America and West Indies: September 1684

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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'America and West Indies: September 1684', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: September 1684', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: September 1684". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

September 1684

Sept. 1.
1857. Colonel Hender Molesworth to William Blathwayt. Reports Sir Thomas Lynch's death and Captain Banister's trial (see No. 1852). Once more there is a Spaniard among us, notwithstanding him who was lately maliciously frightened away (see ante, No. 1759), so that if the people keep quiet and negroes are to be had we have an opportunity of redeeming our credit. He anchored in the Cays at first till he could make terms for his security in harbour. He proposed some impracticable things with which I could not comply, and having no time, being in the middle of my despatches for London, to bring the matter yet to any conclusion, I have only given him permission to enter the port. As to granting him wood and water, I shall follow the precedent of Sir Thomas Lynch pending further orders. I should be glad of directions how to act in the following cases (repeats the four queries as in No. 1852). We have advice from Panama of about a hundred men, supposed to be English, who on coming into the South Sea sunk their own vessel, and, with the assistance of some of the Darien Indians, marched up to the Mines. Being driven back they seized three brigantines and took to sea again and robbed some vessels and towns on the coast. The President of Panama sent out three periagos with three hundred men who came up with them and put them to flight. The Spaniards lost fifteen killed and twenty-one wounded, from whose bodies they took several bullets all chewn and gnawed with the teeth. The President sent some to all the Governments thereabouts to create in them abhorrence of these villains, and one here to be shewn to the Governor that he might report to the King the villainies of his subjects. The pirates we hear lost forty men, and the survivors went to a town where they were well received by the principal women, who invited them to come again. After another expedition, therefore, they returened to these their friends, who meanwhile had laid a train for them, so that they were all cut off by an ambuscade. One man only, they say, was sent into Panama, whose declaration was taking when our informants came away. They mention the name Peter Harris, but whether he were the commander or the survivor I Know not.
The Ruby frigate must be careened shortly. It would be well if she could go straight home directly after, but she is not fit for a winter voyage, and the Captain tells me it will be as much as we can do to make her fit to go home in the spring. I am expecting orders for the Guernsey, which is in much the same condition as the Ruby. The Receiver-General's death has thrown the accounts into such disorder that it is hard to guess when Sir Thomas Lynch's and other salaries will be paid. Four auditors have been appointed to adjust the accounts (see No. 1846), but when that is done and the Receiver's just debt known we shall be at a loss to obtain present satisfaction without ruining the estate, for he left no money, and it will put the Government to great present difficulty to await the produce of his plantations. Sir Thomas Lynch ordered a scire facias to be brought against his executors for the office, but as nobody appeared the matter must await new orders from England. Mr. Penhallow who at present executes the office is very well qualified in every way for it, as Sir Thomas lynch has already informed you. The Clerk of the Council sends the Minutes taken at my entrance upon the Government. You will see that Colonel Ivy, not being satisfied either by the minutes or the statements of members as to Captain Bourden's being of the Council, withdrew himself without taking the usual Councillor's oath. On the whole he is a fair riddance, for he has not attended Council for eighteen months, and then rather to hinder than further business. He came to me next day with many apologies and asked to see the King's letter by which Bourden was appointed. I told him that no doubt Sir Thomas Lynch had preserved it, but that I thought the Council had offered him already more satisfaction than was necessary. So he remains secluded by his own act till their Lordships' further order. Of his sense and temper you may guess much by this passage. I suppose that Sir Thomas Lynch wrote you his intention not to let the Assembly sit on the day that they were prorogued to, since he saw the people were running into strange jealousies over the not passing of the Act for governing of slaves. He thought it inconvenient for them to meet till be could answer them, desiring you to furnish him with reasons which I await, and in the interim I shall be forced to prorogue them to a longer day.Copy. 6pp. Endorsed. Recd. 23 Nov. 1684. Read 24th. [Col. Papers. Vol. LIV., No. 33, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., pp. 283–293.]
[Sept. ?] 1858. Draft of an Act for Jamaica to encourage shipping and ascertain tonnage. 1¼ pp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 34.]
