America and West Indies: February 1684

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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'America and West Indies: February 1684', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: February 1684', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: February 1684". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 11, 1681-1685. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1898), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

February 1684

Feb. 1.
1524. Account of goods captured from pirates from 23rd October 1683 to 1st February 1684. Total net value, 1,197l. 11s. 1d. Certified byR. Wilson. 2¼ pp. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 20.]
[Feb. 1.] 1525. Duplicate of foregoing. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 21.]
Feb. 1. 1526. The Council of St. Christophers to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Little has occurred since our last of 12th July 1680, saving our lamentable and miserable condition owing to hurricanes, which have almost destroyed the whole Island, and discouraged both planter and trader. Now these times of calamity are past, and glorious fair weather has succeeded, so that the Island seems in a fair way of improvement. We inform you of this, though we would not trouble you with our adversity. We understand that Sir William Stapleton is soliciting to be relieved of this government. We humbly beseech you to give no encouragement to his application, unless it be only for a short time, to kiss the King's hand or settle his domestic affairs and return again. For after long experience of his courage, conduct, and justice, we think the King's interest and our own much better secured against any hostile attempts of our potent neighbours the French, who would gladly find these Islands under the government of a General devoid of Sir William Stapleton's martial and soldier-like spirit, and might seize the occasion to deprive the King of his sovereignty over them. And this branch of our letter we beg you to look upon as our petition, but if it come too late we beg that his successor may be an experienced soldier, and, if possible, reside in this Island, and his deputy also. For it is too well known and fresh in our memory that the King lost his interest here to the French in the war of 1666 for want of a soldier to command us, which at present we enjoy in Colonel Thomas Hill, our Deputy Governor, who was formerly Brigadier in the Duke of York's troop of Horse-guards. We must also represent to you the daily annoyance which we receive from the Island of St. Thomas and the insolence of the Governor, Adolphus Esmit. For the King of Denmark, contrary to the law of nations, admits all manner of pirates to harbour and commerce there, and is himself no better than a partaker in their robberies. We beg that measures may be taken to suppress both him and them, or the Western trade will be greatly prejudiced. We beg you to give your thanks to His Majesty (1) for remembering us in the Treaty of Breda and restoring to us the possessions lost by our predecessors; (2) for his Royal gift from the Exchequer and his free and bountiful donation for erecting fortifications, which has been applied by Sir William Stapleton to that object; (3) for the maintenance of two companies of foot, which we beg may be continued here, supplied with recruits and duly paid as other of the standing forces, the want whereof is the chief complaint of officers and men; (4) for the promise of three hundred malefactors, which we have long since hoped to receive, regarding them as a considerable addition to our strength, which we beg you to expedite. And since the four-and-a-half per cent. duty on our exports is farmed out to Colonel John Strode for a very invaluable sum, which farm terminates next Christmas, we beg you to intercede with the King to bestow this revenue on the Island for the support of the Government for a time, until our fortunes are recruited and the Island able to maintain the charge itself, which at present it cannot do. At least, we beg that when the farm expires it may be granted to us at the same rate that it would be allowed to other persons; and we therefore beg you not to allow this Island to be farmed with the other islands, which prevents us from ascertaining the true value of the duty. We are in general want of arms and ammunition, especially gunpowder for the artillery and the foot companies, which in our poverty we cannot supply without great oppression. Lastly, we have appointed Captain Christopher Jeaffreson to be our solicitor in England, a man of approved worth and integrity, with a considerable interest in the island, and we beg you to accept him in that capacity. We request that the Governor and Deputy Governor may be exempted from signing such letters as this in future, as neither of them are acquainted with their contents. Signed, John Estridge, Roger Elrington, J. Rodeney, Ja. Phipps, Char. Mathew, Jno. Vickers, Jos. Crisp, Jno. Pogson, Ralph Willett, Wm. Willett. 2½ closely written pages. Endorsed. Read May 7, '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 22, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 143–150.]
Feb. 2. 1527. Sir William Stapleton to the Proprietors of Tortola. I have received the duplicate of yours on behalf of Mynheer Huntoms (?), demanding a commission left in my hands for Tortola and the restitution of the Island. You have received my answer before now. Do not take it amiss if I do not comply. I dare not without my master's orders. As to the Dutch commission, I may have it among my papers, but it was taken when the Island was, and it shall be restored when I receive my master's order. I should gladly oblige you in anything else, but in this you must excuse me. Read the Treaty of Breda, which informs you how such places should be delivered. Signed, Wm. Stapleton. Holograph. 1 p. Endorsed. Addressed, These for Mynheer John Dunker, formerly Governor of Curassol. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 23.]
Feb. 4. 1528. The King to Sir William Stapleton. Ordering him to do justice to Mounteney Bunckley, and restore to him the property to which he is entitled, cancelling any Letters Patent that he may have issued disposing otherwise of the property. (See ante, No. 1520). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIX., pp. 290, 291.]
Feb. 4.
St. Jago de la
1529. Orders from Sir Thomas Lynch to Captain Matthew Tennant, H.M.S. Ruby. To deliver 2,000 doubloons belonging to the Assiento, which he had received from one St. Jago de Castillo, forthwith to Captain Hender Molesworth. 1p. Endorsed. Recd. 16 May 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 24.]
Feb. 6.
1530. Order of the King in Council. Referring the business of the ship Fountain to Lords of Trade and Plantations, and ordering Captain John Poyntz to forbear his intended voyage to Tobago until the matter have been further examined. Signed, John Nicholas. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 25.]
Feb. 11. 1531. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. The Governor announced that he had received a petition from the justices and others of Port Royal complaining that they had been traduced as disloyal by an address to the King. The address was read and was voted by the Council to be scandalous and seditious, and factiously and clan-destinely promoted. Petition from Lieutenant Snagg, pleading that Captain Archbold had misrepresented him, Archbold himself being the aggressor. Captain Archbold was called in and rebuked by the Governor, and, after using many violent and unbecoming expressions, was told that he would be tried by the field-officers of the Island. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXVI., pp. 34–36.]
