America and West Indies: November 1686, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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'America and West Indies: November 1686, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: November 1686, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: November 1686, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 12 1685-1688 and Addenda 1653-1687. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1899), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

November 1686

Nov. 1. 960. Minutes of Council of New York. Account of debts due to the King's revenue brought in. Order for Mr. Santen to bring in an account of what is due from 25 March to October 6. Petition of James Lorkan read, complaining of Mr. Santen's putting him out of his office. Resolved that he should be restored thereto. Further business as to recovering arrears of revenue. Captain Palmer brought up his report on his proceedings at Pemaquid. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXIII., pp. 32A–35A.]
Nov. 2. 961. Warrant of Lords Proprietors of Carolina for the grant of one thousand acres to Maurice Matthews, in consideration of his having purchased the lands from the Indians. Signed, Craven, Albemarle, P. Colleton, Tho. Amy. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXII., p. 100.]
Nov. 2. 962. Minutes of Council of Barbados. The Lieutenant-Governor laid before Council the complaints of Count de Blenac respecting Captain Temple's proceedings in St. Lucia, and in respect of the ship Francis. The Council advised that Captain Temple should proceed again to St. Lucia, and that the wood already cut there should be brought over. They recorded their opinion that they thought Captain Temple justified in seizing the Francis, and that her crew were kindly treated at Barbados. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 719–721.]
Nov. 2. 963. Journal of Assembly of Virginia. Addresses of the burgesses to the Governor, for the removal of the fees asked for passing documents under the seal of the Colony; asking that Colonel Fitzhugh be compelled to refund certain tobaccos levied in Stafford County, and be punished for levying the same, representing likewise that he received salary as a burgess though unduly returned; and praying that the quit-rents may be collected as heretofore in tobacco, at the rate of twopence the pound.
Nov. 3. Message from the burgesses, asking that the laws, if revised, may be submitted to the Assembly for consideration. List of four bills presented, with the amendments proposed by the Council. Message from the Governor. The laws are under revision by a Committee, and will be submitted to the burgesses when completed. Propositions for the establishment of the Militia. 1. That a standing Militia be formed in each county, according to the proportion of titheable men. 2. That every fifteen titheables be assessed to supply one horseman, fully equipped and mounted. 3. That when foot are required, every two titheables, unassessed to supply a horseman, be assessed to find a footman. 4. That the horseman's pay on every day of muster be 1s. 6d., or 15 lbs. of tobacco, and the footman's 1s., or 10 lbs. of tobacco, to be paid by the titheables assessed for him. If called upon for more than four days' service, the men to receive the same pay daily; Corporals to receive 30 lbs. of tobacco, Cornets 50 lbs., Lieutenants 60 lbs., Captains 100 lbs., and in the Foot, Sergeants 20 lbs., Ensigns 40 lbs., Lieutenants 50 lbs., Captains 80 lbs. The whole force to be twenty-one troops of Horse of forty-eight men, besides officers, and seventeen companies of Foot.
Nov. 4. Messages from the burgesses. 1. Asking that the proclamation reviving the Act about attorneys' fees may not take place. 2. Asking whether the Bills returned from the Council are to be taken as from the Governors and Council and as assented to, or as from the Council only. 3. Asking for the appointment of one or two persons in each county to examine and approve school-masters, many schoolmasters being discouraged by the expense of taking a licence. Answer of the Governor and Council. On question 2. These bills are sent from the Council only.
Nov. 5. Four Acts sent up by the burgesses. 1. An Act about runaways. 2. An Act to appoint days for Courts in Accomack. 3. An Act to continue the Act to encourage manufactures. 4. An Act making Maryland debts pleadable. 5. Act touching the tare of tobacco-case. 6. A Bill touching the size of stallions. The first three were agreed to; the last three amended. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXV., pp. 343–356.]
Nov. 6. 964. Journal of House of Burgesses of Virginia. Two Bills advanced a stage. [Col. Entry Book, Vol. LXXXV., p. 407.]
Nov. 2.
965. Lieutenant-Governor Molesworth to William Blathwayt. I send the minutes of the House of Assembly. I observe that they have been very careful in their entries to omit and pass by several passages that were not to the credit of the House, though I was informed of them from day to day by the Speaker and other members. The first omission that I pointed out to the clerk was that no mention was made of what I said to the House about presenting their Speaker pro tempore, which is entered in the minutes of Council. He answered that the Speaker made no report of it to the House.