Sept. 8. 1859. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Samuel Barry and Sir Charles Modyford took their seats at the Council Board. Colonel Ivy presented himself to be sworn but was ordered to withdraw. After debate, the Council resolved that he should not be admitted until the King's pleasure were known. He replied that he could write home too, and would have no tricks put upon him. Ordered, that the Assembly be prorogued to 10th June next, and the Chief Justice Bernard and Francis Hickman be paid their salaries. Roger Elletson's petition read, praying for immediate trial or restitution to the practice of his profession at the bar. Resolved that the Council cannot discharge him till receipt of further orders from home. On the petition of Matthew Meverell his recognizance was withdrawn. Adjourned sine die. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXVI., pp. 54–55].
Sept. 10.
The Tower.
1860. Petition of Edward Gove to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Has been a prisoner nineteen months, fifteen of them in the Tower, and the King has granted him life, release from irons and freedom to take the air. Has great hopes of freedom if he can obtain copies of his indictment, trial, and condemnation, and begs that they may be furnished to him. 1p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 35.]
Sept. 12. 1861. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Sir Richard Dutton and seven members present, the Governor having arrived on the 10th instant. Order for issue of writs for the summoning of an Assembly. List of persons to whom writs were addressed. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 539–540.]
Sept. 12.
1862. William Dyre to Sir Leoline Jenkins. In obedience to the royal proclamation of 12th March and letter of 13th April 1684, I have made seizue of a privateer "of the first magnitude, famous in bloodshed and robberies," called La Trompeuse (commanded by one Michel Andreson, Bhra, or Lavanza, a reputed Frenchman). I have moved for justice against him but have been delayed, and much discouraged and severely threatened by many, and more especially by one Mr. Samuel Shrimpton, a merchant of this place, to have my brains beat out or a stab for seizing the said ship. He has supplied, succoured, countenanced and encouraged her, and taken her into his custody and keeping at Nodles Island, the place and receptacle of all piratical and uncustomed goods, also the guns, ammunition and all, though under seizure by myself for the King's use, resolving and boasting to defend the same and fit the ship out again. He has also received clandestinely great quantities of their gold, silver, jewels, and cacao within the compass of my seizure and claim. I beg the King's order that the ship may be delivered to me, and that I may bring her home, also that all such abettors of pirates may be punished. I send great quantities of the piratical plundered gold by this ship, and the rest will follow. I have also caused Captain Thomas Paine, the arch-pirate, to be secured, and charged the Governor of Rhode Island with him and with his own neglect for not assisting the Deputy-Collector to seize him and his ship.Signed, Wm. Dyre. 2pp. Inscribed. Recd. 25th October 1684.Annexed,
1862. I. Act of the General Court of New England against piracy. 9th July 1684. printed. 2pp.
1862. II. Relation of T. Thacker, Deputy-Collector, 16th August. I arrived at Newport, Rhode Island, upon information of an unfree bottomed ship, one Paine commander. By seven or eight at night I had satisfied myself as to the character of the ship, waited on Governor William Coddington, and showed him my commission and demanded his assistance in seizing her. He put me off, promising to answer me next morning, by which time the pirates had time to arm themselves against arrest. I went to the Governor next morning, but instead of giving assistance he avouched her a free bottom as having a commission from Sir Thomas Lynch, Governor of Jamaica I asked to see it, and it was presented by Paine, in presence of Governor Dongan of New York and Cranfield of New Hampshire and others. It appeared to be a forgery, Governor Cranfield and others affirming that it was not Sir Thomas Lynch's hand, nor were his titles correctly given, but Governor Coddington was of other mind and declared her a free bottom. I answered that I dreaded the consequences but that the responsibility must lie with him. Next day, the 18th, I again urged him to help to seize the ship and men, and especially Thomas Paine, as the Commission was certainly false, and the ship had not been to Jamacia but on a piratical cruise, and had plundered the town of St. Augustine. He replied that the Court of Law was open, and that if I could prove anything against Paine he would give me justice against him, but would not concern himself further. I answered that I had done my duty and would deliver my charge against him, not doubting to prove it, if he would help me to arrest him, but he again refused and also denied me a copy of Paine's commission. Next day he sent me word that he would send me a copy, but never did. On the 20th I reached Boston and sent him one of Sir Thomas Lynch's passes to convince him, but he would not see with eyes like other men. Signed, T. Thacker, Dep. Collector. 2pp. Endorsed.
