account of the places plundered and the prizes taken. 4 closely written pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., Nos. 146, 146 I.]
June 12. 227. Commissioners of Customs to Lords of Trade and Plantations. On the petition of Diego Maget (see No. 223) we know nothing of the Assiento, and would recommend consultation with the Royal African Company; but as to the carrying of Spanish fruits to Jamaica, it is prohibited by law to carry any European foods to any of the plantations from any place but this kingdom, except wines from Madeira and the Azores, and servants, horses, and victuals from Scotland and Ireland, and we do not think that the law ought so slightly to be violated. Signed, J. Buckworth, N. Butler, W. Dickinson. 1 p. Endorsed. Read at Committee 15 July 85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 147, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXI., p. 55.]
June 12.
228. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of Jacques Gonzales, for restitution of goods confiscated in virtue of an Act of the Parliament of Toulouse, to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. Signed, John Nicholas. ½ p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 148.]
June 12.
229. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of Samuel Beake and others, creditors of the late James Littleton, merchant, to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. Signed John Nicholas. ½ p. Annexed,
229. I. The petition referred to. James Littleton became insolvent in 1678, owing petitioners 6,000l. They took out a statute against him, which cost them more than has hitherto been recovered of the debt. Littleton has a considerable estate in Jamaica. They pray the King's directions to the Legislature to secure it for their use. 1½ pp. Copy. The whole endorsed. Read 20 June 85. Memo.—The case recommended to Sir P. Howard in his instructions. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., Nos. 149, 149 I., and (order only) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXI., pp. 40–41.]
June 12. 230. Minutes of Council of Virginia. Proposed to request the King to appoint a seal to be kept by the Secretary, and other seals for the Royal collectors. Ordered that the Assembly be summoned for 1st October. Resolved that Colonel William Byrd and Mr. Edmund Jenings be appointed Agents to negotiate the ratification of the Indian treaty. Resolved to send Colonel Richard Lee to demand George Talbot, lately escaped from custody in Virginia, from the Government of Maryland. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXIV., pp. 213–214.]
June 15.
231. Commissioners of Customs to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We have considered a draft Act of Barbados to raise money to farm the four and a half per cent duty. We cannot say whether 6,000l. is a valuable consideration to the King, nor shall we be able to decide until we hear from our Commissioners. They tell us that this year they doubt not that the duty will be worth nine or ten thousand pounds. We would add that if the collection of the duty be so long discontinued, it would not be brought under management again without great difficulty and disadvantage. Signed, Ch. Cheyne, N. Butler, W. Dickinson, Jo. Werden, J. Buckworth. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 150, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 300.]
June 15. 232. Henry Quintyne to Sir John Witham I am not satisfied with your warrant. I shall be at Council to-morrow, and will acquaint the Governor with your desire, and will either send it to you signed if approved, or acquaint you what is preferred. Holograph. ¼ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 151.]
June 15. 233. The Secretary of Barbados to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding quarterly returns of proceedings of Council and of Secretary's office. I shall keep an eye on my successor in the Secretary's office during my administration of the Government in Sir Richard Dutton's absence. Signed, Edwyn Stede. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 4 Aug. 85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 152.]
June 17. 234. Minutes of Council of Barbados. John Hallett sworn of the Council.
Several of the Council took the oaths. The Militia Act passed, and an Act to continue expiring Acts. Sir John Witham's recog- nisance in 12,000l. delivered to the Governor. Order for payment of 67l. 8s. 0d. to Thomas Rawlins for work done on the forts, of 500l. given to Henry Walrond by the Assembly, of 4,000 lbs. of sugar to Thomas Walrond and Edward Archer for a negro executed, and of 100l. to Captain Jones given by the Assembly. Order for Sir John Witham to have copies of records. The Attorney General to examine the King's right to the plantation asked for by Mary Ford. Bill to confirm the lease of Fontabelle passed. 112l. 10s. 0d. ordered to be paid to Richard Cartwright. Address of loyalty to the King. Address to Sir Richard Dutton. Adjourned to 23rd. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 601–609.]
June 16. 235. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. Lease of Fontabelle to be continued for two years. Salary of Clerk of Assembly voted to be 150l. a year.
June 17. Addresses to the King and to Sir Richard Dutton carried. Act touching arrests, and Act concerning Elections, and Act to confirm the lease of Fontabelle read and passed. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIV., pp. 109–113.]
June 16. 236. Address of the Assembly of Barbados to the King. Loyal sentiments and thanks for religious liberty. Signed by the Speaker and twenty-one members. Copy. Broad sheet. Endorsed. Recd. 15 Aug. Inscribed. Recd. 15 Octo (sic). [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 153, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 338.]
June 17.
237. Address of the Assembly of Barbados to Sir Richard Dutton. Fulsome compliments for bringing Sir John Witham to trial, and appointing Henry Walrond chief judge to try him. Signed, Richard Cartwright, Clerk of Assembly. Broad sheet. Endorsed. Recd. 15 Aug. 1685. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 154.]