Observing no entry of several other matters, particularly of the fact that at the first voting of the Poll Bill, it was passed nemine contradicente. I questioned him further about it, and asked for a copy of the Poll Bill, which, I already understood, had been stolen out of the House, apparently by Elletson, though it cannot be proved against him. Hereupon the clerk wrote me a letter, of which I send a copy (see No. 948), and by which you may see how a combined party that crave the majority of votes can influence things forwards and backwards at pleasure, and how little argument and reason can prevail against them. This was my reason for dissolving them. Those who threw out that Bill do all they can to support their credit with the people for it, but without success. Their lies and inventions are soon confuted, and the disgrace returns double upon them.
The volunteer parties mentioned in my former letter have done very much as I expected. One of them saw no negroes; it merely marched to the place of rendezvous and back again. The other, though they were abroad several days, living at the expense of the poor people, continued their march into the woods but three days, and had it not been for some of the most ordinary men among them would have returned without seeing the negroes, though they had just come upon certain signs of their being near them, viz., the springes which the negroes had set to catch hogs. Then, after a pause, three or four men went forward, and after advancing two or three miles, discovered the place where the negroes were. One of them then returned to the party, which was commanded by Clarke, Archbold having retired to a house by the way on the day before as unable to march any further. Clarke's party advanced to the men who had made the discovery, and it was then found that the place where the negroes lay was inaccessible. It was therefore proposed to divide the party, placing the major part at the foot of the hill on the other side where the negroes would come down, it being urged that a very few men would suffice to move them. Clarke, however, thought his party too small to be divided, and advanced with the whole of it. The negroes discovered them, fired upon them, and fled down on the very side where the divided party should have been posted to meet them. They were hardly seen except by two or three of Clarke's men. Clarke then marched his people away to the house of an ensign in those parts, who took their horses and left them to shift for themselves, without taking any care how they should get home again, though some of them had fifty or sixty miles to travel. This caused much complaint. I have told this story in detail, since the members of the confederacy greatly magnify this piece of service, boasting that they had saved the country over 4,000l. by discovering that the negroes were but few, and that the inhabitants were under no apprehension in respect of them. They insinuated, also, that the petition to the Governor and Parliament was a feigned thing, raised only to charge the country with unnecessary expense. The volunteers of the party have disproved this by giving the account above-written under their hands. They added that they found fifteen huts in the place abandoned by the negroes. The parish of St. George's also is ready to justify its petition, proving that the negroes are generally in two or three parties, and that they have three provision-pounds apart from each other, which the parties did not advance far enough to discover. It says, too, that Archbold told the people that the Governor demanded 7,000l. from the Assembly for suppressing the negroes, whereof a good sum would come to their share, and afterwards encouraged a party of men to go out and pursue the negroes, telling them that they would be paid. When asked by others how they were to be paid, they answered that Archbold had told them there was an Act of Parliament for it. All these falsehoods the parish of St. George's can prove. That parish under the Poll Bill would not be taxed above 6l. or 8l. at the most, whereas that party alone cost them over 20l. in meat and drink, and did no more good than amounts to the disturbing of a wasp's nest. On the other hand, the six or eight parties that I had designed to send out would have surrounded the negroes and finished the business. As it was, the party that disturbed them burnt their houses, so that we shall not know henceforth where to find them. Still, though I foresaw what was to be expected from the volunteers, I am glad that I accepted their offer, since it serves for my better justification. I enclose copy of the examination of one French, late overseer to Mr. Elletson, who having had the opportunity of reading one of Elletson's letters to Charles Morgan in England, and having acquainted some of his friends therewith, was advised to come and declare the same before me. You will find my judgment of that worthy patriot confirmed thereby. Pray do not trouble the Lords with it, but keep it by you till you think it time to produce it (see No. 940). I omitted to tell you that I had restored Elletson to his practice, to prevent the Lords from being troubled by his long letters, and I am not a little concerned to find myself compelled to write at such length to repel the malicious insinuations which I knew his faction to be capable of making against me.
