America and West Indies: November 1684, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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'America and West Indies: November 1684, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: November 1684, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: November 1684, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

November 1684

Nov. 1.
1914. Minutes of Council of Bermuda. Attestations of several witnesses as to the report that the Company had been broken, dated, 14th, 21st, and 22nd October. Order requiring all persons to yield obedience to the present Government, dated 1st November 1684. The whole five pages. Endorsed. Recd. 17 July '85. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 61.]
Nov. 1.
St. James's.
1915. Sir John Werden to Governor Dongan. Your letters of 27th August are received. Your transactions with the Indians on the side of Canada please the Commissioners well, as continuing the good correspondence with them which is essential to the peltry-trade. You send a form of a land grant which you think defective, but it seems to the Commissioners to be good. As to quit-rents, you may oblige grantees and lessees to what may be fixed by yourself and Council, in consideration of the abolition of the 10 per cent. customs' duty by the charter of franchises. But this is left to your discretion. As to transport of flour and biscuit you will take the advice of your Council, and by all means encourage the city of New York; you will be not less careful of the city in adjusting the matter of the trade of the east end of Long Island. You will make any advantageous arrangement with the Colony of Rensselaerswick, but not to hurt their possessions and rights. You will let the town enjoy the quit-rents from year to year, but at the Duke's pleasure only. Thomas Rudyard, the Attorney-General, should receive an honorary fee of 5l. per annum. As to the penny a pound for tobacco carried to New York from Virginia, if good security can be given that all that tobacco shall come straight to England and pay duty there, the penny would probably be remitted. Encourage the Indians all you can, but not so as to vex your European neighbours. It will be impossible to get the French to give up trading with them, so we must try by our good dealing to make them prefer to trade with us rather than with the French. Staten Island beyond all doubt belongs to the Duke. Printed in New York Documents, Vol. III., pp. 351, 352. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXX., pp. 50–51.]
Nov. 3. 1916. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Baltimore's answer to the complaints of Virginia (see No. 1749) read, and copies of both documents sent to the Attorney-General for his opinion. A letter from Mr. Penn of 14th August 1683 was read, and a copy ordered to be sent to Lord Baltimore. Addresses of congratulation from Virginia read.
The merchants of the Leeward Islands attended in reference to the Act for appraisement of property, and their counsel being heard the Lords adhered to their opinion that a clause should be added compelling the appraisers to take the goods as appraised by them. The merchants were also heard on the Act for assignment of debts, and their counsel was sent with Mr. Blathwayt to the Lord Keeper to make the necessary amendments.
Petition of Matthew Meverell against Sir Thomas Lynch read and referred to Sir Thomas for reply. Abraham Gill's petition also read, but his request to be heard was refused.
Reports of the Commissioners of Customs on certain laws of the Leeward Islands read (see Nos. 1874, 1875). Mr. Blathwayt having acquainted the Lords of the Treasury with the practice of the plantations in reference to foreign coin, the Lords remained satisfied that their first opinion was right. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVIII., pp. 18–21.]
[Nov. 3.] 1917. Petition of Abraham Gill to the King and Privy Council. Petitioner went to Jamaica, where he established a considerable trade, and owns a plantation, but has been so much oppressed and damnified in his person and his trade by the Governor Sir Thomas Lynch, that he was forced to leave the Island. Begs a hearing to prefer his complaints. 1 p. Inscribed. Read 3 November 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 62.]
[Nov. 3.] 1918. "A letter from the Governor of P?rto Rico, concerning the sloop Africa." Spanish. 1½ pp. Endorsed as headed. Recd. from Sir W. Stapleton, 3 Nov. '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 63.]
Nov. 4. 1919. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Report of the Committee to inspect the Militia Act, making the following recommendations. 1. Four charges of powder shall be brought into the field on exercising days, under penalty of twelvepence fine. 2. Men of the horse appearing without boots and spurs to be fined five shillings. 3. Men of the foot appearing without shoes and blue stockings to be fined half-a-crown. 4. The particular Act for red coats should be repealed, and the contents of the Act embodied in the new Act. 5. Every return signed by a commissioned officer to be sufficient to the Colonel for signing executions. 6. Running the gantlope should be inserted in all passages of the Act where corporal punishment is appointed for delinquencies. 7. The two clauses for encouraging servants should be read in every parish church on the first Sunday of June and of December, under penalty of fifty shillings fine. 8. No man worth 200l. may plead superannuation, but must pay for a substitute. 9. Men of the foot must appear with firelocks, or will be fined as though they appeared without arms. 10. A moiety of the fines to be given to the Colonels to be given at their discretion to inferior officers. Signed, Henry Walrond, Edwyn Stede, Timothy Thornhill. Memorandum on the Militia Act. It is proposed to set a penalty on any gentlemen of the horse that refuse to command a troop when riding patrols, the number of officers being insufficient to command the patrols into which the troop is divided. It is also proposed to repeal all other Militia Acts.