Feb. 12. 1532. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations.? On the application of Mr. Penn's agent for a day to be fixed for hearing of a difference between Mr. Penn and Lord Baltimore touching a certain tract of land, it was agreed, in view of a letter from Lord Baltimore, to put off the business till April, unless his Agent be ready to bring the matter forward earlier. Mr. Penn's letter of 14th August 1683 was received this day.
Captain Poyntz and several others interested in the settlement of Tobago attended. They were ordered to deliver a full state of their title to the Committee, who will refer it to the Attorney-General. Meanwhile, agreed to report that the captain of the ship Fountain be permitted to proceed on his voyage to Barbados, on finding security to carry no passengers to Tobago, and that Sir Richard Dutton be instructed to discourage the settlement of a plantation in that Island.
Memorandum of documents received, including the Acts of Jamaica and Barbados passed in 1683. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVII., pp. 273–279.]
Feb. 12.
1533. Report of Lords of Trade and Plantations to the King. We have examined Captain Poyntz and the master of the ship Fountain, and though we cannot approve of the proceedings of Poyntz and his company, yet they have engaged themselves to go no further therein till we have had time to examine the state of their case and their pretensions. The master of the Fountain asserts that great damage may arise to his ship from continuance of her arrest, and offers to give bond to carry no passengers to Tobago, on which condition we recommend that the ship be allowed to proceed to Barbados. Draft, with corrections. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 26.]
[Feb. 12.] 1534. Memorandum.—That the Duke of York desires a day to be appointed for hearing the dispute between Lord Baltimore and William Penn respecting land demised by the Duke to Penn. ½ p. Endorsed. Recd. 12 Feb. 168 ¾. The business put off till February, when my Lord Baltimore will be here. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 27.]
Feb. 13.
1535. Sir William Stapleton to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I understand that there is a clamour against me, both concerning my writ of division between Captains William Freeman and John Bramley in Montserrat and as to the Acts of Appraisements here and in St. Christophers. There is little or no truth in the first. I hold a power of attorney to act in this matter for Freeman, and I had no object but the peace and interest of the parties. Freeman had sixteen months to reject the partition if he disliked it, of which four are not yet expired. As to the appraisements of lands, there has been no complaint till now during the thirteen years of my government. All planters would be glad were there no such Acts, but for the encouragement of trade the Council, Assembly, and myself passed this Act for the satisfaction of debts. All these clamours are occasioned by some little factors, who send little home to their employers, but convert it into cargoes here by forestalling the market with their employers' goods. They sell at cent. per cent., and sometimes at ducent per cent., besides the extortion for forbearance, which I hope will be prevented in future by the Act just passed. Pray send for Colonel Bayer, Colonel John Netheway, Colonel Thomas, and Captain Jeaffreson. They or any other planters will tell you that I always stood by the merchants; and though I have been solicited and petitioned to stop the courts of judicature after two hurricanes and a drought, I have never done so, as I can prove. Two merchants have always been joined with two planters in all commissions of appraisement. I must trouble you with a new deposition about the Governor of St. Thomas. Never was the like impudence on the earth as of him and his wife. She gives out that she is the relict of an English baron. Pray obtain me an order for the remaining 750l. due for the forts. My repeated importunity about the soldiers' arrears and my own I hope you will excuse; the wants of the men are great and the circumstances extraordinary. The Council and Assembly of St. Christophers beg me to ask you to admit Captain Christopher Jeaffreson as their agent. He is a very worthy man. Pray allow Captain Bramley and myself to put in answers to Freeman's petition, and read Bramley's petition that comes by this ship. Signed, Wm. Stapleton. Holograph. Endorsed. Recd. 25 April '84. Read 27th May. Two closely written pages, the style so involved as to be hardly intelligible. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 28, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 127–130.] Annexed,
1535. I. Deposition of Edward Carty. Nine months ago I was at St. Thomas with Captain George Bond, captain of the Fortune's Adventure, to whom I belonged. Bond was fitting out his ship for piracy, and Governor Esmit was assisting him, spars, sails, and provisions being supplied from the Castle. On return from the voyage with a Dutch prize Bond stopped at the east end of St. Thomas and sent the Governor word that he was come. The Governor came up in a sloop, offered the pirates his sloop and storehouse for the captured goods, and sent them a protection under his hand. After the goods had been landed Bond showed me sixty pieces of eight, saying that he had it from Governor Esmit to buy them a boat to carry them off. Sworn before Joseph Martyn, 28th January 168¾. 1p. Endorsed. Recd. 25 April 1684. Nevis. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 28 I.]
Feb. 13.
St. Christophers.
1536. The Deputy Governor of St. Christophers to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I send the transactions of the Council and Assembly and the returns of imports and shipping. On my arrival I found the inhabitants had "engaged themselves to an extra-ordinary task" in the erection of a fort. Though there are some hands always at work on it, it goes on very slowly, and it will be long before it is completed. I found it altogether destitute of powder and fire-arms, in want of flags, and all the guns dismounted. I have mounted the guns, but the people are too poor to furnish ammunition and finish the work. I have written for twenty barrels of powder on my own account; and must point out to you how great is our want of the three hundred malefactors promised to us. The French are twice as numerous as we are on this island, their soldiers are paid every month ninepence per diemupon the drum-head, which causes great dissatisfaction among our own men, who are much in arrears. You will receive an address to the King on his happy deliverance from the late conspiracy (see No. 1520). A person concerned therein, by name John Holloway, left this island some time since for St. Eustatius. I sent some gentlemen of the Council after him, who had the good fortune to apprehend him. He was sent home by the Governor-in-Chief ten days ago. Signed, Tho. Hill. Holograph. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. April 7, '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 29, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 134–136.]
Feb. 14. 1537. Abstract of a letter from Colonel Thomas Hill, Deputy Governor of St. Christophers. Pray remind my lords of the nest of thieves that resorts to St. Thomas. We dare not send a sloop to leeward for a loading of timber for fear of losing sloop, men, and goods, nor do the people dare go so much as turtling. If this be suffered the western trade will be ruined. I sent seven men by the Governor's order to St. Thomas to demand a sloop and cargo. Our man-of-war being there brought back two of the men; the other five were captured by the pirates and have not been heard of since.