Captain Talbot has seized a logwood-ship from the Bay, on pretence that she is an unfree ship. The truth of the case is this. The ship arrived here from Cadiz, with only salt aboard her, and was condemned in the Admiralty Court, the seamen having libelled against the master for wages. She was then brought up by some merchants, in order to make her free, according to a practice recognised for many years, but possibly not strictly legal. The case is hard against the merchants, and is likely to bring several others into the same difficulty. I advised a compromise, but without success, and then upon Captain Talbot's request ordered process against the ship and goods. The Judge-Admiral, however, required stipulation, which Captain Talbot was unwilling to make, and complained to me against the Judge's action. I answered that the Judge knew his own business better than I, and must stand or fall by his judgments.
By way of Carthagena we hear that the pirates in the South Seas came before Panama last August with three great ships and eighteen periagos, but only shewed three periagos in sight. The President, hearing that they were no more, put one hundred and forty men on two barcoluengos, and sent them out after them. The pirates allowed them to approach, and surrounded them beyond all possibility of escape. The President, still ignorant of the pirates' numbers, then sent out another bark, with fifty more men. Finally only one bark returned, with seven men in her, the rest having all been killed. The President has sent to Lima for assistance. The pirates have evidently received an accession of strength, which we guess, from several circumstances, to be the French that were lately on the coast of Guinea. If so, these seas will never be free from robbers unless extraordinary measures be taken. Laurens was wrecked off Carthagena while in pursuit of a small barque, but nevertheless took her with his boat and saved his people. It is uncertain whither he is gone, but certainly my letter offering him terms has never come to his hand. I hear that Coxon is cutting logwood in the Gulf of Campeachy, and has written to his friends that he has given up privateering, and means to earn an honest living. I shall none the less send the proclamation declaring him a pirate to those parts by first opportunity. The Secretary will send you copy of this and of another proclamation calling in the privateers of the South Seas, in order to the confiscation of their estates, which I conceive to be forfeited to the King.
On this subject I must do justice to the care and diligence of Mr. Simon Musgrave, the Attorney-General. The knowledge and intelligence that he has of men who can give information as to privateers make him unusually serviceable to the Governor, and have nipped many designs in the bud. Lately he informed me of a new Governor set up by election in New Providence, a brokendown merchant, who, with six or eight more indebted persons, were gone to shelter themselves in the windwardmost part of the island, in order to slip away by some boat. I hope, however, that my orders will have been in time to stop them. The modeller of their Government is one Pattison, a Whig lawyer, who, meeting with no encouragement here, fell upon this project, declaring that he knew of many discontented, good people in England, who would gladly leave it to settle in some island where they might be quiet and easy. One of the rules excludes all Jews, Quakers, and Roman Catholics. This Pattison, together with one Bridges, a conventicle preacher, and a whole sloop-load of passengers, left the Island a few days since with tickets, as if bound for Providence, where others will join them, under colour of cutting braziletto. This Bridges lived here in very good esteem with his congregation, but having married has lost his interest with the sisterhood who were his main supporters. His consequent discouragement seems to be the occasion of his joining with his father-in-law, Pattison, in the new design. I shall learn more of it when I have secured the Governor. Its result could have been only to make the people a prey to the Spaniards or a nursery of pirates. One Courtney, a South Sea pirate, will be tried at the next Grand Court. One Daws, another South Sea-man, was tried and convicted. It appeared, however, at his trial that he was not aware of the design when he embarked, and opposed it so strongly that his mates put him ashore on an island to starve, from which he was only saved by another privateer. I have reprieved him, and think of pardoning him, on condition of appearing to give evidence against pirates when required.
You will see by the Minutes of Council why the new marshal was not admitted to his office, it being thought best to continue the old one until next Court. I have examined Colonel Byndloss's charges against Colonel Beeston and others, summoning the parties to attend before the Council and Colonel Byndloss to be there also. But he had no proof ready and asked for unlimited time to procure it. As I understand the matter, he took his charges from common rumour, which he cannot make out by any evidence. He says, however, that he has a letter referring to the interloping ship which he means to send home by this ship. What may be made out against Beeston and Waterhouse I cannot yet foresee, but Byndloss is so far right, that there was a ship which landed negroes on the north coast, which were consigned to Barry and Hicks; but Barry refused to have anything to do with the matter, and intends to sue Byndloss for scandal. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXI., pp. 119–219.]
Nov. 2. 966. Extract from the foregoing letter, relating to Captain Talbot's seizure of a logwood-ship. Copy. 2½ pp. Endorsed. Read 13 April 87. [Col. Papers, Vol. LXVIII., No. 95, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXII., p. 1.]
