America and West Indies: April 1684

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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'America and West Indies: April 1684', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: April 1684', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: April 1684". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

April 1684

April 1. 1615. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Memorial of the Dutch Ambassador respecting Tortola read (see No. 1593). Ordered, that a copy be sent to Sir William Stapleton for his answer. Memorandum of documents received and despatched. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVII., pp. 271, 272.]
April 2.
1616. Order of the King in Council; repealing the Act lately passed in Jamaica for regulation of negroes and the Order in Council of 12th November 1680. Signed, Phi. Lloyd. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. I., p. 109.]
April 2.
1617. Order of the King in Council; for the execution of the recommendations of the Committee respecting the directions to be given to the Royal African Company (see No. 1571). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. I., pp. 110–112.]
April 2. 1618. Order of the King in Council; for the preparation of a letter to Sir Thomas Lynch in execution of the same recommendations. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. I., pp. 112–113.]
April 2. 1619. [Sir Leoline Jenkins] to Sir John Witham. Many thanks for your letters of 31st October and 12th November 1683 coucerning pirates and your measures against them. Your conduct is fully approved. The Lords have given no further order as to Sir Timothy Thornhill's business than that I should confer with Sir R. Dutton about it. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIX., pp. 316, 317.]
[April 2.] 1620. Petition of Richard Thayre to the King and Privy Council. On receipt of the Order in Council of 2nd March 1683 (see No. 989) I sailed for New England, and delivered a copy thereof to Governor Bradstreet and to the select men of Braintree. The select men absolutely refused to call the inhabitants together as the Order directed. A few days later Governor Bradstreet issued a warrant to call the inhabitants together to choose jurymen for the Court, and then, after taking a copy of the Order, they bade me go about my business, defying me to prove the seal to be that of the Council. They said that it might be made under a hedge for all they knew, and the King was nothing to them and they were a free people. I beg either that I may be restored to the possession of my lands till the trial be over or the Government prove that it is theirs by purchase, or that your Majesty will make some other Order for my relief. 1 p. Endorsed. Read in Council 2 April 1684 and referred. Read 9 April. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 65.]
April 2.
1621. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of Robert Thayre to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. (See preceding abstract). Signed, Phi. Lloyd. Memorandum below.—On consideration hereof the Lords think that petitioner must attend the issue of the quo warranto against the charter of Massachusetts. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., p. 212.]
April 6/13. 1622. Copies of legal documents respecting the proceedings in Carthagena in connection with the misappropriation of two thousand doubloons by St. Jago de Castillo (see ante, No. 1554). 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 66.]
April 4. 1623. Journal of General Assembly of Nevis. The Governor proposed the construction of a battery of five or six guns at Long Point. The Council concurred. The Assembly said that it would look into the matter and answer later. The Governor appointed James Russell, William Burt, Major Pym, and Captain Lee to join members of the Assembly in viewing the site of the proposed battery with him. The Assembly proposed that when Mr. Fenton makes up his accounts next Christmas, he shall take the debts to the Government then outstanding for his salary. The Council and Assembly voted the Governor 100,000 lb. of sugar. The Assembly finding the public debt to be 236,680 lb. of sugar. proposed a levy of 250,525 lb. on all dutiable negroes at 60 lb. a head, which makes 233,220 lb., the balance to be made up by an assessment on the merchants. [Col. Papers, Vol. LII., No. 4.]
April 4.