The Committee appointed for the purpose brought up its Bill for holding Grand Sessions. The Assembly reported that they had passed Bills for public accounts, and fixing the qualifications of voters. The Governor reminded the Assembly to appoint a Committee to make a collection of the laws, and to pass an Act against pirates. The Council ordered Ralph Lane to be committed to custody for spreading seditious rumours, till he should find good security to take his trial at the next Grand Sessions. Doctor John Goldingham being brought before the Council on the same charge was likewise committed to custody. Orders for payment of 200l. to Simon Cooper for work on the fortifications, and of 22l. to John Saunders for the same, and of six months' salary due to the gunners and mattrosses of St. Michael's forts.
Nov. 5. Adjourned; it being gunpowder-treason day.
Nov. 6. Order for the Secretary to write to Sir John Witham requiring him to deliver up all despatches and public documents, together with all letters, public and private, directed to Sir Richard Dutton, particularly any from the Lord Keeper, the Lord Privy Seal and Colonel Oglethorpe. Ordered that, in view of the crimes of Sir John Witham, he be arrested by the Provost Marshal. The Assembly brought up the Bill for Grand Sessions, and a bill for destroying wild monkeys, which were passed; also a bill for the qualification of voters which was rejected; also a bill to settle the Public Accounts which was read twice, and sent back with amendments. The Speaker gave the names of the Committee for making a collection of the laws, and announced that he had been chosen to join one of the Council to draw up an address to the King, thanking him for allowing the fines at Grand Sessions to be devoted to the support thereof. Thomas Walroad was appointed to join the Speaker. Amendment to the Excise Act proposed by the Assembly and agreed to. Adjourned to 18th November. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 556–566.]
Nov. 4. 1920. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. The Committee appointed thereunto reported as to the Militia Bill. Richard Sea-well, John Reid, John Waterman, John Davies, John Heathersell, Richard Salter and Robert Bishop appointed a Committee of Public Accounts. Bill for settling Public Accounts read. Bill to settle qualifications of voters.
Nov. 5. Bills to suppress privateers, and for holding Grand Sessions read. Committee appointed to join that of the Council to collect the laws of the country.
Nov. 6. Bill for holding Grand Sessions. Ordered that the Speaker approved the Governor as to a joint address of thanks to the King. Bill for destroying monkeys read. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIV., pp. 10–13.]
Nov. 4.
New Hampshire.
1921. Richard Chamberlain to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Pursuant to your letter of 23rd July, Governor Cranfield authorised me to give copies of all records in my keeping to any person requiring them, and to take such deposition as any of the complainants should make, and published the fact in the province. I accordingly attended and delivered any copies that were required to the persons demanding them. But on the 1st instant Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Waldern came to my house with several other persons. I asked them if they had business with me, and most of them said that they had not. I desired all such to withdraw, and all went out but Vaughan and Waldern. They then told me to take their depositions about a writing from Mr. Mason, that the Governor showed them about two years since, a grant of 150l. a year for seven years to be paid out of the province. For the better explanation of the depositions I asked whether Mr. Mason's grant was absolute, or if not, for what term. Mr. Vaughan thereupon left the house with Mr. Waldern in a heat, saying he would answer no questions, and so refused to be sworn. Several more who had come at his desire to give their testimonies, at once went away with him, nor has one of them since come to make a deposition nor complained to the Governor that they were denied to give their evidence. I conclude therefore that they will make a clamour to your Lordships against me, so write this short narrative. I enclose copy of the supplemental order for taking depositions and their depositions. They refused to swear to the last words. Signed, R. Chamberlain. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 7 Jan. 84/5. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXVII, pp. 129–130, and Col. Papers, Vol. LIV. No. 64.] Annexed,
1921. I. Copy of the Governor's order for taking depositions. 20 October 1684. Certified by Richard Chamberlain. 1 p. Endorsed.