Nov. 2. 967. Minutes of Council of Maryland. Colonel William Stevens produced a report of the proceedings of the Commission for ascertaining the Indians' lands at Pocomoke. Petition of James Round against the Indians for killing and stealing his hogs.
Nov. 3. Several Indians from Pocomoke appeared, and said that they were not satisfied with the boundaries laid down for them by Colonel Stevens. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LIV., pp. 65–71.]
Nov. 4.
968. Father Lamberville to Jacques Brugas. I have been here alone since 29 August, with not a little trouble, in particular for having suffered two adults to die without baptism, men who were quite disposed to receive it, to say nothing of others. Instantia quotidiana. I did not think that my brother would have been so long on his way, and I doubt if he was as much counted there at his mission at Cumquia. I wrote all that I thought should be written. My friend (cette amie), who is called N., has begged me to tell you that he (qu'il) has still La Miette's gun, which the Indians call ganniaton, and that he is keeping it to give it back to him when he sees him again, also that he has stowed away carefully the one he gave him in exchange, to give it back to him. If you know where this La Miette is, please let him know what I have just written. He was stopped by the Onnontaguez, on his way to the Flemings. You will have heard all my news. All the Onnontaguez are on the warpath on this side of Cherermons, divided into two bands, one of fifty, which will shortly return, the other of two hundred, with fifty of other tribes. The Sonnonteranus wished me to join with them, saying that they wanted to fight the Onnontatés, Ennicaragi, and French, for they are always thinking that there is hostility between them. The second army return this same month of September to the Ounicanicks Country, from which they say they have carried off five hundred people. They lost two of their own number killed when they carried them off, and twenty-seven when the Touloues and the Illinois caught them There is no hope of peace among the nations on that side. The Sonnonteranu will go there in spring or winter, with all their force, to deliver the Nujanicks.
Kolar spoke to the Iroquois this summer. He said, (1) Why did you go to the fort to treat? (2) Why did you kill the Hurons at Temikariagi? (3) My nephews are going to the Tannontatés; let two of each Iroquois nation accompany them. (4) I am recalling the Christians from the Sault. (5) I will give two black dresses to all the Iroquois nations if those who are at Onnontagué will return. (6) Pannontis is approaching your quarters. Let me know when he comes, I will go to him and ask what he wants. We will see first what he is about, but do not attack or kill him. Twenty Flemish canoes recently passed by Jalkonshiage, on their way to the Hurons, loaded principally with brandy. Zamiuz, Karistatsia his brother, and Onsugiron went with them, but only as middlemen, not taking two of every nation, as Kolar said. That is why I think that Kolar has heard of it. There are still thirty canoes to leave the same place next spring for the Outaouacs. Six Frenchmen joined the Flemings two months since, four in one party and two in another, that the passage to Chambly may not be blocked like the passage to Onontagué here One André Fanaverres with two more is gone to seek out the Kekerannoutonons, who, I expect, are the Nippissing Indians, to tempt them to come and live with the Iroquois. We ought to make use of Archinnara Onnecher, who was married in the country. If my brother does not return this winter, I do not know if I shall be here in the spring, for I am not sure if it be not better [Here follow several lines written in Latin, but which, being misunderstood and miscopied by the copyist, are unintelligible. The purport seems to be that the writer had heard that English missionaries are coming to spread Anglican doctrine, and that he dared not write too much lest he should get his friend into trouble.] 2½ pp. French. Endorsed. From a father living among the New York Indians to a father at Canada. Intercepted. Copy. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 96.]
969. Father de Lamberville to Antonie L'Epinard. Dumas's return gives me the opportunity for thanking you for your good offices when things would have seemed in desperate confusion. My brother, who was in Canada, has brought back nothing but good, finding the French without the least thought or inclination for war. This makes me think that God will give us peace. Had I been obliged to withdraw from hence it would have given me great pleasure to have seen you; and I shall enjoy this pleasure when God wills. If however I can be of service make use of me. Signed, Jacq. de Lamberville, Jesuite. French. Copy. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 97.]