1624. Nicholas Spencer to Sir Leoline Jenkins. I am glad to inform you that our affairs are in a peaceable state, all ill-humours allayed, the inhabitants working industriously for a full crop of tobacco, which, with favourable seasons, may be expected to give a full harvest. Full return for labour is what all desire, though ours is so ill-managed that this great production makes our returns strait and narrow. To remedy this Lord Howard has found it necessary to call an Assembly for the 16th instant at James City. The chief matter for consideration will be the safety of the frontiers against foreign Indians by which we were frequently alarmed last winter; but, thank God, through the well guarding of the frontiers our interests were preserved. Lord Howard has told you that on his arrival he found this government in as good settlement as this wilderness is capable of, which was a great satisfaction to me; for I spared no pains from the time of Lord Culpeper's departure to that of Lord Howard's arrival, and shall spare none now. Lord Howard is industrious and zealous for the King and country, courteous and generous in his maintenance of his dignity. Signed, Nicho. Spencer. Holograph. 2 pp. Endorsed, R., 3 June. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 67.]
April 6. 1625. Lord Baltimore to Sir Leoline Jenkins. Thanks for your letter. After certain business has been despatched by the Assembly, I intend to sail for England at the end of this month, calling at York River to pay my respects to Lord Howard. I hope that I may have an opportunity of appearing before the Council Board to answer any charges against me and defend my right against William Penn. The Lords will doubtless think it reasonable for me to appear in person in a matter of such importance. Signed, C. Baltemore. Holograph. 1 p. Addressed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 68.]
April 8.
Custom House.
1626. The Commissioners of Customs to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We have considered an Act lately passed in Jamaica against engrossing and forestalling. Mr. Beeston and Mr. Ducke whom we have consulted, think it good and necessary (see ante, No. 1601). But another paper handed to us by the merchants and commanders of ships points out that the King and the Colony alike will be sufferers, as it will lessen the customs, obstruct navigation, and discourage merchants by spoiling free and open markets. The Act is already in force, and on the whole we recommend that it be speedily revoked. Signed, Ch. Cheyne, N. Butler, And. Newport, G. Downing. 1 p. Endorsed. Read 9 Apr. 1684. The Act to be repealed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 69, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., pp. 206, 207.]
April 9. 1627. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Report of the Commissioners of Customs on the Jamaican Act against forestalling read (see preceding abstract). Agreed that the Act be repealed. The Act concerning tonnage and shipping confirmed.
Draft of additional instructions to Sir Richard Dutton read and approved. A clause to be added instructing him to see that masters of ships produce certificates that they have given their bonds in England. Agreed that the first Councillor of Barbados be Custos Rotulorum, and that on his departure or other vacation of the office he deliver the records by inventory to his successor.
Petition of Richard Thayre read (see No. 1620). Ordered that petitioner attend the issue of the quo warranto against Massachusetts.
Memorandum of documents despatched and received. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVII., pp. 282–285.]
[April 9.] 1628. Petition of Edward Randolph to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Prays for expenses of his journey from America in 1682, and to America and back in 1683–84. Below.—Minute by William Blathwayt, that the Lords think the request reasonable and recommend it to the Lords of the Treasury. The whole, 1 p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 70, and (Minute only) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., p. 201.]
April 9/19. 1629. Sir Thomas Lynch's answer to the claim of the Governor of Carthagena for two thousand doubloons. Recapitulation of the circumstances (see ante, pp. 595, 596). His Excellency on the whole matter judges it just to give all parties time to make their claim and to defend it from others, it not being the practice of English Courts to condemn any without a hearing. The money is safe in the hands of the Royal Company's factor, and, no better claim appearing within twelve months, will be delivered to the Assiento. Copy. 2½ pp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 71.]
April 9/19.