1921. II. Copy of a supplemental order for the same purpose. 1 November 1684. Certified as the foregoing. 1 p. Endorsed.
1921. III. Deposition of William Vaughan and Richard Waldern as to Robert Mason's grant of 150l. a year to Governor Cranfield. Undated. ½ p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., Nos. 64 I.–III.]
Nov. 7.
1922. Order of the King in Council. Putting off the hearing of the appeal of Sarah Bland to the 19th instant. Attached, Petition of Sarah Bland praying for a day when her appeal may be heard. Copies. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 65, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXII., pp. 318–320.]
Nov. 7. 1923. "A List of the Bills (or Acts) of New York, delivered to Mr. Grahame the 7th day of November 1684 for him to get engrossed." Act of Settlement; Bill for defraying public charges; Act for regulation of proceedings on executions; Bill for repealing former laws as to rates; Bill to prevent perjury; Bill to divide the Point into shires; Bill for a free gift to the Governor; Bill for allowance to representatives; Bill to settle Courts of Justice; Bill to prevent damage by swine; Bill to reward those that destroy wolves; Bill to naturalise strangers; Bill to prevent frauds by registering lands. With comments against each title. 1 p. These Acts received the Duke of York's assent on 4th October 1684. See Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXX., p. 53. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 66.]
Nov. 7. 1924. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of the proprietors of the Bahama Islands to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. Signed, Phi. Lloyd. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Read 8 Nov. and 6 Dec. 1684. Annexed,
1924. I. The petition referred to. Though we have carefully refrained from hostilities against the Spaniards, they have always taken our vessels and those trading to the islands, and on the 19th January a party under Don Juan de Larco surprised the town, killed three soldiers, plundered it to the value of 20,000l., and took away a ship. Governor Lilburne in February sent to ask the Governor of Havana if this was done by his order, and he not only justified it but threatened further hostility against the Islands. We pray for redress. Copy. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., Nos. 67, 67 I., and Col. Entry Bk., vol. XCVII., pp. 135–137.]
Nov. 7.
1925. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of Thomas Lacy, whose ship was plundered by the Spaniards in 1681, and again at New Providence in 1684, to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. Signed, Phi. Lloyd. 1 p. Endorsed. Read 17 Nov. and 6 Dec. '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 68, and Col. Entry Bk, Vol, XCVII., pp. 137, 138.]
[Nov. 7.] 1926. Deposition of Thomas Lacy. Was lying at New Providence on 19th January 1684, when the Spaniards came, plundered the town, carried away his ship and cargo, and killed two of his men, though he made no resistance. He noticed while at Providence that the Government took care that no injury should be done to the Spaniards by the inhabitants, and that no ship was allowed to sail with more than her complement without giving bond not to commit acts of hostility against the Spaniards. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 69.]
[Nov. 7.] 1927. Narrative of occurrences at New Providence. Governor Clarke hearing that ships from Havana had captured several vessels, belonging to the Bahamas, and that a design was mediated against the town, authorised the seizure of some of the Spanish vessels. One of them was taken, and the captain owned that he had captured two English ships by order of the Governor of Havana. This order was prior to Clarke's grant of commissions, but the proprietors resented Clark's action so much that they removed him from the Government, put in Governor Lilburne in his place, and ordered him strictly to grant no commissions against the Spaniards. In April 1682 one Paine came to New Providence wrecking, with some adventurers, who presently enlisted themselves under a Frenchman, Brashaw, to attack St. Augustine's. Governor Lilburne attempted to seize him but failed. However, he took measures to prevent any ships from attacking the Spaniards, and in return the chief town of Providence was sacked in January 1684; and the Governor of Havana, when asked if he had authorised this, threatened further hostilities in spite of the evidence that Governor Lilburne had done all he could to prevent depredations on the Spaniards. Information has since been received that the Governor of Havana has since sent another party of men to New Providence, burnt all the houses, murdered the Governor and several more in cold blood, stripped the rest of the men naked, and carried away the women, children, and negroes to Havana. 4½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 7 Nov. '84. Read at the Committee 8 Nov. and 6 Dec. '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 70.]