Nov. 5. 970. Minutes of Council of Maryland. Mr. Patrick Mein produced his Commission as Surveyor General of the King's Customs in America, dated 18 November, 1685, which was read together with the King's letter in his favour of the same date, and a letter from the Commissioners of Customs of 7 December, 1685, to the same purport. The Council assured Mr. Mein of their assistance, who answered that he had satisfied himself that the hands of the government were clear in respect of the murder of Mr. Rousby, and had reported as much to the King. He then asked for the usual writ of assistance from the Council, and for the depositions in the cases of Loder and Captain Crofts. [Col. Entry Book, Vol. LIV., pp. 72–75.]
Nov. 5.
971. Lieutenant-Governor Molesworth to Lords of Trade and Plantations. It is a great satisfaction to learn of the King's approval of the establishment of the negro trade with the Spanish. The trade has been much impaired by the South Sea pirates, who hinder the bringing down of the money to Porto Bello, so much so that it has been wholly carried on in credit, the merchants and others here having by my example and encouragement advanced the necessary sums. As soon as the Assiento is confirmed to one or other of the parties that now dispute it, the trade will doubtless increase greatly. In the last Assembly there was a party made of the necessitous and discontented, who did their best to kill it by laying a duty on imported negroes, which I would not permit. They therefore represent me as too partial to the trade. It has occurred to me that to obtain a perfect rent-roll of the King's quit rents, the Receiver-General should be empowered to administer an oath to the tenants. Please give me your views. Holograph. Signed, Hder. Molesworth. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 98.]
Nov. 5. 972. Duplicate of foregoing. Read at the committee, 10 March 1686–7. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 99.]
Nov. 5. 973. "Memorandum from my Lord President." The Duke of Albemarle continuing to apply for half the salary and half the perquisites of the Governor of Jamaica from the death of Sir Philip Howard, the King is pleased to allow the half salary but not half the perquisites, for the following reasons. 1. The King never promised more than half the salary. 2. The Lieutenant-Governor, who has had all the expense of the government, has probably kept no account of the perquisites, or has spent them all in the King's service. 3. The instructions as to half salary suppose two Governors, one absent, and the other present, by which the Lieutenant-Governor is less exposed to expensive living, whereas at present Colonel Molesworth is sole Governor. 4. The Lieutenant-Governor will have neither perquisites nor salary on the arrival of the Governor in Chief, and is therefore now equitably ontitled to half the perquisites at present. 1 p. Endorsed as headed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 100, and Col. Entry Book, Vol. XXXI., pp. 247–249.]
Nov. 6. 974. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. The petition and appeal of William Vaughan read. Mr. Mason and Nathaniel Weare, with their counsel, being present, were called in and heard, and the first appeal was dismissed.
Proposal from the Duke of Albemarle read that he have power to pardon pirates. The Lords ordered the law-officers to attend the next Committee to advise on the question.
Sir Nathaniel Johnson's application for a ship of war for his passage or for an allowance in lieu, reserved for the King. A clause inserted in Sir Nathaniel's instructions, empowering him to appoint Lieutenant-Governors to the Islands.
Memorandum of documents sent and received. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CIX., pp. 27–32.]
Nov. 6.
975. Lords of Trade and Plantations to the King. We have heard the appeal of William Vaughan from a judgment given against him in New Hampshire, at the suit of Robert Mason, and are of opinion that the judgment should be confirmed. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXVII., pp. 156–157.]
[Nov. 6.] 976. Papers in the appeal of William Vaughan against Robert Mason. Record of an Act of Assembly passed 14 November 1682; copy attested by Richard Waldern, jun., and John Pickering. March 31 1686. ½ p. Inscribed. Paper relating to Vaughan's appeal. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 101.]
[Nov. 6.] 977. Attestations of Richard Waldern, sen., Elias Stileman, Richard Waldern, jun., and John Pickering, as to the appointment of Richard Martyn to be Treasurer, and to his rendering of his accounts. Feb. 25, 1686. 1 p. Endorsed. Evidence about fines and forfeitures. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., P. 102.]
[Nov. 6.] 978. Copy of the accounts rendered by Elias Stileman and Richard Martyn as Treasurers of New Hampshire. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 103.]
Nov. 6. 979. Lords of Trade and Plantations to the Lieutenant-Governor and Council of Bermuda. Ordering the transmission of quarterly accounts of proceedings. Signed, Jeffreys, Sunderland, Rochester, Craven, Middleton, Albemarle. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XVIII., pp. 61–64.]