1862. III. The Royal Proclamation against privateers of 12th March 1684, printed by order of the Governor and Council of Massachusetts 4th September 1684. Broad sheet.
1862. IV. List of the pirates on board the La Trompeuse, 198 names, twelve of them English.Below.— "The several nations on board known are, French, Scotch, Dutch, English, Spaniards, Portugals, Negroes, Indians, Mullattos, Swedes, Irish, Jersey men, and New Englanders." 3 pp.
1862. V. List of the enclosures sent by Dyre, eleven in all.Endorsed. Boston, 12 September '84. Received 25 October. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., Nos. 36, 36 I–V.]
Sept. 15. 1863. Extract of a letter from Boston. Our General Court met on Wednesday last to consider whether to give power to the agent in England to answer the scire facias, which some ignorant rulers represet to the people as a poor toothless creature, and others as like their spirits, which hurt none but those that converse with them. It is supposed that they have furnished Mr. Humphreys with some little dilatory excuse, and adjourned in order to let the ship go, promising riper resolutions by next ship. When the last ship sailed I was but just returned from the eastward. When there I satisfied myself of success in my own concerns, and of a peaceable composure of all differences as to property within my circle. Having assembled all the Sagamores for nearly a hundred miles round, I expostulated first on the last unhappy war and declared to the power and wisdom of the King and his interest in all his subjects, English and Indian. I insinuated how acceptable an address from themselves of subjection to the King would be to His Majesty, and they seemed to rejoice at the occasion. They expressed the great honour in which their ancestors had always held the Kings of England, and gave instances of their kindness to them. They declared that they were not willingly engaged in the last war with the English, and that when the King should send persons of worth, unconcerned in former controversies, they would submit all differences to his determination. They promised faithfully for themselves, and to charge their children to yield cheerful subjection to the King of England, and obey all his commands against all his enemies, and to endeavour to make his name great among the remoter Indians. This seeming sufficient matter for an address, I followed their phrase as near as I could and drew it up, which they cheerfully signed, most of the Sagamores perfectly understanding it and being able to discourse of it in English. This done they drank the health of the King and the Duke with all the honour and ceremony that the persons and the place were capable of. I afterwards presented the six chief Sagamores that signed the address with six double-laced red coats, and as many fine shirts, which they joyfully accepted and put on as His Majesty's livery. To six more of inferior rank I gave six coats of the same cloth, single laced, and six shirts; and to the rest of the men, whom the Sagamores called their soldiers, I gave duffle-coats, knives, powder, &c., to the women counterfeit jewels, bracelets, beads, and other toys, and dispensed to their cooks, bread, corn, mutton, pork, fruit, sugar, wine, and strong water, with which they merrily feasted their whole camp. They expressed so great satisfaction with these presents that they importuned me to rebuild, and come myself. However, to procure some of King Charles his men (sic), as their phrase is, and my friends to settle a town at Pojepscot, which indeed, is a pleasant and commodious situation (though something barren) for a town or city, I told them I would try to make a settlement there as soon as I had the King's leave and orders; but meanwhile that I durst not undertake any settlement as the King was about to take the whole of New England under his immediate Government, and that I supposed he would no more permit his subjects to scatter and settle themselves so loosely as formerly, but only in such towns and order as that they might be able to defend themselves and assist or shelter their Indian friends in case of invasion. I sent the address home by last ship, and keep a duplicate by me as a testimony against them in case they should be drawn into any defection. These are the most powerful, politic, warlike, and numerous nation of Indians since the Narragansetts are broken, and influence and