Abstract of a letter from Major Crisp, 12th February 168¾. These western seas are of late exceedingly filled with pirates. If their growth be not stopped, commerce will be ruined, and without commerce these parts cannot long subsist. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. May 7, '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 30.]
Feb. 14. 1538. Journal of Assembly of Nevis. The Acts of the Island to be sent home, and an address to the King. Signed by the members of Council and Assembly. [Col. Papers, Vol. LII., No. 4, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., p. 433.]
Feb. 14.
1539. The Council of Nevis to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We beg you to excuse us for not writing every three months, for often six months passes without occurrence worthy your knowledge. But we learn that our Governor, Sir William Stapleton, has asked for leave to return to Europe, whose loyalty, courage, fidelity, and military prudence have kept us happy and flourishing, and rendered us formidable to our potent French neighbours. These qualifications are necessary for a Governor of these Islands, since the least disgust at home renders them little better than garrisons. We beg, therefore, that the King will continue Sir W. Stapleton's Commission, and put a stop to his leave to return home. Or if this may not be, we beg that a Governor of courage and experience may be appointed, and not one whose name has been brought here by report, Sir John Knight, jun., of Bristol, a person who, having been a trader here, is well known to us, and on whose appointment we cannot but be doubtful of the King's interest and our own in time of war, owing to his want of experience, and in time of peace owing to his interest in trade. Signed, Walter Symonds, Ja. Walker, Hen. Carpenter, Phillip Lee, Wm. Burt, Jos. Jory, Ja. Russell, Daniell Lanhather, Charles Pym. 1 p. Endorsed. Read May 7, '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 31, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 150–152.]
Feb. 14.
1540. Governor Lilburne to Sir Thomas Lynch. This is to acquaint you with the surprise of this town by the Spaniards. The people were frighted out of their beds, and few saved anything; while they were so much dispersed that it was long before any could meet together for resistance. I enclose copy of a relation which I have sent to a friend (see No. 1509). I am sending to Havana to demand our prisoners. Certainly these things will soon cause our mastiffs in the Indies to be let loose upon them, especially if they proceed (as they vapour) to Carolina. There are five or six hundred men here who would be glad of the opportunity. Signed, R. Lilburne. Holograph. 1p. Endorsed. Recd. from Jamaica, 21 May '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 32.]
Feb. 14.
1541. Edward Randolph to Sir Leoline Jenkins. I arrived at Boston on the 26th October, late at night, and found their General Court broken up that afternoon. Their Agents, who started a fortnight and arrived four days before me, had warned them that a quo warranto was brought against their charter, and that they might daily expect me. Next morning I delivered the King's declaration, with a copy of the quo warranto. The General Court was again summoned on the 7th November. Mr. Dudley, one of the late Agents, the Governor, and most of the magistrates, nine of the Deputies, and as many of the ministers were for an entire submission to the proposals in the declaration. But Danforth, with Richards, the other Agent, having made a strong party in the House of Deputies, would not assent, but trifled away the time, and after above five weeks they adjourned to the 4th instant. I hear they have drawn up a letter to gain more time, hoping that troubles may break out in England, and all further prosecution be dropped. They have empowered an attorney to appear for them, and are raising money, giving out that it is to pay existing debts, but the people, being dissatisfied at the General Courts' refusal of the King's declaration, are resolved to take the benefit of it, and pay no more rates until, by the vacating of the Charter, they are brought immediately under the King's laws and government. I sailed from Boston the 14th December, hoping to be in time to get Mr. Attorney to get judgment entered against the Charter, but we had a very dangerous passage, and the ship was reduced to a mere wreck by constant storms. All my goods and necessaries are lost or damaged, and I am much indisposed in body. I defer further news till I see you. Holograph. Signed. 1p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 33.]
Feb. 14. 1542. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to [Governor of Albemarle County, Carolina]. Mr. Timothy Biggs is lately arrived in England, complaining of injuries for which he can obtain no redress, the men whom you have appointed to try his case being, as he alleges, the very persons who did him injury in the late disorders. Our blank deputations were given you on purpose that you might appoint suitable and impartial persons, and our instructions were for the selection of three discreet men who had taken no part in the irregularities, who with the Governor should form a court for the trial of all actions relating thereto. Biggs, however, informs us that the persons appointed were great actors in the disorders against the King's interest, to which we cannot reply, not knowing who those persons were. We therefore require you to send us their names without delay, and if any were concerned in the disorders to put them out and put in others better suited. And you will send home depositions, that we may the better be able to answer the clamours of Mr. Biggs. You will also choose four discreet men who had no part in the late troubles to be justices of the county court of Albemarle, and a fifth for sheriff, and hold courts as directed in our Constitutions, which we think a better way than that first ordered. For it is not convenient that the Governor should be interested in the immediate trial of causes, but that he should be at liberty to receive complaints against the justices, if such be preferred. You will execute this order at once and send us the names of the persons chosen. We also desire the name of the receiver appointed by Mr. Archadall, and an account of the rents which he has collected. Mr. Woodrow complains that you will not permit him to enjoy the perquisites of his office, but take them for yourself. This must not be. Junior officers must enjoy their perquisites, and the Governors must be no further concerned than to see that they do their duty. We desire your answer to this. Colonel Ludwell, of Virginia, has complained that a plantation in Carolina belonging to him in right of his wife is detained from him, on pretence that it is escheated. You will report to us on this, sending full particulars and copies of records. We have considered what you wrote of Lord Culpeper's claiming quits-rent in Albemarle county. We are sure that he had no orders from hence, so you will uphold our rights by all legal means. You will adhere strictly to our rules for granting land, for we will not permit deviation from them.
Memorndum.—That blank deputations from four of the proprietors, dated 3rd June 1684, were sent with this letter. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol., XXII., pp. 26, 27.]