Nov. 6. 980. The same to Governor Sir Robert Robinson. Heads of enquiry to be answered. (1–4.) General questions as to machinery of legislation and administration. (5–6.) As to militia and fortifications. (7.) As to forests. (8–11.) As to latitude, longitude, and geographical details. (12.) As to exports. (13.) As to saltpetre. (14.) As to population. (15.) Emigration. (16–18.) Vital statistics. (19–20.) Trade and shipping. (21–23.) Obstructions to trade and suggested improvements. (24–25.) As to religion and education. Signed, Jeffreys, Sunderland, Rochester, Middleton, Craven, Albemarle. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XVIII., pp. 64–72.]
Nov. 6.
981. Henry Egleton to William Blathwayt. I enclose several documents and records. At the Council's rising on the 13th October the Governor reminded them that the next day was the King's birthday, which was duly celebrated. The Governor reviewed the regiment, many of whom were in scarlet, which they had provided expressly for the day. The Governor entertained all the principal gentlemen and officers with a very sumptuous dinner; and in the evening the Governor's lady being waited upon by all the gentlewomen of quality, gave them a very fine treat, and afterwards entertained them at a ball, composed of a suitable number of masqueraders, very curiously habited, and variety of music, all managed with that admirable order as gave great beauty and grace to it. They continued dancing very late, but the streets shone with bonfires to light them home. Signed, Henry Egleton. Holograph. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 31 Jan. 86–7. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 104.]
Nov. 8. 982. Minutes of Council of New York. Mr. Santen produced an account of arrears from 3 November 1683, to 25 March 1686, which, being disallowed, he was ordered to bring the balance of all accounts to 6 October 1686. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXIII., pp. 35a, 36a.]
Nov. 8. 983. Journal of Assembly of Virginia. Answer of the Governor to the Addresses of the burgesses. As to the payment of quit-rents in tobacco, I did not think the question would have been re-opened. The King's proclamation distinctly forbids it. As to the schoolmasters, I am ready to give you all the assistance and shall give orders for te examination of schoolmasters by a member of the Council in each county, to whom I shall supply blank licences under my hand and seal for them to distribute. I annex copy of my 27th instruction. Committee appointed to examine the claims put forward by certain burgesses. Two Acts sent by the burgesses, viz., an Act about Ports, and an Act to restrain the killing of fish at unusual times. On the first the Council replied that until the King's pleasure were known it would be better not to proceed with it; the second was agreed to. An Act to relieve the country of the expense of apprehending and executing criminals was disapproved by the Council.
Nov. 9. Message from the Governor touching Acts repealed by the Assembly but revived by Royal proclamation. A stern rebuke for reversion to attacks on the Royal prerogative. A second message as to the fees demanded for passing instruments under the great seal, equally of rebuke. The burgesses sent up a message as to the claims. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXV., pp. 356–364, and pp. 407–412.]
Nov. 10. 984. Journal of House of Burgesses of Virginia. Bills advanced a stage. Messages from the Governor of previous day read. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXV., pp. 412–415.]
Nov. 10. 985. Minutes of Council of Maryland. The writ of assistance given to Mr. Mein. Order for the issue of new commissions of the peace for Baltimore County. Order for thirty watchcoats to be given to the Indians of the Eastern shore. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LIV., pp. 75–77.]
Nov. 10. 986. Petition of several British subjects in Mexico and Los Angeles to the Duke of Albemarle. Setting forth their capture at Triste and the violation of the articles of capitulation by the Spaniards, and praying for redemption from slavery. Signed by Maurice Wade and five others on behalf of the whole of the prisoners. Subscribed, a nominal list of the prisoners at Los Angeles. fifty-four names. Copy, certified by Francis Hickman. The wholepp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 105.]
Nov. 11. 987. Minutes of Council of New York. Mr. Spragge asked that Mr. Isaac Swinton might act as Secretary during his own absence on leave for a year. Mr. Swinton was approved and took the oath as Clerk of the Council. Business of land-grants and patents. The Governor produced Mr. Santen's abstract of the revenue, which was not thought satisfactory. Ordered that all the orders in Council relating to Mr. Santen be read at next Council. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXIII., pp. 36a–39a.]
Nov. 11.
New York.
988. Grant of Crown lands by Governor Dongan to Philip Phillips. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXIII., pp. 50–53.]