steer all others that inhabit the English colonies. And since no instrument or ceremony of subjection to the English Crown had been taken of them, that I can hear of, I thought it now high time, the more so since Mons. de la Barre, the French General in Canada, was already on his march against the Maquas or Mohawks, with fifteen hundred French, and intended to levy 2,500 Indians. His savages having intimate correspondence with the Andress Coggans, I thought it the English interest to keep them unconcerned and ready for the King's orders and service, in case the French success against the Maquas and other Indians in amity with us should require it. I am prompted also by good information that sundry inland Indians, who live about sixty miles from Hadley, near the head of Connecticut river, and within the Massachusetts, came to Hadley or Northampton and said that the French had sent to them to purchase lands, but that if the English would buy them the French should have none. The English, to whom this offer was made, told the Indians that they would recommend the matter to the General court in October; but the Indians, being impatient of the delay, and uncertain of the result, presently struck a bargain with the French, who were awaiting their return. I learned also that the French are fortifying, have settled a town, and are subduing the land very vigorously, and it is supposed that the securing and strengthening of this place was as much the object of la Barre's expedition as war with the Maquas; for the country there is the most pleasant, fertile, and commodious for plantation and empire of any place between Albany and Quebec. The French, being fortified then, may easily intercept the Albany trade and break the balance of the Indian power by assisting some nation against others, or force all to an union and to service to the French King, of whose growing power little notice is taken here. The fear of the regulations of the Government, and care to evade the effects of the quo warranto and scire facias, make all other matters inconsiderable. I send my son copies of Mons. de la Barre's commission and instructions to Mons. La Vallière, Governor of Acadia, to maintain a good correspondence with the English, and permit them their former liberties to fish and fetch coals on their coast. He has also Mons. la Vallière's commission to Mr. Nelson to grant licences, pursuant to which sundry fishing vessels went thither this year, and took liceuces and paid their acknowledgements to one or other of them, and having made their voyages are preparing to return. Mons. Bergier, Lieutenant to a newly-created Company in France, without even publishing his pretensions or power, or giving any time for the vessels to depart and carry away their fish, has surprised and carried away eight or nine of our ketches, and though he has had many opportunities gives no account to the Governor of Boston. I send also a copy of Mons. de la Barre's letter to our Governor, announcing his expedition, and inviting him to concert.Copy. Unsigned. 4pp. Endorsed, Read 17 and 22 Nov. 84. [Col. Papers. Vol. LIV., No. 37, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., pp. 213–216.]Annexed,
1863. I. Copy of the Commission of Mons. Le Febure de la Barre to Mons. La Vallière. Dated 4th October 1683. 1p. French. Endorsed.
1863. II. Copy of instructions from the same to the same in favour of Mr. Nelson. This mentions that the English have always carried provisions to Port Royal and other places in Acadia, and that without their help this country would be abandoned. 4th October 1683. 1½ pp. French.
1863. III. Governor de la Barre of Quebec to the Governor of Boston. Announcing his intention to march against the Iroquois of the West, and inviting him to second him.Copy. 2pp. Dated, Quebec, 29 June 1684.French. Endorsed.
1863. IV. Governor de la Vallière of Acadia to the Governor of Boston. Expressing regret that he hears from France by M. Bergier that the commerce between the two provinces is about to be forbidden. Cannot think that Bergier's action in seizing two ketches of Boston will be approved, and will do his best for them.Dated Port Royal, 8 August 1684.Copy. French. 1½ pp.
1863. V. Order of the Governor of Acadia for collecting the tax, due from the English fishermen on that coast, at Boston. French. Dated 22 October 1682. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 37, 37 I–V.]