Feb. 15. 1543. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Antigua. The Governor and Council proposed to the Assembly (1) to send a letter to the Lords of Trade on behalf of the Island; (2) to ask therein for a Governor of courage and conduct if Sir William Stapleton go to England; (3) to ask them to represent to the King the mischief done by the Governor of St. Thomas. The Assembly concurred. Copy of the letter (see next abstract). [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIX., No. 81.]
Feb. 16.
1544. The Council of Antigua to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We have forwarded our laws through the Governor, and hope that they may be confirmed. If our present Governor-in-Chief should leave us or be called to some other employment, we beg that his successor may be an experienced soldier, of courage and conduct, for on such a person the safety of these Islands depends in time of war, having frontiers to the French, Spaniards, Danes, and Dutch. Signed, Fran. Carlile, Nich. Raynsford, Jno. Vernon, Ed. Powell, Row. William, Paul Lee, Wm. Barnes. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 13 June 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 34, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 152–154.]
Feb. 18.
1545. Memorial of the Dutch Ambassador to the King, for the restitution of Tortola. French. 1½ pp. Copy. (See post, No. 1593.) [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 35.]
Feb. 18.
1546. The Deputy Governor and Council of Montserrat to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We beg excuse for not writing every three months; in twelve months nothing may occur worth your notice. Request that Sir William Stapleton may remain Governor, or a suitable successor appointed, in the same words as the letter from Nevis. (See No. 1538.) The Governor of St. Thomas has been a protector to runaway debtors, servants, and negroes, and to pirates, which is a great prejudice to us. We thank the King for the money for the fortifications, and would beg a further supply, either from the four-and-a-half per cent. duty or elsewhere. Signed, Ric. Stapleton, John Devereux, Nich. Mead, Jno. Bramley, Tho. Nugent, John Symer. 1½ pp. Endorsed. Recd. 4 June 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 36, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., pp. 154–157.]
Feb. 19. 1547. The Earl of Sunderland to the Danish Envoy. I have received your letter intimating that the King of Denmark has ordered the arrest of the Governor of St. Thomas. I am to inform you that the King has delayed his despatch of his orders until you have communicated them to the King of Denmark and received his answer. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., p. 116.]
Feb. 20. 1548. The Clerk of the General Assembly of Nevis to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding proceedings of the General Assembly. [Col. Papers, Vol. LII., No. 4, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., p. 35.]
Feb. 20. 1549. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Order for 660l. to be paid to divers persons on account of the fortifications. Richard Howell granted leave of absence to go to England. Adjourned to 18th March. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 510, 511, and pp. 515, 516.]
Feb. 20. 1550. The King to Sir Richard Dutton. Authorising the reprieve of James Baxter, under sentence of death. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIX., p. 250.]
Feb. 20. 1551. Sir William Stapleton to William Blathwayt. Transmitting Henry Tucker's account of the capture of New Providence. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCVII., pp. 108–109.]
Feb. 21 1552. Minutes of Council of Virginia. The Governor's Commission was read, and his Excellency took the oaths in the presence of the Council, who likewise took the oaths as Councillors. Ordered, that a proclamation be issued for continuing all officers in their offices, and that writs be issued for calling an Assembly. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXIV., p. 186.]
[Feb. 25.] 1553. A list of the fittest men in Jamaica to be Councillors. 1. Samuel Bernard, Speaker and Chief Justice, a merchant skilled in the law, and of great wealth. 2. Major Peter Beckford, Sir Thomas Lynch's nephew, bred a seaman, now a merchant. Captain of the forts; singularly fit, having some knowledge of gunnery, and being very active, honest, and sober. A member of Assembly. 3. Lieutenant-Colonel Whitgift Aylmer; descendant of two bishops. "One of the conquerors." Competent, of fair estate, and a member of Assembly. 4. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Stanton, came to the Island as a boy, an understanding man of fair estate, and a member of Assembly. 5. Lieutenant-Colonel William Parker. An honest public-spirited man, of good parts and reasonable estate. 6. Dr. Fulke Rose, a surgeon bred, and a very discreet and virtuous man. His plantations render him over 4,000l. per annum, and his practice about 600l. A member of Assembly. 1 p. Endorsed. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 37, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., pp. 256, 257.]
Feb. 26.
St. Jago de la
1554. Order of Sir Thomas Lynch to the Provost Marshal of Jamaica. To secure St. Jago de Castillo (see ante No. 1529) and bring him before the Governor, he having, according to Captain Tennant, kept back 470l. of the money taken by him for himself. Copy. ½ p. Endorsed. Recd. 15 May 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 38.]
Feb. 27. 1555. The King to Joseph Dudley and William Stoughton. Ordering H.M.S. Rose, Captain William Phipps, to be seized if it appear that Phipps or his seamen have a design to defraud the King of the ship, with the plate and bullion thereon. This order to be kept secret. Countersigned, Sunderland. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIII., pp. 172, 173.]
Feb. 27.
1556. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of Proprietors of the Narragansett country to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. Signed, John Nicholas. Annexed,
1556. I. The petition referred to. Your Majesty has always granted us possession of the Narragansett country by your charter to Connecticut, and by your letters to the various Colonies. But your orders have been rendered ineffectual, your subjects' rights invaded, and their estates ruined by indirect actions and administrations. We beg your confirmation of our just property, and your establishment of the country under the Government of Connecticut or otherwise. Signed, John Winthrop, Waite Winthrop, Richard Smith, Rd. Wharton, Simon Lynd, John Saffin. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 5 Dec. '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII. Nos. 39, 39 I., and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., p. 222.]
Feb. 27. 1557. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Antigua. The Council desired the Assembly's concurrence in sending home the Acts for alienation of lands, and confirmation of marriages and of aliens' lands, in making an address of congratulation to the King, and in choosing an agent to represent the Island in England. The Assembly appointed two members to draw an address with two of the Council, and recommended William Barnes as Agent; but concurred in sending two Acts home only, lest private Acts should impede the confirmation of more important Acts. The Council rejoined to show the advantage of their proposal, and the Assembly yielded. Two members of Council appointed to draw an address, and William Barnes approved as Agent. [Col. Papers, Vol. XLIX., No. 81.]