1630. Sir Thomas Lynch to the Governor of Carthagena. I have received! yours of 13th instant (see ante, No. 1622) about 2,000 doubloons brought here by Don Nicholas Porcio's servant, St. Jago de Castillo. I have given Don Juan Gesnes y Spinoza a particular answer, and doubt not that you will think it reasonable to give the parties concerned time to appear, unless Don Juan gives security to indemnify me for losses from future lawsuits. The money is safe and shall be returned when I can be sure that it will not find its way into the Caxa Real, from which, as from the grave, I do not see that anything returns. About nine years ago a ship with about a hundred negroes bound to Windward Islands was forced to Leeward, taken by two barco luengos, and brought to Carthagena, where the negroes were sold for half their worth by a confederacy between the Governor and the factors; the money being afterwards misspent, in spite of the protests of our ambassadors and the orders of the King of Spain. Since I came here myself, I have had occasion to ask your predecessor for the extradition of a thief who had run away with a sloop and cargo; but the sloop and cargo were sold and the money put into the Caxa Real. You ask for justice against Porcio; I ask for justice for my sloop and cargo. You accuse me of favouring privateers; I have done my best to suppress them. The pirates of any nation have no countenance from me, and you are welcome to hang them. But without disrespect to your nation, it is to the cowardice of "Nueva España Flota" and people that the success of the privateers is to be ascribed. I am always desirous to serve the Spaniards, but it is impossible to do so. Three times have I written to the Governor of Havana and offered to prove the bloody murders of Juan Corso, and have had no answer but fresh attacks and fresh cruelties. Those that rob us are the King of Spain's ships and the Governors who receive them and divide the spoil with them. I am confident you will pardon my plainness. Copy. 5¼ pp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 72.]
April 10. 1631. [Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Governor of North Carolina]. The King's Proclamation of Neutrality must be observed, and the Acts of Trade and Navigation obeyed. According to our fundamental constitution eight seignories must be set apart for the proprietors in each county. Postscript.—We send our fundamental constitutions to you for signature, your hand alone being wanting. We also send the Proclamation of Neutrality. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXII., pp. 23 and 33.]
April 12.
1632. Sir William Stapleton to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I enclose, as ordered, copies of the trial of one of the King's subjects slain in the service of the Royal African Company. The first copies were carried home by the Company's agent, Robert Helmes, but he cannot have delivered them, for the Company reprimanded me for not sending them, as if I were one of their agents. I make no reply to their censures till I appear before your Lordships, when I shall prove them to be grounded on the false information of William Freeman, Christopher Billop, and Robert Helmes, my ungrateful adversaries. Signed, Wm. Stapleton. Holograph. 1½ pp. Endorsed, "Recd. 3 June '84." [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 73, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 120, 121.] Annexed,
1632. I. Copy of the proceedings held at Nevis touching a riot, wherein James Starkey was killed in the year 1679. 2 pp. Endorsed. Rec. 3 June 1684.
1632. II. Copy of the King's letter to Sir William Stapleton, of 18th March 1679–80, which was read at the above proceedings. 1¼ pp. Endorsed.
1632. III. Copy of a letter from the King to Sir William Stapleton of 28th September 1683 (see No. 1277), which was read at the above proceedings. 1 p. Endorsed.
1632. IV. Depositions of William Helme, Robert Ellis, Anthony Burgess, Richard Grant, and James Thomas. Sworn before John Saffin, Coroner, 29th August 1679. 4 pp.
1632. V. Examination of Theophilus Clare. Same date and same occasion.
1632. VI. Examination of Rowland Peterson. Undated. Same occasion.
1632. VII. Deposition of James Thomas, sworn before Nicholas Raynsford, 29th August 1679. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd, 3 June '84.