Nov. 8. 1928. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Nottingham informed the Lords that the Charter of Massachusetts had been vacated by scire facias, and that the King desired them to consider what method of Government would be best, and to prepare a Commission and Instructions for Colonel Percy Kirk to be Governor. The Lords thereupon thought that New Hampshire, New Plymouth, and Maine (if the Attorney-General be of opinion that this last province is devolved to the King) should be added, that the Governor should have a Council of twelve, five to be a quorum, and be able to summon an Assembly when wanted. The Assembly to be recommended to pass an Act confirming such marriages as have been made by magistrates, and forbidding them in future. The Commission to be like Lord Howard's, except that martial law is to extend to soldiers in pay, and that a clause be added for the encouragement of the Church of England. The question of appeals and of the Governor's salary are held over, but Edward Randolph is recommended as recorder and secretary.
Petition of the proprietors of the Bahama Islands read, and the business fixed for the 10th instant.
Sir Thomas Lynch's letter of 20th June read (see No. 1759). Order for extracts to be sent to the Lords of the Treasury and Mr. Pepys concerning the Receiver-General's office and the Admiralty matters, and to Lord Sunderland about the French in America. The question of the trade with the Spaniards in negroes referred to the Lords of the Treasury. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVIII., pp. 21–26.]
Nov. 8. 1929. William Blathwayt to the Secretary of the Treasury. Forwarding an extract from Sir Thomas Lynch's letter of 20th June (see No. 1759) respecting the death of Receiver-General Martin. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., p. 275.]
Nov. 8. 1930. William Blathwayt to the same. Asking the opinion of the Commissioners of Customs as to Sir Thomas Lynch's proposal to encourage the Spaniards to buy negroes at Jamaica, and enclosing extracts of his letters of 2nd November 1683, 28th February, and 20th June 1684 (see Nos. 1348, 1563, 1759). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., p. 276.]
[Nov. 8.] 1931. Petition of Edward Randolph to the King. I have worked for nine years to bring the government of Boston to a regulation, and have attended the prosecution of their charter, against which judgment has now been entered. Having encountered much danger by sea and land in the course of it, I beg, as recompense, for the post of Secretary and Recorder of Massachusetts. Inscribed. Read and approved 8 Nov. 1684. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 71.]
Nov. 10.
New Hampshire.
1932. Deposition of Thomas Thurton. That in September 1683 he desired Governor Cranfield to bind over William Vaughan to keep the peace in consequence of his frequent violence and threats towards deponent. Sworn before Richard Chamberlain 10th November 1684. Certified copy. ½ p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 72.]
Nov. 10. 1933. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Laws of Montserrat. Acts for furnishing ammunition, for appraisement, to prevent seamen from frequenting tap-houses, and for the relief of the poor, amended. Six others approved. Laws of St. Christopher's. Act for appraisement amended. Four others approved. Acts of Antigua. Three Acts approved.
Petition of the Proprietors of the Bahama Islands considered. The Proprietors were called in and ordered to put their proofs in writing.
Memorandum of documents despatched. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVIII., pp. 26–31.]
Nov. 12. 1934. Sir Richard Dutton to William Blathwayt. I am so much occupied with the business of the Council and Assembly, and the incessant complaints against Sir John Witham since his suspension from the Council, that the whole Council has pressed me that he should be taken into custody till he gives good bail to answer his crimes by due course of law. This has been done, and he will be tried at Grand Sessions before Christmas. I send you the papers concerning the matter. I also send for the Act of Excise. The Act for holding Grand Sessions is passed, with a clause granting 200l. a year from the public treasury towards payment of its expenses. This is a perpetual Act. The Militia Act will be passed next morning, also perpetual. Extract. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., pp. 247–248.]
Nov. 12. 1935. Edwyn Stede to Sir John Witham. The Governor having taken your weakness into consideration, will grant you bail to appear at the next Grand Sessions, and has ordered me to write to Major Pocock, Captain Evans, and Captain Bushell, that they or two of them, Major Pocock being one, take your bail, yourself in 5,000l., and two sureties each in 2,500l. The Governor is still much dissatisfied for want of his letters, which he is sure came to your hands, and were in some measure answered by you. He awaits a letter from the Lords ordering the Council and Assembly books to be transcribed and sent home, and copies of those letters which you say concern yourself, and which you are willing to deliver yourself. There are rumours spread by people who say that they had it from yourself that you have some extraordinary commission about the government of this Island. The Governor requires you to send a copy of any order or commission you may have touching the government in case of his absence or death. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 73.]