Feb. 27.
1558. Governor and Council of Antigua to Sir William Stapleton. We have received the Acts for alienation of lands, for confirmation of marriages, and for confirming aliens in their lands. We beg to offer them again to you, and to ask that they may be sent home for confirmation with the other Acts. Those for alienation of lands are but four or five, and their preambles contain reasons which, when backed by an agent at home, would dispose of any objections against them. We press this on behalf of the purchasers, who have disbursed great sums on the settle-ments on the faith of these Acts. We have appointed Major William Barnes to be our Agent in England, and we beg your approval of our choice. He will sail speedily for home. Signed, Ed. Powell, Row. Williams, Fran. Carlile, Nich. Raynsford, Will. Barnes, J. Parry, Tho. Duncombe, Speaker, Samuel Long. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 4 June 1684. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 40, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVII., p. 142.]
Feb. 27. 1559. Minutes of Council and Assembly of St. Christophers. Proposed by the Governor and Council to the Assembly, that one out of every thirty able negroes be employed on the fortifications; refused by the Assembly, unless executions of proceedings at law be suspended while they are so employed. Proposed also by the Assembly that the work be overseen by a member of the Council, a member of the Assembly, an officer and five more white men. Refused by the Governor and Council, and proposed that the Assembly take it in turns to supervise the work. Governor, Council, and Assembly agreed to present an address to Sir William Stapleton asking him to beg the ratification of the Treaty of Neutrality. [Col. Papers, Vol. LV., No. 48.]
Feb. 27. 1560. Memorandum of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Proposing that in view of Sir Thomas Lynch's reports on the damage done by pirates, a draft of the law in force in Jamaica against pirates be sent to all the other plantations in America to be passed there, and the Governors instructed to enforce it strictly. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCVII., p. 102.]
Feb. 27. 1561. Order of the King in Council. For the execution of the recommendations in the memorandum preceding. Signed, John Nicholas. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCVII., p. 103.]
Feb. 28. 1562. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir Thomas Lynch's letter of 22nd November read, together with the Minutes of Council concerning Sir Henry Morgan. Agreed to report that Sir T. Lynch's proceedings therein be approved; also that the French ambassador be asked how far the seizure of several English vessels by ships bearing French commissions is sanctioned by the King of France.
Memorandum of documents despatched and received. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. CVII., pp. 278–281.]
Feb. 28.
1563. Sir Thomas Lynch to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir Francis Watson sailed on the 12th ultimo with duplicates. The small-pox has raged at Port Royal like the plague, but is now ceased. So also are our quarrels, Charles Morgan being gone, though he did his utmost to ruin his drinking friends and raise a riot at the point, for on the night of his departure he and his friends violated the guards and traduced the officers. He, Sir Henry, and their party, a day or two before the Falcon sailed, secretly signed an attestation for Mr. Longworth, the parson of Port Royal, an ill man, who has drunk with them, to the scandal of his functions and the offence of his parish. We have discovered also that the day before Charles Morgan sailed he exposed a malicious and factious address to be signed in Port Royal. Sir Henry has offered to swear that no one signed it, but we suspect that Charles Morgan and Sir Francis Watson were to sign it for the rest. I think that, after the loyal addresses of the Council and Assembly, the King and your Lordships will pay little attention to their secret and factious addresses. I do not doubt that in such cases as this you will distinguish between the loyal and disloyal. If by this address or otherwise Morgan's party charge the Government with encouraging dissenters, it is a most false and malicious accusation, for the dissenters enjoy no more grace and toleration than is granted them by the King on their good behaviour. There is not a dissenter in any civil employment nor in the Assembly, except two, who have taken the oaths of allegiance and supremacy. There are also three or four of them officers in the militia, who would gladly be excused the trouble and expense. They have never disserved the King nor opposed the Government before I came nor since, and not one of them has ever spoken or written to me about their religion, nor prayed my favour, nor thanked me. They have left themselves entirely to the King's grace and the Government's justice, and the Council and I have thought ourselves obliged to do them right. The abuse and persecution of them has only arisen since Charles Morgan was dismissed from his post of Aid-Major. I am not afraid that six or eight malcontents will be able to fix this accusation on me, for I know that I have done my duty and that you will support me. On the 15th ultimo the Assembly met, and is prorogued to the 20th May. I acquainted them that you had suppressed the Act about negroes, and obliged the Royal African Company to supply five thousand negroes this year and three thousand in succeeding years, with which they seemed satisfied, and desired to thank your Lordships. I must thank you sincerely for Colonel Hender Molesworth's commission, for it is certain that Sir Henry Morgan's hope of governing as first Councillor has buoyed up his little senseless party, and occasioned its insolence and our late troubles. This you have now obviated, and I am most exceedingly obliged to you for accepting my recommendation.
I have heard nothing of late from Petit Guavos, but we conclude that about the beginning of this month Grammont went in Vanhorn's ship to leeward, with six more, to join Laurens on the coast of the Main. For he, Yankey, and Mitchell went (as I told Mr. Blathwayt) to Carthagena, where the Governor sent out two great ships, the Lapaz and the St. Francisco, and a sloop to chase them away. All three of these ships, however, were taken by the pirates. The Lapaz fought and lost eighty men, and the St. Francisco ran ashore; they are now both privateers of sixty and fifty-six guns, and are gone together to the Bay of Honduras. They talk of taking the two great ships that are there, and then of going on to attack the Flota and Vera Cruz again; for as yet only the Admiral and Vice-Admiral are gone home, both of whom deserve to be made grandees for allowing these pirates to escape when they had them in a net. Others tell me that the pirates talk of a design against Segovia, an inland town, but it is impossible to judge of their intentions, which are governed by necessity and the caprice of the men. The Ruby met some of them off Carthagena, and I was pleased to hear that the Spaniards noticed how respectful they were. Captain Tennant says that Yankey showed him a commission from the Governor of Petit Guavos, who, I suppose, has had orders from Martinique to issue commissions.