Sept. 16. 1864. Minutes of Council and Assembly of St. Christopher's. The Governor and Council proposed that every owner should send half his negroes to work on the fortifications on Cleverly Hill, each parish to take its turn, for twelve weeks. Refused by the Assembly owing to the heaviness of the crops. Proposed by the Assembly: 1. To petition the Governor to order the Marshal to make a modest demand before levying execution. 2. The House desires to know if the Marshal or some other officer is not bound to wait upon it when it meets; which officer it desires may be sworn to secrecy. 3. It desires to know who are those public officers, and are they sworn or not? 4. It desires that members may be excused from military service, except on alarms, unless they be commissioned officers. Answers of the Governor and Council: 1. The Governor will do so. 2 An officer ought to attend; but nothing is known of an oath of secrecy; we will consult the Governor. 3. Mr. John Barry and Mr. John Soudon are jointly concerned. 4. Referred to a former answer. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 48.]
Sept. 17/27.
1865. Colonel Hender Molesworth to the Governor of Trinidad on Cuba. No sooner had I entered upon this Government on the death of Sir Thomas Lynch, when I received many complaints from honest traders and fishermen of injuries received from your nation, who treat them without any distinction as pirates and robbers. Among others, Derick Cornelison, with his sloop belonging to this harbour, was attacked without any warning by Don Juan Balosa, while peaceably trading on your coast, and taken into port, where his sloop and goods were condemned, to the value of 6,000l., his men kept prisoners, and himself threatened with death till he was forced to fly to save his life. The pretence was that he was lieutenant of a galley sent hence by the late Governor for suppression of pirates. It is well for you that he escaped, or the whole town of Trinidad would have been too poor a satisfaction for such a violation of the law of nations. We have the same law as you against trading with foreigners, but we do not treat your ships as you treat our sloops. If we suffer your ships to trade we protect them afterwards, and if not we give them fair notice to be gone. You permit the sloops to trade for a little to be the more sure of seizing them. I request a copy of the process by which the sloop was condemned, for the satisfaction of the owners, and that you will deliver the prisoners to Captain Stanley of His Majesty's sloop Bonito. I would beg you also to return them their sloop, and be content with the confiscation of their goods, or at least to befriend them in the redemption of the vessel.Copy. 2pp. Endorsed. Recd. 26 Nov. '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 38.]
Sept. 17. 1866. Instructions from Colonel Molesworth to Captain Stanley, H.M.S. Bonito. You will receive on board the bearer, Derick Cornelison (see preceding abstraci), and proceed to Trinidal in Cuba, where you will deliver my letter to the Governor, demand the prisoners as the King's subjects, and also fairly entreat him for the account of the trial by which the sloop was condemned, which if he denies, mark well his answer, but insist not too much. Ask him also in an amiable manner to befriend the master in rebuying his sloop. It is unlikely that he will refuse you the prisoners. The owners will repay you for victualling them. Take notice that the bearer was lieutenant of the galley which went near to take Juan Corso the pirate, for which the Governor of Trinidad threatened to kill him.Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 26 Nov. '84. [Col Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 39.]
Sept. 19. 1867. Colonel Hender Molesworth to William Blathwayt. I had occasion to send Captain Stanley over to Trinidad in Cuba to demand a sloop and prisoners, and have ordered a copy of my letter to the Governor of Trinidad and of my instructions to Captain Stanley to be sent to you (see preceding abstracts). This is now the fourth day that the grand jury has sat over the bill of indictment of some of Banister's people, and are not yet agreed, nine being for Ignoramus and four for a true bill. The result is that those who were to have been approvers will now confess nothing, but rather say that their previous confessions were extorted from them by Captain Mitchell. The judge was in fault in not making them confess before the coroner, but he says that the evidence is so plain that no one could have expected a grand jury to hesitate. They will not believe the Spanish witnesses, who swear backward and forward, but that is no reason for a grand, thought it may be for a petty, jury. However, they are obstinate, having Elletson, who is Banister's counsel, for their instructor. The directions of the judges seem also to have been faulty. I have just heard that one of the jury has been carried home ill and likely to die, and considering that it is very expensive to maintain a number of prisoners in custody, and that Banister is not likely to run away, I have ordered the Court to be adjourned sine die, but without discharging the prisoners. 20th September.— The sick juryman is dead, and the jury is dissolved. Banister has been bound over in good security to appear at the next Court for trial of pirates, and the four seamen likewise.Extract. 3½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., pp. 294–297.]