June 18. 238. Journal of Assembly of Nevis. Proposed by the Governor to the Council and Assembly that as there are but eight of the twenty barrels of powder contracted for, the twenty be completed, and the remaining thirty sent for from England or bought here. Answer of the Assembly. Since Mr. Helmes refuses to abide by his contract, we consent that Mr. Thomas Rose supply thirty barrels of powder at 1,000 lbs. of sugar per barrel. [Col. Popers, Vol. LV., No. 40.]
June 18.
239. Nicholas Spencer to William Blathwayt. I have sent the transactions of Council. The Governor and Council hope that the King may take the Northern Neck from Lord Culpeper and appropriate the rents and escheats to the benefit of the country. It would certainly unite the Government, free the people from fears of separation, and lessen the cost of administration. You will have heard of George Talbot's escape and the unneighbourly usage of Maryland. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXII., pp. 331–332.]
June 18.
240. The Secretary of Virginia to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding proceedings of Council and Secretary's Office. Signed, Nicho. Spencer. ½ p. Endorsed. Recd. 3 Aug. 85. Read same day. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 155, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXII., p. 330.]
June 18. 241. The same to the Earl of Sunderland. All is quiet here, and, so far as Indian faith can be trusted, we shall be at peace with the Indians. An Agent is now going to Albany to ratify the treaty made last year, and though it will be very expensive, if a lasting peace ensue, it will be of great comfort to the inhabitants. Lord Howard has been extremely ill, and though now recovering is still unable to write. He therefore begs me to ask you to further the Address sent herewith to the King. Signed, Nicho. Spencer. 1½ pp. Holograph. Enclosed,
241. I. Address of loyalty and congratulation to King James II. from the Council of Virginia. Signed, Effingham, Nathaniel Bacon, Rich. Lee, Jno. Lear, Wm. Byrd, Nicho. Spencer, Jos. Bridger, Phil. Ludwell, William Cole, John Page. Broad sheet.
241. II. Duplicate of foregoing. 1 p. Endorsed. Read 30 June 1685. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., Nos., 156, 156 I., II., and Col. Entry Bk. (address only), Vol. LXXXII., pp. 329–330.]
June 18.
242. Summons of the witnesses required by Sir John Witham to give evidence on his behalf to appear before the judge on 24 June. Signed, Henry Quintyne. Names of the witnesses, twenty in all. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 157.]
June 19. 243. A similar summons, signed as the foregoing; some of the names identical with foregoing. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 158.]
June 20. 244. A similar summons to witnesses to appear on 27 June. Signed, John Hallett. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 159.]
June 20.
245. Lords of Trade and Plantations to Sir Richard Dutton. We have received yours of 27 March (see No. 98), on which the King bids us repeat to you his former orders (see No. 97). You tell us that the King's instructions of 15 December, concerning the disposal of money, never came to your hands, and that you had received 1,000l. before that letter came to you. Our Journals shew that on 13 January 1682, a packet containing this instruction was sent to you by hand of Mr. William Dyre, who on 20 March following wrote to us that he had delivered it to you. Nor can we believe that you could be ignorant of this particular, which is generally known in Barbados, even to those who penned the Act, as by its expressions does appear. The King has therefore repeated his former order that the 1,000l. remain in the Treasurer's hands till further orders. [Col. Entry Book, Vol. VII., pp. 298–299.]
June 20. 246. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Circular letter as to the additional duty on sugar and tobacco approved. It was thought expedient to add true particulars of the rebellion of the Earl of Argyle and the Duke of Monmouth (see No. 253).
Report of the Commissioner of Customs on the petition of Diego Maget read (see No. 227), and on the Barbados Act for larming [illegible>] the four and a half per cent. duty (see No. 231). Resolved to recommend the repeal of the Act. Draft letter to Sir Richard Dutton approved (see No. 245).
Petition of Samuel Beake read (see No. 229). Agreed to order Sir P. Howard to pass an Act for relief of petitioners and other creditors of bankrupts possessing estates in Jamaica.
Memorandum of letters received and despatched. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVIII., pp. 155–161.]
June 23. 247. Minutes of Council of Barbados. On the motion of Henry Walrond, Commissioners were appointed to take depositions on behalf of all parties in Sir John Witham's appeal. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 610–612.]
June 23. 248. Extract from Minutes of Council of Barbados. On the motion of Henry Walrond, the following were appointed Commissioners to secure evidence tendered to them by Henry Walrond and Sir John Witham; Stephen Gascoigne, John Hallett, Henry Quintyne, John Hothersall, John Gibbes, William Chester, and William Walley. Copy certified by Edwyn Stede. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 160.]
June 23.
249. Warrant of Sir Timothy Thornhill for John Shaw to be taken into custody and brought before him to give evidence. Copy. Scrap. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 161.]
June 23. 250. Warrant of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina for the grant of 100 acres of land to Nicholas Languemar. Signed, Craven, P. Colleton, Tho. Amy. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXII., p. 61.]