On the 3rd instant the Ruby returned from Carthagena convoying the Spanish ship St. Thomas with three hundred negroes. The city was in great confusion over the loss of the two ships, and the Governor was embroiled with Don Nicolas Porcio, the Assiento's Agent General. The disorder was increased by Captain Tennant's misconduct; however, they paid the money which the ship and negroes were hypothecated for, 2,800 pieces of eight, and they are now returned hither to buy more negroes. They have brought but 2,800 pieces of eight for the purpose, either because they could not get the money, or more probably with the intention of borrowing again, so as to compel me to send convoy to protect them, and bring back the merchants' money. Unfortunately we have no negroes nor hope of negroes this long time. There were two miserable ships of the African Company with two-thirds both of blacks and Christians dead; and about ten days since agent Peirson arrived in an interloper of forty guns. He landed two or three hundred negroes at Barbados, of which I am told that the Spaniards bought a hundred and fifty. I shall order the ship to be seized, and shall do my best always, but I know of no expedient but that which I proposed to Sir Benjamin Bathurst for clearing the coast of Africa and America. Being unwilling to offend the Company I told the Spaniards that I must not buy of interlopers, and Colonel Molesworth threatened to seize them; but the negroes were landed out of port and will pass to the Spaniards by second hands. Besides, having given them liberty I cannot retrench it, and were they kept here four or five months and not suffered to buy what, they may, this trade would be ended before it is well begun, whereas it is my wish to continue it, at any rate until I receive your orders. It seems to me probable that if we were supplied with negroes, much of this trade would come to this Island, to the advantage alike of the King, the Company, and the nation.
They tell me there is at Rotterdam, Cadiz, and Seville the house of the Quayman, Brothers, which, with their Company, are the greatest traders in Europe. Last February they contracted with the King of Spain to import eighteen thousand negroes in seven years, but, being strangers, the Assiento was made in the name of Don Juan Barrera del Rozo, an old man of Cadiz; and it was agreed that his son-in-law, Don Nicolas Porcio, a Venetian, should come into the Indies as Apoderado General. Neither of these two last are concerned except in name, for the Dutch are obliged for the King's dues, that is, for 1,125,000 pieces of eight in seven years. The negroes are to be imported in licensed Spanish ships that equal ten thousand tons, which, taxed at twelve pieces of eight per ton, gives the sum named. The Quaymans have agreed with the West India Company of Holland at 107 pieces of eight per head ready money, and 120 credit. At the same time when this contract was concluded there was in Spain one Abraham Gill, a mongrel Dutch or Englishman, as agent or servant to Mr. John Bawden. This Gill and one Don Diego Magette, a Dutchman, contracted with Porcio for eighteen hundred negroes, twelve hundred of them at Barbados, and the rest here or in any other Colony. These negroes are to be delivered at sixty pieces of eight when received and fifty-eight when delivered; the buyers running the risk of the fifty-eight, the sellers of the sixty. This seemed to Bawden so bad a contract that he has renounced Gill and revoked the credit that he gave him at Barbados. However, they have come here, without money or credit, and, as I have already reported, have been trusted by our merchants. They have punctually repaid the advances, and are now come back, but with so many broils that it is difficult to adjust them. But Magette is now going to England and thence to Rotterdam to procure convoy from the States, and thence to Spain to solicit the establishing of the Assiento in some other name than Porcio's. Gill talks of going to Barbados. I promised to try to get what money the Spaniards owe him, for I conclude that he cannot fulfil his contract.
But I must return from this sub-contract to the Grand Assiento. In order to carry it on Porcio sailed on the 9th August from Cadiz with three ships of the Assient's, the new Governor of Carthagena, Don Juan Pando, being in one. When they arrived off Curacoa there boarded them Dr. Baltazar Van Becke and Mynheer Van Bell, factors for the Assiento. They offered Porcio a thousand negroes, but while they were disputing about the terms a gust of wind forced the ship to leeward, and so the factors were carried to Carthagena. Then Porcio fell sick and "deliriated," and when recovered was fantastical, and irresolute and impracticable, which provoked the Governor, a prompt and choleric Biscayer, and gave the Dutch factors opportunity to gain him wholly to themselves. Just as they were on the point of breaking, most fatally the privateers arrived on the coast. The Governor took the Lapaz and St. Francisco, two great ships intended to fetch negroes, and sent them out, where they were lost. This made Porcio rave indeed, because the great stress of the Assiento's business depended on these ships. To pacify the factors the Governor promised 25,000 pieces of eight out of the King's dues; and judging Porcio incapable of acting (as possibly he is) put in Don Gaspar Perez, Porcio's servant, and Francisco de Torregruetto in his place, taking from Porcio all the papers, moneys, &c., belonging to the Assiento, and allowing him six thousand pieces of eight per annum on condition that he gave these men power to act in his name, pending arrival of orders from Spain. And these men have written to me to favour the captain and the despatch of the ship St. Thomas, asking the liberty to buy negroes that I had promised to Porcio, and promising to comply and correspond faithfully.
All this was transacted in Carthagena, while the Ruby rode outside. Porcio contrived to send a servant, St. Jago de Castillo, on board the frigate, with a present to Captain Tennant. Tennant received him, and also a present of two thousand pistoles from him and from Don Juan Coleman, an Irish priest; but without counting the money put it into his closet and sent an armed boat on shore from the frigate to fetch Porcio himself. The factors, however, informed the Governor, who put Porcio into irons, and by torturing some of his servants discovered the pistoles, and wrote me the letter enclosed to Mr. Blathwayt, on which I desire your instructions. About the 3rd instant the frigate and the St. Thomas arrived here. The two Dutch factors asked leave to careen their sloop and hire another to take them to Curaçoa. I readily granted it and treated them civilly; and they seemed wonderfully obliged and talked of buying plantations, negroes, and what not; but I doubt this was only agrotat demon, for they are of a country where nothing binds but interest. At parting they gave me the Governor's letter that charges St. Jago de Castillo for running away, and Porcio for giving him two thousand pistoles of the Assiento's money. On this I gave an order to Captain Tennant to deliver the money to Colonel Molesworth and Captain Penhallow (see ante, No. 1529).