Nov. 13. 1936. William Blathwayt to Samuel Pepys. Asking the opinion of the Admiralty on Sir T. Lynch's letter of 20th June (see No. 1759) respecting the powers of the Admiralty in Jamaica, and the expediency of sending thither another frigate. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., p. 275.]
[Nov. 14.] 1937. Petition of the General Assembly of Bermuda to the King. Begging redress from the deplorable condition caused by the Company. Since the quo warranto was ordered, it has taken away a share of land from an inhabitant and committed through its Governor many injustices (see No. 1913). Thirty-three signatures. Broad sheet. Endorsed. Recd. 14 Nov. Read 6 Dec. '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 74.]
Nov. 15.
1938. Colonel Hender Molesworth to William Blathwayt. Sir Thomas Lynch advised you about a parcel of doubloons that was embargoed by order of the Governor of Carthagena as the property of the Assiento and placed in my own and Captain Penhallow's hands. We have lately paid the money to Don Nicholas Porcio's agent, who established his claim thereto. Captain Tennant sailed for Nevis a fortnight ago under orders for the Admiralty. Captain Mitchell has lately been at Cuba to relieve some of our sloops that were blockaded by Spanish periagos. He went out yesterday to look for a great Spanish ship that is bound hither for negroes. As she may have fallen to leeward, he has orders to cruise as far as Point Negril and convoy her if he meets with her. Captain Stanley on his way to Trinidad with my letter to the Governor was forced by foul weather into a bay twenty-five leagues short of it, when a boat that he sent ashore was captured. Recapitulates Stanley's account, see No. 1938 II. At the same time Captain Stanley rescued four of our turtlers' sloops from a French privateer, and finally brought away with him nine or ten turtlers or traders which had been driven away by the perpetual pursuit of the same galleys and periagos. The galleys are what are called half-galleys in the straits, and carry eighty to a hundred and twenty men; the periagos carry from fifty to seventy. There are two galleys and seven periagos in all. Captain Stanley thought it better, therefore, to leave the coast before any more of them united; so he did not deliver my letter, nor does he know what is become of his seven men and the pilot, who was the person in whose favour my letter was written. I made the owners of his sloop pay for an additional fifteen men on the Bonito, or it might have gone hard with her. Captain Stanley must careen her before he can go out again. The turtling trade being thus lost for a while, Port Royal will suffer greatly. It is what masters of ships chiefly feed their men on in port, and I believe that nearly two thousand people, black and white, feed on it daily at the point, to say nothing of what is sent inland. Altogether it cannot easily be imagined how prejudicial is this interruption of the turtle-trade. We must inevitably set ourselves to remove the existing obstructions; it may be difficult, but our own galley must be the chief engine, with two or three small vessels to attend her. But meanwhile the Treasury is empty and people weary of contributing, so that I cannot quickly resolve what is to be done. It is lawful, I hope, to beat from our doors the wolves that lie in wait for our sheep. We seek to harm no others. The Spaniards who took Providence sacked a whole country for the robberies of a few that belonged to it, but we seek only to make the guilty suffer. Three of these periagos are the same that plundered Providence the second time without a commission. It is said that they had a commission the first time, and that the Governor of Havana took all the spoil into his own hands for his own security, in case the King of Spain should be forced to pay damages to the King of England.
A gentleman of quality in Cuba has given information that they design an invasion of the north side of this Island, in the hope of getting negroes. It is not unlikely, and I have instructed the officers in that quarter to be very vigilant. I have ordered depositions to be taken as to our recent losses, but several of the most material evidences are not in port and must follow by my next. These galleys and periagos are mostly manned by Greeks, but they are of all nations, rogues culled out for the villanies that they commit. They never hail a ship; and, so they can but master her, she is certain prize. They lurk in the bushes by the shore, so that they see every passing vessel without being seen. When our sloops are at anchor they set them by their compasses in the daytime, and steal on them by night with so little noise that they are aboard before they are discovered. The Greek who was captain of a Spanish vessel, and was condemned for piracy in Sir T. Lynch's time but reprieved, has since been accused of further piratical acts. I set the law in motion, and he will be executed on the 17th. The delay in hanging him was the occasion of so much stickling for Banister. The Spaniard in this port has got but 150 negroes for both his ships; he would gladly send the smaller of the two ships away, but can get no convoy. When the great ship that is supposed to have fallen to leeward arrives, there will be freight enough for 1,500 negroes, and money to pay for them. Besides these another ship is expected from Carthagena that would carry 400 more. What precious opportunities are lost for want of negroes! These ships cannot be supplied here unless the negroes be sent for from Barbados or Curaçoa, for this country must also be supplied in some measure.