1632. VIII. Deposition of Richard Grant. Same date and occasion. 1¼ pp. Endorsed as preceding.
1632. IX. Deposition of Robert Ellis. Same date and occasion. 1½ pp. Endorsed as No. VII.
1632. X. Deposition of Anthony Burgess. Same date and endorsement. 1½ pp.
1632. XI. Deposition of Samuel Bryant. Same date and endorsement. 1 p.
1632. XII. Deposition of William Helme, 30th August. Same endorsement. 1½ pp.
1632. XIII. Deposition of Edward Winter. Same date and endorsement. 1 p.
1632. XIV. Deposition of John Winter. Same date and endorsement. 1 p.
1632. XV. Deposition of Thomas Peel. Same date and endorsement. 1 p.
1632. XVI. Deposition of George Stanley. Same date and endorsement. 1 p.
1632. XVII. Deposition of Thomas Swift, 31st August. Same endorsement. 1 p.
1632. XVIII. Deposition of Robert Edgar. Sworn before John Saffin, Coroner, 9th September 1679. 1 p.
1632. XIX. Verdict of the Coroner's jury, 10th September 1679, 1 p.
1632. XX. Deposition of Rowland Peterson before Nicholas Raynsford, 22nd September 1679. 1 p. Endorsed as No. XVII.
1632. XXI. Return of witnesses for the Crown. Signed, Jo. Saffin, Coroner. 3 November 1679. 1 p.
1632. XXII. Deposition of Anthony Burgess. Sworn before Nicholas Raynsford, 13th November 1679. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., Nos. 73 I.–XXII.]
April 13.
1633. The King to Sir Thomas Lynch. Having heard of the violence lately committed by pirates on Vera Cruz, and that the King of Spain is sending a Commissioner to enquire into the same, we order that if that Commissioner should apply to you for advice or assistance you will give him all in your power. You will, if he desires it, inform him privately as to the warning which you sent to the Governor of St. Domingo respecting Nicholas Vanhorn, and his answer thereto, and also as to any secret correspondence between that Governor and Vanhorn. You will permit no succour nor retreat to be given to any pirates, least of all to Thomas Pain, who, with five vessels under Breha, a Frenchman, is lately arrived at Florida. You will do all in your power to suppress pirates, and see that our orders in this respect are carried out. Countersigned. L. Jenkins. [Col. Entry Bks., Vol. XXX., pp. 229–231, and Vol. XCIX., pp. 318–319.]
April 13.
1634. The King to the Governor and Magistrates of Massachusetts. In consequence of the ravages of pirates in the territory of the King of Spain, we have thought it fit, for the encouragement of the amity that exists between us and his Spanish Majesty, to give orders for the suppression of pirates, and that you give no succour nor assistance to any, and especially not to one called Thomas Pain, who, with five vessels under the command of Captain Breha, has lately sailed to Florida. Such pirates you will exterminate, so far as in you lies, as a race of evildoers and enemies of mankind. You will also take care that our proclamation of the 12th ultimo is observed and executed. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bks., Vol. LXI., pp. 201, 202, and Vol. XCIX., 320–321.]
April 14.
1635. Sir William Stapleton to Lords of Trade and Plantations. On the request of the Council of Antigua (see ante, No. 1557), I send further Acts of that Island for confirmation. Signed, Wm. Stapleton. Holograph. ½ p. Endorsed. Recd. 3 June 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 74, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., p. 138.]
April 15. 1636. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Order for payment of 50l. on account to Mr. Thomas for ironwork on the fortifications; the same to Simon Cooper, mason, for the stonework; 62l. to John Saunders, for wood-work on the magazine; and 27l. to Thomas Cudduging, for delivering stones for the forts at Read's Bay. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., pp. 522–524 and 530–532.]
[April 16.] 1637. Speech of Lord Howard of Effingham on opening the General Assembly of Virginia. Recommending the building of towns; announcing the goodness of the King in not suppressing the Indian trade; and recommending a law empowering the Governor and Council to levy a tax not exceeding twenty pounds of tobacco per poll. The King expected of you a law to express your detestation of plant-cutting. Serious consideration of Indian affairs is necessary, and the remodelling of the militia. 2½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXV., pp. 219–221.]
April 16. 1638. Journal of Assembly of Virginia. Orders of public charge and levy to the sum of 702,432 lbs. of tobacco (pp. 95–105). List of members.
Colonel John Farrar
Captain William Randolph
Henrico County.
Colonel Edward Hill
James Minge
Charles City County.
Colonel Thomas Ballard
William Sherwood
James City County.
Henry Hartwell. James City.
Major Arthur Allen. Surrey County.
Joseph Woorg
Captain Henry Applethwaite
Isle of Wight County.
John Brassear
Major Barnard Kearne
Nancymond County.