I have been cruelly enraged with Captain Tennant for his behaviour in sending for Porcio, breaking orders, dishonouring and embroiling myself, and not delivering the money. First, he pretended that the sum was somewhat short of 1,600 doubloons, then he would not deliver it without St. Jago's order, then he restored but 1,239 pistoles, pretending that St. Jago had given him 360 for his passage, but at last, after twenty or thirty days' hesitation, he delivered the rest that he says he has received. I subsequently ordered the arrest of Castillo (see ante, No. 1554), to discover what had become of certain other money, but on the day that Captain Tennant paid the 1,239 pistoles he vanished, some say to Porto Bello, some say to Spain. I am extremely puzzled what to do, for we think Porcio inclined to us, and judge that this servant fied to save himself and serve his master. However, to keep the Governor of Carthagena in good humour, I wrote to him that if the Dutch factors would prosecute him criminally I would appoint judges, and that they should have justice; but they asked only that the money shall be secured, which it shall be until the Governor, the factors, or Porcio make it clear whose money it is. I should be glad of your directions in such cases, for I am no lawyer, though I am sufficient to be aware that I ought to have made an exmple of Captain Tennant. But I would not, for he promises amendment, and I was unwilling to ruin a young man who is sailor enough. Moreover, I was loth to embroil myself further till I had received your instructions; and, besides, I could not send him home prisoner, for no merchant ship would take charge of him, and if one did, what security is there for its expenses? If you and the Admiralty will not judge such a case remitted by affidavits, I beg you to consider how competent a court-martial of captains would be.
As to the negotiation, all I can say is that neither Dutch nor Spaniards come here out of kindness to us, but only from necessity and the convenience of our ports, or from the abundance of our negroes. I do not think it possible to keep any contract with the Spaniards, for their ill conduct will ruin any that trust them. Particular Spaniards may be in their senses, but the Government is out of it; and it is possible these Quaymans may find it so. They are said to have advanced five or six hundred thousand pieces of eight, at various ports in the Main, which is to be returned in galleons that are not yet arrived from Spain. Since Spain and France have broken, the trade of the Indies and the navigation to Curaçoa must be very hazardous, and if Holland takes part in the war I think the French should attack Curaçoa again, otherwise it will have little communication with the great trading ports. Altogether, if we can get negroes it is very likely that, let who will have the Assiento, they will come to us for negroes, but they will not come nor find the least credit unless they have convoys, a matter which I beg you to lay before the King. And pray inform His Majesty that, from the hour the frigates are withdrawn, we are ruined. The Trompeuse shows what a pirate can do. The privateers are civil to the traders only for fear of the men-of-war, and, if the men-of-war were taken away, they would enter every port and harbour, carry away our men, and intercept the very boats that carry goods about. So that in two years we should, be all negroes, the increase of whom and lessening of the whites gives me great apprehensions. Judge Pemberton's proceedings have discouraged all from sending servants. All servants that can, run away and turn pirates encouraged by the late successes, and some die. I sent our galley to leeward after these rogues, and, if I could, should keep a vessel at Point Negril, for only yesterday I was told that there were thirty or forty fugitives and rogues waiting to seize some sloop. The captains of the men-of-war formerly had orders to take King's subjects out of foreign and wrecked vessels, but now the Admiralty orders none such to be victualled, so it is not to be done. I am sorry that the King's necessities should require this order, for it will lose him many subjects. Captain Tennant brought one from Carthagena, and Stanley fifteen from Curaçoa. I shall give no order contradictory to it, though I always understood that the Duke was Lord High Admiral here, and that my Commission as Admiral empowered me to do so. I beg you to procure me an order to command from the Admiralty and directions to call courts-martial as formerly, also that the Lords of the Admiralty will sent their commands to me, who will issue them to the captains and see them executed. Want of this proceeding intimidates those who should command, and renders presumptuous those who should obey.
On the 17th the Bonito came from Curaçoa. That Governor delivered Augustin Alvarez's boat and two Spaniards. I sent the copy of his commission, which seems fair enough; but, having taken our sloop and formerly a New England ketch in the high seas, he was condemned of piracy. I have reprieved him, to see if his security in Havana will pay damages, and withal I am not willing to be over-hasty, lest these rogues should take revenge on our honest traders. But I could almost have hanged the Captain of the Bonito for bringing him down contrary to my orders; but not one of them, out of port, minds my instructions any more than they would a chapter in the Alcoran. I have formerly advised you that our laws against privateers neither discourage nor lessen them while they have such retreats as Carolina, New England, and other Colonies. They have permitted Jacob Hall (of the only English ship that was at Vera Cruz) to come to Carolina, where he is free, as all such are; and therefore they call it Puerto Franco. The colonists are now full of pirates' money, and from Boston I hear that the privateers have brought in 80,000l. So I would beg you to consider whether all the Colonies should not be under the same law, or we should not have power to dispense with it. At Porto Bello they are in great distress for negroes, because of their fortifications; and of late they have found abundance of gold in the mountains of the Darien, and could get much more had they more negroes. I am told that there is now such numbers of people and plenty of gold that those who have the licence to sell wine can afford to pay the President of Panama 80,000 pieces of eight for it; and this is reckoned one of the small perquisites of that Government. It is reported that Juan Corso attacked a Frenchman with three periagos and was killed, but that the French were taken and all killed, to the number of a hundred. The Spaniards are said to have lost as many. This is reported to have taken place off Havana, Corso having come from New Providence, which he had destroyed. Signed. Thomas Lynch. 9½ pp., closely written. Inscribed, Recd. 13 May 1684. Endorsed with long précis. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 41, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., pp. 236–255.]