Sept. 22. 1868. William Blathwayt to Henry Guy. My Lords desire the opinion of the Commissioners of Customs on the enclosed Acts of Nevis, for prohibiting importation of rum and molasses, for appointing due places for payment, and for raising the price of money. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., p. 168.]
Sept. 22. 1869. The same to the same. My Lords desire the opinion of the Commissioners of the Mint on the Nevis Act for raising the price of money. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., p. 169.]
Sept. 23. 1870. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Antigua. The Council proposed to the Assembly that measures should be taken for bringing the gun-carriages to the fort, and finishing the fort itself. The Assembly concurred. The Assembly sent up an Act to confirm the possession of lands. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIX. No. 81.]
Sept. 24
1871. The Council of Barbados to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding quarterly account of the proceedings of the Council and returns of imports. Signed, Henry Walrond, Tho. Walrond, Tim. Thornhill, Edwyn Stede, John Peers, Robert Davers, Fran. Bond. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 7 Feb. 1684/5. [Col. Papers. Vol. LIV., No. 40, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 265.]
[Sept. 25.] 1872. Laws and Orders for public levies in the Bermudas. Account of the public lands and the public charge of the company. 6 pp. Copies. Certified by Robert Banner. Endorsed. Recd. 25 Sept. '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 41.]
[Sept. 25.] 1873. Laws, Commissions, and Instructions of the Bermuda Company. 26 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 42.]
Sept. 27.
Custom House.
1874. Commissioners of Customs to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We have considered the Acts of Nevis. We see no objection to the first, for prohibiting the importation of rum and molasses, nor to the second which appoints the lawful places for receiving goods. We presume that Charlestown and Jamestown, at which the four-and-a-half per cent. duty is appointed to be paid, are suitable places. As to the third for raising the price of money, we object. (See next abstract.) Signed, J. Buckworth, N. Butler, Wm. Dickinson, 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 3 Oct. '84. Read 3 Nov. '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 43, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 169, 170.]
Sept. 27.
Custom House.
1875. Commissioners of Customs to Lords of Trade and Plantations. As to the Acts of Nevis, we conceive that the third, for raising the price of money, will be most inconvenient to traders. The piece-of-eight is worth but 4s. 6d., and to raise it to 6s. is to increase it by one fourth of its true value. Besides the coin is liable to be clipped or debased. We are of opinion therefore that no rate should be set on money other than according to its real intrinsic value, and that no price be set on goods to be sold, but that it rise and fall according to the scarcity and plenty. Signed, N. Butler, J. Buckworth, W. Dickinson. Copy. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 44.]
Sept. 27. 1876. Commissioners of the Mint to Lords of the Treasury. As to the Act of Nevis for raising the price of money. It can be of no possible advantage and of great possible prejudice to the trade of the Island to raise the piece of eight from 4s. 6d. to 6s., for the price of commodities will rise in proportion to the money. Trade is not balanced by notions and names of money and things but by intrinsic values. Nor will the law attain its end of hindering the exportation of money, for prices will rise in proportion to the money and the conditions will be the same. If the merchant finds no commodity which will bring him profit in England, he will take pieces-of-eight as heretofore; if there be commodities more valuable than money, there is no need to prohibit the exportation of money. But since the Island wishes to try the effect of the law, we submit the following considerations, which, in our opinion, are absolutely necessary to be enjoined at the same time. 1. That pieces-of-eight be made certain in weight as well as in value, or there is no safety for the merchant. 25 per cent. excessive nominal value does not compensate for 10 or 15 per cent. actual deticiency in weight. 2. Pieces-of-eight being the standard of all the current coin, all other species must be current in their intrinsic value as proportioned to the piece-of-eight, or such species as are better intrinsically than that proportion will be brought away and all the worse left. 3. That no commodity have at any time a fixed price set on it, but rise and fall in the market according to plenty and scarcity, or he will receive no more than three-fourths of the set price, and if that be less than he can afford to sell at, the trade will be disturbed and wholly lost. Signed. John Buckworth, Cha. Duncombe, Ja. Hoare. Copy. 2½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 16 Oct.'84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 45, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 171–173.]