Captain John Matthews
Captain Miles Cary
Warwick County.
Captain Francis Page
Joseph King
York County.
Major Henry Whiting
Captain Thomas Pate
Gloucester County.
Colonel George Mason
William Fitzhugh
Stafford County.
Major Charles Scarburgh
Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Jenifer
Accomack County.
Colonel William Kendall
John Custis
Northampton County.
His Excellency being in disposed, the House adjourned at his request till the morrow afternoon.
April 17. His Excellency bade the House choose its Speaker, and it chose Colonel Ballard, who was approved by the Governor. Committee appointed to examine returns of writs and elections. The House in a body accompanied the Speaker to Church, and on its return passed a vote of thanks to the preacher. Two Members of Council brought down the Governor's Commission and administered the oaths. Address to the Governor for a new writ for Northampton, Mr. John Custis having been sheriff when elected. Edward Rosse chosen as drummer to the General Court and Assembly.
April 18. Resolved to ask the Governor for a copy of his speech; that the Clerks of the Committee shall give assistance to the Clerk of Assembly; and that sheriffs who have not made due return of the writs be prosecuted. The Address to the Governor for a copy of his speech; His Excellency complied with its request. Appointment of Robert Bradley to be a Clerk of Committee on submitting to a sharp reproof for previous misconduct. John Custis fined 2,000 lbs. of tobacco for making an improper return as Sheriff. The bills concerning escheats and compositions which were passed last Assembly, ordered to be examined and redrawn. The Governor sent down his speech, and received the thanks of the House for it.
April 19. Committees appointed to examine the Governor's Commission and the records, for propositions and grievances, for private causes, for examination of public claims and debts, for examination of certificates, for apprehending runaway slaves. Order for a congratulatory address to the King on his escape from the popish plot. The list of Committees reported to the Governor. Address for Councillors to be added to that for public claims. His Excellency summoned the House and made a speech, saying that he was sorry to see such obstructions at the beginning of the Assembly, as were shown by the request for Councillors to be added to the Committees. The King had ordered, and Lord Culpeper had already announced, that there were to be no appeals from the General Court to the Assembly. Finally, he desired the Assembly to proceed to business. Address thanking the Governor, and asking as to his further instructions from the King; mentioning also that the House was unaware of the King's declaration as to appeals, and that Lord Culpeper did not to their knowledge enforce it, but rather the contrary, and praying for a sight of the former and present instructions. Order for no member to leave James City without the Speaker's permission. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXV., pp. 107–125.]
April 17.
Hampton Court.
1639. Order of the King in Council. Confirming the laws of Jamaica (see ante, No. 1239). Signed, Phi. Lloyd. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., pp. 207–209.]
April 17.
Hampton Court.
1640. The King to [Sir Thomas Lynch]. We have received with great satisfaction the loyal address of the Assembly of 5th September last (see No. 1237), and have confirmed your laws by Order in Council. But we have not confirmed the Act for the better ordering of slaves, in order to prevent the wanton killing of negroes; and on the advice of the Commissioners of Customs we have also disallowed the Act against engrossing and forestalling. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., pp. 210–212.]
April 17. 1641. William Blathwayt to the Attorney-General. You are desired to give your opinion on the newly-established Court of Barbados for holding pleas of the Crown, and to hasten your report concerning the repeal of laws in the plantations. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 238.]
April 18.
1642. Deposition of John Thomas, commander of the sloop Three Sisters. Was at Tortola on 24th March, and on his way to St. Christophers broke his mast, and was forced to put back to Tortola. While he lay at anchor, a three-master vessel came in under a commander, supposed to be Hamlin, who boarded the sloop, plundered it, and threatened to kill deponent, telling the Governor of Tortola he would cut him into meat for the pot. Hamlin kept possession of the sloop for a day and a night, but left her in the roads when he sailed away, and deponent watched his opportunity to retake her. Sworn before Sir William Stapleton 18th April 1684. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 24 Oct. 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 75.]