June 24. 251. Instructions from Lieutenant-Governor Molesworth to Captain Stanley, of the ship Bonito. To cruise towards Point Negril and search for piratical craft, especially Spaniards. 1¼ pp. Copy. Endorsed. Recd. 23 Sept. 85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 162.]
June 25. 252. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Captain Penhallow's accounts as Receiver-General. Order for divers payments, and for appointment of auditors for the accounts of the Admiralty. Adjourned sine die. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXVI., pp. 85–87.]
June 26.
253. Circular. The King to the Governors of the Plantations. Parliament has granted us an aid for the maintenance and repair of the Navy to be raised upon all imported sugar and tobacco, according to the rates set forth in the enclosed Act. The imposition being laid not on the planter or merchant but on the retailer, "consumptioner," or storekeeper, we are assured that it will not be burthensome but rather advantageous to your Government. We likewise think fit to acquaint you that Scotland has been disturbed by the rebellion of the late Earl of Argyle, who is now awaiting his execution in Edinburgh Castle. The late Duke of Monmouth has also landed in the west, and has given disquiet in these parts. A sufficient number of our standing forces are in pursuit, and we are expecting to hear of the total defeat of the traitor. Having ordered a new levy of horse, foot, and dragoons we doubt not of success. All this we tell you lest false reports should be spread by the malicious. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCVII., pp. 145–148.]
The same letter to Lieutenant-Governor Molesworth. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXI., pp. 80–83.]
June 26. The same letter to Sir William Stapleton. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 185–187.]
June 26. The same letter to Lord Baltimore. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LII., pp. 96–99.]
The same letter to the Governor of New Plymouth. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., pp. 239–240.]
The same letter to Lord Craven, Palatine of Carolina. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXII., pp. 61–62.]
The same letter to Barbados. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., pp. 308–309.]
June 26.
254. Deposition of David Ramsay, that he delivered Henry Quintyne's summons for witnesses to Sir John Witham's servant. Sworn before the Commissioners (see No. 247). ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 163.]
June 26. 255. Deposition of William Segal, that he received the summons above-mentioned, and that the witnesses attended. Sworn as the preceding. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 164.]
June 26. 256. Deposition of Ralph Lane. That being engaged in a suit to defend his title to some land, he was much reviled and threatened by Sir Richard Dutton, for no reason that he knows of except to deter him from giving his evidence as a material witness in Sir John Witham's favour. Sworn as the preceding. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 165.]
June 27. 257. The Clerk of Assembly of Nevis to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding transactions of the Assembly from February 28 to June 18th. Signed, Tho. Thorne. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLV., No. 40, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., p. 195.]
[June 28.] 258. Extract from the Minutes of Council at Petit Guavos of November 12–22 1684. The sentence of condemnation against the sloop James. French. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 28 June 1685. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 166.]
[June 28.] 259. Petition of the seamen captured in the above sloop, to Lieutenant-Governor Molesworth, for redress for the false condemnation of the vessel and inhuman treatment by their captor, Yankey. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 28 June 1685. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 167.]
June 29. 260. Henry Walrond to John Hallett. I am so ill that I dare not stir from my chamber. Please let some one come and take my oath. Scrap. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 168.]
June 30.
East New
261. William Dyre to the Commissioners of Customs. I seized a ship on the 22nd inst. for trading without producing certificate or making entry. The captain, a Jersey man, after publicly railing at me and strangely contemning the Customs, came to James Emott, a libeller lately made the Quakers' deputy-secretary, who drew him a pass and carried it to the Governor, who signed it. The ship then set sail, but I pursued her, and seized her and prosecuted her in Court. The case was clear from the lading of the vessel that she had violated the Acts of Trade; but the jury (who had bought many of the goods) found for the defendant, and the Court signed a long bill of costs against me. I refused to pay it, whereupon Emott drew up an execution, and the judge of the Court (made so for this purpose and only cause) signed it and took me into custody. They carried off my horse for 3l., and I am still prisoner for the rest. I can get no redress nor copy of the proceedings, but I shall give you a report if I escape with my life, which is daily threatened. It is useless to complain to the Governor, as it means only the danger of insufferable displeasure. Copy. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 169.]
[June ?] 262. Deposition of Captain William Phips, R.N. When Governor Cony announced his power to choose a Council, many of the Council said that they had as much power as he, and would not submit to the King's Commission. This was by the advice of Henry Bysshe, who was imprisoned for conspiracy to seize the Government and Governor. It was reported in the Island that the people intended to set up a free Government and take to piracy. Bysshe carried on a Council to obstruct the Government while in prison. Anthony White was also suspected of a design to overthrow the Government. Owing to Bysshe's preaching that it was treason to repair the fortifications, the Governor could not find men to put the Island in a state of defence, so that the Island lay open to the enemy. While Phips was in the Island, two months, he never saw the Governor in drink nor inclined thereto; would judge him a person well qualified for his place. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 170.]