[Feb. 28.] 1564. Petition of S. Lyttelton, John Bathurst, Ransford Waterhouse, William Beeston, and Thomas Goddard, on behalf of the planters and merchants of Jamaica, to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We have repeatedly complained of the neglect of the Royal African Company to supply us with negroes, to remedy which Your Lordships laid before us an Act which we judged would not pass the Assembly. We beg you to consider the ill consequences that have come from the small supply of negroes to Jamaica in past years, and the delay that must take place while your proposed Act is sent to Jamaica and debated; during all of which time the Company will send us few negroes. Signed by the five men named above. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 28 Feb. 1683/4. Read at the Committee March 4, 1683/4. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No. 42.]
Feb. 29.
1565. Order of the King in Council. Report of Lords of Trade and Plantations. We have received a letter from Sir Thomas Lynch, dated 2nd November (ante, No. 1348), reporting the suspension of Sir Henry Morgan and Colonel Byndloss from the Council, and the dismissal of Colonel Charles Morgan. We recommend that Sir Thomas Lynch's action be approved. Signed, Clifford, Arlington, Bath, Radnor, Halifax, Beaufort, Bridgewater, Sunderland, Clarendon, Ailesbury, Rochester, H. London, L. Jenkins, S. Godolphin. Ordered accordingly. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXX., pp. 193, 194.]
Feb. 29.
1566. Order of the King in Council. Referring the report of Edward Randolph touching the delivery of the writ of quo warranto at Boston, to Lords of Trade and Plantations for their advice thereon. Signed, John Nicholas. ½ p. Annexed,
1566. I. The report referred to. I landed at Boston on 26th October last. The General Court had been sitting for three weeks, but learning from the Agents that I was coming the Assembly was dissolved three or four days before I landed. I delivered your Majesty's declaration and copy of the quo warranto next day, and notice was given for the General Court to meet on the 7th November. They met accordingly, and spent the next day in private fasting. Next day I delivered the declaration and other documents in open court, and informed them that I had bespoken my return passage in a small pink then bound for England, in order to report that I had delivered the documents, and how they had been received. After some debate the Governor and eight of the magistrates, a majority of those present and men of the best estates, were for an entire submission. But the Deputies, instead of returning an answer, trified away nine days in drawing up an address to your Majesty asking for longer time to consider their reply. They took no notice of the vote sent them by the Governor and magistrates, looking upon it with reflections, as tending to alteration of the Government and so as against their oath of fidelity to their country, and said that they would rather have the matter settled by law than wrong their consciences by parting with the privileges granted them by charter. To encourage them in their resistance a letter, purporting to come from London, was handed about the House, describing the miserable condition of the town of Norwich since the surrender of its charter, as if it was thereby defrauded of all its privileges, and encouraging the people to stand out, and promising that if occasion required they should be furnished with three or four thousand pounds to defend their case against your Majesty. Five weeks and more were consumed by the Deputies, consisting now of fortyeight persons, mostly an inferior sort of planters, and nothing was done towards a reply to your declaration. At last the Governor and magistrates, seeing that they could not prevail, having but nine deputies and as many preachers on their side, ordered their vote to be drawn up and sent it to Secretary Jenkins. But Mr. Danforth and Mr. Richards, with five other magistrates of inconsiderable fortunes but factious spirits, joined with the Deputies and passed a vote for an attorney to appear for them, and have accordingly empowered Mr. Robert Humphreys of the Inner Temple either to defend their charter or gain a confirmation thereof, and procure your Majesty's pardon for past offences; and, that money might not be wanting, they directed the Treasurer to make them a credit of 3,000l. in England. About a week before the General Assembly broke up, a libellous paper was dispersed in Boston, reflecting on the proceedings taken against the Colony as contrary to your Majesty's former letters, and adding that the declaration referred only to the late horrid conspiracy, &c., that the Governor, magistrates, and ministers were grievous backsliders and betrayers of the liberty of their country, &c. The author was believed to be a young hot-headed minister named Cheefers, not without the privacy of some of the Deputies, so great endeavours were made to get the matter smothered. When I left the Colony after seven weeks stay, the people were much discontented, refusing to pay the rates levied by the last General Court. The Treasurer also employed the rate-collectors to sue for all arrears of customs and imposts, which are ordered to be paid till the 10th June and no longer. These imposts are laid on imports, for which, having no authority, they have before now been accused. They pretend by this limitation to remove all matter of complaint, and give out that the money last raised was to pay the public debt. But the majority of the inhabitants resolve to take advantage of your Majesty's late prohibition, and decline to submit to the impost if your offers are refused. But to avoid further delay or evasion I have brought with me two good witnesses to prove the most material charges of mismanagement of the charter; and I beg that I may be supplied with money to pay their expenses, and the cost of prosecuting the quo warranto, against which the factious spirits have given their attorney large power and a full purse. Copy. 4 pp. The whole endorsed. Recd. and read 11 March '8¾. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., Nos. 43, 43 I., and (Order only) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., p. 200.]
Feb. 29.
1567. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of Edward Randolph to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. Signed, John Nicholas. ½ p. Annexed,
1567. I. The petition referred to. I have been employed in your Majesty's service in New England for eight years, with many hazards and dangers by sea and land. In 1679 I sustained losses to the amount of 200l., while on a mission to carry four commissions to the Colonies and to establish the Government of New Hampshire. And now in my last voyage to deliver the writ of quo warranto at Boston, I have lost all my baggage in a storm, to the value of 60l. I beg that the 260l. may be refunded to me. Copy. 1 p, The whole endorsed. Recd. and read 11 March '84. [Col. Papers, Vol. LIII., No8. 44, 44 I., and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXI., p. 200.]
Feb. 29.
1568. Order of the King in Council. That Sir Robert Sawyer, the Attorney General, do defend George Hannay, Provost Marshal of Barbados, from the unjust and vexatious suits brought against him by Richard Pain and Samuel Hanson for false imprisonment. Signed, John Nicholas. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VII., p. 233.]
[Feb. 29.] 1569. Copy of the deed by which Rhode Island was purchased by Mr. Coddington and his friends from the Sachems, Connonicus and Miantunnomu, 24th March 1637. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 29 Feb. 168¾. [Col. Papers, Vol LIII., No. 45.]