April 21. 1643. Journal of Assembly of Virginia. Order for the Governor's speech now read to be referred to the Committee of Grievances. Resolved, that the Committee for inspecting the journals of the last Assembly proceed with its work; that no propositions and grievances be received after Saturday next, 25th. Grievances of Yule and Nancymond counties read and committed. His Excellency's Instructions as to appeals read.
April 22. Grievances of five counties read and committed.
April 23. Report of the Committee for inspecting the journals referred to the Committee of Grievances. Report of the Committee for inspecting the records read. Resolved to address the Governor for copies of his Commission and Instructions relating to the Assembly. Lord Culpeper's Commission and Instructions to be entered in the Book of the Assembly. The Committee for inspecting records to examine and report as to quit-rents. Resolved, that it is a great grievance that access to the records in the Secretary's office should be denied. Sarah Bland's petition rejected. Grievances of various counties read and committed. His Excellency's Commission sent down, with a message saying that he was glad to let the House have it, and would communicate his instructions, so far as was fit and necessary, as soon as he had perused them. Six members waited upon the Governor to thank him; who replied that, as he had complied with the House's wishes, he hoped the House would comply with his.
April 24. Several extracts from the records relating to foreign coins, fines, &c., read and committed. The Governor's Commission returned. He explained that the Instructions were long preparing as he wished nothing to be omitted. Time for admission of claims limited to Monday 28th, and of grievances to 1st May.
April 25. The Governor's Instructions read and referred to the Committee of Grievances.
April 26 The Committee of Grievances presented a part of their report. Resolved to address the Governor to summon John Parvis before him for importing false and imperfect copies of the book "Complete Collection of the Laws of Virginia"; to grant patents confirming their lands to the inhabitants of Northumberland; and that he and the Council will join in a petition to the King for restoration of appeals from the General Courts to the Assembly. Copy of the address embodying these requests. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXV., pp. 125–135.]
April 22.
New Providence.
1644. A letter to Sir Thomas Lynch. My last informed you of the Spaniards invading and plundering our town. This is to tell you of our preparations against them. Six men-of-war have commissions to guard the coast, which is the least of their intentions, they being already gone away on some other design and great expectations. The Governor is starting for England, for what reason I know not, but his pretence is to address the King and Lords Proprietors for satisfaction from the Spainards. In my opinion he will have enough to do to justify himself. This is not the way to make a happy people if the King designs this Island for a plantation. If you will inform the King of these things, you will greatly oblige the inhabitants and especially myself, who have suffered much for opposing these violent courses. It will not be necessary to mention my name at home, lest the Proprietors take it amiss that I address any but themselves, and I must be careful to disappoint one whom I know to be my enemy. "Thy real friend to serve thee." Name torn off. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 15 August 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 76.]
April 23. 1645. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Antigua. The Council desired the concurrence of the Assembly in sending a sloop against the Indians at the joint cost of Nevis, St. Christophers, Montserrat, and Antigua. The Assembly professed itself willing to abide by its promise, but declared this to be impossible till after crop-time. The Council represented that the Island lay under obligations to Sir William Stapleton and the other Islands. The Assembly conceived that the Islands that have the precedence would send their sloops first, one after another, by which time crop-time might be over. The Council again desired the Assembly's agreement to an Act to confirm the land in the Island to the possessors thereof. The Assembly declined on the ground that they could not be satisfied at present as to what persons had been dispossessed of their lands. The Council pressed the point for passing the Act with certain limitations. The Assembly assented, provided no advantages were given to those who had surreptitiously dispossessed others of their lands, and proposed three members to draft the Act. The Council accepted the compromise. The Council proposed payment for five small brass guns. The Assembly dissented, owing to the indebtedness of the Island. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIX., No. 81.]