Nov. 11. 989. Record of (1) a deed of purchase of land in Staten Island by John Reay from William and Grace Marvell, (2) deed of transfer of land in Long Island by James Lloyd to Thomas Palmer; (3) entry of observation where the forty-five degrees of latitude strikes the Hudson river; (4) deed of transfer of land in Long Island by Thomas Palmer to James Lloyd. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXIV., pp. 41–52.]
Nov. 11. 990. Minutes of Council of New York. Two depositions read against Thomas Jeames, minister of Easthampton, for seditious preaching. Order for his arrest, and for Josias Hubbard and the clerk of Easthampton to be subpoenaed. A like paper against the Government called the "Protest of a Committee of Easthampton" read, also a second libel of the same kind. Order for arrest of the ringleaders. Mr. Henry Pearsall appeared on behalf of the inhabitants of Easthampton, respecting land purchased from Indians. Ordered that the deed be proved, or in default that the land be bought from the Indians for the King. Orders to Major Winthrop and Job Wright respecting their land. A dispute between the minister of Jamaica and his parishioners settled. [Col. Papers, Vol. LVIII., No. 106.]
Nov. 11. 991. Deposition of the principal officers of Bermuda. That Governor Cony, far from disarming the ports, has done all that he could to render them more capable of defence. Ten signatures. Certified copy. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 15 Feb. 86–7. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIX., No. 1.]
Nov. 11. 992. Instructions of Lieutenant-Governor Stede to Captain John Temple, R.N. To convoy ships to St. Lucia, to carry away the wood found cut there, to protect men landed to cut more, and to forbid all foreigners to abide, cut wood, fish, or hunt there. Copy. Large sheet. Endorsed with a long précis. Recd. 1 Feb. 1686
7. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIX., No. 2.]
Nov. 11. 993. Journal of Assembly of Virginia. Address of the Burgesses asking for copy of the royal instruction respecting the repeal of Acts by proclamation. On the summons of the Governor the Burgesses attended, when the Governor made them the following speech—I wonder that while our work is progressing so well you have not offered an Act imposing threepence a gallon on liquors, nor made any suggestion as to the settlement of the militia. I understand that if I raise forces for an emergency you will not pay them, so I shall be loth to do so if I must pay them from my own revenue. One thing more: I have the King's orders that the tedious sessions of Assemblies shall be regulated by me.
Nov. 12. Address of the Burgesses asking again for copy of the royal instruction as to repeal of laws by proclamation. The Governor replied that not foreseeing any occasion for it he had left it at home, or would certainly have shown it to them. Message from the Burgesses, arguing the question of asking fees for passing instruments under the great seal, deprecating the imposition of them without consent of the Assembly, and asking that it may be abolished. Answer of the Governor, that the Burgesses know nothing of the matter, and had better get on with their proper business.
Nov. 13. Message of the Council. We find that you, the Burgesses, have reserved the Governor's, Colonel Byrd's and Mr. Jenning's claims for the journey to New York, for further consideration. The Governor summoned the Burgesses and gave his assent to eight bills. 1. Act concerning runaways. 2. Acts making debts in Maryland and Carolina pleadable. 3. Act to revise the Act for encouragement of manufacturers. 4. Act repealing Act 17 of 1680. 5. Act to fix days for Courts in Accomack county. 6. Act to regulate the tare of tobacco-hogsheads. 7. Act to enforce Act 107 of 1661–2. 8. Act to improve the breed of horses. Message from the House of Burgesses, that the proposals for settlement of the militia cannot be accepted without laying an insupportable charge on the county. The House conceives existing laws to be sufficient for the safety of the country. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXV., pp. 365–371 and pp. 415–423.]
Nov. 15. 994. Journal of Assembly of Virginia. Message from the Governor and Council, acknowledging the grant of Colonel Byrd's claim, but still pressing those of Mr. Jennings and others. The Burgesses sent up two bills. 1. A bill to continue the impost on liquors, which was agreed to. 2. A bill touching the certitying of public claims, which was returned with amendment. Message from the Council, criticising the address of the Burgesses on the militia as mistaken, the settlement of the militia being arranged in England, not by the Governor but by Act of Parliament. Three Acts, for repealing the Acts passed 16 April 1684, to continue the impost on liquors and to raise a public levy, agreed to and passed. The Governor caused the King's letters concerning the irregularities of the last meeting of the Assembly to be read and recorded, and dissolved the Assembly. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXV., pp. 371–373 and pp. 423–425.]