By this ship go home bills upon the Navy for the two frigates and the sloop; half of them were accounted for in Sir T. Lynch's time and the rest in my own. All are ordered to the Royal African Company, the money being taken up from the factors here. It was with little reason that Sir T Lynch's enemies talked of his great gains, for if this way of satisfying the naval officer had not been discovered he would have had to wait long for his money, for Sir Thomas had no cash when he died, and my lady was forced to borrow 500l. to pay for his funeral. True, large sums are due to him from the Treasury, but there is no money in it at present. It is uncertain what will be found in Martin's hands, and the daily receipts are drained away by the contingent expenses of the fortifications, which are always to be first paid. I wrote to Sir Henry Morgan of the order I had to sue him for the Vyner's and privateers' money. He asked me to wait till he came to town in February, when if he could not satisfy he should agree to go to trial. I consented the more readily since I find the privateers' money entered in the Council Book and passed by Sir T. Lynch for the salary allowed him from the date of Sir T. Lynch's embarkation to his arrival. For this and for other reasons he may cast us if we sue him.
Nov. 16.—If my Lords think that our turtlers and traders should be protected, I hope they will procure us a small sixth-rate frigate in lieu of the Guernsey that is gone. For unless these galleys and periagos are discouraged there is no safety for trade or plantations on the north side of the Island. The Ruby is but enough to awe the greater sort of rogues, and is too big for the ordinary ones who find protection in shoal-waters. The Bonito does good service by crushing the little rogues before they grow bigger, but there is still a middling sort which she cannot deal with, and for which a sixth-rate would be most proper. I hope therefore that our solicitors will procure us substitutes for the Ruby and Bonito, when they are ordered home, and a sixth-rate. The Spanish ship I wrote of above is come into port without having seen the frigate, but the frigate is not misplaced where she is gone, for she is as likely to meet interlopers and pirates there as anywhere. Signed, Hender Molesworth. Seven closely written pages. Endorsed. Recd. 14 Feb. 1683/4. Read 28 Feb. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 75, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXI., pp. 1–11.] Annexed,
Jamaica. 1938. I. Deposition of John Greene, master of the sloop Blessing of Jamaica. On the 8th instant while returning from turtling in the South Cays he met the sloop Success, from which he learned that Captain Derrick and seven more men were taken, that the Bonito and three sloops more had fought a Spanish galley and periago all yesterday, and that three strange sloops, one flying English colours, had landed on one of the Cays and plundered three men of all they had. Sworn before John Webbe. 13th November 1684. ¾ p. Inscribed. Recd. 14 Feb. 1684–5.
1938. II. Captain Stanley, R.N., to Lieutenaut-Governor Hender Molesworth. On the 12th October I sailed for Trinidad in Cuba, pursuant to your orders. Meeting with contrary winds I was forced to put in to Port Maria on the coast of Cuba to water. I arrived there on 5th November, and on the 6th sent my boat ashore with water casks, with the pilot and seven men all unarmed, but flying the King's jack to protect her. The pilot said that he would return in two hours, but as he did not appear I mistrusted that he was seized and made every preparation for defending may ship. On the 7th at 6 a.m. I saw a galley rowing close under the shore and put into a creek about two miles to eastward of me. I at once got up sail, but had no sooner done so than I saw the galley and a periago coming under sail and oars, the galley flying the Spanish flag with a red ensign and the periago the King's jack, which he had taken in my boat. I fired at the galley when she came within range, and she at me, and we were engaged from nine to eleven, when they got into the creek where there was not water for me to follow them. I then sailed to the Isle of Match to acquaint the turtling sloops, and anchored there, and next morning I took three of them under my convoy and sailed for Boage Pavillione. At two o'clock seeing smoke on an island I anchored under it and obtained advice of a French privateer of sixteen guns and 180 men, commanded by one Captain Braugham [?Breha] which lay at Boage Pavillione with four English sloops. Having seven sloops under my convoy I sailed for that place, and at nine next morning anchored by Braugham and sent on board him to ask why the four sloops with him did not hoist their English colours. He then came on board me and said that he had been forced to do what he had done for want of provisions. I then demanded of him two turtling nets which he had taken from William Merriman and Theophilus Smith; but these were proved to have been made by and bought from Spaniards. He promised to end all differences next morning, but the wind blowing fresh in the night he hove up anchor and went to sea. Signed, Edw Stanley. Sworn to before John Webbe. 14th November 1684. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 14 Feb. 1684/5.