April 24. 1646. The Attorney-General to William Blathwayt. In reply to yours of 17th instant (see No. 1641), I think the Barbados Court for holding pleas of the Crown may be useful, and may be annexed to the Court of Exchequer there. As to your second question, I am of opinion that the repeal of an Act of repeal revives the original law. Signed, R. Sawyer. Holograph. ½ p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 77, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 238.]
April 24. 1647. The Attorney-General to William Blathwayt. On your question of 4th March (see No. 1577). I am of opinion that the disallowance of the Act of repeal amounts to approbation of the original law. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCVII., p. 107.]
April 26. 1648. Commission from King Christian V. of Denmark to the Governor of St. Thomas. Copy. Certified by Sir William Stapleton. Latin. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 24 January 1684–85. Read 31st. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 78.]
April 26.
May 6.
St. Philip's Bay.
1649. Laurens, the pirate, to Sir Thomas Lynch. I present my humble respects and hope that your health is good. I have a few details to give you about a small English ship, laden with sugar, which I found in the hands of a Spaniard. I took both ships in the night, kept the Spaniard and set the Englishman free. The English captain told me that the Spaniard was taking him and his ship into Havana, but I gave him the ship back without doing him any harm. I send this short note only to show you that I am far from injuring your nation, but, on the contrary, am anxious always to do it service. Signed, De Grasse. Inscribed and endorsed: Lawrence's letter to Sir Thomas Lynch. Recd. 15 August 1684. 1¼ p. [Col Papers, Vol. LIII., No.79.]
April 28. 1650. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for payment of salary to Chief Justice Bernard. The Assembly prorogued to 4th June. Adjourned sine die. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXVI., pp. 35, 36.]
April 29. 1651. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Sir Richard Kyrle. We send you a commission as Governor of Carolina. The Spaniards have not always been very good neighbours, and we know not how soon they may attack you. You will therefore consult the Council and Parliament, and put the country into the best posture of defence that you can, in order to which you will hasten the settlement of the militia and set good men in command. You will cause the companies to be frequently trained, and agree upon the rendezvous of each company and regiment in case of alarm. And the alarm for the approach of a Christian enemy should be different from that used of Indians. You will arrange what is to be done in either case, and we hope that your preparations may make the enemy desist from attempts that are chiefly encouraged by carelessness in defence. We have already given orders for publishing the proclamations of neutrality and against privateers. Your patent for Landgrave will follow by next ship. Signed, Craven, Albemarle, Bath (for Lord Carteret), P. Colleton. [Col. Entry Bks., Vol. XXI., p. 126, and Vol. XXII., p. 28.]
[April 29.] 1652. Instructions to Sir Richard Kyrle. Four articles supplementary to those issued to Governor Moreton. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXII., p. 29.]
[April ?] 1653. Affidavit of Edward Randolph. As to his delivery of the King's declaration and writ of quo warranto at Boston, and their reception by the Magistrates and Deputies. He believes the signatures to the Magistrate's letter (see ante, No. 1603) to be genuine, and heard that the Governor and Magistrates passed a power of attorney under their Common Seal, and sent it to Mr. Robert Humphreys their solicitor. In Randolph's hand. 1½ pp. Undated. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 80, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., pp. 202, 203.]
April 29. 1654. Journal of Assembly of Virginia. The Governor's answer to the address of the 26th instant. The Council and I agree with your first proposal, and have prohibited the false collection of laws of Virginia from admission into any court. As to the second proposal, the matter is under the King's consideration, and I expect his orders in favour of the inhabitants every ship, so I think that this is not a time to say more about it. As to the third, we will join you in asking that appeals shall not be carried to England when less than 300l. is at issue. Address from the Committee of Grievances respecting appeals read and ordered to be presented to the Governor. It contains a copy of an address on Colonel Codd's case of 11th November 1679, and points to it as an example of the hardships that may be caused by malicious appeals.
April 30. Act for altering the time of holding General Courts read a second time. Act repealing Acts concerning Sheriffs taking bail read a first time.