Sept. 29. 1877. Instructions to John Moore, Receiver of the part of Carolina lying west and south of Cape Fear. ½ p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXII., p. 25.]
Sept. 30. 1878. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Baltimore's dispute with Mr. Penn was appointed to be heard on 9th December, by which time Mr. Penn was expected to have returned to England.
Lord Howard of Effingham's letter of 17th June and Mr. Spencer's of 26th May read (see Nos. 1750, 1706). Lord Baltimore to be spoken to concerning his claim to the Potomac river.
Petition of Edward Grove read (see No. 1860) and refused, he being under condemnation for high treason.
Laws of Nevis resumed. The Acts for appraisement of property, touching executions, concerning survey of lands, for establishment of Articles of War, amended; the rest approved. Laws of Montserrat. The Acts prohibiting a second sale of lands, and respecting assignments of accounts amended; seven others approved. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVII., pp. 11–15.]
Sept. 30. 1879. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Antigua. John Yeamans, Archibald Cochran, and John Lingham sworn of the Council. Caesar Rodeney sworn of the Assembly. The Council sent down the Act to confirm possession to the Assembly, which was returned passed. The Assembly answered as to forts that they wished them to be finished, and that an order should be passed by the Treasurer for pay of matrosses. The Council sent down a list of things necessary for the forts and desired the Assembly to make speedy provision for the same. The Assembly assented. The Council was dissatisfied with the Assembly's answer as to the gun-carriages, but concurred as to pay of matrosses. The Assembly rejoined that it knew of no Act that obliged it to enlarge the forts, and the Council answered that there was no intention of enlarging them, but that they ought to be finished and not neglected. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIX., No. 81.]
Sept. 30. 1880. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Return of the writs for the Assembly, and list of members. The members of Assembly and some of the Council took the oaths of allegiance and supremacy and signed the test. Richard Seawell presented as speaker. The Governor after his speech to the Assembly submitted to them the following proposals, viz., to pass Acts (1) to regulate Grand Sessions; (2) to punish wanton murder of negroes; (3) for putting down piracy; (4) to regulate the militia; also (5) to erect a common gaol; (6) and to repair and pay expense of fortifications. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 540–543.]
Sept. 30. 1881. Journal of Assembly of Barbados.
List of Members:—
Lieutenant-Colonel John Codrington
Stephen Gascoyne
St. Michaels.
Lieutenant-Colonel William Foster
Captain John Berringer
St. Peters.
John Davis
Lieutenant-Colonel James Carter
St. Thomas.
John Heathersell
Captain John Leslie
St. John's.
Richard Seawell
Robert Bishop
Captain Michael Terrill
Captain Samuel Lambert
St. Lucy.
John Reid
Major Thomas Holmes
St. James.
Captain Peter Evans
Captain George Bushell
St. Philip.
Major Abel Allen
Captain John Mills
St. Andrews.
Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Lyte
Major Richard Salter
St. Georges.
Colonel John Waterman
Colonel Edward Binney
St. Josephs.
The Assembly met at Mrs. Judith Sparrow's house at Bridgetown, and elected Richard Seawell Speaker, who was presented to His Excellency and approved. The House received the Governor's proposals and adjourned till the morn. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIV., pp. 1–2.]
[Sept.] 1882. Lord Howard of Effingham to the Earl of Sunderland. I rejoice to find myself under your immediate cognizance, but I am depressed with the thought that you will find too many errors in my transactions, though I hope you will construe them favourably. I am at present at New York, and by Colonel Dongan's kindness and interest hope to put a stop to the daily alarms of Indians in Virginia, as a perusal of the enclosed transactions may show you. The method is but ordinary, but the manner may be diverting. Signed, Effingham. Holograph. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. at the Committee, 3 Nov. 1684. The enclosure is evidently the narrative of the Treaty with the Indians at Albany in August1684 (see Nos. 1822, 1824). [Col. Papers, Vol. LIV., No. 46, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXII., p. 298.]