1938. III. Deposition of John Dorell, of the sloop Blessing. On the 3rd October when fishing for turtle in the South Cays, saw a Spanish periago, apparently of seventy men, which bore up to the sloop and fired eight patararoes and several small shot at her. Whereon deponent and his men, to e-cape falling into their hands, abandoned the sloop and made for one of the Cays in a canoe. The periago seized the sloop and took her away, and next morning a party of armed men landed on the Cay to search for them, insomuch that to hide themselves, they were obliged to sit in water half the day. They were picked up next day by a turtling sloop. Sworn before John Webbe. 1 p.
Deposition of Isaac Cornwall confirming the above Sworn as the foregoing. ¼ p. Endorsed. Recd. 14 Feb. 1684/5.
1938. IV. Deposition of Samuel Kempthorn, master of the sloop St. Thomas. On 17th September I was lying in the roads at St. Jago, Cuba, when a Spanish half galley of sixty-five men, one "Cushee-piece" and six patararoes came alongside me and presented all his small arms as if to fire into me; but directly after an order came from the Governor to the Captain to leave me alone. On the 18th arrived a periago of fifty-four men and two guns, with a French ketch captured off St. Domingo. After the arrival of these I was much ill-treated, and threatened to be shot myself, and my vessel to be burnt. Next day a half galley and two periagos arrived on the coast to cut me off on my return to Jamaica, giving out that they would not leave the coast till I was taken. I was forced to wait two months till the arrival of H.M.S. Ruby, at considerable loss. The men belonging to these vessels were very insolent, saying that they meant to take all the English they met with, and give no quarter. I was asked by a gentleman at St. Jago to warn the Governor that periagos meant to come to the north side of Jamaica to take what negroes they could. Sworn before John Webbe. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 14 Feb. 1684/5.
1938. V. Deposition of Anthony Griffin, master of the sloop Prosperous. At the beginning of this month I was leaving the South Cays with turtle when two sloops, which I had thought to be English, ordered me to anchor, and some Frenchmen came on board and took me prisoner. Anthony Hawkes of the sloop Elizabeth was also taken a few hours later, and we were all carried to Boga Pavillione, six leagues off which Captain Breha was lying with his ship. He took all our turtle and detained us for three days, when H.M.S. Bonito rescued us. Sworn before John Webbe. 14th November 1684. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 14 Feb. 1684/5.
1938. VI. Deposition of Captain Boucher Clauson, of the sloop Hereford. In August 1683 while on voyage to Jamaica I was driven by stress of weather to the Cuban coast, anchored four leagues to windward of St. Jago, and sent a boat ashore for water, but made no attempt to trade. While I was at anchor there came one Juan de Costa, in a periago of fifty men, who at once opened fire of small arms and dangerously wounded one man. I made no resistance, but they boarded and, in spite of my protests that I had done no trade, forced me into St. Jago, where the Governor and Juan Costa detained both sloop and goods, to the value of 4,000l., without any examination of me or any legal process. By advice of the inhabitants I appealed to the Court of St. Domingo, where I received an order for the seizure of the Governor's estate to satisfy my claims. Sir Thomas Lynch sent H.M.S. Guernsey to St. Jago, expecting execution of this order, but I was put off by different pretences, and threatened by some of the Governor's friends that they would kill me if I came again. Sworn before John Webbe, 15th November 1684. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 14 Feb. 1684/5. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., Nos. 75, 75 I.–VI.]
[Nov. 15.] 1939. Petition of Anne Fisher to William, Earl of Craven. My son William Fisher was sent out by Christ's Hospital on the King's account as apprentice to Elias Clifford, to learn the art of navigation. Clifford, nine months ago, sold his ship in Barbados, went to Carolina, and there enslaves my son, digging and planting. I beg your orders to the Governor of Carolina that he may be sent home. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXII., p. 40.]
Nov. 15. 1940. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Governor Sir Richard Kyrle. We have received a petition from Mrs. Anne Fisher (see preceding abstract). If the facts be true, and Clifford declines to give security to teach Fisher navigation in future, you will put the law in motion to secure Fisher's release. Signed, Craven, Albemarle, P. Colleton. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXII., p. 40.]